Thank you for your courage in speaking out. It is a balancing act isn't it to know who to trust and few of us have the time to look up all the actors. I have really appreciated your work in this area and also JJ Couey. Have you seen him speaking to the Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International? A friend posted it and had this to say about it which relates very much to your themes in these articles.

"There is a particularly interesting bit right at the end: 2:24:30 on ways in which popular "truth tellers" might have been arm-twisted into focussing on certain topics and ignoring others - really worth a listen;"


It sounds like you have experienced a lot of childhood trauma so even more kudos to you for being able to speak out and to do your best to bring reason and logic to the process. (-:

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It may be of value to point out the people who were the mouthpieces (knowingly part of the psyop or not) as extensions of the operation.

I am thinking primarily about "Dave" from the X22 Report.

I listened to him pretty consistently for a few months during the late Spring and Summer of 2020. He is the ultimate Q fanboy and had a huge following back then. Looking at "Dave's" primary streaming outlets (Rumble and Bitchute) he still has a decent following with regular viewers numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/n78PbEkvWx2g/

Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/X22Report

He also does interviews and a quick look at his video history includes a handful of the names on your list. Before "Dave's" YouTube page got scorched, I listened to some of his original videos from many years ago. He sounded like a complete podcasting novice on a low budget, far different from what he has become. This of course, can be a natural progression of him developing his chops, but working with the hypothesis of a long-established "astro-turf freedom movement" psyop, he could have been placed to naturally build his following and his skills at persuasion and engaging the audience. He speaks with an interesting and unique cadence and comes off as subserviant to "the plan" while being very authoritative in his delivery.

What I find most interesting - and very telling - is that he has never (to my knowledge) shown his face.

I would love to hear other people's ideas about "Dave" since his presence certainly drove the QAnon project for a very long time.

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I am suspicious of most all of the anonymous media actors.

I am suspicious of most anyone using the X symbolism, too. In fact, I included it in my graph.


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Nice chart, however, I would like to make a correction: I do not have ANY connections to Big Pharma (or small pharma) since 2014 when I fully sold my stock in my companies. Even while I worked in the industry, I was never an employee of a pharma company. pharmas were my clients and I was providing digital services. My relationship to them was like any supplier to large corporations, nothing more. So please do not assign to me motives or "influence" that I do not have.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023Author

That's fine. I am taking the "document eveything" approach in order to pattern hunt. Nothing there is an accusation about anyone. I feel that I do a good job of not writing before I connect and cite where I judge that it matters

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

So you did... That graph is sweet! Nice work.

"Dark Journalist" another person in the category of "media actors" has an ongoing series on "X-Steganography". He is an interesting player on a wider perspective, but this is about QAnon and the MFM so I'll leave it at that.

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The x is their calling card agree look how musk uses it

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I was on board with “Dave” too before the 2020 election but began to believe he was controlled opposition soon after. Here’s my concern: the man puts out two broadcasts a day without fail and an interview a week on “Spotlight” to boot. That is some serious work ethic, but barely a day off? It’s as if he is working for someone who is paying him handsomely, rather than just working like a dog out of his deep love and concern for America.

And over and over again, almost like brainwashing, he strives to convince his audience of this big plan in action to save the world. He has certain words he repeats ad naseum, certain phrases and ideas. And he never ever waivers, which I find interesting. Who here doesn’t have doubts about almost everything on a weekly basis? It’s part of being awake—having questions, doubts, looking for answers, digging, coming to conclusions, throwing away conclusions.

Not Dave. The man has an agenda. He never strays from the script. And he always fails to ask the big questions of his guests.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

good points and thank you for your comment.

I wouldn't say I was "on board" with him, but I was definitely up for a shake up in the form of some of the things he and the whole Q agenda addressed. When a bunch of the "conspiracies" I tracked for years prior to early 2020 started happening, I felt the initial affects of the "fog" of the "mindwar". Previously, my "conspiracy" curiosity and interest was more of a hobby and a way to entertain some my own "out there" thinking and experiences. Once a lot of these crazy ideas started tracking more in the open, I felt a weird cognitive misalignment as my "conspiracy mindset" and my "everyday mindset" found themselves in the same room, under "lockdown", with a lot of time to get to know one another.

I revisited a lot of the old names from years ago whom I listened to: George Noory (C2C), Mel Fabregas (Veritas Radio), David Icke, Red Ice Radio, Clif High for starters.

A friend asked me one day what I thought about Q and X22. She was into it, and wanted to gut-check herself. I listened to a few episodes, and replied to her that I think he is a typical grifter with an agenda, but as you noted, his work ethic is off the charts, and he certainly isn't doing all of it on his own. I began to listen more regularly just to see how his mind processed "Q drops", what language he used and how it tracked with other Q-types.

To me, the best way to sift through all of this is to see how the masses take to the programming and belief systems being offered. I see humanity not as an ally of mine, but a weapon being used against itself.

My biggest concern beyond everything else is group-think and the general "hive mind". Conspiracies or not, a mass populous incapable of thinking for itself is headed for bad times. I saw all of this in the Q stuff, as the perpetrator of a "psyop" is only half the equation... the other half being all the people to take to it and make it their own as if it is a genuine and organic expression of their own minds.

As Matthew has said, the "fog" is quite heavy now, and it aint moving any time soon.

Thanks again.

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Great reply. You gave me a lot to chew on here.

I’m totally skeptical about everything: Trump, Flynn, Mahone, MFM, etc.

Like you, I’ve been at this a long time—1997 for me, and so I have been exposed to rhythms and patterns for longer than most. I think it’s led to a more finely tuned eye or a more honed use of intuition.

I’m also of the mind that the absolute truth is unknowable for now and most of us are just guessing.

I learned a lot from Q. I have a hard time coming to terms with the idea that it was a psy-op. Why divulge so much? But I have taken the stance that the best course is to not adopt a belief about anyone or anything until there is good reason.

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There are a lot of reasons to divulge a lot:

* If you can aim it at your rival, you rile up a crowd reading to destroy whatever resources your rival controls.

* When you've pointed the finger and revealed information, you have the cognitive mind-shield of dissonance protecting your own crimes (if you have them).

I believe that the military runs a lot of the world's dark markets. I think they took over the blackmail markets with all that intel. In fact, I think this is why we are seeing "blackmail inflation" and the attempt to normalize pedophilia. That's the only way the old regime can avoid the blackmail?

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Time may tell in terms of the "why divulge so much?" question... With "normies" starting to get on board with all this "conspiracy" stuff, I'm looking to get out ahead of that. The mind-field of a confused and paranoid masses is no where to make a home.

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Huh? I watchec him in 2017 and his face was all over his YouTube, and later rumble and Telegram sites. His main focus was his Christisn ministry and writings from the get go and Q has always been secondary. He may have some operative value to Q in terms of reaching a target audience but it'sQ lite/generic and not deep data oriented. Maybe more of an emotional/anti-black pill sustenance tool.

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Can you provide more information beyond anecdotal? What is his last name?

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Suzie Dawson was the first (that I'm aware of) to accurately observe and characterize the grift of Qanon describing its initial purpose.



Bear in mind that the intelligence group tasked to persecute/neutralize Snowden and his message was called the Q-group, and in electrical engineering the "Q-factor" describes the restrictions of a band-pass-filter that limits the band-width of a signal (and hence the extent of exposure at an audience level). There's also "Q" from Star Trek, which I gather most of the NSA nerds worship at the altar of, for inspiration. And he has the power to change the most fundamental laws of reality. No hubris there.

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I wished that I had seen that a long time ago so I could share with one of my friends who was a hard-core believer. Really good info.

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I have a few believers that I know. Very rational & studied people 🤷‍♀️

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I hesitate to drop a name here. I think I will, I'm not planning to do anything bad by mentioning that name, although something bad might come from it.

The name is Tom Cowan. My Dear Leader Supreme.

Not really, just kidding.

I sincerely appreciate Cowan's public speaking. I think he is a great person. One of those rare individuals who strive to always follow his nature. I'm aware a lot of people hate him and spread lies about him. Since I'm not a fanatic, it's not my job to defend him, and he can defend himself better than anyone could.

Having said that, I'm now informing you, dear Mathew, and the fellow commenters here. Tom has disavowed (maybe too strong of a word?) a few times the "MFM." For a number of reasons. Personally, I think the main reason is that he doesn't like movements. At all.

Tom is a veteran. He has touched on almost every topic, and visited even the weirdest ideas of the MFM people, over decades. He was at some point associated with the anthroposophical movement in California, but left, in anger, it seems.

Cowan is a reader of the famous Rudolf Steiner, whose name sometimes appears associated with modern hermetic and gnostic "movements."

In another webinar, Tom commented that a relative of his was involved in a cult (he didn't mention what cult) and left the cult. But, as a doctor and as an addict to observation and analysis, Tom noticed the difficulties that people have while on the cult, and when they get out.

Cowan has been always associated with the much hated Weston Price Foundation, I think as a founding member. He was against statin drugs before it was cool!

About that WAPF there are a few dramas, some related to Hollywood people and the Intelligence community, but I won't write about that because I have avoided researching those phenomena. Many colorful people gather in the WAPF arena.

One particular topic very, very interesting, which is far away from the germ theory debate, is the heart issue. Tom Cowan says, provocatively, that the heart is not a pump, but a propulsion device. He didn't came up with that. A Spanish surgeon named Francisco Torrent Guasp (PMID: 18598979) came up with the idea that the knowledge about the heart was built on wrong foundations. It's more like two loops of a helix that use the same band of muscle tissue going from the pulmonary artery to the aorta. The special geometry of the heart allows it to work in the special and seemingly contradictory way it works. The symbol of Dr. Cowan's site and company is based on that geometry.

Here is a lesson by Frank Chester about that geometry, rooted in the root-3 number. It's a sweet lecture, I think everyone should give it a try:


Now, I don't know if this argument of the heart science being fundamentally wrong is a correct argument or not. You guys judge by yourselves. I only bring this about as an example that Cowan seems to be too eclectic about everything to be a cultist of any kind. It would be surprising for me if anyone had information to the contrary.

About others among the most prominent NAV people I wouldn't be surprised if there was some strange connection somewhere. But Cowan is pretty kosher, in my opinion. It's just that people hate him because he is a smartass (he admits to being one.) So his rivals will try anything against him, rhetorically speaking.

Finally, I think Cowan commented once that he grew up among MDs. Wealthy, Jewish MDs. In Michigan, IIRC. They were angry at the young Cowan because he would always win every golf game with them. I think that's where he picked up his relentless mode of arguing.

Finally, one last "scoop" (not really) about the great Doctor Cowan. When he was young, 1970s, he went to South Africa and another country of that area. He was teaching gardening. He didn't want to be a doctor. But there, in Africa, he became interested in natural healing and traditions of medicine other than western medicine, which he despises. I think he mentioned that a friend gave him the Weston Price book on anthropological research regarding dentistry and diet, the specialty of Price. Then he went back to the US and decided to become a Doctor, and start practicing alternative everything, but with a license.

So he was a MD for almost 40 years, since the 1980s until the plandemonium, where he had to become a retired doctor, and started storming the internets denying the existence of the virus.

That's the end of my presentation of the pieces of information I've gathered.

One last thing, for humor's sake: Owen Benjamin Smith, the wild comedian and talented pianist, seems to be too respectful of Doctor Cowan to interview him. That news left me in awe.

I lament that we never got to watch a Mathew Crawford and Andy Kaufman conversation. Besides Kaufman, there are many other interesting people in the Cowan orbit. It's just too bad that many people in this bizarre little world of covid research are so melodramatic and so prone to cut off people completely. That's what the lowest quality presenters and independent "journalists" and podcasters do. Not the case of RTE, I know, this is a nimble boutique of goodies. But, still, I like good conversations between intelligent people on controversial issues.

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"It's just too bad that many people in this bizarre little world of covid research are so melodramatic and so prone to cut off people completely."

That's an accusatory way of saying, "Something I find important hasn't reached your priority list while you work hundred hour weeks." It's a bit off-putting.

Numerous people around Kaufman have been pretty nasty to me, dishonest with me, and aggressive. Not knowing anything about my wife, they've attacked her, impugning her character. The person who organized the "No Virus" crowd together on message has many intelligence ties, and is buddies with Leigh Dundas who is one of the most vile human beings I've encountered on any level since beginning this journey. I think that she is most likely a fake human trafficking attorney working with intelligence, an elder of Hillsong church (which was founded by a pedophile), and with the Puerto Rico circle [which is often discussed as a trafficking network]. I believe this is the crowd that hacked my phone and destroyed my home.

You should consider the possibility that what you are presented with in videos---just as with TV---is a designed illusion meant to tangle your mind in knots.

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I didn't mean it as an accusation. I don't condone their bad behavior against you, of which I don't know details, but is not surprising in the least.

Maybe you are not informed about recent disagreements in the no-virus space, regarding flat-earthism. In general, this topic is avoided, but Eric Coppolino, the journalist and astrologer, insists that the Earth is round. He had a conversation with Amandha Vollmer about this.

Also, there's been a call by researcher Mike Stone for the masses to moderate their behavior and be more humane.

Thank you for that bit of information about the "person who organized" them. I didn't know that. I wish that one day you publish a post about this topic. I see potential for that in this mindwar series.

If your suspicion is true about the authors of the crimes committed against you and your family, and the no-virus people don't know that, they should probably be informed about it. And if they know, that would be disappointing to me.

Thanks for your advise. I've been pondering "is this an illusion?" for quite a while, about many things, not only this one.

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I agree with you about Tom Cowen. I appreciate the way he constantly questions and challenges common assumptions about health, and keeps moving forward.

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And yet you mention that he is a follower of Rudolf Steiner. And Rudolf Steiner was a Theosophist - running the German operation (of which almost every founding member of the Nazi party was a member) - before hs split away and created his own brand of Theosophy (I forget exactly what he called it) after Blavatsky's death. So he is another Theosophist/Scientologist cult follower (or at least reader) himself. And note that Theosophy is a fundamentally Luciferian belief system.

As Matthew asks - why are so many of these people occultists? What links them?

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Anthroposophy is Steiner's, I believe.

Cowan is kind of a disciple of Otto Wolff, who was a real genius, a scientist and a promoter of anthroposophy, perhaps his own variant of it, as these things usually go.


Do you have evidence that Cowan belongs to Scientology? If not, say so, or you run the risk of losing credibility, and that may not be what you want.

By the way, Mathew writes his name with one 't' instead of two.

And also, let me drop another name: Thomas Szasz. That man was probably the least cultist personage in all history of hardcore rationalist thinkers. And yet he collaborated with the "Citizens Commission on Human Rights" which is a 1960s Scientology founded thing. I mean to say that the business of guilty-by-association is very tricky. It's not that easy to condemn a public speaker.

If you dislike Cowan, simply say that. I think that's the best course of action here.

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In March 2020 when Tom Conman started to say that viruses are detergents and COVID was caused by 5G, American Intelligence Media presented a theory that the virus was delivered via nanotubes which released the virus when they were activated by 5G. [https://aim4truth.org/2020/03/22/cat-report-340/] AIM's theory was frequently promoted by Robert David Steele, who claimed that he was the first person to say that COVID was caused by 5G and the first person to say that the pandemic was fake, even though the earliest video I found where RDS said that 5G caused COVID was a video he did with Sacha Stone and Mark Steele on February 3rd UTC, but a few days before that the theory had already been presented by Mark Steele, Richie from Boston, and Greg Reese. [https://mongol-fi.github.io/novirus.html#Robert_David_Steele] Mark Steele and Amandha Vollmer were speakers in an online conference about COVID called EVENT 202, which was organized by the flat earther Dave Allegedly. Richie from Boston was featured as a panelist for Andrew Kaufman's first presentation that went viral, and I believe the first four people in alt media who interviewed Kaufman were James True, Crrow777, Secrets of Saturn, and Richie from Boston, who are all flat earthers. [ibid.]

Douglas Gabriel from AIM is one of America's leading anthroposophists who started a movement called "neoanthroposophy". Douglas Gabriel claims that he worked as a cryptologist for the NSA and he used to be a Jesuit priest (but he might be lying because he also claims that he is an exorcist, a clairvoyant, and a ghostbuster). In a post where he wrote about how Blavatsky said that Jesuits were trying to infiltrate anthroposophy, he said: "I was also a Freemason and by firsthand experience know its link to the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). But at the time I was infiltrating anthroposophical communities around the world on behalf of my mission with the Society of Jesus, I had no idea that Blavatsky's indications about the Jesuits would come to pass 'with a passion.'" [https://neoanthroposophy.com/2017/02/04/jesuit-spies/]

Rudolf Steiner was the master of a Masonic lodge called Mystica Aeterna, and in his 20s and 30s he was a scholar of Goethe and the editor at the Goethe archives, but Goethe was another Freemason. Douglas Gabriel wrote: "To believe that Rudolf Steiner 'invented' his own freemasonic work without building on the work of the Memphis & Misraim Lodge is simply naïve. No doubt Steiner changed the rites to serve his purposes but the rituals he used are very similar to those of the Misraim Lodge. Note the connection between the OTO and the Misraim Lodge in Germany with Theodor Reuss in the quote below." [https://neoanthroposophy.com/2017/02/08/the-secrecy-of-the-first-class-the-circle-steiner-freemason-and-the-first-goetheanum-fire/]

In a YouTube video where Douglas Gabriel listed spiritual practices he had been initiated into, he said: "First off, priesthood. Uh, I've been ordained a few times, so I guess that's an initiation, because you gotta lie down - they have to zap you with the Holy Spirit, the whole thing. [...] But yes, Summit Lighthouse - I went through actually technical things, Aquarian Foundation. Of course, you know, with uh Peter Kelly, and those people, and um Galen Hieronymus, I went through the what I'd call an initiation into radionics, I had to prove myself on other devices. Uh, biodynamics, I was trained with the best, and had to go through, you know, the yearly cycles of biodynamic prep making, and so on with Josephine Porter and Rosina Art. Uh, masonry, the blue lodge of course, leading to all the other degrees. [...] So that was the way it was with the Mormons, Swedenborg, the I AM Temple of, course, you know, I went through the training with uh, with macrobiotics, so I and then Hippocrates Health Institute with Ann Wigmore herself, uh, est with Werner Erhard himself." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h0sY3VlVXY&t=5m30s]

Erhard Seminars Training was a cult similar to Scientology, and Hubbard even accused Erhard of plagiarising Scientology. The I AM Temples are operated by the Saint Germain Foundation, which was founded by Guy Ballard, who claims that in 1930 while he was hiking at Mount Shasta, Saint Germain appeared to him and began training him as a messenger. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Germain_Foundation] The Summit Lighthouse was an offshoot of Ballard's movement, and it was started by Mark Prophet who claims that he was instructed to found the Summit Lighthouse in 1958 by the ascended masters El Morya and Saint Germain. [https://www.summitlighthouse.org/summit-lighthouse-great-white-brotherhood/] A few years later El Morya also began to train Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

During a speech in 2021, Mike Flynn led the audience in a prayer which was modeled after a prayer that Elizabeth Clare Prophet gave in 1984. For example Flynn started his prayer by saying: "We are your instrument of those sevenfold rays and all your archangels, all of them. We will not retreat, we will not retreat." And Prophet started her prayer by saying: "I am the instrument of those sevenfold rays and archangels! And I will not retreat." [https://www.wonkette.com/p/michael-flynn-says-he-does-not-worship-satan-which-is-exactly-what-a-satan-worshiper-would-say] The concept of the seven rays was introduced by Blavatsky, and it was later developed further in Alice Bailey's book titled "A Treatise on the Seven Rays". [https://www.lucistrust.org/arcane_school/talks_and_articles/the_science_the_seven_rays]

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I believe the flat earther Crrow777 was the second person in alt media who interviewed Andrew Kaufman, and the second person who interviewed Dawn Lester and David Parker (after Greg Carlwood from The Higherside Chats, who has also indicated that he believes in flat earth).

I don't know if Crrow777 is an anthroposophist, but he seems to be knowledgeable about Steiner's teachings, and I've only listened to a few random episodes of his podcast but two of them happened to be about Steiner. In episode 425 of his podcast, he presented Steiner's teachings that there exists a second spiritual sun which Zarathustra was able to perceive, and that the mystery of Golgotha means that Christ achieved Christ consciousness through his third eye, but he presented the information as if it was true and he wasn't criticizing it. [https://www.crrow777radio.com/wayne-mcroy-playlist-free/]

Crrow777's radio show has several episodes where his guest was someone called Fortune de St. Germain, with titles like "Meet a Descendant of an Ascended Master – Covering Alchemy" and "The Violet Flame of St. Germain In Our Time". [https://www.crrow777radio.com/fortune-de-st-germain/] (See my other comments for the connections between St. Germain and Cicada 3301, which was the predecessor of Q.)

In Manly P. Hall's book "The Secret Teaching of all Ages", there's a chapter about St. Germaine which explains his significance in Freemasonry and alchemy. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBgU-Rhgf3E&t=5h21m35s] Crrow777's podcast also has several episodes about alchemy. [https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Acrrow777%20alchemy&f=live]

James True said that he was Kaufman's "lead writer" and he did Kaufman's first interview in alt media. He is basically an open Luciferian, and he has also made tweets like this about alchemy: "The Cross gave man fire when he rubbed two sticks with vitriol. Fire is the alchemy of Prometheus and denying God's gift is blasphemy. We came here to light the world with strange fire." [https://twitter.com/jarue369/status/1333824978089881601] He also said on Twitter that he wanted to start a camp where he taught alchemy, which would be an alternative to college. James True said that he first met Andrew Kaufman in 2019 on a retreat of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, which is basically the east coast equivalent of the CIA-ran Esalen Institute. In 2020, True attended another retreat at the Omega Institute where he discussed alchemy with the flat earthers Amandha Vollmer and Benjamin Balderson, who both call themselves alchemists and who both say that viruses do not exist. Vollmer's LinkedIn profile even has her job title listed as alchemist. Andrew Kaufman offers courses about spagyric alchemy on his website, Kelly Brogan offers a 40-day course in alchemy which costs 22,000 USD, Barrie Lando from Alfa Vedic says that he has an alchemical laboratory, and Tom Cowan sells his own brand of spagyric ant tincture (which he says was developed by a master alchemist and is made of ants that have a high paramagnetic level). In Andrew Kaufman's "Hippocratic Hypocrasy" film which was made by the flat earth channel Spacebusters, there was an extended discussion about the occult alchemical meaning of the Staff of Asclepius and the Caduceus of Hermes. So it can't be a coincidence that so many of the no-virus people are both flat earthers and alchemists.

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"Do you have evidence that Cowan belongs to Scientology? If not, say so, or you run the risk of losing credibility, and that may not be what you want."

I don't have evidence that he "belongs to scientology" if that is different in your mind from reading Rudolf Steiner. Scientology is essentially the same as Theosophy - it appears to be a direct offshoot of it - so I just lump them together as sub-species of the same cult.

I agree that guilt by association is tricky - but following bad ideas is not - and I believe that Theosophy/Anthroposophy/Scientology are all very bad ideas. Now good people can make mistakes and adopt bad ideas - but if they truly follow those bad ideas through to their logical conclusions - then they become bad people.

Occult ideas lead to the sort of fascist system that we have today and that the Nazis had, and that the Jesuits idealized and created, and that the Romans had etc. I believe that they lead there inevitably - on a theoretical basis - because of flaws in the belief system. Certainly empirical evidence leads one to believe that that is what happens.

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I have a different view on the problem of occultism.

I think that all political theories and arguments and justifications are always trumped by force. The problem is that force is expensive to initiate and sustain in a way that consistently supports power. The expenses of force grow at least directly to population growth.

Therefore power has to invent stories and clever schemes to make force less apparent, and having an easier rule. One of them is the whole shebang of occultism, of which scientology and company are an instance of. The allure of "things hidden" is overwhelming for many people.

Some clever schemes may be accidental. People outside of power start them, and then they either go bust or grow. Then, real power has to make a decision: destroy or take over the new cult.

For example, since you mentioned the Jesuits. They probably started out autonomously and inspired by the lack of reaction of Rome against the Emperor and against Martin Luther and other people five hundred years ago. Then, power took control over the Jesuits. I don't know when exactly, but let's say that between 1570 and 1630 the Jesuit order was completely converged and under control of real political power, the real oligarchies of all time.

There is the somewhat famous case of a Jesuit Priest who argued for magnicide, killing the monarch. His argument inspired in part the revolution of Cromwell and the American revolution. It was basically like this: God appoints the secular rulers, and Christians must obey them because it is the will of God. But if the rulers turn against God (for instance, by making war against the Pope and capturing him and putting him in chains) then these secular rulers are enemies of God and the members of the Church must kill them. This Jesuit winded up in a prison, obviously.

If you change "God" by "The People" you understand the substrate of all revolutions since the 1600s.

I assume that the different families of power have always been fighting each other.

Something changed in the 20th century. Power decided to make revolutions impossible, by commanding the permanent revolution themselves. Thus we got: mass mind control, mandatory schools, the therapeutic state, welfare, occultism, etc.

This argument does not exclude supernatural powers participating in human affairs.

I stopped thinking in the good people / bad people dichotomy a while ago. Now I say that there are only people try to do good, and people who don't care. Most people don't care.

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What we have to realize is, everything’s a competition. They will always try to weaken us. They have the money and the resources. We have numbers and intellect. So they find numerous ways to dumb us down and splinter communities. It’s a push-pull. Currently they’re winning. Hopefully the collective will see through it, come together and defeat them. What they want for us is truly evil.

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The Rockefellers & other globalists happened in early 20th century & took over medicine/ food/ science /etc ...

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Author

Less well known is that they funded UFO/alien propaganda, and infiltrations into religions/churches. Their plans may be coming to fruition with the [fifth] Great Awakening narrative.

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Can you define what you mean by "occultism" and "occult ideas"?

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At their heart all occult societies throughout history (off the top of my head, without exception) share a number of practices and beliefs, amongst which are:

1. Organization in a series of circles, each circle deceiving outer circles about their beliefs and their purpose

2. Belief in the idea that there is no God to whom obedience is owed - i.e. that man himself is God. This is, in essence, Luciferianism whether it is explicitly acknowledged or no.

3. Obsession with political power. Whether this is the goal of such societies, or simply a tool and the ultimate goal is the elimination of God - or vice versa - I cannot say.

History is filled with examples of such societies from the earliest times - and I would argue that this model has now consumed the entirety of Western civilization where the vast majority of the population are ensnared in the outermost lie - the lie of liberal democracy which is of course the base appeal of Satan's temptation in the garden of Eden.

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Can you offer a few examples of "occult societies" as you have described them?

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Roger, could you elaborate on the WAPF dramas and colorful people? I have a friend who swears by them as one of the few trusted sources of truth and am concerned if they have also been infiltrated.

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A number of years ago, around 2015, there were some accusations of sexism and sexual misconduct in the board of directors. I don't know the substance of that claim. I only heard that after the fermented cod liver oil scandal. Which seemed scripted to some extent. The aftermath: several people left the foundation, and went their own way.

It seems this was more about egotistical infighting than anything else. But I'm only a distant observer, I don't know details.

The WAPF should not be the "source of truth" of anyone. They publish their opinions and explain their worldview, and probably they are correct about many things they say (for example, the idea that it is perfectly safe to ONLY give home-made food, prepared in a traditional way, to babies and toddlers. GASP!) We are supposed to ask questions, to verify things for ourselves. It's a challenge to our natural lazyness, isn't it? Just believing everything by default seems to be missing the point.

About the colorful people. People with motley backgrounds show up in the WAPF followers circles to agree with a lot, and then they begin to promote their ideological angle about something remote. For instance, one will find there:

– freemasons who deny they are freemasons

– anti-freemasons who think everyone is a freemason in disguise

– people who promote Malthusian-Marxist exterminationism (they never preach by example, alas)

– people who believe in blackholes and wormholes to travel the universes or something

– of course, the UFO thing has appeared sometimes, mostly in good humor

– ideas about ancient Meso-American civilizations running everything (forget the Roth-shields and the Rocke-scorpions, that one is for posers ;D)

– those who deny the existence of matter and bodies

– and, of course, the classic free energy promoters

But, strangely enough, all these people love butter and clean water and getting their feet on the earth, and they seem to be taking better care of themselves better than most other people who would insult them if they met them.

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Thanks for explaining. I had heard of the cod liver oil controversy, but not the other charges. Yes, difficult to distinguish between clash of egos, power, and infiltrators with other agendas. I agree that none of us should look to others, especially easily corruptible organizations, for sources of truth. But I think there is a huge segment of society who doesn't have the time nor the ability to research and discern for themselves, and thus the wish to just find organizations/people who seem mostly trustworthy and leave it at that.

For me, I found myself in the early days of the scamdemic looking for heroes and leaders, or just someone on substack to validate my concerns. Never heard of the WAPF or any of the medical freedom "leaders" for that matter. But very quickly I realized many had other agendas, Malone being the most obvious. Seeing CHD and RFK prop him up, especially in the days when Malone was still recommending the jab for all but "healthy children," was especially concerning.

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Nov 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Robert David Steele's entry is chopped.

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I know. I get too blind when I'm up all night. Will fix later

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Roger that.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Jikkyleaks/Arkmedic also used to be a Qtard before COVID, and his Gab profile image still includes the text "WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL". [https://jikkyleaks.com, https://gab.com/arkmedic/] In a snapshot of his old Twitter account from 2019, there's 20 tweets visible, but at least three of them are retweets of tweets by Qtards. [http://web.archive.org/web/20190806035704/https://twitter.com/Arkancideisreal] His pseudonym Ah Kahn Syed comes from the word "arkancide", which refers to the Clinton body count meme that was popular among Qtards.

One of the tweets retweeted by Jikky was posted by Christine Polon (LadyWarAnon), who in March 2020 was one of the people who "exposed" Colleen Smith, and a video about Colleen Smith by the Qtard Amazing Polly included one of Polon's tweets which said: "I just called this hospital. They checked twice and there is NO Dr. Colleen Smith that works there. Critical care patients are in gowns, not shoes and street clothes. hey have plenty of ventilators! This is a flat out lie!" [https://www.bitchute.com/video/cAnSkQojE_4/, time 5:56; https://archive.ph/unTGo] In a reply to the tweet, Polon also pointed out that Smith's license was only valid until 2018.

In an interview with Sacha Stone that was published on April 1st 2020 UTC, Robert David Steele said: "We have wrecked a 20 trillion dollar economy for what appears to be a massive medical simulation. The deaths are just not there." [https://www.bitchute.com/video/m4Qx_7FDunE/ / https://altcensored.com/watch?v=m4Qx_7FDunE, time 0:10] On March 25th local time, the New York Times published a viral video by Colleen Smith which showed that Elmhurst Hospital in Queens was overran with patients, but over the next few days, she was "exposed" as an expert in medical simulation by people like the Qtards Christine Polon and Amazing Polly, Jason Goodman, and the flat earthers Karen B and Brian Staveley. Jason Goodman even interviewed Colleen Smith over the phone. So RDS probably referred to the Colleen Smith video when he said that COVID was a medical simulation. My theory is that the Colleen Smith video may have been a psyop that was targeted against conspiratards to make them think that the pandemic was fake, so that it may have been part of the plan that people would end up discovering that she was an expert in medical simulation.

Housatonic's connection to George Webb is even more suspicious because I believe Patrick Bergy did one of his earliest interviews in alt media with Housatonic, after America Out Loud News, Jason Goodman, and George Webb. Steve Outtrim wrote: "Like so many 'ex' intelligence people, Patrick Bergy got his alt-media start on Jason Goodman's 'Crowdsource the Truth' channel. Soon after he was interviewed by George Webb, and soon after that he filed his 'qui tam' lawsuit - just like George's brother Dave did in the 1990s against the CIA (legitimate documentation that he is on the side of truth and justice and not the clowns, in my opinion)." [https://burners.me/2020/08/18/millie-freed-illuminati-recruiter-defango-maga-coalitions-biggest-donor/] Bergy's book was published in 2017 but he did not yet appear in alt media at the time. I tried searching for the oldest tweets which matched the phrase "Patrick Bergy" in double quotes. [https://twitter.com/search?q=until%3A2020-1-1+%22patrick+bergy%22&f=live] In 2017 Bergy was interviewed on the podcast of Kevin Holly, whose description says that they mix comedy with celebrity interviews and strange news (so it doesn't seem to be alt enough to count as part of alt media). Next in 2018 Bergy was interviewed by America Out Loud News, which now hosts the podcasts of several shady characters like General Paul E. Vallely, snake venom guy Bryan Ardis, Tom Renz who was a lawyer for AFLDS, Peter McCullough, Limeng Yan, and Peter Breggin. [https://www.americaoutloud.news/an-agenda-to-ambush-and-destroy-our-way-of-life-patrick-bergy-is-a-victim-of-the-deep-state/] Next in 2019 Bergy again appeared on Kevin Holly's show. The first video on Bergy's YouTube channel was posted in April 2019, but his first videos had less than a hundred views and I found only a single reference to his YouTube channel on Twitter before he had been interviewed by Goodman. There started to be more references to Bergy on Twitter in October 2019 when he was interviewed four times by Jason Goodman, when there were dozens of links to his different interviews on Twitter. After Jason Goodman, the next person I found who interviewed Bergy was George Webb on December 6th 2019 local time, and the next person was Housatonic on December 9th 2019 local time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl46MQtowIM]

In early 2020, Housatonic appeared in video panels hosted by Addy Adds, which also featured Kevin McCairn, J.J. Couey, Paul Cottrell, and George Webb. In February 2020, Cottrell became known as "the American whistleblower" in China after one of his YouTube videos went viral in China. [https://mongol-fi.github.io/pfizerstew.html#J_J_Coueys_Mossad_t_shirt] In the video Cottrell said that his follower received the text messages from someone who worked at the CDC who said that the CDC was covering up the number of COVID cases in the United States. However the same screenshots had previously been posted on TikTok on January 27th 2020 UTC, when the story was that they were not leaked by the person who received the text messages but by his 18-year-old son who took the screenshots on his father's phone. And the screenshots were probably fake because they showed the name of the sender as "Nancy Messonnier (CDC)" even though the Messages application on iOS only displays the first name of the sender. [ibid.]

In the description of one of Cottrell's old YouTube videos, there was a link to a video on Cottrell's backup channel which featured a Cicada 3301 puzzle posted in 2015. [https://altcensored.com/watch?v=SWg1-3n4tM8] When Cottrell reposted the video on his main channel, someone in the comments asked "What is this?", but Cottrell replied "forward operations", and when someone else said it was a puzzle, Cottrell replied: "much more than a puzzle my friend." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IRNXFCOV8s] When I googled for the term "forward operations" in double quotes, most results were about something called "defend forward operations" or "hunt forward operations", which appear to be terms that are used in the context of cyber warfare and which refer to proactive defensive cyber operations. [https://www.cybercom.mil/Media/News/Article/3218642/cyber-101-hunt-forward-operations/, https://books.google.com/books?id=nHhXEAAAQBAJ&pg=PA20]

In March 2020, Paul Cottrell appeared together with Thomas Schoenberger as a guest of Michael Decon's radio show, and Schoenberger said that he had been following Cottrell's channel since around mid-January. [https://radiopublic.com/the-michael-decon-program-WdQ29R/s1%219775a, time 36:10] Then because of that Jason Goodman posted a video where he declared a cyber war against Cottrell, because Goodman said that Schoenberger was a "social engineer". [http://web.archive.org/web/20200419220724/https://sdny.news/2020/04/03/conspiracy-theorist-jason-goodman-launches-into-fake-quack-doctor-paul-cottrell-in-epic-social-media-stereo-rant-after-thomas-schoenberger-video-surfaces/] Part of the modus operandi of the LARP ring around George Webb and Jason Goodman was that they staged an endless series of fights between different members of the ring, so then conspiracy researchers wasted their time following the fights instead of doing something productive, like how Robert David Steele sued Jason Goodman, George Webb sued Jason Goodman, George Webb's brother sued Jason Goodman, and so on. So it's suspicious that Cottrell was pulled into their whole LARP wars scheme, and Cottrell is also a Jew like Goodman and George Webb. The same day when Jason Goodman posted the video about his fight with Cottrell, he also posted one video he did with Jerome Corsi, another video he did with the so-called former CIA agent Kevin Shipp who used to be a regular guest in Goodman's videos, and another video about a phone call with a frontline nurse (which is reminiscent of all the phone calls that Cottrell did with people on the frontlines).

Steve Outtrim wrote: "It has now come out that Cicada 3301 was founded by Bruce C. Clarke, Jr. the former head of the CIA's research division, and co-founder Thomas Schoenberger previously worked for the Pentagon, possibly on remote viewing projects such as STARGATE or GRILL FLAME." [https://burners.me/2019/06/22/latest-weapon-in-the-infowar-data-maps/] Schoenberger posted a comment to the blog post where he just wrote "Excellent work." Defango was a member of Cicada 3301 and Schoenberger's company ShadowBox, but he has admitted that he had worked for IARPA's Project CREATE. [https://peakd.com/cryptobeast/%40steveouttrim/latestweaponintheinfowardatamaps-d5i0wrxn0z] The official website of Cicada 3301 features a list of three alumni of Cicada 3301, who are Bruce Cooper Clarke Jr. who was the director of the Office of Strategic Research at the CIA, Iona Miller who is a researcher of the Count of St. Germaine, and Ian Murdock who created Debian Linux. [https://www.cicada3301official.com/pages/alumni.html] Iona Miller's husband Richard Alan Miller has been featured as a guest of the Leak Project and Oppenheimer Ranch Project channels, which were the first two channels I found where Cottrell appeared as a guest, and in fact Paul Cottrell and Miller appeared as guests on consecutive episodes of Oppenheimer Ranch Project in February 2020. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJHy6u5Yrwd5lVj0KJnz-i6ubTAPg6CcV] Another member of Cicada 3301 is the classical composer Marcia Stockton, who calls herself a polymath like how Schoenberger and Paul Cottrell also call themselves polymaths. Patrick Bergy is also one of the handful of people in alt media who have done an interview with Schoenberger.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

When Mikki Willis made the first Plandemic film starring Judy Mikovits, he hired his friend Zach Vorhies to book interviews for Mikovits and to write tweets under her name. Vorhies made a video where he asked for donations so he could promote Mikovits, where he said: "I was introduced to Judy by filmmaker Mikki Willis, who asked me to look in and see if I could help Judy with a few social media things and helping her get started. I came out and offered her that I would do it for free for a few days. And wow, she went viral. I created a Twitter account, and within one day she got 17,000 followers. Every video tweet that I do under her name gets way more engagement than I've ever seen. [...] And I want to say that in the last 24 hours, I've got two major YouTube content creators' booking schedule. That's RedPill78, with over 200,000 subscribers I believe. Tracy Beanz with over a hundred thousand subscribers. And just this morning, Sarah Carter called in, and we're now scheduling an interview with her. So we're about to go really really really really big. And so, you know, I've done this all before." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6awM9bZm2e4?t=3m3s] Tracy Beanz was one of the YouTubers who helped popularize QAnon, and RedPill78 also used to be focused primarily on Q.

In a tweet in 2019 where Vorhies tagged his friends, he tagged Mikki Willis along with a bunch of Qtards like Jordan Sather, Amazing Polly, RedPill78, and TRUreporting. [https://twitter.com/Perpetualmaniac/status/1184845479365885952] In 2019 Zach Vorhies came out as a whistleblower on Project Veritas who leaked documents about how Google discriminated against conservatives. The Qtard Neonrevolt wrote that he along with TruReporting and RedPill78 broke the news that the day when Vorhies came out on Project Veritas, he received the a text message from Q which said that he had guardian angels watching over him. [https://www.neonrevolt.com/2019/09/04/the-google-whistleblowers-message-from-qanon-greatawakening/] In 2018, Vorhies was the main eyewitness who was interviewed by the media about the 2018 YouTube HQ shooting, but his story was full of inconsistencies, and for example in a part of his interview with ABC7 which was later omitted, he said that the shooter was a man who was dressed in gray even though actually the shooter was female. [https://burners.me/2019/09/04/something-strange-about-the-google-whistleblower/] The page for Vorhies at mylife.com used to say: "Zachary's ethnicity is Caucasian Jew, whose political affiliation is currently a registered Classical Liberal Larper; and religious views are listed as Christian Larper." [http://web.archive.org/web/20200423031655/https://www.mylife.com/zachary-vorhies/e910516938912] Steve Outtrim said this about Vorhies: "The mutual friends that I have - there are certain people that I have met, befriended even, who I either suspect or have direct knowledge of as being involved with either the deep state or DARPA or Pentagon. Or I suspect that maybe they're connected to intelligence. Some of these people I know for a fact that they've worked on DARPA projects. Some of these people - it's just that they're best friends with high-level DARPA people, and that they go and make videos with doctors from the CIA's MKULTRA program. [...] Out of like 13 mutual friends with him, four of them were the people that would be the top four on my list of everyone I know in Silicon Valley who I suspect to have these intel ties." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzp0dV7e5F4&t=16m57s]

In 2018 when Alex Jones was commenting on the YouTube HQ shooting, he said that Vorhies was a crisis actor and made fun of Vorhies's acting skills, but in 2019 Vorhies came out as a whistleblower, he did one of his first interviews with Alex Jones who was was hyping him as a major whistleblower. And on January 1st 2020 Vorhies was featured in the studio of InfoWars and he took over Alex's show for almost an hour to do a presentation about vaccine injuries in Samoa. Alex Jones said that himself and Rob Dew had been working on the presentation for about three weeks. [https://www.bitchute.com/video/EltOsRbp5dSe/, time 47:30] After that Mike Adams took over the show, and he said: "Thank you for joining me the first day here of 2020, a year that I believe will be the most memorable in our lifetimes. The things that are about to happen this year. I'll cover some of them today, but trust me, you're going to look back at this and say, whoa, how did we get through that? And I can't believe how much change. It's going to be really extraordinary at levels that you probably can't even imagine right now. I'm going to cover some breaking news today, get into some analysis. There is an Ebola false flag operation being engineered, I believe, to infect Americans with Ebola in order to push Ebola scare. And the new Ebola vaccine that has just been approved by the FDA and a new Ebola testing system that's been rolled out by the CDC that causes false positives so that they can quarantine you and take you away, throw you in a room with other actually sick people, and they can shut down entire cities and communities and create Ebola scare. So I will be talking about that. But trust me, I mean, mark my words. Again, this was January 1. Sometime this year, there's going to be an Ebola outbreak most likely in the United States." So even though Mike Adams was talking about Ebola instead of a coronavirus, he was specifically saying that 2020 would be the most memorable year in our lifetimes, and the first reason he gave for it was that there would be an outbreak of an infectious disease which would lead to entire cities being locked down.

On January 24th 2020, Alex Jones talked about Event 201 and how 65 million people might die because of the coronavirus if it's accurate, and he said that all cancers are caused by viruses. Then he said in his film "Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement" released in 2007, he said that the globalists are going to use contrived pandemics to bring in world government. [https://www.bitchute.com/video/tOfjulrdrzre/, time 19:23] After that Mike Adams took over the show, and he said: "It's over for humanity as a whole. The masses will be slaughtered. The depopulation agenda cannot be stopped. [...] You're targeted for extermination. All of humanity is targeted for extermination. There may be lone survivors. Now our job is to help you be one of those people. [...] The masses are committing suicide. And they're going to go along with this global suicide. This coronavirus bioengineered weapons system that is being deliberately released after having been developed as a weapon against humanity." [time 1:13:00] According to the WHO's situation report for the 24th of January, there were 846 confirmed cases worldwide and 25 reported deaths, so maybe it was a bit premature for Mike Adams to say that "it's over for humanity as a whole". But I think people like Mike Adams and Alex Jones knew about COVID in advance.

The first episode of Steve Bannon's "War Room: Pandemic" also aired on January 25th, even though WHO's situation report for January 25th said that there were 1,320 reported cases of the novel coronavirus globally, out of which 1,297 were in China. So how did Bannon know that COVID would turn into a pandemic or that it would become a significant enough event that he should start a new series of shows about COVID?

John Brisson has found evidence that Mike Adams might be a freezoner in Scientology. [https://odysee.com/@weveread/mike-adams-from-natural-news-world-2] The Citizens Commission on Human Rights is an anti-psychiatry organization that was founded by the Church of Scientology, but on a YouTube channel for documentaries published by the CCHR, the featured video is a documentary about psychiatric drugs that Mike Adams did in 2014. [https://www.youtube.com/@CCHRDocumentaries]

One of the guests on the first episode of Steve Bannon's "War Room: Pandemic" show was Bill Gertz. He discussed his article which was published in The Washingon Times on January 24th, where he reported on comments by the Israeli spy Dany Shoham who said that the novel coronavirus may be a Chinese bioweapon. [http://web.archive.org/web/20200125095419/https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/24/virus-hit-wuhan-has-two-laboratories-linked-chines/] As far as I can tell, the article by Gertz in the Moonie Times represented the first time when the theory that the novel coronavirus was a bioweapon was proposed in mainstream media. Bill Gertz has an honorary doctorate degree from the Unification Theological Seminary, and he was called the "most accomplished professional writer in the Unification movement". [https://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Talks2/Gertz/Gertz-150520.pdf] Gertz's son was given a Seung Hwa Moonie burial ceremony. [https://www.tparents.org/Library/Unification/Talks2/Gertz/Gertz-070801.htm]

Scientology and Moonies may be a bit off-topic from Q, but when I have traced the origins of the major narratives about COVID in alt media, most of the time it goes back to people who are tied to all of these intel cults. Erin Olszewski wrote in her book that she lives "right by Clearwater Beach", but Clearwater is the location of the headquarters of the CoS. [https://books.google.com/books?id=Dn_rDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT136] The oldest tweet I found which referred to Erin as an "undercover nurse" was posted by someone who called herself a personal friend of Erin and who used the hashtag WWG1WGA. [https://twitter.com/gooseymarmay66/status/1253813331347017728] And in 2020 when I searched Twitter for the query "undercover nurse", the two oldest tweets I found that referred to Erin both featured the hashtag WWG1WGA, and the user who posted the other tweet served in Space Command according to his bio. [https://i.ibb.co/58GZptC/early-tweets-about-undercover-nurse-erin-marie-olszewski.jpg]

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023Author

Check out this Mike Adams video from July 2019.


The Moonies gave $2M to Trump.

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When you need to label everyone a "Qtard" to make your point, you're no different than someone who relies on profanity for punctuation.

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Jason Goodman was the CEO of a company called AeroCine which shot drone footage in Chernobyl in February 2014 which was the same month when the Maidan coup took place. Steve Outtrim wrote that at the same time, a private military company called "Forward Operations Group" was in Chernobyl. [https://burners.me/2019/10/29/insane-in-the-ukraine-part-3-sheepdipping-the-truther/] Steve Outtrim also wrote: "Former Breitbart journalist Lee Stranahan (who is a registered foreign agent working for Russian state-sponsored propaganda outlet Sputnik) has been banging the Ukraine drum for a while now. He's the guy who introduced his long-time friend Jason Goodman to George Webb." Jason Goodman was the founder and CEO of a company called 21st Century 3D. [ibid.] One person who worked for the company as a "3D Generalist" was Lee Stranahan's brother Ken, but Lee Stranahan is supposed to have first introduced George Webb to Jason Goodman. The LinkedIn profile of a Serbian guy called Ivan Stamatovski says that he worked for Jason Goodman's company from 2004 to 2011. In 2014 he started a drone company called Easy Aerial, whose clients have included the United States Air Force and Navy. The advisory board of Easy Aerial included five people who were senior officials in the Israeli Air Force. [ibid.] The website of Easy Aerial says: "Headquartered in Brooklyn, New York, Easy Aerial has regional offices in Tel-Aviv, Israel, and Belgrade, Serbia." [https://www.easyaerial.com/about-us/] Steve Outtrim wrote that another Serbian who worked for 21st Century 3D was Djordje Dojcinovic. He also wrote: "With all these Serbians involved with him, I find it #HighlySuspicious that Jason Goodman recently teamed up with Jan Irvin to smear me. Jan Irvin lived in Serbia around the time of the 90's war, was married to a Serbian, and was registered as an agent and business contact for the American Serbian Association for Peace. See Debunking Jan Irvin - Part 2 for details."

The first Q drop was posted in October 2017, but in April 2017 Cicada 3301 posted a puzzle which included a file named Q.mp3. [https://web.archive.org/web/20171101000000*/https://1711141131131.xyz/Q.mp3] Thomas Schoenberger's YouTube channel has an unlisted video titled "The true story of Q", where text in the video said: "The birth of Q was not a real birth. In mid-2017, after studying everything I could about the alleged Source Q, I discovered that: Q is the denomination of a gospel that no longer exists but which many think existed in the past. The letter Q is the initial of Quelle, a German word meaning source. Although no copy of Source Q has been found, many scholars are convinced that this document circulated in early Christian communities. Scholars have speculated on this mystery for more than a hundred years. In the Sevens.Exposed puzzle (2017 puzzles by CICADA 3301 including the Q.mp3 file, ed.) nothing ever indicated any support for Trump, or implied that there were any links to any political issue." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64CBZbzgbwI]

In March 2020, American Intelligence Media published a blog post where they said that the delivery system for the coronavirus were nanotubes which released the virus when they were activated by 5G, and their theory was frequently promoted by Robert David Steele. [https://aim4truth.org/2020/03/22/cat-report-340/] AIM also published two long posts where they presented false evidence that Klaus Schwab was a Jew. [https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?p=108194] In January 2020 AIM also published a popular blog post about how Pirbright Institute had supposedly patented the coronavirus, even though actually the patent was for an avian infectious bronchitis virus. [https://aim4truth.org/2020/01/28/proof-coronavirus-is-a-bioweapon/] I believe the story about the Pirbright patent was first put out by the Qtard Jordan Sather on January 21st UTC, but the next UTC-day it was discussed by both Alex Jones and Mike Adams. [https://twitter.com/Jordan_Sather_/status/1219795721286586368, https://www.brighteon.com/3ab86f6b-24a5-4125-bdbb-814baaaa791a]

Douglas Gabriel from American Intelligence Media is also linked to the origins of Q, and some of Q's posts were based on content posted by AIM. [https://patriots4truth.org/2019/12/11/we-were-q/] Douglas Gabriel is one of the leading anthroposophists in the United States, and he has said that he worked as a cryptologist for the NSA, that he was a Jesuit and a freemason, and that he was tasked by the Society of Jesus to infiltrate anthroposophy. [https://neoanthroposophy.com/2017/02/04/jesuit-spies/] In a YouTube video where Douglas Gabriel listed all of the spiritual practices he had been initiated into, he said: "But yes, Summit Lighthouse - I went through actually technical things, Aquarian Foundation. [...] Uh, Masonry, the blue lodge of course, leading to all the other degrees. [...] So that was the way it was with the Mormons, Swedenborg, the I AM Temple, of course, you know, I went through the training." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-h0sY3VlVXY&t=5m30s] The I AM Temples are operated by the Saint Germain Foundation, which was founded by Guy Ballard, who claims that in 1930 while he was hiking at Mount Shasta, Saint Germain appeared to him and began training him as a messenger. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Germain_Foundation] The Summit Lighthouse was an offshoot of Ballard's movement, and it was started by Mark Prophet who claims that he was instructed to found the Summit Lighthouse in 1958 by the ascended masters El Morya and Saint Germain. [https://www.summitlighthouse.org/summit-lighthouse-great-white-brotherhood/]

Iona Miller has a book, website, and YouTube channel dedicated to St. Germain, and she says that Schoenberger is a reincarnation of St. Germain, and Schoenberger also calls himself Thomas St. Germain. In one of Iona Miller's articles about the Count of St. Germain, she wrote: "To unlock the secrets of St. Germain, we have to think like an alchemist, think like a Rosicrucian, think like a Qabalist. The main purpose of the Great Work is to create a transcendent, miraculous substance variously symbolized as the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of Life, or the universal medicine (panacea)." [https://thecountmovie.weebly.com/treatment-2.html] In a magazine that is published by Douglas Gabriel and his wife, there's several articles about St. Germain, with titles like "Conversation with St. Germain about Nibiru and Schumann Waves", "Finding St. Germain: Modern Sources Reveal Ancient Teachings", "Incarnations of St. Germain", and "St. Germain Explains Artificial Intelligence and the Internet". [https://www.ourspirit.com/copy-of-v2-magazine-archive-1]

Thomas Schoenberger's music company is called Sophia Musik. Douglas Gabriel and his wife published a series of books titled "The Gospel of Sophia". In January 2016 13 people died in explosion in Istanbul next to the Hagia Sophia mosque, but before the explosion a Cicada 3301 poster was placed next to the mosque. [https://www.bitchute.com/video/rhsl0ReeZeK8/, https://imgur.com/gallery/jqTcUZS] One of the Qtards whose tweets Jikky retweeted in 2019 had the display name "Spirit of Divine Sophia".

Douglas Gabriel claims that Cicada 3301 gave AIM the spear which pierced the side of Jesus on the cross. [https://aim4truth.org/2023/08/01/cat-report-813/] Douglas Gabriel also wrote: "In 2017, a Cicada 3301 player named deFango will begin to discover why Douglas Gabriel will tell him in early 2018 that he had not reached the 'inner court or circle' of solving the grand puzzle. / He had certainly reached an 'outer court or circle' as it is known in esoteric language, but he hadn't uncovered ultimate truth of the grand puzzle. Cicada 3301 is a 'level of play' of the Glass Bead Game. There are many doorways into the game and many levels of play." [https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Gabriel-and-McKibben-Discuss-the-Lance-Findings.html?soid=1117755878567&aid=xhOFmkJJ3DI]

3301 is the 463rd prime number. I found an article published by The Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn which included 463 among a list of 32 Thelemic numbers: "463 = RA-HOOR-KHVIT (Lord of the New Aeon). 463=Tav-Samekh-Gimel, the three Paths of the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life. 463=MTH HShQD (A Rod of Almond = the Middle Pillar)." [https://www.praemonstro.com/thelemic-astrology-copy] A member of The Order of the Thelemic Golden Dawn wrote: "The numbers of the Paths of the Middle Pillar are 13 (Gimel), 25 (Samekh) and 32 (Tav). The sum of these numbers is 70. 70 is the value of the Hebrew letter Ayin which corresponds with "Path 26" on the Tree of Life. It is the Path of the Exalted Phallus and the Pillar itself is a symbol of the erect Phallus. It is the Path of the Atu of Thoth called "The Devil". The Devil is Pan, the God of Sexual Lust or Phallic Energy; and He is Baphomet, the Supreme Hieroglyph of the True Self of Man. The sum of the numbers of the Hebrew letters of each Path of the Middle Pillar is 463 (Tav = 400, Samekh = 60, and Gimel = 3). 463 is the numerical value of RA-HOOR-KHVIT (Lord of the New Aeon) and it is the number of MTH HShQD (A Rod of Almond). Note in this connection that Ra-Hoor-Khuit is, in the Thelemic Qabalah, the God of Kether. Also note that Almond is attributed to Kether on the Tree of Life, and Kether is the Crown of the Middle Pillar. The Middle Pillar is, in point of fact, a symbol of the nature of Kether unfolded as the Universe." [https://setiishadim.wordpress.com/2007/02/01/the-formulae-and-rituals-of-the-middle-pillar/] The same article also said: "The well-known Golden Dawn magician Francis Israel Regardie regarded the Middle Pillar as containing the secret of the Great Work. He considered the Middle Pillar Exercise as being of utmost value, not only to the aspirant but to the Adept as well. Such was his high regard for the Middle Pillar Exercise that he even used it to initiate certain aspirants."

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Thank you for sharing your research. Interestingly, I've just learned about Jason Goodman, and hadn't yet learned much.

I will add some of the people you mention to my post sometime this week. The substantial and growing overlap should help a lot of people understand at least that there is substantial Mindwar taking place.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Jessica Hockett pointed out that Jason Goodman did interviews with both Colleen Smith and Cameron Kyle-Sidell over the phone, and that Kyle-Sidell said that he knew Colleen Smith who was one of his residents, and that in June 2020 Smith and Kyle-Sidell participated in a "live storytelling event" along with other doctors at NYC. [https://twitter.com/Wood_House76/status/1689839292573528064]

When Goodman interviewed Kyle-Sidell, Goodman acted in a very confrontational way and he kept asking if Kyle-Sidell took part in a "medical simulation", so Kyle-Sidell ended the interview by hanging up the phone. However the phone call may have been scripted, like I suspect the phone call where Goodman argued with Cottrell was scripted. [https://www.bitchute.com/video/gAB5LWHRoBY/, https://www.bitchute.com/video/8aAnVACgQ8sI/]

The viral video where Cameron Kyle-Sidell said that people were being killed on ventillators was published on YouTube on March 31st UTC. Two days earlier on March 29th UTC, the undercover nurse Erin published a post on Facebook where she conveyed a message from someone who she described as a good friend of hers in Florida was another ICU nurse, who she called Krissie RN and who wrote about how people were being killed on ventilators. [https://www.facebook.com/erinmarie05/posts/pfbid02oF4sTgKsRuNujnr7JktTXLU9SgiF6ggaZUEHwzWFeuSZZzoYyybyW7bfnH9LKbJhl] A comment to the post was posted by someone called Krissie Marie who indicated that she was the source of the information. I didn't find any other source which said that she worked as a nurse, but she is a member of a MAGAtard organization called KTJ Nation, which was founded by three aged bimbos whose main activity seems to have been to attend Trump rallies and other patriot rallies. Members of KTJ Nation attended an early anti-lockdown rally in Florida in April 2020, where they were wearing MAGA hats and waving an American flag and they were filmed by NBC News. [https://ktjnation.com/2020/04/30/re-open-florida/] Erin and KTJ Nation both still have active Facebook accounts where they post almost daily, because maybe their target audience is boomers who still use Facebook. In early 2020 Erin and KTJ Nation posted the same type of MAGAtard-type content about COVID on Facebook, and by early April or late March 2020, Krissie Marie was already posting messages on Facebook where she said that the pandemic was fake. [https://www.facebook.com/james.macraesmith/posts/pfbid0DQgsr6hatnBopgZXhcXRHcy5bhu5CwDaFhJKTHUxcxbMarxaUk2ezU1fayn7a4pjl] However Kyle-Sidell was already speaking out against ventilators on Twitter on March 27th UTC, so he was probably an earlier whistleblower about ventilators than Krissie Marie. [https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Acameronks%20until%3A2020-4-2&f=live]

In a YouTube video in March 2020 where Karen B exposed Colleen Smith as an expert in medical simulation, she also said: "Viruses don't make people sick. They're not contagious. There's no 'global' pandemic because there is no globe." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8GfINlitA8&t=2h6m50s] In April 2020, the flat earther David Weiss mirrored 4 of Amazing Polly's videos about COVID on BitChute, including her video about Colleen Smith. [https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kGe71EDYD4wE/] He also mirrored the video by Sara NP, who was supposed to be a friend of Erin Olszewski who conveyed Erin's message that patients were being killed on ventilators while Erin was still working undercover in NYC so she couldn't appear in media herself.

Kyle-Sidell worked at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn. There were also two doctors who worked at Maimonides Medical Center called Jignesh Patel and Jesse Yisachar Greenberg, who both happened to get COVID at the same time in March 2020 and who were begging for Gilead to give them Remdesivir so they could be cured. The other doctor has a Twitter account with only 5 tweets, which are basically ads for Remdesivir like this: "Azithromycin was added slowly my saturation is worsening I am desperate can any one help me get the drug from Gilead Remdesivir please help". [https://twitter.com/JesseYisachar] Both doctors appeared on CBS Evening News. [https://twitter.com/jigneshpatelMD/status/1242534350887030785] First a newscaster introduced the segment by saying: "A rush on medications that many hope can treat coronavirus means those drugs are now in short supply, including for people who need them for other serious illnesses. But patients with coronavirus are pleading for treatment." Then it cut to a video clip of Patel who said "I'm a young guy, I have no medical history", and then he coughed. Then a narrator said: "Struggling to speak, Brooklyn doctor Jignesh Patel is a coronavirus patient - his recovery helped by drugs now in very short supply." And Patel continued: "It feels so helpless. Make it a little bit in time. So that it could be used before it's too late." Then the narrator said: "Some drugs like Remdesivir have shown promise, but New York City doctor Jesse Greenberg, now in ICU, can't get it." Next it cut to a video showing Greenberg on a respirator, and someone asked him: "What is the next step for your medical care if you don't get this medication?" Then Greenberg breathed into a respirator and replied quietly "I don't know." Then the narrator said: "And with hospitals filling up fast, California-based Gilead Sciences which makes Remdesivir reports an exponential increase in compassionate use requests, meaning the use of a new unapproved drug to treat a sick patient." And next they said that people should't be stocking up on HCQ but the great hope is that now a clinical test for Remdesivir is starting.

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Note: I met Jessica during a Pandata meeting and was going to talk with her by phone. She balked and kept balking. This was right around the time Mark K went nuts on me. After that I noticed JJ love bombing her. During the plandemonium, I've had numerous people tell me privately they were told to stay away from me. Sometimes I was given details and sometimes not. It's clear that I'm the outsider in an insider's game. But I don't think Jessica understands that yet.

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That's interesting too, further to my earlier reply.

Please understand Henjin's role here too.

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What is Henjin's part? He has sometimes said things I agree with and sometimes disagree with, but shares his sources. I saw you two engage, but it doesn't make my priority list to keep track of drama among people whose names and associations are all occult to me.

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She understands.

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Quite a comprehensive offering. Thank you.

re: Iona Miller...

She is - at least the last time I checked - married to Richard Alan Miller (RAM).

RAM has long appeared on various conspiracy podcasts as a former trainer of the Military's psychonaut program, a la "The Men Who Stare at Goats". He claims the Jeff Bridges character is modeled after him. He also claims to have worked on "synthetic telepathy" technology where messages are beamed directly into someone's head from antennae. This is the "Voice of God" technology others have talked about and suggested were used when the Iraqi's just laid down their arms and surrendered during the first Gulf War.

Richard Alan Miller is a really interesting guy and quite a charismatic speaker. He wrote a book with Iona Miller called The Modern Alchemist, among other books.

So many of these roads lead to hacking into the mind and reforming how one perceives their reality.

Stepping out multiple levels from the really shady occultism stuff, the "black mirrors" everyone carries around with them are the medium through which unknowing/unsuspecting people get their minds hacked.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Richard Alan Miller might be lying about his past like Douglas Gabriel, because his bio seems a bit fantastic: [https://radiantcreators.com/2019/10/24/dr-richard-alan-miller-true-will-magic/]

> Dr. Richard Alan Miller has a long and extensive resume in the fields of Physics, Metaphysics and Agriculture. Here are just some of the highlights from his very rich and varied resume - from solid state physics to states of consciousness and much in between...

> Prodigious from an early age, two of Richard Miller's high school science projects were adopted by NASA, including one used in the Mariner 4 mission to determine the amount of water on the planet Mars. At age 16 he built a linear accelerator and hydrogen bubble chamber for a science fair project and was the first American to demonstrate particles going faster than the speed of light.

> He's been involved in research and projects - many at top secret level - that have formed the basis of several modern-day scientific inventions. Miller's research in the field of paranormal began as a graduate physicist working 11 years with Navy Intel (Anesthesiology). His work includes foundational papers on A Holographic Concept of Reality and Embryonic Holography and work with microwaves and synthetic telepathy. He was used as Timothy Leary's experimental guinea pig to see what the effects of LSD were when taken by a Mensa level genius.

> Dr. Miller was the real-life character that the X-Files' Fox Mulder was based on - investigating unexplained phenomena for Navy Seal Corp and MRU, which put him in the path of many incredible life experiences, including an encounter with an alien and travel to an underground Antarctic Nazi base.

> He conducted ESP experiments with astronaut Edgar Mitchell on the dark side of the Moon, and he developed early protocols and trained Navy Seals in ESP and Super Soldier techniques.

Iona Miller's bio also says: "Iona is on the editorial board of JNLRMI, which scientifically investigates quantum biophysics and psi phenomena including remote healing and remote viewing." [http://web.archive.org/web/20040405091528/http://subcutaneous.org/Iona.html]

Iona Miller's old website has a section titled "QABALA ART GALLERIES", where one gallery is dedicated to art by Israel Regardie. [http://web.archive.org/web/20040423090805/http://zero-point.tripod.com/qblart/qblartgallery3.html] So it adds further weight to my theory that the number 3301 refers to the 463rd prime number since 463 signifies the Middle Pillar in Thelema. Iona Miller's old website even has a page about the Middle Pillar, which includes an article about the Middle Pillar Exercise from the 80s written by Iona and Richard Alan Miller. [http://web.archive.org/web/20040405084107/http://zero-point.tripod.com/cosmictime.html#RE-VISIONING%20MIDDLE%20PILLAR%20EXERCISE:]

Richard Alan Miller has a book titled "The Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs", which says: "The first use of sex within the rituals of western traditions of magic began with the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), an 800-year-old Masonic order in Germany. Members had studied the Hindu traditions of Tantra and found that the energy contained in those rituals was greater than in any other known technique. At the turn of the century, Aleister Crowley became their new Outer Head of the Order (O.H.O.) and rewrote those rituals for a more contemporary application. For a clear picture of this technique, it is recommended that the student first read chapter 16 of The Tree of Life by Israel Regardie, followed by pages 82-86 of Liber Aleph, The Book of Wisdom or Folly by Aleister Crowley." [https://issuu.com/johnalexis_balaguer/docs/richard_alan_miller_-_the_magical_a]

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I should have added that my mentioning of him wasn't an endorsement. I collect these people's ideas and books like an archeologist might collect relics.

I actually own the Magical and Ritual Use of Herbs book and a couple others of his. It freaks people out who are triggered by words like "magic".

He and Iona might just be goofy occultists who reside somewhere between Earth and the Pleiades, I just thought I'd put another name in the pot of people with peculiar backgrounds who have put enough effort into their offering to create books and do interviews.

Thank you again for your comprehensive review.

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The Remote Viewing Program was part of the diet of the cult that I grew up in, The Association for Research and Enlightenment. They told me and brothers we were being trained to be psychic super soldiers and would hypnotize our parents. Other than the hypnosis, everything was fraudulent so far as I saw. And abusive depending in the situation.

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Wow, now THAT'S a blast from the past for me. .ARE.

You certainly have been through it, Mathew. I find your sites thought-provoking, as well as the comments. This thread about Mike Adams' has proven most interesting. Thanks to all for comments as well.

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Housatonic says that he worked as a "competitive intelligence analyst" at Dell.

Alex Jones' parents David Jones and Carol Hamman were employed as CIA contractors in the 1980s and 1990s, and Alex Jones's uncle William Hamman was employed as a CIA and US Army Special Operations contractor. Hamman's daughter and Alex's cousin Verna Grayce Chao worked for Dell: "Data Point #3 - Verna Grayce Chao is/has been employed by Dell and IBM, two corporations that are private contractors for the C.I.A. and NSA. Verna was employed by IBM for ten years (from August, 2000 to April, 2010) and has been employed by Dell for the past six years (from April, 2010 to the present). One of Verna Grayce Chao's job titles/descriptions while employed at Dell is very similar to Edward Snowden's job title/description when he was employed by Dell as a C.I.A. and NSA contractor from 2009 to 2013." [https://web.archive.org/web/20180428211119/https://alexjonesexposed.info/alex-jones-and-cia/]

Snowden was first employed by CIA, then the NSA contractor Dell, and then the NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. So he did not work directly for the NSA but he worked for their contractors. Just like Housatonic, Snowden also worked for Dell before he came out as a whistleblower: [http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/15/usa-security-snowden-dell-idUSL2N0GF11220130815]

> In 2009, Snowden began work as a contractor for Dell,[21] which manages computer systems for multiple government agencies. Assigned to an NSA facility at Yokota Air Base near Tokyo, Snowden instructed top officials and military officers on how to defend their networks from Chinese hackers.[16] During his four years with Dell, he rose from supervising NSA computer system upgrades to working as what his résumé termed a "cyberstrategist" and an "expert in cyber counterintelligence" at several U.S. locations.[52] In 2011, he returned to Maryland, where he spent a year as lead technologist on Dell's CIA account. In that capacity, he was consulted by the chiefs of the CIA's technical branches, including the agency's chief information officer and its chief technology officer.[16] U.S. officials and other sources familiar with the investigation said Snowden began downloading documents describing the government's electronic spying programs while working for Dell in April 2012.[53] Investigators estimated that of the 50,000 to 200,000 documents Snowden gave to Greenwald and Poitras, most were copied by Snowden while working at Dell.[4]

> March 2012, Dell reassigned Snowden to Hawaii as lead technologist for the NSA's information-sharing office.[16] At the time of his departure from the United States in May 2013, he had been employed for 15 months inside the NSA's Hawaii regional operations center, which focuses on the electronic monitoring of China and North Korea,[4][54] the last three of which were with consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton.[55][56] While intelligence officials have described his position there as a "system administrator," Snowden has said he was an "infrastructure analyst," which meant that his job was to look for new ways to break into Internet and telephone traffic around the world.[57] On March 15, 2013 - three days after what he later called his "breaking point" of "seeing the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, directly lie under oath to Congress"[58] - Snowden quit his job at Dell.[59]

> [...]

> Snowden subsequently told Wired that while at Dell in 2011, "I would sit down with the CIO of the CIA, the CTO of the CIA, the chiefs of all the technical branches. They would tell me their hardest technology problems, and it was my job to come up with a way to fix them."[16]

Snowden also lived in Japan like Paul Cottrell and Kevin McCairn (which might be a coincidence, but a history of having lived in foreign countries is of course a common trait of spooks): [http://www.vanityfair.com/news/politics/2014/05/edward-snowden-politics-interview]

> His earlier online comments suggest frustration at losing his dream career. In any event, he wasn't unemployed for long. As far back as his early teens, he had been intrigued by the idea of living in Japan. In early 2009 he got the chance, accepting a job with Dell in Tokyo. In addition to making computers, Dell managed computer systems for hundreds of corporations and more than a few government agencies. In Japan, Snowden worked at the Yokota Air Base, outside Tokyo, where he instructed top officials and military officers on how to defend their networks from Chinese hackers. There he also designed a highly sophisticated data backup system called EPICSHELTER. It used an advanced technology to place a shield around every N.S.A. site in the world, ensuring that the N.S.A. would be able to recover information from any of its locations, even if that site were completely destroyed in the event of war or another calamity. The N.S.A., in fact, was one of Dell's most important and secretive clients.

> [...]

> Snowden wasn't employed directly by the N.S.A. - he worked for its contractors, first Dell and then Booz Allen Hamilton. Like IBM, Boeing, Raytheon, and others, they receive multi-billion-dollar government contracts to provide everything an agency could need, from security guards and maintenance staff to satellites and supercomputers.

John Phelan is the co-founder and "Chairman Emeritus" of Michael Dell's private investment firm, but he is also the chairman of the CIA's Third Option Foundation, whose website says: "Third Option Foundation is guided by a diverse and committed group of individuals, some with deep roots in the CIA, others with expertise in business or philanthropy. All of them have an intimate understanding of the needs of the Special Operations community, its operators, and their families." [https://www.brassballs.blog/https/newsothersmisscom/bloomberglaw-cia-special-activities-center-still-controls-dell-computers-thirdoptionfoundation-sachs-phelan-third-option-john-cold-stone-harbor-elections-voting-software-dominion-optiplex]

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

I previously thought that Housatonic got connected to George Webb because they were doing the same type of investigative research on COVID. I posted my research about George Webb on Housatonic's Discord but he didn't respond to it, even though I think I clearly showed that Webb is a plant in the truth movement. But now I found out that before Housatonic started his YouTube channel, he was already connected to George Webb.

Housatonic's website has a spreadsheet which includes information about most of his past episodes, even though a few of the earliest episodes are missing. [https://sites.google.com/housatonicits.com/live/episodes] The first show that is not missing was episode 4.1 which was the 4th episode overall and which is dated September 11th 2019 UTC, but Housatonic's YouTube channel was created in August 2019. The first episode with a guest is an episode from September 2019 with John O'Loughlin, who is the "McDuff Speaks" guy who regularly does shows with George Webb, and who has sometimes even had George Webb in person in his studio. [https://www.bitchute.com/video/w8RDHrpa8OiH/] O'Loughlin says that his father was "a top FBI Agent for J. Edgar Hoover, and Counterinsurgency Planner for the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Vietnam War". However before Housatonic started his own channel, he had been a guest several times on O'Loughlin's YouTube channel since at least May 2019. [https://twitter.com/leytedriver/status/1130150776016396293, https://twitter.com/leytedriver/status/1122567282570465281, https://twitter.com/leytedriver/status/1163111006798831617]

In July 2019 O'Loughlin tweeted: "24 videos from the Baltimore-Gibson Island Webbinar Tour with @GeorgWebb and @HousatonicITS posted on McDuff channel, along with 3 videos of Annapolis Harbor boat tour. Enjoy Mark and George's commentary as we tour the Baltimore behind the white canvas." [https://twitter.com/leytedriver/status/1153105971733860352]

O'Loughlin frequently tagged George Webb and Housatonic on Twitter in 2019, like for example in September 2019 he tweeted: "@GeorgWebb @HousatonicITS Mark Kulacz has identified Uranium's value as an energy storage medium. Now Kazakhstan has the world's only IAEA approved Uranium bank!" [https://twitter.com/leytedriver/status/1171849929427472384] It's interesting that many of Housatonic's early videos were about nuclear energy, because George Webb is always talking about uranium deals or something.

In February 2019, O'Loughlin tagged Housatonic and George Webb in a tweet where he wrote: "George's videos on Periscope are available for replay, but Twitter doesn't always post them here. This is yesterday's Live at National Harbor, where George and I decide to launch a McDuff channel on Youtube! Exciting! https://pscp.tv/GeorgWebb/1gqxvngrypkxB". [https://twitter.com/leytedriver/status/1100400815032934404] So George Webb was involved in launching the McDuff channel, which may have been the channel where Housatonic did his alt media debut.

Housatonic blew the whistle on Hillary's emails, but George Webb has also been investigating Hillary's emails. George Webb is not only connected to Housatonic but also other IT whistleblowers. In one video he said that "I met Julian Assange in Australia in 1984 when he was a kid". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDAZ3pF9jIw] Steve Outtrim wrote: "George Webb claims to have known Julian Assange since he was a teenager, and to have been a participant in delivering information to WikiLeaks by giving thumb drives to Michael Ratner, Ellen's late brother. He did this from the Harvard Club at dinner with Jerome Corsi and Jason Goodman, calling into the Hagmann Report. Sadly Doug Hagmann's son and #PizzaGate reporter Joe died suddenly just after Isaac Kappy and just before Tracy Twyman." [https://burners.me/tag/george-webb/]

I don't know if it's correct, but a forum post from 2017 said that Webb used to work as the IT expert for Rudy Giuliani: "I am inferring that Webb is getting a lot of input from patriotic FBI field agents on Staten Island because Webb worked as the IT expert for Rudy Guiliani in NYC. I have a sense these field agents are the ones that forced Comey to reopen the email case against Clinton and more, that they were instrumental in stopping Clinton from stealing the election." [https://freerepublic.com/focus/news/3541373/posts]

Someone tweeted: "[George Webb: The Man Behind The George Webb Transcripts As Told By Forum Borealis] 'In '88 he moved to Australia to work as an Account Executive for Sun Microsystems, where he incidentally met Julian Assange at a special camp of albinos.'" George Webb replied: "No, I said his mother dyed all the kids hair at the camp in the Dandenongs. Assange's mother brought all the kids to the University of Melbourne Solaris day we had at the University. CSIRO was been interesting in genetic mutations in animals near Geelong. These two stories have been smooshed together." [https://twitter.com/RealGeorgeWebb1/status/1726616392747610333]

George Webb wrote: [http://web.archive.org/web/20220717173755/https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/assange-predicted-ukraine-war-with:]

> In February of 2017 with the breaking news of the Awan scandal in Congress, I began following a national surveillance system in Pakistan called NADRA, being paid for by three Ukrainian billionaires (which smacked of yet another CIA, Cofer Black front in Ukraine).

> The Awan Pakistani Spy Ring in our US Congress that I was reporting on at the time had many contacts with the Pakistani ISI Intelligence Service installing NADRA in Pakistan, so NADRA was of keen interest to me and a frequent topic of my reporting.

> One very interesting wrinkle to the story was one sole Ukrainian woman named Nataliia Sova in the Awan Spy Ring. Sova only seemed to be on Capitol Hill long enough for the Ukrainian Billionaires cover up defrauding the NADRA Bank in Ukraine to pay for the NADRA software in Pakistan.

> [...]

> In 2017, Journalist George Webb speculated that the NADRA biometric surveillace software used in Pakistan was purchased by Ukrainian Billionaires to help affect lockdowns and overthrows of countries worldwide, much in the same way Robert Maxwell's PROMIS software was used.

> While I was reporting on NADRA Bank in June of 2017, a seemingly stunning post from 2012 that Julian Assange had made about NADRA was reposted by Assange - TWICE. I will never forget Assange posting NADRA 2012 emails twice while I was doing broadcasts on the story, and I will never forget the Pakistanis immediate denial.

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John O'Loughlin is a nice guy, with fond memories of his father; his personal quest is to salvage America. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

>>I don't know if it's correct, but a forum post from 2017 said that Webb used to work as the IT expert for Rudy Giuliani.<<

Does not compute. George Webb was an IT salesman, possibly expert at selling.

>>... Webb is a plant in the truth movement.<<

Admittedly, he took at least one clot shot, which makes his judgment suspect (his son is a doctor). But his video reportage series between 2016 and 2020 was priceless, and kudos to him for unveiling the criminal structure of the deep state.

Judge them by their fruits, I should think.

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Nov 29, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Housatonic is also a nice guy, and he's a researcher who I used to respect a lot before he went down the whole Scooby Doo path, so it breaks my heart to find evidence which suggests that he might be working for the other side.

But on the other hand it would explain why he keeps promoting false information even after he has been shown why it is wrong. Housatonic keeps saying that the number of excess drug overdose deaths in the United States in 2020-2022 was about 100-150 thousand, which he says is approximately equal to the number of COVID deaths in the United States in 2020-2022: https://mongol-fi.github.io/nopandemic.html#Housatonic_claim_that_excess_deaths_from_drug_overdoses_in_the_US_in_2020_2022_were_approximately_equal_to_COVID_deaths. But actually the official number of COVID deaths in 2020-2022 is about 1.1 million, and CDC estimated that there were about 1.6 million excess deaths in 2020-2022. Housatonic got his figure for excess drug overdose deaths by using the number of deaths in 2019 as the baseline, but when I used the linear trend in 2015-2019 as the baseline instead, I only got about 64,000 excess drug-related deaths on CDC WONDER in 2020-2022. (My figure might be too high because I used ICD codes which also include some other drug-related deaths besides drug overdoses, but on the other hand my figure might be too low because CDC WONDER is still missing drug deaths that occurred in 2022 because drug-related deaths often have a long registration delay.) But anyway, 1.1 million is about 17 times higher than 64,000. And it's also difficult to confuse drug deaths with COVID deaths because most COVID deaths are in elderly people, and COVID deaths have occured in waves which have taken place at different times in different states, but drug deaths have a more uniform distribution throughout the year with no major spikes within states.

I posted a short version of my notes about George Webb here: https://mongol-fi.github.io/pfizerstew.html#J_J_Coueys_Mossad_t_shirt. I sent a longer version of my notes to Housatonic on Discord, but he keeps ignoring me so I don't know if he even saw it.

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I made the same observation about drug overdoses you did. It looked like 6 to 7 percent of the whole while he was saying "most" or "most all" or something. If I hadn't already stepped away from him, I would have questioned him about it.

He also says the military is being framed in tje pandemic, but without going through the piles of info that point to the military as a primary actor. It's very weird, but it may mean he is working with some of the military intelligence on my graph. This might make sense in terms of his being passed info about my beatings.

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I have gone through the wealth of information in your link, and appreciate the details you have provided. The question is whether your conclusions (or rather, suspicions) are soundly based. In other words, where should one draw the line between applying critical realism as opposed to unbridled paranoia, and that is why I prefer looking at the fruits: The messenger may be rotten as long as the message is solid, and the latter is mostly what I am interested in.

I take in my stride that George Webb calls himself a Messianic Jew, and gleaned information from the "French Mossad". All it deserves in my book is a mental note in the margin, and that is all. As an example, Webb was hot on the trail of Seth Rich, as you may remember, too. Say what, now the Rich case has come to the fore again, and is subject to court proceedings against FBI. Did Webb do a good job at the time or not? (Rhetorical question.)

As for Couey, JJ is a funny guy regardless of what T-shirt he wears. All his Mossad gear evokes in me is a chuckle - why, I might wear it myself! In fact, ages ago I sported an IDF cap, bought at an Arab stall in Jerusalem. Then I grew up for one thing, and now to top it all the Gaza thing has happened - clearly, IDF is anathema.

Perhaps we need to establish some sort of recognition for the Righteous Jews? If just for balance.

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This is a really long message showing you have no idea what you're talking about given that our side exposed a lot of these people. So please carry on 😂

And yes the logo is a great unifying symbol between races. I know there are people whose sole interest is dividing others on the basis of race, but we are not those people and reject your attempts.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

Sunday I was listening to Bret Weinstein. He said we don't have enough people yet that will refuse to comply. That's what I've thought all along. It takes a lot of simultaneous non-compliance to stop the likes of those who are running the governments of the world from pushing towards greater and greater tyranny.

I'm all for learning about what the different motives are for what's being pushed and who's involved. But at some point the MFM needs to remind people of the basic issues that are in plain sight if you want to convince more people to refuse to comply. And even those issues may be too complex for too many people.

It's hard for me to be optimistic.

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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023Author

The MFM seems too busy radicalizing its base and monetizing them to deradicalize the other side. Continually lying about DMED while breaking bread with eugenics cults isn't going to get us over that hump. I suspect Bret knows that.

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What lie about DMED? What Eugenics cults?

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It would be easier if you followed links or searched the substack if you haven't been a reader for very long. I can stop and lay out links once in a while, and I try to keep up with a good summary, but I can't do that for half an hour a day with people new to each conversation.


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I've been following te Q psyop for many years, since Corsi got hooked on it. Clearly Trump is in on the Deep State Psyop to lead the would be resisting Right over the cliff to defeat and the end of what is left of liberty in America. Why would we expect anything different from a life-long Democrat? Your analysis seems absurd. Trump is scripted to be America's last gasp.

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And yet I have no reason to believe they're not true believers in their approach. So I'm not optimistic. Plus, I think there are too many people who can't believe the extremes their own governments are willing to go to in pursuit of what is actually a pipe-dream (utopian health care, climate change policies, transhumanist evolution, etc) given that the world is on the verge of instability due to catastrophic debt, making it hard to do any of it without increasing injustices. That naivete alone is very problematic. They can always convince themselves that "this time it's different" and go along with it until it's too late.

IOW, we need our best in government given the mistakes of our previous leaders. And that we don't have.

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There are plenty of good people in the MFM, but they're kept in fish bowls, and kept away from people like me who offer meta-solutions like running campfire.wiki to document everything. Not one of the major influencers steered people toward working on it. That's one of many clues, but I'll put more together in an article when I get the chance.

"IOW, we need our best in government given the mistakes of our previous leaders. "

I don't even believe that we have an independent government at the moment. I see no indication from people I've talked to in government over the past several years that pushes back against the "everything is captured" hypothesis. I think that global governance was laid down over the past 50+ years, silently, while people's minds were kicked around in school and hypnotized by TV and other mass media. That's why they don't notice or question enough, and think people who point out that it's all a Matrix are "conspiracy theorists", the ultimate thought-terminating cliche.

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Nov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023

I've come to the conclusion that government of any significant size is, and always has been, organized crime writ large (after all, even smaller-level organized crime maintains a kind of order). And that's probably because when tax money gets significant enough, it always attracts the bribers and black-mailers and the worst of the control-freaks.

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Don't "even" have an independent government?" Duh! Conspiracy Theorists knew that when the UN was founded!

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But, everything in government has been captured. David Rockefeller founding the Trilateral Commission was a major step in putting all the major Corporations into Fascist "Lockstep". Even the Koch Brothers is fully in lockstep now suporting NeoCon Nikki Hailey.

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I'd like to share my perspective. I'm not an expert on psyops, but I am a longtime political news junkie and fan of the likes of Ron Paul, James Corbett, Tom Woods, Lew Rockwell, No Agenda podcast, etc since 2010. I also live in B'ham and being involved in local GOP politics have 200+ tea party and mainstream GOP politics posting friends on FB. At the time that media outlets like CNN, NPR, etc started promoting the term QAnon, I was well aware of the hoax and asked several GOP friends what they thought about it. They'd never heard of it. In 2019, I was more likely to know a Democrat who knew what QAnon was than a Republican who knew what it was. Out of my ~200 Trump/Republican supporting FB friends, only 3 knew about, followed, and believed that QAnon was real/legit. My 3 friends (all 3 I'd met during tea party political activism days in 2009) believed that there was a group of active and former military "white hats" who were working behind the scenes to take down the Deep State. They thought we should trust Trump no matter what he did. They believed that what we were being told in the news (even Covid) were lies and distractions to cover up what was really happening: a very much alive Jeffrey Epstein and a freed Julian Assange were down at Gitmo testifying in Military Tribunals led by Jeff Sessions and General Flynn where they were locking up all of the Deep State bad guys. They were told to "trust the plan" and they did.

Imho, that Bitchute video wasn't an admission by Vallely that QAnon was a psyop. It was a confirmation to Q followers that QAnon was real. Vallely said it was a "white hat" information gathering organization and 'much of what they were disseminating was valid being off on the timing of the indictments'. The title of the video was "QANON revealed - US Army Major General Paul Vallely says Q is Military Operation". In 2019, if I'd told my 3 friends they were falling for a psyop, they would have said "no, it's real". If I'd shown them that video in 2019, they would have said "see, he's admitting it's real. It's not a hoax". Am I missing something?

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“In 2019, I was more likely to know a Democrat who knew what QAnon was than a Republican who knew what it was. “

This is my experience exactly. Additionally, the Dem friends believed there are literally millions of Q followers.

I always said, “I really think it’s a fringe element.”

Would usually get a response to the effect of, “I know it’s huge. I read/watched/listened to….”

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I would like to add that I have also thought for a long time that Steve Bannon and Jack Posobiec (also naval intelligence) helped originate the Qanon hoax. I prefer the term hoax rather than psyop because even the Qanon believers thought it was a military led operation. It seemed to have been taken over by others at some point because Posobiec did a video saying it was a hoax. I'm guessing they lost control of it and it was financially beneficial to Ron Watkins(?) to keep it going because a lot of people were making money on youtube and other places with views/ads and also selling merch.

It was definitely a "movement", just like the MFM is a movement, so they will have at least some of the same characteristics like bandwagoners, grifters, real Chaos Agents and some of the same alternative 'nightly news anchors'.

As we continue to watch the legacy media die, there will be more sources of alternative news and more Conspiracy genre news creators/influencers. I feel sorry for younger people who have to weed through thousands of George Webb's to find a James Corbett. We were lucky to have had our eyes opened at a younger age. And then there is the occasional Streisand Effect - I found this list of Russian propaganda sites useful confirmation of who was telling the truth or not. www.propornot.com

Another bandwagoner is Lin Wood although he jumped on the Qanon bandwagon regarding the 2020 election interference. They have to have people like Gen Flynn and Lin Wood and Sydney Powell to sell tickets to their conferences.

Politicians like MTG and Boebert likely have a general or vague idea of what Qanon is, but did they spend any time decoding messages or have direct knowledge of the psyop? I doubt it. I would assume they are bandwagoners similar to Marco Rubio and others who picked up enough lingo from the tea party movement to get elected.

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Lin Wood has been vehemently anti-Flynn and Powell for almost three years. There is a huge, ongoing backstory.

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Feel like we live in a box within a box within a box, ad infinitum.

When it comes to Trump either we believe he’s being clubbed like an Eskimo seal, entrails slated to be sorted on the Globalist’s kitchen floor. Or, it’s Globalist empathy theater so he becomes fully worshipped.

TDS runs in both directions. The scariest thing about Trump is the lack of any contextual middle ground. Few see a mixture of good and bad. Most see 100% good or 100% bad. Biden black hat, Trump white hat rising out of the ashes to save the day. Massive hero worship ensues.

Exactly the kind of leader groomed to initiate policies previously thought of as untenable by citizens who’ve now been manipulated to accept anything he says with a minimum of pushback. If Trump says it, that’s the way it has to be. Zero sum game.

Conspiracy? Maybe. I guess we’ll find out.

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There is no one righteous, not even one.

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That’s the point I am getting to as well. I think from the abuse that Mathew is getting from so many in the MFM, it shows that he is touching on some sensitive topics, so I see his intentions as righteous.

It seems that anyone who has ever been really successful or made history has been in the secret club (Jesuits/Freemasons/Zionists/whoever they may be). I guess the MFM has become big enough to become subject to the same.

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It appears to me that the Big Club that I'm not in was established before I arrived, which explains a lot, including my bizarre experiences in Puerto Rico, and my home being destroyed a few weeks later.

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That was my first thought when I heard about the water damage. And then that lingering Covid-type illness you had.

Didn’t Voltaire say “if you want to know who controls you, look at who you are not allowed to criticize”.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hi Mathew,

Regarding the kulangeta, just thought I'd share an information source you may already be familiar with. "Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us", by Brian Klaas.

Based on a few intriguing YouTube interview, I bought a Kindle version of the book, but I have a half dozen other reads to get through before reading it, including Isobelle Wilkerson's "Caste", and the latest book about the Lahaina massacre, "Burn Back Better".

But I thought this would be a good opportunity to tap GPT4 on the shoulder, followed by my knee-jerk response.


ChatGPT 4


Good afternoon. Could you please summarize the following book?

"Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us"

by Brian Klaas


"Corruptible: Who Gets Power and How It Changes Us" by Brian Klaas explores various facets of power and its influence on individuals and society. Key points from the book include:

Survivorship Bias in Power: The book discusses the concept of survivorship bias and its application to power, highlighting how our understanding is often skewed not just by the evidence we have but also by the evidence we don't have​​.

Recruitment for Power Positions: The recruitment process for positions of power is crucial. The book points out the importance of considering not only who gets selected but also who applies in the first place. In policing, for example, it's vital to attract the right people to the profession, not just change the tactics of those already in it​​.

The Power Delusion: Klaas addresses the human tendency to value appearances over substance in leadership, a trait that can lead to the selection of incompetent or even harmful leaders. This issue is partly attributed to the flawed evolution of our brains​​.

Gender Politics in Leadership: The book discusses the absurdity of gender politics in leadership, noting that physical size and masculine displays of strength are often rewarded in political leaders, despite being irrelevant to their actual effectiveness​​.

The Dark Triad: Klaas examines abusive supervisors and the 'dark triad' of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy, explaining how these traits can be destructive in positions of authority​​.

Fundamental Attribution Error: The book highlights the difficulty in distinguishing between bad people and bad systems, and how we often misinterpret behavior as a result of the 'fundamental attribution error'​​.

Misconceptions About Power: Klaas argues that the common view that power corrupts is often exaggerated, pointing out phenomena like the 'dirty hands problem', where those in power face moral dilemmas with no right answer​​.

Power Approach and Inhibition Theory: The book discusses how power leads to proactive, risk-taking behavior, contrasting this with the cautious, reactive nature of the powerless​​.

Impact of Power on Physiology: A study is cited showing that hierarchy and status can affect brain chemistry, influencing behaviors like drug addiction in animals​​.

Strategies for Better Leadership: Klaas provides practical lessons for improving leadership, such as actively recruiting incorruptible people, using sortition and shadow governance for oversight, and rotating personnel to reduce abuse​​​​.

Overall, "Corruptible" offers a multifaceted look at power dynamics, combining research, anecdotes, and practical solutions to address the complexities of power and leadership.


My initial thoughts on the summary (if it is representative of the book) is that it reminds me of somve variables I've forgotten. But similar to my reaction to Lobaczewski's work, I am pessimistic that any strategy, heuristics, or system can avoid being eventually gamed and corrupted by the kulangeta.

Of the three strategies for better leadership:

1 — "actively recruiting incorruptible people?" ... "Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp. Or what's a heaven for?"

2 — "using sortition and shadow governance for oversight?" ... I like 'sorition' because it reminds me of John Rawls' "veil of ignorance' strategy, but 'shadow governance'? Ha. Easily the most corruptible of the strategies.

3 — "rotating personnel to reduce abuse" ... I am reminded of how 'rotating personnel' has been working out here in Japan. In pre-industrial Shogunate Japan, war lords were compelled to leave their family as hostage at the Shogun's palace, and make expensive periodic pilgrimages to the Shogunate as a show of fielty. Similarly, contemporary corporate Japanese employees are often compelled to move and live away from their family (tanshin funin) — which must have some impact on the drastic fall in demographics, and interestingly, 3 years is the commonly used time span for a position in a particular section of the company (sacrificing specialization for prevention of corrupt power structures). Something I only recently found out, those working in the banking industry are, by law, required to take a minimum 5 consecutive day vacation. Sounds good, compared to other companies where vacation is intermittent ... until I heard the reason why. 5 days is just enough time to track changes in money flow during the employee's absence ... to check for embezzlement or other illegal / immoral activity.

I will read the book, but I can't help but to be a bit predisposed to be a bit more negative than Brian Klass for one spin on the survivorship bias ... he is a winner, a member in good standing of institutionalized education, and with high social currency. Thanks to kulangeta, I am a loser, having resigned in protest from a tenured position and living out my final years in obscurity. I can't help but to think he is predisposed to thinking in terms of optimizing hierarchies rather than flattening them. In that respect, I guess that makes me a "pro-social anarchist".

Cheers, Mathew.

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Thank for taking the time to share this summary and your thoughts.

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Dec 4, 2023·edited Apr 2Liked by Mathew Crawford

My pleasure Mathew. Just wish I had more time to both read and write.

"Kulangeta" really needs a higher profile in most conversations about the 'big picture'.

As an applied linguist, I'm wondering if a tipping point of memes will be enough to bring it into the English language, shortening it to something that flips off the tongue more easily, (like "kangeta'), or an onomatopoeia-like association with a more familiar word (like 'kangaroo') ... though that would be a disservice to kangaroos.

Cheers, and thanks for reading my comment.


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Mar 24Liked by Mathew Crawford

Have you ever checked out Steve Pieczenik? In the early '90s, he published two "novels" (Blood Heat and State of Emergency). Blood Heat was about an attempt at a pandemic created in a lab by WW2 bad-guy scientists. State of Emergency is about a dispute between states and the federal government that leads to secession of states.

Blood Heat was obviously the plan for the plandemic and State of Emergency seems close to the big dispute over the border show between Texas and the "Biden admin".

Pieczenik worked for Kissinger and then the DoD on regime change and reportedly developed the psyop that brought down the Soviet government. I believe we're in the middle of a regime change op right now.

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I've seen Pieczenik a bit, and I believe he also works with Tom Clancy.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I need to take the time to write up all the stuff I observed on the RDS tour. There was SO MUCH, it was almost satirical. Q stuff, child kidnapping stuff, side convos RDS had with supporters, strange people who attached themselves to the tour, including the woman who volunteered to drive my bus... and then there's his "death." It was like living in 7 weeks of "Springtime for Hitler."

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hi Matthew,

Recovered Q cultist here. Maybe you can do a piece on how it was built?

My story (and many others) => enter January 6 and the Shayman actor with his tattoos / Q accusations. This brought the Q movement into consciousness for many as we searched to find out who he was and what this Q thing was.

Q had answers - and during the international insanity of Covid and the US election saga, it was an acceptable explanation.

Many nutcase military Q people broadcasting - only high quality one was Dave from X22.


As many mentioned in the comments - completely anonymous, no face shown ever - yet his list of guests (you can see on his website) was always impressive - Flynn, Eric Trump, MTG, Patel, Nunes, Mccollough, Kari Lake, Navarrough, Lara Logan, Renz, Lapado....

All these people on a program with an anonymous broadcaster, who routinely quotes Q on every show...

Trump played his part - quoting famous Q statements.

Musk, the military, flashing the famous picture of Washington crossing the Delaware in 1776. Queen Elizabeth's death announced to be the date 1776 days after the first Q drop...

The military posting tweets with the number 17 everywhere... (similar to the 33 cult use for 33 or three and 3 etc at the start of their articles and things). All to build the impression of power I guess.

So Q suddenly appeared on the scene but had been broadcasting prophetic information for years on an account on a little known platform, no one knew about the account except a few celebs... Great way to build history - if you know what is planned.

His sentences are almost computer cut and paste - sentences repeat perfectly.

At the time, even over here in Israel, I would listen and he would completely know my mood even though our situation differed slightly to the US.

This together with his anonymity, his teaching us to be wary of everything... supported the feeling HE was a secret military opp to help us.

To build the cult, he predicted future events through subtle hints and "secret messaging" in his strangely edited text that you could "find" if you paid attention. Once he showed you he could predict the future - you trusted him. He said this by the way - people trust people whose words turn out right.


X-22 episode 2595 (starting 16:10) - nuclear submarine collision - random link I just found to this episode: https://operationdisclosureofficial.com/2021/10/08/x22-report-episode-2595-the-people-will-see-the-true-economy-the-castle-runs-red/

Dave points to the article:


Note the October 7, 2021 date of the article above...

Dave repeats twice that captain "Bill Clinton" assures everyone that all is ok (that pause makes you remember)

X22 also points out Connecticut is where Durham comes from.

Then a Saturday October 16 article says on Tuesday (almost a week after the sub article) the real Bill Clinton hospitalized but he is "on the mend":


So for the one above - I saw it in real time (yes me, the guy you know personally :) )... For myself I had downloaded the PDF of all of the Q drops to ensure they weren't being edited. Many were not great matches for the predictions but were twisted to fit. But occasionally a great hit.

But, at the end of the day, the messiah never stopped anything...

Interestingly, as a Q follower, when I listened to Yuval Noah Hararri's speeches he uses similar phrases - fog of war, "Putin has already lost", can't remember others...

Dave also uses the time lengths of clips put out by individuals to signify important numbers (similar to the 33 cult use for clips of 33 seconds or 3:33 etc.

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Somehow, I missed this comment months ago, but it is highly useful for my notes. Thank you!


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It would not make sense for a playwright to meticulously compose only the leading act for an epic, adversarial drama; the script would not make any sense without incorporating a properly dramatised re-action. If you accept that Covid was a scripted performance acted out by government actors then it necessarily follows that the ‘freedom movement’ is a scripted performance acted out by selected antagonists. Moreover, it would be immensely risky to leave half of a real-world drama to chance; anything could happen, the script could be derailed by meddlers from the audience, important people could get killed, therefore the acts of the antagonists had to be as meticulously controlled as the leading act. Anything less would be reckless and, in its own way, ‘unethical’.

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That line of thinking leads me to ponder how horrific the playwright's intentions must be, given the level of corruption and insanity uncovered by the scripted opposition. If the actual purpose is, say, to manage the collapse of the current economic system, then diverting all attention and opposition towards a fake public health conspiracy is an interesting strategy; get people outraged that their governments are being controlled by the WHO, while their monetary wealth is about to vaporize; while they are about to lose all freedom to a digital control system.

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I’m so confused as to why anyone could possibly believe what Q. Is talking about currently. The white hats etc.. people being already tried & executed (& now being played by actors) ..

Does anyone believe it on here 🤷‍♀️

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