Per Adam Green:

Really good documentary about Qanon, Alex Jones, Flynn, Roger Stone, and 'Infowar' psychological operations. The creator was recently banned from Twitter @21stCMindWars


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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Adams has always been a conundrum. Used to read/watch him and stopped after some of his random comments sparked questions: He stated that he calls himself a Christian, but hasn't read the Bible, and that he's never been in the military, but has lots of friend who have. And where did he make all his money to set up Brighteon and his health products empire ?

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Sorry, Mathew, but you are wrong when you say, " Once I started taking notes, I noticed that Rima Laibow, whom I previously wrote (skeptically) about, worked with Scientology's Citizens Commission on Human Rights."

I learned from a friend that I had been included in the Citizens Commission on Human Rights' Hall of Fame and that some sort of award had been made to me. I was not in contact with them, nor did I ever "work with" that organization.

They interviewed me twice, if memory serves, and used some parts of those interviews in two documentaries they made about the corrupt and dangerous medicalized psychiatric profession.

That would hardly constitute "working with" the origination.

Better fact checking is needed.

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Be aware of possible data dredging since Adams makes tons of wild predictions on a regular basis for numerous years. Some of them are bound to happen.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Renz is just a newbie lawyer who fell into a subspecialty. Flynn wasn't smart enough to parry an FBI setup. So Chaos agents can be midwits? Cause it's not an act.

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I am interested in formulating my own judgments and make my own decisions. I'm not so interested in hero worship. So I'll keep reading.

About Adams, I never liked him. He is all over the place. About everything. He has been like that since I first watched him, probably in 2013. I always thought he was too sensationalistic, so I never bothered following his work.

I more or less knew they were going to do something with vaccines before 2020. In the 2010s there was a "measles" scare in Florida, and then they did that number with dancers in doctor costumes pretending to vaccinate the audience in a show about some actors awards, I think the Grammys or something like that, but I'm not sure. And also the ebola scare. I remember vividly the two interviews about ebola that Joe Mercola did with doctor Robert Rowen, who went to Sierra Leone to inject ozone in patients. I remember a claim about a local doctor he trained there who was murdered for opposing the WHO, which made the Sierra Leone Government to prohibit ozone therapy for ebola. All that, plus the lingering economic disaster from 2007 (I thought economic collapse would lead to mass killing of old people, who get pensions and are "useless eaters" in the eyes of the philanthropaths and others) led me to think something was afoot. But I never thought about virus weaponization as a big lie to enable the delivery of the mass murder weapon, the fake vaccine. I just thought there was a buildup of propaganda and they were going to do something, and the overpopulation theme always comes back, and it appeared as a supplement of the global warming fraud. I never envisioned the COVID witchcraft program for global domination. I genuinely believed that people would rebel if they ever threatened their children, and I was wrong.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Other people in alt media who are connected to the Citizens Commission on Human Rights are Jim Marrs, G. Edward Griffin, Jon Rappoport, Peter Breggin, and Gary Null.

In 2009 the CCHR published a video by Jim Marrs titled "Drugged To Death; Our Kids And Our Troops". [https://www.cchrint.org/2009/08/19/drugged-to-death/] In 2010 Jim Marrs was a speaker at an event organized by CCHR in Austin. [http://web.archive.org/web/20110407053739/http://www.ritaquinnphotography.com/2010/01/author-jim-marrs-at-cchr-austin-event-photographer/] In 2011 CCHR republished an article by Mike Adams about how the NaturalNews 2011 Book Of The Year Award was given to Jim Marrs. [https://www.cchrint.org/2011/09/07/naturalnews-names-award-winner-for-2011-jim-marrs/] The article mentioned that both Marrs and Adams were also winners of a "CCHR Human Rights Award". Gary Null also received the CCHR's Human Rights Award in 1995. [https://www.pbs12.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Gary-Null-CV.pdf]

In 2019 the CCHR published a video clip by G. Edward Griffin titled "Psychiatry as a Political Weapon: Punitive Psychiatry". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT0LsFmAl1U] G. Edward Griffin and Rima Laibow were also featured in a documentary by the CCHR titled "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging". [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?app=desktop&list=PL788A7D1780102F14] G. Edward Griffin also did the famous interviews of Yuri Bezmenov in 1984-1985. When I searched for early references to Bezmenov on Google Books, I found that he was mentioned in publications by Elizabeth Clare Prophet's Church Universal and Triumphant, Yuuko Chino's Pana Wave cult, and Doris Ekker's Phoenix cult. [https://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=%22tomas+schuman%22+before%3A2000] All three cults had a female leader and they mixed Christianity with Theosophy and New Age elements. Elizabeth Clare Prophet claimed that she was transmitting messages from the Ascended Masters. Doris Ekker channeled a joint transmission from Hatonn and Jesus Sananda (who was Jesus in his Ascended Master persona who lived on Hatonn's spaceship), who predicted that there would be a period of severe tribulation which would include a cataclysmic pole shift. The Pana Wave cult predicted that there would be a cataclysmic pole shift on May 15th 2003 because Planet X would pass by the earth, so they attempted to relocate to regions which would be relatively safe from the pole shift. Elizabeth Clare Prophet predicted that there would be a nuclear war by the end of the 80s, so her followers built nuclear fallout shelters and stocked up of food and supplies. And all three cults were also anti-Communist. The 1984 prayer book of Prophet's cult featured "highly specific decrees calling for the overturning of the Soviet enemy and the neutralization of key Politburo members". [https://books.google.com/books?id=uM3qeWM2CEYC&pg=PA181] Prophet published a series of three audiotapes of an interview she did with Bezmenov and another series of three audiotapes she did with the Czech defector Jan Ε ejna. Members of Pana Wave thought that the Soviets were targeting Japan with scalar waves, so they began to wear all-white clothes in order to protect themselves from scalar waves.

In 2011 the CCHR published an article which said: "Available at www.NewsTarget.com, the Disease Mongering Engine was created by Mike Adams, a vocal critic of modern psychiatric medicine and its practice of labeling healthy people with fictitious diseases, then over-medicating them with patented pharmaceuticals." [https://www.cchrint.org/2011/03/23/american-psychiatric-association-slammed-by-disease-mongering-parody-featuring-instant-disease-generation-engine/] In 2010 the CCHR republished an article about psychiatry by InfoWars, which included links to the Endgame movie and to a blog post by Mike Adams. [https://www.cchrint.org/2010/07/02/infowars-com-madhouse-medical-tyranny-when-health-becomes-sickness/] Jon Rappoport used to be a frequent guest host on InfoWars, but CCHR has also republished several of his articles. [https://www.google.com/search?q=site:cchrint.org+%22jon+rappoport%22] Rappoport was also featured in a documentary by the CCHR titled "Psychiatry in the Military: The Hidden Enemy". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHC2wH_iGYM]

Ivo Sasek is the founder of a cult called "Organische Christus Generation" (OCG) and an organization called "Anti-Zensur-Koalition" (AZK). [https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ivo_Sasek] In the first AZK conference in 2008, Sasek did a presentation about the German New Medicine movement. One speaker at the 2009 AZK conference was JΓΌrg Stettler, who was the president of the Swiss branch of the Church of Scientology and the press spokesman for the German branch. [ibid.] His talk was followed by a screening of CCHR's film "Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging", which features Rima Laibow and Jim Marrs. [https://vimeo.com/channels/809974/videos] Other speakers at the 2009 AZK conference included Rima Laibow and General Albert Stubblebine. [https://www.allmystery.de/themen/pr57797]

Another speaker in the 2009 AZK conference was Jane BΓΌrgermeister who did a presentation about H5N1 vaccines. BΓΌrgermeister did her most viewed interview with Bill Ryan from Project Avalon, who is a Free Zone Sientologist, and he wrote the following about Scientology: "I opened up my past lives, cleared the backlog of charge from this-lifetime upsets, and started to develop my suppressed abilities. [...] The e-meter is a tool, like a pendulum but far more exact, that assists the auditor in locating areas of 'available' charge. In itself it does nothing. The meter is not even necessary, but it does help the auditor to locate 'stuff' more precisely. [...] As one progresses, cleans more and more layers of charge off, and rehabilitates lost abilities, one acquires tools (which in other situations might be called 'white-magical' or 'good-shamanic') which enable one to assist others remotely at a distance." [https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?59276-Q-and-A-about-Ron-Hubbard-Bill-Robertson-Scientology-the-Free-Zone-and-Ron-s-Org]

Another speaker at the AZK conference was Hans Tolzin who spoke about the 2009 swine flu virus. Tolzin was at the time a former Moonie, and in a forum post in 1998 he wrote that he had been a member of the Unification Church for 20 years. Hans Tolzin writes for the magazine of the German Scientologist Michael Hinz/Kent, whose publishing house distributes Hubbard's books in German. [https://www.psiram.com/de/index.php/Michael_Hinz] Tolzin and Kent are currently working on a film about German New Medicine, where Kent is the producer and writer of the film and Tolzin is responsible for fundraising, distribution, and PR. [https://besser-leben-film.de/das_neue_filmprojekt] Their team previously published a film about how the H5N1 virus was fake. [https://besser-leben-film.de/virus] Kent sells a book about how viruses don't exist, which consists of 32 articles that have been published in his magazine over the years and that were written by people like Michael Kent and Hans Tolzin. [https://www.mwbl.de/artikel/virenmaerchen-chronologie-der-fake-seuchen]

Ivo Sasek runs a video website called KLA TV. [https://www.kla.tv] On the front page of their website, there's a video player for a featured video which is currently a film about electroshock therapy by CCHR. [https://www.kla.tv/en] The film includes subtitles in German, French, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian, and Chinese, which is reminiscent of how the CHD's Defender magazine is translated to various European languages, how Miles Guo's Twitter bots post videos from American alt media with subtitles in Chinese and various European languages, and how La Quinta Columna's Odysee channel consists of videos from the Stew Peters Network with subtitles in different European languages. The front page of KLA TV's website also features videos by Sucharit Bhakdi, Peter McCullough, Carrie Madej, and James Corbett.

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Nov 30, 2023Β·edited Nov 30, 2023

I don't trust anyone with a huge media organization behind them. Plus they always have their hands out for $$

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

All drugs have been the kill switch for humanity for thousands of years. But only in the last 150 or so for profit and destruction.

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They're all suspect to me. All of them can be bought or threatened with ANY number of things. It's all locked down.

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Matthew, Thank You for this piece! I have stated for many years my opinion, based on private discussions with those who have had dealings with him. So, I have NO "competent material evidence" to substantiate my position, so I have had to keep what I discuss in a "private setting".

Thank You for "competent material evidence" that does not relate to what I know. It makes this piece more important to me. It ALSO expands, greatly, the breadth of the deception and obfuscation the subject demonstrates constantly, consistently, and incessantly.

Thanks again Matthew.

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Absurd you offer no argument that QAnon leads to conspiracy theories about vaccines and depopulation. Quite the opposite. I sense something wrong with Mathew's orientation. The powers that be have telegraphed their "plandemic" "depopulation" plans for decades. QAnon SUPPORTS the warp speed vaxxx of their hero Trump as saving 100s of millions of lives! Alex Jones and Mike Adams have claimed depopulation through disease and vaxxxx was coming for decades. Nothing to do with the QAnon ruse which was started only a few years ago. "Trust the Plan", ie. do nothing expecting white hats will save us from the depopulation conspirators.

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Very good piece. Important that people understand what you are presenting conceptually and practically.

Within the "Covid dissent" branch of the overall operation there were and are multiple individuals who were clearly inserted into the program and had scripted roles to fill. Many of these individuals have been lionized and this too is done through various manipulations.

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I am unsure about George. I’ve spend the last year digesting all of his content and he seems to be the only one exposing the real info (Pfizer org chart during Okeefe reveal of Pfizer). Also now the heavy focus on the real Sampson option and the super antigens found in covid. He’s the only that doesn’t seem compromised but I may not be able to see all. He blocked Mark and Cullen/Goodman did an attack video on George as he was putting out dangerous research.

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OOPS! My bad. I did not mean to post my response three times. Once correction would have been enough.

100% true quite enough. 3X100% true is also true, but the other two are superfluous.

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Is there anyone you consider to be a β€œwhite hat”?

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