Congratulations on finally getting a major alt outlet to listen to your side of the story and review the evidence, Mathew!
And thank you for your brave willingness to say Mistakes Were NOT Made. It is becoming increasingly impossible for rational people to continue toeing the “mistakes were made” exculpatory verbiage the more evidence mounts for intentionality ( If they aggressively resist even considering the possibility, it is worth asking why.
For those unfamiliar with the origin of this phrase, you can read the poem and learn about its inspiration here:
I did not tell CHD I was going to take a "Mistakes were not made" approach, but I believe that Michael was pleased with the interview, so that's a good signal.
I didn't have much time to prep (made slides at 2:30 to 5 AM for the 11 AM interview, on little sleep), but had thought about it all while on a walk and realized that using your phrase was entirely appropriate to this particular moment, though few people would be able to see that on their own.
Brilliant strategy, Mathew, and glad it was well-received!
I had a similar experience when prepping for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation. I only had a couple of days to prepare, so I just did a mind dump and recorded a Retrospective in Whys that I published here:
I think I only got six hours of sleep before my presentation—four the first night and two hours right before I had to present. I’m amazed I was coherent at all, but as it turned out, I could have easily gone several more hours and they had to cut me off for the next speaker 😆
Yep, so demand the Air Farce quit putting crap (fly ash or whatever it is) into the air. I suspect all of Sez777's suggestions have credibility. E.g., fluoride in the water increases uptake of the aluminum inhaled from the fly ash. And have you seen what Merry Cats typically eat? All by intent.
I am a chief actuary and I’m convinced that the vaxx is the main cause of the excess deaths (directly and indirectly). Many of the deaths are labeled as “unknown cause”. Here’s the latest SOA study posted this past week. It’s so sad....see table 5.8.
Deaths of unknown cause and people of unknown sex.
“Previous versions of this report contained exhibits comparing mortality by Sex. Since the second quarter of 2022, there has been a material increase in claims reported with a Sex of “Unknown,” which distorts comparisons to the baseline period. Thus, this subsection now only contains results split by age.”
As Brett Weinstein said (paraphrase) 'doing everything the exact opposite of what should optimally have been done, cannot be by mistake, it must be by design.'
The intricacies of what has occurred in this specific actuarial example are replicated over and over the further out we zoom.
The 'pandemic', response to it, and response since, is as likely a result of inadvertent mishaps as is a Swiss watch.
Most people were and still are just following orders. That includes the President and other world leaders. Puppets on strings are not ever going to come clean and admit they are spineless puppets with no actual power.
It begins when the first job after an advanced degree in the sciences and engineering requires no real science or engineering skills. Most professional engineers and scientists, at least those with government contracts, spend most of their time with trivial administrative cut and paste activities....for obscene salaries. After a year or two of that, they can’t even think about leaving for a smaller company that might expect them to actually do something and for less pay and benefits. So they become trapped and owned in order to keep the monthly salary coming in.
Yes, applying for government contracts and grants are mostly cut and paste administrative BS - followed up by more cutting & pasting BS as the work that is performed. Taxpayers money at work!
My whole life has been spent trying to solve these problems at the root through education. I made that my mission when I was 12.
One of the several reasons I don't trust a lot of the civil liberties movement space is the strange silence that I get when I point out educational solutions.
Fascinating stuff. Steve K should give you the 10M (if the other debater wimps out) to implement your ideas IMHO. I don't think readers know this about you (or at least I didn't even after having read a dozen or more stack articles over the last year). I knew you were a whiz at math but not the wholistic education reform ideas and data. Very cool.
When I got sick this year (again and again), it compressed my priorities, but I usually write an education article once a month or so. Recent readers may not have seen them.
Although there's probably a mixture of Hanlon's Razor incompetence and malign intent, and it would be too simplistic to presume that it is all on purpose, it certainly looks that way, as it is not just the non-adoption of methods that are proven to create thinking, creative individuals, but the active repression of those. Plus crazy obvious shit, like a black eating disorders specialist becoming the dean of the engineering department at San Francisco State. After standardized testing, they got rid of recess to teach to the test. The kids who couldn't sit still, particularly the black kids on the East coast, whose physical development is precocious, according to child development scholars, they then diagnosed and drugged. Now we've got the UN disseminating woke gender and sexuality educational materials, plus the Inner Development Goals (those little rainbow circles the oligarchs and young global leaders wear) in higher education. (, which is 96 per cent white, is getting DEI and CRT and gender pushed into their education system. And BC and Chico, CA are actively separating kids from parents, with parents having little voice. Here's what happened to this UK middle school teacher who had embodied studies ala forest kindergartens.
As the U.K.’s Only Headteacher to Question Vaccinating and Masking Children I Was Investigated by Counter-Terrorism Agencies
The "how much and how is the game rigged, and by whom" questions are challenging, and that we might ask how much is planned and how much is the ignorance of people in high positions suggests that we should focus on a strong epistemological effort. Even if Hanlon's razor is sometimes correct, calling it a razor makes it a thought-terminating cliche, and that's something to fight against.
I think there’s clearly a mixture of both, but separating the two is almost impossible to do with absolute clarity, unless there is a “smoking gun”.
The big question for me, is how wide spread is this kind of fraud throughout society. When we see “smoking gun” events, such as 9-11, are we witnessing an isolated crime, or are we getting a glimpse of a much larger problem.
And I wonder how much of the social controversy that consumes so much of our political dialog was engineered to be a distraction.
The correlation between "COVID deaths" in August 2021 and lagging first doses is 0.96 in females aged 50-64 (and around 0.9 in all other adult age tiers).
What is the trendline comparator that the actuaries used?
Actuaries can't use an old trendline that doesn't incorporate new mortality engines--they have to incorporate the mortality engines into trends in order to be able to estimate future mortality accurately so that future payouts can be determined and premium changes can be determined.
July though September, and a jumble of states of vastly different characteristics? One can prove almost anything by slicing and dicing the data in the right way. The only way to really tell is to analyze the data for comparable populations.. I would hazard a guess not many people who were literally on death's doorstep, an extremely high percentage of whom soon died, did not get COVID jabs.
insurance companies might not admit it for one simple reason.... they encouraged everyone to get jabbed. and encouraging people to get jabbed, it is very hard for them to say they are wrong.
had something similar with lead in the water in Flint Michigan...
the Flint thing was just one more reason i never got jabbed.
"Even after the city announced the water was briefly contaminated withbacteria and, later, chemicals that cause cancer, state officials insisted that nothing was seriously wrong. A leaked report from the federal Environmental Protection Agency warning of lead contamination was dismissed as the work of a "rogue employee." When pediatricians in Flint reported a spike in lead in children's blood, a state referred to it as "data" — with the scare quotes in the original."
Congratulations on finally getting a major alt outlet to listen to your side of the story and review the evidence, Mathew!
And thank you for your brave willingness to say Mistakes Were NOT Made. It is becoming increasingly impossible for rational people to continue toeing the “mistakes were made” exculpatory verbiage the more evidence mounts for intentionality ( If they aggressively resist even considering the possibility, it is worth asking why.
For those unfamiliar with the origin of this phrase, you can read the poem and learn about its inspiration here:
• “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” (
I did not tell CHD I was going to take a "Mistakes were not made" approach, but I believe that Michael was pleased with the interview, so that's a good signal.
I didn't have much time to prep (made slides at 2:30 to 5 AM for the 11 AM interview, on little sleep), but had thought about it all while on a walk and realized that using your phrase was entirely appropriate to this particular moment, though few people would be able to see that on their own.
Brilliant strategy, Mathew, and glad it was well-received!
I had a similar experience when prepping for my Corona Investigative Committee presentation. I only had a couple of days to prepare, so I just did a mind dump and recorded a Retrospective in Whys that I published here:
• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (
I think I only got six hours of sleep before my presentation—four the first night and two hours right before I had to present. I’m amazed I was coherent at all, but as it turned out, I could have easily gone several more hours and they had to cut me off for the next speaker 😆
MC makes a very good (but stunningly obvious) point here.
“We have excess deaths, we should investigate, but we’re not”.
If TPTB are SO sure it ISN'T the vaccine - then what is it?
The water supply could be tainted.
The food supply could be tainted.
There may be invisible, excessively high contaminants in the air.
But they're not investigating any of that.
This is confirmation by omission and absence.
They're not investigating alternatives, because they already know exactly what's causing excess deaths.
They could have looked at least a LITTLE credible if they'd made a show of diving down a few avenues of enquiry.
As it is, the lack of investigation confirms they know there is no need to.
Everybody know It’s all due to climate change 😀.
Yep, so demand the Air Farce quit putting crap (fly ash or whatever it is) into the air. I suspect all of Sez777's suggestions have credibility. E.g., fluoride in the water increases uptake of the aluminum inhaled from the fly ash. And have you seen what Merry Cats typically eat? All by intent.
Nelsonian knowledge
They're not TPTB. They're TJTB, The Jackasses That Be. "Powers" is way too respectful of Jackasses.
I am a chief actuary and I’m convinced that the vaxx is the main cause of the excess deaths (directly and indirectly). Many of the deaths are labeled as “unknown cause”. Here’s the latest SOA study posted this past week. It’s so sad....see table 5.8.
Thank you for commenting, Dena!
The shift in the age of death during Q3 is almost fully explained by the shift in the age of COVID mortality which is explained by first doses.
Deaths of unknown cause and people of unknown sex.
“Previous versions of this report contained exhibits comparing mortality by Sex. Since the second quarter of 2022, there has been a material increase in claims reported with a Sex of “Unknown,” which distorts comparisons to the baseline period. Thus, this subsection now only contains results split by age.”
As Brett Weinstein said (paraphrase) 'doing everything the exact opposite of what should optimally have been done, cannot be by mistake, it must be by design.'
The intricacies of what has occurred in this specific actuarial example are replicated over and over the further out we zoom.
The 'pandemic', response to it, and response since, is as likely a result of inadvertent mishaps as is a Swiss watch.
Once in a coincidence, twice is a pattern, three is a plan. We're at 6-7 at least LOL.
Watched live. Thank you.
Thank you for bringing me that observation.
Most people were and still are just following orders. That includes the President and other world leaders. Puppets on strings are not ever going to come clean and admit they are spineless puppets with no actual power.
It begins when the first job after an advanced degree in the sciences and engineering requires no real science or engineering skills. Most professional engineers and scientists, at least those with government contracts, spend most of their time with trivial administrative cut and paste activities....for obscene salaries. After a year or two of that, they can’t even think about leaving for a smaller company that might expect them to actually do something and for less pay and benefits. So they become trapped and owned in order to keep the monthly salary coming in.
Yes, applying for government contracts and grants are mostly cut and paste administrative BS - followed up by more cutting & pasting BS as the work that is performed. Taxpayers money at work!
Did "Common Core" math skills finally kill us all, or is there something even more sinister at play than "fuzzy math"?
My whole life has been spent trying to solve these problems at the root through education. I made that my mission when I was 12.
One of the several reasons I don't trust a lot of the civil liberties movement space is the strange silence that I get when I point out educational solutions.
Fascinating stuff. Steve K should give you the 10M (if the other debater wimps out) to implement your ideas IMHO. I don't think readers know this about you (or at least I didn't even after having read a dozen or more stack articles over the last year). I knew you were a whiz at math but not the wholistic education reform ideas and data. Very cool.
When I got sick this year (again and again), it compressed my priorities, but I usually write an education article once a month or so. Recent readers may not have seen them.
Although there's probably a mixture of Hanlon's Razor incompetence and malign intent, and it would be too simplistic to presume that it is all on purpose, it certainly looks that way, as it is not just the non-adoption of methods that are proven to create thinking, creative individuals, but the active repression of those. Plus crazy obvious shit, like a black eating disorders specialist becoming the dean of the engineering department at San Francisco State. After standardized testing, they got rid of recess to teach to the test. The kids who couldn't sit still, particularly the black kids on the East coast, whose physical development is precocious, according to child development scholars, they then diagnosed and drugged. Now we've got the UN disseminating woke gender and sexuality educational materials, plus the Inner Development Goals (those little rainbow circles the oligarchs and young global leaders wear) in higher education. (, which is 96 per cent white, is getting DEI and CRT and gender pushed into their education system. And BC and Chico, CA are actively separating kids from parents, with parents having little voice. Here's what happened to this UK middle school teacher who had embodied studies ala forest kindergartens.
As the U.K.’s Only Headteacher to Question Vaccinating and Masking Children I Was Investigated by Counter-Terrorism Agencies
Steve should give it to you!
The "how much and how is the game rigged, and by whom" questions are challenging, and that we might ask how much is planned and how much is the ignorance of people in high positions suggests that we should focus on a strong epistemological effort. Even if Hanlon's razor is sometimes correct, calling it a razor makes it a thought-terminating cliche, and that's something to fight against.
Always dig at the roots.
I think there’s clearly a mixture of both, but separating the two is almost impossible to do with absolute clarity, unless there is a “smoking gun”.
The big question for me, is how wide spread is this kind of fraud throughout society. When we see “smoking gun” events, such as 9-11, are we witnessing an isolated crime, or are we getting a glimpse of a much larger problem.
And I wonder how much of the social controversy that consumes so much of our political dialog was engineered to be a distraction.
Vaccines (first doses) killed these young people.
Population-level data could not be any clearer.
The correlation between "COVID deaths" in August 2021 and lagging first doses is 0.96 in females aged 50-64 (and around 0.9 in all other adult age tiers).
Excess Mortality _Estimate_ <> Excess Mortality
What is the trendline comparator that the actuaries used?
Actuaries can't use an old trendline that doesn't incorporate new mortality engines--they have to incorporate the mortality engines into trends in order to be able to estimate future mortality accurately so that future payouts can be determined and premium changes can be determined.
The COVID criminals must be held accountable:
July though September, and a jumble of states of vastly different characteristics? One can prove almost anything by slicing and dicing the data in the right way. The only way to really tell is to analyze the data for comparable populations.. I would hazard a guess not many people who were literally on death's doorstep, an extremely high percentage of whom soon died, did not get COVID jabs.
insurance companies might not admit it for one simple reason.... they encouraged everyone to get jabbed. and encouraging people to get jabbed, it is very hard for them to say they are wrong.
had something similar with lead in the water in Flint Michigan...
the Flint thing was just one more reason i never got jabbed.
"Even after the city announced the water was briefly contaminated withbacteria and, later, chemicals that cause cancer, state officials insisted that nothing was seriously wrong. A leaked report from the federal Environmental Protection Agency warning of lead contamination was dismissed as the work of a "rogue employee." When pediatricians in Flint reported a spike in lead in children's blood, a state referred to it as "data" — with the scare quotes in the original."
C'mon man! Obama drank that Flint water, in front of a roomful of Flint residents, and clearly stated that the water was fine!!
I posted important new info on preventing Covid vax deaths from fibrous clots by Spencer Feldman at He said the vaxes appear to be extremely sophisticated bioweapons (thus not easy to remedy).
Regarding graphene (in + beyond vaccines), Dominique Guillet has done considerable work.
Excellent! Well done Mathew.
Where there is a pattern. It means something. In this case, an unknown cause likely mean an inconvenient truth.