The phenomenon of vaccines protecting against other infections is called non-specific effects (NSE's). This is usually discussed in the context of childhood vaccines in low-income countries, and is basically always used to describe benefit rather than detriment, though it can apply in both directions. Sometimes the term off-target effects is used. The studies are typically very confounded and consumed by society unintelligently. However, some beneficial NSEs are probably real. This would be BCG vaccine and also live oral polio vaccine. (OPV). In the case of OPV, this is demonstrated with a natural experiment, meaning comparing childhood mortality in a region just before and after introducing the vaccine. This avoids the usual confounding as you are in essence comparing a society to itself at different times, rather than comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated people. Two similar natural experiments are among the studies which implicate DTwP vaccine in increasing childhood mortality. Same of some other vaccines as well. Some vaccines do not have data available to do such natural experiments.

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Thank you. I have seen NSE used as a catchall, in and out of biology, but I wasn't sure how standard the terminology might be.

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Something else worth knowing is that is the live vaccines that seem like they may have beneficial NSEs, while it is all the inactivated vaccines that seem like they may have detrimental NSEs. Also, the J and J shot is the only shot (at least in the US) that showed reduction in all-cause mortality in their trial. Possible NSEs that extend beyond infection there.

Edit: Also, natural measles infection does appear to have beneficial NSE's though they don't use that term.

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David: Measles indeed does have beneficial NSE's (I'm glad that my entire cohort and I had them in the '50's):


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Yes. It's not only for the long-term general health benefits, it's also better immunity against other infections that lasts about 2 years after you get it

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I will have to look it up but I heard an interview about a long term study of all cause mortality by vaccine done in Ghana I think. To see what the vaccines did in addition to their main roll they looked at ACM. Vaccine A stops disease A but what else does it do?

Turns out only 3 vaccines have positive outcomes for ACM. The rest cause negative outcomes with none neutral. The 3 were the original measles (but not MMR), polio (the "live" one which I wouldn't recommend or take) and hepatitis.

Not sure about the 3rd. It's been a while. Fascinating research.

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The non-specific effects can also be extremely detrimental effects.

Aside from all the work that Peter Aaby did in finding that adjuvanted vaccines cause higher all cause mortality there are some findings in developed countries:

For example, this paper found that vaccinated children had higher rates of ear infection than unvaccinated children:


This paper found the vaccinated children had higher odds of developmental delays, asthma and ear infections.


There are several more papers here:


It’s an interesting idea that there would be a protective effect of vaccines on other viruses but that would probably come down to cross protection, and instead we have seen with influenza vaccines that they increase the risk of other infections, suggesting they impair the immune system. Vaccines and viral infections are not exactly transposable, as one is an injection with dead virus and the other is a virus inhaled.

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Continued vaccine injections will result in the extinction of human beings from earth.

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Probably not. At the very least, the remaining unvaccinated population will at some point require more serious weapons to be put down.

Also, the psychopaths don't likely want to commit suicide. They just want a world that they can control.

I suppose it's possible that an alien species is controlling self-extinction, but I put a low probability on the proposition.

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Another theory that I've talked through with a few people is that there is an undeclared civil war, and the drones are being killed quickly before they can be botnet controlled to attack some target.

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The war is eternal, invisible and Interdimensional. Some call it spiritual. Watch the film Nefarious to see the psychotic hatred the adversary has for humanity. It will never end.

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I don't like a recommendation to watch a film to discover X, which seems like a far-flung conclusion. At least a summary or single item should be offered.

The world seems easier to describe in terms of psychopaths who accumulate power, and don't want to be governed by anyone (even community standards), but do have a notion of what they want to shape the world to be...than that there is a group of people both incomprehensibly nihilistic and capable of organizing great power who just want to obliterate everything. The latter seems like a cartoon, whereas the former has at least a level of science and history.

Money, power, and control.

Heck, the psychopaths are even moving toward non-lethal weapons in a lot of their battles. They don't want to scorch the Earth. They just want to own it.

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I think you're SPOT on here. Looking at this from a spiritual side and a historical side, we can see the following:

- there is a spiritual entity that hates humanity and looks to destroy them

- there are an oligarchical elites class that looks to control all of humanity

- both the entity and the elite class want to stay hidden, so there's a lot of deception here

I putting the finishing pieces on my upcoming book (https://www.unorthodoxtruth.com/), but this is the argument I make and that in the last 200 years, humanity has taken a drastic nihilistic shift which is a start difference from the thousands of years of humanity prior

i just released two podcasts on this topic and the idea here is that this class/entity that loves deception has given us a world view.

Are we in a satanic warfare:


Why Gnosticism is the Christianity of Today:


If we look at the world view in one perspective, then vaccines are safe, federal spending is good, and we must support ukraine. but if we remove the perspective given us, we can see that, vaccines have negative effects, the federal reserve destroys the economy and so forth. this is what I discuss in my podcast on Sept 11 and menticide:


the idea here is that we need to look at things objectively to see the full picture. to close, let's look at the pandemic. we had policies that supported the narrative (dangerous disease) but went against the data (99.5% survivability). the question is: did we need to enact polices that killed millions? or was that a strategic policy TO kill millions?


the reader has to take ALL aspects into consideration to come up with that conclusion.

sorry for the long posts but hope that adds some clarity to things - looking forward to any thoughts.

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Take God out of everything (which is what happened since the 60s at least) and you have to replace it with something. A bunch of narcissistic psycopaths trying to rule the world.

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I’ve noticed that it’s tough to share a logical, nuanced view of the goings-on of late. Anytime I’ve suggested that it’s enough to presume greed and control are the primary motivations I’m met with no! There’s more. Much, much more! Dissenters are a passionate lot who are in my opinion all too willing to go down some wild rabbit holes. I think it’s true that there’s some pretty deep evil at work here, and it’s also true that fewer people in the world has been an elitist goal for a long time. But as of this moment I think the nonsense being foisted upon humanity is predominantly about testing limits for future control and domination. Making a few hundred billion dollars in the process makes it sweeter. As far as deaths and damage by injection are concerned it’s just collateral damage. Breaking eggs on the way to creating a world domination omelette.

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Another explanation, social security is going to bust, so worried about the reckoning that would occur then, try to mitigate the damage by getting rid of 10-20% of the population, and specifically targeting the 65+.

Depopulation agenda has not been a secret. It used to be they could start up a world war but that is too messy.

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I believe the USA has been in a non-kinetic Civil War since 2015

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Could you please expound on this a bit? Civil war between what parties? The situation is obviously nefarious but I wonder to what end. My own guess would be that groups and individuals that are even publicly going on about overpopulation have found a way to thin the herd, while of course simultaneously putting in place systems to fully control the remainder of the (weakened and thus easier to control) rest of the herd.

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"Civil war between what parties?"

Those who believe the illusions, then take up arms in the streets. Ultimately, that's how most of the deaths occurred in Mao's Cultural Revolution. We are told it was an attack on the establishment management class. That's how it started, but wasn't deadly on a "millions" sort of scale. Mao and his propagandists then shift emotional momentum so that the mobs fought each other to the death in the streets instead.

When your goal is to consolidate power, that makes more sense. Keep the managers scared, but have the potential revolutionaries turn on each other.

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I thought it was mass starvation that caused the most deaths. No?

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Perhaps. But don't tell me what you "thought". Show me the documentation.

Ultimately, sources I've seen with estimates have essentially no documentation at all, and there is often a dirty trail of newspaper quotes out of thin air. We might as well let the CIA write history through the newspapers.

I have no doubt that each upheaval in communist China resulted in some starvation. Then again, how much starvation would have happened had the masses not brawled in the streets until millions of laborers lay dead?

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I don’t think there is any chance to win the fight against the arsenal amassed by the US military forces.

Put that aside, the real issue faced by us is the scenario of cooking frogs in warm water. It’s way too late for the majority to agree that we are doomed if not fighting back.

I was shocked by Trump’s decision to ignore Patrick Byrne’s excellent advice in December of 2020 (with General Flynn): To recount the Georgia ballots live on TV with US Marshalls in charge. Everyone should have no issue with the result. Once that great opportunity slipped away, the imprisonment or death for Trump is unavoidable.

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Thank you for this absolutely true statement. It is the reality we are living and dying under. We are being jabbed for something that does not exist, a virus!

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You're handle is awesome!!!

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Thanks! My specialty is stating the obvious and my old podcast nickname:


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It's easy to foresee that all of what we refer to as "healthcare" would be consumed in care for the vaccine injured. "Were the time not cut short, no flesh would be saved". For a time, health is better than healthcare.

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It is so sad to see mankind use so much of its brilliance for evil purposes. When did the scales tip towards eugenics? I work in public school and I see the majority of teachers and administrators are outright communists and don't even realize it. I suspect that many doctors are eugenicists and don't even realize it. The slow drip of evil into so many industries combined with dulled critical thinking skills must grieve God so deeply. They certainly grieve me.

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When we turned our backs on religion/God!

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globo bozo controls the religion as well.

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I invite you to look into the Christian Sect of Gnosticism. It explains things in a whole new light. I make the argument that it's the Christianity we need today because it explains a lot of the evil occurring:


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Definition of Gnosis:

"Intuitive knowledge of spiritual truths; said to have been possessed by ancient Gnostics."

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Gnosticism has been a heresy since the first century. I will have more respect for the false, parasitic narrative if Gnosticism is not using Christianity as the camouflage.

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I'd say its more accurate to say that Gnositicsm is NOT using Christianity as the camoflage, but Gnosticism is rather a more truer, deeper, mythical version of Christianity BECAUSE it specifically talks about just how deep this parasite goes.


I talk about this in the podcast. From a historical context, "Traditional Christianity" and Gnosticism split and my argument is that there's a reason why "the Church" didn't want Gnosticism and others (e.g., Book of Enoch) in the final version. I argue that this parasite entity infiltrated the Church and removed the truth of it's origins. There's a "DECEPTION" occurring here.

Hoping this makes sense! Interested in your thoughts.

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I’ve long suspected that any vaccine as long as it’s doing it’s thing creating antibodies and ultimately memory cells is diverting attention by devoting resources to this process that leaves the recipient vulnerable to other potential invaders. People often complain the flu shot either gave them the flu or made them sick in some other way. Purveyors of the shots say that’s impossible. Technically it’s true the serum isn’t making them sick. But the body’s reaction to it compromises immunity in other areas weakening defenses to potential maladies that may be latent or newly encountered. So indirectly I do think the shot can open the door to susceptibility. Under that premise it would be reasonable to presume that a flu shot would indeed make one more vulnerable to covid.

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In this data, we see specific bifurcation with results. The immune system is a complex thing, and anyone telling you they have it all figured out is lying (my wife works on a tiny corner of it that almost nobody has ever heard about, involving jumping genes, and she is not very confident with a lot of assertions...it's nascent science).

A lot of what happens in science is that experiments happen (intentional or otherwise), and then we have data. And we often have no idea how the data got to be that way---we don't know mechanisms very often. But we can at least observe associations, and know what strings to pluck to get the desired effect, once observed.

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You are undoubtedly correct. This field of study is highly complex and at the end of the day not well understood. I doubt most MDs know much beyond the broad strokes. That’s why I’m fairly certain they knew the bamboozlement would be so effective. But like JJ Couey remarked in one of his very first pandemic videos, if you can fix a car or string a compound bow you can become competent enough to see through the bullshit. I agree with him. This subject is as deep a rabbit hole as anyone wishes to go. Sometimes leading to more questions than answers. But, most people if they try can learn a lot sometimes even if learning leads to the realization that science doesn’t know as much as we give it credit for.

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Hi Mathew,

I have just started going through Marc Girardot's work again and your interview came up my search on the internet. It would be great if you could revisit his principle/theory of mechanism to update/confirm any progress he has made. Nick H and Kevin M among others have mentioned him recently so I assume he may well have discovered and identified an important part of the vaccine story. I can't describe how grateful I have been to him. So much of what he writes makes sense in

and I know he is working hard on his book. am trying to put a few things out there and you are obviously one of the trusted few imho. It would be great to hear an update and since you did offer to revisit things at a later date at the end of this interview I thought it worth a shot. Anyway, thanks again for what you have been doing. Much appreciated. If and when I have additional finance I haven't forgotten you but at the moment things a little tough.


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The Flu shot pretty much killed my mum, well with some help from the medical professionals. She got really sick after it, months and months, looked like it developed into pneumonia, her doc was scratching her head, in the mean time a tumour grew to be 1/4 size of her liver in 2 years and she’s dying. Still they ‘insisted’ she needed the covvax too. It’s murder plain and simple.

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GLK: One thing to keep in mind about the Pfizer jab is that there are two processes for creating the mRNA. Process 1, which removes DNA contamination, was used in the clinical trials (yet there were still more deaths in the treatment group than the placebo group). Process 2, which is faster, cheaper, and sloppier, was used for the commercial jabs, which were contaminated with DNA, some batches heavily so. Jessica Rose posted this morning the testimony before the South Carolina Senate of two doctors, one of them from USC, about how dangerous this contamination is potentially. Scary.

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Yes. It is scary indeed. It appears there are documented batch inconsistencies. Could be a myriad of reasons from what you mentioned up to and including poor manufacturing quality control. Some think certain regions were targeted. Others think a secret control group were given saline. Few believe people in leadership positions got the actual serum. The FOIA clinical trials documentation appears to be fraught with absurdity that any society that values human life would be vigorously questioning and shutting down. And, that, to my way of thinking is the most alarming thing of all. No matter what gets uncovered big pharma is allowed full steam ahead. No repercussions, not even so much as a slap on the wrist. You, I and the rest of humanity? We’re not in the club. We are parasitic worthless eaters left twisting in the wind, but at least we’re not dead, yet.

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Learn about fenbendazole for cancer now. Fight back! Hit big pharma where it hurts! Learn about cheap, safe, effective OTC fenbendazole for cancer. So far, since 2021, it has saved four people close to me with stage IV cancers! Read the Case Reports, read the preclinical science! It’s all there. Not selling a thing, not even subscriptions. https://fenbendazole.substack.com

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Also, considering the carcenogenic SV40 component in some of the Covid jabs, seems to fit with their R&D (unsuccessful so far) to produce cancer gene therapy injections for the masses. People were not scared enough of the common flu to be injected with a brand new experimental gene editing injection, hence SARSCov2 was talked up to be more deadly than flu. Give them something which will cause something else which we can then provide another profitable solution for!

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Don't forget about the increase of RSV associated with covid shots. https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/evidence-suggests-the-covid-shots

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It's in the graph I provided, but wasn't part of the study, so it's not part of this article's evidence.

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But don’t worry, they now have an RSV shot coming out. 🙄

Pharma business model is to keep creating life long customers. They are not in the business of healing. Create a problem, then have a solution for it. Yet that solution is full of side effects & toxic ingredients, so we need more meds.

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For me, the real problem with flu vaccines isn’t whether or not they work, but with the effects of the witches brew of ingredients and the motives of those pushing them. I received a flu vaccine in 12/2019. Before that, I was a regular blood donor (every nine weeks, like clockwork). I had only a few years prior learned that I was an O-negative, CMV-negative donor - also known as a “neo-donor”. My blood is sought after for premature and newborn infants. After that shot, however, I learned that I was now nesting positive for HBsAg (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen). The test was non-confirming, and independent tests don’t show it. But every time I tried to donate since then, my blood was discarded due the the false positive. I was eventually deferred altogether, though I will likely go back for another recently test next year.

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Damn spell check - I will try re-entry next year. It is incredibly unnerving to me and my spouse that a seemingly innocent shot could have such a deleterious effect.

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Dr. Lee Merrit and Dr. Buttar were the first one talking about a binary bio weapon but almost as covid jab #1 as being the first in the series and some other injection in the future or even other poisoning in the future like a chem trail? That’s when I thought why wouldn’t they have softened up the population with some previous jab? Annual flew jabs would be a greater tracer for the pharma cabal. Like a vintage of wine, your 2013 flu jab with 2021 Moderna equals death or stroke or simply “activation”? I’ve been waiting for the crazy train to pass through Eaglesville...

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I thought I remember the Army working on a vax about the same time Russia was working on Sputnik V, and India was working on Covaxin. I felt Covaxin could less risky than an mRNA vax and if I was forced with my life to take one, that was the one I would take, but the approval process in the U.S. was stalled for years. The Russian one I believe involved gene editing, and I think mRNA as well. I cannot recall what the Army was trying, but I was hopeful it might be better than using mRNA and better than Covaxin. I just never followed up to know what came out of it. Seemed Pfizer and Moderna was what the U.S. government was wanting to support. For me I choose natural immunity and have no regret. I just had wished for more options for people that were coerced to keep their jobs, antibody testing or therapy included. Or just respect their wishes if they wanted natural immunity. But I suppose that was ignored because of the type of event planned for "real world evidence" of a biological weapon countermeasure.

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I suspect that each nation was working on whatever technologies they felt they could attempt at this moment when people the world over were fooled into thinking they needed to participate in the experiments.

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It was the largest clinical trial the world has ever seen. There was no downside to the manufacturers. Hundreds of billions of dollars on the upside with the added bonus of potentially creating an entire new class of therapeutic medicine.

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Exactly. It was like Space Wars turned "vax" Wars.

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I still don't even know if I ever had or will have covid or if it even exists or is contagious. Seems to exist and be contagious based on others people's descriptions though, like flu or common cold. I just don't have personal experience of it that I am aware of. I just choose not to participate.

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My current best guess is that bacteria has been well understood as a pneumonia-inducing bioagent for decades, but that scientists figured out how to create infectious viral clones that would interact with bacteria (bacteriaphages) more recently, resulting in the current plandemonium.

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Yes. Someone tipped me off to that idea pretty early on. I will try to look up the name of it. The words Spartacus or Spartan come to mind but they said what the bacteria was. I will look.

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Did you see the substack where they are saying that in Wuhan, they found patients with infectious Nipah (and a lot of other stuff) clones? I'll try and remember where that was. They were pretty sure they were clones and bio engineered. This I think if I remember correctly, was in 2019/2020.

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The multi-threaded discussion I mentioned about this theory starts here: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/amyloidosis-as-etiology-of-severe/comment/6493329

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Thank you for posting this. I remember early in 2020 seeing reports that those who had received the flu vax in late 2019 into early 2020 were experiencing the highest rate of bad outcomes in their bouts with Covid. But when I went back to find them it was as if they had been scrubbed from internet searches. Her research seems to incorporate that data.

I'm very interested in how curious minds willing to step outside conventional paradigms might be interested in digging around into what was actually in those 2019 jabs that could have precipitated the entire pandemic. And we know that vaccines shed, especially the live-attenuated types that were used in the 2019-2020 flu season design, so one didn't need to receive the flu shot that year to have gotten very sick from it. And it used a known severe H3N2 variant that was hotly debated about its inclusion in the quadrivalent because it was known to be very severe. Here's some interesting information that may help connect some dots when paired with her study. And the November, 2019 CNN Fauci piece I highlight at the end is also very, very curious to consider all that has transpired since.

- This publication describes a brand-new style of flu vaccine that came online for the 2019-2020 flu season. Mammalian cell-based instead of egg-based. Claims that it was studied for efficacy...but no mention of safety trials:


"A new cell-based seasonal influenza vaccine has been issued marketing approval by the European Commission and will be available for the 2019/2020 flu season.

Flucelvax® Tetra (Seqirus) is the first cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIVc) to be made available in Europe and is licensed for use in individuals aged nine years and older.

To date, there have been no randomised controlled trials comparing the efficacy of QIVc and standard egg-based quadrivalent vaccines (QIVe)"

“This real-world study, along with other emerging evidence, indicates that cell-based influenza vaccines may result in better influenza-related outcomes compared to standard egg-based vaccine options in some seasons"

"In the UK, the potential advantages of QIVc, which is cultured in mammalian cells rather than eggs"

“We are pleased to be bringing Flucelvax Tetra to the UK next season and have sufficient capacity at our cell-based manufacturing facility in the US to also ensure supply in September 2019"

- This article is interesting. It says that they added live-attenuated influenza vaccines to the schedule. It goes on to say that flu vaccines most definitely, positively, absolutely don't cause the flu, and by that definition won't shed...even after all of the science on vaccines admit that live-attenuated vaccines do shed. Curious:


"The 2019–2020 influenza vaccine recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) have remained mostly the same, with the exception of adding the LAIV to the immunization schedule."

- These articles tell us about what the WHO's process is and what they decided the 2019-2020 vaccine recommendations would be. I'll note that the first link speaks to concerns with preparing for H3N2 from the prior year, while the second link says they ended up not developing that specific strain of vaccines, after all, and the third link says they went ahead and included the H3N2 variant, after all. H3N2 was a "very severe" variant:





- Now, this is an interesting story from CNN that came out in November, 2019, an important time frame in the evolution of the CV story. Note the discussion about the need to develop a new type of all-purpose vaccine, a desire to test it widely, one that focused on a protein they link to a particular virus...like, say, a spike protein. Fauci is frequently quoted in it:


"But a universal flu shot would theoretically cover every strain of the flu using what’s known as an ice cream cone approach."

"Last spring, doctors at the NIH started testing universal flu shots on Sonn and other study participants to see how their bodies respond.

“I have a personal connection to the flu,” Sonn explained. “My grandfather was orphaned due to the flu epidemic in April 1919.”

The 1918-1919 Spanish flu pandemic infected a third of the world’s population and killed 50 million people.

Losing his parents at 6 years old left a mark on Sonn’s grandfather, and subsequently on Sonn himself.

“He really had great trust in science and medical research, so I know he would be proud I’m taking part in this,” Sonn said.

One of the most useful things about the universal flu shot is that if it works out as hoped, it will also protect against flu pandemics like the one that killed Sonn’s great-grandparents.

In a flu pandemic, a new strain of flu virus emerges. Since very few people have immunity to it, it can spread quickly and easily.

There have been four flu pandemics in the past century: in 1918-1919; in 1957-1958; in 1968; and in 2009.

The research got an extra push in September when President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at developing a better flu vaccine.

Fauci said it could take less time – but still many years – to develop a semi-universal flu shot, which would protect against not all flu viruses, but rather a group of flu viruses."

"The faster and more precise method is not to grow the virus at all and instead just create the virus’ protein, he said.

“We clone the gene that codes for the specific protein we want,” Fauci said. “I don’t even want to see the virus. I just need the sequence of that virus, the genetic map of that virus. And you could send that to me by email.”

That’s the technology that’s being used to create the vaccines being trialed on participants like Sonn right now.

“We feel like we’re pioneers, and our volunteers are pioneers,” Ledgerwood said."

How does the 2019 flu vaccine look like now? And how does that CNN piece from November, 2019 read in hindsight now?

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I would like to point out one glaring point here and it is that the thing everyone is talking about, i.e., viruses have never been proven to exist at all, period, nada, zip, zilch. There is no scientific evidence that proves any such creature exist, in fact it is in the unicorn category. They did not meet Kocks postulates, they did not isolate, examine and break down the elements of any virus. The see dead cell material, then call it a virus. Don't believe me! Look up Dr. Samantha Baily from New Zeeland. The entire facade of virology is a puff of smoke. Have you ever seen a photo of any virus? No, they just generate a computer model of something floating around with whatever shape they decide to give it and call it a virus. Look at the evidence as well as the non-evidence and decide for yourself. No electron microscopic photo exists for any virus. The medical cartel that brought us the covid fraud should be trusted on any way! I think not. Remember the Rockefellers took control of allopathic medicine early in the twentieth century as well as public education! I urge you to read the book by Eustice Mullins, Murder by injection for the history of this fact. We in the United States have one of the worst health outcomes in the world when it should be just the opposite, so why is this so? Doctor Obvious is exactly right about vaccines. Washington's Doctor warned us about this possibility 200 years ago. Dr. Benjamin Rush stated that the possibility of a medical Tierney was possible in the future if we were not diligent. Guess what, we were not diligent and here we are.

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Jack, you've never been proven to exist.

Proof is not something science can achieve, by definition, so what are we talking about?

I've exchanged emails with the Baileys and their crowd. They're full of nonsense, and I'm sorry you've bought it (or that you might be a chaos shill account?).

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I remember coming across this study back in 2020. Whoever had linked to it (can't remember) talked about how a new (maybe stronger?) flu vaccine was used in Italy and that perhaps that explained the explosion there in COVID-19. In any case, I believe the elderly in general are steered toward higher dose flu shots to increase their immune response (or, shudder to think, to make them susceptible to coronavirus?!).

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Unfortunately, from the outside, we don't know what "stronger" would be in terms of inducing coronavirus infection. It comes down to what agent in the vaccine affects the change.

There was a former military officer working at the CDC in 2018 who questioned data on flu vaccines. He died in a mysterious incident that was called a suicide, but makes no sense. The media was weirdly silent on the story.

It's hard not to think that somebody knows something important.

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David: I can't remember that far back, except for a couple of days in a dark room, and all the milk and cookies I wanted. I have enjoyed mostly excellent health throughout my life. I haven't been sick since 2005, when I gave up all industrial food for high-quality home cooking.

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For probably over 90% of the readership, this report suffers from two problems:

1) way too complex and convoluted ; and, closely related to #1,

2) riddled with subtle equivocations and ambiguities.

With this issue, as with other complex issues like climate, the sociopolitical effectiveness of communications will either rely on swaying the vast majority of laypeople with emotions (tied to ideology); or persuading them with arguments. The latter approach can't be based on the expertise, since the vast majority of readers don't have the ability to understand it -- and therefore it must be based either other considerations (trust) or, if possible, a translation of the technical complexities into layperson language.

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Matthew, my brain for maths is at the 5 year old level.

All the columns for almost all the viruses show more in the vaxxed column.

But the no pathogen detected....they are much more ....should that number be ADDED

To all the people tested in the vaxxed column? And do the two columns each add up and

equal each other? It seems at first glance..no...

But shouldn't they be equal sets?

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You may want to look up an article about test negative experimental design. I don't have the time to write it out right now.

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