It’s all moving at breakneck speed now. 🤯 Thank you for your service.

I’ve believed for a year the goal is total control. If that involves covering up their lies and killing people, they will do it. (Total control gives them those options anyway.)

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I made my decision that I accept whatever risk to my life that might occur.

Ultimately, we will choose the world that follows. Nothing is without risk. Those who do not choose, have chosen poorly.

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I’d rather put a bullet in my brain than live in the world they want to create.

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I'd rather sit on the hill with a bag of popcorn and watch Moloch eat itself.

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I’d rather do that while growing homemade popcorn in the garden but yes 😝

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I'm short term pessimistic, but long term optimistic.

Moloch is arrogant, and refuses to respect economics. Moloch devours economics. That's when Moloch implodes. Sadly, that will take a lot of people with it, and there will be danger to almost everyone. But wow, it could be spectacular to live on the other side, without it.

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100% agree

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The "dismal science" indeed.

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The goal is always total control. Even an anarchist or libertarian movement would have to seek total control, otherwise how could they enforce their ideas?

Any area left outside control, is an area free for your opponents, enemies or contenstants to establish control over and use as a powerbase against you.

You can pick any era, any people, any creed: the underlying pattern is the same because that pattern is due to real material needs and circumstances, not ideals or beliefs.

Any fight-back needs must gather people to build power, which means it needs some degree of control - just such a simple thing as "spokesperson"; if you go the route claiming "oh no we don't have any, we all can speak freely" someone will make themselves spokesperson (or be designated one), someone will organise committees andmeatings and hearings and a process and before you know it, your movement is just another special interest group, safe and tame under the wing of its political corporate masters.

So, any one person or group of persons wanting to be real opposition needsmust accept the rules of the game, and accept that those rules are not man-made but a consequence of the game's nature.

Think of it as prom: you can either hug the wall, or join the dance. Not going means depriving yourself of both options.

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"A philosophy that is about not enforcing ideas must enforce itself" doesn't make much sense.

There are solutions that involve prospering in a healthy way and letting others join in on that rather than conquering anyone.

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Might this be how we wake the people up and provide a new philosophy? 8 first principle points x 8 people to the ^8th power; illustrated at: https://choicevax.substack.com/p/8x88-reformation how else do we reach new people in an age of tech censorship and media blackouts, if not person to person, via an in-real-life network effect. Just an idea, might be good, might not.

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Where did I write that? Can't find it above, and I don't seem to have edited what I wrote either?

To clarify then: you either play the game according to its nature, or you choose to not be a contender. There are no other options.

Envision any model society you want. How does it continue to function?

Enforcement of rules. Defense of territory. Same as with any animal.

Any and all ideas, be they secular or faithbased, which denies or ignores this will at best be an interesting little anomaly such as the Amish, living solely on the suffering of others.

Realpolitik has the virtue of not being a moral or ethical system, as are other political schools of thought: it is only concerned with what is, and how to - not what should or ought to.

A philosophy that is about not enforcing ideas will simply cease to have relevance - a quaint notion, but unusable to both those having power and seeking it (or seeking to be free of it for that matter).

As the first king of Sweden after the dissolution of the Kalmar Union stated when burghers pointed out their privileges (in the original sense of the term) to him:

"For that I give not a rotten lingon!", meaning he has power and they have a piece of vellum. It was true 5 000 years ago, 500 years ago, and is true today. People like Stalin or Mao weren't just being pithy with their horridly inhumane remarks about millions dead and statistics: they pointed to universal truths. Doesn't mean such truths need be or should be (definitievly shouldn't be!) guidelines or moral frames, but they cannot be ignored or explained away either.

Try doing volunteer work at a mission, handing out foodpackets. Then you'll see the truth of the fallacy "...letting others join in on that rather than conquering anyone." They are poor, hungry and broken. Yet they behave with the moral of stockbrokers: the only crime is getting caught. Better I get two and you none, is the moral.

Even when there is enough, 1/3 will plead, cajole, wheedle, and steal. Meaning some of us must act as gards, enforcing control to make sure there's enough to go round.

Because without that control a small group of the strongest most aggressive will have everything and will make the rest their servants.

The window-dressing may change, but the pattern is the same regardless.

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I think what you're saying is that “letting others join in“ implies an exclusivity that amounts to a jurisdiction that enforces certain inclusion criteria, and is hence a regime vulnerable to external threats and needing a defence force. Conclusion: still not entirely free either from oppression or from oppressing. But isn't an optimum (for you/me) better than anything that has yet ever been possible?

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Agreed, but until human nature is exceptionlessly prosocial, some amount of control will be necessary, and doing that painlessly is, I submit, beyond us at present. Can one be free from oppression without occasionally oppressing others? Can one free all others from oppression without occasionally being oppressed by them?

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The answer is yes one can be free from oppression without oppressing others. But it requires great courage - probably more than most of us have. In short a man who is willing to die cannot be enslaved or oppressed. Unfortunately he can however be killed. Most choose to be oppressed.

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Dr. Theresa Long, a medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime’s mandate.


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Thank you again Mathew and thank you to all others contributing in this fight for our lives, our childrens future, and our home Unci Maka ~ Grandmother Earth.

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Didn’t realize I was a free subscriber to your mind-blowing articles. Just upgraded to annual paid! Thanks for all you do.

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Much appreciated!

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Thank you Mr. Crawford. I subscribed.

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I am so thankful for your support and that of everyone here.

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Very interesting findings. ICD-10 codes are a great opportunity for historic revisionism in the database. Not easy to identify deliberate malfeasance without "before" and "after" copies of the individual database tables involved. Maybe a DoD IT insider could come forward and offer such copies? It would be quite easy to modify a random % of ICD coded records with another code, especially if you could just make up a new category or utilise those codes with the least number of records and attribute them to others. Record count totals defined by ICD codes and date would also be useful. The TOAD database utility is one of the best available, although my own expertise is now more or less an historical artifact.

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The probability of an IT insider whistleblower is tiny. There is hardcare brainwashing on multiple levels prior to that position, and sifting out of the courageous. But maybe. I'd love to see it.

More likely, what could sort this out is an independent look into the database by somebody neutral and with appropriate security clearance.

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Thank you for the amazing reporting and analysis.

The “original” data bar that sometimes shows up for 2020 and sometimes doesn’t was confusing until I noticed that it always matched the revised data.

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I meant to remove them all for 2020. Thanks for the heads up. I'll remove the rest of the 2020 grey bars later and update. But yes, they don't "test for manipulation" and match the other bars, so it's best to leave them out, I think.

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“We could be witnessing the sabotaging of the U.S. military;” maybe that is the point, maybe the only way to to beat the US military is for us to self-sabotage, destroy ourselves from within byway of corruption and deceit by our enemies both domestically and abroad. “They” openly admit they want the USA dethroned, that they want our military assets in the hands of the UN and NATO, and that they want peacekeepers boots on the ground in the USA to quell the “domestic terror threats” (conservatives) Our troops out of the way, out of commission, paves the way for all of the globalist agendas to manifest.

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Whatever is going on is complicated. My opinion differs a bit from yours, but I'm not going to nitpick. I do believe that there is a powerful core stacking the deck for its own global control.

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Mathew, questions and points to consider:

1) If it can be quantified, how much much patient overlap is there in these conditions? If vax is responsible for these increases, it seems likely many above conditions could appear in the same individual, so the trend in number of overall patients vs number of conditions may be informative;

2) Many soldiers and their families will be separated from these services when the soldier's condition becomes severe, depending on their MOS, so discharge rate is something to watch and/or could become a confounder;

3) Does "Genitourinary" contain fertility problems?;

4) Do you have mortality data, to include "Sudden Death" for young soldiers such as the recently revealed nine at Ft Bragg?

5) Comparing these rates to the general population would be instructive, since by pushing up previous rates, the DoD may well have made the young, healthy military population have illness rates more comparable to a retirement community.

Mathew, thank you for answering the call. I'm disgusted by what these evil animals have done to our precious military and their families. Love to you and the team.

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1. Unknown. Seems like something the medical establishment should be working on, right? There aren't enough of us untangling this mess to do all that, and we don't have the cleanest access.

2. To the extent that there are confounders like that, they're in the same direction, which would suppress reports. So, everything we're identifying should be assumed to be minimal damage.

3. Yes.

4. No, unfortunately.

5. Hard. The level of medical data kept in the military is different by kind to that kept for civilians. This turns out ot be good for some research, and problematic for other research.

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Thank you for continuing to be a voice and sound the alarm. As a military mother with a son currently deployed, the disregard for the health of our service members by DOD, SecDef is beyond infuriating. My Congress members are SILENT, I have contacted them all relentlessly and received nothing but form, canned responses. Courts have been helpful for individual injunctions but so much damage has already been done to the future health is our troops it is terrifying, especially when one is yours.

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I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through.

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Thanks for the work Matt.

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good work, thank you,

Some quick suggestions:

Explain what MSMR is higher in the article.

Your key graph is "Ambulatory Reports ..." showing years 2016 - 2021 which shows the blueline (post glitch queries) as potentially being manipulated to create a false gradual increase prior to the vaccine year 2021. For the people that don't have the time to digest your article and who are trying to understand the basics of the argument you could add a summary in bold lettering right below the graph. Such as:

Medical data codes in the MSMR (Medical Surveillance Monthly Report) were possibly fraudulently manipulated in 2022 to create the blue line shown so that the trend was gradual leading up to the vaccine year of 2021. Without this 2022 "update", the data shows a sharp increase that occurred in the vaccine year of 2021 as shown by the black and red lines.

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I can't just...link back to the several pages of description of the MSMR? I should copy-paste all that? Nah.

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just put in parentheses what MSMR stands for which is Medical Surveillance Monthly Report,

And people who want to quickly find the meat of your report could use this summary near your most important graph, Something like:

Medical data codes in the MSMR (Medical Surveillance Monthly Report) were possibly fraudulently manipulated in 2022 to create the blue line shown so that the trend was gradual leading up to the vaccine year of 2021. Without this 2022 "update", the data shows a sharp increase that occurred in the vaccine year of 2021 as shown by the black and red lines.

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Also, can you make more graphs like the "Ambulatory Reports.... 2016-2021" graph and show heart problems ?

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So, roughly as much as three times as many military ended up in the hospital with COVID after mass vaccination. Wow! That's not very effective!

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More than 3x at the peak.

This is important since the moment that we get to data that isn't controlled and set up for a statistical sieve, the evidence becomes more straight-forward and damning of the vaccines.

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Thank you so much for your work. God bless you.

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So grateful to you and all the other warriors taking this on. Thank You!!

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The endocrine, nutrition, immunity category has piqued my interest. My 91 year old dad had pre-existing COPD and dimentia (not Alzheimer's). But he still had a joie de vivre. We went to cocktails/dinner once a week and although he forgot things he still made us laugh with his wit. My parents were both vaccinated early on. By the time the boosters came around last fall I begged my mom not to get them but she was undeterred and made the decision for both of them. My dad started to rapidly decline after that. I knew my dad wasn't too long for the world but I never expected this. I assumed he would die from not being able to breathe from the COPD. Instead he has simply stopped eating and is basically starving to death. We beg and cajole but he barely takes in more than 500 calories or so and has digestion problems. Docs have prescribed things for appetite to no avail. He will die soon. I can't see this turning around but it is frustrating to not have a diagnosis ( he had a scan since he was a former smoker but no cancer). I just can't fathom what has caused him to stop eating :(

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I'm sorry to hear about that. I hope you find ways to encourage him to eat. Maybe reach out to one of the docs I listed or Kory or Patterson. They may be able to give advice.

Cherish your best memories. The times you've shared are the gift.

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Thanks for your kind thoughts. Thanks even more for all you are doing to try to bring these criminals to justice!

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An associate of mine had serious digestive issues post-injection. Could only eat very small amounts without great discomfort, for many weeks. Only 40 something years old and was healthy prior.

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That's terrible! So young. I hope he fully recovers.

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Thanks just observed that my triple jabbed father was eating little.. he did like desert though.. I hadn’t seen him for 11 months.. shall follow it up

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My dad ate and really seemed to enjoy the cake and ice cream we brought for his birthday 3 weeks ago. It gave us hope that maybe we could build on that momentum. But it was fleeting. He cares for nothing now, sweet or otherwise. Just continues to wither away :(

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