He expects a sharp increase in virulence that will affect the vaccinated due to their immune status being very different to the unvaccinated (and vaccinated after infected). And upcoming pressure on the virus to induce glycosilation changes that will allow the virus to overcome fragile vaccinated protection against severe diseas…
He expects a sharp increase in virulence that will affect the vaccinated due to their immune status being very different to the unvaccinated (and vaccinated after infected). And upcoming pressure on the virus to induce glycosilation changes that will allow the virus to overcome fragile vaccinated protection against severe disease.
I don't have time to read all this. I know what his general theory is, but can you tell me which of these is specific to Omicron?
Lately, Covid symptoms have been more similar to those of the original Wuhan strain than the first Omicron strain. That should be in defiance of his theory.
Hi Mathew
He expects a sharp increase in virulence that will affect the vaccinated due to their immune status being very different to the unvaccinated (and vaccinated after infected). And upcoming pressure on the virus to induce glycosilation changes that will allow the virus to overcome fragile vaccinated protection against severe disease.
The hypothesis is laid out in his book The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-inescapable-immune-escape-pandemic-geert-vanden-bossche-dvm-phd/1143309868
One of the better video summaries is here:
The logic of how this works (which I am not educated enough to validate) is here:
Thank you for reading
I don't have time to read all this. I know what his general theory is, but can you tell me which of these is specific to Omicron?
Lately, Covid symptoms have been more similar to those of the original Wuhan strain than the first Omicron strain. That should be in defiance of his theory.