Mar 22Edited

Who wakes up in the morning with a sense of optimism anymore?

You know? Like they depict in pharmaceutical commercials. Twirling in meadows and “dancing on sunshine.”

“It’s time to feel good!”

Seems without the benefit of drugs we are scared, wretched Gollum’s looking for The Precious.

We, of a certain age all marvel at the latitude we were afforded as kids growing up. Didn’t our parents care about us?

Nowadays kids sequestered in rooms glued to screens are safe from the cold cruel world.

And parents traumatized by the steady hollowing of eyes and ears via horror stories are glad they are home. Safe in self-imposed house arrest.

Bottom line: In a society where everyone is afraid of everything anything can be made illegal. Especially freedom. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness redefined.

Just take their drugs and you’ll be walking on sunshine in no time.

Trauma based mind control is everywhere.

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I admit I have trouble following all of the connections you have drawn out, but I try to approach all claims with at least some skepticism. I have to ask though, whether you are saying that the rubbery white clots are just a story and don't really exist. Because I've seen a sample. My NP, who is part of a self-pay medical group (no insurance accepted, allowing them freedom to practice as they see fit) has a sample of the clots which he got from a local embalmer. We live in fly-over country, far from any intelligence outpost. Unless all the embalmers in the country are in on it, I think the clots are a real phenomenon.

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My sister in law in CA worked PT at a funeral home. Knew the owner’s well. Despite this is CA everyone involved in this story is no fan of Woke politics, Gaven Newsome or any other nonsense one equates to Californians.

After the infamously disturbing Stew Peter’s documentary came out I was curious so I called my sister-in-law and had her inquire as to whether they’d seen any unusual clots?

The answer was, no. The owner’s who’ve recently retired from the business had seen nothing unusual. They had no reason to lie.

I find it highly suspicious if this clotting is as widespread as suggested there’s been no equally widespread howling by embalmers. I presume they care about their own health? The health of their loved ones? Yet…mostly crickets.

I call foul on clotting.

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I’ve read a few different theories about how and why the clots form, each plausible but not definitive . What is known, by those embalmers who are reporting it, is that it isn’t universal. Some people form the clots, others don’t. And I don’t know the statistics on cremations vs embalmings but it’s likely that many bodies with the clots are never discovered because they aren’t embalmed. I know what I saw, it was given to someone I trust by someone (small town embalmer) that he trusts. It’s possible it was faked, but not likely.

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It's mostly Hirschmann who leverages his sole person by saying, "A room full of a hundred embalmers," that nobody can verify.

"Oh, that makes it a crowd, and genius techmeister Steve Kirsch believes it. I think I'll throw money in his hedge fund."

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Mar 23Edited

There’s been so much psychology thrown at us for so long it is warping our perceptions and leading us blind via ego and biases down pre-determined pathways. And, it’s getting worse. Unsurprisingly, I suppose. I think that’s the point of trauma based mind control. And trauma isn’t always as obvious as the word suggests. I hope we can get our freedom out of the beaker before it’s boiled to death.

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At least we can agree on something: We've "become too radicalized to sit down for tea and a chat together." Well, coffee at least. Coffee, right? Strike that, we don't agree on anything!

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I choose coffee, too. I was just LARPing as somebody who participates in polite society.

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In the midst of the complete reperspectivisation of my life I find your views, opinions, humility and humour a breath of fresh air. Thank you for the hours of research, reading and thought that goes into your work.

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I know sometimes it seems like a religious angle is unwelcome but it has been prophesied for nearly 2,000 years. Everything is being driven by deception and lies. We are being transformed into Bizarro World from the older SuperMan comic books. In Bizarro World everything is backwards. In the Wiki page on it this sums it - "In Bizarro World society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!"

This is how the world is becoming. Fools have thought for years that as time progresses that society would progress towards a more civilized existence but we have been continuously devolving. As an avid worker and researcher in magnetics I have heard many stories about many things people have done with magnets and electromagnetic fields to stimulate these remote viewing and other "sixth sense paranormal activities". In fact magnetism is a cornerstone of most of the various sci fi movies. It can be funny at some times - over 20 years ago I was a guest on a radio talk show that was supposed to be about supermagnets and when the first caller asked me that since I had all the magnets in my basement where I was running the business, did I have a big problem with ghosts. I was floored but tried to stay professional and what followed was unbelievable - a 1 hour show became 2 hours of continuous discussion about magnets and ghosts and government experiments and Telsa and remote viewing and telekinesis, and magic and everything paranormal.

Our question is - "How can we learn the truth and share it?" If we learn it and try to share it will we be alive afterward? Mathew is always taking these big risks and he may soon become a target. The powers at be have so much to protect and staying on track with their strategy is critical to their survival. Everyone has been lied to so much about so many things for so long, how would we recognize the truth? Thank you Mathew - Please be careful and cautious. You may need to follow Kim Dotcom and move to New Zealand:)

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Sorry I don’t have a link about the fires and remote viewers. The Remote Viewers all predicted the event of the giant fire in Hawaii last year. It was big news on the alternative net and more or less put them on the map. Now they are predicting another event that is celestial. I would check out Rense.com for the team of Remote Viewers, and Banned. video has a short video on the new predicted event. So, when the U.S. stops patrolling the oceans the world is going to starve—I think that is an extreme point of view. Look what happened with the pirates in the Red Sea—China and Russia took it over.

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If a remote viewer were to inadvertently stumble across a theatrical performance, could they tell whether it was real or not?

Wondering why none of them saw the obviously staged pseudo pandemic coming. Maybe they did see it for what it really was and left it at that.

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I look forward to your expose and actually I agree with you about the Remote Viewing thing—I don’t believe in the rapture or whatever it is that they are predicting. Supposedly they predicted the Hawaiian fire storm, but then if that was a planned they could have been told ahead of time. Now, it’s some celestial event that is suppose to happen.

But how do billions of people die? Nuclear war? I don’t get it.

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If and when the global policing of trade (oceans/Navy) shifts, huge populations will be in flux.

Can you point to a link about predicting the Hawaii fires?

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