Am I the only one who has watched two or three versions of that video a dozen times in total?

If that isn't a large part of your impression of American culture (which has flaws that we need to work on, to be sure), you're missing an important piece.

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It's a good video to remind us how automatically we humans will work together to save another life.

Think we watch it to be part of the that specific collective of humans, if just vicariously.

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It's a wonderful video. I hadn't seen it before! Thank you for sharing it.

Wonder what Klauss Schwab or Peter Daszak or Anthony Fauci would have done in that situation...

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and the actions stand as a


I ran across a video on Twitter by a "Songpinganq"

claiming to show some local village Chinese official leading away a dog

thought to have SCoV2

as the official walks by

another man begins to chop swing his shovel

onto the head and neck of a nearby dog

lying in a furrow beside the road

hearing the dogs yelps

I stopped watching

maybe I'm missing context

but the savagery and cruelty inflicted mercilessly

was revolting


most of us

let's hold on to that


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It's easy to get sucked into the darkness (that's part of what it tries to do to further propagate itself), but I see more people critically thinking and rejecting the barely even surface-level narratives than at any point in my life. The "world" is ending, but it never belonged to most of us anyway. Build back better, indeed. Rant on, Mathew.

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Nothing fills my heart with hope more than the comments I read these days under yet another "everything is sexist / racist / unequal" post on FB - person after person calling the bs for what it is.

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Thanks for your post Mathew. I read it with interest. I was especially encouraged to see Dr Simone Gold's tweet/idea. I have often dreamed of the possibility that, out of this morass of health case designed to mainly fund Big Pharma and neglect health fundamentals, whether a new discipline of medicine may just arise as a form of protest.

This would be created and inspired by the handful of brave Doctors who spoke out and at least tried to be real doctors instead of Big Pharma and vaccine evangelists. Maybe a new medical horizon will appear. Who knows. At this stage, I guess all we can do is, as the Kamikaze pilot wrote: "we keep flying in tight formation". Thanks again for your post.

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Thank you for your subscription. I will try to build something cool with the proceeds.

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Thanks for being upbeat too, even if you are whacko - NOT! I just wrote a piece on a pile of reasons why the vx will not bring the peace and well being that people so direly yearn for. Still trying to drum up the courage to post it for the wolves to see. This whole pandemic has turned everyone whacko and consumes way too much of our time. Lord have mercy!

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Do it

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It feels very personal, written from the heart, no question. You

a) open with scripture analogous to the current situation,

b) express your own feelings on things, and then

c) summarise some of the most nonsensical elements of what is clearly a most egregious set of lies, propaganda and misdirection. It's all there.

The main problem with me reading it, is that I am already in the choir from which you are singing.

To critique it from an outsider's POV, section by section:

a) religious people may find the opening helpful in understanding your position, but IMO non-religious people will be stymied and quite possibly stop there.

b) people who already think you are a bad person for not being vaccinated are unlikely to care a whit about how you feel about things

c) "That's like, your opinion man" - and you are competing with a multi-billion dollar, multitudinal advertising / marketing / propaganda campaign that has clearly already captured the hearts, minds and fears of the general population.

I think there is significant value in writing something, and I intend to start soon, myself. I think any writing has the potential to help. If we reach and convince a single person, that is incredibly effective & powerful. Your piece could very well do that as it stands.

That is what I think.

When I finished reading, I had one idea. I do not know if you have the energy, time or motivation, but I did wonder, given that there is "nothing new under the sun" if you could make the entire thing scriptural. This would narrow the focus / "market" significantly. I wonder if you could find examples through scripture of the summary bullet points you list. And in a way show that this has happened before. The lies, the deceit.

eg: people are under the grossly wrong impression that their governments care about them. A potential analogy here is Judas, kissing Jesus - an outward sign of affection and caring, that in reality was a signal for the powers that be to capture him and hold him hostage.

Maybe this would be over egging the pudding, torturing the message entirely, maybe not. It's an idea. Something to ponder, perhaps?

I appreciate you sharing what you wrote with me, and if you do publish it let me know and I will happily link to it once I start writing myself.

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Yeah, I've noticed that the people who insisted I was wrong a year and a half ago are suddenly not talking about those same things anymore. Usually because I ended up being right in the end. The most obvious one was people telling me, "It's just going to be two weeks, shut up and enjoy it." when I suggested it wouldn't be.

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We call it good bad luck; if not for the terrible initial event there would be no way to experience the magic of so many who find their better selves and work in unspoken, heartfelt unity to achieve a goal.

One of my favorite examples of that manifesting collectively is the little known 9-11 Boatlift. A volunteer brigade replying to one radio call rescued more people from Lower Manhattan in 9 hours than WWII evacuation of Dunkirk that took 9 days. The bigger lesson we can and must save ourselves!! :~)


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On the sick care front (worked too many years in the industry to call it healthcare) there are a growing number of engineers who are reviewing the research, which includes reviewing the actually research data, that are slowly chipping away at the rampant misinformation that governs many "best case" practices.

Covid isn't a one-off, unfortunately in terms of poor medical care outcomes, if your goal was improved health, not improved bottom lines. Considering that some of the worse examples of health can be seen in any large medical setting, many of which eat the food prepared in the cafeteria according to Federal Dietary Guidelines. And they never ask themselves "Who is giving me wrong information?" but just resign themselves to taking a grocery bag of bottles to each doctors visit, (so everyone can keep their meds straight because EMR's do a mediocre job at that task).

When I was a kid in the 60's knew many adults who lived into their 80's, who had never seen a doctor once. It was common and a sign of strength and vitality (at least in the rural parts). We've been manipulated to think that humans nowadays can not live without constant medical attention. Which of course, allows the food manufacturers to sell profitable products at the expense of human (and our pets) well being.

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in mid-60s myself

saw an ENT a couple decades+ back

for a stubborn sinus infection

no doctor visits since

no pains or discomforts

full range-of-motion full mobility

and NO pharmaceuticals

I plan to expire someday far from today

when my canopy fails to fully inflate


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Some people might treat you like a whacko quack, but your posts have helped to keep a lot of sane. Thank you for standing up despite it all. (I got my first Facebook ban recently. I took it as a sign that I did something right.)

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Part of the reason I started speaking and kept speaking was knowing that the more people talk about reality, the easier it is for people to understand when they're being gaslit. Being among a crowd that we can judge as honest provides herd immunity. That's much of the reason I work hard to cite everything, and make all calculus clear. I've hardly had a serious refutation of over 100 articles.

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Think it's projection on THEIR part, you are asking them to follow a train of logic that is very uncomfortable. So instead of admitting a mistake, they attack you because you are making them think.

This is where the ole' negative reinforcement concept comes into play. Instead of responding to the criticisms, you just ignore them completely. Humans do not like to be ignored. Especially when they think they have THE message and want everyone to acknowledge their brilliance.

So then they have to deal with arguing with silence. It's like multiplying something with Zero, you end up empty handed.

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Good example of this technique. Experimental Psychology course circa '78, I was in one of two classes taught by the same professor. Calls assignment, design and conduct an behavior modification project.

Our class, everyone did a project on our own.

The other class did a group project of modifying our professors behavior. By the end of the term, they had him standing in the corner on the left side of the room simply by only looking at him when he was in the corner! He figured it out before they presented their findings but he, along with the rest of us, were greatly amused by their ingenuity.

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Class not Calls assignment.

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Thanks, Mathew. I'm not creative enough to dream past the ugly facts and find solutions, and your writing has been a big factor in helping me do that. There are options and opportunities and a more free and decentralized world awaits us at the end of this thing. That's so hopeful.

You have inspired my wife and me to act now to help those whose lives are impacted by the authoritarianism, who simply want their freedoms. As a career Army vet, we know that freedom is not free, but that is really just a trite saying that we soldiers used to make ourselves feel like we were doing something noble. Now, it has larger meaning, and every American is going to be challenged to pay the uncomfortable price of real freedom. If they want it. So many fear the cost.

Please keep posting about the facts and your ideas. It has more impact than you can imagine.

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My heart...the cat. The flag. And I am Canadian!

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Has any human being at Facebook ever explained how your posts violate "community standards"? I know that they look for "fake news" posts (aka truth), and they shadow-ban such posts and plaster them with "fact check" warnings. But I've seen many users posting covid-19 skepticism on a regular basis without getting put in jail. Could it be a function of how many followers you have?

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No, nothing is ever explained. When I pushed the button they have for protesting the decision, I was immediately fed a message that their staff is at high capacity, so I cannot protest the decision.

I think it's clear that "Community Standards" is the Orwellian way of saying, "We get lots of money or power out of all this".

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I am one of those that have never been FB jailed. I theorized that it may have to do with you posting original content, and that your ideas get passed on to others, rather than just posting links from somewhere else. I really think that they have you on a black list now.

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If you start hiring for any of your initiatives let us know. Many of us need avenues of employment that allow us to be authentic and immune to cancelation.

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There is a long line of people looking for jobs outside of "the machine" at this point. I basically have my early staff lined up already.

What I would encourage everyone to think about is starting their own companies. It's a pain to get into the process and habit, but that's like learning anything else new. We need antifragile feedback loops that don't depend on a dying system.

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You really are onto something with all these "fired" people getting "fired-up" about starting new things. E.g. besides building "new" businesses; how about also building alternative governance structures (WHO, IMF; WB; etc) that are built solidly, profoundly, impossibly-to-capture on the ethos we believe in?

E.g. I'm wondering whether organisations bigger than a local business should automatically become "stewardship" enterprises; etc etc etc

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