The contemporary counterpart to opium: weed. Just enough "recreational" to placate men that would have otherwise be a raging army. Ah, yes, and Netflix. A brain mush, diluted cognitive skills, highjacked consciousness, and information toxicity. Not sure which is worse. I see potential in starting a series of articles about the war on consciousness.
Fentanyl is more analogous to the opium wars. What you just said about weed has been applied to alcohol, but humans like their mood altering substances. No amount of “I know what’s best for you” will change that. The ultimate responsibility rests with the man in the mirror.
Of course, all these substances are used in that way. Weed is just currently fashioned to be more libertè than alcohol or painkillers and propagandized to hoodwink its long term brain impotence.
On a related point, the moral I draw from the above account is "Do not believe your own BS." Xiuquan should have looked in the mirror and realized this point.
Interesting history. I don't share your cynical portrayal of Christian missions in China. Sure, there was a colonial aspect to it, and that ultimately led to its demise in the 1940s/50s, but there was also a great deal of suffering under imperial China that many Christian missionaries worked to relieve. Associating Hong Xiuquan and his rebellion with Christianity even when his claims were heretical and he was refused baptism (and endorsement of his claims to divinity) is hard for me to understand.
Might want to correct the 2nd paragraph typo--1836 not 1936.
I did not describe all Christian missionaries. But that is how humanitarian shielding works: its easy for an agent to hide in plain sight in a crowd of well meaning people.
The British government (but not the British public) was at it again in the 20th Century, throughout the '30's, appeasing the rise and strengthening of the Nazis, which led to the horror of WWII, in order to weaken their old rival France, for the benefit of the banksters.
History goes a long way toward illuminating the antipathy the Chinese have for the west, and their sabotage of our weakest citizenry. I remember seeing a picture of British soldiers holding rifles on a group of Chinese men being forced to smoke opium. The Chinese are supremacists and the experience was indelibly humiliating. It explains both fentanyl smuggling and their domestic persecution of religious believers.
1. I dislike the notion of an entire group as anything like supremacists or otherwise. I've had a thousand Chinese clients, and no label fits nearly all of them.
2. The Chinese are not sending fentanyl. They send pharmaceutical precursors to Mexico where they are made into fentanyl. This is done under full knowledge of the U.S. government, which could easily stop it and has relationships with the cartels. America's drug problem is not due to China.
China no more naive about the drug trade than the USG. I don’t know how much they might encourage it, but surely they see the poetic justice of it all.
The contemporary counterpart to opium: weed. Just enough "recreational" to placate men that would have otherwise be a raging army. Ah, yes, and Netflix. A brain mush, diluted cognitive skills, highjacked consciousness, and information toxicity. Not sure which is worse. I see potential in starting a series of articles about the war on consciousness.
I have already started an article series on Mind Control, which I plan to continue. This includes some brain mush topics.
Fentanyl is more analogous to the opium wars. What you just said about weed has been applied to alcohol, but humans like their mood altering substances. No amount of “I know what’s best for you” will change that. The ultimate responsibility rests with the man in the mirror.
Of course, all these substances are used in that way. Weed is just currently fashioned to be more libertè than alcohol or painkillers and propagandized to hoodwink its long term brain impotence.
On a related point, the moral I draw from the above account is "Do not believe your own BS." Xiuquan should have looked in the mirror and realized this point.
Thanks - enjoyed the history lesson with its obvious parallels to our time.
Interesting history. I don't share your cynical portrayal of Christian missions in China. Sure, there was a colonial aspect to it, and that ultimately led to its demise in the 1940s/50s, but there was also a great deal of suffering under imperial China that many Christian missionaries worked to relieve. Associating Hong Xiuquan and his rebellion with Christianity even when his claims were heretical and he was refused baptism (and endorsement of his claims to divinity) is hard for me to understand.
Might want to correct the 2nd paragraph typo--1836 not 1936.
I did not describe all Christian missionaries. But that is how humanitarian shielding works: its easy for an agent to hide in plain sight in a crowd of well meaning people.
The British government (but not the British public) was at it again in the 20th Century, throughout the '30's, appeasing the rise and strengthening of the Nazis, which led to the horror of WWII, in order to weaken their old rival France, for the benefit of the banksters.
History goes a long way toward illuminating the antipathy the Chinese have for the west, and their sabotage of our weakest citizenry. I remember seeing a picture of British soldiers holding rifles on a group of Chinese men being forced to smoke opium. The Chinese are supremacists and the experience was indelibly humiliating. It explains both fentanyl smuggling and their domestic persecution of religious believers.
1. I dislike the notion of an entire group as anything like supremacists or otherwise. I've had a thousand Chinese clients, and no label fits nearly all of them.
2. The Chinese are not sending fentanyl. They send pharmaceutical precursors to Mexico where they are made into fentanyl. This is done under full knowledge of the U.S. government, which could easily stop it and has relationships with the cartels. America's drug problem is not due to China.
China no more naive about the drug trade than the USG. I don’t know how much they might encourage it, but surely they see the poetic justice of it all.
Already edited.
Psychopaths love cheap labor.
They're already below replacement rate for births. The next couple of generations are going to be spicey as this works it way through the culture.
An interesting thought might be how much more money gets invested per child.
they would not have won the industrial war as yet if entire industries hadn't been shipped over from the US in the 80s