Really good documentary about Qanon, Alex Jones, Flynn, Roger Stone, and 'Infowar' psychological operations. The creator was recently banned from Twitter @21stCMindWars
Adams has always been a conundrum. Used to read/watch him and stopped after some of his random comments sparked questions: He stated that he calls himself a Christian, but hasn't read the Bible, and that he's never been in the military, but has lots of friend who have. And where did he make all his money to set up Brighteon and his health products empire ?
Seems to me that Mike has changed over the years. I initially started linking him primarily for his natural health articles, Since covid it seems like he is trying to cover all aspects of the "Bigger Picture" as I call it. Similar to what Malone is now trying to do. Does make you wonder if perhaps they are controlled opposition now that they have people's attention. Like Mathew says, judge for yourself and look at the facts.
Sorry, Mathew, but you are wrong when you say, " Once I started taking notes, I noticed that Rima Laibow, whom I previously wrote (skeptically) about, worked with Scientology's Citizens Commission on Human Rights."
I learned from a friend that I had been included in the Citizens Commission on Human Rights' Hall of Fame and that some sort of award had been made to me. I was not in contact with them, nor did I ever "work with" that organization.
They interviewed me twice, if memory serves, and used some parts of those interviews in two documentaries they made about the corrupt and dangerous medicalized psychiatric profession.
That would hardly constitute "working with" the origination.
How did you type this up and post it so fast, and so soon after publishing?
What would your response be to the article he wrote and linked to, just there where you quoted him? What else does he get wrong or right or misinterpets?
You do not have the authority, Mathew, to determine whether my responsibility to a patient under HIPPA, NY State Law, Canons of Ethics and other regulations/statutes, etc., has been terminated because you think it should be.
I heard about the "Great Culling" conspiracy when I reported that I heard about it, regardless of who had said it before that or who had not. The patient who told me about it was, indeed, a Head of State. and I have repeated faithfully what she said to me. It is of no moment to me whether you believe what I have said or not.
Dames was not a "star underling" of General Stubblebine's. Ed Dames REPRESENTS himself as a Stargate Remote Viewer. He never was one, however. His job, according to General Stubblebine, was as a security officer who was never even allowed into the facility where the remote viewing was going on. He was very unhappy about that and repeatedly sought permission from General Stubblebine to become a viewer. He was consistently denied that permission.
Following General Stubblebine's retirement, the Remote Viewing Technology which was paid for with taxpayer money was used, at the General's suggestion, as a civilian company since the technology itself was not classified, only the results obtained in the military through its use. Dames was permitted to be involved with that as an administrator. He turned himself into a viewer but without having ever been one in the Stargate program.
You state, "Though I learned most everything above in this article over the past two-ish years, it's what I heard in my childhood that makes me doubt Laibow's story. In the early 1980s, when the cult I grew up in was involved with the Remote Viewing program, I heard Stubblebine talk about "vaccine genocide" in person." as if growing up in a cult leads to accurate information flow. In my experience, that is not the case.
Frankly, if General Stubblebine did know about a "vaccine genocide" program (and he certainly never mentioned that he did to me in all of our discussions about that and related matters), I would assume that he was accessing the same documents that I read when I was following up on the horrifying conversation I had with my patient.
So the fact that General Stubblebine MIGHT have alluded to such a plan in no way invalidates my report of the conversation that I had with a person who was looking forward to the death of huge numbers of people.
The patient to whom I refer said nothing at all about the use of vaccines or any other methodology to accomplish the culling.
Why do you conflate those data bits? They are related by intention, but were not brought together in the initial conversation that I had with her.
By the way, I do not believe that General Stubblebine, who was scrupulous about not violating security with any sort of information that he even vaguely suspected might be classified (never to me, even in the most private and confidential of conversations, not even once) would have been sharing anything like that in a non-cleared audience with a child present, for Heaven's sake - unless you preciously had a high level security clearance as a child.
General Stubblebine retired in 1984. Your childhood cult involvement with Remote Viewing while it was highly classified and kept under the strictest security is not only highly unlikely, it would have been a criminal activity.
When General Stubblebine retired, the program remained just as highly classified under the new Commanding General. Your story is highly improbable on a number of different levels.
For the record, I stand behind everything I have said about the encounter with my patient.
And I did not "work with" the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. I gave them two interviews, as I recall, and they used them in two of their documentaries on the corrupt and dangerous medical psychiatric profession. They installed me in their Hall of Fame and gave me some sort of award. I found out about both from a friend who learned about it when she visited their facility.
Putting my name on a wall and interviewing me hardly qualifies as my working with them.
My husband, General Stubblebine, was murdered for his bravery and leadership in the Health Freedom movement. As the highest-ranking military officer to speak out about the bogus 9/11 narrative, no attempts were made on his life. When he took a position at the forefront of the movement to derail the globalist agenda, he was murdered.
Since his death, there have been multiple attempts on my life as well since killing him was not sufficient to silence both of us.
Clearly, we must be doing something so right that the other side is very eager to not have us do that.
Your foolish suppositions and suspicions are a waste of your time and that of your readers as signaled by the many other absurdities and inaccuracies in your piece.
I suggest you go find something better to do with your time.
General Stubblebine was responsible for Remote Viewing. I am being called a liar for something that has nothing to do with Remote Viewing.
As a matter of fact, though, it most certainly does work. For example, a declassified example of that was in the location and extraction of General Dozier, and American General who was captured and was being held in a location about which the US intel world had absolutely no information. As in none.
The Remote Viewing team was tasked with finding him. They did. Marines were sent in and he was successfully extracted.
The viewers received letters of commendation and medals, if I am not mistaken, for their part in rescuing him.
I brought a Remote Viewing team from the former USSR and General Stubblebine's team together at a public forum at a meeting I was running to talk about non-classified aspects of training, targeting and results. It was fascinating how different their preparation and training was but how similar their results and statistics were.
Better than a B+, in both cases.
And that is rarely true of intel, especially human intel.
So, irrelevant as it is to this conversation, yes, it works.
But Dames, the self-appointed RV guru, never did it in Stargate.
Isn't that, as General Stubblebine would say, a ding ding?
Yes. I discussed things with a surprisingly open minded, rare leftist recently. He hated Corporations and Dynasties, but could NOT accept the obvious information that the Major Corporations and their owners are all lined-up with the left, using the LEFT as a battering ram for World Fascism, destroying what is left of liberty and pluralism. In his mind the LEFT supporting CORPS were just bowing to LEFT pressure against their own interests.
Obviously, I am skeptical. What about the possibility remote viewing was a hoax to deceive other world powers? Would your husband have revealed this to you, if he knew? Some knowledge is too dangerous to disclose.
Well, that might be true if I were not a personal observer of the technique myself. A team of Remote Viewers, including General Bert and myself, by the way, were invited to Spain to find kidnapped children.
Clearly, we were not supposed to find anything at all but when we did, and we found that the kidnapping in one particularly awful case, was orchestrated and carried out by the police, our lives were threatened and we were put on the next flight out of Spain back to the US.
Interestingly, we were not booked on that flight, but other people were apparently denied their seats on it and we were hustled on board without any choice or explanations, other than if we resisted being put on the plane, we would be killed.
Clearly, we found something and clearly we were not supposed to have found it.
This is not hearsay, Lloyd. I was part of that team and the threat on my life and that of the others was clearly articulated to me as well as to the others.
Hard to understand if we were not over the target.
I cannot speak directly about the military Remote Viewing project. But I can share a personal; experience that you might find interesting.
Lynn Buchannan was one of General Bert's Remote Viewers (Ed Dames was not, by the way). In about 1993 or thereabouts, Lynn came to work for us to develop Remote Viewing outside of the military.
While he was working for us, I ran an international conference and offered a workshop on Remote Viewing. My recollection was that it was a 6 hour event and all of the registrants (about 150 people) were divided into pairs so one could act as a monitor and one could act as a viewer, then they would switch.
We had prepared targets for each person in the workshop: a full color photo or print of something (each one different) in an opaque envelope which was sealed.
After being trained in the technique, the teams each performed a viewing task. After both people had been the viewer for the other one acting as the monitor, the targets were opened and compared with the material generated in the viewing process (which is carefully recorded so there can be no mistake about what was perceived).
Every single person in the room who participated in the exercise was successful in describing the target in specific detail which unambiguously matched the target - everyone, that is, except my assistant, a self-declared psychic who proclaimed that he did not need any training since he was already invariably accurate.
But when that many people are able to experience information gathering at such a high level, it is no longer possible to remain skeptical about its reality.
There's quite a bit of open-source material and interviews available on remote viewing. I wish I had some of the urls at immediate hand. I try to maintain very healthy skepticism, but apparently it is a legit intel tool.
As it happens, I actually participated in a Remote Viewing experiment that had nothing at all to do with any military or other intelligence.
I received the necessary training and a group of General Bert's former viewers, General Bert and I went off to Europe supposedly to find missing children (both cold and warm cases).
And we did.
And more.
So, yes, my personal knowledge base includes a spectacularly successful "trial" in which the multiple targets were successfully achieved.
Hard to call it anything but a success since we knew nothing at all about the cases, no one we had access to had knowledge of their whereabouts (or their corpses' whereabouts) and we located them.
I actually had doubts about you Rima but now I think your story adds up. Thank you for taking the time to explain. You didnt have to bother but you did.
Rima, I was surprised to see you respond! In 2021 I recalled your appearance on Ventra's Conspiracy Theory that I had seen years earlier show and thought, "HS, was that lady telling the truth...."
I think there are a number of indicators that there is a depopulation agenda. But another side of me keeps thinking this can't actually be real....
I don’t know if Rima is legit or not but she is an incredible interview. I have heard her a few times. Dick Algire is a remote viewer who is a recurring guest on Jeff Rense. He claims he and other RVers saw something big to happen this month. Or was it supposed to be last month? Seems like bs to me. But as a student I worked for a retired genetics professor who told me he was psychic and led an assassin crew in pacific theater WWII. He once told me something I had said to my roommate inside my home. The roommate had no contact with him. That was pretty creepy.
I will also say, I tested someone's remote viewing skills once. I they identified an object that I had chosen for them as the target....something obscure (a stack of bundled decorative bamboo).
I believe in it. Various PSI abilities have been demonstrated and replicated many times. Including a set of experiments that were conducted under the supervision of world renoun skeptics like Hyman and Randi.
I know this isn't Mathew's wheelhouse, but I wish he would talk to fellow statistician Jessica Utts. "I saw fake therefore it's not real" isn't a conclusive argument by any stretch. The fact is most PSI tests DO fail, but it's the result based on numerous repetition that reveal the effect.
You're playing a role, wittingly or unwittingly, in a game that requires infinite progression of the unraveling of poor statistical testing, often without documentation, of an extraordinary premise.
This is like trying to untangle Steve's incessant bullshit. You can simply tell somebody they haven't completed the job without explaining the many thousands of pages of discussion where nearly every trained statistician on Earth says, "This is meaningless and dumb."
Right. Your presumption of normalcy (things have been like this before so I will assume, and believe, in the lack of evidence, or despite evidence to the contrary, that they will continue to be normal in the future) makes it really easy to deceive you.
You are doing the work of deception for them. All they have to do is rely on your unwillingness to surrender your presumption of normalcy and they can do whatever they like in plain sight because you won't/don't see it.
This has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with belief systems.
Smell the coffee, the roses, the bullshit, whatever it takes to get you to wake up and see what is real, not what is nice.
Well, this is kind of like trying to predict JFK will be assassinated before it happens, rather than analyzing the evidence after the fact. Most of these types of predictions never come to pass.
You say someone told you of a depopulation plan first hand, but I don't have any first hand evidence.
But I will say, if someone told me they were going to blow up a bus full of school children, any kind of professional confidentiality we may have would be damned.
My friend and colleague, James Roguski, sent me an email saying that this guy had written some stuff that I should look at. I looked at the first article and wrote my response. I looked at the second and wrote that.
When I saw your comment, I pasted the comment to the other article that I had just written as a reply to you.
I had no idea when any of this was published.
Both articles are, so far as they pertain to me or General Stubblebine, utter nonsense. I am glad I saw them and responded to them early.
I'm not surprised you are connected to Roguski, he is just another chaos agent. The "stop the amendments" stuff is just to manifest the belief in pandemics. Rediculous diversions.
Not to diminish from my genuine appreciation for your engagement with Mathew's claims about you and others, but I am not sure how you were able to read these posts by Mathew and respond such length and depth and structure after being prompted to do so by a friend's email in such a short time. Probably part of my confusion is the vagueness in the timing, but that is my point why it is there.
Either way, thank you for giving further insight and engaging with what you say is nonsense, as most people with important things to do don't spend it engaging with nonsense, and so early in the morning.
The most outrageous ones never happen (several years ago he claimed to know that China would invade the US during the summer that year, which never happened) but he continues making them and never has to account for how he could be so wrong. What does that suggest?
Renz is just a newbie lawyer who fell into a subspecialty. Flynn wasn't smart enough to parry an FBI setup. So Chaos agents can be midwits? Cause it's not an act.
Choas Agents disrupt the resistance by planting Establishment ideas like QAnon. Alex Jones has flirted with some QAnon ideas, but has also strongly opposed the main message.
Mindwar is a larger fragmented Matrix than a single overall binary, and when you think about the planning, having your primary media suspect play standoffish is the best move. Besides, Alex has a cult. I think the goal of Mindwar is mass formation in the form of cult building.
I suspect that we can have a more productive conversation.
What tyrants want is power, and I have always said that power is the primary motivation behind what is going on. I generally define tyranny as excessive power---people can build power through productive means without harming others. This is much like my technological symmetry conversation:
If your primary beef is whether Alex Jones is genuine or a chaos agent in all of this, maybe the conversation will play out a bit in one of my next articles.
Agree. It’s power they most seek (though $$$ is a means to power). No one can possibly spend the money Bezos, Gates, et al have. It’s their belief that they have been destined to remake society in their own image (and, barring that, to entertain or amuse themselves).
I think to use the label of mass formation is ill-advised, as the Breggins would likely agree. By the way, what is the standing of Desmet in the Chaos Agent hierarchy?
Desmet gets propped up as a supergenius by guys like Tucker Carlson, when his book is really a well-written lunch conversation among smart university students. But I think the primary goals are stoking fear, and herding people into masses to be cultified.
No. There is the main transformative operation underway. Then there is the resistance, mostly confused and ineffective, some promoting ideas planted by the conspiracy and other, true controlled opposition. Some resistance may be close to the mark. That is for us to determine. Herding and cultification IS NOT THE POINT except for the conspiracy's main themes: global warming, limits of growth, regimentation, electronic surveillance and control, etc.
Cultified is a great way of putting it. I’ve maintained the ability to think back about how I, and everyone else, once perceived each other.
In those fun non-politically dominated times there was very little emotional attachment one’s ideological stance.
Most disagreements were simply shrugged off as unworthy of 5 minutes of attention.
But from about the 1980s onward there was a growing slime creeping into social discourse.
Saying Merry Christmas was changing from a salutation of good will to something to think twice about.
Women were starting to become less playful and more apt to be offended with the full force of the legal system at their disposal.
Fetus’s were being tossed into dumpsters then sold for their stem cells at an alarming rate.
Climate went from ice age to hellish heat to simply unfavorable “change.”
Change is a fantastically effective term allowing the listener to insert whatever definition they’re predisposed to believe, right Obama?
Anyway, bit by bit our happiness was chipped away.
Fast forward to the present and most people are pissed off all the time. Everyone believing the other person’s a stupid asshole.
Everyone’s looking for something to complain about. Kindness is rare.
We judge everyone from family, neighbors, colleagues, right down to potential mates not by how nice they are, no. We judge them by their beliefs.
The number one importance is which cult they’re in. Nothing else matters anymore.
This can only lead to one thing. Tribal warfare.
My next door neighbor is politically opposed to everything I stand for. We’ve had heated discussions.
He had back surgery and his wife had hip replacement then her sister died abruptly during a routine surgery.
A couple days ago I rang the doorbell and presented my neighbor with cinnamon bread I’d just purchased from a local bakery. It was in a pan shaped like a Christmas tree.
He was utterly stunned. I told him I knew they were having a tough year and thought of them while we were at the bakery. Merry Christmas. And I shook his hand.
I could tell in that instant the cult was shattered. He couldn’t stop telling me how much he appreciated I was his neighbor. It was a sublime moment that I hope in some small way reverses the course we are on.
I am interested in formulating my own judgments and make my own decisions. I'm not so interested in hero worship. So I'll keep reading.
About Adams, I never liked him. He is all over the place. About everything. He has been like that since I first watched him, probably in 2013. I always thought he was too sensationalistic, so I never bothered following his work.
I more or less knew they were going to do something with vaccines before 2020. In the 2010s there was a "measles" scare in Florida, and then they did that number with dancers in doctor costumes pretending to vaccinate the audience in a show about some actors awards, I think the Grammys or something like that, but I'm not sure. And also the ebola scare. I remember vividly the two interviews about ebola that Joe Mercola did with doctor Robert Rowen, who went to Sierra Leone to inject ozone in patients. I remember a claim about a local doctor he trained there who was murdered for opposing the WHO, which made the Sierra Leone Government to prohibit ozone therapy for ebola. All that, plus the lingering economic disaster from 2007 (I thought economic collapse would lead to mass killing of old people, who get pensions and are "useless eaters" in the eyes of the philanthropaths and others) led me to think something was afoot. But I never thought about virus weaponization as a big lie to enable the delivery of the mass murder weapon, the fake vaccine. I just thought there was a buildup of propaganda and they were going to do something, and the overpopulation theme always comes back, and it appeared as a supplement of the global warming fraud. I never envisioned the COVID witchcraft program for global domination. I genuinely believed that people would rebel if they ever threatened their children, and I was wrong.
One thing that I have recognized having become an independent media content generator is how much work is required to professionalism anything. I can write well enough simply because I have written textbooks and curriculum plus thousands of pages of blog articles. However, the level of graphics, and matching of them makes me wonder if there is something else behind the curtain. Relationships that lead back to military intelligence are present.
I agree, Adams is sensationalist; he goes for the clicks. Adams flips out when asked direct questions about the basis for his opinions - he cannot/will not handle anything he perceives as a challenge (and any question of substance is a challenge to him). The more experienced and credentialed the questioner. the faster he immediately accuses, claims victimhood and blocks - the very same behaviors we see with our Leftists who resort to ad hominem and threats because they can't articulate any basis for their claims.
Adams used to only cite his own articles. He has a plethora of sites with great names, but the content isn't very substantive. He's got some writers that have been trying. However Brighteon came about, it is a clever creation, and I wonder about it too.
Adams has done some nice interviews, and generally he seems to mostly restrain himself on Alex' show. He needs that platform.
Other people in alt media who are connected to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights are Jim Marrs, G. Edward Griffin, Jon Rappoport, Peter Breggin, and Gary Null.
In 2019 the CCHR published a video clip by G. Edward Griffin titled "Psychiatry as a Political Weapon: Punitive Psychiatry". [] G. Edward Griffin and Rima Laibow were also featured in a documentary by the CCHR titled "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging". [] G. Edward Griffin also did the famous interviews of Yuri Bezmenov in 1984-1985. When I searched for early references to Bezmenov on Google Books, I found that he was mentioned in publications by Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Church Universal and Triumphant, Yuuko Chino's Pana Wave cult, and Doris Ekker's Phoenix cult. [] All three cults had a female leader and they mixed Christianity with Theosophy and New Age elements. Elizabeth Clare Prophet claimed that she was transmitting messages from the Ascended Masters. Doris Ekker channeled a joint transmission from Hatonn and Jesus Sananda (who was Jesus in his Ascended Master persona who lived on Hatonn's spaceship), who predicted that there would be a period of severe tribulation which would include a cataclysmic pole shift. The Pana Wave cult predicted that there would be a cataclysmic pole shift on May 15th 2003 because Planet X would pass by the earth, so they attempted to relocate to regions which would be relatively safe from the pole shift. Elizabeth Clare Prophet predicted that there would be a nuclear war by the end of the 80s, so her followers built nuclear fallout shelters and stocked up of food and supplies. And all three cults were also anti-Communist. The 1984 prayer book of Prophet's cult featured "highly specific decrees calling for the overturning of the Soviet enemy and the neutralization of key Politburo members". [] Prophet published a series of three audiotapes of an interview she did with Bezmenov and another series of three audiotapes she did with the Czech defector Jan Šejna. Members of Pana Wave thought that the Soviets were targeting Japan with scalar waves, so they began to wear all-white clothes in order to protect themselves from scalar waves.
Ivo Sasek is the founder of a cult called "Organische Christus Generation" (OCG) and an organization called "Anti-Zensur-Koalition" (AZK). [] In the first AZK conference in 2008, Sasek did a presentation about the German New Medicine movement. One speaker at the 2009 AZK conference was Jürg Stettler, who was the president of the Swiss branch of the Church of Scientology and the press spokesman for the German branch. [ibid.] His talk was followed by a screening of CCHR's film "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging", which features Rima Laibow and Jim Marrs. [] Other speakers at the 2009 AZK conference included Rima Laibow and General Albert Stubblebine. []
Another speaker in the 2009 AZK conference was Jane Bürgermeister who did a presentation about H5N1 vaccines. Bürgermeister did her most viewed interview with Bill Ryan from Project Avalon, who is a Free Zone Sientologist, and he wrote the following about Scientology: "I opened up my past lives, cleared the backlog of charge from this-lifetime upsets, and started to develop my suppressed abilities. [...] The e-meter is a tool, like a pendulum but far more exact, that assists the auditor in locating areas of 'available' charge. In itself it does nothing. The meter is not even necessary, but it does help the auditor to locate 'stuff' more precisely. [...] As one progresses, cleans more and more layers of charge off, and rehabilitates lost abilities, one acquires tools (which in other situations might be called 'white-magical' or 'good-shamanic') which enable one to assist others remotely at a distance." []
Another speaker at the AZK conference was Hans Tolzin who spoke about the 2009 swine flu virus. Tolzin was at the time a former Moonie, and in a forum post in 1998 he wrote that he had been a member of the Unification Church for 20 years. Hans Tolzin writes for the magazine of the German Scientologist Michael Hinz/Kent, whose publishing house distributes Hubbard's books in German. [] Tolzin and Kent are currently working on a film about German New Medicine, where Kent is the producer and writer of the film and Tolzin is responsible for fundraising, distribution, and PR. [] Their team previously published a film about how the H5N1 virus was fake. [] Kent sells a book about how viruses don't exist, which consists of 32 articles that have been published in his magazine over the years and that were written by people like Michael Kent and Hans Tolzin. []
Ivo Sasek runs a video website called KLA TV. [] On the front page of their website, there's a video player for a featured video which is currently a film about electroshock therapy by CCHR. [] The film includes subtitles in German, French, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, and Chinese, which is reminiscent of how the CHD's Defender magazine is translated to various European languages, how Miles Guo's Twitter bots post videos from American alt media with subtitles in Chinese and various European languages, and how La Quinta Columna's Odysee channel consists of videos from the Stew Peters Network with subtitles in different European languages. The front page of KLA TV's website also features videos by Sucharit Bhakdi, Peter McCullough, Carrie Madej, and James Corbett.
> What is striking is the penetrating advertising for precious metal suppliers. There was also an interview with the Viennese financial apocalyptist Walter K. Eichelburg, who regularly predicts collapses of financial systems and the end of the euro and promotes gold investments.
> [...]
> In August 2006, an event "September 11, 2001 - Five years later - a review" was advertised at the "Rudolf Steiner Academy" with the well-known conspiracy theorists Andreas von Bülow, Webster Tarpley, Gerhard Wisnewski and the anthroposophist Thomas Mayer. [22]
> [...]
> In June 2008, took over the criticism of the Codex Alimentarius from the radio show of the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, which is mainly propagated by the Natural Solutions Foundation, founded by Rima Laibow and Albert Stubblebine, and the alternative medicine specialist Matthias Rath (Rath is a provider of a vitamin food supplement, which is banned in Germany and is therefore distributed from Holland). [29]
> At the end of January 2009, founder Alexander Benesch published an interview with Laibow under the title "The Threatening Food Dictatorship Codex Alimentarius", which is intended to show German listeners the connection to other conspiracy theories such as the New World Order, eugenics research and chemtrails. [30]
> In March 2009, Benesch reported on his personal meeting with the Natural Solutions Foundation at the 3rd Conference of the Anti-Censorship Coalition and later discussed the article "Codex Alimentarius - When criticism falls victim to itself" criticizing Laibow and Stubblebine. [31] of the esoteric and pseudoscientific NEXUS magazine. He also proved to be a representative of the supposed existence of killer viruses and the demonization of genetic manipulation. [32]
> In the radio show of conspiracy theorist Jeff Rense, who often features well-known anti-Semites and extremists, [33] Laibow mentioned that during her stay in Germany she met a "very talented and passionate documentary filmmaker" and "truth-teller" named Alexander Benesch worked and promoted his website as well as her upcoming publication "The Food of Fascism". [34]
> [...]
> Since its founding in 2006, operator Alexander Benesch has positioned himself as an anti-vaccination campaigner by advertising for the website, run by the advocate of "Germanic New Medicine" and medical layman Hans Tolzin. [42] In mid-2007, the web portal impfschä, run by the advocate of homeopathy and naturopath Andreas Bachmair, was also among the advertised websites. [43] Benesch, who only describes himself as an expert in certain areas and wants to maintain a neutral position in other fields, is, however, "the last person who would support the pharmaceutical industry" for private reasons and based on his own research. [44] At the third conference of the Anti-Censorship Coalition in February 2009, he acted as a translator for John Virapen, [45] who was involved in the "Citizen Commission on Human Rights" (CCHR). [46] Benesch also ran advertisements for colloidal silver, which was popular in the scene, via [48]
The same wiki article also pointed out that when there was a mass shooting in Germany, InfoKrieg blamed it on the shooter being on psychiatric drugs, and the main source they cited to support their argument was a website ran by CCHR.
Alexander Benesch from InfoKrieg was also a speaker at a health freedom conference that was organized by Stubblebine and Laibow in 2010. [] One of the headline speakers at the conference was Kevin Trudeau, who has written: "I have studied various religions, read the bible cover to cover seven times, read the Koran three times, cover, studied Hinduism, Buddhism, Psychology, Psychiatry, Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Gestalt therapy, you name it. I have a really strong working knowledge of them. / I happen to think for myself, personally, that Scientology auditing, as well as the courses that they offer, have been the most quantifiable in terms of the benefits that I received." [] An article about him in Business Insider said: "Kevin promised to get a divorce, and he and Dorow tied the knot in November 2007, having dated for six years. She says their prenup obligated her to reach a certain level in Scientology, which Trudeau has dabbled in over the years." []
Another speaker at the conference was Leonard Coldwell, who ran a pyramid scheme called Global Information Network together with Trudeau. In 2010 Laibow published a letter from Coldwell where he advertised the pyramid scheme, and he wrote: "Plus, if you join by April 30th 2010 you will get a free ticket (worth $5000) to attend a special one-day seminar, taught by my friend Kevin Trudeau, entitled 'How Anyone Can Make Millions: The Moneymaking Secrets They Don't Want You to Know About.' The seminar will be held on May 8th in Chicago. He will share exactly what he did to generate over 3 billion dollars in sales worldwide." []
In an article that Mike Adams published in 2006, he wrote: "Want to learn more shocking facts about modern psychiatry? Visit the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. It's a grassroots organization that fights against the evils of psychiatry and Big Pharma. It was originally set up by the Church of Scientology. I'm not a member of the church, but on this issue I agree with them completely: Psychiatry has gone mad, and it must be stopped." [] In 2006 Mike Adams published a short article which only consisted of this text: "Tom Cruise recently lent his support to the Church of Scientology's New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, which claims to remove toxins from the lungs of 9/11 emergency workers." [] In 2007 Mike Adams wrote: "In the early 1960s, the FDA got word of something it didn't like: The Church of Scientology was helping its members overcome mental problems with the use of a simple biofeedback device called the E-meter. With the market for psychotropic drugs so consistently profitable, and with Scientology gaining momentum in helping millions of people overcome severe emotional and mental problems, this E-meter had to be taken out of play... and fast!" [] In 2009 Mike Adams wrote: "I personally am not a member of Scientology, but I have read parts of the texts of almost every major world religion (translated into English, of course), including some of the works of L. Ron Hubbard, who was by any account a brilliant and highly prolific writer. My own interests span many religions." [] In 2010 Mike Adams linked to a Breitbart article titled "Scientologists use therapeutic touch to help Haiti victims", which said that a victim of the Haiti earthquake didn't have to get his leg amputated because his leg was touched by a Scientologist energy healer. []
> Rivera then started to conduct her own research on the compound, which was first used and promoted as a cure for a wide range of diseases by former Scientologist and gold prospector Jim Humble, who branded it as Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS for short.
> "I started researching and [found that] it destroys viruses, bacteria, candida, parasites, reduces overall body inflammation, and neutralizes heavy metals, so I'm all in, [because] that's what autism is," Rivera said, adding that she then prepared a dose, which she then gave to her son.
> What happened next was nothing short of a breakthrough.
> "I gave it to my son and on that same first day - I started with a full dose - he said things he never said before and he looked me in the eye like he hadn't looked at me in eight years."
> Miracle Mineral Supplement, often referred to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, MMS or the CD protocol,[1] is a branded name for an aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide, an industrial bleaching agent, that has been falsely promoted as a cure for illnesses including HIV, cancer and the common cold. It is made by mixing aqueous sodium chlorite with an acid (such as the juices of citrus fruits or vinegar). This produces chlorine dioxide, a toxic chemical that can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and life-threatening low blood pressure due to dehydration.[2]
> [...]
> The name was coined by former scientologist[9] Jim Humble in his 2006 self-published book, The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century.[10]
> [...]
> During the COVID-19 pandemic many previous promoters of MMS for other diseases, such as QAnon proponent Jordan Sather and the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, began touting it as a cure for COVID-19.
I personally take Chlorine Dioxide in oral form and topically, it's forever changed my life. I think Mike Adam's promotes Chlorine Dioxide use, that in my books is enough to put him in the good guy category.
Matthew, Thank You for this piece! I have stated for many years my opinion, based on private discussions with those who have had dealings with him. So, I have NO "competent material evidence" to substantiate my position, so I have had to keep what I discuss in a "private setting".
Thank You for "competent material evidence" that does not relate to what I know. It makes this piece more important to me. It ALSO expands, greatly, the breadth of the deception and obfuscation the subject demonstrates constantly, consistently, and incessantly.
Mike Adams is a Limited Hangout- he reveals genuine truth about the medical industrial complex but his main job is to spread disinformation and fear porn.
Absurd you offer no argument that QAnon leads to conspiracy theories about vaccines and depopulation. Quite the opposite. I sense something wrong with Mathew's orientation. The powers that be have telegraphed their "plandemic" "depopulation" plans for decades. QAnon SUPPORTS the warp speed vaxxx of their hero Trump as saving 100s of millions of lives! Alex Jones and Mike Adams have claimed depopulation through disease and vaxxxx was coming for decades. Nothing to do with the QAnon ruse which was started only a few years ago. "Trust the Plan", ie. do nothing expecting white hats will save us from the depopulation conspirators.
I'm honestly not sure what you're saying. Perhaps that is indeed due to disorientation. I am still ignorant of a lot of the details of QAnon because I did not consider it worth my time to follow in real time. As such, I am catching up, and trying to do so sensibly in context with what I have observed much more completely since the repo market collapse.
Forming us into cults is minor compared to the main transformative initiatives under the pretext of saving the planet, a cover for Malthusian depopulation. Humans form themselves into cults (tribes) anyway, though the conspiracy wants environmental and LEFT cults to use. I don;t doubt you have been programmed into a cult. I have met a number of such escapees over the years.
I believe that cult formation and other forms of mind control represent the process used to take control of the population, whether or not that involves depopulation, therefore I focus on that. I'm happy to hear other perspectives.
Very good piece. Important that people understand what you are presenting conceptually and practically.
Within the "Covid dissent" branch of the overall operation there were and are multiple individuals who were clearly inserted into the program and had scripted roles to fill. Many of these individuals have been lionized and this too is done through various manipulations.
I am unsure about George. I’ve spend the last year digesting all of his content and he seems to be the only one exposing the real info (Pfizer org chart during Okeefe reveal of Pfizer). Also now the heavy focus on the real Sampson option and the super antigens found in covid. He’s the only that doesn’t seem compromised but I may not be able to see all. He blocked Mark and Cullen/Goodman did an attack video on George as he was putting out dangerous research.
My honest opinion, at this time, is that the fight between George and others is staged. I've observed over time a number of disputes that felt staged to me, and as they began to pile up, I started to think it was probably a tactic in the information warfare space. In this case, I think it's possible that Mark received information about me through George who happened to be in my hometown for several days, presumably investigating the University where Michael Callahan attended, and the nearby Southern Research Institute. Would that have been a time to seek out those involved in the cult I grew up in, or even my family?
I've wondered the same about George. The big thing in his favor right now is that Malone hasn't sued him - at least not yet. And is not mentioning him by name in his scathing criticisms.
Malone called out George just days ago in tweet. mark screams chaos agent but George research is on another level. So far above everyone else that would be the most elaborate controlled ops of all time if he was in fact a chaos agent. See recent Meryl mass controversy surrounding Bruce Ivins and calling out bret Weinstein father for the port of Tacoma testing. Bret is the chaos agent.
One way to discredit the critique is to put it in the hands of a clown.
Yes, much of his research is good. Video documentation is a terrible format for it, which is already suspect. His writing has never reached a level of good sourcing.
I’d also say Malone hasn’t sued because George has the goods and would lead to discovery. I understand I may be emotionally invested, biased, and the fog of the mind war, but I think it would be a great convo between George and Mathew. Should go on the Duke report.
Per Adam Green:
Really good documentary about Qanon, Alex Jones, Flynn, Roger Stone, and 'Infowar' psychological operations. The creator was recently banned from Twitter @21stCMindWars
Thank you. That came up in one of my internet searches, but I hadn't watched it. I will take a look.
Not now you won’t. Link is gone now.
Adam Green is getting pulled from everything. Rumble, Bitchute etc.
Rumble I get but Bitchute?
Adams has always been a conundrum. Used to read/watch him and stopped after some of his random comments sparked questions: He stated that he calls himself a Christian, but hasn't read the Bible, and that he's never been in the military, but has lots of friend who have. And where did he make all his money to set up Brighteon and his health products empire ?
Seems to me that Mike has changed over the years. I initially started linking him primarily for his natural health articles, Since covid it seems like he is trying to cover all aspects of the "Bigger Picture" as I call it. Similar to what Malone is now trying to do. Does make you wonder if perhaps they are controlled opposition now that they have people's attention. Like Mathew says, judge for yourself and look at the facts.
He was always in the sphere of Alex Jones who has significant ties to military intelligence.
Sorry, Mathew, but you are wrong when you say, " Once I started taking notes, I noticed that Rima Laibow, whom I previously wrote (skeptically) about, worked with Scientology's Citizens Commission on Human Rights."
I learned from a friend that I had been included in the Citizens Commission on Human Rights' Hall of Fame and that some sort of award had been made to me. I was not in contact with them, nor did I ever "work with" that organization.
They interviewed me twice, if memory serves, and used some parts of those interviews in two documentaries they made about the corrupt and dangerous medicalized psychiatric profession.
That would hardly constitute "working with" the origination.
Better fact checking is needed.
What was your involvement with the Scientologist organization called "Youth for Human Rights International"? I found two sources which said that you were somehow connected to them but they didn't say how. [,]
My involvement with them is totally mythical since I never heard of the organization before I read your comment.
So my involvement was "created" by either a misinformed person or disinforming one.
How did you type this up and post it so fast, and so soon after publishing?
What would your response be to the article he wrote and linked to, just there where you quoted him? What else does he get wrong or right or misinterpets?
Here is my response to that absurd tripe:
Your article is full of errors and absurdities.
You do not have the authority, Mathew, to determine whether my responsibility to a patient under HIPPA, NY State Law, Canons of Ethics and other regulations/statutes, etc., has been terminated because you think it should be.
I heard about the "Great Culling" conspiracy when I reported that I heard about it, regardless of who had said it before that or who had not. The patient who told me about it was, indeed, a Head of State. and I have repeated faithfully what she said to me. It is of no moment to me whether you believe what I have said or not.
Dames was not a "star underling" of General Stubblebine's. Ed Dames REPRESENTS himself as a Stargate Remote Viewer. He never was one, however. His job, according to General Stubblebine, was as a security officer who was never even allowed into the facility where the remote viewing was going on. He was very unhappy about that and repeatedly sought permission from General Stubblebine to become a viewer. He was consistently denied that permission.
Following General Stubblebine's retirement, the Remote Viewing Technology which was paid for with taxpayer money was used, at the General's suggestion, as a civilian company since the technology itself was not classified, only the results obtained in the military through its use. Dames was permitted to be involved with that as an administrator. He turned himself into a viewer but without having ever been one in the Stargate program.
You state, "Though I learned most everything above in this article over the past two-ish years, it's what I heard in my childhood that makes me doubt Laibow's story. In the early 1980s, when the cult I grew up in was involved with the Remote Viewing program, I heard Stubblebine talk about "vaccine genocide" in person." as if growing up in a cult leads to accurate information flow. In my experience, that is not the case.
Frankly, if General Stubblebine did know about a "vaccine genocide" program (and he certainly never mentioned that he did to me in all of our discussions about that and related matters), I would assume that he was accessing the same documents that I read when I was following up on the horrifying conversation I had with my patient.
So the fact that General Stubblebine MIGHT have alluded to such a plan in no way invalidates my report of the conversation that I had with a person who was looking forward to the death of huge numbers of people.
The patient to whom I refer said nothing at all about the use of vaccines or any other methodology to accomplish the culling.
Why do you conflate those data bits? They are related by intention, but were not brought together in the initial conversation that I had with her.
By the way, I do not believe that General Stubblebine, who was scrupulous about not violating security with any sort of information that he even vaguely suspected might be classified (never to me, even in the most private and confidential of conversations, not even once) would have been sharing anything like that in a non-cleared audience with a child present, for Heaven's sake - unless you preciously had a high level security clearance as a child.
General Stubblebine retired in 1984. Your childhood cult involvement with Remote Viewing while it was highly classified and kept under the strictest security is not only highly unlikely, it would have been a criminal activity.
When General Stubblebine retired, the program remained just as highly classified under the new Commanding General. Your story is highly improbable on a number of different levels.
For the record, I stand behind everything I have said about the encounter with my patient.
And I did not "work with" the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. I gave them two interviews, as I recall, and they used them in two of their documentaries on the corrupt and dangerous medical psychiatric profession. They installed me in their Hall of Fame and gave me some sort of award. I found out about both from a friend who learned about it when she visited their facility.
Putting my name on a wall and interviewing me hardly qualifies as my working with them.
My husband, General Stubblebine, was murdered for his bravery and leadership in the Health Freedom movement. As the highest-ranking military officer to speak out about the bogus 9/11 narrative, no attempts were made on his life. When he took a position at the forefront of the movement to derail the globalist agenda, he was murdered.
Since his death, there have been multiple attempts on my life as well since killing him was not sufficient to silence both of us.
Clearly, we must be doing something so right that the other side is very eager to not have us do that.
Your foolish suppositions and suspicions are a waste of your time and that of your readers as signaled by the many other absurdities and inaccuracies in your piece.
I suggest you go find something better to do with your time.
Are you saying that Remote Viewing worked?
General Stubblebine was responsible for Remote Viewing. I am being called a liar for something that has nothing to do with Remote Viewing.
As a matter of fact, though, it most certainly does work. For example, a declassified example of that was in the location and extraction of General Dozier, and American General who was captured and was being held in a location about which the US intel world had absolutely no information. As in none.
The Remote Viewing team was tasked with finding him. They did. Marines were sent in and he was successfully extracted.
The viewers received letters of commendation and medals, if I am not mistaken, for their part in rescuing him.
I brought a Remote Viewing team from the former USSR and General Stubblebine's team together at a public forum at a meeting I was running to talk about non-classified aspects of training, targeting and results. It was fascinating how different their preparation and training was but how similar their results and statistics were.
Better than a B+, in both cases.
And that is rarely true of intel, especially human intel.
So, irrelevant as it is to this conversation, yes, it works.
But Dames, the self-appointed RV guru, never did it in Stargate.
Isn't that, as General Stubblebine would say, a ding ding?
Marshall McLuhan:
"Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity."
Yes. I discussed things with a surprisingly open minded, rare leftist recently. He hated Corporations and Dynasties, but could NOT accept the obvious information that the Major Corporations and their owners are all lined-up with the left, using the LEFT as a battering ram for World Fascism, destroying what is left of liberty and pluralism. In his mind the LEFT supporting CORPS were just bowing to LEFT pressure against their own interests.
Obviously, I am skeptical. What about the possibility remote viewing was a hoax to deceive other world powers? Would your husband have revealed this to you, if he knew? Some knowledge is too dangerous to disclose.
Remote viewing is a hoax with multiple purposes. As somebody forced into the program as a child, I will be writing more about this.
Well, that might be true if I were not a personal observer of the technique myself. A team of Remote Viewers, including General Bert and myself, by the way, were invited to Spain to find kidnapped children.
Clearly, we were not supposed to find anything at all but when we did, and we found that the kidnapping in one particularly awful case, was orchestrated and carried out by the police, our lives were threatened and we were put on the next flight out of Spain back to the US.
Interestingly, we were not booked on that flight, but other people were apparently denied their seats on it and we were hustled on board without any choice or explanations, other than if we resisted being put on the plane, we would be killed.
Clearly, we found something and clearly we were not supposed to have found it.
This is not hearsay, Lloyd. I was part of that team and the threat on my life and that of the others was clearly articulated to me as well as to the others.
Hard to understand if we were not over the target.
I cannot speak directly about the military Remote Viewing project. But I can share a personal; experience that you might find interesting.
Lynn Buchannan was one of General Bert's Remote Viewers (Ed Dames was not, by the way). In about 1993 or thereabouts, Lynn came to work for us to develop Remote Viewing outside of the military.
While he was working for us, I ran an international conference and offered a workshop on Remote Viewing. My recollection was that it was a 6 hour event and all of the registrants (about 150 people) were divided into pairs so one could act as a monitor and one could act as a viewer, then they would switch.
We had prepared targets for each person in the workshop: a full color photo or print of something (each one different) in an opaque envelope which was sealed.
After being trained in the technique, the teams each performed a viewing task. After both people had been the viewer for the other one acting as the monitor, the targets were opened and compared with the material generated in the viewing process (which is carefully recorded so there can be no mistake about what was perceived).
Every single person in the room who participated in the exercise was successful in describing the target in specific detail which unambiguously matched the target - everyone, that is, except my assistant, a self-declared psychic who proclaimed that he did not need any training since he was already invariably accurate.
But when that many people are able to experience information gathering at such a high level, it is no longer possible to remain skeptical about its reality.
There's quite a bit of open-source material and interviews available on remote viewing. I wish I had some of the urls at immediate hand. I try to maintain very healthy skepticism, but apparently it is a legit intel tool.
As it happens, I actually participated in a Remote Viewing experiment that had nothing at all to do with any military or other intelligence.
I received the necessary training and a group of General Bert's former viewers, General Bert and I went off to Europe supposedly to find missing children (both cold and warm cases).
And we did.
And more.
So, yes, my personal knowledge base includes a spectacularly successful "trial" in which the multiple targets were successfully achieved.
Hard to call it anything but a success since we knew nothing at all about the cases, no one we had access to had knowledge of their whereabouts (or their corpses' whereabouts) and we located them.
I actually had doubts about you Rima but now I think your story adds up. Thank you for taking the time to explain. You didnt have to bother but you did.
I wise man once said. "It only takes a few words to speak the truth".
Rima, I was surprised to see you respond! In 2021 I recalled your appearance on Ventra's Conspiracy Theory that I had seen years earlier show and thought, "HS, was that lady telling the truth...."
I think there are a number of indicators that there is a depopulation agenda. But another side of me keeps thinking this can't actually be real....
I don’t know if Rima is legit or not but she is an incredible interview. I have heard her a few times. Dick Algire is a remote viewer who is a recurring guest on Jeff Rense. He claims he and other RVers saw something big to happen this month. Or was it supposed to be last month? Seems like bs to me. But as a student I worked for a retired genetics professor who told me he was psychic and led an assassin crew in pacific theater WWII. He once told me something I had said to my roommate inside my home. The roommate had no contact with him. That was pretty creepy.
I will also say, I tested someone's remote viewing skills once. I they identified an object that I had chosen for them as the target....something obscure (a stack of bundled decorative bamboo).
I believe in it. Various PSI abilities have been demonstrated and replicated many times. Including a set of experiments that were conducted under the supervision of world renoun skeptics like Hyman and Randi.
I know this isn't Mathew's wheelhouse, but I wish he would talk to fellow statistician Jessica Utts. "I saw fake therefore it's not real" isn't a conclusive argument by any stretch. The fact is most PSI tests DO fail, but it's the result based on numerous repetition that reveal the effect.
You're playing a role, wittingly or unwittingly, in a game that requires infinite progression of the unraveling of poor statistical testing, often without documentation, of an extraordinary premise.
This is like trying to untangle Steve's incessant bullshit. You can simply tell somebody they haven't completed the job without explaining the many thousands of pages of discussion where nearly every trained statistician on Earth says, "This is meaningless and dumb."
Right. Your presumption of normalcy (things have been like this before so I will assume, and believe, in the lack of evidence, or despite evidence to the contrary, that they will continue to be normal in the future) makes it really easy to deceive you.
You are doing the work of deception for them. All they have to do is rely on your unwillingness to surrender your presumption of normalcy and they can do whatever they like in plain sight because you won't/don't see it.
This has nothing to do with intelligence. It has everything to do with belief systems.
Smell the coffee, the roses, the bullshit, whatever it takes to get you to wake up and see what is real, not what is nice.
Then get the US out of WHO/UN/etc., and get them out of us. You can help do that here:
Now would be a good time to begin.
Well, this is kind of like trying to predict JFK will be assassinated before it happens, rather than analyzing the evidence after the fact. Most of these types of predictions never come to pass.
You say someone told you of a depopulation plan first hand, but I don't have any first hand evidence.
But I will say, if someone told me they were going to blow up a bus full of school children, any kind of professional confidentiality we may have would be damned.
I do have evidence of a depopulation plot. It is all over the UN, WHO, Rockefeller and other documents. Many others.
I have told the world about what I learned from my patient and from everything else I have studied.
Why is her name more important that what she said, what I unearthed and what I and others have done to try to stop it?
Sorry, I just don't get the focus on a splinter when there is a battering ram at the gates with an army that has come to destroy everything.
So you had all this prepared but hadn't yet posted this under the original link, but do so here now? Or have I missed that comment, which is likely?
Or did you just write all this just now?
Thank you for your responses, and it helps give context to the understanding.
My friend and colleague, James Roguski, sent me an email saying that this guy had written some stuff that I should look at. I looked at the first article and wrote my response. I looked at the second and wrote that.
When I saw your comment, I pasted the comment to the other article that I had just written as a reply to you.
I had no idea when any of this was published.
Both articles are, so far as they pertain to me or General Stubblebine, utter nonsense. I am glad I saw them and responded to them early.
Thanks, James.
I'm not surprised you are connected to Roguski, he is just another chaos agent. The "stop the amendments" stuff is just to manifest the belief in pandemics. Rediculous diversions.
Not to diminish from my genuine appreciation for your engagement with Mathew's claims about you and others, but I am not sure how you were able to read these posts by Mathew and respond such length and depth and structure after being prompted to do so by a friend's email in such a short time. Probably part of my confusion is the vagueness in the timing, but that is my point why it is there.
Either way, thank you for giving further insight and engaging with what you say is nonsense, as most people with important things to do don't spend it engaging with nonsense, and so early in the morning.
I write fast.
Be aware of possible data dredging since Adams makes tons of wild predictions on a regular basis for numerous years. Some of them are bound to happen.
Fair enough. I'm just asking questions.
The most outrageous ones never happen (several years ago he claimed to know that China would invade the US during the summer that year, which never happened) but he continues making them and never has to account for how he could be so wrong. What does that suggest?
Renz is just a newbie lawyer who fell into a subspecialty. Flynn wasn't smart enough to parry an FBI setup. So Chaos agents can be midwits? Cause it's not an act.
Midwits are no doubt outraged at your comparison.
Choas Agents disrupt the resistance by planting Establishment ideas like QAnon. Alex Jones has flirted with some QAnon ideas, but has also strongly opposed the main message.
Mindwar is a larger fragmented Matrix than a single overall binary, and when you think about the planning, having your primary media suspect play standoffish is the best move. Besides, Alex has a cult. I think the goal of Mindwar is mass formation in the form of cult building.
Nonsense. They don't want chaos, they want transformation to tyranny.
I suspect that we can have a more productive conversation.
What tyrants want is power, and I have always said that power is the primary motivation behind what is going on. I generally define tyranny as excessive power---people can build power through productive means without harming others. This is much like my technological symmetry conversation:
If your primary beef is whether Alex Jones is genuine or a chaos agent in all of this, maybe the conversation will play out a bit in one of my next articles.
Agree. It’s power they most seek (though $$$ is a means to power). No one can possibly spend the money Bezos, Gates, et al have. It’s their belief that they have been destined to remake society in their own image (and, barring that, to entertain or amuse themselves).
No. My beef is that you label the whole resistance as controlled.
I think to use the label of mass formation is ill-advised, as the Breggins would likely agree. By the way, what is the standing of Desmet in the Chaos Agent hierarchy?
Desmet gets propped up as a supergenius by guys like Tucker Carlson, when his book is really a well-written lunch conversation among smart university students. But I think the primary goals are stoking fear, and herding people into masses to be cultified.
No. There is the main transformative operation underway. Then there is the resistance, mostly confused and ineffective, some promoting ideas planted by the conspiracy and other, true controlled opposition. Some resistance may be close to the mark. That is for us to determine. Herding and cultification IS NOT THE POINT except for the conspiracy's main themes: global warming, limits of growth, regimentation, electronic surveillance and control, etc.
Cultified is a great way of putting it. I’ve maintained the ability to think back about how I, and everyone else, once perceived each other.
In those fun non-politically dominated times there was very little emotional attachment one’s ideological stance.
Most disagreements were simply shrugged off as unworthy of 5 minutes of attention.
But from about the 1980s onward there was a growing slime creeping into social discourse.
Saying Merry Christmas was changing from a salutation of good will to something to think twice about.
Women were starting to become less playful and more apt to be offended with the full force of the legal system at their disposal.
Fetus’s were being tossed into dumpsters then sold for their stem cells at an alarming rate.
Climate went from ice age to hellish heat to simply unfavorable “change.”
Change is a fantastically effective term allowing the listener to insert whatever definition they’re predisposed to believe, right Obama?
Anyway, bit by bit our happiness was chipped away.
Fast forward to the present and most people are pissed off all the time. Everyone believing the other person’s a stupid asshole.
Everyone’s looking for something to complain about. Kindness is rare.
We judge everyone from family, neighbors, colleagues, right down to potential mates not by how nice they are, no. We judge them by their beliefs.
The number one importance is which cult they’re in. Nothing else matters anymore.
This can only lead to one thing. Tribal warfare.
My next door neighbor is politically opposed to everything I stand for. We’ve had heated discussions.
He had back surgery and his wife had hip replacement then her sister died abruptly during a routine surgery.
A couple days ago I rang the doorbell and presented my neighbor with cinnamon bread I’d just purchased from a local bakery. It was in a pan shaped like a Christmas tree.
He was utterly stunned. I told him I knew they were having a tough year and thought of them while we were at the bakery. Merry Christmas. And I shook his hand.
I could tell in that instant the cult was shattered. He couldn’t stop telling me how much he appreciated I was his neighbor. It was a sublime moment that I hope in some small way reverses the course we are on.
Merry Christmas.
I am interested in formulating my own judgments and make my own decisions. I'm not so interested in hero worship. So I'll keep reading.
About Adams, I never liked him. He is all over the place. About everything. He has been like that since I first watched him, probably in 2013. I always thought he was too sensationalistic, so I never bothered following his work.
I more or less knew they were going to do something with vaccines before 2020. In the 2010s there was a "measles" scare in Florida, and then they did that number with dancers in doctor costumes pretending to vaccinate the audience in a show about some actors awards, I think the Grammys or something like that, but I'm not sure. And also the ebola scare. I remember vividly the two interviews about ebola that Joe Mercola did with doctor Robert Rowen, who went to Sierra Leone to inject ozone in patients. I remember a claim about a local doctor he trained there who was murdered for opposing the WHO, which made the Sierra Leone Government to prohibit ozone therapy for ebola. All that, plus the lingering economic disaster from 2007 (I thought economic collapse would lead to mass killing of old people, who get pensions and are "useless eaters" in the eyes of the philanthropaths and others) led me to think something was afoot. But I never thought about virus weaponization as a big lie to enable the delivery of the mass murder weapon, the fake vaccine. I just thought there was a buildup of propaganda and they were going to do something, and the overpopulation theme always comes back, and it appeared as a supplement of the global warming fraud. I never envisioned the COVID witchcraft program for global domination. I genuinely believed that people would rebel if they ever threatened their children, and I was wrong.
One thing that I have recognized having become an independent media content generator is how much work is required to professionalism anything. I can write well enough simply because I have written textbooks and curriculum plus thousands of pages of blog articles. However, the level of graphics, and matching of them makes me wonder if there is something else behind the curtain. Relationships that lead back to military intelligence are present.
I agree, Adams is sensationalist; he goes for the clicks. Adams flips out when asked direct questions about the basis for his opinions - he cannot/will not handle anything he perceives as a challenge (and any question of substance is a challenge to him). The more experienced and credentialed the questioner. the faster he immediately accuses, claims victimhood and blocks - the very same behaviors we see with our Leftists who resort to ad hominem and threats because they can't articulate any basis for their claims.
Adams used to only cite his own articles. He has a plethora of sites with great names, but the content isn't very substantive. He's got some writers that have been trying. However Brighteon came about, it is a clever creation, and I wonder about it too.
Adams has done some nice interviews, and generally he seems to mostly restrain himself on Alex' show. He needs that platform.
Other people in alt media who are connected to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights are Jim Marrs, G. Edward Griffin, Jon Rappoport, Peter Breggin, and Gary Null.
In 2009 the CCHR published a video by Jim Marrs titled "Drugged To Death; Our Kids And Our Troops". [] In 2010 Jim Marrs was a speaker at an event organized by CCHR in Austin. [] In 2011 CCHR republished an article by Mike Adams about how the NaturalNews 2011 Book Of The Year Award was given to Jim Marrs. [] The article mentioned that both Marrs and Adams were also winners of a "CCHR Human Rights Award". Gary Null also received the CCHR's Human Rights Award in 1995. []
In 2019 the CCHR published a video clip by G. Edward Griffin titled "Psychiatry as a Political Weapon: Punitive Psychiatry". [] G. Edward Griffin and Rima Laibow were also featured in a documentary by the CCHR titled "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging". [] G. Edward Griffin also did the famous interviews of Yuri Bezmenov in 1984-1985. When I searched for early references to Bezmenov on Google Books, I found that he was mentioned in publications by Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Church Universal and Triumphant, Yuuko Chino's Pana Wave cult, and Doris Ekker's Phoenix cult. [] All three cults had a female leader and they mixed Christianity with Theosophy and New Age elements. Elizabeth Clare Prophet claimed that she was transmitting messages from the Ascended Masters. Doris Ekker channeled a joint transmission from Hatonn and Jesus Sananda (who was Jesus in his Ascended Master persona who lived on Hatonn's spaceship), who predicted that there would be a period of severe tribulation which would include a cataclysmic pole shift. The Pana Wave cult predicted that there would be a cataclysmic pole shift on May 15th 2003 because Planet X would pass by the earth, so they attempted to relocate to regions which would be relatively safe from the pole shift. Elizabeth Clare Prophet predicted that there would be a nuclear war by the end of the 80s, so her followers built nuclear fallout shelters and stocked up of food and supplies. And all three cults were also anti-Communist. The 1984 prayer book of Prophet's cult featured "highly specific decrees calling for the overturning of the Soviet enemy and the neutralization of key Politburo members". [] Prophet published a series of three audiotapes of an interview she did with Bezmenov and another series of three audiotapes she did with the Czech defector Jan Šejna. Members of Pana Wave thought that the Soviets were targeting Japan with scalar waves, so they began to wear all-white clothes in order to protect themselves from scalar waves.
In 2011 the CCHR published an article which said: "Available at, the Disease Mongering Engine was created by Mike Adams, a vocal critic of modern psychiatric medicine and its practice of labeling healthy people with fictitious diseases, then over-medicating them with patented pharmaceuticals." [] In 2010 the CCHR republished an article about psychiatry by InfoWars, which included links to the Endgame movie and to a blog post by Mike Adams. [] Jon Rappoport used to be a frequent guest host on InfoWars, but CCHR has also republished several of his articles. [] Rappoport was also featured in a documentary by the CCHR titled "Psychiatry in the Military: The Hidden Enemy". []
Ivo Sasek is the founder of a cult called "Organische Christus Generation" (OCG) and an organization called "Anti-Zensur-Koalition" (AZK). [] In the first AZK conference in 2008, Sasek did a presentation about the German New Medicine movement. One speaker at the 2009 AZK conference was Jürg Stettler, who was the president of the Swiss branch of the Church of Scientology and the press spokesman for the German branch. [ibid.] His talk was followed by a screening of CCHR's film "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging", which features Rima Laibow and Jim Marrs. [] Other speakers at the 2009 AZK conference included Rima Laibow and General Albert Stubblebine. []
Another speaker in the 2009 AZK conference was Jane Bürgermeister who did a presentation about H5N1 vaccines. Bürgermeister did her most viewed interview with Bill Ryan from Project Avalon, who is a Free Zone Sientologist, and he wrote the following about Scientology: "I opened up my past lives, cleared the backlog of charge from this-lifetime upsets, and started to develop my suppressed abilities. [...] The e-meter is a tool, like a pendulum but far more exact, that assists the auditor in locating areas of 'available' charge. In itself it does nothing. The meter is not even necessary, but it does help the auditor to locate 'stuff' more precisely. [...] As one progresses, cleans more and more layers of charge off, and rehabilitates lost abilities, one acquires tools (which in other situations might be called 'white-magical' or 'good-shamanic') which enable one to assist others remotely at a distance." []
Another speaker at the AZK conference was Hans Tolzin who spoke about the 2009 swine flu virus. Tolzin was at the time a former Moonie, and in a forum post in 1998 he wrote that he had been a member of the Unification Church for 20 years. Hans Tolzin writes for the magazine of the German Scientologist Michael Hinz/Kent, whose publishing house distributes Hubbard's books in German. [] Tolzin and Kent are currently working on a film about German New Medicine, where Kent is the producer and writer of the film and Tolzin is responsible for fundraising, distribution, and PR. [] Their team previously published a film about how the H5N1 virus was fake. [] Kent sells a book about how viruses don't exist, which consists of 32 articles that have been published in his magazine over the years and that were written by people like Michael Kent and Hans Tolzin. []
Ivo Sasek runs a video website called KLA TV. [] On the front page of their website, there's a video player for a featured video which is currently a film about electroshock therapy by CCHR. [] The film includes subtitles in German, French, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, and Chinese, which is reminiscent of how the CHD's Defender magazine is translated to various European languages, how Miles Guo's Twitter bots post videos from American alt media with subtitles in Chinese and various European languages, and how La Quinta Columna's Odysee channel consists of videos from the Stew Peters Network with subtitles in different European languages. The front page of KLA TV's website also features videos by Sucharit Bhakdi, Peter McCullough, Carrie Madej, and James Corbett.
The speakers at the 2008 AZK conference also included Alexander Benesch and Nicolas Hofer, who ran a website called InfoKrieg which was the German offshoot of InfoWars. [] They had a German-language radio show similar to InfoWars, they published articles by InfoWars translated to German, and they sold DVDs by Alex Jones translated to German. [] Benesch's presentation at the AZK conference was about eugenics and the New World Order, and it included clips of Alex Jones's film "Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement". [] Hofer did a presentation about a film by the German Scientologist Michael Kent. []
A wiki article about InfoKrieg said the following in German: []
> What is striking is the penetrating advertising for precious metal suppliers. There was also an interview with the Viennese financial apocalyptist Walter K. Eichelburg, who regularly predicts collapses of financial systems and the end of the euro and promotes gold investments.
> [...]
> In August 2006, an event "September 11, 2001 - Five years later - a review" was advertised at the "Rudolf Steiner Academy" with the well-known conspiracy theorists Andreas von Bülow, Webster Tarpley, Gerhard Wisnewski and the anthroposophist Thomas Mayer. [22]
> [...]
> In June 2008, took over the criticism of the Codex Alimentarius from the radio show of the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, which is mainly propagated by the Natural Solutions Foundation, founded by Rima Laibow and Albert Stubblebine, and the alternative medicine specialist Matthias Rath (Rath is a provider of a vitamin food supplement, which is banned in Germany and is therefore distributed from Holland). [29]
> At the end of January 2009, founder Alexander Benesch published an interview with Laibow under the title "The Threatening Food Dictatorship Codex Alimentarius", which is intended to show German listeners the connection to other conspiracy theories such as the New World Order, eugenics research and chemtrails. [30]
> In March 2009, Benesch reported on his personal meeting with the Natural Solutions Foundation at the 3rd Conference of the Anti-Censorship Coalition and later discussed the article "Codex Alimentarius - When criticism falls victim to itself" criticizing Laibow and Stubblebine. [31] of the esoteric and pseudoscientific NEXUS magazine. He also proved to be a representative of the supposed existence of killer viruses and the demonization of genetic manipulation. [32]
> In the radio show of conspiracy theorist Jeff Rense, who often features well-known anti-Semites and extremists, [33] Laibow mentioned that during her stay in Germany she met a "very talented and passionate documentary filmmaker" and "truth-teller" named Alexander Benesch worked and promoted his website as well as her upcoming publication "The Food of Fascism". [34]
> [...]
> Since its founding in 2006, operator Alexander Benesch has positioned himself as an anti-vaccination campaigner by advertising for the website, run by the advocate of "Germanic New Medicine" and medical layman Hans Tolzin. [42] In mid-2007, the web portal impfschä, run by the advocate of homeopathy and naturopath Andreas Bachmair, was also among the advertised websites. [43] Benesch, who only describes himself as an expert in certain areas and wants to maintain a neutral position in other fields, is, however, "the last person who would support the pharmaceutical industry" for private reasons and based on his own research. [44] At the third conference of the Anti-Censorship Coalition in February 2009, he acted as a translator for John Virapen, [45] who was involved in the "Citizen Commission on Human Rights" (CCHR). [46] Benesch also ran advertisements for colloidal silver, which was popular in the scene, via [48]
The same wiki article also pointed out that when there was a mass shooting in Germany, InfoKrieg blamed it on the shooter being on psychiatric drugs, and the main source they cited to support their argument was a website ran by CCHR.
Alexander Benesch from InfoKrieg was also a speaker at a health freedom conference that was organized by Stubblebine and Laibow in 2010. [] One of the headline speakers at the conference was Kevin Trudeau, who has written: "I have studied various religions, read the bible cover to cover seven times, read the Koran three times, cover, studied Hinduism, Buddhism, Psychology, Psychiatry, Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnotherapy, Gestalt therapy, you name it. I have a really strong working knowledge of them. / I happen to think for myself, personally, that Scientology auditing, as well as the courses that they offer, have been the most quantifiable in terms of the benefits that I received." [] An article about him in Business Insider said: "Kevin promised to get a divorce, and he and Dorow tied the knot in November 2007, having dated for six years. She says their prenup obligated her to reach a certain level in Scientology, which Trudeau has dabbled in over the years." []
Another speaker at the conference was Leonard Coldwell, who ran a pyramid scheme called Global Information Network together with Trudeau. In 2010 Laibow published a letter from Coldwell where he advertised the pyramid scheme, and he wrote: "Plus, if you join by April 30th 2010 you will get a free ticket (worth $5000) to attend a special one-day seminar, taught by my friend Kevin Trudeau, entitled 'How Anyone Can Make Millions: The Moneymaking Secrets They Don't Want You to Know About.' The seminar will be held on May 8th in Chicago. He will share exactly what he did to generate over 3 billion dollars in sales worldwide." []
Another speaker at the conference was Sharry Edwards, who has developed a multivitamin supplement which she says cures Ebola, because different combinations of nutraceuticals in the product have Rife frequencies which target different proteins of Ebola. [] In 2014 the FDA also issued a warning to Rima Laibow because she claimed that her nanosilver products cure Ebola. []
In an article that Mike Adams published in 2006, he wrote: "Want to learn more shocking facts about modern psychiatry? Visit the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. It's a grassroots organization that fights against the evils of psychiatry and Big Pharma. It was originally set up by the Church of Scientology. I'm not a member of the church, but on this issue I agree with them completely: Psychiatry has gone mad, and it must be stopped." [] In 2006 Mike Adams published a short article which only consisted of this text: "Tom Cruise recently lent his support to the Church of Scientology's New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project, which claims to remove toxins from the lungs of 9/11 emergency workers." [] In 2007 Mike Adams wrote: "In the early 1960s, the FDA got word of something it didn't like: The Church of Scientology was helping its members overcome mental problems with the use of a simple biofeedback device called the E-meter. With the market for psychotropic drugs so consistently profitable, and with Scientology gaining momentum in helping millions of people overcome severe emotional and mental problems, this E-meter had to be taken out of play... and fast!" [] In 2009 Mike Adams wrote: "I personally am not a member of Scientology, but I have read parts of the texts of almost every major world religion (translated into English, of course), including some of the works of L. Ron Hubbard, who was by any account a brilliant and highly prolific writer. My own interests span many religions." [] In 2010 Mike Adams linked to a Breitbart article titled "Scientologists use therapeutic touch to help Haiti victims", which said that a victim of the Haiti earthquake didn't have to get his leg amputated because his leg was touched by a Scientologist energy healer. []
In 2020 Mike Adams did an interview with Kerri Rivera who claims that drinking bleach cures autism and COVID: []
> Rivera then started to conduct her own research on the compound, which was first used and promoted as a cure for a wide range of diseases by former Scientologist and gold prospector Jim Humble, who branded it as Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS for short.
> "I started researching and [found that] it destroys viruses, bacteria, candida, parasites, reduces overall body inflammation, and neutralizes heavy metals, so I'm all in, [because] that's what autism is," Rivera said, adding that she then prepared a dose, which she then gave to her son.
> What happened next was nothing short of a breakthrough.
> "I gave it to my son and on that same first day - I started with a full dose - he said things he never said before and he looked me in the eye like he hadn't looked at me in eight years."
Wikipedia says: []
> Miracle Mineral Supplement, often referred to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, MMS or the CD protocol,[1] is a branded name for an aqueous solution of chlorine dioxide, an industrial bleaching agent, that has been falsely promoted as a cure for illnesses including HIV, cancer and the common cold. It is made by mixing aqueous sodium chlorite with an acid (such as the juices of citrus fruits or vinegar). This produces chlorine dioxide, a toxic chemical that can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and life-threatening low blood pressure due to dehydration.[2]
> [...]
> The name was coined by former scientologist[9] Jim Humble in his 2006 self-published book, The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century.[10]
> [...]
> During the COVID-19 pandemic many previous promoters of MMS for other diseases, such as QAnon proponent Jordan Sather and the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, began touting it as a cure for COVID-19.
The fruits again, my friend! There are many shades of grey between black and white.
Drinking bleach? As in clinical studies, say?
I thought the drinking bleach ploy was what the DS propaganda machine ran against Trump, no?
I personally take Chlorine Dioxide in oral form and topically, it's forever changed my life. I think Mike Adam's promotes Chlorine Dioxide use, that in my books is enough to put him in the good guy category.
I don't trust anyone with a huge media organization behind them. Plus they always have their hands out for $$
All drugs have been the kill switch for humanity for thousands of years. But only in the last 150 or so for profit and destruction.
This may be a useful exaggeration.
They're all suspect to me. All of them can be bought or threatened with ANY number of things. It's all locked down.
Matthew, Thank You for this piece! I have stated for many years my opinion, based on private discussions with those who have had dealings with him. So, I have NO "competent material evidence" to substantiate my position, so I have had to keep what I discuss in a "private setting".
Thank You for "competent material evidence" that does not relate to what I know. It makes this piece more important to me. It ALSO expands, greatly, the breadth of the deception and obfuscation the subject demonstrates constantly, consistently, and incessantly.
Thanks again Matthew.
Mike Adams is a Limited Hangout- he reveals genuine truth about the medical industrial complex but his main job is to spread disinformation and fear porn.
Absurd you offer no argument that QAnon leads to conspiracy theories about vaccines and depopulation. Quite the opposite. I sense something wrong with Mathew's orientation. The powers that be have telegraphed their "plandemic" "depopulation" plans for decades. QAnon SUPPORTS the warp speed vaxxx of their hero Trump as saving 100s of millions of lives! Alex Jones and Mike Adams have claimed depopulation through disease and vaxxxx was coming for decades. Nothing to do with the QAnon ruse which was started only a few years ago. "Trust the Plan", ie. do nothing expecting white hats will save us from the depopulation conspirators.
I'm honestly not sure what you're saying. Perhaps that is indeed due to disorientation. I am still ignorant of a lot of the details of QAnon because I did not consider it worth my time to follow in real time. As such, I am catching up, and trying to do so sensibly in context with what I have observed much more completely since the repo market collapse.
Forming us into cults is minor compared to the main transformative initiatives under the pretext of saving the planet, a cover for Malthusian depopulation. Humans form themselves into cults (tribes) anyway, though the conspiracy wants environmental and LEFT cults to use. I don;t doubt you have been programmed into a cult. I have met a number of such escapees over the years.
I believe that cult formation and other forms of mind control represent the process used to take control of the population, whether or not that involves depopulation, therefore I focus on that. I'm happy to hear other perspectives.
Quite interesting. QAnon mentioned also.
Very good piece. Important that people understand what you are presenting conceptually and practically.
Within the "Covid dissent" branch of the overall operation there were and are multiple individuals who were clearly inserted into the program and had scripted roles to fill. Many of these individuals have been lionized and this too is done through various manipulations.
I am unsure about George. I’ve spend the last year digesting all of his content and he seems to be the only one exposing the real info (Pfizer org chart during Okeefe reveal of Pfizer). Also now the heavy focus on the real Sampson option and the super antigens found in covid. He’s the only that doesn’t seem compromised but I may not be able to see all. He blocked Mark and Cullen/Goodman did an attack video on George as he was putting out dangerous research.
My honest opinion, at this time, is that the fight between George and others is staged. I've observed over time a number of disputes that felt staged to me, and as they began to pile up, I started to think it was probably a tactic in the information warfare space. In this case, I think it's possible that Mark received information about me through George who happened to be in my hometown for several days, presumably investigating the University where Michael Callahan attended, and the nearby Southern Research Institute. Would that have been a time to seek out those involved in the cult I grew up in, or even my family?
I've wondered the same about George. The big thing in his favor right now is that Malone hasn't sued him - at least not yet. And is not mentioning him by name in his scathing criticisms.
Malone called out George just days ago in tweet. mark screams chaos agent but George research is on another level. So far above everyone else that would be the most elaborate controlled ops of all time if he was in fact a chaos agent. See recent Meryl mass controversy surrounding Bruce Ivins and calling out bret Weinstein father for the port of Tacoma testing. Bret is the chaos agent.
One way to discredit the critique is to put it in the hands of a clown.
Yes, much of his research is good. Video documentation is a terrible format for it, which is already suspect. His writing has never reached a level of good sourcing.
I’d also say Malone hasn’t sued because George has the goods and would lead to discovery. I understand I may be emotionally invested, biased, and the fog of the mind war, but I think it would be a great convo between George and Mathew. Should go on the Duke report.
OOPS! My bad. I did not mean to post my response three times. Once correction would have been enough.
100% true quite enough. 3X100% true is also true, but the other two are superfluous.