Other thread I raised this issue seems closed to me now. Here is a link to the page where the MAHA program is calling for new brooms to sweep clean. I think if you submitted your name and asked your followers to vote you might even be a shoe in. There was a section on education and I believe you would be a magnificent fit in such a role.
The PayPal Mafia guys have been aware of my work for a long time. In fact, two of them have worked with an educator who promotes me, though they show no interest. That's one of my several tests that indicate to me that they do not really care.
I am very sorry to hear. It might still be worth putting your name in the hat. Whoever is managing things makes mistakes and being in the right place at the right time may help humanity.
Thank you for taking the trouble to respond to a random follower.
I watched the presentation and compiled a partial list of the people you believe are part of the grand social engineering project. Can you explain why their limited hangout extends as far as it does? For example, the Dark Horse podcast from June 2021 with Brett Weinstein, Robert Malone, and Steve Kirsch (all of whom are on your list) was helpful in cementing my decision never to be vaxxxed. At the time, I felt isolated in my deep doubts about the covid management debacle. Having other intelligent people disagree with the accepted narrative was at least confirmation that I wasn't crazy. Although it cost me my career, most of my friends and family, and many nights of sound sleep, it was actually the easiest life-changing decision I've ever had to make.
So, why do you suppose the perpetrators gave me even that much support? Did they just miscalibrate?
They knew there would be opposition, so it was better that those leaders be under at least modest control/influence so as not to be overly inflammatory or effective.
Now look at how Weinstein and Kirsch heartily endorse Jay “inject the elderly with mRNA” Bhattacharya.
Awesome! I'll check this out. I have hoped you would talk to Ramsey at some point. He seems willing to listen to all points of view. I just finished his Francis Bacon as Shakespeare interviews, few of his Beatles /Paul replacement, and Jason Horsley podcast. I can imagine he is primed for your British Intelligence take
Yes, he seems to think for himself and be interested. I still don't know him well, yet, but he was easy to speak with. I suspect I'll see a bit more of him now and hopefully talk again.
But with research in front of me to work with. Whenever I'm speaking largely from a graph I built, I sound more fluid. I have also not practiced pacing with enunciation in a very long time.
I was a much better speaker when I was younger. I was a state debate champion in college, and then went to the finals of my first tournament in Open NDT/CEDA, winning the national newcomer of the year aware for CEDA. But the past few years has made me constantly tired. 2022 and 2023 wrecked me, and I'm still very far from par. Some days I sound much better than on others.
Since mid-September, I'm trying to get more rest and exercise, but it's going to take some time to recover from several years of cognitive exhaustion. Sleeping 2 hours a night in 2022 was harsh. Getting sick so much in 2023 fried me.
"Getting sick so much in 2023 fried me." Why? its true for almost everyone.
Ivermectin is a poison, vaccines are a poison, everyones food is a poison, most water is poisoned.
There is very little time left to get this. If you were raised in theosophy, you will know that next year is the most important in many, many centuries for this belief system.
People keep telling me that ivermectin is a poison, but when I ask for the research, nobody ever produces it, or produces poorly written claims without much real evidence. I'm open-minded, but understand that ivermectin helped me recover from some of my symptoms almost instantly last year when I was sick.
I gave you three research papers the last time you made this claim. There are dozens more for anyone with minimal academic skill to read and find.
The claim that an anti-parasite drug can cure a respiratory disease is so laughable I'm impressed the narrative went with that. Second narrative often openly mocks their targets.
If you can't be bothered to read the research that is one thing, but don't claim it doesn't exist.
"I gave you three research papers the last time you made this claim."
Can you link me back to that conversation. Understand that I get thousands of communications every week, and have time to read a fraction of them. If the case is so clear cut, I'm shocked nobody has laid it out well in an article to summarize it. Having taken it, and felt quick relief, it's hard to square that circle.
"The claim that an anti-parasite drug can cure a respiratory disease is so laughable"
I have no idea what the two things would have to do with one another. The claimed mechanism (for C19) is simply a receptor mechanism. Why would I think that's odd on face?
"If you can't be bothered to read the research that is one thing, but don't claim it doesn't exist."
I'm not claiming it doesn't exist. But I had round-and-round conversations with people making claims who couldn't produce a paper, so I naturally dismissed it because I have 100x the priorities that I have time to fulfill them. This doesn't seem anywhere near the top, so I'd want the case to be laid out clearly, not "Here, three links," and I'm forced to read 40 pages, which has often been a waste of time during the plandemonium. If the value of other people's time isn't part of your equation, you're being aggressive.
" If the case is so clear cut, I'm shocked nobody has laid it out well in an article to summarize it." You are shocked that paid writers from the Medical Freedom Movement haven't complained about a drug they get paid to sell?
" But I had round-and-round conversations with people making claims who couldn't produce a paper". I did the opposite: clear, immediate, make up your own mind as to the studies validity.
" If the value of other people's time isn't part of your equation, you're being aggressive." I'm happy to be called aggressive if people are selling taking dangerous drugs and haven't spent the time to research them. I've read several years of your articles, you were promoting this drug. You should not be doing this if you have done no research and think reading a couple of papers is a waste of your time. You said you spent thousands of hours on DMED but something that kills sperm is a waste of your time? The two don't square.
To be clear, I don't care if you or others take poisons. That is an individual choice. People enthusiasticallyand loudly support putting chemical waste in water supplies. "Intelligent" people don't understand or care that chemical compounds that sound similar are not the same.
I'm simply offering you a chance at health. I was sick zero times in 2023 and you were sick for all of it. I already know you wont take it, just making the offer. I do know things you don't. Some of us in theosophy were trained for this time. You clearly were not.
Ivermectin has less adverse event reports than almost any other mainstream drug. Have a look at https://vigiaccess.org
It has been used on humans over 30 years in an estimated 3.5 Billion doses and I think about 7000 adverse reports. Contrast with the comirnaty jabs (at the same site) with estimates of 7 Billion doses and MANY MORE reports. Try it with any of your other treatments.
Then if you want to see studies where the benefits of ivermectin have been demonstrated you could look at the https://c19early.org pages. I love the time line that demonstrates when each treatment was shown to be effective. HCQ and Ivermectin were right there at the start (2020) and would have made the vaccines unavailable (no EUA possible) if the corruption had not been so strong.
As for getting sick Not everyone did. Many supported their immune systems by generous Vitamin-D3 and magnesium supplementation to reach physiological serum levels (over 50ng/ml=125nmol/l) This information was available starting in early 2020 and I collected and summarised a bunch starting in April 2021 and stopped in 2022 when I had exceeded 100 published papers.
Because of the long standing big pharma war against Vitamin-D3 (and various other treatments) I wanted to have a better idea of how much to supplement to reach physiological levels and after reading more than one should have to I came up with a rule of thumb that should be good for everyone as a first approximation. Use it as you with if you like but realise that it is not something I invented, I simply collated information.
The WHO and Merck (original patent holders) and the Nobel Prize committee all agreed until early 2020 that IVERMECTIN IS SAFE and then it demonstrated a strong benefit against SARS-CoV-2 and it became toxic. Let that sink in, for 30 years it is safe and when it treats a propaganda campaign it becomes a poison.
Oh, just as an aside Ivermectin has been successfully been used as an anti cancer treatment (in combination with other drugs and conventional treatment) and it gaining widespread exposure and new trials have already been started. Look up the "New Tippens Protocol" for an example, there are others.
Also repeating mainstream propaganda lies with just a first name does rather label you as a troll.
I do hope you will find that your sources are wrong or realise your handlers will throw you under the proverbial bus when you are no longer needed. Remember to supplement your Vitamin-D3 and tell your friends and family.
I'm well aware of the pro Ivermectin talking points. Its possible you are an honest actor and managed to repeat every talking point but most people doing this are paid.
You are welcome to insult me as a troll but Mathew knows who I am and who my family is. The "putting your real name online" movement is also a well known project that people are receiving a paycheck for. It is a step towards mandatory digital identity.
If you are sincere, read one of the papers I linked to. Zero people actually do this. I'm amused that people claiming to know things are incapable of reading a scientific paper.
Like I said in the comment you replied to: if you feel the need to take poisons, go ahead. Personal choice is your right. But same goes for you: don't pretend to have read the studies if you haven't. I can provide studies that prove Ivermectin is great and bad. You are repeating talking points from a Private Military Company that pays people to take this drug and has a vast network of influencers.
Promoting Ivermectin as a cancer drug does seem to be crossing a line of evil behaviour though. Don't do that.
We didn't have private messages where I explained my backstory at length and you asked me to document who several of my family members are? Weird, that must have been some other guy with a story of growing up in a theosophical cult.
OK, the fact that you were unaware of the origins/history of Ivermectin in the thread you linked above leads credence to the fact that you are NOT a troll but are simply ignorant of the other facts as well. No matter. I will communicate as long as you want in good faith. I also accept that Mathew probably knows you as he held a longer exchange with you so we will chalk it down to shy.
I too am very much against forced digital ID but I am also intolerant of anonymous trolls and no disposable accounts are how they operate, you simply get tarred with the same brush. You could try a name like "Mike (full name withheld to warn against digitalID)" to get the point across accurately.
I had a look at the abstracts. They are all pre covid and not covid related so they are not free to read. The first two I will put aside for the moment because they were injected doses rather than ingested doses so that may have a large bearing on the matter. Many things are only partially absorbed from the gut and the balance id excreted with the faeces in contrast to the more total absorption from an injection. It is not practical to compare the doses.
The third paper does not say route of administration but also uses rats so may also be injected. It does however suggest that the effect was dose dependent and 10 times the therapeutic dose did not kill the rats outright.
Ivermectin has been used in Africa for decades and does save lives and prevent blindness. It is not considered a health hazard for humans. The VIGIACCESS site has so few adverse events reported that it is almost comical.
As I am ignorant of the term Private Military Company, I do however know that tens of thousands of people have taken IVM with beneficial results. In India it was part of standard door to door treatment in (I think it was the most populous) state with success and the WHO assisted and promised to write it up but have not done so yet afaik.
As for your reaction to use in cancer that is odd. Again it is a result of people seeing results and investigating further. I am not wedded to IVM but find the c19early site to be without fault. Also your position on IVM mimics the MSM instead so that is strange given your other rational views. You offer a few rat studies with different route of administration to prop up a false narrative about human toxicity even if you refuse to look at the c19early site.
I've spent years exhaustively following every trail you have brought up. I'm not pro or anti Ivermectin specifically. I have administered vast amounts of the stuff myself.
The papers are not intended as a definitive "gotcha" on anything. I can prove any point I want with a research paper. There are many other papers, plenty of them claiming positive benefits. You have to choose based on judgement and I think who is selling a product does help with that. If Fauci or the military is saying "take this!" caution is warranted. If papers prove sperm gets decimated by a product I would err on the side of caution. Just me, no one needs to feel the same way.
The LDS church is largely a massive medical experimentation organization. It is known (within the parameters of what they want studied) that the church will find you as many volunteers as you need for any medical study. They are keeping all the results in huge bomb proof mountain caves in Salt Lake. If you like skiing, you will know the area they keep the data.
Call me old fashioned, but mercenaries promoting a drug rings warning bells for me. As a male, lots of studies claiming it has very serious effects on sperm bothers me.
There are always two narratives. The mainstream sells to the incurious, the alternative sells to the curious. The destination is the same. This is Hegel's most famous idea.
Intellectual Dark LARP - underrated phrasing!
Dear Mathew Crawfod,
Other thread I raised this issue seems closed to me now. Here is a link to the page where the MAHA program is calling for new brooms to sweep clean. I think if you submitted your name and asked your followers to vote you might even be a shoe in. There was a section on education and I believe you would be a magnificent fit in such a role.
The PayPal Mafia guys have been aware of my work for a long time. In fact, two of them have worked with an educator who promotes me, though they show no interest. That's one of my several tests that indicate to me that they do not really care.
I am very sorry to hear. It might still be worth putting your name in the hat. Whoever is managing things makes mistakes and being in the right place at the right time may help humanity.
Thank you for taking the trouble to respond to a random follower.
I watched the presentation and compiled a partial list of the people you believe are part of the grand social engineering project. Can you explain why their limited hangout extends as far as it does? For example, the Dark Horse podcast from June 2021 with Brett Weinstein, Robert Malone, and Steve Kirsch (all of whom are on your list) was helpful in cementing my decision never to be vaxxxed. At the time, I felt isolated in my deep doubts about the covid management debacle. Having other intelligent people disagree with the accepted narrative was at least confirmation that I wasn't crazy. Although it cost me my career, most of my friends and family, and many nights of sound sleep, it was actually the easiest life-changing decision I've ever had to make.
So, why do you suppose the perpetrators gave me even that much support? Did they just miscalibrate?
I have many dozens of articles you can read.
Well, I was sort of asking for the Executive Summary of all those articles (many of which I've read). Thanks though.
Nothing was ever written well for which a summary imparted the full understanding.
They knew there would be opposition, so it was better that those leaders be under at least modest control/influence so as not to be overly inflammatory or effective.
Now look at how Weinstein and Kirsch heartily endorse Jay “inject the elderly with mRNA” Bhattacharya.
Awesome! I'll check this out. I have hoped you would talk to Ramsey at some point. He seems willing to listen to all points of view. I just finished his Francis Bacon as Shakespeare interviews, few of his Beatles /Paul replacement, and Jason Horsley podcast. I can imagine he is primed for your British Intelligence take
Yes, he seems to think for himself and be interested. I still don't know him well, yet, but he was easy to speak with. I suspect I'll see a bit more of him now and hopefully talk again.
He is very well versed in Crowley. I'll give it a listen as soon as the kids get to bed.
Thanks again for all your contributions.
You are at your best off the cuff!
But with research in front of me to work with. Whenever I'm speaking largely from a graph I built, I sound more fluid. I have also not practiced pacing with enunciation in a very long time.
I was a much better speaker when I was younger. I was a state debate champion in college, and then went to the finals of my first tournament in Open NDT/CEDA, winning the national newcomer of the year aware for CEDA. But the past few years has made me constantly tired. 2022 and 2023 wrecked me, and I'm still very far from par. Some days I sound much better than on others.
Since mid-September, I'm trying to get more rest and exercise, but it's going to take some time to recover from several years of cognitive exhaustion. Sleeping 2 hours a night in 2022 was harsh. Getting sick so much in 2023 fried me.
I'm strongly rooting for your recovery. Thanks for the work you do.
"Getting sick so much in 2023 fried me." Why? its true for almost everyone.
Ivermectin is a poison, vaccines are a poison, everyones food is a poison, most water is poisoned.
There is very little time left to get this. If you were raised in theosophy, you will know that next year is the most important in many, many centuries for this belief system.
People keep telling me that ivermectin is a poison, but when I ask for the research, nobody ever produces it, or produces poorly written claims without much real evidence. I'm open-minded, but understand that ivermectin helped me recover from some of my symptoms almost instantly last year when I was sick.
I gave you three research papers the last time you made this claim. There are dozens more for anyone with minimal academic skill to read and find.
The claim that an anti-parasite drug can cure a respiratory disease is so laughable I'm impressed the narrative went with that. Second narrative often openly mocks their targets.
If you can't be bothered to read the research that is one thing, but don't claim it doesn't exist.
"I gave you three research papers the last time you made this claim."
Can you link me back to that conversation. Understand that I get thousands of communications every week, and have time to read a fraction of them. If the case is so clear cut, I'm shocked nobody has laid it out well in an article to summarize it. Having taken it, and felt quick relief, it's hard to square that circle.
"The claim that an anti-parasite drug can cure a respiratory disease is so laughable"
I have no idea what the two things would have to do with one another. The claimed mechanism (for C19) is simply a receptor mechanism. Why would I think that's odd on face?
"If you can't be bothered to read the research that is one thing, but don't claim it doesn't exist."
I'm not claiming it doesn't exist. But I had round-and-round conversations with people making claims who couldn't produce a paper, so I naturally dismissed it because I have 100x the priorities that I have time to fulfill them. This doesn't seem anywhere near the top, so I'd want the case to be laid out clearly, not "Here, three links," and I'm forced to read 40 pages, which has often been a waste of time during the plandemonium. If the value of other people's time isn't part of your equation, you're being aggressive.
" If the case is so clear cut, I'm shocked nobody has laid it out well in an article to summarize it." You are shocked that paid writers from the Medical Freedom Movement haven't complained about a drug they get paid to sell?
" But I had round-and-round conversations with people making claims who couldn't produce a paper". I did the opposite: clear, immediate, make up your own mind as to the studies validity.
" If the value of other people's time isn't part of your equation, you're being aggressive." I'm happy to be called aggressive if people are selling taking dangerous drugs and haven't spent the time to research them. I've read several years of your articles, you were promoting this drug. You should not be doing this if you have done no research and think reading a couple of papers is a waste of your time. You said you spent thousands of hours on DMED but something that kills sperm is a waste of your time? The two don't square.
To be clear, I don't care if you or others take poisons. That is an individual choice. People enthusiasticallyand loudly support putting chemical waste in water supplies. "Intelligent" people don't understand or care that chemical compounds that sound similar are not the same.
I'm simply offering you a chance at health. I was sick zero times in 2023 and you were sick for all of it. I already know you wont take it, just making the offer. I do know things you don't. Some of us in theosophy were trained for this time. You clearly were not.
Dear Mike,
Ivermectin has less adverse event reports than almost any other mainstream drug. Have a look at https://vigiaccess.org
It has been used on humans over 30 years in an estimated 3.5 Billion doses and I think about 7000 adverse reports. Contrast with the comirnaty jabs (at the same site) with estimates of 7 Billion doses and MANY MORE reports. Try it with any of your other treatments.
Then if you want to see studies where the benefits of ivermectin have been demonstrated you could look at the https://c19early.org pages. I love the time line that demonstrates when each treatment was shown to be effective. HCQ and Ivermectin were right there at the start (2020) and would have made the vaccines unavailable (no EUA possible) if the corruption had not been so strong.
As for getting sick Not everyone did. Many supported their immune systems by generous Vitamin-D3 and magnesium supplementation to reach physiological serum levels (over 50ng/ml=125nmol/l) This information was available starting in early 2020 and I collected and summarised a bunch starting in April 2021 and stopped in 2022 when I had exceeded 100 published papers.
Because of the long standing big pharma war against Vitamin-D3 (and various other treatments) I wanted to have a better idea of how much to supplement to reach physiological levels and after reading more than one should have to I came up with a rule of thumb that should be good for everyone as a first approximation. Use it as you with if you like but realise that it is not something I invented, I simply collated information.
The WHO and Merck (original patent holders) and the Nobel Prize committee all agreed until early 2020 that IVERMECTIN IS SAFE and then it demonstrated a strong benefit against SARS-CoV-2 and it became toxic. Let that sink in, for 30 years it is safe and when it treats a propaganda campaign it becomes a poison.
Oh, just as an aside Ivermectin has been successfully been used as an anti cancer treatment (in combination with other drugs and conventional treatment) and it gaining widespread exposure and new trials have already been started. Look up the "New Tippens Protocol" for an example, there are others.
Also repeating mainstream propaganda lies with just a first name does rather label you as a troll.
I do hope you will find that your sources are wrong or realise your handlers will throw you under the proverbial bus when you are no longer needed. Remember to supplement your Vitamin-D3 and tell your friends and family.
I'm well aware of the pro Ivermectin talking points. Its possible you are an honest actor and managed to repeat every talking point but most people doing this are paid.
You are welcome to insult me as a troll but Mathew knows who I am and who my family is. The "putting your real name online" movement is also a well known project that people are receiving a paycheck for. It is a step towards mandatory digital identity.
If you are sincere, read one of the papers I linked to. Zero people actually do this. I'm amused that people claiming to know things are incapable of reading a scientific paper.
Like I said in the comment you replied to: if you feel the need to take poisons, go ahead. Personal choice is your right. But same goes for you: don't pretend to have read the studies if you haven't. I can provide studies that prove Ivermectin is great and bad. You are repeating talking points from a Private Military Company that pays people to take this drug and has a vast network of influencers.
Promoting Ivermectin as a cancer drug does seem to be crossing a line of evil behaviour though. Don't do that.
"You are welcome to insult me as a troll but Mathew knows who I am and who my family is."
I do?
We didn't have private messages where I explained my backstory at length and you asked me to document who several of my family members are? Weird, that must have been some other guy with a story of growing up in a theosophical cult.
OK, the fact that you were unaware of the origins/history of Ivermectin in the thread you linked above leads credence to the fact that you are NOT a troll but are simply ignorant of the other facts as well. No matter. I will communicate as long as you want in good faith. I also accept that Mathew probably knows you as he held a longer exchange with you so we will chalk it down to shy.
I too am very much against forced digital ID but I am also intolerant of anonymous trolls and no disposable accounts are how they operate, you simply get tarred with the same brush. You could try a name like "Mike (full name withheld to warn against digitalID)" to get the point across accurately.
I had a look at the abstracts. They are all pre covid and not covid related so they are not free to read. The first two I will put aside for the moment because they were injected doses rather than ingested doses so that may have a large bearing on the matter. Many things are only partially absorbed from the gut and the balance id excreted with the faeces in contrast to the more total absorption from an injection. It is not practical to compare the doses.
The third paper does not say route of administration but also uses rats so may also be injected. It does however suggest that the effect was dose dependent and 10 times the therapeutic dose did not kill the rats outright.
Ivermectin has been used in Africa for decades and does save lives and prevent blindness. It is not considered a health hazard for humans. The VIGIACCESS site has so few adverse events reported that it is almost comical.
As I am ignorant of the term Private Military Company, I do however know that tens of thousands of people have taken IVM with beneficial results. In India it was part of standard door to door treatment in (I think it was the most populous) state with success and the WHO assisted and promised to write it up but have not done so yet afaik.
As for your reaction to use in cancer that is odd. Again it is a result of people seeing results and investigating further. I am not wedded to IVM but find the c19early site to be without fault. Also your position on IVM mimics the MSM instead so that is strange given your other rational views. You offer a few rat studies with different route of administration to prop up a false narrative about human toxicity even if you refuse to look at the c19early site.
I've spent years exhaustively following every trail you have brought up. I'm not pro or anti Ivermectin specifically. I have administered vast amounts of the stuff myself.
The papers are not intended as a definitive "gotcha" on anything. I can prove any point I want with a research paper. There are many other papers, plenty of them claiming positive benefits. You have to choose based on judgement and I think who is selling a product does help with that. If Fauci or the military is saying "take this!" caution is warranted. If papers prove sperm gets decimated by a product I would err on the side of caution. Just me, no one needs to feel the same way.
Blackwater (Academi, Constellis) is the Private Military Company behind most of the Ivermectin accounts. They work with a group of the LDS church: https://www.twc.health/products/emergency-preparedness-kit
The LDS church is largely a massive medical experimentation organization. It is known (within the parameters of what they want studied) that the church will find you as many volunteers as you need for any medical study. They are keeping all the results in huge bomb proof mountain caves in Salt Lake. If you like skiing, you will know the area they keep the data.
Call me old fashioned, but mercenaries promoting a drug rings warning bells for me. As a male, lots of studies claiming it has very serious effects on sperm bothers me.
There are always two narratives. The mainstream sells to the incurious, the alternative sells to the curious. The destination is the same. This is Hegel's most famous idea.
Sunshine of the Spotless Mind?