It is used by the CIA and other intelligence agencies to provide the pretext to select or deny people to special positions based on factors that would otherwise be unacceptable. I've known very conscientious people to be told they fail their polygraphs, while people with no ability for self-reflection or the morals of a snake fly right through. How did former communist party member John Brennan pass his polygraphs? He was selected to pass. Whereas a boy scout who might buck the system, they may get selected to fail. How else do you get almost all the members of an organization to violate the constitution? You screen them for it. And if some sneak through and buck the system, well they might get selected "at random" for a polygraph which they will fail. After a career in the Intelligence community a loss of clearance kills all future job opportunities be they contractor or civil service, it is a powerful cudgel to get compliance with the polygraph being one of the enforcement tools. .

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You mean it's a sociopathy/cold unscrupulous lying ability test?

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Yes, certainly those folks seem to have less problems with it. Those that self reflect, have self doubts, and examine their actions for error...those people seem to struggle with it. Alternately those that are 100% confident in their goodness and correctness of action, who have no self-doubts and don't engaged in self-examination...they seem to sail right through.

Then the adjudication process is basically a black box, transparency is nil, and the subject is a priori guilty and must be subjectively judged innocent which makes it ripe for abuse. It is any wonder that when used over decades that it can skew an entire intelligence organization.

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One does not fail the polygraph, they just don't pass so they keep taking it over and over again. Most everyone does not "pass " the first time by design.

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I've taken many over a career. Maybe it depends on the agency. Where I worked you could get 2 questionable poly's and the third was it.

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Interesting. The ones we are familiar with I have not heard of any limits. And many, many tries for many employees. The test takers are really, really beaten up on, in addition. No cake walk. Accused of everything, that is not true.

Unless of course you are from the O'Biden regime and it is true and somehow it is signed off on. Hmmm...did FJB, Hunter and Barry Souros Obama ever have to take a Polygraph? Rhetorical question.

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Quick story. From 2001-2008 I was part owner of a small tech firm with some military contracts, assembling mobile routing prototypes. It was a lot of fun as 802.11 was in its infancy and we got to experiment with a lot of new technology.

The techs we had were asked to take lie detector tests before they got to “play” with the gear. When a couple of our top guys did not pass they got a second chance. The “suggestion” was that they get a good nights sleep and take a 2MG Xanax (provided lol) an hour before the second test. Both passed the 2nd time. For what that is worth. LOL.

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There could be a problem with that. You want calm on the relevant questions but nerves on the control questions. They look at the difference.

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Valium was probably the old standard.

Used to also give Dalmane (Flurazepam), another benzo for sleep!

Sometimes, Inderal (propranolol) for nervousness or rapid heartbeat, also used for stage fright.

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"how you [DNI] would repurpose such an asset.[?] The only limit is your creativity."

Maybe send them around the globe including America spreading purified Corona viruses?

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It’s the gatekeeper to the in club.

Allow your people in, while excluding others based on pseudoscience. Modern day phrenology.

It’s how you keep out more qualified people who aren’t on the payroll, so to speak.

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They use lie detectors because psychopaths are unable to, detect, tell or handle the truth

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Not so sure about that. Psychos, being manipulative, are good at both lying and detecting lies in others, as they are perceptive. The also handle truth unemotionally but may ignore it. They have good control in general, even when they're killing you.

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If you don't agree with the government about anything, you are a liar.

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And a threat!

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Terra, terrorists and terrorisms!

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There is a type of lie detector test that is extremely accurate, so much so that it seems prosecutors are unwilling to use it, lest they lose convictions.

Basically it's a brain scan that can tell if you recognize something. You cannot help but recognize the murder weapon, the rape victim's panties, the correct answer in a multiple choice question etc.

I believe it was nicknamed "brain fingerprinting". The last I heard of it, around 15 or 20 years ago, prosecutors didn't like it. It's accurate enough to convict, and likewise accurate enough to find someone innocent.

When you're in the business of finding people guilty or innocent, you don't want that level of competition, so it basically got shit-canned, because it works.

The other big issue was it was showing the same results as a military study, which showed most rape accusations are false. Again, it's not politically correct to acknowledge that fact, let alone prove it on a regular basis.

So in answer to your question Mathew, a test that proves guilt or innocence is too threatening to a system that likes to furiously game itself on a regular basis, with selective "findings" to suit the powerful. Hence they continue with the farce of using a lie detector test that nobody trusts, rather than the one that actually works.

Covid was never about your health; lie detectors were never about justice.

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There simply is no empirical standard to calibrate the device against. It should never have been given the opportunity to be used as evidence. It is no different to a PCR test.

Many human decision makers disregard, ignore or do not search for contradictory information in light of a belief system that makes a computer-generated solution in which it is accepted as correct. People don't like contradictory evidence simply put

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I personally know one person who failed a police administered polygraph test when he denied setting a fire at a warehouse. It was a false question. There was no fire at that location. In fact the warehouse didn't exist.

I know another who passed a polygraph denying she smoked, took drugs or stole from an employer. In fact she had done all three and had cigarettes in her purse at the time of the examination. No special training but she was a habitual and amusing fabulist in everyday life.

This test should be used with caution.

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It is mostly "pre-determined." The questions, the answers, your response.

If you are really good at this "test" you are selected for special indoctrination and if successful there, generally promoted, or shot in the back of the head and ditched. With proper "pre-medication" anyone, even the village idiot can pass, but that is a different story altogether.

I used to advise people how to beat simple drug test screenings. All you have to do is dilute your urine sample via intake, and doctor it up with various vitamins and other substances. It works about 98% of the time if you follow directions carefully. You'll still fail the specific gravity tolerance, if they even take one, but that is not indicative of a "positive" result. If they are "pooling" samples, your odds are even better! And you make everyone else's better too!

This presumes you have laid off the "hard stuff" (cocaine, morphine, methadone) for at least since Friday night, assuming a Monday/Tuesday test, but generally worked even if you smoked a joint on your way to the LabCor or whatever testing site you use.

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Lie detectors will soon be replaced by implants. They will make us safe and happy.

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More information.

Gives them a whole lot of information when used correctly. They have you lie multiple times and get metabolic readings and quantify them. If for instance you don't give the normal biomedical indicators when you are lying , you can quailify as a pathological liar. Then you are immediately recruited to the CIA ! You remember that kid in 4 th grade that could tell a lie like no other.

You need a PhD in abnormal Psychology before you can tackle this one. Or live around Ft Meade, Md. Lots of stories.

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There is one obvious use for a psychopath but no doubt there are many others.

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I wonder how many sociopaths and psychopaths can pass a lie detector test simply because they feel no remorse at lying, or doing crime.

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I think that's the idea. Or that they lie and commit crime *because* they don't feel the full array of emotions about it. So, they never worked out their youthful selfishness.

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I will read this instantly, but can you please see this 3 hour old article here below, and find out what this implies, maybe together with JJ Couey as you had such a great talk together lately...


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