NPC--A non playing character as in : ‘The dungeon master rolls the dice for the NPC’s.’

Npc-- “An agency that serves as the focal point for all Intelligence Community activities related to nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems”. ‘The US tax dollars pays for all npc activities’

I think we know that this is going on. How do we get out of the game?

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LOL - I had to look it up...

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The traits of which you speak are difficult to question. Anyone that has been in a sales profession (and was any good at it) probably understands it better than most. Still, there’s a pesky thing called ego constantly getting in the way.

A long time ago I read a book about the science of influence by Michael Cialdini. An easy to read yet fascinating snapshot into common human triggers. I managed to get a friend to read it and he said it was the best book he’d ever read. And, he’s a PhD.

But it’s a funny thing about people. Knowing the game is not enough. The mind still plays tricks. It takes practice and discipline. Everyone believes they’re way too smart to be bamboozled. Those same people will agree bamboozlement exists and is effective…on other people.

What I tell people is, if you think you’re above being suckered then you already are a sucker. Humility and honing insight is the only way out of the trap.

I should point out, I include myself as always a potential sucker. Am I always successful? No. But at least I’m trying. Ego works against us in these situations.

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I read the Cialdini book, too. I think he went to work for the Clinton campaign in a sort of Nudge role.

Yes, we should assume that the art of deception is a Red Queen race. All you need to know to be humble is that a high school kid fooled Penn and Teller:


I haven't watched this second one yet, but apparently a 10-year-old did, too.


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Yep. I’d heard of his involvement with Clinton and perhaps other campaigns. Thanks for the links Mathew! The books ‘Authentic Happiness’ by Martin Seligman and ‘Flow’ by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi were interesting insights into human cognition as well. I feel the better we understand our inherent quirks and features the better armed we are at recognizing those that wish to exploit them. The Scamdemic a shining ongoing example.

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Wow -- Interesting story on the conman (and what a life back in the early stock trading days)!

What I'm taking from this post is that: there's so much out there and topics are so complex, things aren't what they seem

I'd agree 100% which is why i think our best course of action is to create a system where we are no longer dependent on THEIR system.

By creating a system that relies solely on what we've created, no matter what policies or rules they pass, it won't affect our system since it's self reliant. Of course, easier said than done, but that's the ultimate solution for peace, freedom and love in this world we find ourselves in.

I put a book together to breakdown how we can go from a) being aware to the maze we find ourselves in to b) how can I start building my own system. Sharing if anyone's interested:


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Since when do empires not take by force what was built by others? There's no way to build a system outside of the system and make it work ad infinitum. All you can hope is that you'll be one of the last the system is going to seek to destroy and that in meantime the empire itself is going to collapse.

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Yes, indeed, great labor. But very interesting labor. I just watched a Juri Lina film about how the banksters bankrolled both the failed 1904-5 and the successful 1917 Russian revolutions. Wilson granted Trotsky (Leiba Bronstein) citizenship, and thus a passport, and pressured the Canadians to release him from custody so he could continue his travel to Russia.

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Reminds of the adage, "the only way to win, is not to play"

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Do Not Expect Your Enemy to Attack Straight On

This would allow the Philanthropaths and their assets to give up invisibility, which is a strong superpower.

Consider these possibilities: The most powerful nations and organizations have other nations and organizations do their dirty work for them. If England wants to attack a nation, maybe the U.S. will do it for them. If the U.S. wants to spy on its citizens, maybe it'll have Israel do it for them. If the globalists want to expand the credit-backed currency supply, maybe the U.S. will hire China out of a French-built laboratory to engineer a pathogen—or even an inert substitute that triggers PCR positivity. If some oligarch with military leverage wants Bill Gates to use Warren Buffet's money to bribe the World Health Organization into taking the posture of a global health dictatorship by using Jeffrey Epstein's sexual blackmail as leverage, you may not know whom to blame. And you're going to have a thousand influencers telling you that they know the answers you seek, but most of them are just NPCs themselves.

That paragraph alone should be enough for you to reconsider any radicalization into which you might be baited. If you haven't chased the source of your anxiety past hypnotic influencers who eloquently share stories similar to yours, and pat you on the head for being smart or wise, you should remain firmly open minded. The arts of epistemology require great labor. And you cannot even begin that labor until you step away from the cult.

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I know, there are these characters who seem to talk good sense, then wham! They tell you about Chlorine Dioxide... I have a lot of research to do...

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Ha yes you do.

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What are your thoughts on Chlorine dioxide, Katarina?

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Well it looks amazing, which is why I'm going to look into it throughly. Is this what Trump was on about when he was muttering about bleach? Did he get the pronunciation wrong, then he was silenced as letting the public know about cheap cures appears to be off the agenda.

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Trump is ignorant of many things. He probably wanted to help and when some smart advisers gave him information he tried to get the news out but failing to understand he made a pretty good mess and the fallout caused his regular supporters to loose trust and he shut up for fear of loosing all credibility. The system was working hard not to have a treatment go public so he needed friends to succeed and he had very few. Voters do not count they are simple window dressing.

While he might want to clean the swamp I do not believe he has the skill and certainly not the support for the task. He was put in as president to be a puppet and fail so the next puppet would be easier to put into the role.

Certainly he is not smart enough to denounce the vaccines and the whole operation like a honest and wise person would. He is trying to play the field to hold onto some support and at the same time dragging much of his support base into false information that he has been advised is false.

If you look at https://c19early.org/ you will not see the 'bleach' but the few studies that have been done show that various nasal rinses have amongst the highest prophylactic numbers (approaching 100%) on some settings. Iota-carrageenan , hydrogen peroxide, salt, colloidal silver, listerine (or some other mouthwash, memory fails), ivermectin and might have been some others in DILUTED form as nasal rinses 2-4 times a day appear to work against most/all respiratory viruses.

If you don't mind using a Netti-pot or similar twice daily then you can be reasonably safe from covid and the flu.

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When I first read about the nasal rinse angle the old thought "Why didn't I think of that?" came to mind. So simple and helps exactly where the virus starts.

Most respiratory virus start by attaching to the walls of the nasal cavities. If you can thin out the herds or prevent it from attaching you just gave your immune system a huge leg up.

I've tried a couple. When sick the 1% povidone-iodine + saline is a sledgehammer. Not good as a prophylactic as it wipes out everything. The 0.1% H2O2 + saline is not harsh but unpleasant. Here again only when sick. I've tried nebulizing it but denser liquid works better. Plain saline is a good rinse but won't stop much of the viral adhesion.

The one I do use 2-3 times a day is the xylitol + saline as it supports the biome / bio-film and is very pleasant to use. It is marketed under the name "Xlear" but is so simple to make I've never bothered to buy any. If you want to try here is the recipe (usage voids warranty lol).

1 cup of water (8 ounces) (Filtered Water)

1/2 tsp salt

1/2 tsp of xylitol crystals

1/2 tsp baking soda

4 drops of grapefruit seed extract (optional for infection)

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His mention of bleach came directly after research from a study at Cedar Sinai in LA was just published which described a wand of sorts which was inserted down the throat to kill covid. He had apparently read the hopeful study as had I. His use of the word 'bleach' was loosely used, but not to be condemned.

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I'm in the UK and thought there may have been a connection with what Trump said. This Chlorine Dioxide I will look into though, it looks too good to be true.

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sorry I don't know

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I actually ordered a kit after reading your substack yesterday. Watched some Kalcker videos too. Nice thing to have on hand.

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nice thing to use chronically

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The proper question, is this:

What is the biggest solvable problem we can fix if we can find ways to work together better as humans?

We believe the answer is this:

Stop the corruption in our systems: systems of government, philanthropy, medicine, science, food, academia, and more.

BUT -we cannot fight the old systems. We need to create new systems that make the old ones obsolete, and migrate to the new ones. High trust systems. Transparent systems. Decentralized systems. Systems that are much much harder to corrupt.

We are working on these types of systems and need your help. Come be part of the solution, together.

This article explains how we can run systems like philanthropies, governments, or businesses with this type of high trust system. But that's not all Human Swarm Intelligence can do if we build the right ecosystem for it.


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Who flipped the coin?

FWIW it is possible to "learn" to flip a coin. If you practise enough, you can flip at the same speed and catch in the same place and it comes up the way you expect 60% - 70% of the time. I didn't practise all that much to achieve this - I imagine that someone who dedicated themselves, could achieve a higher degree of accuracy.

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Howard flipped.

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Perhaps he was leveraging this somehow:


Two possibilities

(1) akin to the way card counters play blackjack. You frequent wall street businesses because you know you're likely to find wealthy people there who also have a propensity to gamble. Then you make a series of bets, offering the opponent a small edge. If the opponent is not a "wobbly tosser" you keep the bets small and walk out a small loser. If you find a "wobbly tosser" you raise the stakes and walk out a big winner.

(2) A keen observer is simply able to predict the outcome of coin tosses with a greater degree of accuracy than 50/50. Since coin tosses are not random - but the result of mechanical calculations as this study suggests - then it is definitely the case that the starting conditions determine the outcome, and entirely possible that a human observer may be able to predict the outcome based purely on observation of the starting position with a much greater degree of accuracy than the small edge provided by the "same side up" proposition used in the study.

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I always do the vertical coin spin instead of toss. Stand the coin vertically on a flat surface, hold the top lightly and use the other hand to snip the coin and make it spin and wait for it to stop and lay flat. But I'm weird :)

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Two thoughts arise from your current essay. One is that none of us are required for the work of judging the living and the dead. Jesus Christ has that task well in hand. The other is that we don't know enough to be very sure of our actions. But God knoweth. Praise God. Amen.

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Great post.

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I'm really enjoying this series.

I don't fully understand the concept of the "ante" in the example given (QAnon). The example is a revelation of shocking behavior (i.e., that there is a global pedophile ring). Is it the ante in that it upsets/motivates/disturbs the player, or is it meant to represent a specific CTA? Or something else altogether?

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It's not just the revelation of the criminal behavior. It's the value of that behavior to the system. Identifying a problem is the first step toward improving the value of the system. That "value" is the ante.

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The Howard Ring story: The correct odds are clear on the coin flip and the payoff. Why would anybody get involved in this? Perhaps the story isn't accurate, just like the description of Howard Ring's win over 45 other players which was in one of many event held in 1998:

August 1-9, 1998; Crowne Plaza Addison, Dallas, Texas

WORLD CUP VI (46): 1-Howard Ring (IL), 2-Johannes Levermann (Germany), 3/4-Fred Chamanara (IL) / Malcolm Davis (TX); 1C-Stu Hosen (TX), 2C-Tino Lechich (Australia).

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The Secular Ruling Families are OWNERS of the MONETARY SYSTEM - a debt based scam - and it is evident that we - herds of modern moron slaves - are really happy with living under Their shadow and in debt!

Can't be simpler than this... https://postimg.cc/N9JX8mZF

So enjoy... while They let you.

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The Art of War

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"pat you on the head for being smart or wise" - Or praise you for being a victim or courageous freedom fighter. That all falls on deaf ears. I'm none of the above. I'm a survivor and that's it. So far, so good.

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So Matthew, how do we start a gold or other backed STATE bank again? Wihtout being murdered for it?

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I'm not sure that gold is where it's at. I believe that we will move toward Bitcoin, specifically, because it is a direct connection between money and energy.

I think that there is a large-scale psyop going on with the selling of the West's gold in large quantities, and often in paper gold, which might as well be fool's gold because I do not believe it represents gold in storage. In fact, that's a clue as to the unlikelihood of gold-backed currency. There is always the potential for reserves to be subject to illusion/psyops.

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That said, I own some metals, but it's less than 1% of my portfolio. I would understand if other people wanted to be a little heavier, but it gets...heavier after a while.

If the lights go out, even for a week, having a few silver coins in the home is not a terrible hedge.

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For transactions, not storage, what do you think of the "Lightning Network" (lightning.network)? Just curious and if you haven't heard of it no problem. A lot of players in the space.

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I have used it, and my wife built a node. Call it "practicing", but I haven't had time to keep up with the debate over the tech. I do not yet have a strong opinion over whether Bitcoin will overcome being *only* a banking coin, or whether L2/L3+ solutions will have strong enough security to move all transactions firmly to the blockchain.

There is clearly a tradeoff between security and transaction speed, and I do not believe that can be resolved within the same system [though additional "layers" might be called a parallel system].

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I call it "Tire Kicking" and it's the best way to check things out.


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Well I admire your acumen about money...and appreciate your input quite a lot.

Thank you.

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