

This article is more speculative than most of my articles. Interpret it more as reasonable questions asked, not judgment made. There may be reasonable answers to those questions. I have made edits after talking with one of the doctors in his circle whom I find trustworthy, and who finds Ryan Cole trustworthy. If Ryan really was pushed to the brink by the authoritarians for having his own opinions, that is of course disgusting and antithetical to good or even reasonable governance.

No matter what I write, or what anyone writes, you should always do your best to interpret the grand summary of information as best as you can.

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You hit the nail on the head- each of us has a responsibility to analyze the information we read and make the best informed decisions. By critically evaluating the information and asking questions we can draw, hopefully, more accurate conclusions. Just like I question anything said by the CDC, FDA, big pharma and so forth, I also do the same for the information presented by many people reporting on “our side.” Nothing wrong with that-it’s called “using your brain!”

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I would not say that it is more speculative than what you usually do. You often write things along the lines of: "Look at the expression on Malone's face when Steve says this!", "Look at Malone not addressing this issue Dr. Gutchi brought up from 40 minutes earlier!" and "Steve didn't address this issue that I find important, so red flag!" You love to speculate. You take an event that can be interpreted multiple ways and you usually do not give the benefit of the doubt.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Author

You are right that I make reasonable speculations, generally in the form of open-ended questions. And that's appropriate in the process of sorting things out. But I judge this set of speculations to be a more open-needle than a firm opinion.

You're making a broad statement about my writing and not giving the benefit of the doubt. But I've left many thousands of citations over nearly a thousand articles.

Models need to be built to understand people amd the world. This requires the use of firm information and meditations on less firm information in conjunction with those many well cited facts.

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"Former employees say Cole, the lab’s CEO and medical director, also made concerning changes to how Cole Diagnostics operated. Those changes were out of line with accepted laboratory protocols and would have caused people with COVID-19 to receive negative test results, the former employees said."

So if he was insisting on reasonable PCR levels, like 25 instead of 45 (WHO/FDA), that would get a lot of negative test results. That's just the first thought that jumped into to my mind when I read it. If the "accepted laboratory protocols" are to go up to 45 Ct then Dr Cole would be correct.

As usual "More Info Required".

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More info required is correct.

Please read the pinned comment. I am not condemning Ryan, but I'm asking questions, and those questions do poke at people I have greater concerns about. I hope that a proponderance of evidence shows Ryan to be the hero I hoped he was, and wrote about two years ago.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Question everything and everyone. If they're legit they won't mind. Basic rule I follow. Keep at it.

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You're right. And if Ryan Cole passes the test, then he's a friggin hero, and the test will have helped him.

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I agree totally, because we know that all sorts of protocols were outrageous and not in the best interest of REAL medical truths!

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Isn't 25 the apx correct number to get positive results for people with actual covid, and missing the lots of false positives that the scare tactics were based on?

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023

Yes. We have court documents covering it from Canada. At a Ct of 18 about half were infectious and at 25 and above not a single one. Only people with symptoms are valid subjects.

A court case in Manitoba the government's own expert, Chief Microbiologist and Laboratory Specialist Dr. Jared Bullard, admitted:

1) PCR test results do not verify infectiousness, and were never intended to be used to diagnose respiratory illnesses.

2) A person with Covid-19 is infectious for a one-to-two week period, non-viable (harmless) viral SARS-COV-2 fragments remain in the nose, and can be detected by a PCR test for up to 100 days after exposure.

3) The most accurate way to determine whether someone is actually infectious with Covid is to attempt to grow a cell culture in the lab from a patient sample.

4) Only 44% of the “positive” samples using a Ct of 18 returned a viable lab culture. Samples tested at a Ct of over 25, according to Dr. Bullard’s report, produced no viable lab cultures.

5) Both Dr. Bullard and Manitoba Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brent Roussin confirmed under cross-examination that Ct values are not provided to public health officials by laboratories. Dr. Roussin admitted that he could mandate that the Ct value be provided to him, but that he has not done so.

6) Manitoba has confirmed that it utilizes Ct’s of up to 40, and even 45 in some cases. This indicates “cases” resulting from such tests (above a Ct of 25) are almost certainly not actually infectious.


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Interesting piece. And yes, some, perhaps many, of the MF leaders have raised monies and not always been perfect stewards of such.

However, some have also sunk a lot of, if not the majority of, their own time, money, and carreer success into calling out the frank horrors of our Government's response to a virus that they likely created in the first place.

And on the back of that mutated and highly toxic Spike Protien + furin cleavage site + AIDS like backbone and it's exceptional infective rate, they, the government inflicted the greatest damage ever committed against a civilian population, in times of peace or war. IMHO

Read Dennis Rancourt. It wasn't even their little nasty that did the majority of the damage, it was the "Covid Measures" themselves!

So, wealthy or not. Hero or not. Ego maniac or not.

I am grateful to EVERYONE who stood up and called the insanity out!

Ryan Cole.

Bobby Kennedy Jr.

Steve Kirsch

Sherri Tenpenny

Naomi Wolf

Christene Northrup

Carrie Madej

Rashid Buttar

Peter McCullough

Paul Marik

Pierre Kory

Ed Dowd

Reni Moon

Robert Malone

Henry Ealy

Del Bigtree

Peter Breggins

Matias Desmet

Tess Lawrie

Sucharit Bhakti

Reiner Fullmich

El Gato Malo

Jeff Childers

The list is very very long.

Are they all less than perfect? Yes. Are some possibly "controlled opposition?"

Of course.

We are up against the greatest financial power and government malfeasance in recorded history, IMHO.

So, listen to everyone. And then do your own research. Come to your own conclusions and then wait to see if time proves them accurate or not.

But the conclusions I have come to are-

Sars-cov-2 was a laboratory creation in a program that should not have existed in the first place.

Early treatment was ALWAYS available and intentionally withheld to cause mass harm & mass fear of the virus.

Medical Nihilism was implemented for the same purpose, resulting in most of the deaths labeled "Covid."

Ditto wildly inaccurate statements as to lethality for healthy young people.

Natural Immunity was already stopping the spread BEFORE the vaccines were implemented.

Lockdowns & school closures only caused harm, and it was massive amounts of harm!

Freedom of Speech was attacked relentlessly in order to maintain all the lies.

And the above abuses were utilized along with a poor quality "test" in order to force acceptance of a TOXIC BY DESIGN GENE TECHNOLOGY.

Which also likely created the waves of Covid that came afterwards- read Gert Vanden Bosche. James Lyons Weiler. Fabian Spieker. ICENI. Leaky vaccines during an ongoing pandemic- VERY BAD IDEA.


Sasha Latypova

Katherine Watts

Karen Kingston

And then let's talk about the Government & the "Pandemic Response."

So Mr Crawford, ANYONE who helps generate distrust in a Government or Medical System guilty of all of the above is a friend of mine!

Doesn't mean I won't watch them like a hawk and know that half, or all, are as human as anyone, and that half might have ulterior motives as well.

But I will be always grateful to Dr. Ryan Cole who was the very first to alert me personally to the sudden lethal cancers occurring in women.

Our immune systems do react differently than men's, and fully more than 2/3rds of the reports to VAERS on C-19 injections are from women.

At least Dr. Cole was paying attention. Most men do not, in my experience.

Does he need your money? That's another question entirely.

Remember "Buyer Beware" always applies!

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Please read the pinned comment. I am not condemning Ryan, but I'm asking questions, and those questions do poke at people I have greater concerns about. I hope that a proponderance of evidence shows Ryan to be the hero I hoped he was, and wrote about two years ago.

That said, I think there are some sharks on your list. Many more articles to come.

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There are piranhas on that list😉

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Yeah, that list is so haphazard, without substance, that it's not really worth getting into except individually in other articles.

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It's just a random grab bag, not a definitive list of any sort. There are so very many people who have all worked to expose the problems, and rank abuses of the Covid Era.

And I purposely included a few who have been attacked or are questionable, from inside the MFM.

But still they broke some of the stories, or brought out very important information.....

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I think you are right. But still their voices helped expose this event, the "Covid" Coup on The Formerly Free World.

And that action is important.

But it is for certain a huge shark tank we are swimming in and I hope you continue to enlighten us all.

Absolutely loved your piece on the price paid by African Leaders in this war against Humanity; President Mugafuli was an early hero of the People, against the WEFers or whomever was trying to destroy as many lives as possible, imho.

I knew there were others, in Africa, but not the huge number you exposed.

Thank you, for all your great work, Matthew; many facts emerge out of the darkness because of what you do!

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Two things- 1) read Katherine Watts- she agrees on one "MF Leader" (who's origin should give anyone pause,) and what his real tasks are.

2) why can't I post a comment on your latest article; paid subscribers only now?

Here's the article anyway!


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Thanks for pointing to this. I subscribe to her, but her stuff goes deep into topics quickly sometimes, that I can't find the time nor attn span for it. This is a particularly good one as it summarizes and links outs.

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I agree, many on the list are clear deep state agents. I’m glad you left off David Martin. He of the 2 first names which is always confusing, although he is very illuminating ( nudge nudge wink wink)

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Despite a huge personal brouhaha with DDM, I still appreciate him bringing my attention to the early patents on Covid & the vaccine.

He just points to the wrong perps, lol!

; ))


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One more perspective-


I tend to agree. Anyone else?

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I am not yet convinced that the actual head of the serpent is visible.

Certainly the second-tier players in Switzerland are visible, the ones in Langley and Washington a bit less so, but the old money controlling the world remains mostly anonymous. Nouveau riche (Bill Gates, etc.) are doing what the nouveaux usually do.

What is your assessment of King Charles III?

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It's like a marriage; you never know what's actually happening unless you are a fly on the wall.

But, Diana's death was very convenient, and strange in many ways. Who knows? But his father was certainly a nightmare. And he, (Charles,) could be anything at all.

I think even David Icke's perspective should be considered and Charles' apparent closeness with that other British nightmare, Jimmy Saville, is rather horrifying. And there is much more than what is out in the public with that monster.

Once you start digging the rabbit holes only go deeper.

You wind up in what appears to be too wicked to be true, yet, apparently it is.

So nothing would surprise me in that British house of Royal Cards.

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I do not like Joel Smalley, for some unknown reason. He does some good things, and then he becomes hyperbolic and I just don't trust him. Less than 'like' I don't trust. And I'm not sure I agree it's in Geneva.

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Totally agree about the ‘sharks’ on Katherines’s “list”. I commented about that below.

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Hi Katherine.

"Medical Nihilism was implemented for the same purpose, resulting in most of the deaths labeled "Covid."

Covid deaths were generally not due to the virus. They were iatrogenic (ventilator use, Remdesivir use, and dehydration due to neglect) or caused by bacterial pneumonia that took hold after the virus caused pneumonitis. The same occurred in Spanish Flu in 1918/1919. The deaths were iatrogenic, being caused by aspirin overdoses in the young military and bacterial pneumonia in the elderly. Flu and corona viruses don't generally cause death by themselves. They are far too weak, especially this one. It was very weak. I proved we had only about 60,000 deaths because of Covid, not the 1.1 million the government and Johns Hopkins claimed.

"Natural Immunity was already stopping the spread BEFORE the vaccines were implemented." This is correct. I proved we reached herd immunity to the Wuhan strain on January 11, 2021. This was achieved without a single person fully-vaccinated. No one believed me at first or even now but I'm right. And this was after the MDTV Mafia said every day on TV that "we need 90% of the population vaccinated to reach herd immunity".

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I know you are right. I saw the stats on this from a reliable source, (cannot remember which one, at this point, someone like Jessica Rose, or Fabien Spieker,) and realized quickly that with natural immunity developed by all those exposed who never were actually very ill, we were through the worst of it when that deadly dangerous product was rolled out.

Fabien Spieker in Germany does believe that in Europe, (or it was perhaps just Germany?,) that the vaccine flattened one wave, but then created Delta! And each wave thereafter.

So they just prolonged the Pandemic and guaranteed Covid would become endemic, and that a lot of people would have "busted" immune systems on top of it all.

The Medical Nihilism I speak of is- "stay home until you turn blue," or wait until you are really terrible and then."there is no treatment, so nothing we can do for you," which eventually became the death train of Remdesivir, Ventilator, no food, no fluids, (literally,) and no antibiotics.

All the people subjected to the "covid protocols" were murdered.

No question in my mind and Denis Rancourt's work proves it.

Again, it's always the Government that kills People.

We really need to learn that lesson.

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Reid: no viri, no vexines, no herd immunity, no early spread! Simple. I commend your hard work but I believe you have been led up the garden path like most in our profession. We need to slough off the belief in invisible non reproducible zombie virions.

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I agree with you 💯%.

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There are some on your ‘list’...that are ‘suspect’ IMO, as to their intentions and motivations are, as well as their ‘connections’’ and how they stand to ‘gain’ both personally and professionally.

Just because they are ‘questioning the narrative’ doesn’t mean they are ‘pushing’ and agenda of ‘openness and transparency’ regarding how our Government and the Globalist Community waged a war to maim & kill it’s citizenry, caused mass psychological harm to children, and ‘injected’ a permanent ‘state of fear’ into all that took the Shots.

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What I think people fail to realize is that without ALL these voices, whether or not they are fully in alignment with everything each one of us believes, or even if some are "controlled opposition," still their work exposing different aspects of the problems facing humanity are pretty priceless.

We need every bit of help we can get!

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Jeez Mat. Everyone i thought was on our side is eventually shown to be something else. So disappointing. I loved this guy. It was one of his videos that first woke me up to what was going on with these vaccines.

God bless and keep up the good work.

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Please read the pinned comment. I am not condemning Ryan, but I'm asking questions, and those questions do poke at people I have greater concerns about. I hope that a proponderance of evidence shows Ryan to be the hero I hoped he was, and wrote about two years ago.

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Me too, I hope it doesn't turn out to be true, he does have some expensive looking shoes...

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Sometimes you need to take these MF peeps off their ‘pedestals’. And see them for what they are.

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But a man in purple shoes is not to be trusted

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Mmmmm....not sure what you are up to here, Mathew. It would take a lot more than this article, full of speculation and personal commentary, to dissuade me from supporting and respecting Dr. Ryan Cole. I have watched the systematic attacks on Malone, McCullough, Kory, Marik and others who blew the whistle on early treatment and the shots. It's just a tangential way to try to discredit these doctors and scientists to get to the real target.....keep the COVID fear porn alive.

Regarding the comment about Del Bigtree, his ICAN foundation has employed Aaron Siri who has done some incredible legal work on behalf of all of us, getting Pfizer data released, and other landmark legal cases. Del's work exposing the risks associated with vaccines and the realities of vaccine injury is important. Your snarky references about Del, Cole and Kirsch leave a bad taste in my mouth.

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It would certainly be nice if people stood up for me when Robert Malone launches clearly false attacks on me, or when I give up a year of my life unraveling what appears to be the largest treason against U.S. troops in history while none of Del, Malone, Kirsch and crew gaslight me while supporting media and people who bury my correct analysis [that they offer not a single argument against].

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Cole doesn't even own that car! That photo was just Cole and Urso getting a picture with a cool car. Bad bad optics, Mathew!

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023Author

That's my fault if they made a highly plausible prank tweet? That's optics that reflect on me? And you're skipping past every other detail or reason to ask a reasonable set of questions.

I notice that you're dodging the optics of Malone still keeping up the clearly false smear on me. That tells me that you're here not looking to help settle truth, but to...run optics.

Okay, now that you've shared your thoughts, why don't you explain to the audience what your relationships are in this circle.

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My relationship? I have followed all of this VERY closely since the first claim, ‘there is no treatment’. I’m an RN of many decades with a nose for detecting BS. Im not familiar with Malone’s comments about you but I’d be interested to see what you are referring to.

I’m curious what motivated you to write this piece? It’s certainly generated plenty of commentary. Where are you headed? Looking for truth or just casting doubts?

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023Author


Since you've followed this VERY closely, can you tell me which person in this ecosystem was trying to warn about all this prior to 2020?

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I will be writing many more articles, and a lot of them will be of far greater substance than just questions, and will cover people Ryan Cole associates with. You are free to judge them and everything else however you like. But if you're stuck on whether I somehow magically knew that a car advertised as Ryan's wasn't Ryans, you're probably better off saving your energy and investing it where you can make it productive.

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Yikes, Mr Crawford, maybe you should have held off your “reasonable questions” post just tad bit longer but now you already are saying you will be writing more with the goods?

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Is that a rhetorical question, or are you going to lay out a reason for asking?

The goods of who/what/which?

I cite abundantly, and I tell the truth. I do not believe that Ryan will say that I've lied about the conversations I've mentioned in this article.

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Read his post again. He said he will cover people Cole associates with...

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

IMHO, Robert Malone is not to be trusted!

And, I definitely will stand up for you against any attacks from his quarter- his attacks on Ginger & Peter Breggins clued me in right away. No one with a genuine conscience could go after those two elderly, and not rich, seniors of the Medical Freedom Movement, especially the man who took out the absolutely HORRIFIC practice of lobotomy.

Malone might just have a fragile ego, or be something much worse. That lawsuit certainly frightened a lot of people into not looking at him very carefully and telling what they found or suspected. And, to get sideways with Dr. Peter McCullough is another very bad sign, and then to ignore JJ Coey, (sp?) and go after you also????


Who is Dr. Robert Malone, after all? ; ))

He even asks this question himself. We should all be wondering!

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I will stand up for you, and that big DMED bit continues to be a nagging flag.

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It's an enormous red flag! It requires massive blinders not to see it.

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Watching and reading you in real time, dating back to before the home flooding, has provided me the necessary context. And I wasn’t into conspiratorial thinking at the time, but I recalled the ways that those workers were “helping” you to get out of your place, manhandling your computers, etc. But the ways that everyone else ostracized your DMED research, made me start to question my then newfound heroes. And where did this Renz guy and his J6 sidekick come from, specifically making the wrong claims at the Ron Johnson hearing?

At any rate, I think your current investigation seems measured, under the circumstances. I did see that clip from the conference where Dr. Cole interfered with Dr. Astrid S….and it was breathtaking. I’m still trying to understand.

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I’ve also read RTE from before the flood and considered it a very important source, even if occasionally either Matthew is so obtuse ( or I am so dense) that I. An’t follow the reasoning. Matthew is the first author I noted to begin exposing the Medical Unfreedom Movers. That, to me, is valuable work.

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His interference with Dr. Astrid and then the outright denial of nanotechnology in the blood on Del's show without having proper microscope to make that claim have been my two red flags of concern about Dr. Cole. That said, he still serves on the public health board in Idaho and is still hated, and revered, by many for that. But he still shows up.

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Could you please clarify the ‘DMED red flag’?

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Could you please clarify what you are referring to as ‘that big DMED bit’? What is the red flag?

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There were a couple of other RTE podcasts on the topic, as well, teasing out all the details.

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Completely agree Hillary. I have seen a few snarky sideswipes and the ‘just asking questions’ cover is weak. To rely on statements by others who may have an axe to grind or articles written by ‘who knows who’ hardly counts as evidence.

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Oh too bad...it’s hard to have the ‘MF Peeps’s’ that have ‘elevated’ themselves to these lofty pedestals, have the pedestal start to crumble under their feet. This thinking is the same as ‘trusting the government type of rational’...I imagine prior to 2020 you were either quite supportive of the government and its “policies”, or paid little attention to it, were a member political party you ‘aligned with’, and never paid attention to what the 3 Letter Agencies were doing (the US Government 3 letter agencies, and the ‘intelligence’ community 3 letter agencies), both here in the USA and abroad. And were a ‘faithful consumer’ of the Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System.

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You mean the no graphene and no nanochips for you! Dr. Cole of course.


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Thanks for including that (even though I have not taken the time to form a valuable opinion on the graphene contamination topic, and my starting position is skeptical of the claim).

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You will not be wasting your time, as Mork used to say, "Nano, nano".

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Maybe, but what I really think is going on is that moments like this are scripted and meant to assure us that the good doctors are there to practice discernment in terms of keeping the circus away when they're really just all part of the circus. That's ironic considering that this whole plandemonium centers around a system of experts telling everyone else they're wrong while working to censor their stories.

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This is a good start at how independent researchers around the world are finding the same types of nanotech. You probably have on the backburner. https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/52

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In an age of information chaos, there is almost no epistemological process that verifies any such story.

That's a serious problem, and the problem should lead us to be more highly skeptical than ever about any and all technology used in the old or new medical system.

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Poor old Robin Williams was depressed because he couldn't get the nano- Mason out of his earhole.😢

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Predictive Programming

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My own view is that the graphene oxide and nanochip pursuit is a red herring. It discredits the antivax movement. For that reason, I can appreciate why the conference organizers may not have wanted Astrid Stuckelberger to talk about it. That said, I have NOT put hours of research into the subject. My opinion is formed by the initial reports on it that were presented soon after the vaccines were rolled out. Those reports were based entirely on simple microscopy. The images were not persuasive, and without backup analysis (many methods of structural and compositional analysis could have been done to confirm beyond doubt what these structures were, but were not done), let alone sample traceability/integrity evidence, I was not persuaded. I had not heard of Stuckelberger until Art's post above. I looked her up and she is associated with a lot of "crazy" stuff (https://rumble.com/search/all?q=Astrid%20Stuckelberger).

Just now I watched this video on nanotech in the body (https://rumble.com/v1b6p2b-dr.-astrid-stuckelberger-who-pandemic-treaty-important-update-part-2.html) where she says that she's talked with CERN scientists and they are playing with portals and unusual beings (who left a scarf) etc. She says geobiologists say there is a lot of energy in Mont Blanc (located near Geneva). She's heard--and thinks it makes sense--that there is a CIA center under Lake Geneva; that there is a tunnel from Alaska to Geneva and further south and to Jerusalem and the Vatican; submarines that can go from Lake Geneva(?) to the Mediterranean. She cites work by Uruguayan and Argentinian scientists on graphene oxide (which she keeps calling oxide graphene) and describes them as transporters (like the LNPs?) that move spike protein into cells, but are also flexible and programmable (maybe RFID/5G/6G accessible, she speculates). The host, Maria Zeee, is even more far-out, noting that in Australia she's been encouraged by scientists who say the graphene oxide/nanoparticles are everywhere, not only in the vials but also in the blood of vaccinated and EVEN the unvaccinated, so maybe it is being distributed from the sky! "They" are out to programmatically control all of us. Stuckelberger questioned the sky distribution, at least that it would be able to self-organize into programmable circuits, but otherwise was onboard. She describes people having a digital ID from these particles, and that once you have the ID, they can track you from all the wires and sensors on highways. She claims that you can get rid of this with glutathione (NAC) and zinc. Elimination of the graphene oxide shows up as a reduction in the D-dimer test, she claims. Vit D3 and Vit C helpful also. The vaccines reduce Vit D3 in the body. "D3 is light." Geobiologists have analyzed the vials and say "they" are trying to turn off the light in you. She referred to DARPA and Dr. Charles Morgan who was teaching in 2018 about graphene oxide ("Psychoneurobiology and War." You can record the electromagnetic brain pattern of one person and radiate it to another and control them. Has been used to remotely control the movements of monkeys and even a Filipino. They can make people into zombies. They can code Ebola or other viruses [in people]. She says that even dead people still emit their IDs that can be detected by Bluetooth, and speculated that maybe they'll even be able to make dead people move as zombies. She claims doctors are reporting that 90% of mRNA injected patients are sick.

There, I saved you 1:08 hours of video watching. She strikes me as nuts. Stringing together all kind of wild ideas. If I'm to believe even a fraction of this stuff, I'll need a some very persuasive evidence. That hasn't been offered.

(BTW, I searched for and found the Morgan presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTtIPBPSv0U. Fascinating, and well worth watching, but it is actual science, not evidence that "they" are using graphene oxide to remotely program us [graphene oxide not even mentioned]. It describes research where electronic receptors planted in the brain receive signals from the motor cortex and thereby monkeys and humans can use biofeedback to learn to control robotic arms with their thoughts; useful for rehabilitating spinal cord injured patients. Also, using transcranial stimulation to remotely move the hands of a second (willing) subject. And even stimulation of the sensory cortex to transfer learning. He explained how stem cells can be programmed and then made to go anywhere in someone's brain and activate (that's more scary). And examples of how successful they've been in creating false memories in people; under appropriate stress, nearly 100% success rate. And he said social media, especially video, is a powerful tool for creating false memories. Chemical recreation of memories in animals is probably only 2 years out (in 2018). The French have successfully put knowledge in people who were asleep, and sampled it while they were asleep and awake, such as recognition of word lists (so useful for truth detection). He said DARPA had approval for 500 deep brain implants; he expects development of a hive brain which links multiple human brains together and can solve problems much faster (already demonstrated in rats). All very interesting, but a lot more leaps before self-organizing graphene oxide nanocircuits will be functioning in such ways, let alone the mRNA COVID vaccines doing that in 2021).

So...I do not take Ryan Cole's action at the conference to stop Stuckelberger from continuing to speak as a negative. He was likely trying to protect the reputation of the credible presenters at the conference and the conference itself as well as the MFM. Promoting false ideas--such as the DMED deal you discovered--discredits the movement. Unless much stronger evidence is presented, I put graphene oxide and metallic nanocircuits in the same category. If antivaxxers are lumped with theories of 5G, graphene oxide, etc., I suspect most people roll their eyes and dismiss the entire story, including the truthful parts.

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I have shared your skepticism about this topic, for the most part. However, this has opened my eyes to just how far this area of biotechnology has come, which is making me re-evaluate my stance regarding the Covid biologics. I have not yet delved into all the links, but I'll be interested in your thoughts.


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Thanks for sharing; that was fascinating. I suspect quite a few hurdles left, but the direction seems clear enough. And they seem to be developing strategies for dealing with many roadblocks. The transducers make a lot possible.

Some of these technologies will be subject to being easily defeated. If developed for nefarious purposes, there may end up being an arms race between those trying to control and those resisting control. "Conspiracists" may literally wear tin-foil hats as a way to prevent energy transmission to the transducers that were placed in their brains! :-)

Another thing I wonder about. That is the question of free will. There has long been a debate as to whether humans have it or not. While these technologies sound like they might override free will (if it exists), I wonder if the reverse might be true? Maybe we would retain (enough) free will to be able to override the technologies. For example, we already are controlled by habits and instincts, but we can choose to overcome those, so that past triggers no longer cause a habitual/instinctive behavior. Suppose a computer has learned that when Neurons A, B and C are firing together it is associated with us thinking Thought X and doing behavior Y? What if we can use our will to defeat the computer's model of us by thinking G and doing Z instead? I suppose they'd use an adaptive learning system and we might not be able to stay ahead of it, but nevertheless, I can't help but wonder if they can really defeat free will. Keep in mind that they can't even predict tomorrow's stock prices because it is too complex a system with free will/agents at work and contingent behavior. I'd think the same kinds of issues would be at play here, particularly in an unwilling subject.

I was struck by this sentence: "The implication here is that living beings and their genetic code can be reduced to data, and therefore, these things are subject to analysis and AI inference like any other form of data, and the transformed data can be converted back into living organisms, and so on." That's reductionist. Some of us think there is more to life than just genetic code and data.

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The death of Andreas Noak (sp) was nothing less than stunning. And patents/documents seem to prove that graphene was utilized in the production of some of the Lipid Nano Particles, I recall.

But as to the foriegn objects in the blood, please talk to Naturopaths and others who have been doing live blood analysis for years before Covid and the will tell you all of this has been seen in people's blood for a long time.

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Voice to Skull = V2K
Sensors Open System Architecture = SOSA
Wireless Body Area Network = WBAN

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control
Volume 69, August 2021, 102832
Multiplex brain networks is constructed based on cross-frequency PSI.

Complex network theory is applied to explore brain networks.

Acupuncture can promote interaction between brain regions within and cross alpha-beta bands.

The post-effect of acupuncture in alpha and beta bands is obvious.


(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1746809421004298)New technology could enable remote control of drug delivery, sensing, and other medical applications.


(https://news.mit.edu/2018/wireless-system-power-devices-inside-body-0604)Shared by Sabrina/Psinergy:
"This link covers remote neural monitoring and it is high extensive. for those of you who remain unaware of how voice to skull evolved, this link will help catch you up with your history as well as your terminology."


"The Brain is responsible for Cognition, it is the support of Thought and Mind. The reality we’re experiencing depends on its electrical activity which can be analyzed and manipulated.

Remote Neuromonitoring and Neurostimulation currently allow the extraction and manipulation of sensory perceptions and associated mental processes and emotions using Artificial Intelligence and enable anyone’s brain to be turned into a camera and remote controlled device.

Neurotechnologies are currently being deployed through a network of criminal organizations targeting people’s brains. Access to individuals is being commercialized and ownership of an individual can grant full read and write access to its brain.

The marketplace for this human trafficking is the Metaverse, a Digital World powered by an advanced 3D engine and populated by Digital Avatars fed with real tim

e brain imaging data. The Metaverse is being streamed directly to the brain and experienced in a full immersive virtual reality engaging all 5 senses that cannot be distinguished from reality."

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You need to do some deep diving before discrediting all that you just wrote. It sounds farfetched, but once you open yourself to the possibility that there is a grain of truth (how about bucketloads) and allow yourself to consider it as true, you will find numerous people PROVING the nanotechnology in our bodies. Matt j.a.o.b. is a substack I recommend as a starting point. Dr. David Nixon. Dr. Ana Mihalcea. search odysee for MAC addresses and death - that is the video done where they prove people have MAC addresses that phones can pick up. Even after burial. It is downright scary what is already in place. Censorship has no place right now. Dr. Cole was wrong to silence Dr. Stuckleberger. We need more people asking all the questions all the time to get to the answers .

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Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Sorry, I don't have time to pursue this unless I see something persuasive. So far, I have not. I looked at your "starting point"--Matt j.a.o.b., and I didn't see anything substantively different there than in the original microscopy images that were construed as proof of graphene oxide/nanocircuitry presence.

Here's the issue for me: I am a chemist, not a microscopist. However, I have done several projects working closely with PhD microscopists with access to the best equipment in the world. There are lots of artifacts one must be careful to avoid when sampling, transporting samples, preparing specimens for examination, and in the microscopy observation and imaging itself. Just plastering a bunch of microscopy images on a screen without detailed information on all the sources and all the relevant procedures used is of little use to me. Additionally, expert confirmation is valuable, but missing from the work I've seen.

A second and even more distressing issue for me is that this work seems to have been done by amateurs, or at least, people with limited equipment. The scientists I worked with would never have been satisfied to call out and label various structures without first confirming they aren't artifacts of the sampling/imaging process. Then, they would bring to bear many other microscopy techniques such as micro-FTIR and EDX to provide a specific chemical analysis of the object. They wouldn't just say it was a gel or graphene oxide--they would chemically analyze it to show that it indeed was. I realize that these technique and equipment are beyond the amateur microscopist or basic medical office lab, but materials scientists use them all the time.

To take these claims seriously, I'd need to see (1) proof that the samples are not contaminated (referring to contamination during/after collection, not the hypothesized contamination in the shot/blood itself); (2) analysis by professional microscopists (trained to identify and avoid artifacts of the imaging itself); (3) chemical analysis to identify the exact composition of the various objects found, using an array of micro-techniques suitable for that task. (4) I'd want to see evidence of a mechanism for their presence in the blood. For example, analysis of a vaccine vial and finding the same materials in it (confirmed by chemical analysis, not just light microscopy), then injection of that vial into a person/animal, collection of their blood, and finding the same material in their blood, whereas it was not there before. (5) Finally, I'd want to see the work repeated by other professionals, and ideally, publication in a peer-reviewed journal so that other professional microscopists and analysts could critique it.

If this sounds like a skeptic offering an unattainably high bar, it's not. This is the normal procedure we used in experiments in an industrial research laboratory. Cutting corners just leads to trouble.

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The commentary surrounding this video is a complete lie. Astrid went 10 minutes over her assigned 40 minute speaking time. When she went 10 minutes late, an event organizer (I believe) stands beside her to try to politely get Astrid to end the speech. Then a Q&A time was scheduled after the speech. Cole "silenced" Astrid apparently by speaking, after the speech was over and before the Q&A started. Cole spoke earlier in the event. I assume he did not want "Co-conspirator in vaccine nanobot myth" added to his list of problems by sharing a stage with Astrid. I don't blame him. Urso followed up Cole and made a similar statement.

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That’s a Lamborghini Murcielago, doors open up. Older model but a very fine car. You’re going to need a couple hundred thousand to get into one. The nicer ones will bring more than $500K.

And you'd better save up for new brakes, it's not a Honda!

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That's actually what I thought looking at models online for a few minutes, but I'm nowhere near confident enough in what differences there are between models to make the call.

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Wow. Thanks Mathew. You can't make this crap up. Thanks for always telling the truth. Peace.

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Well, that explains why he's looking so rough around the edges these days. Appreciate the dot connecting, and I am horrified at what was done to you. I had not heard all of those pieces laid out like that, I hope you are finding some relief.

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Please read the pinned comment. I am not condemning Ryan, but I'm asking questions, and those questions do poke at people I have greater concerns about. I hope that a proponderance of evidence shows Ryan to be the hero I hoped he was, and wrote about two years ago.

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I think you need to place the pinned comment in the article as a prequel. Obviously people aren't reading the pinned comment, as smart as your reading audience is. ..

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Wait, what, this feels more like a smear campaign, I don’t know who tells the truth or who lies anymore. All I know is he came out against the Jabs. I know the medical community is under attack. Certainly doesn’t help for this community to hop on board because of fundraising ?

it takes a heck of a lot of money to defend yourself. Is living on the street an OK time to solicit funds?

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I hope you gave him chance to comment on this article before you published it.

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Did you express that hope to Malone when he defamed me back in August with a clearly false story that he refuses to correct? Or to everyone involved in Died Suddenly who obfuscated my DMED analysis?

There has been a great deal of time with these issues hanging in the air, and I've made no secret about my concerns. He could have contacted me further at any time.

I did express my concerns to Ryan about the lack of pushback against the exaggerated cancer claims. He sort of weakly shrugged, but told the truth about his more modest observations.

In the meantime, I just made some addendums to the article, and am entirely being honest about the door being open about communications from Ryan. I hope to find out that he is the hero, but I am also worried that he will have pressure by those nefarious in the pool---and that's what really needs to be worked out.

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UGH how do I find your DMED stuff? I'm not sure what happened there, and ignore Malone mostly (except for his Friday funnies sometimes). Why isn't there a giant court case against the DOD for the DMED stuff? Isn't that what you're referring to? I lost that trail some time back.

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You can search Substacks. Also, most of my articles are organized here:


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That'll do!!! Thanks

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Oct 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

That statue....is so creepy. I can’t even believe they made it.

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I think there are some nefarious players in this plandemic, and your time would better be spent on the really evil perpetrators rather than speculating and spreading doubt about someone who has been on the side of truth about the vid, the shots, and exposing the plandemic. By pointing fingers at him, you cause some doubt about your own agenda.

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It was targeting not a victim mentality. Sad they had zero compassion for a real situation.

I see Cole in those red pants whisking Astrid off the stage, every time I see him now.

I think the bitcoin is a well known secret in the so called truth community, didn’t dr Paul Alexander say it was very questionable?

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Leaving aside (for now) what Ryan may or may not be up to, I really want to underscore the massive value you are providing in this Chaos Agents series, Mathew. I've been aware of manufactured narratives for many years; my Dad had me looking critically at the Kennedy assassination when I was a kid, and I've tried to deploy critical thinking ever since, with as much awareness of my own biases as I can muster in any given moment. However, you are the one who has helped me to really understand that it is never as simple as a Good/Bad, True/False split, and that those in positions of power who try to drive a particular narrative will, of course, deliberately pollute the ecosystem of those who genuinely seek truth, justice, fairness, with bad actors who are either planted to sow chaos and confusion, or who are manipulated into doing so - the so-called useful idiots.

In any effort to sort out the wheat from the chaff, we have to ask valid questions, and we're not always going to get it right first time. I really honour the honesty and vulnerability that I've seen you display consistently across the whole time I've known you; despite the gaslighting and suppression you've experienced, you still have the reputation, platform, and readership to shake trees, rock foundations, and chip away at the edifice to reveal the seams of truth, wherever they may be.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Author

This is the best takeaway, which is that we should gather information without blind trust in parasocial leadership.

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I suspected Cole was a tool when he was on Del Bigtree's ( sounds like a Mason name to me) shitshow, claiming that there is no Graphene in the Big Baby needles..... " It's just the usual contaminants" he said.....

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Let's hedge: I personally think everyone who goes on the Highwire is used as a tool. And that some know it, and some don't. But I'll be laying that out more in a future article. I mostly ignored that excessively long program until I saw Del let Andrew Huff spin his tales without the obvious questions that needed to be asked. Del used to run a show that seems like a Big Pharma commercial, so those questions need to be asked.

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Never went for Del and his show...a Hollywood ‘showboat’ that just transferred his Hollywood ‘producer’ skills over to ‘producing’ his own MF show. And he knows what it takes to lure in the viewers!

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Before you go mocking Del's show keep in mind the lawyer he has used for over a decade, Aaron Siri, has got us more data released than all the other FOIA requests combined. Just in the Covid area he's got the V-Safe, Comirnaty (455,000 pages) and now we get the 12-15 age group data for both Moderna & Pfizer products (4.5 million pages). The last 2 are Aaron representing phmpt.org

Not to mention the other wins they've got against the mandates. Del & Aaron have done some serious damage to my enemy and that is how I rate people.

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You should be wondering if everything is staged at this point.

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Yes, but. Those of us with vaccine injured children, or the vaccine injured themselves, have had NO ONE to fight for them. Or, it sure felt that way until Bobby Kennedy, Jr. and Del Bigtree got into the fight.

And, if you listen to Aaron Siri depose Stanley Plotkin, if your heart, mind and soul work properly, imo, you'll be very, very very grateful for the work of Del, ICAN, & Siri.

No one can speak to this unless their children have been permanently harmed by being injected with the nasty, toxic, dangerous and frankly horrific stuff inside those vaccine needles.

Primitive Human DNA, enough to potentially cause gender confusion, it appears. Listen to Theresa Deisher, PhD.

Neurotoxins like aluminum, mercury, stuff like PEG & Glysophate, retroviruses, viral contaminants, etc., etc., etc.

Don't go after the only people who really took this issue on, please. I would never have understood what happened to my daughter if I hadn't heard Bobby Kennedy talking about the Guinea-Bissau Study- vaccinated little girls died at 10× the rate of unvaccinated little girls!

Read Toby Roger's Substack entitled "Why I Am An Abolitionist."

There is a war on American children being fought by injecting them with powerful toxins. Half are chronically ill.

Cancer, Autism, Heart Disease, Autoimmunity, Asthma, ADHD, Allergies.

All are exploding.

If you listen to Del you will get information you will not find hardly anywhere else.

Yes, I get the breaking stories before he can produce them on his show. But most people won't read dozens and dozens of Substacks, books, legal briefs, and papers on medical topics, either.

For them Del is a wealth of information. And their legal efforts are nothing to sneeze at- the V-Safe data was revelational.

We need these guys and everyone else in the fight too.

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I absolutely agree that there is a war on many Americans. Heck, Warren Buffett even publicly brags about it in the middle of the pandemic.


But if you want for me to trust the leadership in the ecosystem, I'll have to be given amazing explanations for why I was buried on the DMED, or why instead of keeping me free of all the fuss and attacks after I was the first person (March 2021) to point out the global correlation of "more doses, more disease/death" and the first (June 2021) studies with credible deaths/M doses analyses, not to mention predictions prior to the pandemic about how we were walking into a clearly controlled moment ahead of dollar collapse, I'm being actively made invisible instead of freed to do more analysis, my best work is done calling bullshit.

Del was running a Big Pharma infotainment show just a few years ago. While I hope he and Siri are above board, I can't help but to think so much of this has been scripted out that I only barely consider the FOIAs a point in their favor at this stage. Del's interest in taking in Andrew Huff's tall tales, but not covering the military health database story honestly, and Bobby telling me to "hold off until the FOIAs are filed" [then CHD never filed FOIAs] while Unissant goes uninvestigated gives me more than pause.

The way Rockefeller/DARPA man Kirsch gets promoted while muddying the ecosystem with terrible analyses... doesn't give me confidence in anyone. But I'm open to more information. But I need to see actually positive signs that don't turn to vapor when I examine them.

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I don't discount the possibility that any of them are actually functioning as "limited hangouts," either knowingly or unknowingly.

Even Bobby & Del.

As I said before, "watch them all like hawks, do your research, and make your own conclusions!"

I am disappointed by the history you recount, and by Del promoting someone not credible.

But, it isn't easy to always be right. We are all human, make mistakes.

And with these guys I do cut them some slack because of all the good work they have done.

Still, if CHD said they would do the FOIAs and did not, that's not good. I found a great attorney who wanted to do only that for CHD National and they didn't vet him soon enough to hire him. A real missed opportunity.

But ICAN did. And for that I'm grateful. Perhaps one piece at a time we will all move forward?

I do hope your work is more widely recognized Matthew, it's some of the most excellent and revelational I've seen during this entire attack on all of us.

And that you are more widely supported by the "leaders" such as they are, of the MFM.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

"If you listen to Del you will get information you will not find hardly anywhere else."

This identifies him as a singular point through which to influence large numbers of people who will believe they have access to a truth they have nowhere else. You point out that you are able to bring multiple sources together and come to conclusions on your own, but most others don't have that available: thus, they are limited to just what he and his producers develop for them to watch, on a show they'll passively receive, rather than actively construct as you have.

Your own defense of his worth highlights precisely why counterintelligence has ample reasons to foster such a show, with such an arrangement, with such access to the larger subterranean roots of the dissenting groups all around us, where they passively view its truth.

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Bingo. And if he made all the information more useful in print form, it would be easier to pick apart, and less hypnotic to the millions of stoned Americans idly sitting on the couch, waiting for Godot.

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Lol, you have obviously not paid his show, website or back up documentation, any attention.

All the studies he references in his weekly live stream are there for your perusal.

Spend time with the V-Safe Data his legal team finally extracted from our brave Federal Government's Minions. What a treasure trove that is.

And as I reccommended previously, please try watching Aaron Siri depose Stanley Plotkin before you question the value of Del or ICAN.

Or read Toby Rogers, on Substack, "Why I am an Abolitionist." And then think over the work Del has done to make that type of available to anyone. Ditto the work of people like Jessica Rose, Gert Vanden Boshe, or Dr. Peter McCullough.

The fact that Del Bigtree & RFKjr took on the greatest "sacred cow" of our age, and the ONE THING you may not disagree with in our society, forced, endless & toxic vaccines, dumbing down, dehumanizing, and destroying the health of American children to the point where more than half are physically, mentally & spiritually ill, (in this 63 year old's opinion, looking at the difference between my generation and school experience and that of my daughter's, born 1995,) well, they get massive amounts of credit from me, and countless other parents who watched their child's life either destroyed or harmed severely by this "magical" practice.

Injecting babies with enough neurotoxins to sink a battleship, before the age of 2, and thinking you won't harm them, because you labeled this Kavorkian mix "a vaccine," is purely superstition.

So you boys, who by the way, despite your tendency towards Autism, still weather vaccination much better than us girls do, can keep on your harping against those who are bringing a huge amount of excellent information to the masses who would never, ever see it, if the MSM, funded by pHarma and Blackrock, and the mouthpiece of the "intelligence community," a misnomer if there ever was one, had their way.

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Sorry to hear about your vaccine injured child...you believed in the Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System and did what ‘they’ told you to do without likely ever questioning what was in these childhood vaxxines, or the possible side effects of any of the vaxxines , that they convinced you that your child needed to get. (Also in some states like CA, if you were planning on enrolling your child into the public school system you were ‘forced’ to get them, in order for them to go to school.)

Yes RFK Jr. and Del Bigtree have been ‘large voices’ regarding the harms of the childhood vaxxines. But RFK Jr. only became aware of ‘childhood vaxxine damage’ when a Mom of a Vaxx injured child laid a pile of information about the harms of the ‘childhood’ vaxxines, at his door.

Now you have woken up to the criminal behavior that Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System has been engaged in since Forever, for children as well as adults. Your first ‘awakening’ was likely when your child became ‘vaxxine’ injured. It’s a hard road to travel with a vaxxine injured child for sure. I am not negating that, by any means. Yet as a Mom, your voice and experience can be shared with other Moms and parents....you don’t need RFK Jr. and Del Bigtree to share you ‘personal experience’ with others, and hopefully help them ‘wake up’.

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It was a very tough road because, a) I NEVER wanted to vaccinate, for some wildly "illogical" reason that I didn't understand at the time but took to be irrational.

b) did so under terrific pressure because I was told my daughter would never go to school in the State of Florida unless she took all the required shots.

She was an only child, I was a single mother, older, and couldn't see denying my daughter the education and social interaction of school.

So, under duress, she got her shots at age 4 and 5. They almost killed her. They certainly trashed her immune system.

Bobby Kennedy & the Guinea-Bissau study, which I came across much later made a female's negative immune impacts from vaccines very clear. And the risk of death by sepis or pneumonia to little girls also very clear.


But, I had never trusted the medical system. My parents didn't either, lol. We come from very old pioneer stock and basically had the opinion that doctors would as likely get you killed, as help you!

Then old school ob-gyns did almost kill me with their high dose birth control pills in the late 1970s & early 80s.

They certainly gave me dinner plate size bleeds in my legs and cluster migraine headaches before a smart neurologist told me to "never take the pill again as long as you live!"


Doctors have been harming as much or more than helping, for a long, long time. Especially with girls and women.

But, if you get in a car wreck, or have something that needs surgical repair, they are life savers.

And they saved my 4-year-old daughter from the severe pneumonia brought on by the immune system suppression their shots created in the first place.

Not that any of us understood this at the time.

I do now. But the medical industry is still under mind control and cannot perceive that vaccines are very dangerous and can cause terrible harm.

And my voice reaches further with CHD Oregon than I can alone. So for one, I am very grateful to every voice pointing out the errors of our ways.

If the human race survives the stupidity and greed of the current "masters of medicine" it will be a miracle, imho.

Vitamin D and it's role in Cancer & Covid prevention? Still unknown to many.

IV Vitamin C & Sepis or any infection, for that matter, is another case in point.

Or Ivermectin for Covid, for Cancer, or for other viruses also.

Fenbendazole? Another amazing and safe Cancer treatment it appears.

Ditto HCQ, Zinc & Zithromax for Covid. They don't see that, would rather torture people to death with failed protocols, in far too many cases.

Or Nattokinase, Bromelain & Curcumin for long Covid or Spike Protien toxicity. That appears to also work well. But mainstream denies vax injuries and won't look at natural supplements for long Covid either.

Or Nicotine. That helps me, and others who have tried it for Spike Protien neutralization.

Chinese medicine, herbs and acupuncture?


Traditional Western Herbalism?

They all help, from everything I've witnessed or experienced personally. Yet there is zero acknowledgment of any of the above in MSM.

So really, the more voices pushing this narrative towards actual medicine that heals, and away from toxic dangerous expensive patent drugs, or even better yet, towards prevention, the better!!

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That was a very thoughtful and well stated reply. I never know what the ‘background’ is of the person going into these ‘discussions’…whether or not they are fully ‘entrenched’ in the Medical Industrial Healthcare Delivery System or not. You obviously were not, but felt you “didn’t want to deny your daughter an education or the social interaction of school”. But considering today the kind of ‘social interaction’ that most public school settings ‘provide’ I wouldn’t want my child near there, even for that. And as far as an ‘education’ I feel homeschooled kids receive a far better and more positive, ‘all around educational experience’ through homeschooling, than the public school system provides.

I have no children but have two nieces who I have been around since they were born, and I think of them as my ‘daughters’.

The two sisters have two girls, born 5 months apart in 2020, and they are now three. These girls are being raised together, like sisters, though they are cousins, as my two nieces and their husbands, live together out on a rural property in East County San Diego.

I have been on a serious campaign since they were born to not vaccinate them, and homeschool the girls instead. And I use all the ‘ammo I can get’ with them, like screenshots of comments like yours from parents of children that have been vaxxine injured, and articles from CHD about ‘vaxxine injury’. So I will “lifting” your comment and sending it to them in a few days!

I had a conversation with Dr. Paul Thomas, the Portland OR pediatrician that lost his license to practice medicine, because of his stance on ‘vaxxines’, at a Clay Clark “Reawaken America Tour” event in Phoenix in January of 2022.

His parting words for my nieces were “tell them to not vaccinate their children and homeschool them”! So there ya go!

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Part of the ‘deep state’ agenda/strategy of war is to create doubt, within their own ranks.

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How would you know that you are not getting access to even better, or more telling, data if it were the case Siri and his clients are just the chosen channel to release only a limited portion of the overall data? You point out their success over the combined efforts of others — but what have you determined is the reason for this specifically? Are their arguments and citations and motions and venues just that superior to the others — or is this indistinguishable from a limited hangout?

Rating strangers on how they damage your enemy: don't you see how such a strategy can work against you if the one has resources to feint and the other has insight into what you desire most?

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The fact that the "Bait & Switch" is clearly documented in those 455,000 pages is something they wanted to hide for 75 years. Getting that info into the public domain is NOT something a limited hangout would do. European Medicines Agency and the FDA knew about it in 2020. The product tested was NOT the product injected into 6-7 billion people.

Naomi Wolf has an interview with Dr. Chris Flowers about the "bait & switch" found in the FOIA docs:



And that is just the tip of the iceberg. Check out report 54 & 69 at dailyclout.io (right hand side "Read The Latest Pfizer Reports". These type of damning FACTS are not something controlled opposition or a limited hangout would release.

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This line of argument has the hidden assumption that a limited hangout in this context could only arise if it were operated by the pharmaceutical companies themselves. Consider your point here: "European Medicines Agency and the FDA knew about it in 2020. The product tested was NOT the product injected into 6-7 billion people."

Let's suppose you're right, that two very large government bureaucracies were aware there is evidence demonstrating Pfizer lied to them and to others and to the people (but not to themselves). If this is the case, it also stands to reason that the evidence is already known to several other transnational corporations who have lobbyists and moles and CIs working for them in these bureaucracies, intelligence agencies of the same and rival governments, transnational criminal organizations, and rogue, independent agents. If you feel there is a larger criminal conspiracy taking place —for instance, if you believe there is an active campaign taking place to depopulate the world, a campaign coordinated across multiple industries and governments and NGOs— then it doesn't require *solely* Pfizer to be the ones who design, initiate, control, and perform analysis on the success of the campaign. So, consider these next few forks.

1. It might very well be the case that Pfizer is itself taking orders and direction from larger entities who will use Pfizer's own documents to establish them as the fall guy/corp. Have you ever known counterintelligence campaigns and covert warfare to use patsies or cutouts to avoid detection?

2. It might very well be the case that rival organizations —governments, transnational corporations, criminal enterprises, &c— are setting Pfizer up for the fall, organizations who wish to further obscure their own participation in different aspects of their own on-going and competing campaigns. Have you ever known counterintelligence campaigns to operate against one another in covert ways, deliberately acting to have their rivals shamed, revealed to be criminals, or subject to civil actions?

3. There is also a possibility that rogue agents (as in, a cult or group dedicated to ideological principles over economic, political or social goals) see an opportunity to sow discord and strife, not only by creating the criminal situations themselves but also controlling how people become aware that these criminal events are taking place. They use *both sides* as cat's paws to play with and torment unfortunate mice. Destroying societies from within by undermining trust, via acting upon the weaknesses and vices of the people and their social networks, is not solely the monopoly of large pharmaceutical corporations —sometimes, it is a *religious* belief that motivates people to collapse societies. A fictional version: the League of Assassins in the Batman narratives. Some people like to say this about the Freemasons.

You are adamant that a limited hangout wouldn't reveal that Pfizer acted criminally. But you are not covering all the ways in which people use covers, screens, blinds, camouflage and decoys in their hunting or sporting behavior.

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"Let's suppose you're right," - There is no "supposing" going on. It's in the documents that Pfizer submitted to the FDA and the FDA approved the product based on it. The FDA tried to hide the documents for 75 years but the court ordered them released in a year.

"If you feel there is a larger criminal conspiracy taking place" - I do NOT feel. Two or more IS a conspiracy. I know it because Pfizer and the FDA knew these documents and tried to hide them for 75 years.

"then it doesn't require *solely* Pfizer" - Pfizer claimed the product as theirs and took in hundreds of billions selling it. They will be the first to fall. After that it's "how many will they rat on".

1) Yes I know that but Pfizer is the owner and chief profiteer so they fall first.

2) Yes it could be but here again Pfizer is the owner and chief profiteer so they fall first.

3) See #1 & #2

"You are adamant that a limited hangout wouldn't reveal that Pfizer acted criminally" - Pfizer is the one who generated the data and documents that were submitted. The damage done to Pfizer and the FDA is huge. A limited hangout would try to "limit the damage" not expose it and dig for more.

"But you are not covering all the ways in which people use covers, screens, blinds, camouflage and decoys in their hunting or sporting behavior." - That's because at this time I only have PROOF that Pfizer and the FDA knew about these documents. As we dig deeper we may find more proof that others were involved. I am very aware, that is why I want to keep digging but as of now we have 2 that are proven to have known this info and hid it.

Everything you say may be correct or wrong but as of NOW we have 2 dead to rights. No more. Everything else is conjecture. We have those 2 because of the work done by these groups. That is 2 more than anyone else has managed. Hardly a limited hangout IMHO.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

He said that about the 100+ sealed vials he'd looked at. I remember him saying in interviews that he wasn't saying they didn't, just that he hadn't seen it.

The Spanish researchers who found it appeared to have done things correctly so why the diff? Crap quality control was my guess from the start and in the May 2023 data release for the Comirnaty sure enough there it was. Graphene Oxide is used in the manufacturing.

The batches that Dr Cole looked at were not the same as the Spanish researchers hence one found it and one did not.

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Kevin McKernan, Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, and Dr. David Speicher have all conducted independent research into the contents of the COVID shots and none of them included graphene oxide in their findings.

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I believe those guys, generally, but leave the door open. Given the insanity of what we have seen on many topics, we should recognize that the epistemology on these topics is harder than ever.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

If I were an operative of the globo bozo I'd definitely make sure some blackmarket vials got into the hands of my downstream useful idiots. Then make them the subject of a future debunk the funk podcast episode.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

The other incident was one that Dr Cole showed the error on. Remember those "hydra" things that someone was finding under the microscope? Dr Cole said he knew what that was right away as he'd found it as a kid looking at the underside of plant leaves in his home. His guess was contamination at the lab or office where the scope work was done not at manufacturing.

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This is where I trust Cole, particular since I do not detect that he has lied to me ever. If there is a problem, it's very likely in the bubble he is in, not his basic honesty---I could be wrong about that, but that's my current best guess.

If we can say anything about Ryan, it's that's deadly accurate with a microscope.

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I like the way you think LOL.

That sort of happened to Dr Jane Ruby. She got given "end of day" open vials. Of course you'd look at it out of curiosity but you can't say anything because they're not sealed. It could be contaminated accidentally or on purpose to set you up. She was going on about the circular objects she was seeing under the scope.

Dr Fleming was beside himself "Those are air bubbles! When was the last time you used a microscope?" and was less than impressed as was I.

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What is Jane a Doctor of, exactly? She is not an MD as she pretends. Economics? Psychology?

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Not sure myself. Stopped listening to her after the air bubble debacle LOL. There's only so much time in a day and I've got to pick my spots.

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Oct 27, 2023·edited Oct 27, 2023

Correct. Which leads me back to crappy quality control for the batch that the Spanish researchers found. I'd love to see tests on other batches made at the same facility. We see only the tip of the iceberg as no government agency was testing AFAIK. Sample size is severely limited.

Moderna had a batch get pulled off the Japanese market after it killed 3 people. Turned out it was stainless steel contamination. The QA/QC is AWOL across the board.

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Even if there is contamination in some batches, it is quite a leap to go from that to the digital ID/control/etc. scenarios advocated by several. I don't believe any of that.

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It is in ALL batches tested so far.

Is it really a leap? More like a puddle jump really.

The WHO "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty" doesn't strike you as a problem? That is very real and a very bad idea. They will declare a pandemic and you must too. They will decide what interventions and you must do it. Including forced injection of 100% of the population. They are being given a blank check by the government.

The roll out in various countries of the central bank digital currencies is fact. Some not so successful like Nigeria others testing and trying persuasions like Australia. How do you manage that without a full on digital ID? They tried to get it with the vaccine passports but failed so now they will try the financial method instead of the failed medical method.

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Could you please provide a link to the single BEST written evidence you have seen that graphene oxide is in all batches tested so far and that those tested samples have full traceability with proof they were not tampered with or contaminated by accident? A full experimental description is expected, describing the specific tests protocols used the identify and quantify graphene oxide in the samples. Preferably a peer-reviewed paper. Thanks.

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But the whole precept ignores the fact that transfection itself is deadly, the contamination found from anonymous expired vials merely compounds the issue. And shepherds your attention further down the line.

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Your sub is being hacked... You must be on to something....

A highwire is a seemingly precarious, dangerous sircuss act... That isn't anything but an act.

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