Sorry for the multiple edits. I always forget how finicky substack gets (understandably) when I copy over enumerated points with images.

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Pfizer has been convicted of fraud on 70+ occasions. If they were to manufacture a toothpick without utilizing fraudulent methodologies it would be a shock- and a first.

And if they did so I guarantee that those toothpicks would be laced with some toxic shit that would make you sick and that Pfizer would soon thereafter produce the next new "cure" for that new "illness."

It's all fraud.

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Exactly. These companies need to be blown to bits

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Yes, all the Big Pharmas are convicted felons, with billions in fines.

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Their toothpick clinical trial would be under much greater scrutiny than their mRNA experimental "vaccine" trial was.

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Great and scary post. Your question at the end is what has been haunting me for almost 2 years. How can we trust anyone in power ever again? They knowingly lied and are still lying about poisoning us all. Then you start rewinding history and realize that they have been lying to us for decades about everything.

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Right from the git-go I've been anticipating the erosion of such trust in government agencies, and especially vaccination, in general, as well as unmasking of the scam that scientific research has become, to be the likely great positive side-effects of the COVID jabs.

But it's taking longer than I hoped. Cemented belief is a tough nut to crack.

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The shameless blatancy is infuriating.

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Sometimes I think they are messing with us, just to see how much we will take.

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Or pushing the limits to see what they can get away with. I've observed that with other things, such as mail.com, an email service that shuts people out of their accounts without providing any specific reason, just a vague, unsupported accusation of spam or abuse, without access to customer service unless one purchases "premium" service, which reviews say still doesn't even prevent such abuse on their part. Multitudes, myself included, have written to the attorney general, and nothing has been done.

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I am mysteriously locked out of my protonmail account ... and no one is there to offer assistance. Scratch that option off my list.

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The VAERS exists to launder the dead bodies SO THAT the $$$ made off of them wont need to be laundered.

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The difficult question is whether this is about more than profits.

Is it about the collapse of the global dollar economy? Russia dumped treasury bonds in 2018. China did so just a few days ago. The pharmaceutical companies are more tied to the government and banking complex than almost anyone recognizes.

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Pharma is a major working branch of their depopulation agenda. Now that the voluntary portion is over, (via the death jabs) they move on to the starvation portion. Stock up while you can. Its mostly the jabbed people who do not KNOW to do this right now. But for many of them, it would be wasted food anyway. Most of them already have their death sentences written in stone.

Which reminds me: It was TOO cool seeing the Georgia Guide-stones dismantled!!!

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It was cool in a way, but I think an inside job, which has gotten rid of an inconvenient show of their hand. Now the cabal will claim they never existed, just watch.

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I write this as I hear another round of sirens to go save another dying jabbed person in my area. Yes. They will say it never existed.

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What's up with that? Were the Guidestones too obvious? Their destruction has great significance.

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A harbinger. Notice how fast the county demolished the remains.

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Consider including the rampant use of double standards by the CDC and health agencies. For example:

1) Covid deaths include "dying with" as opposed to "from". In fact a "presumed Covid death" is counted as a Covid mortality. Vaccine induced death requires a full autopsy to rule out every other possibility

2) The CDC uses VAERS reports for assessing myocarditis but ignores deaths from the same database. Why? Both have similar temporal profiles with regard to time elapsed from outcome.

3) When it comes to pushing the vaccine, relative risk reduction is trumpeted. However when it comes to vaccine risk, like myocarditis, absolute numbers are given (80 to 250 per million). The relative risk of these events are hundreds of times higher in some age groups. This goes unannounced.

4) The VRBPAC came to consensus that immune response is not a correlate for protection yet that is used as proof that the jabs "work" in the pediatric population

5) Fauci stubbornly refused to acknowledge the benefit of early treatment because there were no RCTs to support them. Where then are the RCTs around boosters?

6) The "Correlation does not equal Causation" mantra is driven into the public's skulls when it comes to vaccine injuries. Really? That is exactly how efficacy is measured. There's no proof of causation when it comes to asserting that vaccines are preventing disease/death. That's what trials are for, to identify correlations, both with risk and benefit.

I spell things out in more detail here:


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The "Correlation does not imply Causation" mantra is driven into the public's skulls when it comes to vaccine injuries, yet correlation implying causation is the very basis for the belief that vaccines eradicated vaccinable diseases such as smallpox and measles in the fist place.

Never mind that non-vaccinable diseases such as typhoid and scarlet fever that killed even more were just as surely eradicated by public health improvements; and the death rate due to flu and pneumonia (which are lumped together for reasons unknown), shingles rates, and cervical cancer rates have increased concurrently with the uptake of flu, varicella, and HPV vaccines, which are purported to protect against such conditions, respectively.

Likewise, paralytic disease that would have been diagnosed as poliomyelitis prior to introduction of the polio vaccine positively correlates with polio vaccination in India. Except it's now called "acute flaccid paralysis". Same condition, different name, because it isn't, and never was infectious; but rather, a poisoning condition.

These humans are highly illogical.

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Yeah, 100%. Have you read "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth"? Just recently released in English, written anonymously in 2019. I am working on a review of the book right now...

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A most excellent article! Thank you.

From my humble viewpoint, it's clear this is about data suppression. I know from talking with many associates who "should have" reported AE's in the last 2 years, they didn't do it because of 3 factors:

1. The process is unbelievably byzantine, so unless the AE rises to the SAE level, they don't have the time or energy to slog through.

2. HMO's are mostly denying all claims that AE's happen AT ALL. Their doctors are threatened, suppressed, and vilified if they say anything. Many will make comments off the record in person, but never in print or traceable media.

3. Patients and trial participants are lied to on a massive scale. Patients are told the most outlandish BS and their concerns relegated to crankiness. This has happened to many people I have spoken with in and out of hospitals. For instance, being told "you do not have blood clots" while the damn MRI or CATSCAN is right there on the screen with telltale evidence, tells me right away we're dealing with a)morons b)liars and c)doctors who are paid off and or scared to talk.

It is literally the case for 2 friends that they were told they had no blood clots, while one was crippled for months and could not walk or get effective treatment and the other just had open chest lung surgery to remove massive clots. "oh, no, that's not from vaccination".....and no other comments, no biopsies, no analysis.

Bad data is the order of the day. Rather reminds me of the way in which very large numbers of non-coms were killed by their own troops in Viet Nam. The government would never acknowledge it nor count, nor talk about it, and threatened a lot of guys if they did. The data was hidden in dead men all over the country.

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point #15) Revised data (Covid jab tracker) - I've follow it daily for a year and half. Although they only update know weekly, I catch them routinely "deleting" doses administered, then seemingly give it back to themselves at a later date?? See this example here: https://i.imgur.com/5Ni19KJ.jpg

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I have wondered about this. Last summer in my state the local news affiliate was claiming jab uptake was 78%. The health department later said it was 37%. It was all about marketing - "Join in -everyone is doing it! Get on board!"

So far, they can half bury the mass dying but if the uptake #s were as high as you have found ...

Thank you again for posting these!

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Hiding data and deleting VAERS data! see here: https://i.imgur.com/Gd77vrp.png

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Thank you for this!!

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Most of these data jiggering techniques are not covid specific. They were evolved by Pharma and the FDA to lie generally with plausible deniability about Pharma RCTs, which have been found to be essentially no better than observational studies. Consistent with that statement is Harvard's Safra Center research that finds 90% of new drug efficacy no better than the old drug efficacy, except by the jiggered one or two percent required for FDA approval. With Covid we see Pharma pulling out all the stops.

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Looks like you forgot to complete this sentence: "Note that robotic autopsies (a.k.a. "virtopsies") "

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Oops. Thank you. I usually have a placeholder code, but I probably took a call while I was writing. This is the kind of thing I miss as a dyslexic, so I usually have *** (exactly three stars) as code anywhere in my writing where I intend to go back and add the details. I'll fix it tomorrow.

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Censoring dissent.

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"I'll go a step further: how can we trust centralized bureaucracy to educate children, regulate the financial industry, or do much of anything else right, and untainted by moneyed interests?"

This is the stark reality that sent me to Bedrock when I realized it due to, among other things, Off-Guardian's 9/11-Pandemic parallels series of videos.

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They've taught us NOT to trust them time and time again...😞

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"Climate change play on two, ready, BREAK"

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Thank you for this clear summary. It's helpful to see it in one place. Am I the only one who can never look at any part of government again without thinking "Here be monsters!"?

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