Omicron was a baseless deliberate shift in the narrative just like so many others. It’s obvious we are being led. As long as they can sell “variants” there will be on-ramps and off-ramps. Masks-no masks. Distancing-no distancing. Lockdowns-no lockdowns. Shots-no shots. Unsolicited mail-in ballots… No doubt the followers of (pick your fav…
Omicron was a baseless deliberate shift in the narrative just like so many others. It’s obvious we are being led. As long as they can sell “variants” there will be on-ramps and off-ramps. Masks-no masks. Distancing-no distancing. Lockdowns-no lockdowns. Shots-no shots. Unsolicited mail-in ballots… No doubt the followers of (pick your favorite kindly Phd) who have been beating the “pressured into a killer swarm” theory to death will get suckered into believing the next variant is the one that’ll kill us all. Thus they will be led by the nose too. Poor saps. They learned much peddling the climate change sky is falling lie and extrapolated it to the viral sky is falling lie. The difference is they can play with germs more effectively than weather. So this Halloween I fully expect the sequel to, “The Monster from the Petri Dish!” There’s an election on the horizon dontcha know?
Omicron was a baseless deliberate shift in the narrative just like so many others. It’s obvious we are being led. As long as they can sell “variants” there will be on-ramps and off-ramps. Masks-no masks. Distancing-no distancing. Lockdowns-no lockdowns. Shots-no shots. Unsolicited mail-in ballots… No doubt the followers of (pick your favorite kindly Phd) who have been beating the “pressured into a killer swarm” theory to death will get suckered into believing the next variant is the one that’ll kill us all. Thus they will be led by the nose too. Poor saps. They learned much peddling the climate change sky is falling lie and extrapolated it to the viral sky is falling lie. The difference is they can play with germs more effectively than weather. So this Halloween I fully expect the sequel to, “The Monster from the Petri Dish!” There’s an election on the horizon dontcha know?