Matthew, I don't know how to reach my friends who were not scientists.

My scientist friends were initially fooled, but a single phone call set them on a course of discovery and, interestingly, we came to similar conclusions after each studied the data. At least we can discuss the topics with clarity and ease.

On the other hand, the repeated nonsense spouted by the "news" has an iron grip on my friends who do not have scientific training.

The part that caused me concern are scientists (not my friends) who are convinced by the nonsense or afraid. I don't understand how they can't grasp the data. Maybe many are not looking?

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My goal in an article like this was to show (1) an example of multi-layered psyops, and more importantly (2) that prime motivations (and there is none greater than the military-banking complex) tend to dominate incentives models. Once you understand that "going down rabbit holes" almost always leads to the same place, you can forgo a lot of the maze.

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>>> Once you understand that "going down rabbit holes" almost always leads to the same place, you can forgo a lot of the maze.

There is a good deal of conditionality to that, though: for folks 'under the cognitive bar' (which I place at 2.5σ above the median), they'll arrive at a stopping condition slightly too early.

That gives us entertaining "Early Life" memes, but it also gives us mostly-wrong answers - particularly about motivations.

I don't want to go down a whole "rabbit-hole" rabbit-hole (rabbit-hole rabbit-hole rabbit-hole... lol H/T Ryan George), because I've been 'inoculated' since the mid-1990s - and there's no going back.

A rabbit-hole is an artificial network of caves. Going down the rabbit hole is like going back down into the Cave.

A lot of folks understand the broad outlines of 'The Allegory of the Cave' in "Republic"[1] - but they stop reading at the point where some folks make it out of the cave[2] in 7.516c-e and start to understand the illusory nature of the Cave.

From there though, the story continues: in 7:517a and b, the man who goes BACK INTO the Cave, and tries to explain the benefits of escape is derided and attacked... and in 7:517c is the culmination:

>>> "[P]... do not be surprised that those who have attained to this height are not willing to occupy themselves with the affairs of men..." <<<

That's where I'm at. For me that's where the Allegory ends: the descriptive phase.

The rest is prescriptive, and is ridiculously aspirational given what we know about the goal-orientation of the Kunlangeta.

He goes on to say that it would be best if officeholders were enlightened - YAWN, sure it would. NEVER. GONNA. HAPPEN.

Glaucon - the original "Straw Man", and Plato's interlocutor - says that obliging the enlightened to become officeholders would be to

>>> [G] compel them to live an inferior life when the better is in their power [7:519d]<<<

Plato says that ACK-shually this is mostly to stymie the aspirations of

>>> [P] men who fight one another for shadows and wrangle for office as if that were a great good [7:520c-d]<<<

so that

>>> [P] those who take office should not be lovers of rule [7:521b] <<<

Sorry, Plato... it's been 2500 years, and it turns out that there's no way to stop the "lovers of rule" from getting every office that has actual social power.

LES PIRES GOUVERNERONT. The worst will rule. Always and everywhere. It's in their nature - whereas ordering others about is violently at odds with the nature of the Just Man.

[1] Plato's, not Zeno's superior and more cosmopolitan response... we have to rely on excerpts of Zeno's version, since we haven't yet found a complete text.

It's super-weird that Plato's version - the one that asserts that most people are natural slaves - is the one that was selected to survive the rise of a cult centred on a fictional first-century pseudo-revolutionary (who spoke in riddles and believed in demonic possession).

But that's a whole different rabbit-hole.

[2] ACK-shually... even once they've slipped the shackles, they have to be DRAGGED out of the cave [7.515e]. Having spent their entire life to date looking at shadows, facing the full brunt of daylight is jarring and painful.

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Yes, I stay mostly data driven. There are a few hanging dots out there that I would like to explore, but don't have the technical means.

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Not many connect dots like you connect dots.

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Or correct dots.

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Gotta say, nothing about the past 3 years had anything to do with health. Nothing. Well, except maybe those confused doctors who had the audacity to actually treat patients, and expected to be be honored as saviors, and instead are at risk of losing their medical licenses.

Military operation? Now, that makes sense. WTF???

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As you may have gathered, my take on world events is largely filtered through the lens of Biblical prophecy. It is unquestionably an “a-priori” bias and I’m happy to state it upfront. In that regard, much of what you write about lines up well with many conservative schools of thinking regarding eschatology or “end-times” theology. The CDBC meshes perfectly with much-hyped “mark of the beast” and it’s associated control of global trade, for example.

In that regard, Israel is a key player with an enormous target on her back - for a multitude of reasons; both religious and economic. The land has been a centre of conflict for millennia, and now, with it’s burgeoning technological and natural resources, has to be a serious source of ‘plunder at the ready’ for those who would desire it. Thus you mention Russia’s incursions into the Ukraine and Syria. With those areas under Russian control, the path is clear for the bear to move south. Together with Iran (Persia) perhaps. Now where have we read about that before?

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The old saying goes "All wars are bankers' wars." (I reckon the author must be either Sun Tzu or Groucho, or anyone in a neighborhood of those two)

I propose a candidate for Level 4: if you defend yourself from US bullying you with viruses, then we will attack your country.

I expect, and I desire strongly to be wrong, that in the next two decades we are going to go from plandemonium to plandemonium, all fake, all about plunder, all about grinding people down psychologically producing horrible effects (remember what D. Rancourt always tells about hierarchy.) The moment one country stands up and says no to American USG globalist bullshit, they will get attacked financially and then militarily. At least, that's the fear. And politicians not only are evil and dumb, they are also cowards.

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Spot on, Matt. I'll see your 4 and raise you one. So Level 3 is very inefficient on its own.

Level 4 is the countermeasures (jabs) that bypass the need for viral replication and contagion by training the human cell to make the most damaging part of the GoF virus, Spike, the portion of the virus that is only communicable in the viral replication phase of Covid-19. While Spike may be spread in the late stages of Covid-19 through shedding of Spike without the virion, such is a very minor probability, and spread of the virus itself is practically eliminated once the disease is no longer primarily respiratory.

The countermeasures are the most efficient and reliable method of spreading Spike and directly eliminating the offspring of those who are jabbed. Plus, the fertility of the population is multiplied by the square of the proportion that are unjabbed because the probability of two unjabbed people finding each other and mating is the product of the probability of any one member of the population being unjabbed. Thus, if only 50% of the youthful population is jabbed, the probability of a couple being totally free of the jab is 25%. If 30% are [edit: un]jabbed, the probability of a couple being free is 9% and so on. Of course, that's a simplified portrait as not all the jabbed are infertile and there are potential effects of shedding on the unjabbed, but you get the picture I'm sure.

The effect on fertility is a big reason why the jab project is continued at all costs even though the longer it is continued the more likely the intelligent will wake up and revolt. It's also the reason the "boosters" contain 50% mRNA that translate to the original Spike, even though the original strain has died out. As the virus has evolved to Omicron, its lethality (and likely that of Spike itself) has declined. So it's important the jabs continue to create the original Spike. The other big reason is of course the financial incentive of getting the jabs on the childhood schedule to solidify immunity, which would otherwise expire when the emergency ends and the EUAs are withdrawn.

Another interesting aspect is the resistance of the Global South to the jab program, their resulting continued fecundity and the encouragement of migration into the wealthy nations targeted by the jab program. "These people" are regarded as inferior by the eugenicists in global control. They are seen as ideal "epsilons" for Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" until such time as epsilons are replaced by robots.

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Apparent typo: "If 30% are jabbed, the probability of a couple being free is 9% and so on."

I judge you meant to write "If 30% are un-jabbed"

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Correct. Thank you. Will see if I can correct.

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Nicely painted picture, brother! Not a pretty picture, but one that illustrates more truth than most are able to face.

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Life was so much less complicated when oil and weapons were all we needed....

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Matthew, with respect to Level 5ish, you ought to talk to Ed Dowd, who shares your take on this. I think that would be an interesting podcast.

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good interview yesterday

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Can someone flesh out the military-banking reason for me? How is this benefitting the military banking complex?

It does seem like it was meant to warm us up to a new form of totalitarian society, where all resources are centrally controlled and rationed. We've heard more than one world leader even refer to getting used to "the new world order" in the context of obeying covid edicts.

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Fascinating interview. It was obvious from the outset that the narrative of the Las Vegas shooting made no sense. Yet if the intention was to assassinate MBS, why shoot up the concert? Was this to be a distraction? Interesting the story of the .308 shots to the fuel tanks. Only a marksman could reliably make two hits out of eight at 700 yds. But even a military-grade round would have insufficient energy to penetrate a steel tank at that range. Also creepy is the Gates connection. This whole story is too strange.

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> I'll leave it to readers to imagine why Russia might want to be involved (in Syria and Ukraine) even aside from the Ukrainian biolabs that seem like a violation of the West's agreement not to encroach.

One of the reasons Russian is in Syria is Assad as the leader of Syria asked Russia to help Syria. Not so the USA. The US invaded and has been stealing Syria's Oil.

> A laboratory built under a French Health Minister who is mad, mad, mad about vaccines—and slipped Andrew Hill $40 million to mumble and babble about. A laboratory whose chief scientist was trained by Ralph Baric. A laboratory that gives the West a Level 2 fallback plan when the Level 1 debate is allowed to fade.

I am not buying the lab leak hypothesis. The work by Ron Unz and later "Pure Viral Swarms" by JJ Couey, makes Ron's work sound. The Link:


Please take the time to make a point by point refutation of Ron's work.

> One way or another, it's always about the military-banking complex, stupid.

couldn't agree more.

Be well.

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You're making my head spin again, Mathew. All plausible. I did not know the DIA was bigger than all the other spook agencies put together. Sheesh!

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Matthew, in a comment one time, I mentioned the time period period (14 days in most jurisdictions) in which cases, serious cases, and deaths with a C19 positive test are counted as "unvaccinated" (if that is a word). It seems to me that this would skew the data toward increased shot effectiveness. You corrected me on this. I don't understand how this doesn't have a significant effect assuming there are a significant number of cases/deaths during this period. Could you elaborate on this please?

Thank you.

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...or point to an explanation you may have made on this topic, if that is the case.

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"One way or another, it's always about the military-banking complex, stupid."


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