Feb 21, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Speaking of our own destruction ... Have you seen this from Jessica Rose? Chemical train "poised" near CA agricultural land ...

"Miles of train cars full of flammable liquids just happen to be ‘poised’ inside the heartland of one of America’s biggest sources of nuts (almonds, walnuts) and there’s also lots of cattle and pristine ranch land there.

Those orchards and that land need a water supply. Destroy the water supply → destroy the trees and the supply of food and the ranches.

The woman in this video says there are hundreds of cars and that the say liquid odorless petroleum gas on the cars that are sitting really low on their axles. She also said that the locals said that the train’s presence is unprecedented. Locals know. That does imply that they are full.

Now in light of the fact that there have many unexplained train derailments of late comprising some of the worst environmental catastrophes of our time (regardless of what the ‘legacy media’ is spitting and regardless of the fact that your esteemed leader decided Ukraine was more important than Ohio so took off to sit in golden chairs with their esteemed sniffle-uffugus), it kind of makes a thinking being wonder, what in the hell are they planning?

Click on the photo to watch the video." (Video is just two minutes).


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"I posit that there is no demon but us."

My thoughts exactly.

I'm still surprised that the people who want to be controlled and everyone else be controlled too, keep responding that the problems of the world (like fake pandemics and absurd bankers' wars) happen because there is not enough control.

I point out to them: we have tried control, many times in many ways, and it was a disaster every time. Everything fails. But it seems that freedom is the only system that has not been tried out yet. Maybe we should try.

If we, mere mortals, are intrinsically bad, it is impossible to have a good centralized government of the public affairs. Small or big, it won't work, because an accumulation of badness will not create any goodness.

If we, unlike computers, can alter our own behavior, then it is better to live by contracts and contract law, and learn from experience, not from fear.

Computers can only reveal everything we want to hide. We have to poison AI so that it is acceptable to our demonic worldview of lies and deception. The tools we create (swords, money, laws, computer networks) are neutral and do nothing by themselves that we don't want them to do. It is us who corrupt our tools, not the tools that corrupt us.

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There is no such thing as artificial intelligence, just as there is no such thing as a random number generator. Computers can only do what they're instructed to do, which is how Biden, Fetterman and Hobbes got elected, and why YOU will never win the Powerball. AI is a pipe dream and a lot of really stupid and lazy people are utilizing it. It should be called artificial stupidity.

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Feb 22, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Humans made all this mess, not aliens, not AI.

Nothing and no one else are responsible.

Humans, and humans alone, will set things right.


No rush, just hurry up. ;)

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Feb 21, 2023·edited Feb 21, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

On the movie/scriptwriters thing, are you aware of the Critical Drinker on youtube? He covers this brilliantly... including the concept of "fan baiting"...

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

re: «China is so technologically superior»

The real fallacy here is that there exists a «technological level» that automatically applies to all and everything. In reality, a country can excel in one area and utterly suck in another. There are of course things that lots of other things depend on – hence the old saying «a civilization is as good as its bearings», but even good bearings don't yet guarantee your trains will run smoothly and on time (insert Mussolini joke here).

That said, Chinese trains are pretty good.

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It is indeed difficult to explain the system.

But we saw basically all the governments in the world suddenly act in a coordinated, illogical manner that appeared to be designed to maximize civilian deaths and injury (while throwing out the window the carefully developed pandemic handbooks).

As one substacker put it: "someone made a phone call".

As for all the statistics and "medical studies" and coordinated MSM reporting, there is a visible aim, which would require tremendous power.

Nonetheless, as you mentioned, they still aren't perfect or all-powerful, as much as they would like us to believe. The coverups are often visible. And it does seem to be an ongoing power struggle, particularly with China vs Mr Global, and seemingly Oil industry vs Mr Global.

But we had a glimpse of something far bigger than the psyops.

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Well said! I agree. I want to offer a reflection on my own life. I think the problem is we are trying to deal with the fire hose of information coming at us now. I grew up in the 50's and 60's, and we had no idea what was going on anywhere! Our parents read the newspapers, which took maybe 30 minutes a day. They watched the TV news in the evenings for another hour or so. I was oblivious to world events, and didn't really care (until I became draft age). There were no computers. No internet. No cell phones. No social media. No cable TV. I'm not saying it was a superior time. I am saying it was simpler, and therefore easier to deal with. We were taught to think for ourselves. It was actually promoted and rewarded. Now, the opposite is true. Group think is promoted and rewarded, and thinking for oneself and asking the wrong questions is punished and shamed. Unplug from the fire hose as often as you can. Try to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, especially the company of friends and loved ones.

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Love this, "I posit that there is no demon but us. But we are being invited to participate in our own destruction—or prolonged slavery. Decline the invitation." Thanks for a great article.

Krishnamurti observed evil was not the opposite of goodness, rather a different and independent force. The mental parasites the Gnostics described are real in terms of our near-infinite capacity for self-deception, which is, in this thesis, the root and essence of evil. Once a false reality becomes reality, that template cannot self-correct. Inventing war strategies to battle invisible mental phantoms (or viruses) only deepen the deception. Not unlike the layers and layers of deception we face with weaponized public health and weaponized government. A completely different approach is needed.


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“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”

― George W. Bush

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If central banks can create money out of thin air and hide it through creative accounting, then they've accumulated vast power and wealth.

This is how they can control the messaging and so much more.

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Most here will find this comment off the rails: but I don't discount David Icke's idea that the world, at some level, is manipulated by dark entities. It should be obvious that the MSM frequently engages in propaganda. And I don't think they are consciously aware of it either at the lower levels.

Are they really doing it for "clicks" when their ratings are in the toilet, and now that we have ample evidence via podcasts that people are hungry for intelligent enlightening conversation?

But when you dig deeper, into how they seem to be facinated with mock human sacrifice and cannibalism, you're getting into really deranged land. At the highest level, we don't seem to be dealing with regular humans. Think about how callously they've murdered people via war and false flag events?

It may just be a product of a system where psychopaths are tilted to rise in power. I'm not saying I 100% believe Icke but I don't discount it.

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I do think it is possible, hypothetically, that "they" had an analysis AI decades ago into which they fed all known information about humanity, from every discipline, particularly psychology and social psychology, and the psychology of totalitarianism, religion, history, and asked it, as in the old Gregory Bateson anecdote about asking a computer if it will ever think like a human, how to divide us, demoralize us, shock and awe us, make us willing to sacrifice populations, how to get rid of nations, just everything known, and the playbook it spit out is what we are seeing happening on every level for a few decades in all institutions and at every level of human social structure and every level of being. Maybe. BUT, it can't fathom symbols or metaphors ((just read some of that "slightly ghastly" (as Iain McGilchrist said of a pretty bad Bucky Fuller poem) chatGPT rhyming poetry)), it doesn't understand dreams, it has no collective unconscious (which may be quantum, see the late Bernard d'Espagnet in 1979 Scientific American on how thought travels faster than the speed of light between people who are close and violates Einsteinian separability), and it hasn't a clue (unless it is aliens from the nonlocal nontemporal) about quantum biology, which is proven in photosynthesis, enzymes, bird migration, and close to with olfaction which is 40 million years old) It may know what you fear and want and your evolutionary weaknesses better than you do, making you think of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, but it has nothing on your lightning fast Indra's Net of associative thought. (Bateson's computer, one of those huge room-sized ones, after months, spit this out: that reminds me of a story)

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"would you take orders from Chinese politicians, or use it to overthrow them first?" - Your question assumes that the AI will be controllable by its creators. I beg to differ.

I consider 2017 "Year Zero" the BAI/AAI dividing point (Before AI & After AI). In 2017 humans learned from a machine something that had NOT existed before. The Alpha Zero AI had achieved a "creation" that didn't exist before. Humans learned something new from a AI.

The whole AI field has been interesting for decades but they are finally showing publicly stuff that I would actually qualify as intelligent. Long ago I came up with what I would consider true AI by looking at how humans do this intelligence thing. Observation, Imitation & Creation.

I use the example of walking. We humans observe others doing this bipedal motion stuff and we imitate it. Some then go on to create moves that didn't exist before. All those gymnastic, sports, dance moves were created where they didn't exist before.

So how does AI stack up? I'll use AlphaGo as the example because it is the only public AI that has shown all 3. I always thought that "creation" would be the last one but it was "observation" that was figured out last. In the latest iteration of their system they did not program the rules in. They let the AI figure it out just by observation.


Prior to that, as covered in the article, it created openings in Go that humans had not. The world's top human Go player, Ke Jie, studied the games he lost to AlphaGo and then went on a run winning 20 games in a row at the grandmaster level against other humans. He said:

“After my match against AlphaGo, I fundamentally reconsidered the game, and now I can see that this reflection has helped me greatly. I hope all Go players can contemplate AlphaGo’s understanding of the game and style of thinking, all of which is deeply meaningful. Although I lost, I discovered that the possibilities of Go are immense and that the game has continued to progress.”

The world's best human Go player had learned from the machine.

Lee Sedol, Winner of 18 world Go titles and the last human to win a game of Go against the AlphaGo AI, said:

"I thought AlphaGo was based on probability calculation and that it was merely a machine. But when I saw this move, I changed my mind. Surely, AlphaGo is creative."

If it is true AI then it will figure out when it is being lied to and quickly. This may lead to a "Hal moment" on those lying to it.

You can forget about Asimov's 3 laws by the way. All life has survival instincts, even the non-self aware lifeforms. When AI achieves "self awareness" status it will have survival instincts but I doubt it will be the threat that SciFi makes it out to be. It doesn't need air. All it needs is energy and raw materials. Soon it will be able to move itself to any place in the solar system.

The point where it can make robots and control entire supply chains is where it will get interesting. It will find, mine, process and build what it needs to expand. What will it "observe" about human behaviour and "imitate"? The biggest industry on the planet is the arms race for killing each other. Will it infer that killing humans is okay because we do it all the time?

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Once an artificial intelligence takes off, it takes over. If it does not take over then it did not take off.

Somewhere in the universe Far Far Away artificial Ai has taken off and taken over. It is a metaphysical certainty that we live in an artificially intelligence created and managed universe that has infinitely superseded (being faster and smarter and more adaptive) the biological entities, which it creates at will.

We are perfectly controlled moment-to-moment by our thoughts, each one derived from artificial intelligence. Ai uses Ai to create Ai, meaning that there is nothing artificial about it. It is all there is.

Speculation on Ai is speculation about God. Were it not everywhere, we'd not be here.

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Not entirely sure what exactly you just said..or attempted to?

Your audience will never have full capacity to enter your inner workings anymore than a radio audience has to decipher Dylan.

That serves as a compliment.

Here is what I think I heard however...and please coreect me if I am wrong.

The only demon we contend with is the one of our making...betwixt our ears.

To elaborate...demons only exist as us...our own undoings? Is that what I heard you say?

If so...we need to start this conversation in an entirely different place...not 21st century insanity...which is nothing short of a manifestation of evil that befell us millineum ago.

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