Your ridicule of the fool was too kind and generous.

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Glad you think so because round 2 is coming.

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I was over on Sensible Medicine's post, "From Safe and Effective to “Uncomfortably Scant.” ", explaining how the data doesn't support any part of the pharma narrative about the covid vaccines. No reason to believe the vaccine is efficaceous in preventing infection nor that the covid vaccines are effective against preventing all-cause serious outcomes.

Who cares if hospitalization due to covid is prevented if someone loses a leg or is hospitalized for myocarditis or has a crippling stroke?

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I personally know of a nursing facility owner who was following my work, which led to Kory's/FLCCC's work which led to them adopting IVM use early on. They reported vastly lower case and death counts as compared to even the gen pop. Crazy, right?

As explained, there's an economic angle. The hospitals were paid to put people on vents & Remdesivir, and even though that killed people, that was their motivation.

For nursing homes, filled beds/rooms is the economic motivation. So they were motivated to find solutions.

Time for us as a culture to examine the power of money over our lives, is the message I believe.

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I don't doubt that some nursing homes began using early treatment meds, and I suspect some that did.

Do I think that industry-wide they reduced their mortality by something like 85% (relative to everyone else's)? No. I doubt their behavior was particularly uniform, and I strongly suspect that in some cases they gave in to a different set of incentives.

Let's say that 1/3 of the deaths were in nursing homes...let's do the math...

For ease, that's 100 nursing home deaths out of 300...

If 50% of nursing homes solved 100% of deaths with early treatment meds, then 20% of the deaths would still be in nursing homes.

If 80% of nursing homes solve 100% of deaths, then 9% of the deaths would still be in nursing homes.

It would take around 92% of nursing homes solving all deaths to achieve the result, assuming complete treatment adherence (which is unlikely) even if we assume early treatment meds are 100% effective. I doubt even 50% of nursing home patients got such meds. Let's remember that children of some nursing home patients were actively standing in the way, and the pressure everyone felt not to give those meds was very high.

The math just doesn't work out. Something else took place, and I suspect it was very ugly.

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Incentivize murder and watch the murder fly.

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Here is a good one for you Sage.

I. Fauci’s Red Guards: Lawsuit Reveals Vast Federal Censorship Army


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20% of all clinical trials are based on "false" data:


But let's assume the trials are good....from a company with a long history of clinical trial fraud....That's science, they say. This guy also does not seem to know that several severely injured trial participants have stepped forward, and their injuries are nowhere reported. Who could have guessed?

Calculating severity of covid over time is complicated. John Dee is in the thick of that as we speak. Need to standardize the testing rates. And the results you get are different if you do that with PCR versus LFD tests.

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John Dee is on my reading list, too.

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Very interesting article, but notice the conclusion is that “science needs global governance” and essentially discounted the use of Cochran reviews (seems convenient considering). I definitely think there is fraud, but I also find this article to serve a narrative purpose.

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Truth be known...there are never any successful vaccination programs. You can never prove that vaccinations change anything. These studies do not exist and for a very good reason. The vaccination program is a scam and often more harmful than good. Oh, wait... are we talking about mRNA gene therapy injections that are NOT anything close to vaccinations? That program has been the biggest failure ever.

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I hesitate on all absolute and blanket statements. But the more I've learned since SC2 showed up, the more shenanigans I see in the vaccine world, and the more I would feel the need to research any one before using or recommending it.

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The place to start is the few studies on vaxxed vs unvaxxed. There are valid critiques, but it's a necessary starting point to contextualize everything else. Paul Thomas was the most recent.

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I would say that vaccines against DNA based viruses are probably usually effective. The mutation rate matters, and this is especially more true as we learn more about Original Antigenic Sin. RNA viruses, on the other hand, just mutate far too rapidly for any vaccination program to really work for more than a single round of doses.

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Some complementary views of all-casuse deaths (map views over time) here: https://inumero.substack.com/p/all-cause-deaths-across-regions-and

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I'm no statistician, I am just a lowly English major, but I can tell Jeffrey Morris is willfully ignorant and thereby complicit in his position. I'm guessing he is double boosted. That will perhaps be his justice.

uTobian asked the question last night, if there is some supra-natural intelligence, call it what you will, capitalism, humanity, gaia, what with the professional class the most vaxxed, why would that greater intelligence want to rid the world of technocratic middle managers?

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With Penn’s ties to BioNTech (and from the handful of profs/people I know at Penn fully buying the mainstream narrative), has anyone from Penn publicly spoken critically of any aspect of the vaccines / their development / their selection vs alternatives? Mathew, you’re shooting fish in a barrel, and it gives me a big smile!

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I'm so glad I wasn't living in a group home in 2020. I lived in one during 2013-2014 when my dad lost his house after losing his job when he had a stroke and I hadn't gotten on SSI yet. The one I went to gave me a lot of freedom though but I hated that they didn't give me enough of my own money to do my own shopping, and that whenever the two retards wanted to see a movie they made me leave the place too (I can't study effectively in a coffee house and I have to spend a lot of money on coffee or they'll kick me out) and they wanted to keep my cat in a tiny pink cage most of the time instead of letting him live loose in the garage (almost all group homes around here are run by Filipinos and I'm sorry if I sound racist but they have different views about animal rights than people born and raised in Western countries do)

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Would love for Jeffrey Morris to do a thought experiment and tell the world what (in his mind's eye) a failed vaccination campaign looks like.

Similarly what would a successful vaccination campaign look like?


As an aside. policy makers and their experts should be compelled to reveal and document their expectations for "failure" and "success", BEFORE a policy is implemented, in order to provide a baseline against which we can measure progress without any retrospective editing.

Our failure to demand this level of accountability is what keeps us repeating the same failures over and over again. When will we learn?

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Some Israeli data about positive test results and vaccination status has been finally released yesterday. More legal battles to come in Israel. https://shlomokafka.substack.com/p/vaccinated-children-more-likely-to

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I stand for the totally cogent data you bring out and, unfortunately, they trend to get worse. Notwithstand, when it comes to the quotation, do not "Foolish" and "consistence" belie one another, in light of Scholastics or theretofore?

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In the UK they used Medazolam to "dispatch" the elderly in homes and hospitals in early 2020, according to Dr Mike Yeadon. Something similar may have happened in the US.

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"If the vaccines are safe and effective, those who had died were a substantial subset of the most vulnerable, why on Earth would young people start dying in larger numbers as more and more of them got vaccinated?"

What is "Original antigenic sin" for 400, Alex?

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It's hard when people like Jeffrey can't have a good faith scientific discussion, and have a biased and/or narrow framework that blinds them to the whole field of evidence and information.

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Ye$...$ucce$$ful campaign for "them"....

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Mr. Crawford,

Here is a new post on the DOD saga.


Excellent post and thank you.

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