Ooo ... didn't know that it is on that reading list.
Soldiers of the future?
I don't know which is scarier, that or the normalization of those 'funny' YouTube podcasts of robot dogs scaring the bejeezus out of real dogs. What can be weaponized will be.
"Ender's Game", Chaos Agent's Cut.
Is it weird that a (supposedly) fiction novel is recommended reading for the Marines? Interesting link, thanks for sharing!
Ooo ... didn't know that it is on that reading list.
Soldiers of the future?
I don't know which is scarier, that or the normalization of those 'funny' YouTube podcasts of robot dogs scaring the bejeezus out of real dogs. What can be weaponized will be.
Cheers from Japan OkayJess!
Absolutely. Thank you and cheers and blessings to you as well!