As a recovering Democrat who also used to suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome, I fell for AOC’s campaign. When it was just snippets and sound-bites it was effective, but when you put it all together it looks absurd.

The last 3 years have been about breaking the spell that I have been under. I still don’t know who the Wizards are (Zionists/Freemasons/Illuminati ???)

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My Trump take: he is extremely dangerous. More dangerous than the MSM Democratic story. But it's the wrong story. And that's the psyop.

In fact, that's the mold of many of the psyops. Do really awful shit, then put people in place, amplified by mass media, making the wrong criticisms that turn the populace into frenzied, angry fools.

Kudos for waking up.

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I’d love to hear more about your Trump take as well. I voted for him twice, won’t vote for him again if he’s the nominee. Definitely not voting for Biden either.

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Look forward to you sharing more on that.

What’s your take on the current democrat leader who doesn’t seem to have the brain capacity to lead anyone anywhere?

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Like Obiden has not been dangerous? “He” has just about finished US.

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This is an unnecessary reactionary response. I personally think that every president since the founding of the Trilateral Commission, from both parties, was controlled by the same faction. All of them. I refuse to let myself get drawn into artificial Hegelian nonsense.

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Says the man who says djt is dangerous. I will agree that both parties have been horrid for years. And the controllers behind are anything but “for the people” ... but to say one man is dangerous and that the same thing said about another man is “an unnecessary reactionary response” is quite amusing.

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What I said about one has nothing to do with the other. When I say that one murder is bad that is not an endorsement of the others. It should embarrass you to twist logic to emotionalise topics this way, but I now assume you are an anon troll who has no reputation risk

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The US has been on a steady track to ruin for a long time now.

Obiden has done no worse than any president since JFK. It's just that the time for it all to unravel is upon us - and he's the guy in the hotseat.

PS Please don't interpet this as in any way an endorsement of Biden - he's a fool, and a disgrace in every possible way. But he's done no more damage than Reagan did, or Bushes, or Clinton, or Obama, or Trump. They each spent us into ever-increasing debt, expanded the tyranny, and spawned corruption like Midas spawned gold.

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The Afghanistan withdrawal, Ukraine and Palestine destruction, untamped migration and forced genetic poisoning while also forcing masks and economic destruction are the worst. The economic situation is crapcake on top of moral decay.

Winner: Obiden 🏆

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I too was taken in by AOC. And Obama. Weird cuz I was a third party voter for a while prior. I now think the non voters (who I once ridiculously lectured) have the smartest take. It's an illegitimate system, stop legitimizing it. I've been keeping a running list in my head of all the stupid shit I've fallen for.

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It can be legitimized free of mind control. But we have to solve that problem first. Education is the best sunlight is the best...


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A lot of people were taken in by her rhetoric. Her attendance at the Met Gala showed her lack of conviction in that rhetoric. And now, she just seems like a weird tv personality playing a politician, much like Zelensky?

What we need to do is get rid of politicians, as a profession. Representatives should not be paid. That way it’s truly a public service. Since that is unlikely to happen any time soon, they should at least be limited to one term. That way they can’t be more concerned about being reelected than representing?

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Be careful, that kind of list keeps me up at night

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I don’t mind it in large part to having looked into what MC has mentioned in his comment. We’ve been under mind control for our entire lives. I genuinely have found it liberating. Being deep into middle age and having gotten over myself in various ways has helped too. I truly view humanity as coming out of a cocoon. I love us. But we’ve got some ugly shit to grow past.

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Ah yes. Who is behind the curtain? Why? It's Oz of course :-)

This reminds me of EE Doc Smith's classic "Lensman" series, which I read as a child without ever understanding that it might be an analogy. The lensmen, who are a sort of telepathic, intergalactic police force are the good guys. And they are constantly trying to hunt down the mysterious "hidden power" bad guys - and every time they think they've got them they discover that the guys they just blasted into smithereens were a front for an even more hidden group of dark overlords.

More seriously there appear to be three main theories. One is a group of Sabbataean Frankist "Jewish" bankers led by the Rothshilds. The second is a "black nobility", descendants of ancient ruling families - the exact families involved seems to vary somewhat. The third is "the British" who, in some versions, are in fact the Venetian black nobility who relocated to London a few hundred years ago. According to the prevalent theories, both of the second two groups are said to employ the first group and make scapegoats out of them as necessary.

There is a great deal of documentary evidence for the first theory. This group can be directly connected back to the occult origins of Sabbataean Frankism, subsequently to enlightenment philosophy, the Illuminati, Theosophy, Freemasonry, Crowley, Golden Dawn OTO etc., and also to most of the major events in world history over the last 300+ years including every European revolution back to the English civil war., the war of Independence, both world wars, the creation of Israel, the invention of socialism, communism, national socialism etc.

There is very little evidence (at least as far as I have been able to discover) for either of the other theories. Propagators of these theories seem to rely heavily on simple assertions without supporting evidence.

I'm also skeptical that any group who wields real power can remain entirely hidden, because nothing would stop the front men from killing them and taking over.

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The Wizard of Ounce?

On the Golden Brick Road?

Which ounce? Gold, silver, oil, coal, uranium, weed or something else?

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All of this is caused by corruption in our systems.

Help us build a LEADERLESS society. We don't need leaders anymore. They are the source point of most of our corruption.

Like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/help-lets-build-a-new-system-that

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Leaderless as in tall, artificial hierarchies is good. Many many local leaders is also good.

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Jan 19, 2024
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Thanks for that link! Great info

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AOC came in hot with the Green New Deal. She looked like a moron suggesting that plan. Looks like they were looking for & got the useful idiot to get the ball going on the absurd climate policies that the other useful idiot (Biden) is enacting.

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I think that the Green New Deal was an anchor. If you want $15T, start at $90T.

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But she was definitely a plant to have a young ideological climate savior that could manipulate the youth. She had no environmental concerns before - who gave her that plan?

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I suspect that, ultimately, this is part of the overall plandemonium set of psyops. Total scripting of reality in order to steer America through their chosen portal of change.

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Check out Michael Knowles show #316 re AOC actress. He grew up in Westchester with her but she went by Sandy back then. Definitely upper middle class background, attended expensive college but could only land a job bartending.

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Diabolical...can’t these people just live life?

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No. You answer your own question: the devil can only ape and destroy, never create life. Demons hate life.

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I've worked in advertising business on the creative side (think Mad Men) for almost 20 years. I know good work when I see it. Her spot was incredibly well produced and written. She hits the target - "he doesn't live here and drink our water". She nails it with that. She ends the game with that statement. I'm hard pressed to believe she came up with this positioning strategy. The second I saw it, I thought, that's it for the incumbent.

Bottom line, you don't see ads nearly that good from candidates with way more money. She had a concept, "actors", basically everything that indicates high level thinking, writing and production. In my opinion, with your article's insights and the caliber of her "branding", I think you're heading in the right direction. This was clearly a highly orchestrated "production" from all levels.

Side note, for those of you who don't know. The advertising business is a cesspool for crazy leftist, so I'm not surprised.

Thank you Mathew for all your hard work. I read your Substack diligently.

Here's the link to her commercial for review just in case your interested.



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Thanks for sharing that commercial. Definitely well scripted by somebody who understands propaganda. Not an amateur production.

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100. It's all theater and narrative ... and fake. I think democracy is / has become a myth for the serfs. A myth we refuse to let go of because our identity is wrapped in it. The globalists running the game need us to keep hold of this myth otherwise the puppeteers' house of cards implodes. AOC was perfectly cast. As was Zelinskyy in Ukraine -- literally another actor playing his second role as president of Ukraine with the same exec producer. Crowley paid off to redirect into another front org. Once you see it, you can never unsee it.

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When “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players,” explains it all.

Good times.

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AOC is most certainly a paid actor, is is Taylor Swift. The globalists are really heavily targeting the youth. Shades of Mao.

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Saw someone on 4chan (I think - one of those unauthorized sites) assert that AOC was groomed and placed by the CIA ... who knows if it’s true but it certainly is plausible. Certainly can believe highly placed players look for talent to front their projects. She’s very photogenic. Her wardrobe is quite elegant. She’s definitely party material! I’d like to know if the assertions that she’s now a multi millionaire are true. It’s amazing that we’re supposed to believe that people give money to politicians with no expectation of a return on investment.

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From the link about Gandhi:

"Nelson Mandela credited Gandhi with inspiring his own nonviolent crusade for freedom"

Blowing up 19 high voltage transmission towers is non-violent? Nelson Mandela knew of, was using and praised Irishman Michael Collins' tactics of attacking infrastructure and going after the locals going along with it not the higher ups.

I am unaware of any ANC/Mandela tactics that were Gandhi non-violent tactics but both of Mr Collins' pillars of resistance make repeated appearances.

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Jan 19, 2024
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LOL. Love MM. I swear that Miles Mathis IS 4CHAN. The stuff he posts is so well written that it makes me laugh and think at the same time. Something I love. I have no idea what percent, if anything, he says is correct and I doubt he does either but damn it's great reading. He does state stuff that can be verified but a lot of speculation that is so well thought out it really makes one pause and go "hmmm".

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My Chinese wife is still dumbfounded by how evil the US and 中国 truly are... Sometimes it gets hard to keep her spirits up. If humanity can lift itself out of the Dark Ages, and other myriad shitty times, then we can do it again.

I still remember how personally she'd react to criticisms of China. She took it personally. I'd then rattle off a dozen things more horrible about the USA's history. Then I'd remind her China's Great Leap Forward was possibly worse. Eventually she finally understood that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Unfortunately, the first few years of Red Pill life are hard until one can find White Pills. Any advice on White Pill hunting would be appreciated. Need to keep both of us sane and fighting.

Do not comply with tyranny.

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Dark Ages were bright in many ways:

People knew their place, had a sense of belonging. They had MANY holidays and feast days of no work, singing, praise and worship on Sundays.

They also gave rise to Marco Polo and the Age of Exploration, St. Francis of Assisi, Dante, Giotto, Cimabue and the Renaissance. Not too shabby!

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Here's a rule of thumb you can repeat to yourself any time you are tempted to latch on to the latest thing:

Everything and everyone promoted by the mainstream is fake and gay.


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Going down the rabbit hole of Lt. Michael Aquino,his death was very strange and odd indeed, as there was no announcement of his passing for almost a year. He supposedly committed suicide but that goes against all the tenants and principles of the Temple of Set he founded. There were some other very strange deaths and happenings in those circles at the time but that's a dangerous rabbit hole to dive into. Aquino would have been one to see his Mindwar framework come to full fruition and be utilized in the opposite way he intended.


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It’s all the Truman Show. All of it. Fake numbers. Fake people. Fake. Fake. Fake.

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“Growing acute” ..????

I am amazed that an invasion by 10 MILLION foreign nationals in the last 3 years is NOT a major problem.

Mostly uneducated, non skilled Criminal Foreign nationals (CFNs) in this country receiving $100’s of BILLIONS of dollars is not a problem????

Huge Spike in Tuberculosis, measles, and Polio to mention a few of the diseases brought here by the CFNs. !!!!!

It’s already too late !!!

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Old salt: And each one is getting a monthly paycheck ($2,200) roughly equal to the pension I worked 38 years to earn.

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Shush re: measles and especially polio, solved by properly treated water.

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Last night on late night radio I heard 13 million illegals have come in since Biden but that in addition, 1.9 million more evaded the border and are counted as got aways. Scary stuff.

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Gosh, this was alarming (and I'm in the UK) and fascinating. Incredible work Mathew. Thanks for freely sharing.

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Total clown show reality TV. Did you know TYT’s Cenk Uyghur is running for president?

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Oh, sheesh.

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Last I heard he was pushing bestiality, super creep.

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How fake is everything? I am still trying to grasp how the bigs got away with 9/11. THAT was when a substitute reality was inserted and the republic fell.

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Once you recognize that 9/11 was fake, you can work backward and see so much more.

Gulf of Tonkin?

Pearl Harbor?

We have been living in the Matrix.

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Oh definitely. We can trace the fakery back to 1492 or the invention of religion even. I am just pondering the wholesale substitution of unreality, which eliminated resistance entirely by eliminating the capacity to think. 9/11 and then Covid took the deception to new levels of conspiracy involving vast networks of individuals willing to sell their very souls. At the cost of millions of lives and trillions of dollars, while ecosystems collapse. A few bloggers like yourself are what is left of human integrity. I wish this were hyperbole. Maybe Gaza has awakened people to the dangers of accepting LIHOP stand downs. I couldn't be sicker of the utter moral idiocy running the show.

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Sorry, LIHOP? Not familiar. Agree with you on the other stuff!

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Thanks for the heads up on that. Back in the 9/11 Truth days, there was an ongoing debate as to whether insiders Made It Happen On Purpose (MIHOP) or Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP), so that is where those acronyms came from. Really, with so much skullduggery, spying, corruption and infiltration everywhere, it was probably a moot point to argue, since one aspect implies the other anyway.

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Thank you for clarifying... LIHOP is useful (like 10/7 in Israel)

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But the moon landing was REAL!

It was broadcast in real time with Tricky Dick on the phone.

It had to be real….if we could just find the tapes and the blueprints we could prove it.

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You bet the Republican establishment is in on it. With a few exceptions (like Thomas Massie), they're all grifters. But I'm looking forward to the general election, if they allow it. If the Dems nominate Big Mike, Trump will clean her clock in the debates (not that Trump is any kind of savior, but he is more fun than any of the rest).

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"clean her clock" - Did you mean "clean HIS clock"? Did you notice the preemptive strikes being launched at Big Mike? Does Trump have the proof and is threatening to expose it if she/he runs?

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