Exceptional work! Pointing out the obvious (12 irrelevant studies) was so impactful it has changed my perspective immediately! I was a Pfizer Pharmaceutical representative and know well how studies are used to manipulate narrative. Study dose has been used and abused to missinform. Ineffective small doses and known lethal doses have been used in published studies! Even highly renound NEJM AND Nature published and retracted terrible studies.

The question I always have about any Covid study is, With the pathetic inaccuracies in the PCR Covid test (up to 96% false positive) , how are any results meaningful? Thank you!

Btw, I am going to be supportive and subscribe. Voices like yours need support!

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I think any of the concerns you have can be explained by the lack of grant funding for these studies. Also when doing research the person must be careful of career damage in choosing a particular reseach study and so if one uses small N and does T-Tests, it is still statistically first rate but doesn't SPLASH and POP the way huge numbers do when read by the masses and the govt.

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Very glad to see this. Great work!

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Interesting stuff. I'm not necessarily on board with this as a treatment but it's not because of some kind of politically motivated problem with it. I think people should have the option though and we should study it in the best way possible.

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