Thank You - I've been hoping for a summary / overview such as this

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I've already identified a dozen good examples I left out, but I'll update later. On to new projects. Have serious data to explain...

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This is another excellent summery of this fraud. https://joomi.substack.com/p/i-was-deceived-about-covid-vaccine?s=r

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New to you, but cheered up already. Happy to read your work and happy to see we are not alone. But how do we not get anxious about what we know for over a year? Surely most of us thought "hey this madness will soon be exposed and end"...crickets.

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It is hard to know. Most of the nation believes that we are headed toward civil war. I believe that it's already underway and on a global scale, but is so far asymmetric. What is clear is that "the people" have been decoupled from any serious levers of power, democratically speaking. It is hard to know how that will play out, but I am watching people I know sell out their fellow humans with almost bloodthirsty zeal. It may be best to have a quiet moment of acceptance, cry, and then stand up strong to do the next day's tasks, whatever those might be.

I don't know if this ends in governmental collapse, serious war, or an "under governance" rising from beneath to restore sanity. The hardest currency and the best technology usually win, and it's best to study the definitions of these things.

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I think the way out is self-government. Start with Http://annavonreitz.com and then Http://TheAmericanStatesAssembly.net Spread the word!!

Also, excellent research by Jeff Green here:


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Thank you. I do just that. But the heaviness is terrible. I have young children and I dread every day what "law" will apply next. I understand what you mean with traitors, I know of this in the university and hospitals. But I don't know how to awaken those that are hypnotised; intelligent people I can hardly believe what I I see.

I don't know what you mean with hard currency ( not native ENG), but if you refer to just rich, then I am afraid our new masters will win.

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I appreciate your work. There is a mistake regarding the "well-respected German pathologist who has performed a few dozen autopsies". He did not speak to overall covid-deaths but to the his autopsies of deceased vacinees. So regarding his sample of convenience of people who died within 14 days of vaccination he states that 30-40% of those deaths are due to vaccination.

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Pardon and thank you. Will edit when at my desk.

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"English (a Germanic language) may result in greater disease spread because it's more "spitty".

<SNORT> Obviously they've never heard a paysan francais pronounce a sentence with a few "R's" in it. Even I social distance for that!

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"almost no autopsies have been performed... on the millions of bodies"

maybe they were afraid of finding some antibodies

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Actually you should use the Richter Scale for Confirmed Lunacy - more accurate than the Fisher's Exact Absurdity Test

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Thank you spirit animal kindred brilliant man.

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According to Nobel Prize winner of medicine Dr. Lu Montagnier, it isn't the unvaccinated, it is the vaccinated spreading the virus and its variants.

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Please. Please add the recent claim by the ACLU that vaccine mandates don't "compromise" civil liberties, but actually "further" them. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-58438669

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Hey Mathew, I wrote a post here: https://tinyurl.com/y6tp8979, on the percentages of VAERS records which have autopsies for the covid vax vs. all other vaxes and also ended up quoting your article. thx

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