I couldn’t do all the details. I’m past thinking I must expose myself to this in order to understand it. I’m a dog lover too. Had dogs all my childhood (German Shepards and Red Setters), but not as an adult, because I’m well aware of the responsibilities, which I couldn’t meet without compromises I wasn’t willing to make.
The modern narrative is so bad that it doesn’t bear formal analysis. I don’t know why they don’t just fake the desired resists and have done with it! No one would ever know 🤔
I don’t believe in an accidental leak. Providence doesn’t fit neat timelines.
I don’t like the forcing of the narrative to the forefront of mass media over & again. I believe the perpetrators have extremely good control of main media plus tech. I’ve personally been subject to censorship that, had it just happened today, would probably have terrified me. Now I’m just used to assuming I’m watched 24/7 & probably listened to as well (hi folks at GCHQ! Do your families know what you do for money? If they really understood it, they’d probably reject you, and deservedly so. I live in hope).
Given the extent of conttol, I think it’s reasonable to argue that, if a story is on multiple TV networks and news feeds on the net, the perpetrators put it there & are in any case not opposed to it.
They don’t need to do this. Fauci comes across as corrupt as hell and potentially played a key role in bringing into being a GOF pathogen which has killed millions (I don’t believe any of that). Why would the administration deliberately embarrass itself?
I believe one answer is to force those not paying much attention to choose between two alternatives:
1. the virus arose naturally and jumped into humans. Proximity to the Wuhan Institute a pure coincidence, which happens all the time. Recall the nerve agents released in Salisbury, England? Obviously it was the Russians and proximity to the top secret research facility at Porton Down was pure coincidence.
2. The virus was created in a lab and then leaked out (intentionally or accidentally). People much prefer cockup to conspiracy, so let’s say it was an accident.
Notice the complete & unspoken assumption that there really is a pandemic virus running amok, causing massive scale illnesses and deaths. We know there’s a novel virus because people who would never lie to the public told us there was. And others have confirmed it, because they’re had innumerable positive results in PCR (& other) testing. We know these tests are so specific that there’s no chance a positive result is even plausibly due to anything but SARS-CoV-2. And they’ve found it in waste water, so that proves it was in people.
Back to my question: why are they shoving this absurd story into people’s faces? I think an alternative answer is to minimise the probability that many people will even ask a more fundamental question: what’s the evidence that there was a novel respiratory virus stalking the planet, causing massive scale illnesses and deaths? Because they can’t risk that. A person might conclude, on the balance of probabilities, that the evidence is weak. The most serious objection to there having been a new virus as the dominant cause of widespread respiratory illness & elevated death rate is in the epidemiological evidence. Denis Rancourt’s team & others have found no evidence for there having been a virus pandemic. The wrong age at death profile across the population is inconsistent with a novel respiratory virus, assuming as has been observed for each winters uplift in all causes mortality, it’s the oldest and most frail (already chronically unwell) in whom the biggest % increases in deaths. That’s not what’s seen (at least in USA).
That evidence forced my to look anew at the evidence & I conclude that there’s never been a new pathogen induced cause of massive scale illnesses and deaths.
The media circus we’re currently living then has the objective to make it all but unthinkable that there never was a novel virus. And it’s worked, I believe.
Now we’re in deep trouble if we’re the perpetrators.
Please ignore that last sentence. I intended to delete it from draft.
Obviously, if it was true that there wasn’t a novel respiratory virus-induced pandemic, the authorities around the world would be in even deepening quicksand. Because none of the things they did to us, and continue to do in some cases, could be justified. They couldn’t be justified in any case, but this becomes obvious to non technical people that no new hazard means no upending the world.
There were not, contrary to most people’s understanding, unusual numbers of patients in hospitals, sick with respiratory symptoms. Not in NYC, not in London. All the while lying about numbers of “deaths with covid” in every news bulletin.
Murderous medical procedures account for a substantial portion of the deaths claimed to have been caused by this alleged virus (which might exist in a lab or at least on a computer). Making attempts to strip out non-covid deaths (caused by DNR / midazolam and morphine, withholding of appropriate prescriptions for antibiotics to treat or prevent bacterial pneumonia, inappropriate use of mechanical ventilation, absolutely lethal in the wrong hands and pretty much contraindicated in patients of the description we’ve been given, use of renally toxic remdesivir etc) I don’t think there are enough deaths to claim a pandemic of any kind.
One of the earliest clues for me was that leadership didn’t seem to have any fear whatsoever, even though several of them are bang in the high risk for severe outcomes including death in infected.
Finally, another piece of soft evidence that would I think be inconsistent with the narrative. Imagine your one of the seniormost perpetrators, and you’re receiving a briefing from the tech team. You listen carefully and learn that there’s quite a range of real world outcomes, once you release a novel pathogen. It might fizzle out. Or it might be more lethal than expected. The chance that it’ll be Goldilocks everywhere is pretty unlikely. I can imagine the senior perpetrators stating “We’re not going to do this. Too many ways it could go badly wrong. Come back with a plan that’s subject to far less uncontrolled risk”. And they did. The revised plan looks all but identical to the deliberate release of a modified pathogen, except they simply lied about it and didn’t actually release anything.
In July 2020, a close person of mine had to do a medical exam at the main medical clinic in my country. In order to get to the specific building, we had to pass near the container hospitals built for the purposes of the so-called pandemic. They were closed. Not a living soul, a patient or a doctor was nearby. The situation was like every other July, when the town is scorching hot and most people are on holiday. Just three months ago, we had to lock down for 4 dasy straight at home for solidarity and unity. Really? Not one sick person inside? Not to mention the crowded beaches in my hometown that year that would have been a fertile breeding ground for a deadly outbreak had it been not a (not-so) cleverly crafted commercial.
Exactly...our leaders, medical experts and "important" people didn't seem to be the least bit frightened by such a deadly-to-everyone-else virus. Excellent point and it seals the deal for me...it was all faked from top to bottom.
It is refreshing and theraputic to read your bold and truthful words. Thank you for the sane insight. May God keep you and yours safe through these times.
Dr. Mike, you mentioned the fatal misuse of ventilators. What do ventilators do? Do they just supply oxygen? I know that breathing 100% oxygen causes hemoglobin to be unable to carry oxygen in the blood, because a few percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) are needed to make the oxygen attach to hemoglobin. Right? That's why hyperventilating causes a person to pass out (lack of oxygen, despite inhaling more oxygen).
Did you read Mathew's recent post about JJ Couey. In one of the two videos there Couey said RNA viruses cannot cause a pandemic, because they mutate too fast and the mutations soon become non-infectious. So only a small number of people are capable of becoming infected with an RNA virus. Couey said this means that all of the locations where the virus was initially identified around the world were from artificially produced identical copies that were sent from one source to all of those locations and then the virus was released at each location. Do you agree with that? I know someone who apparently came down with a bad case of the virus in the St. Louis area just after the start of the so-called pandemic. So, if Couey is right, St. Louis must have been one of the locations that received a copy of the virus that was then released. But Couey named numerous places where the virus was first reported and St. Louis wasn't named.
Ventilators should replace the normal action of breathing. However ventilation is extremely injurious because of positive pressure needed. It inflates the lungs like a balloon.
Breathing works by dropping the pressure in your lungs thus sucking in air.
The point is it’s not needed. If more oxygen is required, provide it in a mask.
I suggest ventilation requires sedation and while sedated the person is easily killed without any fight or ceremony.
Thoroughly evil act.
Worse, almost every person involved in the procedure knows it’s not appropriate.
Mike, you were the first person to alert me that the deaths and illnesses from the 'vaccine' were intentional, back when I was posting on Malone's Substack and believing he was who he said. I posted something recently looking at Bryan Ardis on snake venom and nicotine--leaving aside the question of how it might have been distributed but only looking at the mechanism of biological symptoms attacking the nicotine receptors and nicotine as beneficial. And then looking at Malone's 2016 contract for What a Smoke to develop a prototype e-cig for clinical study--an odd $350K addition to his multimillion DARPA grants. Why? And did it have anything to do with the 2019 vaping deaths and illnesses, as Mark Kulacz has highlighted? Were they making e-cigs hazardous to your health (the tool, not the contents) in order that we wouldn't notice smokers didn't 'catch' the 'virus'?
Dr. Mike, I agree with you for the most part, but I think there was "something" going around. I've had it twice and it was a different type of feeling than I've felt before with other illnesses.
I also know where I caught it from the first time (PCR confirmed) and I started feeling ill 5 days after contact, which is what they say should happen with a viral infection. It may be possible that it was not really a "novel" virus, but it did feel novel.
But I think this "something" was intentionally seeded around the plant rather than accidently leaked from a lab. Too much points for this to have been done on purpose for it to be due to an accident.
Dr Mike, I wouldn't put any amount of deception past the predators, but ...
How to explain the people who were sick before the vaccines, and the unvaccinated people who got sick?
I've taken various "covid tests" (since realizing they probably work just as well with saliva instead of sticking that who knows what up my nose), and the only time it was positive was the only time I was sick.
Although, it didn't feel like a respiratory virus. More like a bioweapon. I know for sure who I got it from, and we're both not vaccinated.
It was one night of horrible pain, that was gone after I finally got to sleep. Probably the FLCCC / Dr Haider protocol I was doing helped it be not-so-bad after that, despite many high risk factors. (Very high Epstein-Barr being one of them)
Then I walked one long block to get another test (actually a semi-aware covid tester who advised taking vitamins, was interested in the FLCCC, and lets people spit on the swab). The rapid was negative that time (and the PCR came back positive, which makes sense).
After that slow walk I became so tired I literally couldn't move. It was massive effort to walk down a hallway, or get myself into a cab (to then sleep).
I know the fatality numbers (and the case numbers), (and all the numbers), have been messed with to create something far worse than it was. But what I felt after the acute phase was way worse than death. I would never have wanted to go on living if that didn't change.
By the grace of the universe and synchronicity, I was guided to a scalar wave / biophotonic / crystal / sounds too good to be true machine that makes grand claims that include "DNA time reversal". I felt nothing and left feeling devastated and ripped off.
The next day I had a somewhat more energy, and two days later I felt the same as I felt before covid.
But I can understand how "long covid" can be devastating for people who didn't get a miraculous healing in the right timing.
Dr's Kory, Haider, others, work with people sick from long covid, and they're definitely not spinning it to cover for vaccine injuries or to make people afraid.
(Also Walter M Chestnut, and John Paul (Hidden Complexity), and Doorless Carp are honest researchers bringing info about how the spike protein in both vaccine and virus are harmful, and are not part of the fear mongering narrative).
Confused about how if this really isn't anything, what to think about what I experienced, and how other honest people explain the pathology of the disease? I've had the flu before, and after a few days, the flu went away. Nothing like the covid experience (or whatever it was).
That said, I have yet to go deep into JJ Couey's explanations and Mathew's quasi - species swarm. Maybe the answers have been there all along(?)
I've heard Denis Rancourt talk a lot about stress as the most common cause of illness. Thank you for taking the time to comment here with us regular blindfolded sheep on Substack. I'm working on a dot connector motherlode and would appreciate your feedback on the following short run-on narrative with no punctuation:
Scare the hell out of the world in a lock-step psyop. Force people in their homes, close down beaches, parks, and public places so they can't get vitamin D, scare the hell out of them with the idea of a deadly pathogen lurking everywhere, on every surface, in other humans (asymptomatic BS) blasted to them with big red bubbles on their computer screens and even more 24-7 corporate state media fear, while keeping people away from doctors and hospitals for fear of contracting that invisible harm, risking susceptible people with neglect, while offing the elderly in hospitals and care homes with toxic drugs like Remdesivir and respiratory suppressants like midazolam (for pneumonia patients!) which were incentivized with billions in bonus money by states, and all of that while launching 5G-a known govt. tested energy weapon on every street corner of every major city around the world with another 100k from satellites in LEO to cause serious neurological and oxidative stress to compound all their other stresses and we have not a pandemic but states psychologically and corporally terrorizing their citizens so they line up for a bioweapon injection that will kill millions while rendering millions more sterile and infertile and yet still we have no need at all for a novel virus if the flu is rebranded and PCR tests are turned to 30+ CT to maximize "asymptomatic" positives, while telling people this new "novel virus" causes loss of taste and smell but in reality the Graphene Oxide in masks and testing swabs which is a poison has one side effect triggered at the point of nasal and oral inhalation... anosmia.
No virus has ever been isolated. No government can show proof or evidence of a virus. And the flu just magically disappeared for two years? How did that happen? while we know PCR to be a scam and those were the only tests the first year or two in many places. And EMF radiation poisoning matches "Covid" symptoms and Graphene Oxide poising (vaccines) to a T and they rolled out 5G globally in 2020-2022 but nobody had any symptoms but had "covid" instead? It's all a mirage. The whole enchilada is an illusion. There's no virus. If enough people believe something and they listen to people who have degrees on their walls and appear on TV does that make something true? If those who were trained a certain way in medicine or virology were misled in their training, generation after generation and they're the "experts" but they're just repeating lies they learned, do you still believe the lies to be true because of expertise?
You just told somebody that they did what you did, but they brought a citation, amd you didn't. You also made a confirmatory claim of a negative, which is antiscientific, and assumes godlike knowledge.
If all the purple check mark buffoons could be like Mike, if they could be like Mike!
oh what a wonderful world. (deep sigh)
This is what needs to keep making the rounds. Took me two years to get there because I'm just a blindfolded sheep, but it's what history will prove, eventually, as truth prevails.
The people who said that "by destroying the virus delusion you destroy everything that follows" were correct.
Gain of Function
No virus, no juice for any of those to run an inch.
Why get bogged down reading the latest comically preprint on mask effectiveness, or article in "nature" or "scientific american" on racoon dogs if there is no human-to-human transmission of any novel coronavirus because there is no virus and never was?
" " " on vaccine effectiveness " ' "?
" ' " on lockdown effectiveness " ' "?
" ' " on gain of fiction?
How could they create a vaccine for a virus that never existed and then mandate it?
It's the McGuffin in their script. Same as every other script: Find the McGuffin, save the world.
So, here’s the question of logic: How do we know what Covid is, or whether one has it, unless we have a purified, isolated standard to weigh it against? That is, where is the platinum/iridium cylinder for Covid infections? Where is the atomic time clock? There should be one, called a “Certified Reference Material” of isolated Covid material, which came from a symptomatic human who is known to have infected another. Pretty basic. Question: Where is it? Newstarget asks the same question here. https://www.newstarget.com/2021-08-16-sars-cov-2-has-never-been-isolated-purified-shown-to-cause-disease.html Try to get your hand on one. Or try to get a biologist you know to get one. In fact, in the Justin Trudeau hellhole that he has turned my Canada into, someone actually tried just that, a man named Peter King in Alberta (17 min vid). When he was ticketed $1200 for violating the Covid Public Health Act by attending a protest greater than 10 people in Red Deer, Alberta, he simply asked for the isolated Covid virus (not from the now discredited and abandoned PCR test, which the CDC removed after it was outed as bogus, where earlier it was used to falsify positives to push the fake pandemic) from Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer, Deena Hinshaw. This in turn would provide the rationale for why the health act that had been implemented. When, in court, before a judge, under oath, when requesting the “evidence,” the lawyer for Alberta Health was forced to admit “Mr. King is requesting evidence that we cannot give,” or as you see in the screen grab below. Citing court records that state “The CMOH Has No Material Evidence,” Mr. King claims this proves the Albertan government couldn’t prove the virus has ever been isolated, and therefore never had any legal grounds to impose COVID restrictions. Of course the frantic MSM spun it by saying only “In an August 7 article published by Reuters, the office of the health minister of Alberta says that the phrase, “The CMOH Has No Material Evidence,” refers to the fact that Dr. Hinshaw “did not possess material evidence relevant to the matters that would be decided at the trial…. and representative from the office of the health minister of Alberta added, “It is false to claim there is any relationship between the decision on the subpoena and the lifting of public health measures.” Right. And if you believe that, Monty Python has a “cheque in the mail” for you, too, because this is the self-same government that flew a couple lawyers cross country from Ottawa to Alberta and couldn’t dig up the material needed?? What? Were they trying to help Indiana Jones find the lost ark? Of course, having lived for a decade in Ottawa, and trained literally thousands of government workers, the fecklessness does not surprise me.
As one doctor wrote me (personal communication) about the above: “He's partly correct: isolating the virus from a human is a first step, but proving causation is an even weightier matter.”
But then, this is the same Alberta that Alberta's "health service" is now erasing ER records of the "vaccine"-injured
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler discusses the theory advanced by Dr. Cowan and Dr. Kaufman that viruses don’t exist (and by extension the COVID virus) has generated a lot of controversy. There are those who are convinced by their arguments and those that find the theory ridiculous. His take on the matter is here, or see his article in Popular Rationalism, Sanger Sequencing and Mass-Spectrometry Agree on SARS-CoV-2 Protein Sequences From NGS,
They lie to us about everything Mike, but they drip feed little snippets of the truth, randomly, in between the lies, in order to totally confuse us, so that we never quite know when they're lying and when they're dropping little powder puff truth bombs.
I'm a dog lover too and have rescued German Shepherds for years, often from environments where they have been cruelly abused. I've seen enough images of animal torture in China and elsewhere to know that it's widespread, utterly horrific and entirely legal. Enough to permanently haunt me to the end of my days, so I couldn't watch any more. Fauci is a monster, with no regard for human or animal life. He's not alone.
We have no idea what animal tested positive or negative in China because those results are reported by China.
As for the Chinese sequences at the market, they show raccoon dog DNA and Sars-Cov-2 sequences with little human DNA. The biological terrorists covering up their crime tell us this is proof of natural origin. They assume people wont know that aerosols (<5 microns) from infected humans don't carry cellular DNA and cant infect animals or humans w/o transporting their DNA
The authors of that ridiculous paper know GITMO is in their future. This was their Hail Mary Pass. Incomplete. Game Over. Bring out the water boards
The concept of "invasive species" is an interesting one. There is most certainly merit to it, but its ever-expanding application (weaponization?) is about to make it more or less superfluous.
As correctly noted, the common Raccoon dog is considered an invasive species in Europe today. However, fossils demonstrate they (the same genus: Nyctereutes) were present here for at least 4 out of the last 5 million years, possibly even longer.
I really appreciate, Mathew, that you connect all the dots between the biology, the psyops, the economic hustle, and the geopolitics. And even look a layer deeper at the ways in which you might have been played, as a dog lover.
In a book that changed the course of my life, Derrick Jensen's The Culture of Make-Believe, he describes watching a video of a cat being skinned alive in a basin of warm water (I didn't watch this one, so don't know if the technique was similar). His point to the whole book is that cruelty gets normalized and it's not psychopaths who do it, but all of us who go along with it because we can't see what conflicts with our beliefs that we're good people.
The phrase "two ways to skin a cat" had some origin, and I've been trying to purge my vocabulary of implicit violence, like anti-torture groups saying they're going to "hold ----'s feet to the fire.
You're not wrong about the anti-China/ Russia fomenting since the inconvenient end of the Cold War. And you're not wrong about the economics, which is my focus in my book. Glad to have discovered that we're not only on the same side but on the same page.
I doubt that many people understand that they will be held accountable for their nefarious activities towards any living being and have seared their conscience years ago with their evilness towards life on earth.
It has been obvious to me for several years now that any popularized distraction from the PTB is on a continuum of at least six layers of lies. Why? Because most people lack the mental and physical stamina to look through six layers of bullshit nor can they comprehend that anyone would go through the trouble of constructing same and content themselves with believing the 1st or 2nd layer or pat themselves on the back for being "truthers" by getting to the 3rd or 4th layer then thinking they are done. I appreciate Matthew for going deeper. There are still deeper reasons that are in the unconscious and energetic realms but that may be outside even Matthew's purvue...or maybe not.
I definitely won't assume that I see it all. I constantly make new connections. But it helped me orient myself to frame deep politics in terms of control over global economics. That's the most logical first test of any hypothesis about any large scale event.
We are deep down in the upside down, inside out and backwards mental gymnastics olympics these days. Particularly amusing since we have known before 2020 of the research being done on these viruses in the United States, in China (with funds from the US), and probably in at least the Ukraine - all US corporate & government run as well.
Raccoon dogs are cute but US government officials are decidedly not.
"A bat, a pangolin and a raccoon dog walk into a bar . . . no, wait, a bat, a pangolin and a raccoon dog walk into a wet market . . . no, no, I've got it, a bat, a pangolin and a raccoon dog walk into a bio-lab . . . . . . = cue the punchline."
I guess Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) is credited on the FCS patent.
Surely kinetic action is on the horizon but the US was already capitulated to China driven WEF by allowing the fraudulent 2020 election results to stand.
A great deal of "faux" fur is actually raccoon dogs. Fur is essential , nothing wrong with it. Especially estate sale fur.
Stephen King's lesson for writers who want to create despicable characters everyone hates: just hurt someone's dog. It refers to his novel "The Dead Zone" in which a travelling salesman kicks the dog sitting at his buyer's door for no reason.
"FACT: When the video surfaced, the Chinese authorities demanded to know details in order to prosecute the collaborators on animal cruelty charges"
I doubt that. There is NO animal cruelty legislation currently in force in China. Citizens and businesses can basically inflict any amount of extreme violence and gratuitous suffering upon any animal and not face any penalty in law. Torture and killing of non-human species is legal.
"In April 2020, a university student in China’s Shandong Province was expelled from school after videos of him mercilessly torturing and murdering over 80 stray cats surfaced on the Chinese internet; in October of the same year, a man from Shanxi Province poured boiling water over a pregnant cat, killing her and four unborn kittens; in November 2021, a pet dog was brutally killed by health workers while its owner was in quarantine for COVID-19. Numerous incidents of animal cruelty like these have surfaced in China in recent years. In response, more and more Chinese citizens are calling for stricter protection of animals and the promulgation of robust animal cruelty laws. Though animal welfare legislation is still a somewhat controversial subject in the country, a 2020 vote launched by CCTV News (a Chinese state-owned broadcaster) on Weibo (a Chinese social media platform) shows that the demand for a national anti-cruelty law is overwhelmingly strong: on the question of whether China should pass legislation against animal cruelty as soon as possible, among the 299,000 participants, more than 280,000 voted yes."
I've seen enough sickening images of the brutal killing and torture of domestic pets and farm animals, in the dog meat and fur trades, in China and elsewhere across Asia, to know that it is real and widespread. I don't know if PETA did fake their video, but they certainly had no need to. I do suggest that the 'Fact check' was just the 'legitimate' fur industry trying to cover its arse.
I couldn’t do all the details. I’m past thinking I must expose myself to this in order to understand it. I’m a dog lover too. Had dogs all my childhood (German Shepards and Red Setters), but not as an adult, because I’m well aware of the responsibilities, which I couldn’t meet without compromises I wasn’t willing to make.
The modern narrative is so bad that it doesn’t bear formal analysis. I don’t know why they don’t just fake the desired resists and have done with it! No one would ever know 🤔
I don’t believe in an accidental leak. Providence doesn’t fit neat timelines.
I don’t like the forcing of the narrative to the forefront of mass media over & again. I believe the perpetrators have extremely good control of main media plus tech. I’ve personally been subject to censorship that, had it just happened today, would probably have terrified me. Now I’m just used to assuming I’m watched 24/7 & probably listened to as well (hi folks at GCHQ! Do your families know what you do for money? If they really understood it, they’d probably reject you, and deservedly so. I live in hope).
Given the extent of conttol, I think it’s reasonable to argue that, if a story is on multiple TV networks and news feeds on the net, the perpetrators put it there & are in any case not opposed to it.
They don’t need to do this. Fauci comes across as corrupt as hell and potentially played a key role in bringing into being a GOF pathogen which has killed millions (I don’t believe any of that). Why would the administration deliberately embarrass itself?
I believe one answer is to force those not paying much attention to choose between two alternatives:
1. the virus arose naturally and jumped into humans. Proximity to the Wuhan Institute a pure coincidence, which happens all the time. Recall the nerve agents released in Salisbury, England? Obviously it was the Russians and proximity to the top secret research facility at Porton Down was pure coincidence.
2. The virus was created in a lab and then leaked out (intentionally or accidentally). People much prefer cockup to conspiracy, so let’s say it was an accident.
Notice the complete & unspoken assumption that there really is a pandemic virus running amok, causing massive scale illnesses and deaths. We know there’s a novel virus because people who would never lie to the public told us there was. And others have confirmed it, because they’re had innumerable positive results in PCR (& other) testing. We know these tests are so specific that there’s no chance a positive result is even plausibly due to anything but SARS-CoV-2. And they’ve found it in waste water, so that proves it was in people.
Back to my question: why are they shoving this absurd story into people’s faces? I think an alternative answer is to minimise the probability that many people will even ask a more fundamental question: what’s the evidence that there was a novel respiratory virus stalking the planet, causing massive scale illnesses and deaths? Because they can’t risk that. A person might conclude, on the balance of probabilities, that the evidence is weak. The most serious objection to there having been a new virus as the dominant cause of widespread respiratory illness & elevated death rate is in the epidemiological evidence. Denis Rancourt’s team & others have found no evidence for there having been a virus pandemic. The wrong age at death profile across the population is inconsistent with a novel respiratory virus, assuming as has been observed for each winters uplift in all causes mortality, it’s the oldest and most frail (already chronically unwell) in whom the biggest % increases in deaths. That’s not what’s seen (at least in USA).
That evidence forced my to look anew at the evidence & I conclude that there’s never been a new pathogen induced cause of massive scale illnesses and deaths.
The media circus we’re currently living then has the objective to make it all but unthinkable that there never was a novel virus. And it’s worked, I believe.
Now we’re in deep trouble if we’re the perpetrators.
Please ignore that last sentence. I intended to delete it from draft.
Obviously, if it was true that there wasn’t a novel respiratory virus-induced pandemic, the authorities around the world would be in even deepening quicksand. Because none of the things they did to us, and continue to do in some cases, could be justified. They couldn’t be justified in any case, but this becomes obvious to non technical people that no new hazard means no upending the world.
There were not, contrary to most people’s understanding, unusual numbers of patients in hospitals, sick with respiratory symptoms. Not in NYC, not in London. All the while lying about numbers of “deaths with covid” in every news bulletin.
Murderous medical procedures account for a substantial portion of the deaths claimed to have been caused by this alleged virus (which might exist in a lab or at least on a computer). Making attempts to strip out non-covid deaths (caused by DNR / midazolam and morphine, withholding of appropriate prescriptions for antibiotics to treat or prevent bacterial pneumonia, inappropriate use of mechanical ventilation, absolutely lethal in the wrong hands and pretty much contraindicated in patients of the description we’ve been given, use of renally toxic remdesivir etc) I don’t think there are enough deaths to claim a pandemic of any kind.
One of the earliest clues for me was that leadership didn’t seem to have any fear whatsoever, even though several of them are bang in the high risk for severe outcomes including death in infected.
Finally, another piece of soft evidence that would I think be inconsistent with the narrative. Imagine your one of the seniormost perpetrators, and you’re receiving a briefing from the tech team. You listen carefully and learn that there’s quite a range of real world outcomes, once you release a novel pathogen. It might fizzle out. Or it might be more lethal than expected. The chance that it’ll be Goldilocks everywhere is pretty unlikely. I can imagine the senior perpetrators stating “We’re not going to do this. Too many ways it could go badly wrong. Come back with a plan that’s subject to far less uncontrolled risk”. And they did. The revised plan looks all but identical to the deliberate release of a modified pathogen, except they simply lied about it and didn’t actually release anything.
Dr. Mike, you can remove the unwanted sentence by clicking on the 3 dots under your post, which will say "Edit comment".
Thanks! Done.
In July 2020, a close person of mine had to do a medical exam at the main medical clinic in my country. In order to get to the specific building, we had to pass near the container hospitals built for the purposes of the so-called pandemic. They were closed. Not a living soul, a patient or a doctor was nearby. The situation was like every other July, when the town is scorching hot and most people are on holiday. Just three months ago, we had to lock down for 4 dasy straight at home for solidarity and unity. Really? Not one sick person inside? Not to mention the crowded beaches in my hometown that year that would have been a fertile breeding ground for a deadly outbreak had it been not a (not-so) cleverly crafted commercial.
Good example.
I remember several people driving between hospitals in spring 2020 & finding no activity. Quieter than usual.
Exactly...our leaders, medical experts and "important" people didn't seem to be the least bit frightened by such a deadly-to-everyone-else virus. Excellent point and it seals the deal for me...it was all faked from top to bottom.
It is refreshing and theraputic to read your bold and truthful words. Thank you for the sane insight. May God keep you and yours safe through these times.
Dr. Mike, you mentioned the fatal misuse of ventilators. What do ventilators do? Do they just supply oxygen? I know that breathing 100% oxygen causes hemoglobin to be unable to carry oxygen in the blood, because a few percent of carbon dioxide (CO2) are needed to make the oxygen attach to hemoglobin. Right? That's why hyperventilating causes a person to pass out (lack of oxygen, despite inhaling more oxygen).
Did you read Mathew's recent post about JJ Couey. In one of the two videos there Couey said RNA viruses cannot cause a pandemic, because they mutate too fast and the mutations soon become non-infectious. So only a small number of people are capable of becoming infected with an RNA virus. Couey said this means that all of the locations where the virus was initially identified around the world were from artificially produced identical copies that were sent from one source to all of those locations and then the virus was released at each location. Do you agree with that? I know someone who apparently came down with a bad case of the virus in the St. Louis area just after the start of the so-called pandemic. So, if Couey is right, St. Louis must have been one of the locations that received a copy of the virus that was then released. But Couey named numerous places where the virus was first reported and St. Louis wasn't named.
Ventilators should replace the normal action of breathing. However ventilation is extremely injurious because of positive pressure needed. It inflates the lungs like a balloon.
Breathing works by dropping the pressure in your lungs thus sucking in air.
The point is it’s not needed. If more oxygen is required, provide it in a mask.
I suggest ventilation requires sedation and while sedated the person is easily killed without any fight or ceremony.
Thoroughly evil act.
Worse, almost every person involved in the procedure knows it’s not appropriate.
Mike, you were the first person to alert me that the deaths and illnesses from the 'vaccine' were intentional, back when I was posting on Malone's Substack and believing he was who he said. I posted something recently looking at Bryan Ardis on snake venom and nicotine--leaving aside the question of how it might have been distributed but only looking at the mechanism of biological symptoms attacking the nicotine receptors and nicotine as beneficial. And then looking at Malone's 2016 contract for What a Smoke to develop a prototype e-cig for clinical study--an odd $350K addition to his multimillion DARPA grants. Why? And did it have anything to do with the 2019 vaping deaths and illnesses, as Mark Kulacz has highlighted? Were they making e-cigs hazardous to your health (the tool, not the contents) in order that we wouldn't notice smokers didn't 'catch' the 'virus'?
I'd love your and Mathew's thoughts on this: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/vaping-and-snake-venom and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/what-a-smoke-and-wombat-holes.
Dr. Mike, I agree with you for the most part, but I think there was "something" going around. I've had it twice and it was a different type of feeling than I've felt before with other illnesses.
I also know where I caught it from the first time (PCR confirmed) and I started feeling ill 5 days after contact, which is what they say should happen with a viral infection. It may be possible that it was not really a "novel" virus, but it did feel novel.
But I think this "something" was intentionally seeded around the plant rather than accidently leaked from a lab. Too much points for this to have been done on purpose for it to be due to an accident.
Dr Mike, I wouldn't put any amount of deception past the predators, but ...
How to explain the people who were sick before the vaccines, and the unvaccinated people who got sick?
I've taken various "covid tests" (since realizing they probably work just as well with saliva instead of sticking that who knows what up my nose), and the only time it was positive was the only time I was sick.
Although, it didn't feel like a respiratory virus. More like a bioweapon. I know for sure who I got it from, and we're both not vaccinated.
It was one night of horrible pain, that was gone after I finally got to sleep. Probably the FLCCC / Dr Haider protocol I was doing helped it be not-so-bad after that, despite many high risk factors. (Very high Epstein-Barr being one of them)
Then I walked one long block to get another test (actually a semi-aware covid tester who advised taking vitamins, was interested in the FLCCC, and lets people spit on the swab). The rapid was negative that time (and the PCR came back positive, which makes sense).
After that slow walk I became so tired I literally couldn't move. It was massive effort to walk down a hallway, or get myself into a cab (to then sleep).
I know the fatality numbers (and the case numbers), (and all the numbers), have been messed with to create something far worse than it was. But what I felt after the acute phase was way worse than death. I would never have wanted to go on living if that didn't change.
By the grace of the universe and synchronicity, I was guided to a scalar wave / biophotonic / crystal / sounds too good to be true machine that makes grand claims that include "DNA time reversal". I felt nothing and left feeling devastated and ripped off.
The next day I had a somewhat more energy, and two days later I felt the same as I felt before covid.
But I can understand how "long covid" can be devastating for people who didn't get a miraculous healing in the right timing.
Dr's Kory, Haider, others, work with people sick from long covid, and they're definitely not spinning it to cover for vaccine injuries or to make people afraid.
(Also Walter M Chestnut, and John Paul (Hidden Complexity), and Doorless Carp are honest researchers bringing info about how the spike protein in both vaccine and virus are harmful, and are not part of the fear mongering narrative).
Confused about how if this really isn't anything, what to think about what I experienced, and how other honest people explain the pathology of the disease? I've had the flu before, and after a few days, the flu went away. Nothing like the covid experience (or whatever it was).
That said, I have yet to go deep into JJ Couey's explanations and Mathew's quasi - species swarm. Maybe the answers have been there all along(?)
Profound respect to you ...
I think people got sick for all the pre-existing reasons.
I no longer regard the official narrative of a new respiratory pathogen as true.
If I’m correct in this position then the so-called diagnostic tests are simply not accurate. They’re not measuring what we’re told they measure.
What is your opinion on the rise in pneumonia leading up to the plandemonium?
Reduced prescriptions of antibiotics is one possibility.
I confess in U.K. that either didn’t happen or remained unremarked.
How widespread and how early was the pneumonia rise in the data you’re referring to?
Stress is another possibility. I think we underestimate the impact on health of being frightened, especially chronically.
What did you make of the ACM age profile changes noted by Rancourt et al?
Dear Dr. Yeadon,
I've heard Denis Rancourt talk a lot about stress as the most common cause of illness. Thank you for taking the time to comment here with us regular blindfolded sheep on Substack. I'm working on a dot connector motherlode and would appreciate your feedback on the following short run-on narrative with no punctuation:
Scare the hell out of the world in a lock-step psyop. Force people in their homes, close down beaches, parks, and public places so they can't get vitamin D, scare the hell out of them with the idea of a deadly pathogen lurking everywhere, on every surface, in other humans (asymptomatic BS) blasted to them with big red bubbles on their computer screens and even more 24-7 corporate state media fear, while keeping people away from doctors and hospitals for fear of contracting that invisible harm, risking susceptible people with neglect, while offing the elderly in hospitals and care homes with toxic drugs like Remdesivir and respiratory suppressants like midazolam (for pneumonia patients!) which were incentivized with billions in bonus money by states, and all of that while launching 5G-a known govt. tested energy weapon on every street corner of every major city around the world with another 100k from satellites in LEO to cause serious neurological and oxidative stress to compound all their other stresses and we have not a pandemic but states psychologically and corporally terrorizing their citizens so they line up for a bioweapon injection that will kill millions while rendering millions more sterile and infertile and yet still we have no need at all for a novel virus if the flu is rebranded and PCR tests are turned to 30+ CT to maximize "asymptomatic" positives, while telling people this new "novel virus" causes loss of taste and smell but in reality the Graphene Oxide in masks and testing swabs which is a poison has one side effect triggered at the point of nasal and oral inhalation... anosmia.
Accurate, highly likely, probable, or nutty?
This conclusion took you 3 years eh?
This trolling took you three seconds. Yawn.
No virus has ever been isolated. No government can show proof or evidence of a virus. And the flu just magically disappeared for two years? How did that happen? while we know PCR to be a scam and those were the only tests the first year or two in many places. And EMF radiation poisoning matches "Covid" symptoms and Graphene Oxide poising (vaccines) to a T and they rolled out 5G globally in 2020-2022 but nobody had any symptoms but had "covid" instead? It's all a mirage. The whole enchilada is an illusion. There's no virus. If enough people believe something and they listen to people who have degrees on their walls and appear on TV does that make something true? If those who were trained a certain way in medicine or virology were misled in their training, generation after generation and they're the "experts" but they're just repeating lies they learned, do you still believe the lies to be true because of expertise?
Blah, blah. You all keep repeating the same stuff, totally ignoring contrary evidence and common sense. https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/proof-of-viruses
Nice list. Proof of repeating what the "experts" have you believing is proof of nada. I think you mean, Bahhaa, instead of blah.
You just told somebody that they did what you did, but they brought a citation, amd you didn't. You also made a confirmatory claim of a negative, which is antiscientific, and assumes godlike knowledge.
I wrote Proof of Viruses at https://covidandvaxfaqs.substack.com/p/proof-of-viruses.
If all the purple check mark buffoons could be like Mike, if they could be like Mike!
oh what a wonderful world. (deep sigh)
This is what needs to keep making the rounds. Took me two years to get there because I'm just a blindfolded sheep, but it's what history will prove, eventually, as truth prevails.
The people who said that "by destroying the virus delusion you destroy everything that follows" were correct.
Gain of Function
No virus, no juice for any of those to run an inch.
Why get bogged down reading the latest comically preprint on mask effectiveness, or article in "nature" or "scientific american" on racoon dogs if there is no human-to-human transmission of any novel coronavirus because there is no virus and never was?
" " " on vaccine effectiveness " ' "?
" ' " on lockdown effectiveness " ' "?
" ' " on gain of fiction?
How could they create a vaccine for a virus that never existed and then mandate it?
It's the McGuffin in their script. Same as every other script: Find the McGuffin, save the world.
So, here’s the question of logic: How do we know what Covid is, or whether one has it, unless we have a purified, isolated standard to weigh it against? That is, where is the platinum/iridium cylinder for Covid infections? Where is the atomic time clock? There should be one, called a “Certified Reference Material” of isolated Covid material, which came from a symptomatic human who is known to have infected another. Pretty basic. Question: Where is it? Newstarget asks the same question here. https://www.newstarget.com/2021-08-16-sars-cov-2-has-never-been-isolated-purified-shown-to-cause-disease.html Try to get your hand on one. Or try to get a biologist you know to get one. In fact, in the Justin Trudeau hellhole that he has turned my Canada into, someone actually tried just that, a man named Peter King in Alberta (17 min vid). When he was ticketed $1200 for violating the Covid Public Health Act by attending a protest greater than 10 people in Red Deer, Alberta, he simply asked for the isolated Covid virus (not from the now discredited and abandoned PCR test, which the CDC removed after it was outed as bogus, where earlier it was used to falsify positives to push the fake pandemic) from Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer, Deena Hinshaw. This in turn would provide the rationale for why the health act that had been implemented. When, in court, before a judge, under oath, when requesting the “evidence,” the lawyer for Alberta Health was forced to admit “Mr. King is requesting evidence that we cannot give,” or as you see in the screen grab below. Citing court records that state “The CMOH Has No Material Evidence,” Mr. King claims this proves the Albertan government couldn’t prove the virus has ever been isolated, and therefore never had any legal grounds to impose COVID restrictions. Of course the frantic MSM spun it by saying only “In an August 7 article published by Reuters, the office of the health minister of Alberta says that the phrase, “The CMOH Has No Material Evidence,” refers to the fact that Dr. Hinshaw “did not possess material evidence relevant to the matters that would be decided at the trial…. and representative from the office of the health minister of Alberta added, “It is false to claim there is any relationship between the decision on the subpoena and the lifting of public health measures.” Right. And if you believe that, Monty Python has a “cheque in the mail” for you, too, because this is the self-same government that flew a couple lawyers cross country from Ottawa to Alberta and couldn’t dig up the material needed?? What? Were they trying to help Indiana Jones find the lost ark? Of course, having lived for a decade in Ottawa, and trained literally thousands of government workers, the fecklessness does not surprise me.
As one doctor wrote me (personal communication) about the above: “He's partly correct: isolating the virus from a human is a first step, but proving causation is an even weightier matter.”
But then, this is the same Alberta that Alberta's "health service" is now erasing ER records of the "vaccine"-injured
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler discusses the theory advanced by Dr. Cowan and Dr. Kaufman that viruses don’t exist (and by extension the COVID virus) has generated a lot of controversy. There are those who are convinced by their arguments and those that find the theory ridiculous. His take on the matter is here, or see his article in Popular Rationalism, Sanger Sequencing and Mass-Spectrometry Agree on SARS-CoV-2 Protein Sequences From NGS,
They lie to us about everything Mike, but they drip feed little snippets of the truth, randomly, in between the lies, in order to totally confuse us, so that we never quite know when they're lying and when they're dropping little powder puff truth bombs.
I'm a dog lover too and have rescued German Shepherds for years, often from environments where they have been cruelly abused. I've seen enough images of animal torture in China and elsewhere to know that it's widespread, utterly horrific and entirely legal. Enough to permanently haunt me to the end of my days, so I couldn't watch any more. Fauci is a monster, with no regard for human or animal life. He's not alone.
We have no idea what animal tested positive or negative in China because those results are reported by China.
As for the Chinese sequences at the market, they show raccoon dog DNA and Sars-Cov-2 sequences with little human DNA. The biological terrorists covering up their crime tell us this is proof of natural origin. They assume people wont know that aerosols (<5 microns) from infected humans don't carry cellular DNA and cant infect animals or humans w/o transporting their DNA
The authors of that ridiculous paper know GITMO is in their future. This was their Hail Mary Pass. Incomplete. Game Over. Bring out the water boards
“Oceania was at war with Eurasia;
therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.”
— George Orwell in 1984
The concept of "invasive species" is an interesting one. There is most certainly merit to it, but its ever-expanding application (weaponization?) is about to make it more or less superfluous.
As correctly noted, the common Raccoon dog is considered an invasive species in Europe today. However, fossils demonstrate they (the same genus: Nyctereutes) were present here for at least 4 out of the last 5 million years, possibly even longer.
Some concepts can only ever be contextual.
I really appreciate, Mathew, that you connect all the dots between the biology, the psyops, the economic hustle, and the geopolitics. And even look a layer deeper at the ways in which you might have been played, as a dog lover.
In a book that changed the course of my life, Derrick Jensen's The Culture of Make-Believe, he describes watching a video of a cat being skinned alive in a basin of warm water (I didn't watch this one, so don't know if the technique was similar). His point to the whole book is that cruelty gets normalized and it's not psychopaths who do it, but all of us who go along with it because we can't see what conflicts with our beliefs that we're good people.
The phrase "two ways to skin a cat" had some origin, and I've been trying to purge my vocabulary of implicit violence, like anti-torture groups saying they're going to "hold ----'s feet to the fire.
You're not wrong about the anti-China/ Russia fomenting since the inconvenient end of the Cold War. And you're not wrong about the economics, which is my focus in my book. Glad to have discovered that we're not only on the same side but on the same page.
I doubt that many people understand that they will be held accountable for their nefarious activities towards any living being and have seared their conscience years ago with their evilness towards life on earth.
It has been obvious to me for several years now that any popularized distraction from the PTB is on a continuum of at least six layers of lies. Why? Because most people lack the mental and physical stamina to look through six layers of bullshit nor can they comprehend that anyone would go through the trouble of constructing same and content themselves with believing the 1st or 2nd layer or pat themselves on the back for being "truthers" by getting to the 3rd or 4th layer then thinking they are done. I appreciate Matthew for going deeper. There are still deeper reasons that are in the unconscious and energetic realms but that may be outside even Matthew's purvue...or maybe not.
I definitely won't assume that I see it all. I constantly make new connections. But it helped me orient myself to frame deep politics in terms of control over global economics. That's the most logical first test of any hypothesis about any large scale event.
We are deep down in the upside down, inside out and backwards mental gymnastics olympics these days. Particularly amusing since we have known before 2020 of the research being done on these viruses in the United States, in China (with funds from the US), and probably in at least the Ukraine - all US corporate & government run as well.
Raccoon dogs are cute but US government officials are decidedly not.
"A bat, a pangolin and a raccoon dog walk into a bar . . . no, wait, a bat, a pangolin and a raccoon dog walk into a wet market . . . no, no, I've got it, a bat, a pangolin and a raccoon dog walk into a bio-lab . . . . . . = cue the punchline."
I guess Rocket (Guardians of the Galaxy) is credited on the FCS patent.
Surely kinetic action is on the horizon but the US was already capitulated to China driven WEF by allowing the fraudulent 2020 election results to stand.
A great deal of "faux" fur is actually raccoon dogs. Fur is essential , nothing wrong with it. Especially estate sale fur.
💯 Really enjoy your writing ✍🏻... Thank you
When Fauxi was asked to produce the evidence of zoonotic origin, he stated "The raccoon dog ate it."
Stephen King's lesson for writers who want to create despicable characters everyone hates: just hurt someone's dog. It refers to his novel "The Dead Zone" in which a travelling salesman kicks the dog sitting at his buyer's door for no reason.
I give you John Wick.
'Racoon' is an anagram of 'Corona'
"FACT: When the video surfaced, the Chinese authorities demanded to know details in order to prosecute the collaborators on animal cruelty charges"
I doubt that. There is NO animal cruelty legislation currently in force in China. Citizens and businesses can basically inflict any amount of extreme violence and gratuitous suffering upon any animal and not face any penalty in law. Torture and killing of non-human species is legal.
"In April 2020, a university student in China’s Shandong Province was expelled from school after videos of him mercilessly torturing and murdering over 80 stray cats surfaced on the Chinese internet; in October of the same year, a man from Shanxi Province poured boiling water over a pregnant cat, killing her and four unborn kittens; in November 2021, a pet dog was brutally killed by health workers while its owner was in quarantine for COVID-19. Numerous incidents of animal cruelty like these have surfaced in China in recent years. In response, more and more Chinese citizens are calling for stricter protection of animals and the promulgation of robust animal cruelty laws. Though animal welfare legislation is still a somewhat controversial subject in the country, a 2020 vote launched by CCTV News (a Chinese state-owned broadcaster) on Weibo (a Chinese social media platform) shows that the demand for a national anti-cruelty law is overwhelmingly strong: on the question of whether China should pass legislation against animal cruelty as soon as possible, among the 299,000 participants, more than 280,000 voted yes."
I've seen enough sickening images of the brutal killing and torture of domestic pets and farm animals, in the dog meat and fur trades, in China and elsewhere across Asia, to know that it is real and widespread. I don't know if PETA did fake their video, but they certainly had no need to. I do suggest that the 'Fact check' was just the 'legitimate' fur industry trying to cover its arse.
Here's the WEF/Schwab/Soros gambit in a nutshell:
Throw horsemanure against the barn, and see what sticks.
Of course, the real horsemanure are these Malthusians, but whatever