He covers a lot of esoteric side of science like the cult side of the Third Reich and other groups. Also Steiner, Blavatsky, Gurdjieff are of interest to him. He's not sure what genetic trait they are looking for but thinks they might want someone with future viewing ability. That would be handy. Sort of a Paul Atreides after the spice trip.
Not really a theory just his suspicions. You'd have to ask him for more details. I don't know what to make of it myself. He does connect a lot of dots (not always accurately he openly admits) so it makes for great thinking and a lot of "hmmm" moments. He calls a lot of his stuff "high octane speculation and this particular one "out to the very end of the twig speculation".
"..."they" are looking for someone. Someone with a unique genetic makeup."
That is a very interesting idea. A virus can be configured to target individual genomes. Those "They" could be the outer-space-aliens abducting people right and left.
I mention this because - and I don't know if it's true, but people are saying - the aliens select their abduction targets as well as their intergenerational offspring (extremely common according to research) by viral tagging. What they're apparently selecting for are specific genetic configurations capable of interdimensional travel.
Dr. Joseph P. Farrell thinks that "they" are looking for someone. Someone with a unique genetic makeup.
The Kwisatz Haderach?
I'm right here, fools!
Kidding aside...what's his theory?
LOL. Love the Dune ref.
He covers a lot of esoteric side of science like the cult side of the Third Reich and other groups. Also Steiner, Blavatsky, Gurdjieff are of interest to him. He's not sure what genetic trait they are looking for but thinks they might want someone with future viewing ability. That would be handy. Sort of a Paul Atreides after the spice trip.
That sounds pretty fantastical. What's the most solid piece of evidence of his theory?
Not really a theory just his suspicions. You'd have to ask him for more details. I don't know what to make of it myself. He does connect a lot of dots (not always accurately he openly admits) so it makes for great thinking and a lot of "hmmm" moments. He calls a lot of his stuff "high octane speculation and this particular one "out to the very end of the twig speculation".
"..."they" are looking for someone. Someone with a unique genetic makeup."
That is a very interesting idea. A virus can be configured to target individual genomes. Those "They" could be the outer-space-aliens abducting people right and left.
I mention this because - and I don't know if it's true, but people are saying - the aliens select their abduction targets as well as their intergenerational offspring (extremely common according to research) by viral tagging. What they're apparently selecting for are specific genetic configurations capable of interdimensional travel.
Makes sense, I guess.