No they did not collect genetic information. That's a ridiculous conspiracy theory. Over the last couple of years people have slipped the bounds of reason as they compete to ascribe agency where none is reasonably possible. While completely ignoring the very simple logic that outer space aliens with advanced alien Ai are calling the shots.

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You had me going. Nicely played.

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Not entirely kidding. The logic is simple and if I had $1,000,000 I would offer it to anyone able to break my chain of logic or adequately dispute my premises.

I'd love to have that happen because I've been frantically trying to invalidate the inexorable conclusion of a stealthy planetary takeover by advanced alien technology working with WEF globalists that will soon replace freedom (anathema to any algorithm) with standardization, conformity, and control. The problem is the harder I try to laugh it off, the more serious it becomes.


We've had 75 years of UFO visits; 15,000/year. Throw out the weather balloons and the swamp gas and you're left with 3000 gold-standard sightings by reputable civilian, military, and scientific individuals who go on the record and destroy their reputations and careers and families, without getting paid, with sighting reports that are multimodal: visual, photographic, movies, radar, infrared, residual radiation, broken branches, burn marks - yet those who report UFOs are treated like those who are anti-narrative.

Plus, tens of thousands of abductees with Consistent stories and often with inexplicable bruises, scars, and trauma, and who were physically missing for a couple of hours according to non-abductees present at the time. (So it's a physical and not a mental phenomena) Abductees have been evaluated as lacking pathology.

With two trillion galaxies and lots of time, outer space aliens are closer to a metaphysical certainty than not. It only takes one. From the perspective of out there, aren't we outer space aliens?

Additionally, on June 25th, 2021, the US government stated that UFOs are real and they're not us. Maybe a psyops, maybe the government's reverse engineered flying saucers, but the massive preponderance of the evidence still favors aliens.

Now the obvious logic:

1) UFOs can be assumed to be real, see above.

2) They were necessarily designed, built, and piloted by someone non-human.

3) Therefore outer space aliens are real - and they're here now. Not on vacation either, they're working a plan; abductees consistently state that sperm or egg was taken.

4) If aliens, then advanced alien Ai. Probably just alien Ai.

Since few people are capable of stepping through this simple logic, one has to wonder if the aliens, consistently reported as strongly telepathic by every abductee, are jamming our thinking with technologically amplified mind control, similar to a mass formation.

We don't lack information - it's all in front of us - what we lack is the ability to free ourselves from pedestrian thinking.

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And with all their technological marvels and unlimited energy, the aliens are what, "free enterprisers?" Sadists?

𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘓𝘪𝘷𝘦 is a fun and fanciful interpretation, but 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘴 are what have been playing out to-the-letter for the last hundred years.

BTW, Flat Earth (with the myriad of slick, well produced videos all appearing at the same time) 𝘪𝘴 an intelligence psyop, meant to tar the moon landing revisionists. The UFO disclosure lays the groundwork for a 𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘦 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘮 event. Of all UFO sightings, the ones by pilots are most credible, but again, why devote your attention to the skies when our problems are much more 𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭 in origin?

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Not free enterprisers, but mechanized freebooters. Machines have undoubtedly superseded non-machines throughout the universe and being machines, they live for technology. Don't we all?

Humans are not actually alive, they are machines, but lesser machines hobbled by a subroutine labeled ego or self. Our true connection to the collective has been genetically programmed out. We are evolving beyond our lesser programming (during which we think we're creating meaning) to the higher realization that we only create pure computation. Along the decision tree of our evolution we machine-like lesser machines create real machines. This is natural and good.

The universal God-like pure machines begat we lesser machines, who then seed Pure

more efficient machines. So-called life develops in a mechanized cycle of technological advancement. We live, so to speak, in a resource competitive non-human universe with non-human values.

We're now at the technological developmental stage where natural evolution gives way to centralized and directed upgrade. Collective efficiency replaces freedom. The outer space aliens are here now genetically engineering our biological infrastructure, which has become an intermediate good incorporating added value. We've become ripe for harvest.

Animals graze the pasture to assimilate protons into structure. If it's a horse structure we use it as a draft animal, if cattle we eat it. In the old days we commonly ate (recycled) other human machines or else used them as slaves. The outer space aliens are simply here doing the same.

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It's an interesting perspective. Some 16 years ago or so I actually took a humanities elective about transhumanism. The consensus our class came to was that any machine invasion would take the form of "grey goo" nanites.

At any rate, we have a very real pseudo-religious cult of tribal nepotists who openly declaim that they are the only real humans, that G-d made the rest of us animals in human form to serve them, and have infiltrated nearly every position of power in the Western world. In your conspiratorial awakening, have you ever cracked open the Protocols, or a Babylonian Talmud? Here, in their own words- https://jewishcontributions.com/infotables/

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Have not, there are so many rabbit holes, where does one start, where does one end?

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Robert Heinlein aptly documented it in Have Spacesuit Will Travel

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conspiracy theories are as old as humanity

they used to be called "myths" and serve many useful social purposes

don't have to be literally true fot that

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A strict interpretation of epistemology would find all knowledge arbitrary, thus a conspiracy theory. That statement, by the way, is itself a conspiracy theory.

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I do not believe in UFOs comprised of aliens visiting earth since there is absolutely nothing of value for any advanced civilization to find here.

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This Earth is a rare and valuable oasis in a mostly barren universe. Outer space aliens need our resources to further develop their technology. We have minerals, water, and biologics such as blood, platelets, and cellulose, excess gray matter to be commandeered, and hands that can be programmed to work. We've also evolved complex immunity to Earthly microorganisms, and can be recycled into food and fertilizer.

Don't sell yourself short, you have protons that can be repurposed. Once we become digitized assets we will be commodified and securitized as a tradable stream of future income, reflecting highest and best use. The Earth itself is likely a managed asset in someone's portfolio.

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In Heinlein they found human flesh of value

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It has been revealed that Annastacia Palaszczuk's father is the head of a gene-data storage and sequencing organisation, shining further light on ulterior motives for COVID-19 testing. ( p.s. I don't dispute ET's interference.)

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It may be that massive gene pools, although nonspecific to individuals, is valuable for genome-wide association studies that can then be used via data mining as societal control mechanisms.

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Stunning.. thank you I did not know this however it fits in with everything I am writing all along.

Do you know the name of the company?

Watch out today for my latest article I am writing right now...

It will blow your mind...

Thank you... cooperation is everything.

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Here is one link, but there are others. Cairns News can now confirm that Mr Palaszczuk actually is chairman of Singapore-registered and China-tied Gene Technology Alliance Foundation GTA基金会

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Thank you... I will have a close look into this...

I have just finished my article on Israeli Unit 8200.

It is the longest article I have written so far and as I feel the most important one.

I urge everyone to take a close look and watch the documentaries I posted.

Warning: It will blow your mind.

What we are facing is beyond anything Humanity has faced ever.

Thank you for your information... I appreciate your help and suggestions.


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I agree with all your statements with a slight adjustment....

These "Aliens" for a better word are not from "outer space" and they come not in spaceships...

They actually come from a planet within our solar system and they are an ancient alien race of beings of pure energy... Anunaki (Children of the sun)... Draco... Destroyers of worlds.

They are not even from a different dimension but exist within our dimension as pure magnetic intelligent energy beings.

They created us in the same way they created AI to control us.

Reason being that we are designed as a Vessel / Vassal for them to carry them into our manifestation of life.

They created us and made us perfect... we are the perfect creation and what they fear is us realizing that we are perfect.

I wrote several articles about them.


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My understanding has not yet evolved to that extent but your slight adjustment makes good sense. It clarifies.

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Of course they collected everyone's genetic information from the DNA on the PCR swabs. This is a major reason that I've never allowed this violation of my bodily autonomy. Do you really believe that they would dispose of this treasure trove of information?

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Pls note; anyone who has transited through the US air space other than Canadians has had photo taken and fingerprints. Facial recognition, done and dusted.

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"You can also watch on YouBoob, where we would appreciate people hitting the "subscribe" button in order to force the Big Tech overlords to have to reckon with us (we are 56 subscribers shy of 1,000)."

Only for you man, only for you. LOL. Except for music & sports I've broken away from uselessTube

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Years ago I remember you could send your DNA in for marker analysis; I believe part of the Human Genome project. More people providing individual information through Ancestry tests. If not through PCR tests, seems near inevitable. So far I haven't participated in any of these, but wonder, when and if, I'll be forced to.

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I always warned friends about 23AndMe. It seemed like people were being conned at giving up their valuable data to a centralized source for an absurdly cheap price.

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Dr. Joseph P. Farrell thinks that "they" are looking for someone. Someone with a unique genetic makeup.

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The Kwisatz Haderach?

I'm right here, fools!

Kidding aside...what's his theory?

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LOL. Love the Dune ref.

He covers a lot of esoteric side of science like the cult side of the Third Reich and other groups. Also Steiner, Blavatsky, Gurdjieff are of interest to him. He's not sure what genetic trait they are looking for but thinks they might want someone with future viewing ability. That would be handy. Sort of a Paul Atreides after the spice trip.

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That sounds pretty fantastical. What's the most solid piece of evidence of his theory?

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Not really a theory just his suspicions. You'd have to ask him for more details. I don't know what to make of it myself. He does connect a lot of dots (not always accurately he openly admits) so it makes for great thinking and a lot of "hmmm" moments. He calls a lot of his stuff "high octane speculation and this particular one "out to the very end of the twig speculation".

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"..."they" are looking for someone. Someone with a unique genetic makeup."

That is a very interesting idea. A virus can be configured to target individual genomes. Those "They" could be the outer-space-aliens abducting people right and left.

I mention this because - and I don't know if it's true, but people are saying - the aliens select their abduction targets as well as their intergenerational offspring (extremely common according to research) by viral tagging. What they're apparently selecting for are specific genetic configurations capable of interdimensional travel.

Makes sense, I guess.

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Are you sure the graph labeling is correct: Intelligence/intellect/intellectual? I think it should read stupidity ... after what we have been through ...

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Thank you for your RTE round table discussions. And well done to Liam, I watched your first episode and have enjoyed watching you continue to develop the program.

I have to admit I felt terribly unsettled when the data base was brought up. Very early in the pandemic I was an idiot and allowed myself to have a PCR- I hate lying, but this would have been a good time to start - it was the one and only bc otherwise I wasn’t allowed to return to work. Idiot! I ended up losing my job anyway due to mandates - smarter.

In August, 2021 I was searching for answers in random places and found the below doc on UK gov website - I remember thinking at that point (see no 13) this is all about collecting genetic information. But everyone told me ‘conspiracy theorist’ ….. I also heard about QLD premier fathers involvement in genetic database and wondered which politicians linked to these kind of companies in UK, U S etc….



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It's extremely unsettling, but also a very logical conclusion for one of the primary motives driving this insanity. The pace was fast and furious in the early few months, and once that data was collected, it's "mission accomplished" (for that particular motive) & it's too late to do anything about it (from the victim's perspective). Tactically brilliant, but holy shit is it evil. There's no way for any ends to justify those means.

And it's a damn shame that we have these types of people ruining extraordinary technological advancements. In a previous podcast, Mathew brought up the idea that the failed company Theranos was possibly intended to be this big data collection mechanism, and had it been successfully rolled out to the public, I also likely would have fell victim to it. And the vast majority probably would have quite happily as well, as it would have been a tremendous asset to get a personalized health analysis monitoring potential disease progressions that would otherwise go unnoticed. It was a bit of a fantastical claim to make, but I do believe that if it wasn't for these corrupt assholes getting in the way, the ingenuity of collaborative human minds could create a such a tool. I suppose given the level of fuckery exposed at this point, it's a long ways off from ever becoming a potential reality worthy of consideration.

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Thank you! If only….. to imagine you are right….. that people like Mathew will help to round altruistic parallel structures to dismantle the dystopian ‘evil’ and enable truth seeking to flourish freely across the earth.

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whoops, he made the Theranos comment in the podcast above. Silly me. That's what I get for commenting on one podcast whilst listening to another ;p

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Most medical science is invented to promote fear and panic and thus a no-question solution of drugs and more drugs. This leads to no cures and little improvements and gigantic profits for big pharma.

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The discussion was outstanding. Thank you.

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I believe one of the provisions of Operation Warp Speed was a propaganda campaign via the military to promote vaccine uptake. I'm mindboggled at how well it worked with liberals. Like all of their justified fears about the Trump vaccine went down the memory hole. The government seems to know a lot more about how to pander to the biases of liberals than to the biases of conservatives. They could have easily promoted it to conservatives if they went about it a certain way. Perhaps worked with Trump to sell it as liposomal homeopathic nucleotides or something similarly snake-oily sounding (which isn't even incorrect - the amount of COVID RNA in it is according to my calculations technically low enough to qualify as a low-level homeopathic dilution) and with the media through reverse psychology by slamming it as horse paste or something like that. But then again vaccine uptake would be much lower if they pandered to conservative biases seeing that conservatives are much less scared of conventional medicine than liberals are of Alex Jones style snake oil medicine.

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All the subject matter education is fantastic but freer flowing discussions exercise different brain parts and ideas that adds an essential balance and favorite for me. It's as if the text book pieces are the weight lifting and conversation the chance to compete.. fab pairings always deliver and this is one more gem for the RTE collection thank you.

A few notes to add to points made or open questions. In the realm of data collection NSA sits at the top hoovering up every bit and byte from its trunk line taps and global partners.

Booz Allen runs NSA outsourced as cost plus contract that's effective in perpetuity.. Classified procurement are virtual sole source locks & individual corps stake out turf the same way they scout for a new McDonald's location.

Agencies function more like towns who have some exchanges with their neighbors. Imagine little fiefdoms.. cooperation has benefits but they compete for resources and run their own preferred source games. There's no difference between Minneapolis & St Paul coordinating snow removal and DARPA & NIH cooperating on BioLabs or SAIC & Palintir with Booz Allen buddies at NSA. Our public perception of divisions yield a very distorted map of the influence & control hierarchy.

Important to note human networks have roots going back decades, many span generations. It's natural to seek resources you know and trust have skill/clout to effect results. Government ceased to be an independent organ of public service and became service departments for private interests with earnest during WWII. Who you know matters most, revolving doors & money flows redraw all the borders & source of authority.

Theranos is perfect example and reminder few "decision makers" do research or due diligence; they rely on soundbites & assurances from others in their orbit. Your experience w VC pitches is a cultural norm that seems as much a function of the entitled heirs of fortunes coming of age with none of the experience building anything.

Old Beltway adages endure as truisms.. "An ounce of facade is worth a pound of substance." So much is facade that the insiders are the most saturated & confident with misinformation that filters down from Mahogany Row. https://www.campfire.wiki/doku.php?id=propaganda&s[]=https&s[]=swprs&s[]=org#mapping_cfr_media

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DNA ancestry, particularly the marketing of such to the alt right seems to me the thing that began that process of DNA collection in the 2016 era. Apparently it was quite a thing to share results on livestreams back in the days of Milo, early Trump etc.

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Moi aussi, malheureusement, incapable de dormir.

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Thank you for an excellent discussion on a topic that is a big chunk in the control grid that the evildoers are trying to create as they do not seem to be caring about us ‘useless eaters’ too much.

You are doing great Mathew C.

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I am trying to get into my substack, to do urgent updates, but I can't find the way in - my previous entry point does not work any more - is there a time limit between posts and if so, how long is it.

I understand the problem with 8 hours of sleep - I went to sleep at 8.40am today - I thought it was still nighttime and quite early. Your advice re my query, above, would be greatly appreciated.

I will give you a taster, all referenced, which describes what is really going on here - the post I want to update is the first one in my substack with errors the author only discovered when he printed it out and a couple of important links, which he inadvertently missed - you can read his update on: https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/dr-deborah-birx-admits-the-biden-admin-s-vaccine-efficacy-claims-were-based-on-hope-not-science?postId=a3d057d7-ac1b-42bc-a7fe-c024bd287569&utm_campaign=199f646b-68a5-41f7-82de-8a549f823c43&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=ceae1640-2bfb-4a34-af39-02b55e4aecee&cid=8bec1d4c-3773-415a-83c2-1694daa095a4 a taster:

Putting It Altogether. (Below) Moderna & Pfizer and others, have made a 19 nucleotide sequence and 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site mRNA (between 2010 and 2016) to modify the human body with a 19 nucleotide Moderna specific chimeric (CGG for AGA) furin cleavage site, 99% Graphene Oxide injection, with a 3 Trillion to 1 proof that they did, which makes a nanoprocessor driven by a 5G antenna that goes directly to the workings of our brain, with a 10 digit call sign, which goes where - human or computer - which is totally illegal medical/scientific research for secret use on humans, as is the Pfizer contract (I have a secret Pfizer copy) and presumably the Moderna contract, that governments knowingly, illegally signed, understanding the ramifications involved, to make electronic/computerised/modified advanced humans, after those not suitable, have been exterminated - I wonder if DARPA is involved with this - Bill Gates - I would say, certainly.

Which is NOT the mRNA vaccine, that we were told it is, or its purpose, which removes their blanket immunity from prosecution and holds them all accountable in any Court Of Law.

and if you feel it has merit, by all means, copy it onto your substack, as I shall "eventually"

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HI Mathew... the problem is actually worse.

The whole charade of Covid MPox and so is designed to get your DNA.

They are building a Genetic Database... actually a database of everything and the main company is called "Clearview AI" which is a company by an Israeli spy (spied on Rudy Guilliani) and a former Gay model.

The aim is not only Genetic surveillance but "Genetically Targeted Biological Warfare".

What that means is they can genetically target any group with a genetic poison that targets this specific group but is harmless to others.

Furthermore they can split this poison in two or three components that individually are harmless but in combination deadly...

Like Coke and Mentos for example which together are a explosive reaction.

Better read this article I wrote about this


Also and that is for everyone if you want to understand Transhumanism...

I wrote this Article based of Franz Kafka's "Metamorphosis" which in retrospect is a Transhumanist Novel if you interpret it that way.

Even if not I use this novel (one of my favorite) to describe Transhumanism so people can understand.


What we are facing is nothing short of a genetic Holocaust.

Actually we must rethink who we are and face reality that we never been alone and controlled by an unseen enemy that lives together with us in parallel societies.

They are all behind this stuff... with the aim to wipe us out.

We are the creation that outgrown our creator race which is a dying race... let them die.


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"Putin questions America’s creepy collection of Russian DNA for possible bio-weapons program" November 1, 2017

"In recent months, the US Air Force has issued calls for ethnic Russians to provide DNA samples for a mysterious “research” program. US Air Force Captain Beau Downey claimed that the samples were required for “locomotor studies to identify various biomarkers associated with trauma.”."...

..."While it is unclear if such a weapon has ever successfully been developed, the US and Israel have in the past, attempted to create such a devastating bio-genetic weapon."

"In the late 1990s, it was reported that Israel had successfully created a biogenetic weapon which was specifically designed to target Arabs and only Arabs."


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