Oct 3Liked by Mathew Crawford

As somebody who was there just in time to see some of these incidents, I can admit I felt like I was watching family tear apart. It's childish and silly but I really look up to the people I got to know in this fight. To me, Mathew has always been clear and steadfast and I believe that he's owed a lot of credit. I say this because working closely with him for some time taught me a lot, and he hasn't changed since I started focusing on other things. For whatever my word is worth I will testify that of all things Mathew deserves a lot of credit, and has been treated in ways that make me question the point of engaging on these fronts.

In theory, I share Uwe's desire for relaxing the high and mighty decorum rules in the name of getting to the truth, but that requires also tolerating some uncertainty and giving others the benefit of the doubt. For somebody advocating for clearing the air, Uwe certainly didn't treat the comment section like "Neutral territory". The irony of the post and the moderation is not lost on me.

This has always lead to me being apprehensive about Substack being a big discussion platform for these talks. There is hardly any " neutral ground" mostly just roving bands of people following their favorites. Which I can admit to being guilty of myself.

I have been surprised to the degree you've (Mathew) been seemingly "memory holed" by the wider discussion considering your demonstrated contributions and clear ability to contribute further. I can personally say that many of the lessons you share are quite hard to learn emotionally and intellectually, which I believe is a disadvantage in these circumstances.

I am glad you've put this out.

What I would love to know from others in this space, is this all common?

Who else has experienced this kind of treatment?

It seems like the goal for this entire time has been to bully independent thinkers away from asking difficult questions in the face of bandwagons.

And one has to wonder what the point in sticking around even is, given the infantismally small upside.

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There is a woman named Leslie Manookian who may have experienced similar levels of attack and memory holing. She produced a documentary that took a critical look at vaccines perhaps a decade ago, and I believe another one more recently. I only spoke with her one time, and I regretted that it was after last year when getting sick caused me to scale back and finally get some rest. Perhaps I should call her again. My understanding is that she has been through multiple lawsuits, though I haven't taken the time to read through any of that to understand it. My priority list would take a hundred hours a day to complete, frustratingly.

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I watched her on the MD4CE international podcast.

Here's a link: https://rumble.com/v569gbt-leslie-manookian.html

I like the QA part better than the presentation. Leslie speaks more freely there, and at some points she comments about homeopathy favorably.

About homeopathy, I was always angry about the lack of curiosity of the people of my former classical liberal tribe. My reasoning was that since it's obvious that State sponsored medicine barely can cure anything and makes healthy people sick, and given that the founder (Samuel Hahneman) of that modality of Western Medicine died very wealthy in an more economically free environment (meaning that his clients chose to go visit him and buy his remedies and they repeated, without advertising brainwashing and without being forced to finance social security because it hadn't been invented yet, so their money spoke more freely, and he was not getting rich like today's "pharmacists" who use the legislative power to force people to buy their tests and their drugs) that tells us that we should not be anathematizing curiosity about it. I mean, maybe there is some actual cure for anything there.

And also I never shared that obsession about not being molecules there because of the high dilutions. It's just not the case that only chemistry causes harm or healing. Heat, for example, can cause harm or healing. Materialism is false, and it's just too lazy to always appeal to the "laws of nature" to avoid looking into socially tabooed topics.

Anyway. I like Leslie Manookian: she's not a pessimist, she's a clear thinker, and the minders among us blackball her and her message.

Crazy thought for today: can homeopathic remedies be used as a bioweapon?

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A quick thought about homeopathy, or at least the original principle of "like cures like":

I suspect that there are reasons why some pieces of a biological system respond that way, so I think of the core principle of homeopathy as something that can guide research. But systems are complex, so some attempts will fail. The best doctor is likely one who understands such a scientific view of that principle, and simply makes use of the best available medicines and techniques.

I will view the link you shared. Thank you.

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It can be very difficult to discern and gleam character from behind a screen. But having met Mathew in person now, and for whatever my word is worth, I have found him to be a man of integrity and kindness even if his intellect is orders of magnitude higher than the average bear. And although I haven’t met you in person, Gabe, (yet!), I hope one day we do share the same air because I have found your presence in my life to be positive, engaging, and highly insightful.

And they say you don’t meet anyone cool or worth investing friendships in after you turn 40!

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"I felt like I was watching family tear apart"

I have felt just what you comment in a few other cases with unrelated people (some of who turned out to be actual double agents.)

I think some people would call this feeling something in the field of PTSD. In my own case, that label is a probably true explanation. But I don't know your case.

I've become more used to these things over time. The feeling is expressed with lessened intensity now.

I think sticking to logic instead of following passionate arguments is the key to take control of this problem. Reality versus theater.

What I've seen about bullies is that they are most often just stooges of a puppeteer. I don't attack the puppets, and I rather would go directly for the neck of the operator. And it may take some time to discover where he is and who he is, and one may have to spy on the bullies to gather info to learn where that information.

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Attacking the puppets is largely a waste of time. I moved toward a policy of framing the template of their attack as a way for people to see and recognize the tactic. I think the more people recognize it, the less profitable the attack. As the value of such attacks declines, the cost-benefit ratio of deploying teams of psychological operatives moves toward zero.

Uwe was the first person to respond with a misunderstanding of one of these templates, at least in my memory. It made me feel a little sad, and my response to that was mildly hasty after I'd been extremely patient leading up to that point.

One problem is that the puppeteers are often unseen. I think the goal is to turn anyone into an asset or agent in the Matrix. We don't really know who they are, and their agendas are often well masked. But there is greater and lesser value in response to various pieces of the asset chain. My goal is, generally speaking, to be plain and educational---give the reader something to discover, hence this article.

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I was warning someone about the Weinstein brothers this week and recommended they go read you, in return they recommended I go read JJ Coey. So the right names are being bandied around on Substack. I had to subscribe to like this post btw. Turns out I was a Subscriber I had just lost my password.

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Many thanks for your support!

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Oct 3Liked by Mathew Crawford

Mathew: I think very highly of Leslie Manookian. It was her film, “The Greater Good,” which she showed at the 2011 (or possibly later) Wise Traditions conference, which launched me into a deep dive into vaccination and medical quackery in general, and since coming to RTE, into understanding all the rest of the fuckery we’ve been subject to. In fact, this (deep dive into the medical program) is why I knew the plandemonium was a psyop from the beginning. I deeply appreciate the research and writing you do; it has been remarkably helpful in my ability to recognize bullshit for what it is. So subtle and sophisticated the brainwashing has become.

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Everything stated here is why I canceled all my subscriptions on Substack. I was once optimistic that truth lived here. Turned out more like mental masochism. So the truth ship has sailed. But look at me. Re-upping with Mathew. Go figure.

I was a cheerleader for Couey and since my departure have no idea what this latest rift is about? But I will say one of the last straws for me was Yeadon pretending contagion doesn’t exist. Anyone who’s ever had kids (or grew up in a family?!) knows contagion is real. Give me a break.

I don’t care what anyone’s semantics are. Call Covid “Disease X” for all I care. But do not call it psychosomatic. Disease X was real. I had it. Family had it. Friends had it. The younger you were the easier it was. I couldn’t smell things for a year. still can’t taste things with the same acuity I once did. The inflammation and tiredness was off the charts. Anyone insisting Disease X wasn’t real is either a fool or selling an agenda. I don’t care how many stupid letters are after their names.

There are two clear paths that intersect the malfeasance unleashed onto our unsuspecting souls. The Social avenue which highlights the suspicious behaviors of our masters and the people they affected. And, the Biological avenue which is the involvement of all the sciencey stuff.

The Social path is an easy walk. And probably should be focused on more because it builds a foundational awareness for validating a deep suspicion. There’s a lot in the behavioral dance that can be easily unpacked and cannot be easily obfuscated or explained away by excuse mongering.

The Biological path is a rocky road that can and is weaponized in countless ways. It’s hard for most people to know what to believe or whom to trust. And that includes a lot of lettered people, not just average folks. The depth of the psyops is deep here. Common sense and distillation is helpful. As is not believing in heroes.

From day-one the origin of Disease X has been on Frappe in the media blender. Bats, Pangolins, Wet Markets, Wuhan Institute, UNC. Take your pick. Spinning origin into a froth completely plastered over conversation about what Disease X actually is? How it was created? Spread? And, most importantly, whether it was intentional?

Until those questions are answered therapy for long covid is shadow boxing.

These days the focus appears to be laser focused on the mRNA vaccines. Lots of glacially moving pushback taking center stage. Again, taking eyes off the aforementioned big questions while accomplishing nothing of meaningful value. Does it look like mRNA will be banned? And if in the ensuing months or years it is, will everyone celebrate and go home completely forgetting what’s really important? Probably.

It’s shame we’re being veered into so many dead ends by people posturing themselves as of value in this “fight.” I don’t blame most people for their hero worship and misunderstanding. This Disease X thing was a well planned crime against humanity that is still unfolding.

Despite the hard stop of worry after Spanish, Bird, Swine, SARS, MERS and all the rest, don’t forget kids, be afraid, be very afraid there are variants afoot waiting to kill you at any moment. Kindly Geert and flinty Sirotkin will explain the catastrophe to you in convincing ways that, like climate change, never materialize but will keep you on the edge of your seat for the rest of your miserable life.

We are always being led. I am disappointed about JJ. I thought his strategically released infectious clone theory was pretty plausible. Has he given up on that? What changed?

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Uwe Alschner is one of these skilled Scooby bus riders. One time he posted this tweet: "Here is a 🧵about why everyone should be very sceptical about the 'leaders' of 'our movement' for 'health freedom', especially those in #teamWorstCaseScenario like @Kevin_McKernan: They seem to engage in #debate when challenged, but only within a #LimitedSpectrum." [https://x.com/klartext_blog/status/1800462718740345223] A lot of these people are just repeating whatever catchphrases they hear from a charismatic preacher, but they have limited capacity to think for themselves.

A few months ago Alschner published a Substack post that said: "This week, Mark Kulacz, who recently devoted a lot of time to pin down connections between the Vatican (Pope Francis endorsed the transfection shots) and prominent scientists such as Stanley Prusiner, or Hilary Koprowski, has released a video about a connection that might be even more troubling and far reaching: 'The Vatican, either just by chance, wound up with a lot of notes about research which was extremely valuable... or even worse, the Vatican was actively involved as an intermediate.'" [https://neveragainisnowglobal.substack.com/p/long-covid-latent-viruses-koprowski]

Housatonic got the story that the Vatican held Mengele's secret research diaries from a paper by Bogdan Musial. [https://x.com/HousatonicLive/status/1792971188857147734] However he only saw the free preview of the paper, but he missed the full version at Sci-Hub which said at the end that the whole story turned out to be a scam. [https://sci-hub.ee/https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.clindermatol.2021.07.005] The author has now also written a book about the case titled "The Fake Prison Doctor of Auschwitz: Uncovering the Truth Behind Holocaust Fraudsters". [https://www.amazon.com/Fake-Prison-Doctor-Auschwitz-Uncovering/dp/1399044052] The description of the book says: "However, after some time, doubts regarding the authenticity of the documents began to emerge. Thus, what promised to be a sensational historical breakthrough, soon turned into a criminal investigation into one of the greatest historical fraud attempts in recent decades. / At the end of the second investigation, the person behind the forged documents was brought to trial and sentenced on 22 counts of fraud. This book thoroughly examines the way the fraud evolved over the span of three decades and how it succeeded in convincing so many people, while also comparing it to other historic hoaxes, particularly those concerning the Holocaust."

I have told Kulacz multiple times that the story was fake on Twitter, Discord, and Rumble. But he still keeps talking about how the Vatican may have held Mengele's secret research diaries, which might be because it was a fundamental piece of his George Webbian narrative woven out of whole cloth where he tied Hilary Koprowski to Mengele. Or maybe he knows the story about Mengele's diary is fake but he is intentionally producing disinformation.


I always thought that the business idea of the Housatonic ITS company seemed weird, because how many citizen journalists are there who need affordable backup services? Who are even his clients? George Webb or Harry the Greek? It seemed like some kind of a shell company.

However a month ago Kulacz said that he started the Housatonic ITS company because he needed to create a fictional company: "I needed to create a fictional company for one of the last two jobs that I had. And what the heck, just for fun, just for giggles if you will, I decided to name it Housatonic Information Technology Services, because I needed to create a fictional managed services provider, an MSP. And then because the company I was working at the time Datto, serviced managed service providers - and I didn't even know what an MSP was at that time - so I set up the company fictionally, you know, I set up a little website, Google account, etc. And had some fun with it, if you will, as a product marketing director at Datto, and I also did some work as their first competitive intelligence director, although they really didn't know exactly how to use the role effectively." [https://rumble.com/v5b06v9-new-addition-to-earlycovidsurvivors.com-jane-ruby-opioid-expert-first-twitc.html, time 7:59] He didn't explain why he needed to create the fictional company, so maybe it doesn't have any nefarious purpose, even though it's interesting that Kulacz also worked as a competitive intelligence director at Datto.

There's an old snapshot of the Housatonic ITS website from 2018, but it doesn't seem to mention that it's a fictional company. [http://web.archive.org/web/20181014163827/https://sites.google.com/a/housatonicits.com/home/]

However it seems unusual that the company not only had a profile at Twitter, but it also had a profile at Gab in 2018. [https://gab.com/HousatonicITS] If Kulacz created the company under the auspices of his employer, then would he want the company to be connected to his controversial political posts on Gab? Even though actually the Gab account seems to have just been a mirror of the Twitter account. Its bio didn't mention that the company was fictional, but it just said: "Small New England IT managed services provider (MSP) for nonprofits. Storage. #Backup #NAS #Networking #SharePoint Twitter @ HousatonicITS #MAGA". I didn't see any posts about backup services on the Gab account, and I didn't even see any post about the Housatonic ITS company, but most posts on the account were about political and conspiracy topics. He also retweeted a tweet about a Q drop.

So did he turn Housatonic ITS from a fictional to real company at some point? Or is it still a fake company?


Last January George Webb blocked Housatonic after he tweeted: "If the FBI were involved with social media influencers, it would be smart if they had people in place as citizen journalists who put on a show of exposing FBI corruption". I asked Housatonic that didn't he do his alt media debut on a YouTube channel that was launched together by the son of a high-level FBI agent and a spook citizen journalist. But he answered "Yes I did. But I didn't know then, what I know now." [https://x.com/HousatonicLive/status/1742404612819210380]

But anyway it's suspicious that Housatonic was a whistleblower about Democrat emails, which was a topic that was covered extensively by George Webb. Some people were saying that Seth Rich leaked the DNC emails because he gained access to the emails while he was working as IT staff for DNC, even though Wikipedia says they were released by Russian hackers instead. But George Webb gained a lot of his early audience by doing videos about the Seth Rich case, and the whole "who spoofed the Seth Rich files" LARP was started by Jason Goodman and George Webb. [https://burners.me/tag/seth-rich/]

Steve Outtrim wrote: "Like so many 'ex' intelligence people, Patrick Bergy got his alt-media start on Jason Goodman's 'Crowdsource the Truth' channel. Soon after he was interviewed by George Webb, and soon after that he filed his 'qui tam' lawsuit". [https://burners.me/2020/08/18/millie-freed-illuminati-recruiter-defango-maga-coalitions-biggest-donor/] However the third person in alt media I found who interviewed Patrick Bergy was another self-described citizen journalist called Mark Kulacz. There were almost no references to Bergy on Twitter until late 2019 when he appeared several times on Jason Goodman's YouTube channel, but after that some of the earliest references to him are about his interviews with George Webb and Kulacz. [https://twitter.com/search?q=until%3A2020-1-1+%22patrick+bergy%22&f=live] I believe the first two guests on Housatonic's channel were John O'Loughlin who is the son of a high-level FBI agent and Patrick Bergy who worked for the military contractor Dynology as an expert in cyber warfare. [https://sites.google.com/housatonicits.com/live/episodes]

Housatonic's LinkedIn profile says that he worked as a "competitive intelligence analyst" at Dell. [https://www.linkedin.com/in/markkulacz/] Dell is a contractor for the CIA and NSA, and Edward Snowden is supposed to have worked as "the lead technologist on Dell's CIA account" while he was employed as an NSA contractor at Dell. [http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/15/usa-security-snowden-dell-idUSL2N0GF11220130815] Snowden's resume said that he was an "expert in cyber counterintelligence" at Dell. Snowden is supposed to have gained access to some of the information he leaked because he worked at Dell, just like Housatonic. So Housatonic was kind of like the Snowden of the Qtards.

Kulacz and Seth Rich and Bergy are not the only IT whistleblowers George Webb is connected to, because Webb also said that "I met Julian Assange in Australia in 1984 when he was a kid." [http://web.archive.org/web/20200108071732/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDAZ3pF9jIw&t=5m45s] Steve Outtrim wrote: "George Webb claims to have known Julian Assange since he was a teenager, and to have been a participant in delivering information to WikiLeaks by giving thumb drives to Michael Ratner, Ellen's late brother. He did this from the Harvard Club at dinner with Jerome Corsi and Jason Goodman, calling into the Hagmann Report." [https://burners.me/2019/07/28/larpwars-part-2-moving-the-goalposts/] George Webb also wrote: "While I was reporting on NADRA Bank in June of 2017, a seemingly stunning post from 2012 that Julian Assange had made about NADRA was reposted by Assange - TWICE. I will never forget Assange posting NADRA 2012 emails twice while I was doing broadcasts on the story, and I will never forget the Pakistanis immediate denial." [http://web.archive.org/web/20220717173755/https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/assange-predicted-ukraine-war-with]

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I will look through your links, as usual. Thanks for sharing them.

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In a comment at Uwe Alschner's Substack you wrote that "Mark [Kulacz] was involved in an operation with General Michael Flynn (psyop specialist) prior to the plandemonium." (https://neveragainisnowglobal.substack.com/p/people-who-aspire-to-lead-a-unity/comment/71158206) What do you mean by that?

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Mark told me that he was the "whistleblower" about a backup of Hillary's email server being held by the company he worked for before he became an independent researcher. That was the scandal over which Flynn went to jail and had to be pardoned.

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Oct 4Liked by Mathew Crawford

Holy shit. Housatonic hasn't talked too much about his past as a whistleblower so I'm not familiar with the details of the story. I don't know if he mentioned it in some of his pre-COVID videos but a lot of them have now been deleted.

Last year I was inspired by your "Continuity From QAnon to Plandemonium" post to start writing an article about people linked to Q and Cicada 3301 who have promoted disinformation about COVID. But I never finished writing it because I spent the next month debunking all of the bad analysis of Barry Young's data by Kirsch et al.

But I think I discovered an important new piece to the puzzle a few months ago. Paul Cottrell was part of the same circle of COVID YouTubers as Kulacz and Couey, and all of them appeared in panels hosted by George Webb's mini-me Addy Adds (who coauthored at least 5 books with George Webb and who even wrote a book about George Webb). [https://thedukereport.com/authors/addy-adds/] Couey tweeted: "Even crazier when you realize that my first ever live streams of any kind were invites to join Paul Cottrell of Operation George Webb, Addy Ads of Operation George Webb, and McCairn...five weekends in a row. McCairn had a solo stream with Ads-Webb one week before. All in on it." [https://x.com/jjcouey/status/1827727108979724547] Cottrell was George Webb's go-to guy for COVID science.

However Cottrell posted a Cicada 3301 puzzle on his YouTube channel, and he appeared on Michael Decon's radio show together with Thomas Schoenberger who said that he was a big fan of Cottrell's channel. [http://sars2.net/pfizerstew.html#J_J_Coueys_Mossad_t_shirt]

In February 2020 Cottrell became known as "the American whistleblower" in China after one of his YouTube videos went viral in China. [https://www.baidu.com/s?wd=%22paul+cottrell%22&gpc=stf%3D1580508000%2C1583013600%7Cstftype%3D2, https://www.bilibili.com/video/av91204053/] In the video Cottrell said that a follower of his YouTube channel contacted him on Facebook and sent him screenshots of a text message conversation. Cottrell said that his follower received the text messages from someone who worked at the CDC who said that the CDC was covering up the number of COVID cases in the U.S., and that there were already over a thousand COVID cases. However the same fake screenshots of text messages had been published about three days before Cottrell by Hal Turner, who said that the text messages were not leaked by the person who received the text messages but by his 18-year-old son who took the screenshots on his father's phone. [https://rootvoid.com/2020/02/15/alleged-c-d-c-text-messages-say-over-1000-infected-with-coronavirus-in-u-s-a-being-deliberately-concealed/, https://www.reddit.com/r/Coronavirus/comments/f2wemh/comment/fhqrge1/, https://x.com/ryanfiredragon/status/1228414604998475777] And even earlier the same screenshots had been posted on TikTok on January 27th 2020 UTC. [http://web.archive.org/web/20200226155731/https://www.tiktok.com/%40user58406547] The screenshots were probably fake because they showed the name of the sender as "Nancy Messonnier (CDC)" even though the Messages application on iOS only displays the first name of the sender. [https://x.com/benplowman/status/1231447635338264576/]

Cottrell's YouTube video about the text messages was published on February 17th in an unknown timezone, but a few days before it Hal Turner published a blog post about the same text messages that was dated February 14th. [http://web.archive.org/web/20200313152829/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dw_68tV6c0, http://web.archive.org/web/20230628230838/https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/alleged-c-d-c-text-messages-say-over-1-000-infected-with-coronavirus-in-u-s-a-being-deliberately-concealed] When someone on a Chinese website asked if Paul Cottrell's video was legit, another user linked to Hal Turner's blog post and indicated that it supported Cottrell's story. [https://www.zhihu.com/question/373999679]

However my new discovery was that Hal Turner has worked as an FBI informant according to his own testimony in court. [http://web.archive.org/web/20080118203302/http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080117/NEWS/801170326/-1/NEWS, https://archive.ph/soTD7#selection-505.0-512%2e0] In 2005 Hal Turner attempted to stage a sequel to the Oklahoma City bombing together with a patsy he was working with: "It was a plot similar to the Oklahoma City bombing: neo-Nazi Bill White was said to have had plans in October 2008 to attack a Roanoke, Virginia federal building with a truck bomb in retaliation for legal proceedings taking place against him there. Except this time, the 'plot' was non-existent, coming from a dubious source in former FBI informant and convicted felon Hal Turner. [...] '[The FBI informant Hal] Turner went to these two guys and told them to set me up so he could get his informant contract back ... they concocted a story that I [planned to] blow up Barack Obama with a truck bomb,' White told Dr. Ostrov in 2016, according to the doctor's report. [...] But then, in 2010, FBI informant Turner admitted in court that he told the feds about the phony federal building bomb plot. Turner had been arrested for inciting violence against three federal judges, and he was testifying in court that he was an important asset to the FBI." [https://headlineusa.com/fed-files-iii-fbi-informants-phony-obama-truck-bomb-tip-spurred-federal-probe/] In 2020 Qtards were saying that Chinese troops tried to invade USA through the Quebec-Maine border but they got bombed to death, but someone tracked the origin of the story to Hal Turner's blog. [https://x.com/aobrien2010/status/1338675691655663616] In his blog post Hal Turner cited unnamed "intelligence sources" as his source, and he also linked to two of his blog posts from the previous week which claimed that Chinese troops were stationed in Canada. [http://web.archive.org/web/20201025014401/https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/news-nation/u-s-moving-self-propelled-artillery-to-border-with-quebec-reports-of-uniformed-chinese-troops-in-canada]

So I don't know if Cottrell was being fed disinformation which he promoted unwittingly or if he was a willing accomplice in promoting disinformation. But I suspect the latter option is more likely given his connection to Cicada 3301 and George Webb.

Steve Outtrim wrote: "It has now come out that Cicada 3301 was founded by Bruce C. Clarke, Jr. the former head of the CIA's research division, and co-founder Thomas Schoenberger previously worked for the Pentagon, possibly on remote viewing projects such as STARGATE or GRILL FLAME." [https://burners.me/2019/06/22/latest-weapon-in-the-infowar-data-maps/] Schoenberger posted a comment to the post where he just wrote "Excellent work."

The official website of Cicada 3301 has a list of their alumni which includes 3 people, who are Schoenberger's mentor Bruce Cooper Clarke, Iona Miller, and Ian Murdock who created Debian Linux. [https://www.cicada3301official.com/pages/alumni.html]

Iona Miller wrote that when she met her husband Richard Alan Miller, "We had both come up with a strong background in Theosophy." [https://ionamiller.weebly.com/wizard-of-oz.html] Her old bio said that "Iona is on the editorial board of JNLRMI, which scientifically investigates quantum biophysics and psi phenomena including remote healing and remote viewing." [http://web.archive.org/web/20040405091528/http://subcutaneous.org/Iona.html] Richard Alan Miller claims that he worked for the super soldier program, even though it might be a lie because he also claims that he had an encounter with an alien at an Antarctic underground Nazi base. [https://www.richardalanmiller.com/about-ram]

Richard Alan Miller has been featured as a guest of the Leak Project and Oppenheimer Ranch Project channels on YouTube, which were the first two channels I found where Paul Cottrell appeared as a guest, and in fact Cottrell and Richard Alan Miller appeared as guests on consecutive episodes of Oppenheimer Ranch Project in February 2020. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJHy6u5Yrwd5lVj0KJnz-i6ubTAPg6CcV]

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Good work. From what I have seen, this sort of fact targeting and collection is one of your primary talents. We may not always agree (we often disagree on the stats, and some interpretations), but you have a knack for this sort of open source data arrangement.

The Millers are particularly interesting since they are involved in Remote Viewing. Is this why Mark hates me? He was QAnon, and his response to the lawsuit over the rape camp in my community was to mock me, not to promote it as evidence of organized child abuse (or dig deeper, to the military trafficking ring under the hood)? His story and personality fail to make sense on an lot of levels.

A friend did a background check, and though he makes it sound like he is financially suffering in his streams, he seems to own a home valued at $1.35M, with what appears to be a rental property nearby. And he has some profile that I haven't fully deciphered that involves...climate change.

Now, the question is whether Couey, who did tell me that George Webb was Mossad (but never explained after I asked repeatedly why he thought that) decided to [falsely] attack me, but keep Mark close. Very curious.

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Well one thing we can probably agree on is that Steve Kirsch is a statistical knucklehead.

I don't know if Webb is actually Mossad, but it's something that people have suspected because one time he said that he has homies at French Mossad. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKBC3gChmKQ]

In June 2023, George Webb tweeted: "@MHageulah Mossad connected is not Mossad payroll. I had three Mossad informants in 2017 who gave me their tups in writing over proteon mail. Those records can be subpoened." [https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1673727422036844545] Next he replied: "@MHageulah Should have been tips. Sorry. I really had it laid out for me with the Mossad MO in America in 2017 by several folks who were married to diplomats in three different countries." [https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1673741217656455188]

Someone also tweeted: "During the 2016 election Webb admitted on live stream he's working for Israeli intelligence." [https://twitter.com/fennougrian/status/1675952421028151298] But George Webb replied: "Nope, just some folks that claimed to be Mossad sent me intel about Braverman." [https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1675981998077116420]

But anyway, in 2017 Webb did say himself that he used to work with Dutch intelligence in New York. He said: "So, let me - I was talking about Mossad earlier. So, so, I didn't know that these people that were presenting themselves - little bit at a time - 'Oh, I'm just a diplomat. Oh, I'm just actually, uh, well, actually I had some intelligence background way back when. Oh, actually, um, I did a few operations. Oh, well, I might still do occasional stuff for blah blah blah. Oh, yeah, actually I am French intel.' That kinda procedure. And this happened to me with the Dutch. And now I'm just - I'm gonna let everybody know right now, I used to work with the Dutch in New York. So it wasn't Russia. And I did drops." [https://www.pscp.tv/w/1ynKOjWpwBVxR, time 10:45]

George Webb has written a book about Erasmus Medical Center where Couey worked, and last year Webb was the main person in alt media who was investigating a mass shooting at the EMC.

Jason Goodman's current sidekick John Cullen also speaks Dutch, or at least he has posted several tweets in Dutch. [https://x.com/search?q=from%3AI_Am_JohnCullen%20lang%3Anl&f=live] So why are there so many Dutch connections in this circle?


When I tried searching for evidence if Schoenberger was actually part of Stargate Project, I found a tweet which said this about him: "He claimed he was in the CIA's Stargate Project when he was 19, and claimed he worked covertly Behind Enemy Lines for decades with Bruce C. Clarke, Jr., Deputy Director of Intelligence, CIA." [https://x.com/straymagnet1/status/1139973312937938946] However it didn't cite any sources.

Brian Word has done post-production for videos on Thomas Schoenberger's Sophia Musik channel, which often used to include a screen at the end that says "Post Prod. by Word" like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUC8tIRox-g&t=3m43s.

Brian Word is known as DualDuels on Reddit, and his former Twitter account was DualityMan and his current account is JohnnyDubya1703. He posted this on Reddit (where a slash indicates a paragraph break): "Army Ranger Commander - DOD Stargate program / David Morehouse said we live infinite lives. Google David Morehouse -soul Survival (YouTube) / We will Ride Again Brother. And again and again .. I did some work for a Fort Meade, SRI remote viewer. I was set up to meet Jim Channon, but he died three weeks before. Bummer." [https://www.reddit.com/r/GarandThumb/comments/17a992s/comment/k5h10zk/] In another Reddit post he wrote: "Aspergers has its upsides and downsides. Been Assembling ARs since I was 9, back in 1982. (I had a Sporter 2 colt, mint $600 ) I get bored. Should have joined the service. Now I make psyop videos for former intelligence community fossils." [https://www.reddit.com/r/GarandThumb/comments/17a992s/comment/k5ce8y8/]

This video featured an audio clip where Terris Renfro said: "Brian started telling me about Thomas - after I'd already started doing videos for Thomas, under - when his name was Stealth on Twitter, ok. I didn't even know it was the same dude. Brian was feeding information about Thomas cause he was all excited, 'Hey, I'm working with a CIA guy. He's part of Project Stargate. They do remote viewing, and they talk with aliens and all this shit.'" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMyTOQdNkDU&t=4m40s] At the start of the video there was a clip of an old video that Renfro did with Brian Word and Schoenberger, where Renfro said that he was friends with Word and he had done videos for Schoenberger.

However it was third-hand information so I don't know if it's correct, and people associated with Cicada are notorious for starting false rumors and fabricating screenshots.

The same video featured screenshots of a Twitter DM conversation where Schoenberger is supposed to have said: "I was thrown into something called Is5142 or Stargate. Bruce rescued me in 1980", and next he wrote "Keep that private please....I was recruited because I see the future.." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMyTOQdNkDU&t=7m50s] I'm not sure if the first letter in Is5142 is i or L, but I didn't find any results by googling for `"ls5142" "stargate"` either way. Next the person Schoenberger is supposed to have had the DM conversation wrote this about George Webb's brother Dave Acton: "Holy shit! Dave Acton once said he was involved in Remote Viewing in the AF is it like that?" And then Schoenberger is supposed to have posted messages that said "Yes", "I was there start baby.. Their number 1....", and "I escape their clutches...and now unleash my prophecy to the world, hidden within puzzles and music....". However I don't know if the screenshots are real, and if Schoenberger is supposed to be such a genius then why did he write like a moron? I also didn't find any other source which would've said that Dave Acton was involved with remote viewing.

Brian Word may have also done work for Schoenberger's cyber harrassment company called Shadowbox, because the same video featured a screenshot of an email from 2018 that Thomas Schoenberger is supposed to have sent to Ed Butowsky, where he wrote: "This is my dear buddy Brian. He is willing to help with Shadowbox and can even come out to help. He is honest, and very smart. He does incredible video work and is a great attack dog." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMyTOQdNkDU&&t=4m14s] However I don't know if the screenshot is fake or what its source is, or if Brian actually refers to Brian Word.

The PR guy for Shadowbox was Trevor Fitzgibbon, who is now the PR guy for Kirsch and VSRF, and he was listed as the "managing director" of RFK's American Values 24 PAC. [https://burners.me/2019/10/24/larp-wars-part-3-shadowbox/, https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevor-fitzgibbon-b7b000126/, https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/av24-the-super-pac-supporting-robert-f-kennedy-jrs-surging-candidacy-to-spend-between-10m%2d%2d%2d15m-to-pursue-ballot-access-in-ten-pivotal-states-302006018.html]

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I randomly wound up in chat with somebody who used to work with George Webb who thinks the idea that George is Mossad is silly.

I asked Peter Duke about the story that Webb admitting to being Mossad, and Peter said George jokes about that, but finds Mossad frightening.

I am leaning against it. Couey said Webb was Mossad, and multiple times I asked how he knew, and he never responded.

Trevor Fitzgibbon called me on the phone pretty angry that I wrote about him.


Is he a witting or unwitting tool?

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I now found a video by Kulacz dated April 2019, where he said the following: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTpvuAf-_jI]

> There was an accidental backup of Hillary Clinton's emails to an offsite backup server. That whole picture that you see regarding the email backups - and like in a bathroom server - that thing is a total hoax. It is not true, it's not the truth.

> The specific situation is that there was a backup device, a physical backup device from Datto Corporation used. It was paid for by the service provider that Hillary Clinton was using. And that system was making essentially hourly full disk image backups of her email server to an offsite location.

> A disk image backup is one where the entire image of the disk, including all of the blocks that are on the disk drives - the solid state drives, whether it be a solid state or a mechanical hard drive, everything - all the metadata, all the files, system metadata, everything necessary to reconstruct that system is backed up on hourly basis. That means that even if the data is logically deleted - well, you know what, unless the data is actually scrubbed - even if the data is scrubbed on the disk, there are backup copies and backups have a retention of up to several years.

> So even though Hillary Clinton's email server was bleached, bitted, even though that was the case, several years each hourly backup is going to be maintained. And before they did the bleached bit, the logical file deletions of the emails - those - that data would have been backed up as well. This stuff is all backed up to shared servers, which have a certain number of clients, which are in the cloud that Datto Corporation was maintaining.

> And it just so happens that - and that was digging in through some, one of those FBI reports. I happened to notice that there was a guy in there named Peter Strzok. I thought it was just bad handwriting or something. S-T-R-Z-O-K. And I started doing some digging. This is around, let's see here, 2017. And it appears as though Peter Strzock was called in to handle the situation as part of that whole FBI probe. And you can actually go through the documents for yourself and ensure enough back on October - make sure I got the date here - October 5th or October 6th, he and several other people went to the offsite data center and physically picked up the actual physical server that had those backup copies on it. Ever since October 2015, the FBI has had _the_ server with _the_ backup copies on it.

> You can look at the FBI file, you can look at the serial number of the system, it's a 36-drive system, I believe the manufacturer would have been a super micro.

> Of course, this means that all of the data that's on that system from other companies, which of course would have had the backup to it because these are our shared systems, would have also had their data unknowingly confiscated and owned and in position - in possession of - the FBI would have had that data in their possession. How awful is that?

So I was wrong when I said that Kulacz worked at Dell when he gained access to Hillary's emails, because it was Datto and not Dell. And I don't know if he actually had access to the contents of the emails but he seems to have just blown the whistle on the provenance of the emails.

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I found an article from October 2015 which said the following: [https://dailycaller.com/2015/10/06/employees-at-hillarys-it-company-worried-they-were-being-asked-to-cover-up-shady-st/]

> Employees at the Denver-based IT company that Hillary Clinton hired in 2013 to manage her private email network expressed concern that they were "covering up" something "shady."

> That's according to a letter sent Monday by Wisconsin U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson to Austin McChord, the CEO of Datto Inc., a Connecticut-based computer cloud storage company.

> According to Johnson, who chairs the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, a Clinton family company called the Clinton Executive Services Corp. hired the Denver company, Platte River Networks, on May 31, 2013 to oversee Clinton's private email network. Platte River in turn hired Datto to create a virtual backup server of Clinton's emails.

> During most of her tenure as secretary of state, Clinton used a server that she housed in her Chappaqua, N.Y. home. But data from that device was transferred to a Datto server controlled by Platte River, which housed the new hardware at a New Jersey data center.

> The FBI seized that server in August after the Intelligence Community inspector general discovered that Clinton aides had sent her two "top secret" emails. Clinton has claimed that she did not send or receive classified information on her server.

> [...]

> Johnson's letter also provides evidence that Datto may have copies of Clinton emails, raising hopes that the records could be compared to the 55,000 pages of documents Clinton turned over in December. Clinton has said that she has turned over all of her work-related emails, though many observers have questioned the claim.

> The FBI has already reportedly recovered some data from Clinton's server, despite claims she and her attorney have made that no information exists on the hardware.

So I don't understand what Housatonic's big revelation was, or which part of what he said was not already public information.

But anyway, I wonder if Datto is connected to intelligence if they were trusted with keeping backups of Hillary's sensitive emails (like Dell which is a contractor for the NSA and the CIA).

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In early 2020 George Webb said that Maatje Benassi brought the virus to the Wuhan Military Games, John Cullen said that the virus was actually H7N9, and Jason Goodman probably started the trend of filming empty hospitals in order to show that the pandemic was fake. And Youichi Shimatsu said that the virus was brought over from a Japanese biolab by Okinawan giant bats that flew to China and shat in the Yangze River where they infected genetically modified Tilapia fish developed by Israel. It seems like these citizen journalist guys were putting out a dozen different disinfo narratives so people were left confused and they wouldn't know what they should believe.

Recently these self-described citizen journalists seem to have played a similar role in muddying up the investigation of the Trump assassination attempt.

George Webb had a unique theory that the DNC emails were actually leaked by Eric Braverman who was the CEO of the Clinton Foundation. [http://web.archive.org/web/20240626205223/https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/we-all-need-to-be-braver-men] When I googled for `"eric braverman" "dnc emails"`, most of the results were related to George Webb. So could it be that Housatonic was promoting another disinfo narrative about the emails? In that case it may have been a lie that the emails were stored on servers provided by Datto.

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Possibly misinformation.

I sometimes worry that people intentionally crowd google results.

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Is there any ways to differentiate between someone under the influence of various forms of subtle, malicious, heirarchial mind control, and just a natural mental block ( if there is such a thing given the extent and length of the time frame used in brainwashing entire civilizations) from a lack of "accurate" information or familial conditioned belief systems or a simply an inflated ego with limited experience who has been validified by popularity?

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Author

This is like POSIWID. If there is nothing that distinguishes two states, they are the same.

If you stumble into a hypnotic state due to engaging in [generally parasocial] hero building/idolatry, you have placed yourself in a controlled state of mind.

In this case, I do think that Couey's image is being steered by people who understand the process, but that would take a substantial amount of explaining that I may or may not have time for.

One thing to realize is that outside of the very small bubble of people participating in the MFM sphere, there is almost nobody in the world who thinks that people did not get sick in an unusual way. I certainly did, and have talked to far too many trustworthy people to think they're all "in on it". The weak response I've been given is that this is all psychosomatic, but people were getting sick before the pandemic was announced, and with similar symptomology. Not only that, but were the illness psychosomatic, the first wave would not have been so largely confined to the NYC metropolitan area.

Outside the public MFM community, there is an active discussion as to whether infectious clones were used to trigger PCR, but something else made people sick. Before Couey started attacking me, we were discussing this hypothesis, but he seems to have just dropped it. Meanwhile, Yeadon has become surrounded by people chanting in his ear, "Nobody got sick. Nobody got sick. Nobody got sick."

Shouldn't some one of these scientists...perform an experiment? Even if its just a test of retrospective data?

I was told by Nick Hudson (IIRC) that there was no evidence of dispersion, but when I asked about the test that was run, he dropped conversation. This sort of interaction has been consistent, and I've had more and more people confirm to me stories that various people in MFM bubbles are instructing people not to talk to me. Meanwhile, I'm being lied about and smeared in a way that makes certain that I won't be welcome in conversation. Such information started up immediately after the San Juan Summit (I think coming from Jill Malone, whom I believe directed my ejection from the scene), but ramped up harshly after I refused to go along with the fake DMED data.

Watching Senator Johnson go on stage at the Rescue the Republic rally (which looked like a stark failure), I strongly suspect that much of the progression of events was mapped out, and that I had to be invisible lest I tell the truth about the data. It's been a disgusting ride.

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Knowing what exactly happened is a hard task, and may not yield much utility. Harping on about 'no virus' does not help except to divide MFM people, and further alienate investigation by 'normies'. Like all these FF attacks, what was in the 'black box' is unknown, and may never be known, but the inputs and outputs are known, and they always favour, and identify, the perpetrators. I try and avoid any 'Messiah Complex' but Mathew and Saha L are my favourite public investigators in this space, Prof Yeadon...I don't know why he has gone the no virus route now - that has no utility. I too was sick a couple of times, and anyone that has kids knows that they bring every sniffle home from school, so arguing against transmission contradicts life experience. Keep sharing Mat, haters gonna hate (arrgh, Swiftism), but we love you man!

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There is certainly transmission of something that goes on. And I do think there are questions as to what all gets transmitted that causes those sniffles. One of the horrifying things I discovered while doing all this pandemic research is that there are enumerable toxins that cause cold and flu like symptoms, and that some of these do indeed shed. So, I am far less certain of any particular model these days (though I'm still certain that some bacteria in the wrong concentrations are very dangerous, and antibiotics are often the solution).

All those tests in the NYC subways have made me scratch my head. If you found a low grade poison that causes symptoms for a fraction of the subway riders, you can claim an instant pandemic, then try to catch up later with the rest of the nation.

Seeing that the EVALI data fit a SIRS curve made me wonder lots of things.

I don't know the answers, but I know that we shouldn't make conclusive statements without identifying the known unknowns and respect the unknown unknowns. We still need experiments and model testing to actually do science.

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Thankyou Matthew!

In Room 101, the scientists are the respective data.

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