Mar 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I feel an enormous amount of disappointment when I allow myself to ponder how I completely distrust every institution now. I just can’t believe the fraud is that widespread. My Dad went to the Hospital for “Covid” pneumonia (mid 70’s), he refused Remdesivir and asked to only be treated for Pneumonia, he was out in a day. The doctor was so irritated they slapped a DNR bracelet on him (he had no idea what that meant). It just saddens me how malicious people have become. Every institution in our world has proven themselves not worthy of any trust at all.

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Ultimately, the corporations are acting in unison in something like a technocratic world takeover.

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He saved his own life. Good for him.

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Yes he did, he insisted to be treated with no ventilation, no Remdesivir, only Steriods, antibiotics and anti inflammatory. He was out in a day and a half.

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The amazing thing is that they followed his demands.

I'm with you on loss of trust in all of our institutions.

I'm a retired physician, and I've recently read Dr. Peter Duesberg's book Inventing the AIDS virus (available on electronic loan from archive.org or on Audible) and am almost finished with the book Dissolving Illusions, about vaccines. I find "dissolving illusions" to be so descriptive of how I feel about so many aspects of the country I love.

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Medicine is turning into this scary “one treatment protocol fits all” mentality. We should let doctors be doctors. Young Docs are overworked and in so much debt they can’t buck. I’m deathly afraid of Hospitals now, and I’ve been in Healthcare my entire adult life. I’m ashamed for the first time to say I work in Healthcare.

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I think the goal is to eliminate actual caring, thinking healthcare providers and just use low level workers who do what they're told.

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De-skilling medicine, as fast-food chains have done with cooking.

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I feel exactly the same, I worked in NHS in UK

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I'm in the last third of 'World Without Cancer' by J. Edward Griffin, the author of 'The Creature for Jekyll Island'. The book was originally written in the 70s and revised in the early 2000's.

The degree to which it sounds and read like RFK Jr's book is horrifying. Griffin was so far ahead of the curve it's scary.

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You may add Murder by Injection, by Eustace Mullins; published in 1980s. Wikipedia gives the author a warm recommendation of sorts:

>>Eustace Clarence Mullins Jr. (March 9, 1923 – February 2, 2010) was an American white supremacist, antisemitic conspiracy theorist, propagandist, Holocaust denier, and writer. A disciple of the poet Ezra Pound, his best-known work is The Secrets of The Federal Reserve, in which he alleged that several high-profile bankers had conspired to write the Federal Reserve Act for their own nefarious purposes, and then induced Congress to enact it into law. The Southern Poverty Law Center described him as "a one-man organization of hate".<<

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"The Real Anthony Fauci" did it for me. If you still have one more book to read in you, this is the one.

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It’s my understanding that only the patient can authorize a DNR order (or if the patient in unable, then only his/her chosen representative can do so, through legal channels). A doctor in no way has the authority to put an order like that in place, especially in the absence of any discussion or understanding on the part of the patient..?! Simply unbelievable. Despicable

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That was my understanding also, guess they fudged it because my dad had no idea. He had the bracket on and had no idea what it was. He had it on when he got home….

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That’s appalling! And the outcome could have been tragic. PTL it wasn’t!🙏🏻 And thank heavens your dad’s other wishes were honored (they refrained from forcing the deadly interventions on him) and he was back out in less than 2 days!🙏🏻♥️

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Unfortunately you're incorrect... they're slapping DNRs on anyone they please, and once the patient needs resuscitation they're claiming they can't change the DNR status. It's absolutely horrific what's going on in our hospitals. I highly recommend listening to this man's story about what happened to his daughter in the hospital: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/the-peoples-testaments/coVd-Vzp74

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You’re absolutely right - it’s horrific what’s happening in hospitals. There is no regard whatsoever to patients’ rights. We are living in lawless times, hard to believe :(((. Thank you for sharing.

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Thanks for the reply. I heard Grace's story before. Very sad. Criminal.

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Before the vaccine.. University hospital slapped a DNR bracelet on an elderly family member who sat in Covid triage without food and water for hours. Her grandaughter is a nurse at competing hospital.. had her discharged with pneumonia and she passed in home hospice care. Head nurse of said hospital called to apologize after threats to sue. Same family mostly vaxxed said unanimously over the holidays that the vax is a failure and no more boosters. I've heard stories from unrelated people about refusing the approved treatments.. inner city fellow told me his people are suspicious, ventilators are killing people. He refused vent, survived. Friend says they tried to restrain a lady to apply ventilator, she screamed for her Dr who upon arriving shrugged his shoulders, she was released. Get your preps ready, its happening.

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Soctor put a DNR bracelet on Dad and didn't tell Dad what it was? Doctor should lose right to practice. Period. And that is generous. At soime point, the 2nd Amendment does come into play. The US Goverment no longer exists as a government. Where every branch/service/whatever is fraudulent, well? Not that anyone should count on the law around the 2nd - whatever that might be - just gotta do what is right. I, personally, feel that my willingness to do what is right is so hampered by convention and my history of comfortable living... I don't want to go there. Friends tell me, walk your own path, ignore them. I point out that "they" will come for us.

The samurai fights his battle in the zendo. - DT Susuki.


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It is a dilemma a lot of us are feeling. I am glad that I am not young but I do feel for them.

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I don’t know how the doctors have been so captured but I suppose they’re just ordinary sheep too.

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Doctors are afraid for their licenses which they worked so hard to get. It's easier for them psychologically to just deny that this level of fraud could exist.

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Ok, but it still needs to be said: that’s weak.

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Yes, they are weak people. When it comes down to their careers or our lives, guess which one wins?

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Mar 23, 2022·edited Mar 23, 2022

Not all doctors are captured by the same reasons. Some are definitely just ordinary sheep. They may even be great at what they do in many everyday scenarios, what they have been trained to do....but for many that isn't critical thinking, its not science, its not trials. It is merely carrying out the training provided to them by authority. Following the virtual flow chart of diagnosis and treatment they learned. When confronted they will continue to appeal to the comfortable authority they know.

I have close contacts(both family/friends) who meet the description above to varying degrees.

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Kgaff, I'm absolutely with you on that. I had a general distrust of the government and mainstream media before, but it's turned into outright contempt and absolute distrust. I don't see how any of them can EVER win back credibility.

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My situation exactly.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Amazing dedication and analysis. So glad you’re working for the legal team. Stay safe!

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

The smoking gun the lack of an explanation for the changes- if it is data fraud, then any fabricated explanation was going to be taken apart quickly. So, the fraudsters made the changes and hoped no one would notice, and if someone did notice, stonewalling is still an option.

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No, they don't care if anyone notices. In fact, they seem to like the in-your-face approach, it keeps people unmoored. This is just like the election data. They make the truth unrecoverable so "there's nothing we can do, we're stuck with it." Until we decide we're not.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Well written. If this were a "data glich", it seems to me it should have applied to any data up until the Jan/22 revision. Thus, we ought to expect that 2021 numbers would soar at the same rates, once the "glich" was resolved. But alas, not the case, I presume. I smell a rat. Keep your eyes open and your powder dry, team.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Brilliant assessment and trust you will make them listen and have them act to stop this proposterous manipulation of data and the associated fraudulent activities

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I wish that I had the power to make people in power take action, but the primary tactic to this point is to ignore everything, and then say, "safe and effective."

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Yes. What we are seeing now is just how important a real press is. Sadly, there is no media that is not in bed with the corporate security state. As a result the necessary mass outrage and movement does not happen.

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

You are truly amazing. Thank you, and thank you again for helping TR of aflds.

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Based on what the Military did to the enlisted with the anthrax vaccine, I would fully expect them to revise the data as a matter of course, to hide the damage they have done mandating the vaccine. Our current crop of idiots running the military are capable of anything but winning wars and taking responsibility.


The Real Story on “Hot” COVID-19 Lots is Much Worse than We Ever Imagined

That stunt was pulled with the military’s experimental anthrax vaccine

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Fab post great link tyvm!

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Poking around in Wayback there are some old reports that download archived copies for me & might be helpful for you just in terms of totals that have not been adjusted.

I picked one report that seemed targeted enough to be potentially helpful from the description but there's lots of options so maybe there's an easier way to see how the numbers changed.. always angle for the work around that leaves time for playing hookie! *smirk*

Feb 2017 Wayback capture - April 2016 - Volume 23 / 4

Absolute and relative morbidity burdens attributable to various illnesses and injuries, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015

Hospitalizations among members of the active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015

Ambulatory visits among members of the active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015

Surveillance snapshot: Illness and injury burdens, reserve component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015

Surveillance snapshot: Illness and injury burdens, recruit trainees, active component, U.S. Armed Forces, 2015

Absolute and relative morbidity burdens attributable to various illnesses and injuries, non-service member beneficiaries of the Military Health System, 2015


another helpful looking source


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Thanks. I looked at the wayback machine already. This isn't about changing a past report. It's about the most recent report having different information than the last one.

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Mathew, any academics who previously studied and cited the databases in question should be able to furnish the data set they used upon request. Threat of DoD wrath may not make them forthcoming, but at least these things could be subpoenaed, or offer to subpoena them to provide a fig leaf, they "had" to comply. Worth a shot.

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And yet you also found time to write about education. Take care of yourself my friend, and get enough sleep. You are needed.

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DoD will take lessons from the FBI. First, DoD will not answer questions because "there is an active investigation." Then, the DoD will not answer questions because of "national security concerns." They will cover up until after the mid terms.

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But even if there is a good explanation for this glitch, until it was discovered to be a glitch, why did no agency stop the vaccines until the data was explained( I mean , until 1/2022 that was true data but military , CDC etc raised no eyebrows, asked no questions, put out no warnings, voiced no concerns????)

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One might consider another source of "contamination": When a "production" database (i.e. that is which isn't a "test" or an old copy (typically valid up to a certain time/date)) is updated, this should typically be handled carefully. Procedural controls should be identified to verify any batch update type process with control values (produced by SQL queries and scripts) that ensure that the integrity of the original data isn't compromised by the process, which is double or triple checked. Only after all verification tests and reports have been completed should the database be allowed to be moved back into "production". The integrity of this process and the data can be compromised by many factors: Online demand for services that use the database can't wait until all checks have been performed - big data updates take time; some older databases and technologies require skills that might not be readily available; Management doesn't always demand or define data quality standards. Either way there should be "before" and "after" database instances available for comparative purposes. If not, someone is not doing their job. I don't rule out ignorance/incompetence either.

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These errors, like all over the past two years, have too consistently benefitted the Overlords in their goals to make everything worse. Not one error has benefitted our argument. That's not ignorance or incompetence, it's evil.

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Matt, another person with a statistical bent that is looking to sue the government is Edward Dowd. Like you, he has a Wall Street background. You may well be aware of him but if not here is a very interesting interview with Bobby Kennedy: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/chd-tv-rfk-jr-defender-blackrock-edward-dowd-fda-cover-up/

Perhaps you two can brainstorm a bit together.

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A few years ago (2017? 2018?), I read a great book that showed, in effect, that the less money you made at a job, the MORE important your work was (schoolteachers, cooks, etc). And vice versa (useless BSers get paid a lot). The author said, however, "doctors might be the one exemption" to that rule. And yes, while there are good doctors (and good lawyers and politicians, etc) out there, it's now abundantly obvious that doctors-as-a-whole are definitely in the class of overpaid, useless BSers.

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This can only be sorted out in courts, with depositions, witnesses, and all the hoopla.

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🤣 You think DoD will comply with legal hoopla? DoJ will help them evade the legal process, they've become experts.

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Still, they will be compelled to provide factual argumentation and contest in court. That is the best shot we’ve got. Maybe some lemmings may start to clue in. This is a battle for lemming opinion, nothing else. If enough lemmings turn back into humans, they will lose. If not, God help us.

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It seems I remember a "glitch" from one of the Alien movies. It didn't end well.

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