What you see on the outside is not the power. You do not see the power of the people who select Fauci (the Rockefellers) or the people who run the mind control programs.
Patents are an evil system. They're also an illusion. It's just rules to fool good people I to arresting people. That system was engineered fo…
What you see on the outside is not the power. You do not see the power of the people who select Fauci (the Rockefellers) or the people who run the mind control programs.
Patents are an evil system. They're also an illusion. It's just rules to fool good people I to arresting people. That system was engineered for men like Fauci before he was born. And he is not smart enough to invent anything on those patents. He is a public spokesman. An ad man. A propagandist more than anything. He is the illusion, not the power.
Yet, institutions are diffusers for responsibility. While I am not a believer in American style capital punishment, I believe justice needs to prevail at a human level of the decision makers.
I observe we get nowhere towards a just society when the person who takes the money and hands it out to hire or act as a criminal (mass murderer) is not held to account.
Personal choice? What if the guards, doctors and frightened dupes running the deadly showers at Auschwitz just walked away, or said no, not today?
Could Oswald or Ruby walk away from their presumed role?
Or does the explicit 🇺🇸 mind control tech prevent conscientious choice?
Where there is money to be made, there is an incentive to suborn a system to profit from it. "Patents are an evil system" is certainly true now. The concept of intellectual property is not _necessarily_ evil, but it has been turned into a turnkey system in the service of Big Money. The patent office protects the Big Guys. I can't find the original patent that was denied, but I remember reading that the WeedWhacker guy applied for a patent when he invented it, but it was denied by the Patent Office as "not novel", which allowed Black & Decker to flood the market with their version, get a patent on an "improvement" and that was that. Certainly agency capture, as epitomized by "The FDA, Brought to you by Pfizer!", is the rule. But I guess the question is what is the incentive to spend the years inventing when your invention can be stolen by someone with factory capacity and reverse engineering at scale easier than paying you for the license? I know, that's the BigPharm justification for their monopoly, but that includes government-created moats beyond just patent protection. The FDA will knock out your competitors as a "courtesy". How do we solve that problem of protection of the process of invention?
I'm not forgetting anything.
What you see on the outside is not the power. You do not see the power of the people who select Fauci (the Rockefellers) or the people who run the mind control programs.
Patents are an evil system. They're also an illusion. It's just rules to fool good people I to arresting people. That system was engineered for men like Fauci before he was born. And he is not smart enough to invent anything on those patents. He is a public spokesman. An ad man. A propagandist more than anything. He is the illusion, not the power.
I like how you think and tend to agree.
Yet, institutions are diffusers for responsibility. While I am not a believer in American style capital punishment, I believe justice needs to prevail at a human level of the decision makers.
I observe we get nowhere towards a just society when the person who takes the money and hands it out to hire or act as a criminal (mass murderer) is not held to account.
Personal choice? What if the guards, doctors and frightened dupes running the deadly showers at Auschwitz just walked away, or said no, not today?
Could Oswald or Ruby walk away from their presumed role?
Or does the explicit 🇺🇸 mind control tech prevent conscientious choice?
Where there is money to be made, there is an incentive to suborn a system to profit from it. "Patents are an evil system" is certainly true now. The concept of intellectual property is not _necessarily_ evil, but it has been turned into a turnkey system in the service of Big Money. The patent office protects the Big Guys. I can't find the original patent that was denied, but I remember reading that the WeedWhacker guy applied for a patent when he invented it, but it was denied by the Patent Office as "not novel", which allowed Black & Decker to flood the market with their version, get a patent on an "improvement" and that was that. Certainly agency capture, as epitomized by "The FDA, Brought to you by Pfizer!", is the rule. But I guess the question is what is the incentive to spend the years inventing when your invention can be stolen by someone with factory capacity and reverse engineering at scale easier than paying you for the license? I know, that's the BigPharm justification for their monopoly, but that includes government-created moats beyond just patent protection. The FDA will knock out your competitors as a "courtesy". How do we solve that problem of protection of the process of invention?