I don’t get it completely but I get the gist of it. My cognitive reasoning is way behind yours, but I’m getting there. How on EARTH do you keep all these threads from tangling up into an unruly knot!!!

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Taking organized notes is probably two thirds of my remaining intellectual ability.

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Not buying it. Your brain i mean....one of these days can you explain it to me like I'm 9nly 7 years old?

I kinda get where you are going but I haven't a clue about theosophy other than hearing blatavasky? What is theosophy in words of two syllables or less?

And where does that leave the theory of the nephilim who continued perhaps to breed with humans and now are thought to be the dark triad kind of human?

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Theosophy is an occult belief system based on the Kabbalah (with an eastern mystical flavor tacked on probably because it was planned to be attractive to orientals).

The belief system is the standard occult system

- The gnostic view that Lucifer is the good guy, attempting to show man that he can become a God, whereas the other guy (often referred to as the demiurge, or Adonai by Jews) is the bad guy keeping man from reaching his potential.

- one can attain Godhood through one's own efforts, but only with the help and secret knowledge of spirit-guides known as ascended masters.

Combine this with

(a) the standard occult socerty organizational structure of circles within circles, and the gradual revelation of secret knowledge as one ascends the ranks (to be fair I am not intimately familiar with the rank structure within theosophy - so I am interpolating to some degree here based on how other Kabbalistic societies work)

(b) links to other occult societies and political power structures, especially intelligence agencies.

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Nothing like starting the day with a good old rabbit hole.

Love it haha.

Have been doing some research on the connection between Theosophy and Neoplatonism, the latter essentially the cover for the continuance of mystery schools.

Much of the intellectual subversion of the Renaissance was by way of Neoplatonism, which offered a mystical alternative to the practical and boring “naturalism” of Aristotle.

“Neoplatonists would have called themselves students of Plato. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky would have called Neoplatonists Theosophists. From The Keys to Theosophy she states: “The name Theosophy dates from the third century of our era, and began with Ammonius Saccas and his disciples who started the Eclectic Theosophical system.” “They (Neoplatonists) were the Theosophists of early centuries."[1] Ammonius Saccas was the first to use the term "theosophy," which means "divine wisdom," combining "god" or "divine" (theos) and wisdom (sophia).

Neoplatonists did not use the label "neoplatonists." They felt themselves to be interpreting Plato, not altering his teachings. However during the 19th Century, historians and philosophers decided that the beliefs of this group differed sufficiently from Plato’s original ideas to require the prefix “neo,” meaning “new”, to the root word. This school of thought began in the third century AD in Alexandria by followers of Ammonius Saccas. Ammonius was born to devout Christian parents and he was officially educated at Christian schools but he rejected the exclusive narrowness of his parents Christianity, claiming that he was “god-taught.” He took a far more expanded view of religious philosophy than any one religion could offer.”


Following the effort to destroy every good and important intellectual and scientific tradition in the West, never far behind is the effort to restore the mystery schools to their ancient “glory.”

They want to eliminate Reason altogether and lull us into a new age of mystery schools. They know that’s the only way they can really control us.

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Glad you stopped by. I need to get your phone number. We should talk sometime.

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"They want to eliminate Reason altogether and lull us into a new age of mystery schools. They know that’s the only way they can really control us." I agree we are being moved into the mystery schools theology, but you seem to be implying that we live in an age of reason. Am I reading that correctly? We live in a world where literal billions belive in Judaism derivatives: Christianity and Islam.

To point out the obvious, Ammonius Saccas grew up in a "Christianity" that almost certainly bore little resemblance to what we consider that faith. He died before Nicea even happened.

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And we are sure they wanted to control us and not just share their beliefs?

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Oh yes. We are sure of that. Judge a tree by its fruits and all that.

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This is so many levels deeper than the normal deep understanding of reality. I think, with your permission, I’d like to try and do something visually creative with your lightbulb joke. I’ll have some time over the Thanksgiving Holiday. Another reality expanding article, Mathew!

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Permission granted.

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I agree… this was so deep and dense and actually I would like to make something with a part of it too (and fortunately it’s not the part that Tonika mentioned).

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I vouch for the quality of SF. :)

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I have been following the Candace Owens series on this even though I never have seen her much before .I was assuming that she would hook up with your material and run with it. It seemed to be a natural fit with her interests. she spent so much time trying to to prove the lack of African ancestry when it would have been much more effective to just do a google maps street walkdown from Kamala's very nice family home in Madras to the Theosophical society headquarters a few blocks away. It became very obvious that the 'you aren't black' was a path she could take ,but proving that she was a construct was not all right. The most glaring example of this lack of research effort was the fact that no one other than you traced the origins of 'I'm unburdened by what has been'. You would think someone on the right would have chased down the non Christian origins of that phrase and exploited it. You may think this is the finest pearl, but it's only cardboard balls, seamed in glue, overwhelming technique.

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I missed the origins of "I'm unburdened by what has been". Can you link to where that was explained and.or provide a quick precis? Thanks much.

PS Is this the Marx attribution? If so - can you provide a page reference? Thx

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This raises some very interesting questions. New Substacker Laura (who apparently got kicked off of Odysee and that's hard to do) is dumping all of her findings on Black Nobility and the like as I type this. The families of the Roman-British Empire and the old money bankers (i.e. Rothschilds) seem to have a stranglehold on everything. It's not cited as well as your work, but it might inspire further research.


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Laura's stuff is a rather crude rehash of the Larouche-ite EIR thesis which appeared in the 80s while guys like Tarpley were still on the team. The research was excellent quality, but the whole "black nobility - venetian" thing smacked of limited hangout since it underplayed the impact of all those German ashkenazi who dropped down through the Alps to take up "banking"/aka loansharking in the north of Italy.

Still, you could get some interesting nuggets of info out of them, if you worked at it. For the "Laura" entity, the judaic element of the mix is entirely excised... leaving a bundle of rehashed disinfo which appeals only to those who like their history in 'soundbites' or as entertaining "Mathis"-style fancies. She's clearly being "pushed" - read the old EIR pdfs still on the net, if you want to get the real scoop on the "black nobility" thing - without the heavy editing of all the most important details.

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What are you trying to say? I mentioned bankers as well.

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Why "trying" Ricky?

I said what I said.

There's "Bankers" ... and there's "bankers|" You want to get into details?

David Mavrogonato, Salamoncino da Piove, or the "Roman jews" whose banking was proscribed by the Serenissima, to the advantage of those strange "Germans" who came south to find refuge from the plagues' aftermath? Those who took 40 percent, versus those who were content with the officially endorsed "usury?"

You have the floor squire. I'm all ears.

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If you lend money you own everything. Period. Religion is a very important force, in all its forms, but money lending is the source of all power.

If someone is unable to demonstrate the money link to what they think they know, they have no clue. Humans are putty in the wake of compound interest.

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It's one way the elite control everything. They are connected to medicine, media, politics and more.


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Laura's substack features the following description: "I am posting information but I warn that if I find the rhetoric "jews control the world" which is a lie and disinformation and proves people are IDIOTS ILLITERATE, and done no research , I will definitely block them. I want SMART PEOPLE TO JOIN".

The problem with the whole Black nobility / Venetian / Roman storyline is that the promoters are enormously long on claims but they can never produce anything substantive in the way of evidence, nor can they even name the conspirators, nor explain what specific actions they took.

When faced with questions designed to elicit answers to these concerns, you just get waffle or blocked.

The Frankist Jew theory however has a great deal of evidence- letters, speeches, financial records, relationships, documented actions and physical events.

The British empire people - which is linked to the venetian theory - tend to gloss over the Jewish involvement in British politics going back to Cromwell's time - in my view the British empire itself was a Jewish enterprise following their consolidating control after the glorious revolution.

And note that Venetian theorists will claim that the glorious revolution was a "Venetian" takeover, but they cannot name the conspirators nor show any evidence of this at all. Whereas it is a matter of public record that the revolution was directly financed by a Spanish Jew.

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Like you I am often suspicious of anyone who plays down the other factions of the cabal. I am in the habit of doing two things to name the groups - first the intersecting bloodlines I like to call the Zion Imperial Cult, who are clearly following the Babylon Mystery Religion, the ancient cult of Mithras and the poly-gods, whose symbolism is all throughout the Roman Catholic Church as well, they just rebranded it all.

The Zion Imperial Cult while it has numerous organizational structures, which intersect and network, can still be broken into 3 main groups, which also includes their partners in the global Zion Imperial Empire, which some like to call the Roman Empire 2.0, but I prefer Zion as all bloodlines, all signs, all symbols, lead to the Zion. These 3 groups are

1. Monarchies - which includes the Vatican, all surviving European monarchies, and their colony proxies, which are all of the communist parties.

2. Bankers - the banks that are 'too big to fail' because they own, and control the International Monetary System, the Central Banks Cartel, and what I call the IBFIC, the International Banking, Finance, and Investment Cartel, think BlackRock, State Street, and Vanguard, and their corporate cartel, the World Economic Forum.

3. Billionaires.

The monarchies chartered the banks into existence, and the multinationals, and the bankers help fund it all, run the money, and make the billionaire puppets. And the Zion Imperial Cult are the families that make up the most important heads of all of the above and everything else is downstream of this.

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Black Nobility have control over the general population of wealthy Jews and Jesuits. Jews make incredible scapegoats. The Rothschilds married into Black Nobility so that might help you understand that these are not all completely separate entities. The world agendas lead right to these figures. The person you replied to is intentionally using hyperbolic language.


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Hi Ricky, thanks for that. Yep I totally get that they are all one big happy incestuous family. And that the group that named themselves publicly the Black Nobility are certainly part of the great group that I personally like calling the Zion Imperial Cult - which we can divide into 3 family groups by the duties they hold, monarchies, bankers, and billionaires - the monarchies don't run the banks, their bankers do it, and the monarchies and bankers don't run their businesses, their billionaires do. And yep the Jesuits are all part of the extended Zion Imperial Empire. All committed to the Zionism project. Have you read the book "Rulers of Evil" - available for free download on the Internet Archive. Great read. It's got an interesting twist on who the "Evil" is. It names all of mankind that resists the kingship of God (Yahweh), and wants to live with freedom, free spech, liberty and religous freedom, as being that which the religious believers think are the Evil, and so "God" gives them permission to wage war on us to bring us into the fold, or to kill us off. Nice philosophy.

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Black Nobility runs the world. Anyone running cover for them here are bad actors.

Here is how they are connected to politics, media, medicine, the NWO, etc.: https://odysee.com/@QuantumRhino:9/CORONAGATE-(2022):7

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I see many more claims about a Black Nobility than facts. That's not that I dismiss the notion of the network. Clearly some network exists. By what is the primary source of information?

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Absolutely spot on. Claims as long as a giraffe's neck. Evidence entirely absent.

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That's like asking what the primary source is for existence of the British monarchy. Pick a name and start working backwards. I just typed in "Orsini" in Wikipedia and got the rundown on them (whether it be accurate or not). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orsini_family

Once you find the surviving family members, you can see who they are married to. You can find out what business they are in. It's probably impossible to get it all, but a web can be created for them just like the religious cults and new money.

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kam is the manchurian candidate, but her purpose is not to win. her purpose is to be so utterly bad that we have no choice but to vote for djt. djt will win because they need to restore faith in elections and they need him to usher in the next wave of technocratic tyranny, digital id and money. the freedom loving patriots (few that they are) are going back to sleep and will not hold him accountable

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You predicted one of my next articles.

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Yeah I can see that. How about a successful assassination soon follows and the chosen one is actually Vance?

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Yes I can for sure see that. Vance has a real spooky past

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fantastic article and it was a little bit hard to follow but i got the big picture. too much of alt media is also controlled whether they know it or not

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Once in a while I like to paint in impressionistic style. Some topics are best broached through special lenses.

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its clear that the bloodlines controlling things have deep roots going back to the ancient near east

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Matthew, that's a great article. I have come to the point I feel as sorry for the Jewish community as I do for any other group, because the evil that rules humanity, attacks them and turns them into useful idiots and cannon fodder as much as it does all other groups.

I like to call the global cabal, which is the EVIL THAT RULES HUMANITY as the Zion Imperial Cult, running their hidden Zion Imperial Empire, the UniLARPy as you call them, and it clear that they are operating on the Babylon Mystery Religion - mystery meaning 'hidden' - which is the ancient Annunaki-Sumerian religion of the worship of the Sun, the astrological gods and all the rest of it, that goes with all the symbols and signs that create the rule of Crown Monarchy Imperialism, with perhaps the leading symbol being the 8 pointed star, which is the signature of king An, the ancient Sumerian sky-god and supreme leader of their pantheon of rulers.

They are the DESTROYERS who demand that all of mankind bow down before their cult of Yahweh, whether it is Judaism, Christianity, Catholicsm, or Islam, - all roads lead to Zion - which are all slavery systems of the Crown Monarchy Imperialism - you will bow down before the kingship of (our one true) God, and if you don't we will designate you evil, heretics, and blasphemers and wipe you from the face of the earth. These religions were created as a weapon to extend the power of the Roman Empire, and rebrand it the Roman Catholic Church, because their colony of Israel had worked out what a great system it was, and so after the Romans had wiped out the rebellious Jews who rebelled against both the Romans and their own corrupt elites in bed with the Romans, the elites just marched to Europe and joined the Romans and kept doing what they'd already been doing for eons - working on the fulfillment of the Babylon diktat known as Nimrod's Shinar Directive - which is the conquer and enslave the world for the New World Order (post flood), and that is Zionism in a nutshell.

The Romans about 300-400 years BC destroyed the cities of Carthage and Corinth, and wiped them from the earth, clean slate, as they did with countless groups of free peoples, tribes, kingdoms and empires - so I think it is likely that the Phoenicians were given a choice for the elites to join the Zionism project under the Roman Empire banner, or to be wiped from the earth.

The Zion Imperial Cult is identifiable by looking at the historical power of the Crown Monarchy Imperialism model - it is monarchies, bankers, and billionaires - the families that make up the rule of oligarchy are from these 3 groups, and they are all interrelated, and interbred. And these largely European and American families can all track their families back to Israel, the houses of David, the house of Solomon, and some track all the way back to Babylon. With the non-Jewish factions you can see the connections in their coat of arms. The signs and symbols tell the story. The greatest connector is the Lion of Judah - which is even found in Donald Trumps coat of arms. The House of Judah was the ruling tribe of ancient Israel that formed the monarchies.

Confucius was reported as saying that 'Signs and Symbols Rule the World ' - which mean that if we learn the significance of the signs and symbols we will understand who it is really running the world. And all signs and symbols lead back to Sumeria. Double Eagles. Single Eagles. Swastikas. 6 pointed star that the Jews claimed. The 7 candle menorah. The caduceus. The serpent. The star of Anu-a symbol of kingship. The pyramid. The all seeing eye. It goes on and on and on.

We are ruled by the Zion faction of the ancient Crown Monarchy Imperialism, which is alive and well, and some call it the Roman Empire 2.0, but I prefer the Zion Imperial Empire as it captures all elements, in all religions, in all nations, all working for the one world dictatorship, which is the Zionism project as detailed in Babylon, which was the height of the Sumer Empire.

And if you dig deeper, you find the Sumerian texts, and multiple sources point to the ancient race of super humans, called the Annunaki, which ruled the earth before the Great Flood, and they were waging war on mankind for refusing to be slaves and had joined forces with rebellious Annunaki, and produced a race of super humans, which the Bibles call Nephilim-the giants, and so the ruling Annunaki kings decided to drown them right out with the flood. And as if that wasn't enough the Annunaki kings fought endlessly amongst themselves, and the Sumerian texts tell us that they had advanced weapons, likely nuclear and caused great devastation across the Levant - which is likely when they'd destroyed themselves so much that the world fell into a long period of backwardness.

But enough of this as its a deep rabbit hole.

But the point I want to leave you with is that EVERY SINGLE SIGN AND SYMBOL that relates to the rule of kingship, the Crown Monarchy Imperialism, and all of the MYSTERY religions, can be tracked back to the ancient race of the Annunaki.

It all began with the Annunaki.

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There is so much in this comment too.

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Thanks Sane. :)

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It may be a layer Candace hasn't yet perceived. IDK. It may be a bias that keeps her from going there. I see a lot of 'truthers' unable to penetrate or even acknowledge the manipulation with religions - jews who will always find justification for what's happening in Gaza as obvious example.

IDK. It gets confusing. It gets tiresome.

Thanks for deepening and broadening the canvas these many narratives show up in, Mathew.

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My interactions with the alt media may bias me, but I think the story blackout is intentional and enforced.

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Just because someone(s) don't get what you get; that does not automatically mean that there is a conspiracy. They may simply be operating on a lower level.

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The first word in your sentence is a false predicate. I have many reasons that wouldn't quickly fit into an article.

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Here you go, Mathew: Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

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Indeed, the phoenicians appear to have colonised the earth some 4000 years ago and have been ruling it through economics, politics, psychology and assassination ever since.

Their ancestors invented writing, letters, numerals, mathematics, ship building, navigation, etc.

And it's possible that they came from the Lebanese mountains.

One of the factors which makes them so hard to track through history is their constant name changing, lack of attachment to land, use of scapegoats and self destructive impulses.

Without fail, they always raze their cities and burn most records. They scatter across the ocean and come back to rebuild later.

This is likely related to the myth of the phoenix which dies in a sea of flames and is reborn from its ashes.

However there are various symbols which continue to crop up under different pseudonyms.

For instance, the fiery cross, the snakes of asclepius, 666, barati, swastika, crowns, sun, etc.

They really like reptiles, especially snakes. We can note that snakes shed their skin periodically, and that 666 can be written to look like either 3 snakes or one large coiled snake.

Also that the devil was a snake in the bible, and shared forbidden knowledge with the people of Israel.

They likely wrote this story themselves. It represents the ideal false opposition narrative.

Yahweh was originally a war god. Hebrew, or habiru, means wanderers, so the implication is that they kidnapped homeless people and turned them into battle slaves with brainwashing.

To rebel against God is thus to join satan, which represents the phoenicians again. Thus, both choices are to work for them.

Also their goddess of the sea, Barati, is very similar to Britannia, the British goddess of the sea.

Brittany and Britain likely stem from their influences as they used both places extensively as tin mines. And coins have been discovered bearing their names.

An associated myth is that of king Brut of Troy who, according to medieval stories, came to Britain around 1100 BC after the fall of Troy, a place long considered to be a fantasy.

However Troy was discovered in about 1871.

Additionally, the claim that London was founded around 10 AD has been used to dismiss the theory, but given that the tin mines of cornwall were feeding the Mediterranean through maritime trade for over a thousand years already, it is a rather silly contention.

Sources would be Wikipedia and Waddell's controversial book, "Phoenician origins etc."

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"Yahweh was originally a war god". Did this change at some point? In the Torah/bible I can't think of any examples of him being anything other than a war god.

The phoenicians and other stories are interesting but they are mostly used to bolster the claim of people from Poland and Ukraine that they are native to the Middle East. The answer is waiting to be revealed but if you believe in DNA and genetic science then that claim goes away. There is a reason that DNA tests are illegal in Israel.

A related clue is that it is illegal to marry across religious lines. You can marry any ethnicity, but a Jew cannot marry a Christian. Take that logic back into history. Things that need explanation:

- Why are Ashkenazi and Shephardic populations so separated socially? In Hebrew language shows, marriages between these two are scandalous and exciting breaking of convention. In cities, these two populations don't live together.

- Why didn't the Mizrahi maintain any native Hebrew speakers? If you still live in the area, how did none of the language survive as a native tongue ?

Israel is not a place that is prophecied to be a gentle place for Jews. Rabbis are open that most Jews are being gathered there to be massacred. The implication to me of the phoenician argument is that Jews are getting hooked up. To some degree this is true in calm periods of history. They are a tool. Ownership of the tool is the critical question.

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Yahweh currently refers to a creator deity that includes the powers of El, Asherah and the others.

So in that sense, he is no longer merely a war god. But I do agree that his personality did not improve after acquiring his new powers.

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I'm not familiar with a religious text arguing Yahweh took on powers of other Gods? If you can let me know the argument or let me know someone that makes this argument I'll read it.

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There is no religious text about it. Most believers vehemently deny that the Jewish and Christian god is derived from a pantheon.

You can look up yahwism on Wikipedia for a summary of what may have happened.

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To make sure I understand, the "currently" in your comment is referring to your personal belief/understanding of these stories? A pantheon is clearly described in the torah/bible if you actually read it. You may need to read the text in Hebrew or direct, literal translations but it is not subtle. People that don't know, don't read it.

This relate to my post about the Talmud being "benign". You have never read it if you think that.

People are instructed on their religious books by religious leaders and study groups. I'm beginning to think a lack of reading ability is a real problem. Even people that tell me they "read" mean they listen to something.

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Funny, for some reason I remember the first YouTube comment I left about Harris, probably more than a decade ago, was "Kamala Harris is black?".

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It's hard to comprehend the nature of "black" that Kamala aspires to without having experienced life in her chosen "roots" culture. Had it been somewheres like Guyana, Barbados, or even Trinidad, she would have been easy to figure out and see through.

But Jamaica is as 'multi-layered' as this post would wish to be... if, after kicking out the Spaniards, and obliterating any remaining 'indigenes,' the English Pirate element had just contented itself with buccaneering and whoring, then the subject would be simple. But that's not indeed what happened. Firstly, as many of that pirate caste were indeed themselves 'crypto-jewish' and part of a lineage that goes back to Drake and the Liverpool merchant adventurers, they had a whole lot of connections to people who could 'make things happen.'

If you wanted rum, you needed sugar, and if your needed sugar you had to have a plantation - for which you'd want slaves, and the access to a ready market for your finished product. As everybody now knows(but still won't talk about)it was those same crypto merchant adventurers who control the slave trade sea lanes and had room for a return cargo. After a while the yahwehists didn't need be crypto anymore, and the blacks didn't wish to be slaves, so the island took on the shape of enclaves of runaway black slaves(the Maroons who whipped British regulars in battle!)and highland estates of judaics, who remained "white" due to their 'endogamous' predilections ...

and Englishmen who did not, do to their predilection to bed locals... and lose imported white wives to the extreme climate.

Thus the 'red mon' was born - they still be up in the hills, the shade of their skin remarkably identical to the reddish soils up there where the bauxite plants would get set up later on. Of course, there's also every OTHER shade of skin, between albino white and coal black, and if you've ever ridden a Jamaican train with one of them itinerant preacher men aboard, you'll know that the breed also runs to a passionate loquacity which - if the Kamal were truly one of the blood, she'd surely have, in a manner that would have left even Obama looking like a tongue-tied stumblebum.

She "black?" No, she no black, but that ain't jack, cause the folk from rasta roots land just don't conform to such easy categorization. You got "india" indians, mixed up with Hakka Chinese(who tend to claim Caucasian bloodlines in their own internal chats - Deng Xiaoping himself was Hakka, and Hakka women are just about the most beautiful in the world!)and the rest of the judaics who moved over from places like Mexico and Brazil, and there's sure to be one or two I've left out of that mix.

She "mixed race" ... and there's nothin wrong with that. If only she was something more than a cut out, chosen to allow the Kenyan to pull all the strings from behind scenes - again. To paraphrase Bob Marley... we got a "sheriff"(the sheriff of nought?)and we got his "deputy." But it seems to be their "opponent" who's most likely to get shot!

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Rastafarianism barely exists, is a tiny minority in Jamaica, held with suspicion, and invented by the intelligence agencies. Anyone miming rasta is either a useful idiot or on a payroll with controlled trafficking.

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The riches of rasta come from 'mining' it - not 'miming' it. The cultural impact of the 'movement' on the USA was greater than even the previous wave from Brazil in the early 60s... when "bossa nova" swept in. Only the 'rebel' part of the Marley presentation was 'spook-made' ...the actual rasta tradition points back to an actual "empire" which remains the most occluded of all - even more than the Parthian one.

Aksum was a rival to Rome and Persia, and until shut back in it's African box by the later, had control of the "indies" and 'cochin' trade routes - ie., were all the 'spice' came from. And Aksum was "christian" before supposed "christian" heartlands were "christianized." It's yet another case of excised history ... by the usual suspects and for the usual reasons.

Haile Selasi was an actual follow through of this empire 'missing' from the history books. Ethiopia was heir to the Aksumite legacy, and all pretensions to 'royalty' stem from that really real root...

popularization of which, for nefarious or commercial purposes shouldn't cause one to miss the actual significance of a cultural phenomena by quitting to dig far enough before 'striking gold.'

Which in this case is picking up the trail of 'the Kenyan' far enough back to understand how his own 'rootz' in that part of the world allowed him to be molded by deep state elements into the 'phony Pharaoh' he would become.

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Who would have guessed my casual recollection would produce such a complex back and forth? I knew about the triangular trade of course, but the rest...

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Indeed. Who could have 'guessed' that "blackness" ... in it's commercially potentized sense...

would become a criteria for getting a run at POTUS on the democrat ticket. If the JFK interim was "Camelot," then the one we seemed to be locked in now is "Babylon"(in the Rastafarians lexicon.)Marcus Garvey taught his followers to think of themselves as "Israelites," in exodus from the "Babylon" of slavery, colonialism, racism.

The metaphor is redolent with irony, since it was Kennedy himself who challenged(and was defeated by)the "new Babylon" which the benjamins imported back from the 'old Babylon' and imposed upon the real "Israelites."

The Phony Pharaoh, O-Biden, & now Kali the Destroyer("black" - but not "African")all dance to the Babylonian "philanthropists" tune, and it's whitey himself who will soon nuff be "Exodusing" in search of a fabled "promised land" where "whiteness" is not cause for excoriation and expropriation ... by the benjanims and the "black" flunkey cut outs who they hide behind!

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"it's whitey himself who will soon nuff be "Exodusing" in search of a fabled "promised land". I'm curious if that happens. I'm seeing the sales pitch. One of the destinations is "freedom loving Russia" which is comical.

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Didn't Johnny Cash have his longtime retreat " up in the hills"?

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A lot of things taken out of context and misread. Then reinterpreted without explanation to fit a prepackaged concept. Without consulting the actual sources. Obviously - that could undermine the quick-and-easy “my say is the only truth” tone. Served in a BW fashion, all this reads coherent and logical. Is it? All in all, this looks like a draft chapter for a new history school book. I’d fall for it if I hadn’t studied a few threads from the text. Anyways, great work.

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It's good to see that Substack troll bots can't yet look anything but suspiciously generic.

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This article was simply outstanding. It’s so sad that the younger generations can only handle sound bites. If only they had the ability to handle a multi-thread read or conversation, there could be some hope. Too many have now been programmed and will fight to preserve the Matrix.

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As a sub listing, one to invent an led light bulb to promote decreasing health thus increasing medical industry income, while slyly dissipating some of the public’s IQ points that complicate their abilities to make sense of the fog of chronic cultural chaos.

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The longer I live the more it appears Mark Mothersbaugh pegged it. We are Devo.

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"and also the most controversial portions of the Talmud (most of which is quite benign)." I genuinely hope you are saying this from a position of never having read it. The Talmud goes into very detailed descriptions of raping children. Page after page after page. Simplifying, it is OK to rape a boy under nine years and one day and a girl under three years and one day.

It endlessley lays out the legal code for enslaving humans, raping prisoners of war (they debate the topic but the general rule is one rape is ok, multiple gets into the weeds about what you should do), detalied pages of animal rape. Animal rape is seen as a negative but there are debates about what kind of sexual intercourse means for the animal: killing it and disposing of the meat, killing it and selling the meat to Gentiles.

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