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You won't find this comment on Dr. David Gorski's recent blog article because he has the ability and the right to delete comments. That's fine. I took a screenshot so that I could just leave it here.
Gorski took the moment to revel in the recent investigation of The Wellness Company. Interesting, it seems that he did so without ever linking to Kristin's and Liam's original investigative report. Instead of focusing on the business interests (of which some of the doctors may honestly have been unaware), he uses the story purely to poke and attack.
There are real and reasonable critiques to be made (as I have done). Instead, Gorski loads up the language using words like "grift/grifty/grifting" (a total of 10 times) and "quack" (a whopping 34 times that should make his failed writing instructors roll over in their graves). Once again I have to wonder what proportion of oncologists just like to burn people.
You might actually wonder if this is part of the non-linear mindwar game. My problem with it all is the same as my secondary critique of the Died Suddenly documentary (which nobody in the Medical Freedom Movement has ever answered), which is that it only serves to radicalize both audiences in the debate. This pushes people further apart, putting simple dialogue and politics further out of reach.
He also failed to spell my name correctly, though that's a passthrough from Robert Malone. I suspect that's intentional on both accounts.
What I see is the same thing that we always see in partisan politics. Each side attacks the other better than it evaluates and improves its own ecosystem. This is by design in the Unparty, and people should wonder what this means about the alternative to the status quo.
But what that says about Gorski himself is that he is nothing more than the form of partisan he attacks, which is to say that the label "self-hating" aptly applies. And given that he won't face me for a discussion with an ordinary level of reputation risk, he is a self-hating coward.
My last communication with Gorski and his groupies at SBM was in March of 2020 when the Covid hysteria was just getting started. I posted a link to this article in STAT by John Ioannidis...
A fiasco in the making? As the coronavirus pandemic takes hold, we are making decisions without reliable data
At the time, I was familiar with Ioannidis' work and assumed that the people at SBM would consider his reputation as a researcher and offer a reasonable response to the questions he raised regarding Covid. Boy, was I wrong. Gorski accused Ioannidis of cherry picking, citing the numbers from Italy as his proof. When I pointed out that Gorski was indulging in a fair amount of cherry picking by using Italy as his example instead of, say, Germany, all hell broke loose. Gorski's groupies mounted such a vicious attack on me (even accusing me of racism!) that I have not gone back to the SBM site.
"Once again I have to wonder what proportion of oncologists just like to burn people." Heckuva sentence. I had never thought of it that way but I imagine it's close to 100%?