Chaos Agents and the Intellectual Dark LARP with William Ramsey
Dark Intellectual Change (Chaos) Agents, Part 4
Click here to see other articles on Chaos Agents. Some more active conversation about topics such as this can be found at the RTE Locals channel. Be sure to check out the Bigger Picture.
RTE readers may note that I am beginning to gather my past interviews on my page. It will take some time for me to hunt the past ones down.
I am thankful to William for inviting me to have this conversation with him. We explored the roles of chaos agents in the current plandemonium—particularly with respect to the Intellectual Dark Web. William is one of the growing number of people looking back through history for context as to what brought us to this wild moment of global transition. In particular, I first saw him on Courtenay Turner's podcast exploring the Pilgrim Society. That conversation led me to begin building a Pilgrim Society graph.
Intellectual Dark LARP - underrated phrasing!
Dear Mathew Crawfod,
Other thread I raised this issue seems closed to me now. Here is a link to the page where the MAHA program is calling for new brooms to sweep clean. I think if you submitted your name and asked your followers to vote you might even be a shoe in. There was a section on education and I believe you would be a magnificent fit in such a role.