Thanks for pointing this out, Mathew! Anyone calling Omicron a vaccine-escape variant either hasn't done their research or is otherwise ignorant/confused/malicious. Here's a post I made on this topic in December 2021 to Steve Kirsch's substack:
Great comment! I was going to say something very similar. You already said it. I'll add a few comments:
A) Self spreading vaccines have been discussed quietly for a long time. They were always off-limits to "serious people" because they gratuitously violate the Nuremberg Code. Due to extensive government violations of that same code it's now moot. Note that self-spreading vaccines are ANATHEMA to big pharma, as there's no easy way to monetize them.
B) Omicron perfectly fits the design specifications of a self-spreading vaccine: less dangerous, spreads best in people who have taken the mRNA jab, maximally transmissible.
1. First modify it to only reproduce in throat epithelial cells, making it less dangerous. This could be done by evolutionary selection via serial passage through humanized mice, which have multiple kinds of human epithelial cells..
2. Modify it to exploit mRNA vaccination to spread better. Again, evolutionary selection via serial passage through jabbed humanized mice ought to do it.
3. Modify it to be maximally transmissible. Use every trick known to the state of the art. This may have taken some engineering beyond evolution selection via serial passage. Or not. I don't know.
4. All this will take a while. Like a year or so. Not simple & can't be rushed.
Omicron seems to fit my ideal for a self-spreading vaccine. It altered the narrative in a way that's hostile to the Great Rest crowd. Sure seems likely that it came from some white hat biohacker lab.
While I obviously don't know, my guess is that it's the operation of a small independent team acting on its own without official backing. As in, I guess that INDIVIDUALS from some lab that already does biowarfare technology teamed up in secret and conducted an "independent project" on the sly. We know these labs both operate in secrecy and have poor oversight. Knowing that no good deed goes unpunished, I guess those who created Omicron have already been identified and eliminated as traitors to both pharma companies and the Great Reset crowd. I hope they died well, knowing that did a great service to humanity.
I guess the "four foreign diplomats" thing s a red herring.
Thank you for these reminders about Omicron and the white hat hypothesis. Most of the MF (medical freedom) crowd that I follow seemed to lean in that direction. We’re all a little nervous, and see how the govt entities are doubling down on so much.... I guess it’s easy to imagine the blatant ideas of a new bio weapon. Thanks to you and Matthew for this sobering post and set of comments. Much appreciation.
I remember hearing the talk about how different Omicron was, and how it could serve as a natural vaccine. Though I don't recall the theory that it was released intentionally by some rogue good samaratians being spoken out loud too much.
Perhaps because this idea didn't fit the narrative of an evil cabal that wants to keep covid going.
If it is so engineered as they say though, what else could it be? And it was timed to be in place in winter when we'd have peak deaths. It makes sense that some lab out there somewhere would have a conscious.
This idea fits the narrative of brave rebels opposing and resisting the evil cabal that wants to keep Covid going. Try this experiment:
1. Make a list of all Omicron's origin theories
2. Eliminate the options that don't fit the known facts
3. See what you're left with.
When I tried this I found that rogue bioweapon scientists opposing the narrative seems to best fit the known facts. You might get a different result. Please post your thoughts.
re: "Sure seems likely that it came from some white hat biohacker lab". Except the vaccines did not. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I would think that self-spreading vaccines would fit the great reset crowd perfectly. Why not test them when there are so many willing participants?
Why would self-spreading vaccines suit the Great Reset crowd? Omicron changed the narrative in a way that crowd hated! Suddenly getting sick with Covid was far less dangerous and everyone soon knew this. The characteristics of Omicron were a disaster for WEF plans.
Most concepts for a 'self-spreading vaccine' involve a mostly-harmless rapid-spreading version of a disease that inoculates people against the more dangerous versions. This concept violates the Nuremberg Code, Informed Consent, and most bioethics principles. This also weakens excuses for 'vaccination', as everyone already has natural immunity. Omicron probably cost big pharma tens of billions of dollars in lost revenue opportunities.
Do you really believe that self spreading vaccines exist? Don't you think that this is just meant to keep scaring people? In which world do Authorities and those responsible for vaccines live? Would they allow this when this can infect them also? I doubt
There might be an alternative to the white-hat hypothesis worth considering. What if, instead of white-hats releasing Omicron, it was the cabal itself who released it? Perhaps, after not meeting their goals in their desperate vaccination drive they realized they would have to fall back and regroup for the next attempt? So, they released Omicron to effectively wipe the slate clean and short-circuit whatever calamity may have been coming down the pike which they judged they were not well-positioned strategically. It's something worth considering at least.
How many people have the cash to pull off an elimination project? Aside from state actors I can think of a few, and we only know of them because of malign intent/and/or their suspected
If SARs-COV-2 is a bioweapon (alone it sucks as one, but combined with propaganda it’s very effective), no one would build it, without concurrently building the antidote. Otherwise it ceases to become a weapon.
One reason, I’m skeptical of the immunocomp patient theory of omicron emergence is that immunocomp patients aren’t isolated like lab rats and it took months for a few variants to emerge so we’d need 18 months for omicron to emerge without intermediate leak. There should be intermediates if this was brewed in people (unless all those intermediates reside in an unsampled tissue like the GI, unlikely).
Labs can contain intermediates from leaking more so than hospitals with patients.
There is clear evidence of selective pressure in spike and it occurred faster than naturally possible. There is an evolutionary thumb on the scale.
Thanks for plugging the military whistleblower darkhorse episode. I'm on the one that dropped today, on reviewing it I had an opportunity to mention Brook Jackson's case when I talked about the RCT briefly, but I dropped the ball. Nevertheless, I think we covered a lot of good additional stuff. Keep up the strong work trying to make sense of everything, you're so far ahead of the curve people can't even understand it. They're still quoting the pre-glitch DMED data in some circles while the opposition has tailor made fact-checks for that story... people get irritated when you try to correct them so that our team can't get staw-manned, freaking crazy time to be alive.
I came to a similar conclusion almost immediately, and it was weirdly Berenson's "everyone stop whining about gain of function the real war crime here was my Twitter suspension" post that jolted it into me.
The conclusion I arrived at, though, was that it was a threat being slow-walked to the PUBLIC:
This time we really can kill you. Maybe we'll sell you the antidote to the poison you just drank. Now shut the fuck up, we're sending your kid to Belarus.
Hahahahahaaaaaa…. The nukes will be raining onto New York, and Berenson will be under a burnt out car, clutching his bricked iPhone like Gollum, “My twiiiteeerrrrr…. No…Twitter is My precious!”
In this instance they are literally creating their next emergency.
The concerning part is they're telling us directly, which demonstrates contempt, and anyone who studies interpersonal conflict knows you don't come back from contempt.
Small world, much too small. Only in the last week or so, I found out about (and started following) Housatonic through reading comments under one of Sage Hana's posts. Listening to the link you sent as I am typing this. Ooo .. just heard that word 'iatrogenocide' which I now associate with Toby Rogers' substack.
And it was through Steve Kirsch, also this week, I found that great Brett Weinstein discussion with the lawyer and two dissenting military officers.
While Brett and guests were trying to wrap their heads around some of the Kafkaesque absurdities in sacrificing military preparedness for a more-than-questionable narrative, I thought of another option ... and if I could imagine that option, I am quite certain it has long since been tossed back and forth behind closed DOD doors. The scenario is as follows:
From other sources I've seen on Rumble or Odysee, the metallic substance was thought to not be a contaminant, but rather a salient component of those treatments which still do not meet the definition of 'informed consent'. But just for the sake of argument, supposing Moderna's excuse was reliable and correct, that it was a mistake due to low quality controls in a Spanish production plant, it stands to reason that different lots have degrees of safety, if not efficacy.
2 — Brett and company brought up the huge tax-funded cost of aircraft and pilot training, and rightfully questioned the logic of lock-step mandates for an experimental treatment that does not even adhere to safety standards formerly applied to commercial pilots.
Time out for a snicker ... 25:40 .... just heard Dr. Gallo referred to as a POS ... 'Person of Science'.
3 — I see no reason to suspect the powers-that-be do not know which lots are 'safer' than others, or even better, which lots are nothing but saline solution.
4 — While 'decimating' (the original definition of the term) the ranks of high cost pilots, presenting those pilots with a false dichotomy of forfeiting bodily autonomy to potentially dangerous mRNA treatments ... or keeping their career and livelihood (if not passion or patriotism) would be a way of insuring the remaining military would be the equivalence of the 'good German' following superior orders, the Nuremberg Defense — while in fact, preserving the financial investment in hardware and training by injecting only saline solution into those who choose to relinquish their moral autonomy.
5 — Biden, and in these fragmented, polarized times, probably anyone in power, appears to be anxious to legally appropriate the military for use against civilian dissent. Such a compliant military, who would risk their own autonomy to keep a job, would be more pliable in the hands of the sociopaths in charge, and not likely to refuse blatantly immoral orders.
For those holding the reigns of power, win-win.
For the rest of us, twisting in the wind, second guessing.
Now at 50:00 into the Housatonic video.
Susan Sontag must be spinning in her grave.
p.s. ... Still watching, re-watching, and organizing comments on that recent 'Red Herring' round-table talk. Tessa Lena is among my favorite recent reads and chats.
I think you are on to something. I watch American sports --NFL, NBA and MLB -- and have yet to see any of those athletes have issue’s when playing. No one has died in action or had stroked out. I find that odd. I think they got placebo’s. They can’t have that shown on TV. I know there are holdouts -- Aaron Rogers’s and Kyrie Irving -- but all who got vaccinated haven’t had any issues.
I find it additionally odd that New York enacted a law exempting visiting high profile athletes and entertainers from regular protocols regarding proof of health and non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masking, distancing, etc. I think similar rights exist for the senate and judicial branches of the federal government and only federal employees under the legislative branch are subject to the public health restrictions imposed on the rest of us, in the name of protecting public health.
Now in Japan, it is taken for granted that high profile media personalities, entertainers, and appropriately ranked members of the corporate nation-state are seen fully-faced and performing business as usual. The low-risk kids in the public schools are still fully masked, distanced, and silenced ... until ordered to do otherwise. Pretty much the same priorities of public education that have always existed — conformity and compliance.
Selectively strange 'virus and / or treatments — pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical control of behavior'' we have here. Something that brings added meaning to a 'culture of 'saving face', particularly for those of high social status.
I just read a headline of an interview in one of the counter-narrative digital publications I receive (maybe 'Children's Health?) about how enforced masking is effecting the deaf community. I suspect raising the meaning of 'silencing' to an even more socially compliant level.
Some evil stuff going on here.
Last night, I had watched Chris Martenson's most recent YouTube podcast ... ... and was reminded of a haunting passage I'd read a few years ago ...
''Thus, Norse society’s structure created a conflict between the short-term interests of those in power, and the long-term interests of the society as a whole. Much of what the chiefs and clergy valued proved eventually harmful to the society. Yet the society’s values were at the root of its strengths as well as of its weaknesses. The Greenland Norse did succeed in creating a unique form of European society, and in surviving for 450 years as Europe’s most remote outpost. We modern Americans should not be too quick to brand them as failures, when their society survived in Greenland for longer than our English-speaking society has survived so far in North America. Ultimately, though, the chiefs found themselves without followers. The last right that they obtained for themselves was the privilege of being the last to starve.''
Love Housatonic! Have been watching him from the start. He is a spin off from George Webb who I have been watching since 2015. Glad he is getting recognition for his work. John O’Loughlin on you tube also does good review of history.
Lots of new names for me in the last few months ... and I guess I have to thank Facebook for that. 🤣
I've been on Quora for about 6 or 7 years, but seeing the quality gradually drop, came to rely on 'private' Facebook groups for the 'social' part of being an inquisitive social primate. But one fake fact-check too many sent me to Facebook jail for over a month, and that gave me some time to start digging into substack. There are so many top-notch thinkers and writers here, I can't even begin to keep up with the flood of up-to-the-minute connecting-the-dots. Much better than Quora at its inception.
I've been fairly eclectic in subscribing to YouTubers, and a bit ashamed to admit to following about as many vicarious 'bread and circuses' thrills as educational / news posts ... and then there are the info-tainment types such as David Butler on cosmology, Joe Scott on just about everything, and then Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman (now only occasionally), and so on.
Chris Martenson has proven to be one of my go-to guys for things plandemic ... though he runs in more financially upscale circles than I can afford.
Housatonic is proving to be a real gem. I am so glad YouTube has that high-speed option. Not enough time in one life to absorb the info, much less connect the dots and then do something about it.
Yeah. He showed critical thinking chops, a wide range of education and experience, and great communication skills from the very beginning.
I at first included the avuncular John Campbell in my short list, but grew impatient with his hedging and 'garbage in-garbage out' number crunching. Taking the data at face value, regardless of source and its incentives to be less than truthful, and then running it through basic grad-school stats procedures without much in-depth critical analysis, only gave false assurances through his illusion of predictable precision and procedure. I gradually came to think of him as a useful idiot. Though a bit more charitable in my opinion of him now, I've long since dropped him from my short list in favor of more widely educated, experienced, critical thinkers such as Chris ... not to mention his wry sense of humor. He appears unique in his qualities as a YouTube podcaster, but several substack writers appear to be of a similar mold.
Just wondering, are you related to BHerr on substack? One of my go-to sources for all things 'ponerology'. (Yuck, bad coinage of the concept. 'Ponerology' rolls of the tongue like a cross between Bozo the clown and Stephen King's more conceptually accurate 'Pennywise'.) Now reading Lobaczewski's book ... 'Political Ponerology; The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism'. Though the language is a bit stilted in academese, it rings true regarding the sociopaths presuming to run this show.
I watched John Campbell too but it grew tiresome after a couple of months. He seems good hearted and well meaning, and many were amazed and relieved to watch as he started to become red pilled before our eyes on the vaccine fraud. I found Dr. Roger Seheult on MedCram and Dr. Been and their amazing drawings and explanations of mechanisms of action to be riveting.
I don't have a Substack and haven't come across a BHerr commenter on the ones I follow so I will look for that. My husband's name, Herr, is of Swiss Mennonite origin, then running through Lancaster Pennsylvania, related to the historic Hans Herr there. Not surprising that a Herr would be interested in human history of all sorts, including the esoteric. Odds are they are related distantly. My husband has been rereading his European history books from college since the Ukraine war began. Useful background as we have been through all this before.
Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I follow Roger Seheult, but only occasionally watch him. Dr Been is a new name for me. Thanks for the heads up. Wondering if your Ph.D. is in one of the biological sciences. Although my undergrad was in biology (UNC-W, class of '77 or so), most of my reading has been in philosophy, history, or the social sciences, and my grad work was in educaton (applied linguistics Temple Uni. Japan). I dropped out of the doctoral program when I got too busy with a 'tenured' position in a Japanese college. Big mistake because I did not realize that 'tenure' for a foreigner in a Japanese institution is not worth the paper it is written on. Ha ... As in Bret Weinstein's case (and Heather), that is increasingly being the case world wide.
Much thanks for the heads up. Just got home, clicked on the link and indeed, I see two different faces from those in the first interview. I might download those two videos because I can't count how many other videos I had thought I'd saved in browser tabs, only to find they have been deleted. 'History' appears to be much more of a ... umm ... 'creative' narrative than I thought. 😅
I've seen some pretty lurid commentary on this study via Substack articles. This article is a timely reminder and friendly warning not to get too wrapped up in the fear game, because that's 'their' game, not ours. I'm not sure this is a case of mass formation in the Resistance ranks but we do need to be careful not to slip on psychological banana skins. Thanks.
Something which most commentators seem to have missed is that this research appears to have been done on Ba.1, before the emergence of Ba.4 and Ba.5 subvariants, which may or may not be relevant, but the fact is, Ba.1 is now functionally extinct.
I am fairly convinced we are in World war E as you call it. Or at least I am concerned enough to think we need to put risk management processes in place and stop pretending it isn't a possibility. Am I certain? No way. But am I worried and can see potential and even a strategy slowly unfolding? Yes.
Has your work office ever caught on fire? Probably not. Do you have fire extinguishers there and conduct the occasional fire drills or have a fire warden? Seems sensible to consider the worst case scenarios even if they are remote.
It is better to be the warrior in the garden than the gardener in war.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive.” - Sun Tzu
Another concern I have, with everyone screaming about GoF out of Boston hospital, is that it provides perfect smoke for a foreign actor to actually do something.
Everyone screaming about Putin and nukes, seems to forget the soviets had a pretty impressive bioweapon capability which they were surprisingly open about, “Da, we weaponized smallpox, so what?”
Would Putin be more likely to nuke us, and risk ending all of Russia, or would it be wiser to unleash a Slavic Sneeze in downtown Boston, and sit back while half the country tears itself apart blaming the other half of America?
The A-Bomb has been used as strategic misdirection (for the People, not foreign governments) while they all work overtime on bioweapons. Quite right a bio-bomb would be more likely as lingering internal confusion is more desirable in war than deaths, same as wounded soldiers degrade enemy resources and morale better than deaths.
China is more likely than Russia to use this strategy because that's how they roll. They also have a superior bio-capability over any other country including the US with many more scientists and an efficiently integrated/embedded scientific-military structure backed by the world's best manufacturing. They make all our drugs, for example. It's been said that what takes us five months takes China's scientists only five days. This is also why US scientists have not spoken against the Narrative, they can't afford to lose China collaboration and funding, as they'd be blacklisted by China.
I think the real payload of the study is not the supposed lethality, etc. Rather, it is the normalization of this kind of dangerous tinkering. The reported results of the study are less important than understanding that the source of the research is a team of ‘respectable’ university professors, MDs, and young naive post docs, passing off reckless research under the guise of some twisted notion of ‘doing good’. Meanwhile, the DoD sits in the shadows, ready to claim the fruits of insanity.
I'd not say "normalization" as this stuff is a product of the usual everyday competitive drive and push to publish of lab culture. When a research team finds something new they can put their name on they jump to it, hoping to be first. That's how you continue your DoD funding. The source of research, often the source of evil, is an amoral system that runs on money and Daddy DoD. Nowadays there's more evil people in labs than in prisons - if you want to be truly evil you have to be smart.
Semantics. It *is* being normalized. Dangerous research being conducted in a sub par university setting where this stuff used to be the purview of places like Fort Dietrich or National Labs (it was bad there too).
Having young 20-something post-docs and ostensibly ‘respectable’ university types doing what amounts to bio-weapons research is absolutely a kind of mainstreaming and normalization of a practice that is illegal and immoral.
Call it what you want, but there’s no excuse for this that will hold water.
I'd still not say it's being normalized as it's always been happening quietly. Biowarfare/infectious disease research has been going on for decades. BU is not substandard, they're world-class and likely have better and more modern facilities than Detrick, which is mostly focused on defense now. Detrick likely off-loaded research to the private sector to avoid the FOIA.
The post-docs at BU would be no different than you'd find at Harvard, MIT, Tufts, and the Whitehead Institute. Harvard, MIT, and Mass General share a BSL3 lab, Tufts has its own BSL3.
The BSL4 guys have to go through a complete decontamination procedure whereas the BSL3 kids do not. BU's BSL4 has Ebola, the others do not - they only have anthrax, the plague, TB, SARS, and whatever they can cook up. BSL2 has meningitis, polio, etc.
But BSL3 pathogens can kill as easily as BSL4 bugs; they may take more time so you can experience more stages of death or else you may only be crippled or comatose for life. In 2012 Researcher Richard Din caught something in his San Francisco BSL2 lab. He was described a few hours before he died as, "His body was very hard, very straight, only his eyes were open. He could not say anything." These postdocs all visit the neighborhood Starbucks and I doubt they rinse their shoes off every time. What can you do?
The problem is that both nuclear weapons and bioweapons are dual-use. Should both be banned? That would be wishful thinking. The best one can do is increase oversight and upgrade the currently fragmented security procedures, not just here but around the world. These are accidents waiting to happen.
I suppose that one should also be concerned about off-world viruses. A letter in the June 2003 Lancet detailed the finding of a non-terrestrial virus in the upper atmosphere, which they speculated could be the cause of the 2003 SARS epidemic. We'd have no evolved defense so it could run through the global population in about a week. There is also documentation that the US government has been secretly researching alien viruses since 1950 for bioweapons. Did you know that glacier melt in Tibet and Siberia have released ancient viruses for which we have no defense?
My point is that there are too many risks in the world to think about. One has to ignore them and hope for the best.
What you call it is your prerogative, of course. Just because something has been going on in the background for some time doesnt mean there isn’t an effort to normalize this kind of thing. Look at the language of Biden’s recent Executive Order.
I also was not disparaging BU as being substandard. What I was pointing at was their lab was not the right facility (if that could even be argued) for the kind of tinkering being done. There is Ebola Marburg research also being done at BU. That should be BSL-4, not 3. Doesn’t matter if level 2 or 3 pathogens can be deadly too.
The rest of your response is a bit of a distraction from my point. This research should not be happening. It’s reckless and dangerous, whether it’s at Harvard or BU, or Ft Dietrich.
BU is a BSL4 for Marburg and Ebola. Accidents happen at all levels of labs, constantly. Plenty of nuclear accidents too. We've been lucky, not smart.
None of this research on infectious disease should be happening at all. Not here, not anywhere.
Personally I consider viruses as our friends who upgrade our species with tough love for the future. Viral diseases are an investment that has a current cost for a future return. It's how nature works, unfortunately. We have to accept that reality. The 1918 pandemic sacrificed many millions but surely toughened us up as a species to withstand a future pandemic without going extinct.
Had we done nothing at all for Covid we'd be in better shape, like Sweden. We'd have all attained natural immunity more than a year ago with no economic disruption. The problem is the media gins up fear causing the people to scream for action causing the politicians to do something even when the optimal response is do nothing. Wars happen this way too.
Mathew, thank you! Did you read the substack article from Alex Berenson? He wrote that mice infected with the original sars-cov-2 variant had a 100% fatality rate. And since the fatality rate in humans was (fortunately) much lower than 100%, he suggests that the 80% fatality rate of this new "omicron experiment" is actually not as horrible as it sounds. I did not verify his claims yet. And of course I do not support this ongoing gain of function research. It is a catastrophe and it also illegal as far as I know.. I just wanted to mention that, if Berenso is right, the 80% fatality rate does not translate like this into humans. So this is important for anxious people to know.
I had not read it. Thanks for the pointer. I'm mostly focused on more productive reading, so I really just wanted to point out the ways in which we're creating panic-chatter while giving at least some relation to other aspects of the World War E.
"In agreement with the results of body-weight loss and clinical score, WT and Omi-S caused mortality rates of 100% (6/6) and 80% (8/10), respectively. In contrast, all animals infected with Omicron survived (Fig. 3c). These findings indicate that the S protein is not the primary determinant of Omicron’s pathogenicity in K18-hACE2 mice."
Although it's interesting to note that more mice died in the Omi-S group, because they tested 10 instead of 6.
Lots of people being wrong about the same thing is not the same as a mass formation. Mass formation is effectively a comforting meme people will tell themselves to forgive the family and friends who mistreated them and won't acknowledge it. Maybe I hold the MFM to a different standard, but there's very little "mass" about it. People are fragmented on a variety of different lines and as far as I can tell it's a quite small pond.
If I understand your major point is that the "80% mortality" is complete bunk, and something is working to target fearporn/threats in various channels (mainstream & alt-mainstream). I'll admit I don't care if GoF is simply a hoax to milk govt funding, I still want the people making bank claiming to do it to be punished.
For example, I'm irritated by the tactical nihilism that the "viruses aren't real anyways" crowd has, which conveniently leads people into comforting dead ends.
THE MICE DID NOT DIE. They were euthanised on subjective observation of the well known covid symptoms of RUFFLED FUR, HUNCHED BACK, UNRESPONSIVENESS AND TREMORS in an UNBLINDED and TINY, non peer reviewed study. 80% euthanised with the manipulation of the p180-200 protein with unknown effect, and 100% euthanised for WT. There is no evidence the symptoms were caused by a virus and not the cell culture contents they were injected with, no evidence of infection and no evidence of 'neutralisation' escape.
The elites only care that we still believe in viruses, whoever they have to throw under the bus to make us feel we've had our revenge, so that they can control us, ID us, mask and muzzle us, continually lock us down, destroy our small businesses, isolate the elderly to murder them and make $trillions from unnecessary and harmful testing, anti-virals and vaccines.
"The elites only care that we still believe in viruses"
This is exactly what I mean by a comforting dead end.
Treating any aspect of this as a single simple "silver bullet" that changes everything is outright folly. By all means pick an axe to grind, there are many worth grinding.
Don't pretend that any single one is all we need to win.
Could they be one step ahead? Rather than as a way to promulgate the immune escape narrative and covid lethality narrative via the MFM, could the Boston paper be designed to create in-fighting and dissent amongst the various camps of the MFM? On Maajid Nawaz show yesterday, Robert Malone said there is a lot of it about, and that the World Organization for Health had just imploded!? Maybe we need to be cognizant of that and avoid getting involved in in-figthing over technicalties?
The best way to stay clear of infighting is to communicate, and not share garbage information. I find a lot of people unwilling to take basic steps on that level. Even when I pointed out to people what was going on with the DMED, some of them played a game of placating me while sharing a stage with Renz who seemed to be using incorrect data as a fund-raising tool (my opinion).
There is clearly some level of psyop, and there are clearly people with agendas who can be sucked into that. To have a standard, we would need to have a leader with a sensation track record of steering clear of all that. RFK Jr. is likely the closest thing (hopefully), but there isn't a lot of time spent by anyone to honestly and fairly bring together people to sort out the narrative formations.
I've read these sorts of idealistic suggestions a thousand times, and they're simply wrong. There is basic cooperation-defection game theory in all human relationships. That must be respected and acknowledged for any real solution to succeed. Any successful solution must take that game theory into account on a political level.
Fascinating... the BU story as a biological warfare threat from the US to other nations. I had never considered that possibility, in all of my far reaching thoughts during the last few years. My initial thoughts about China releasing a bioweapon in order to boost their economy by having everyone order their PPE products, pretty much went out the window when I saw reports about their wrecked economy (mortgage crisis and more) and zero covid mania.
I always appreciate that you keep sobriety and distance from hysteria. I saw the majority of my regular Substackers write about this. So much so, that I avoided all of the stacks that had that title.
Also, Hunter Biden wears underwear?!? I’m not even sure I’ve seen the man wear pants.
"The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche" by Rosemary Frei, MSc
"But Vanden Bossche bases his views on unproven hypotheses. This is similar to, and builds on, high-profile modeling-paper authors who use theoretical frameworks to inflame fears about the supposed dangerousness of the new variants."
"Despite this, Vanden Bossche’s views were very quickly and positively received by high-profile vaccine sceptics such as 𝐃𝐞𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧"
"Bigtree and Coleman virtually 𝐮𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬. They strongly insinuate to their overwhelmingly credulous subscribers that there’s virtually no fact-checking or pause for sober second thought required."
"But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) — particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant Fleishman Hillard in 1994 (yes, I’ve worked for the dark side) — 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠-𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐧. It’s another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry"
This "formerly" 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐀𝐕𝐈 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 & 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 character spoke the magic words, and suddenly he was a hero of the medical freedom movement.
People so desperately need "heroes," people they can defer to, someone they can offload their own responsibility to act onto, they latch on to the closest available figure, and the other side knows that. This "movement" is peppered from top to bottom with shills. I don't even know if "peppered" is accurate. If Vernon Coleman is such a danger to the establishment, how does he keep finding mainstream publishers willing to print his voluminous bibliography?
Thank you for this perspective. Couey critiques Vanden Bossche, and has been building that up, lately. I need to check his feed because I know he mentioned a big conversation about him upcoming. I have talked to numerous other biologists whom I won't name who have had solid reasons for skepticism of him. Couey was pretty irritated with Bret Weinstein after his interview with Vanden Bossche because Couey spent months trying to relate info to Bret, and Bret gave me zero time to talk through evidence of Omicron engineering. It's unclear how much of this is time-attention overload vs. anything else, including the acknowledged credential-badge-fame thing doing what it does, or even simply having the wrong people whispering in your ear, stearing views of credit and discredit.
I had enough info for several more Omicron articles, including a take from somebody who worked at Fort Detrick, but the DMED project sucked me in. I've actually wondered to myself if I was thrown that ball of chaos to push me off the topic because Omicron and DMED are two very good examples of what appear to be propaganda campaigns run out of the Health Freedom Movement, with most people having no idea where the noise is coming from.
This is why I read you, and this is why I reserve judgement about all things. Something about this smelled bad, and I don't mean the research. It was the reaction. Thanks for the help seeing the angles.
Thanks for pointing this out, Mathew! Anyone calling Omicron a vaccine-escape variant either hasn't done their research or is otherwise ignorant/confused/malicious. Here's a post I made on this topic in December 2021 to Steve Kirsch's substack:
Full text of the above comment:
Great comment! I was going to say something very similar. You already said it. I'll add a few comments:
A) Self spreading vaccines have been discussed quietly for a long time. They were always off-limits to "serious people" because they gratuitously violate the Nuremberg Code. Due to extensive government violations of that same code it's now moot. Note that self-spreading vaccines are ANATHEMA to big pharma, as there's no easy way to monetize them.
B) Omicron perfectly fits the design specifications of a self-spreading vaccine: less dangerous, spreads best in people who have taken the mRNA jab, maximally transmissible.
1. First modify it to only reproduce in throat epithelial cells, making it less dangerous. This could be done by evolutionary selection via serial passage through humanized mice, which have multiple kinds of human epithelial cells..
2. Modify it to exploit mRNA vaccination to spread better. Again, evolutionary selection via serial passage through jabbed humanized mice ought to do it.
3. Modify it to be maximally transmissible. Use every trick known to the state of the art. This may have taken some engineering beyond evolution selection via serial passage. Or not. I don't know.
4. All this will take a while. Like a year or so. Not simple & can't be rushed.
Omicron seems to fit my ideal for a self-spreading vaccine. It altered the narrative in a way that's hostile to the Great Rest crowd. Sure seems likely that it came from some white hat biohacker lab.
While I obviously don't know, my guess is that it's the operation of a small independent team acting on its own without official backing. As in, I guess that INDIVIDUALS from some lab that already does biowarfare technology teamed up in secret and conducted an "independent project" on the sly. We know these labs both operate in secrecy and have poor oversight. Knowing that no good deed goes unpunished, I guess those who created Omicron have already been identified and eliminated as traitors to both pharma companies and the Great Reset crowd. I hope they died well, knowing that did a great service to humanity.
I guess the "four foreign diplomats" thing s a red herring.
That's my two cents.
Thank you for these reminders about Omicron and the white hat hypothesis. Most of the MF (medical freedom) crowd that I follow seemed to lean in that direction. We’re all a little nervous, and see how the govt entities are doubling down on so much.... I guess it’s easy to imagine the blatant ideas of a new bio weapon. Thanks to you and Matthew for this sobering post and set of comments. Much appreciation.
I remember hearing the talk about how different Omicron was, and how it could serve as a natural vaccine. Though I don't recall the theory that it was released intentionally by some rogue good samaratians being spoken out loud too much.
Perhaps because this idea didn't fit the narrative of an evil cabal that wants to keep covid going.
If it is so engineered as they say though, what else could it be? And it was timed to be in place in winter when we'd have peak deaths. It makes sense that some lab out there somewhere would have a conscious.
This idea fits the narrative of brave rebels opposing and resisting the evil cabal that wants to keep Covid going. Try this experiment:
1. Make a list of all Omicron's origin theories
2. Eliminate the options that don't fit the known facts
3. See what you're left with.
When I tried this I found that rogue bioweapon scientists opposing the narrative seems to best fit the known facts. You might get a different result. Please post your thoughts.
I think you reasoning is very sound. Why else would someone manufacture a blunted virus?
It also raises the question of where we would be right now if Omicron had NOT been released.
The news that they are working on creating a deadly knew strain makes me raise an eyebrow even higher.
re: "Sure seems likely that it came from some white hat biohacker lab". Except the vaccines did not. Perhaps I'm missing something, but I would think that self-spreading vaccines would fit the great reset crowd perfectly. Why not test them when there are so many willing participants?
Why would self-spreading vaccines suit the Great Reset crowd? Omicron changed the narrative in a way that crowd hated! Suddenly getting sick with Covid was far less dangerous and everyone soon knew this. The characteristics of Omicron were a disaster for WEF plans.
Most concepts for a 'self-spreading vaccine' involve a mostly-harmless rapid-spreading version of a disease that inoculates people against the more dangerous versions. This concept violates the Nuremberg Code, Informed Consent, and most bioethics principles. This also weakens excuses for 'vaccination', as everyone already has natural immunity. Omicron probably cost big pharma tens of billions of dollars in lost revenue opportunities.
If you can release a pathogen on the opposite side of the Earth and a self-spreading vaccine on your side, you can win a brutal war.
Especially if the self spreading vaccine was released 1-2 years prior to the pathogen.
Do you really believe that self spreading vaccines exist? Don't you think that this is just meant to keep scaring people? In which world do Authorities and those responsible for vaccines live? Would they allow this when this can infect them also? I doubt
There might be an alternative to the white-hat hypothesis worth considering. What if, instead of white-hats releasing Omicron, it was the cabal itself who released it? Perhaps, after not meeting their goals in their desperate vaccination drive they realized they would have to fall back and regroup for the next attempt? So, they released Omicron to effectively wipe the slate clean and short-circuit whatever calamity may have been coming down the pike which they judged they were not well-positioned strategically. It's something worth considering at least.
That might jive if it were some kind of accident. But if it were an accident, why would they suppress early treatments?
How many people have the cash to pull off an elimination project? Aside from state actors I can think of a few, and we only know of them because of malign intent/and/or their suspected
history of such actions
I don’t think Omicron required whitehatting to begin post dec 2019 and occur under tight deadlines.
Even prior to release of gene drives, the community is building and publishing the countermeasures known as Daisy Chain drives.
If SARs-COV-2 is a bioweapon (alone it sucks as one, but combined with propaganda it’s very effective), no one would build it, without concurrently building the antidote. Otherwise it ceases to become a weapon.
One reason, I’m skeptical of the immunocomp patient theory of omicron emergence is that immunocomp patients aren’t isolated like lab rats and it took months for a few variants to emerge so we’d need 18 months for omicron to emerge without intermediate leak. There should be intermediates if this was brewed in people (unless all those intermediates reside in an unsampled tissue like the GI, unlikely).
Labs can contain intermediates from leaking more so than hospitals with patients.
There is clear evidence of selective pressure in spike and it occurred faster than naturally possible. There is an evolutionary thumb on the scale.
Modern warfare is more about maiming than killing.
There is growing evidence that it excels as an incapacitating agent & maybe even a neurological one.
Killing off the elderly demographic of another nation resolves their debt crisis but does nothing to make them weaker.
It arguably puts their gov on stronger financial footing.
If this killed their young, different story.
The vaccines seems to do that but that’s another topic.
Only if it stops at the elderly & doesn't go on to cause a 'mass-disabling event' in the (fighting-age) young & healthy...
Thanks for plugging the military whistleblower darkhorse episode. I'm on the one that dropped today, on reviewing it I had an opportunity to mention Brook Jackson's case when I talked about the RCT briefly, but I dropped the ball. Nevertheless, I think we covered a lot of good additional stuff. Keep up the strong work trying to make sense of everything, you're so far ahead of the curve people can't even understand it. They're still quoting the pre-glitch DMED data in some circles while the opposition has tailor made fact-checks for that story... people get irritated when you try to correct them so that our team can't get staw-manned, freaking crazy time to be alive.
I came to a similar conclusion almost immediately, and it was weirdly Berenson's "everyone stop whining about gain of function the real war crime here was my Twitter suspension" post that jolted it into me.
The conclusion I arrived at, though, was that it was a threat being slow-walked to the PUBLIC:
This time we really can kill you. Maybe we'll sell you the antidote to the poison you just drank. Now shut the fuck up, we're sending your kid to Belarus.
Hahahahahaaaaaa…. The nukes will be raining onto New York, and Berenson will be under a burnt out car, clutching his bricked iPhone like Gollum, “My twiiiteeerrrrr…. No…Twitter is My precious!”
"How will I be able to tell people there are nuclear bombs falling if Twitter doesn't reinstate me? The populi need to know!"
“I’m so wonderful, I’ve tweeted information other scientists and data analysts have put together and made it about meeeeeee…..”
I agree with the slow walked threat to the public…. The timing supports the Biden admin new pandemic preparedness and biodefense strategy.
In this instance they are literally creating their next emergency.
The concerning part is they're telling us directly, which demonstrates contempt, and anyone who studies interpersonal conflict knows you don't come back from contempt.
Yes, dripping with contempt.
Hi Mathew,
Small world, much too small. Only in the last week or so, I found out about (and started following) Housatonic through reading comments under one of Sage Hana's posts. Listening to the link you sent as I am typing this. Ooo .. just heard that word 'iatrogenocide' which I now associate with Toby Rogers' substack.
And it was through Steve Kirsch, also this week, I found that great Brett Weinstein discussion with the lawyer and two dissenting military officers.
While Brett and guests were trying to wrap their heads around some of the Kafkaesque absurdities in sacrificing military preparedness for a more-than-questionable narrative, I thought of another option ... and if I could imagine that option, I am quite certain it has long since been tossed back and forth behind closed DOD doors. The scenario is as follows:
1 — The effects of the mRNA treatments may be correlated with the production lot number of the product. About a year or so ago, I remember that a foreign, metallic substance had been discovered in a shipment of the vaccine.
From other sources I've seen on Rumble or Odysee, the metallic substance was thought to not be a contaminant, but rather a salient component of those treatments which still do not meet the definition of 'informed consent'. But just for the sake of argument, supposing Moderna's excuse was reliable and correct, that it was a mistake due to low quality controls in a Spanish production plant, it stands to reason that different lots have degrees of safety, if not efficacy.
2 — Brett and company brought up the huge tax-funded cost of aircraft and pilot training, and rightfully questioned the logic of lock-step mandates for an experimental treatment that does not even adhere to safety standards formerly applied to commercial pilots.
Time out for a snicker ... 25:40 .... just heard Dr. Gallo referred to as a POS ... 'Person of Science'.
3 — I see no reason to suspect the powers-that-be do not know which lots are 'safer' than others, or even better, which lots are nothing but saline solution.
4 — While 'decimating' (the original definition of the term) the ranks of high cost pilots, presenting those pilots with a false dichotomy of forfeiting bodily autonomy to potentially dangerous mRNA treatments ... or keeping their career and livelihood (if not passion or patriotism) would be a way of insuring the remaining military would be the equivalence of the 'good German' following superior orders, the Nuremberg Defense — while in fact, preserving the financial investment in hardware and training by injecting only saline solution into those who choose to relinquish their moral autonomy.
5 — Biden, and in these fragmented, polarized times, probably anyone in power, appears to be anxious to legally appropriate the military for use against civilian dissent. Such a compliant military, who would risk their own autonomy to keep a job, would be more pliable in the hands of the sociopaths in charge, and not likely to refuse blatantly immoral orders.
For those holding the reigns of power, win-win.
For the rest of us, twisting in the wind, second guessing.
Now at 50:00 into the Housatonic video.
Susan Sontag must be spinning in her grave.
p.s. ... Still watching, re-watching, and organizing comments on that recent 'Red Herring' round-table talk. Tessa Lena is among my favorite recent reads and chats.
Cheers from Japan,
Whoa ... Now at 1:16:00 on that Housatonic video. Downloading this one before it is 'disappeared' by Alphabet.
I think you are on to something. I watch American sports --NFL, NBA and MLB -- and have yet to see any of those athletes have issue’s when playing. No one has died in action or had stroked out. I find that odd. I think they got placebo’s. They can’t have that shown on TV. I know there are holdouts -- Aaron Rogers’s and Kyrie Irving -- but all who got vaccinated haven’t had any issues.
Hi Kevin,
I find it additionally odd that New York enacted a law exempting visiting high profile athletes and entertainers from regular protocols regarding proof of health and non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masking, distancing, etc. I think similar rights exist for the senate and judicial branches of the federal government and only federal employees under the legislative branch are subject to the public health restrictions imposed on the rest of us, in the name of protecting public health.
Now in Japan, it is taken for granted that high profile media personalities, entertainers, and appropriately ranked members of the corporate nation-state are seen fully-faced and performing business as usual. The low-risk kids in the public schools are still fully masked, distanced, and silenced ... until ordered to do otherwise. Pretty much the same priorities of public education that have always existed — conformity and compliance.
Selectively strange 'virus and / or treatments — pharmaceutical or non-pharmaceutical control of behavior'' we have here. Something that brings added meaning to a 'culture of 'saving face', particularly for those of high social status.
I just read a headline of an interview in one of the counter-narrative digital publications I receive (maybe 'Children's Health?) about how enforced masking is effecting the deaf community. I suspect raising the meaning of 'silencing' to an even more socially compliant level.
Some evil stuff going on here.
Last night, I had watched Chris Martenson's most recent YouTube podcast ... ... and was reminded of a haunting passage I'd read a few years ago ...
''Thus, Norse society’s structure created a conflict between the short-term interests of those in power, and the long-term interests of the society as a whole. Much of what the chiefs and clergy valued proved eventually harmful to the society. Yet the society’s values were at the root of its strengths as well as of its weaknesses. The Greenland Norse did succeed in creating a unique form of European society, and in surviving for 450 years as Europe’s most remote outpost. We modern Americans should not be too quick to brand them as failures, when their society survived in Greenland for longer than our English-speaking society has survived so far in North America. Ultimately, though, the chiefs found themselves without followers. The last right that they obtained for themselves was the privilege of being the last to starve.''
Diamond, Jared. Collapse (p. 276). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Whoa ... gotta hit the shower and head for school. Grim as the topic may be, nice chatting with you Kevin.
Cheers from Japan,
Love Housatonic! Have been watching him from the start. He is a spin off from George Webb who I have been watching since 2015. Glad he is getting recognition for his work. John O’Loughlin on you tube also does good review of history.
Hello Mary.
Lots of new names for me in the last few months ... and I guess I have to thank Facebook for that. 🤣
I've been on Quora for about 6 or 7 years, but seeing the quality gradually drop, came to rely on 'private' Facebook groups for the 'social' part of being an inquisitive social primate. But one fake fact-check too many sent me to Facebook jail for over a month, and that gave me some time to start digging into substack. There are so many top-notch thinkers and writers here, I can't even begin to keep up with the flood of up-to-the-minute connecting-the-dots. Much better than Quora at its inception.
I've been fairly eclectic in subscribing to YouTubers, and a bit ashamed to admit to following about as many vicarious 'bread and circuses' thrills as educational / news posts ... and then there are the info-tainment types such as David Butler on cosmology, Joe Scott on just about everything, and then Joe Rogan, Lex Fridman (now only occasionally), and so on.
Chris Martenson has proven to be one of my go-to guys for things plandemic ... though he runs in more financially upscale circles than I can afford.
Housatonic is proving to be a real gem. I am so glad YouTube has that high-speed option. Not enough time in one life to absorb the info, much less connect the dots and then do something about it.
Cheers from Japan Mary,
Dr. Chris Martenson also one of my top go to guys, from very early days.
Hi Betsy,
Yeah. He showed critical thinking chops, a wide range of education and experience, and great communication skills from the very beginning.
I at first included the avuncular John Campbell in my short list, but grew impatient with his hedging and 'garbage in-garbage out' number crunching. Taking the data at face value, regardless of source and its incentives to be less than truthful, and then running it through basic grad-school stats procedures without much in-depth critical analysis, only gave false assurances through his illusion of predictable precision and procedure. I gradually came to think of him as a useful idiot. Though a bit more charitable in my opinion of him now, I've long since dropped him from my short list in favor of more widely educated, experienced, critical thinkers such as Chris ... not to mention his wry sense of humor. He appears unique in his qualities as a YouTube podcaster, but several substack writers appear to be of a similar mold.
Just wondering, are you related to BHerr on substack? One of my go-to sources for all things 'ponerology'. (Yuck, bad coinage of the concept. 'Ponerology' rolls of the tongue like a cross between Bozo the clown and Stephen King's more conceptually accurate 'Pennywise'.) Now reading Lobaczewski's book ... 'Political Ponerology; The Science of Evil, Psychopathy, and the Origins of Totalitarianism'. Though the language is a bit stilted in academese, it rings true regarding the sociopaths presuming to run this show.
Cheers from Japan, Betsy.
HI Steve:
I watched John Campbell too but it grew tiresome after a couple of months. He seems good hearted and well meaning, and many were amazed and relieved to watch as he started to become red pilled before our eyes on the vaccine fraud. I found Dr. Roger Seheult on MedCram and Dr. Been and their amazing drawings and explanations of mechanisms of action to be riveting.
I don't have a Substack and haven't come across a BHerr commenter on the ones I follow so I will look for that. My husband's name, Herr, is of Swiss Mennonite origin, then running through Lancaster Pennsylvania, related to the historic Hans Herr there. Not surprising that a Herr would be interested in human history of all sorts, including the esoteric. Odds are they are related distantly. My husband has been rereading his European history books from college since the Ukraine war began. Useful background as we have been through all this before.
Cheers from The Crossroads of America.
Hi Betsy,
Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I follow Roger Seheult, but only occasionally watch him. Dr Been is a new name for me. Thanks for the heads up. Wondering if your Ph.D. is in one of the biological sciences. Although my undergrad was in biology (UNC-W, class of '77 or so), most of my reading has been in philosophy, history, or the social sciences, and my grad work was in educaton (applied linguistics Temple Uni. Japan). I dropped out of the doctoral program when I got too busy with a 'tenured' position in a Japanese college. Big mistake because I did not realize that 'tenure' for a foreigner in a Japanese institution is not worth the paper it is written on. Ha ... As in Bret Weinstein's case (and Heather), that is increasingly being the case world wide.
Regarding BHerr's substack, here is a sample of some of the stuff he publishes with a long comment by myself included ...
Cheers from Japan Betsy!
— steve
Haven't watched it yet, but I note there is a part 2 to Brett's interview up on youtube
Nice to meet ya, Gary.
Much thanks for the heads up. Just got home, clicked on the link and indeed, I see two different faces from those in the first interview. I might download those two videos because I can't count how many other videos I had thought I'd saved in browser tabs, only to find they have been deleted. 'History' appears to be much more of a ... umm ... 'creative' narrative than I thought. 😅
Cheers Gary!
I've seen some pretty lurid commentary on this study via Substack articles. This article is a timely reminder and friendly warning not to get too wrapped up in the fear game, because that's 'their' game, not ours. I'm not sure this is a case of mass formation in the Resistance ranks but we do need to be careful not to slip on psychological banana skins. Thanks.
Something which most commentators seem to have missed is that this research appears to have been done on Ba.1, before the emergence of Ba.4 and Ba.5 subvariants, which may or may not be relevant, but the fact is, Ba.1 is now functionally extinct.
I am fairly convinced we are in World war E as you call it. Or at least I am concerned enough to think we need to put risk management processes in place and stop pretending it isn't a possibility. Am I certain? No way. But am I worried and can see potential and even a strategy slowly unfolding? Yes.
Has your work office ever caught on fire? Probably not. Do you have fire extinguishers there and conduct the occasional fire drills or have a fire warden? Seems sensible to consider the worst case scenarios even if they are remote.
It is better to be the warrior in the garden than the gardener in war.
“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive.” - Sun Tzu
Another concern I have, with everyone screaming about GoF out of Boston hospital, is that it provides perfect smoke for a foreign actor to actually do something.
Everyone screaming about Putin and nukes, seems to forget the soviets had a pretty impressive bioweapon capability which they were surprisingly open about, “Da, we weaponized smallpox, so what?”
Would Putin be more likely to nuke us, and risk ending all of Russia, or would it be wiser to unleash a Slavic Sneeze in downtown Boston, and sit back while half the country tears itself apart blaming the other half of America?
US and NATO inherited the biolabs in the Soviet Union when it collapsed. There is a lot written about that, they converted the labs and science to dual purpose, which is part of what is being fought over now. I read this in the original, before memory holed, but retrieved here:
The A-Bomb has been used as strategic misdirection (for the People, not foreign governments) while they all work overtime on bioweapons. Quite right a bio-bomb would be more likely as lingering internal confusion is more desirable in war than deaths, same as wounded soldiers degrade enemy resources and morale better than deaths.
China is more likely than Russia to use this strategy because that's how they roll. They also have a superior bio-capability over any other country including the US with many more scientists and an efficiently integrated/embedded scientific-military structure backed by the world's best manufacturing. They make all our drugs, for example. It's been said that what takes us five months takes China's scientists only five days. This is also why US scientists have not spoken against the Narrative, they can't afford to lose China collaboration and funding, as they'd be blacklisted by China.
I think the real payload of the study is not the supposed lethality, etc. Rather, it is the normalization of this kind of dangerous tinkering. The reported results of the study are less important than understanding that the source of the research is a team of ‘respectable’ university professors, MDs, and young naive post docs, passing off reckless research under the guise of some twisted notion of ‘doing good’. Meanwhile, the DoD sits in the shadows, ready to claim the fruits of insanity.
I'd not say "normalization" as this stuff is a product of the usual everyday competitive drive and push to publish of lab culture. When a research team finds something new they can put their name on they jump to it, hoping to be first. That's how you continue your DoD funding. The source of research, often the source of evil, is an amoral system that runs on money and Daddy DoD. Nowadays there's more evil people in labs than in prisons - if you want to be truly evil you have to be smart.
Semantics. It *is* being normalized. Dangerous research being conducted in a sub par university setting where this stuff used to be the purview of places like Fort Dietrich or National Labs (it was bad there too).
Having young 20-something post-docs and ostensibly ‘respectable’ university types doing what amounts to bio-weapons research is absolutely a kind of mainstreaming and normalization of a practice that is illegal and immoral.
Call it what you want, but there’s no excuse for this that will hold water.
I'd still not say it's being normalized as it's always been happening quietly. Biowarfare/infectious disease research has been going on for decades. BU is not substandard, they're world-class and likely have better and more modern facilities than Detrick, which is mostly focused on defense now. Detrick likely off-loaded research to the private sector to avoid the FOIA.
The post-docs at BU would be no different than you'd find at Harvard, MIT, Tufts, and the Whitehead Institute. Harvard, MIT, and Mass General share a BSL3 lab, Tufts has its own BSL3.
The BSL4 guys have to go through a complete decontamination procedure whereas the BSL3 kids do not. BU's BSL4 has Ebola, the others do not - they only have anthrax, the plague, TB, SARS, and whatever they can cook up. BSL2 has meningitis, polio, etc.
But BSL3 pathogens can kill as easily as BSL4 bugs; they may take more time so you can experience more stages of death or else you may only be crippled or comatose for life. In 2012 Researcher Richard Din caught something in his San Francisco BSL2 lab. He was described a few hours before he died as, "His body was very hard, very straight, only his eyes were open. He could not say anything." These postdocs all visit the neighborhood Starbucks and I doubt they rinse their shoes off every time. What can you do?
The problem is that both nuclear weapons and bioweapons are dual-use. Should both be banned? That would be wishful thinking. The best one can do is increase oversight and upgrade the currently fragmented security procedures, not just here but around the world. These are accidents waiting to happen.
I suppose that one should also be concerned about off-world viruses. A letter in the June 2003 Lancet detailed the finding of a non-terrestrial virus in the upper atmosphere, which they speculated could be the cause of the 2003 SARS epidemic. We'd have no evolved defense so it could run through the global population in about a week. There is also documentation that the US government has been secretly researching alien viruses since 1950 for bioweapons. Did you know that glacier melt in Tibet and Siberia have released ancient viruses for which we have no defense?
My point is that there are too many risks in the world to think about. One has to ignore them and hope for the best.
What you call it is your prerogative, of course. Just because something has been going on in the background for some time doesnt mean there isn’t an effort to normalize this kind of thing. Look at the language of Biden’s recent Executive Order.
I also was not disparaging BU as being substandard. What I was pointing at was their lab was not the right facility (if that could even be argued) for the kind of tinkering being done. There is Ebola Marburg research also being done at BU. That should be BSL-4, not 3. Doesn’t matter if level 2 or 3 pathogens can be deadly too.
The rest of your response is a bit of a distraction from my point. This research should not be happening. It’s reckless and dangerous, whether it’s at Harvard or BU, or Ft Dietrich.
BU is a BSL4 for Marburg and Ebola. Accidents happen at all levels of labs, constantly. Plenty of nuclear accidents too. We've been lucky, not smart.
None of this research on infectious disease should be happening at all. Not here, not anywhere.
Personally I consider viruses as our friends who upgrade our species with tough love for the future. Viral diseases are an investment that has a current cost for a future return. It's how nature works, unfortunately. We have to accept that reality. The 1918 pandemic sacrificed many millions but surely toughened us up as a species to withstand a future pandemic without going extinct.
Had we done nothing at all for Covid we'd be in better shape, like Sweden. We'd have all attained natural immunity more than a year ago with no economic disruption. The problem is the media gins up fear causing the people to scream for action causing the politicians to do something even when the optimal response is do nothing. Wars happen this way too.
You’re preaching to someone that groks all that intimately.
Thanks for sharing. Peace.
Mathew, thank you! Did you read the substack article from Alex Berenson? He wrote that mice infected with the original sars-cov-2 variant had a 100% fatality rate. And since the fatality rate in humans was (fortunately) much lower than 100%, he suggests that the 80% fatality rate of this new "omicron experiment" is actually not as horrible as it sounds. I did not verify his claims yet. And of course I do not support this ongoing gain of function research. It is a catastrophe and it also illegal as far as I know.. I just wanted to mention that, if Berenso is right, the 80% fatality rate does not translate like this into humans. So this is important for anxious people to know.
I had not read it. Thanks for the pointer. I'm mostly focused on more productive reading, so I really just wanted to point out the ways in which we're creating panic-chatter while giving at least some relation to other aspects of the World War E.
It's at the top of page 7 in the paper.
"In agreement with the results of body-weight loss and clinical score, WT and Omi-S caused mortality rates of 100% (6/6) and 80% (8/10), respectively. In contrast, all animals infected with Omicron survived (Fig. 3c). These findings indicate that the S protein is not the primary determinant of Omicron’s pathogenicity in K18-hACE2 mice."
Although it's interesting to note that more mice died in the Omi-S group, because they tested 10 instead of 6.
Lots of people being wrong about the same thing is not the same as a mass formation. Mass formation is effectively a comforting meme people will tell themselves to forgive the family and friends who mistreated them and won't acknowledge it. Maybe I hold the MFM to a different standard, but there's very little "mass" about it. People are fragmented on a variety of different lines and as far as I can tell it's a quite small pond.
If I understand your major point is that the "80% mortality" is complete bunk, and something is working to target fearporn/threats in various channels (mainstream & alt-mainstream). I'll admit I don't care if GoF is simply a hoax to milk govt funding, I still want the people making bank claiming to do it to be punished.
For example, I'm irritated by the tactical nihilism that the "viruses aren't real anyways" crowd has, which conveniently leads people into comforting dead ends.
To me tyranny is not a comforting dead end!
Yes, the study is totally misleading- it is posted on the site for 'preprint' ie not peer reviewed fear propaganda coming straight from Pharma to MSM
THE MICE DID NOT DIE. They were euthanised on subjective observation of the well known covid symptoms of RUFFLED FUR, HUNCHED BACK, UNRESPONSIVENESS AND TREMORS in an UNBLINDED and TINY, non peer reviewed study. 80% euthanised with the manipulation of the p180-200 protein with unknown effect, and 100% euthanised for WT. There is no evidence the symptoms were caused by a virus and not the cell culture contents they were injected with, no evidence of infection and no evidence of 'neutralisation' escape.
The elites only care that we still believe in viruses, whoever they have to throw under the bus to make us feel we've had our revenge, so that they can control us, ID us, mask and muzzle us, continually lock us down, destroy our small businesses, isolate the elderly to murder them and make $trillions from unnecessary and harmful testing, anti-virals and vaccines.
"The elites only care that we still believe in viruses"
This is exactly what I mean by a comforting dead end.
Treating any aspect of this as a single simple "silver bullet" that changes everything is outright folly. By all means pick an axe to grind, there are many worth grinding.
Don't pretend that any single one is all we need to win.
Could they be one step ahead? Rather than as a way to promulgate the immune escape narrative and covid lethality narrative via the MFM, could the Boston paper be designed to create in-fighting and dissent amongst the various camps of the MFM? On Maajid Nawaz show yesterday, Robert Malone said there is a lot of it about, and that the World Organization for Health had just imploded!? Maybe we need to be cognizant of that and avoid getting involved in in-figthing over technicalties?
The best way to stay clear of infighting is to communicate, and not share garbage information. I find a lot of people unwilling to take basic steps on that level. Even when I pointed out to people what was going on with the DMED, some of them played a game of placating me while sharing a stage with Renz who seemed to be using incorrect data as a fund-raising tool (my opinion).
There is clearly some level of psyop, and there are clearly people with agendas who can be sucked into that. To have a standard, we would need to have a leader with a sensation track record of steering clear of all that. RFK Jr. is likely the closest thing (hopefully), but there isn't a lot of time spent by anyone to honestly and fairly bring together people to sort out the narrative formations.
Some additional thoughts on how to avoid the infighting and divide and conquer tactics
I've read these sorts of idealistic suggestions a thousand times, and they're simply wrong. There is basic cooperation-defection game theory in all human relationships. That must be respected and acknowledged for any real solution to succeed. Any successful solution must take that game theory into account on a political level.
Fascinating... the BU story as a biological warfare threat from the US to other nations. I had never considered that possibility, in all of my far reaching thoughts during the last few years. My initial thoughts about China releasing a bioweapon in order to boost their economy by having everyone order their PPE products, pretty much went out the window when I saw reports about their wrecked economy (mortgage crisis and more) and zero covid mania.
And Lisa's comment about saturation chaos just at this tense moment of convergence of crises. That is perceptive.
I always appreciate that you keep sobriety and distance from hysteria. I saw the majority of my regular Substackers write about this. So much so, that I avoided all of the stacks that had that title.
Also, Hunter Biden wears underwear?!? I’m not even sure I’ve seen the man wear pants.
I heard he has pants on in some of the pictures on his laptop, but those are too shocking for the public.
"The Curious Case of Geert Vanden Bossche" by Rosemary Frei, MSc
"But Vanden Bossche bases his views on unproven hypotheses. This is similar to, and builds on, high-profile modeling-paper authors who use theoretical frameworks to inflame fears about the supposed dangerousness of the new variants."
"Despite this, Vanden Bossche’s views were very quickly and positively received by high-profile vaccine sceptics such as 𝐃𝐞𝐥 𝐁𝐢𝐠𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧"
"Bigtree and Coleman virtually 𝐮𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐜𝐡𝐞’𝐬 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬. They strongly insinuate to their overwhelmingly credulous subscribers that there’s virtually no fact-checking or pause for sober second thought required."
"But from my experience as a former long-time medical writer and journalist (1988-2016) — particularly a four-month stint with media-relations giant Fleishman Hillard in 1994 (yes, I’ve worked for the dark side) — 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠-𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐟 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐧. It’s another step in the decades-long erasure of the fact that our sophisticated and highly effective immune systems work well and don’t need any assistance from the biomedical/pharmaceutical industry"
This "formerly" 𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐭 𝐆𝐀𝐕𝐈 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥 & 𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 character spoke the magic words, and suddenly he was a hero of the medical freedom movement.
People so desperately need "heroes," people they can defer to, someone they can offload their own responsibility to act onto, they latch on to the closest available figure, and the other side knows that. This "movement" is peppered from top to bottom with shills. I don't even know if "peppered" is accurate. If Vernon Coleman is such a danger to the establishment, how does he keep finding mainstream publishers willing to print his voluminous bibliography?
Thank you for this perspective. Couey critiques Vanden Bossche, and has been building that up, lately. I need to check his feed because I know he mentioned a big conversation about him upcoming. I have talked to numerous other biologists whom I won't name who have had solid reasons for skepticism of him. Couey was pretty irritated with Bret Weinstein after his interview with Vanden Bossche because Couey spent months trying to relate info to Bret, and Bret gave me zero time to talk through evidence of Omicron engineering. It's unclear how much of this is time-attention overload vs. anything else, including the acknowledged credential-badge-fame thing doing what it does, or even simply having the wrong people whispering in your ear, stearing views of credit and discredit.
I had enough info for several more Omicron articles, including a take from somebody who worked at Fort Detrick, but the DMED project sucked me in. I've actually wondered to myself if I was thrown that ball of chaos to push me off the topic because Omicron and DMED are two very good examples of what appear to be propaganda campaigns run out of the Health Freedom Movement, with most people having no idea where the noise is coming from.
This is why I read you, and this is why I reserve judgement about all things. Something about this smelled bad, and I don't mean the research. It was the reaction. Thanks for the help seeing the angles.