Never Forget! Watch folks from Jordan Peterson to current “whistleblowers” get all worked up pushing the vaxxine clot shots and ripping into those that value bodily autonomy. How much we've already forgotten! Disgusting

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Apr 23Liked by Mathew Crawford

Like yourself I was a fan of those podcasts like the Portal & Peterson, reassured as the hysteria began to ignite in 2020 that these bright sparks would calmly dissect and ridicule the mad crowd… any yet one by one they all missed the mark, how could this be possible, clearly we were the mark. Funny thing is now these fakes need to be propped up with fake likes to make it appear they still have reach, I suspect the sane have moved on abandoning the egos to their halls of mirrors. Nice word apocalyptic, anyone for arc?

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Apr 23Liked by Mathew Crawford

I concur with your thesis regarding Epstein's primary mission. Would be good to drill down into his Harvard brain trust connections, which include Pinker. Also, if memory serves, there was talk of genetic experiments being conducted on his New Mexico property. Finally, I will check to see how many individuals you identify as IDW members are, or were, members of edge.org. Thanks for your work!

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Apr 23Liked by Mathew Crawford

I don't know yet that I have a coherent picture of IDW since I pay attention to so few of the persons mention here but this article reminded me of several odd intersections of people in some things I've read recently.

First, the self-immolation guy wrote substack posts mostly about how crypto is a ponzi scam. However, he had many other interesting tidbits. One was that Bill Barr's father Donald Barr, an ex-oss guy, hired Epstein to teach math at a presigious prep school. Epstein was a 21 year old college dropout. Obviously, that is suspicious. Donald Barr also wrote sci-fi about a slave world which had some violent military unit he called "Ukrainian Idealists" appearing in an heroic role!

Next, in Programmed to Kill, the US attorney that declined to prosecute in the Presidio cases involving Aquino was Rudy Giuliani. That makes me wonder about the spectacularly absurd press conference in front of a garage door when they booked the wrong location 'by mistake' during the follow up to the 2020 elections. Was that an attempt to discredit challenges to the fraudulent election by making the challengers seem absurd? Certainly there was a lot of effort in that direction going around at the time.

Another Fox News personality that showed up in that book was Greta van Susteren, in which she appears briefly as the defense attorney for a mortician linked to a DC call-boy service who got off with a light sentence. Play ball and move up in the world!

I guess the idea of controlled opposition was what called these tidbits to mind.

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And Joe Rogan? And Gad Saad? Why stop there. Maybe Tucker and John Black, and hell, throw in Danielle Smith. And certainly, Pierre Polievre is on board. Probably me too, I just don't know it yet. Going down the rabbit hole and I don't know when to stop.

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Apr 23Liked by Mathew Crawford

That was an entertaining read. A sort of dim sum of running people down. I never grow tired of this for the likes of "Woo Dog," Claire Lehmann, Steven Pinker (like him but indeed he likes to talk down to his fellow humans), and Žižek. When watching Žižek, I feel like at any moment Peter Sellers (from an alternate universe) will take off the makeup and let us know it was all an act just to bang hot chicks. Alas, Michael Shermer gets scant attention despite his glorious bad Covid mRNA injection take. And I realize he doesn't necessarily fit in the IDW universe, but if you could draw a line out to Lawrence Krauss somewhere (perhaps on an inset diagram to adjust for scale), that would be great.

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Apr 23Liked by Mathew Crawford

What do you think about the recent Rogan-Carlson interview? I definitely wouldn't include them in the IDW, but they give the same vibes to me as what you're describing in this article. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that they are able to present anti-war stances and relatively independent viewpoints while their work is consumed by the masses, and I don't expect to agree with everyone always, but I get the feeling that they are controlled opposition at times (not for nothing, Tucker's dad was US intelligence.. CIA, I think; and the CIA is like the mafia. Once you're in, you're in for life and it is very common for that legacy to continue through subsequent generations). If you've already covered this topic and I missed it, I apologize. I'm hit-and-miss with my Substack reading.

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Don't forget Nassim Nicholas Taleb vs "Claire Lemon". Can't recall the details but they were arch enemies on the eve of the plandemic (NNT was abusive and vulgar towards her in a very public twitter spat. Nothing out of the ordinary for him). And then they became besties when the pandemic Black Swan that NNT predicted hit, and they agreed on gerontocidal granny killers with "no skin in the game", with NNT taking double-mask selfies and CL doing bikini shots during her one hour/day free from house arrest. Claire "libertarian case for vaccine mandates and vaccine passports bikini babe" Lehmann. Who could forget?

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Apr 27Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hi Mathew.

Just a short note to let you know that after a skim, and a nod of recognition and agreement with many of the people you mentioned, I had a hiccup when you mentioned Daniel Schmachtenberger. After seeing, repeatedly his interview by Liv Boeree about Moloch as metaphor for modern society, I was an impressed with the depth, speed, and wisdom he showed in asking the right questions. Only with your post here did I check out his homepage, and I still find him leagues ahead of the likes of Jordan Peterson, Steven "Dr. Pangloss" Pinker, and others you mentioned. It will take me time to follow up on that Rockefeller connection.

But out of curiosity, I just followed up on the link to Sugar Baby University, and found it compelling enough for a post all its own ... if nothing else, to summarize the structural and generational roots of how the university system has devolved, and comparing the "is" with the "should be" of human nature. During the interview, I found lots of side roads worth exploring on their own. Kimberly De La Cruz ended the interview by briefly explaining that at age 16, her 18 year old sister had died of brain cancer, and both the emotional and financial stress on her family and plans for college. If I had a daughter, I would cringe at the thought of depending on Sugar Baby U. as an option, but not having stepped in KimberIy's shoes, I am loathe to pass judgement.

The remainder of your post is condensed with so much information and juicy links to follow, I will have to pass for now ... otherwise I would spend my remaining years with "Read a Lot of Mathew Crawford" as my epitaph. If it is of any consolation, I am trimming my information overload by cutting a lot of substack subscriptions. Yours is one that I will hold on to.

Cheers from Japan

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David Icke really?

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Nice write up. Why do you think Whitney Webb won't talk about Bannon?

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Screw Bannon he's an obvious scam artist operating on behalf of the deep state and a cabal of billionaire techno/fascist oligarchs. That being said, Whitney Webb's "One Nation Under Blackmail" exposes that Epstein's "financial crimes" are much more significant than his pedophile extortion ring.

In fact, you should interviewe Webb and get the entire lowdown.

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"And I now regard the plandemonium as having begun with the mortgage bond crisis—call it 2007."

Hi Matthew, that's pretty much how I see it too. For us in the UK, our prosperity started to decline in 2005 when energy per capita topped out over here. The US seemed to start a little earlier with the decline beginning in 2004. This in turn led to the mortgage fiasco in 2007 (rising oil prices and interest rates - with oil topping out in 2008).

I wrote internally to the engineering consultancy I worked with at the time as well as the UK government. No one seemed interested. I also gave a presentation to an INCOSE Energy Working Group about "Battery Earth" and how civilisations went through configuration states based upon energy type. Again, there was little interest. But I suspect someone with significantly more influence than myself was paying attention and planning accordingly. I'm happy to share my slides if it's of interest.

All the best,


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Tried four times under different search engines to see your Rumble video on Epstein connection to plandemonium. After the ads, it won't run.

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Wonderful post. Thank you!

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The entire IDW collapsed when Eric Weinstein made a massive ass of himself onstage. He went into hiding not long after that.


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