Mugafuli was a more than a thorn in the Globalist's side-- he was the largest STOP in all their plans to rape Africa of her resources. He had tossed them, (mining consortiums in particular,) out of Tanzania earlier, and moved his nation forward much, much faster than the "Officials" at the WHO, the UN, IMF, and WEF said was possible! (Of course, considering that they were the parasites and once removed the health of the nation improved tremendously!)

When Covid came he saw the scam instantly, and told them to stay the heck out of his Nation.

He had to go into hiding, developed heart trouble, (from the whispers I've heard,) and then was labeled a "Covid Death."

If the CIA had undetectable "heart attack" guns in the 1970s, what do you think they have today?

Think Remote Viewing. Think Radionics. Think Frequency Medicine and "Spooky Action at Distance." And think about the fact we are, "The Body Electric!"

Now think about gene specific bio-weapons, 5G, (a weapon if there ever was one,) and all the complexities of our neurology, electromagnetic fields, and our immune systems.

I think these "guys" can give anyone they want any disease at all, via FREQUENCY. At least this is my best guess.

Covid-19 was obviously a Coup. Well planned. And a Eugenics operation.

The Lipid Nano Particles bio-accumulate in the OVARIES. Where all the eggs a woman ever has in her life are present BEFORE BIRTH. And this wicked little gene therapy re-writes into DNA.

Of course those running the Operation are killing off African Leaders. They want Africa, and her People. They are Slavers of the very, very worst kind. If Humanity doesn't awaken en masse, NOW, there will be no real humans left, IMHO.

"I want to live in a human world," as Catherine Austin Fitts said. Those of us who do must get this information distributed as rapidly as is feasible, and STAND TOGETHER NOW.

Get involved at any level possible. Join CHD, ICAN, a Freedom Group, and get involved in local politics, natural medicine and local, small scale organic food.

Homestead, if that's your thing.

Be a "techie" and help set up secure communications and informational resources. Write letters, if that works for you.

Get involved one way or another. Everyone has something they can do and that will help us at this time. And Educate, educate, educate!!!

Blessings to the Free Fighters and May Humanity awaken FAST!

"Infertility, A Diabolical Agenda" is good place to start, for women and men of reproductive age. (Or their parents, if still living.)

Plandemic 1, 2, & 3.

James Roguski on the WHO power grab.

Keep pushing the Republicans in office to STAND UP and stop being either complicit or cowardly.

And educate any Democrat you can on the real goals behind the agenda. Send them RFKjr's recent Town Hall, if they are open enough to listen. That is entry level information.

; ))

It's an amazing time to be on our planet. Make the most of it!

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"And a Eugenics operation" - 100%. I agree - it is an amazing time to be on our planet; it's prime time for major changes via the truth. Peace.

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I keep wondering what they used on Dr. Rashid Buttar recently?

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The CIA have smoke and mirrors. They can't do any of those things. They just want you to think they can.

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Sorry, I've seen too much. But there are always ways to counter their plans, I hope.

Dr. Rashid Buttar said he was poisoned. I believe him. And I watched one Natural Medicine Doctor after another taken out in 2015.

Most shot. "Suicided." Others just wind up dead, like Brandy Vaughn, after she made statements that she would never kill herself. The official story was gallbladder disease, in her case. I personally find it unlikely.

So while I don't know what are the latest developments in the "murder for hire" world, I am sure they have been very busy.

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Oh I agree they murder people left, right and center. Shootings, ritual hangings, "suicides", car crashes, plane crashes, plain old-fashioned poison etc.

I just disagree that they have secret superpowers and can strike us down from the other side of the planet with weapons beyond our comprehension which they have developed in their super-secret labs.

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Lol! Let's hope you're right!

Sadly I've watched Radionics work for healing, so I imagine it must work the other direction also.

As to frequency, well, with DNA all things may be possible. Of course mental & spiritual protection are real as well. "All things work to the good of those who love the Lord."

So we can surmise some of the capabilities. But you are right that if the more subtle methods were uniformly effective, there would not be so much need for shootings, plane crashes, poisoning, etc.!

; ))

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FWIW I'm not 100% convinced DNA is a real thing. The turtles go a long, long way down.

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I think they have lots of ways. Just pay off people to poison them in one way or another.

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There are over 100 suspicious deaths among holistic doctors in last three decades!!

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I had a look at Africa too - I'm sure it was just a coincidence - nothing to see here.


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I will link to your article and update my list when I get the chance.

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I knew I had seen this before and would have looked hard to recall it was Naked Emperor. Thank you Mathew and Ivor.

Africa has been a testing playground for pharma for decades. All who haven’t should watch The Constant Gardener and know that Jean Le Carre said reality was far worse than his novel and the movie.

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awesome, thanks!

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Car crash. Plane crash.

Was Hillary in the neighborhood?

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A global pandemic is a marvelous environment for coincidence.

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"Risk factors include obesity, hypertension, diabetes, old age, and a position of high authority in a poor African nation. Ask your doctor if Comirnaty is right for you!"

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Sorry "Poor African, resource rich nation" ,I think, you meant to say.

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The trick with marketing pharma is to avoid so much candor that you discourage sales.

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That means, C19 vaccines are especially helpful to people in political positions. Fascinating.

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Wow. I've had a draft post called WHO killed Magufuli (this is not a question.) You've exceeded any ambition I had for it, so I can merely link. Amazingly thorough research, Team Mathew.

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They died of CIA poisoning.

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Very possibly. Or more broadly, a military-intelligence operation.

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Is it certain that Magafuli died of covid? The article at the time, together with another, not sure which one, stated they had been transported out of country and treated for heart problems. Plus the president of Haiti who got shot. At the time, 3 in a few weeks, made me think they had been murdered. Now you got a list with so many, that one wonders if some poison had been put in the food of all the opponents of the jabs. I seriously doubt that any had been jabbed that were so opposed to it. But mocking theWHO could have hastened their deaths.

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That was the official story. Obviously you should take that with a grain of salt.

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how could he have?

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Yes, I agree about the President of Haiti.

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Terrific collection of facts. I'll just say in comments what's long been obvious from the evidence:

* Someone (!!!?) assassinated numerous African leaders in Spring of 2020. Whenever possible these murders were made to look like covid deaths.

* Specifically, every African leader who opposed plandemic covid policy, particularly those who opposed global mRNA jab rollout, were killed.

* While the assassins didn't leave calling cards it's easy enough to ask "who benefits from these political murders". The prime beneficiaries were the WEF and the pharma industry.

* While we'll never know who was hired to perform the murders, we can guess. A basic evaluation of Means, Motive, and Opportunity is telling. Five eyes agencies now takes orders from WEF. The Five Eyes intelligence agencies have access to the appropriate teams of skilled assassins and thus provide the means. WEF had the Motive, Opportunity, and, through control of Five Eyes agencies, the Means.

*My money is on agents of the WEF murdering these many African leaders.

* Haiti is not African. That said, Haiti's President Jovenal Moise flatly refused the WEF covid policy and the mRNA jabs. Then someone hired a team of assassins to murder him. It was quite public. His successor went along with WEF policy.

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I bet quiet mention was made to other 'leaders' around the world that opposing the roll-out was not good for your health

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"Five eyes agencies now take orders from the WEF"

Five eyes agencies were set up by the same people who set up the WEF. They have *always* taken orders from them.

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Five Eyes consists of the (1) US and (2) the British Commonwealth (Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Great Britain.) Isn't that interesting? CIA and MI-6.

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Thank you for that, Jennifer! The Five Eyes agencies have played a large role in executing Psyop19. They act as the secret police forces for the totalitarian globalists.

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That has not always been the case. Previously there was more pretense of taking orders from national governments. Now the national governments are just intermediaries.

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Despite the pretense, I believe it has always been the case.

All secret societies (of which our intelligence agencies are merely a subset) hide their true goals behind one or more overt agendas. Outsiders and many insiders see only the overt agenda, whereas the select few see the real agenda. In complex scenarios (which we are certainly dealing with here) there are many layers of agendas, both overt and hidden, all of which serve to motivate the agents and hide the true goal.

It is easy enough to trace the occult roots of the men who founded and served as the initial leaders of our intelligence agencies - and I am very confident that these agencies were designed from inception to operate on behalf of a hidden hand, and never the national government although that was the overt (deceptive) agenda.

It is becoming more obvious now that the agencies are serving some other purpose because the final goal is within sight (at least that's what these madmen believe) and therefore the design must of necessity be revealed so the veil is torn away. But this is why they were created in the first place.

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Very well said, Horace! I can't disagree with anything you said. Especially insightful for you to point out that that now that the 'goal' is in sight the veil is torn away.

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Haiti has very poor people with dark skin, like India. With one or two other exceptions, I think all the other countries acquiesced early.

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There is no verifiable scientific evidence that anyone died from covid. I wonder how many of these deaths were murders? That question will never be answered.

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Wow. Thank you Mathew. Thanks for always reporting the truth. Peace.

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Who needs undies if the collabs are virtual? ;)

Although Haiti isn’t in African that leader met an untimely death as well...

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I will hit Haiti in another article.

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The countries are poor and, like India, have dark skin.

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I was quite suspicious of Boris Johnson's brush with Covid being admitted to ICU and all. Especially with partygate and pregnant partner. Was it all about showing Brits, everyone, how extremely dangerous this can be?

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this comprehensive information. I was aware of the basics, but was unable to locate specifics. Dr. McCullough stated in one of his early interviews that hydroxycloraquine was being robbed from African pharmacies at night.

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A lot of hydroxycloroquine factories somehow just exploded. Strange how that happened. All I know is I had a dramatically increase risk of death happening if I toured or worked in a hydroxycloroquine factory during covid.

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Fascinating compendium.

Have paid it forward.

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Africa has been the thorn that blocked the previous WEF/Davos vote due to their many countries each getting a vote. They need to attack LumiraDX (CIA/GATE$) conflict of interest with stake in that company testing C¤vid coupled with their patents/inventions.


Pirbright (foundation) World patent Wo2016012793A1 is incriminating.


Gates other World patent is Microsoft Wo20200𝟔𝟎𝟔𝟎𝟔A1, crypto mining humans. Global patents start with a Wo for World and the next 4 digits are the issue year:


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