Jan 10·edited Jan 10Liked by Mathew Crawford

My last communication with Gorski and his groupies at SBM was in March of 2020 when the Covid hysteria was just getting started. I posted a link to this article in STAT by John Ioannidis...

A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data


At the time, I was familiar with Ioannidis' work and assumed that the people at SBM would consider his reputation as a researcher and offer a reasonable response to the questions he raised regarding Covid. Boy, was I wrong. Gorski accused Ioannidis of cherry picking, citing the numbers from Italy as his proof. When I pointed out that Gorski was indulging in a fair amount of cherry picking by using Italy as his example instead of, say, Germany, all hell broke loose. Gorski's groupies mounted such a vicious attack on me (even accusing me of racism!) that I have not gone back to the SBM site.

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"Once again I have to wonder what proportion of oncologists just like to burn people." Heckuva sentence. I had never thought of it that way but I imagine it's close to 100%?

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Mathew (note the single t), I completely understand your frustration with the Medical Freedom Movement in lieu of the enormous amount of work you did exposing the shenanigans in the DMED system which remains unacknowledged. That said, I am elated that you have once again pointed your brains and sharp wit at the useful idiots in the medical establishment like Gorski.

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Jan 11Liked by Mathew Crawford

off topic for this post, but I thought you'd be interested

Raised by Thetans in a Galactic Gulag | Aaron Smith-levin | EP 413 Jordan Peterson interviews


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Gorski is such a shill. It's pathetic when you see the mutton sharing his articles like it's gospel

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I try not to have antipathy towards people, but people like Gorski (or Matthew Remski) trigger such a visceral revulsion in me that I cannot help myself. They always seem to be acting in bad faith and their devotees are obnoxious.

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I don't blame the doctors who are jumping on the "sell vitamins" bandwagon. They have every right to make a profit. To call them grifters when they've lost jobs and income due to their stance on covid vaccines is obviously wrong.

That said I haven't bought anything from TWC or others. I insist on proper third party testing and not trusting the manufacturers. Until I can verify that those selling a product do the proper testing why would I buy from them?

As always it's "Food first. They're called supplements, not replacements, for a reason".

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Pharma shills really struggle to find a motivation they can accuse dissidents of. What demographic responds to the word "grift"? "Quack" is an old-fashioned label which intends to brainwash the Boomers and those older. I once read an analysis of snake oil, which was actually Chinese Medicine, used on the West coast, during the Gold Rush originally, and the original snake oil had enormously beneficial constituents. I think the analysis was by an Orthomolecular doctor, now deceased. But early Pharma was already attacking alternative medicine even before Flexner and Rockefeller. Richard Grossinger has a great book on this, Planet Medicine. Here's a pharma schill going after John Campbell and RFK jr's book on the doubling down disinfo youtube. This is the "Back to the Science" podcast. (I suspect that "back" is a neurolinguistic programming word, like "experts")

Dr John Campbell slips further down the rabbit hole – Is flat earth support next?


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Let’s face it. Gorski is an utter bitch to the authoritarian narrative, and deserves every negative consequence of selling his a$$ to be filled by the biggest phallic agent of the globalists

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I find it somewhat disgusting that The Wellness Company's marketing technique is to parrot the CDC 'tripledemic' propaganda or 'Chinese white lung syndrome' to sell their products. You can go see these right now on Zerohedge or Gateway Pundit and they are there pretty much every day. They started out a bit different but now their marketing strategy has converged with pharma and the government's strategies.

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Gorski has been at it for a long time, at least for the eleven years I've been researching vaccines, and takes particular pleasure in gaslighting the parents of vaccine-injured children. He is indeed a coward, but one who is not even worth bothering with.

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Gorski is a punk trying to get a rise out of people. He’s not genuine or reasonable and should be ignored. He cares nothing for any real debate. He’s just after raising your hackles.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Seems to me that Gorski and his audience just like to hold, then dump their over stuffed colons, on anybody offering the message of an alternative to pharma. I feel dirty when i read such articles, and generally choose to not offer my attention to such mocking low mindedness, no thank you.

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Malone has problems spelling several people's names. It's likely he's dyslexic to a degree. Maybe from the vaccine injury. I can dig for examples if you'd like; such things jump out at me immediately when reading an article. Like our friend Jessica's misspelling Joe Ladapo's name as Lapado the other day, multiple times in the same article.

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deletedJan 10
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