Our society discourages the adventurer. For instance, there was a time when a person could study civics and law on his or her own and take a qualifications exam to become a lawyer, a person recognized by a judge to present a case in court. Another person could learn on his/her own how to drive a semi-tractor-trailer and pass a written and practical test to obtain a commercial driver’s license. Today such a person has to attend a school with a mandate of a minimum number of class room hours before qualifying. A person can self teach him or herself in carpentry, electrical wiring, plumbing but never be able to qualify to obtain a license without first serving a multi-year, full time apprenticeship. The same holds true for most, if not all, engineering careers. A person desiring a career in surveying must attend a four-year, full-time college degree program and then subsequently serve a minimum four year, full-time apprenticeship. In my own own career where I served for 37 years and attained the highest level of recognized achievement I am presently not qualified to teach others simply because I do not have the basic two levels of professional certification, a certification that did not exist at the time I began my career. The one career a person needs no qualifications for is politician.
So true. My sister taught herself 3 languages and tested out to get college credits. She also took French, but taught herself advanced level and then tested out so high she was awarded a special certificate from France. This was decades ago so I have no idea if universities allow a student ‘to test out’ a class, but doubt it since they only care about money.
Kafka did state, specialization is for flies. So if one gets so specialized in one domain and refuses to engage in anything outside that domain then they become trapped…. It is akin to the ideological traps that the liberal progressive live in… theater are trapped in an ideological cage because to think otherwise, risks being ostracized and many of these people are so fragile that they cannot fathom any form of rejection or criticism. Be bold… take risks… and then you might learn something actually useful…edit, I meant ants.
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
I think the point of our education system, from pre-school through higher degrees, is to produce compliant workers, avid consumers, and loyal, unquestioning supporters of the establishment and the status quo. It emphasizes parroting, not critical thinking. It stifles and discourages curiosity, exploration, imagination and originality. And it vilifies challenges to the established norm.
This is so critical. I have lived such a varied life though not in a great many locations from recording atrist to martial artist, carpenter, permaculture business owner and designer, forester and many other things and it is never the credential that will get you to the joy of discovery. It is the liberation of learning and the sense of empowerment.
You may have missed the main point about Dr. Rose.
Being an Adventurer is downstream from being a "Newfie." As with Texans, she says she's from Newfoundland, not Canada, when asked. Furthermore, she's drunk Newfoundland "Screech," in a shed, and refers to her pectoralis major as her "drinking muscle." She has also ceremoniously kissed a cod.
Regarding being an Adventurer, that requires a metaphysical understanding the Drone does not have to the same degree.
The Drone-type sticks to a plan for personal advancement and accomplishment limited by their understanding of what is possible, whereas the Adventurer throws it to the wind and trusts in God, the Universe, or the advanced alien Ai that runs things.
Always going with the flow, the Adventurer is up for everything and trusts the Ai to continually reconfigure every quark in the Universe such that one's life happens in the most interesting way possible.
The metaphysical concept is doing by not-doing., thus the Adventurer lets life unfold according to its own design. Along the way one experiences strange coincidences, proof the Universe is intelligent and interactive - no need for religion, which was developed to keep the Drones working for the system. One bad decision can make you a Drone forever; getting married, having kids, a career, or a mortgage will do it. After that, the only hope is retirement, then death.
You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.
I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:
Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.
It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.
It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.
You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.
You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.
Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.
Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:
They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.
It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:
“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.
Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:
Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.
The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.
The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.
Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.
Bring it home. Bring it home for us.
WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.
Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.
Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.
5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.
Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.
They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.
If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.
Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.
Just saw the same comment posted in Madhava Setty’s latest article, by the way. It’s probably repeated all over, this dude tends to do that. So, at least this one is maybe not specifically to harass you. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that kind of thing, no doubt that you do. You have opened my mind about a lot of things and I’m forever grateful! Your work ethic and positivity despite all the bs is really an inspiration. And thanks for introducing me to Setty, by the way. I really enjoyed that interview.
Irrelevant and distracting post. If we want to read Mr Lewis's posts we will fins him, and it's bad manners to use your message section to advertise his Substack. Block it, and ask for comments to be on message.
In this case, I would like for others to observe the harassment. For me, it's a constant daily bombardment, but most people see the tip of the iceberg only.
The comment is not directed at you personally nor was it intended as harassment (in my opinion). However, the comment is certainly off topic for your post. It is more of a mass posting everywhere in order to try and catch as many eyes as possible. You have every right to limit what appears on your comment section should you want to keep people on topic. I don't know the individual, but if he wants to amplify his message, he's not going about it the right way. I believe he should have requested of you a guest post or something of that nature.
I hope you are getting some rest. These things must really take a toll, especially when its become part of the wallpaper. You probably wont realise how much, until you are away from it somehow.
Malone is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He still pushes Fear Porn about these ever so tiny "Viral Pathogens" that spend their "life" seeking to kill us. They have never been found in their natural state. Never. And no vaccine has ever stopped any illness going back to small pox in the late 1700s.
None! You didn't even figure in Thomas Lewis's comment! AND (judging by other comments) he is spamming this mental tripe everywhere regardless of topic. So rude!
I enjoy everything Dr. Jessica Rose writes. I’ll admit it’s usually hard for me to totally grasp as she’s very scientific, but she’s amazingly intelligent and enlightening. It’s wonderful to read how she tracks data and analyses. Thanks for sharing the video--both were enjoyable to listen to their questions and responses.
“Perhaps that's because a drone sees the degree, not the project, as the end goal. For those people, the credential is the reward, not the adventure. And that's the sort of norm that leads us to a place where specialization becomes an anti-educational path.”
The brass ring is the prize. The drones lack humanity, compassion and the intellectual ability to exercise unbiased critical thinking. Thank you for your insights and effort. Stay strong.
I just found this again and I don't think I ever told you how lovely I think it is. :)
Our society discourages the adventurer. For instance, there was a time when a person could study civics and law on his or her own and take a qualifications exam to become a lawyer, a person recognized by a judge to present a case in court. Another person could learn on his/her own how to drive a semi-tractor-trailer and pass a written and practical test to obtain a commercial driver’s license. Today such a person has to attend a school with a mandate of a minimum number of class room hours before qualifying. A person can self teach him or herself in carpentry, electrical wiring, plumbing but never be able to qualify to obtain a license without first serving a multi-year, full time apprenticeship. The same holds true for most, if not all, engineering careers. A person desiring a career in surveying must attend a four-year, full-time college degree program and then subsequently serve a minimum four year, full-time apprenticeship. In my own own career where I served for 37 years and attained the highest level of recognized achievement I am presently not qualified to teach others simply because I do not have the basic two levels of professional certification, a certification that did not exist at the time I began my career. The one career a person needs no qualifications for is politician.
So true. My sister taught herself 3 languages and tested out to get college credits. She also took French, but taught herself advanced level and then tested out so high she was awarded a special certificate from France. This was decades ago so I have no idea if universities allow a student ‘to test out’ a class, but doubt it since they only care about money.
'Understandable Jessica' is truly a bright light in this storm... All the best.
Kafka did state, specialization is for flies. So if one gets so specialized in one domain and refuses to engage in anything outside that domain then they become trapped…. It is akin to the ideological traps that the liberal progressive live in… theater are trapped in an ideological cage because to think otherwise, risks being ostracized and many of these people are so fragile that they cannot fathom any form of rejection or criticism. Be bold… take risks… and then you might learn something actually useful…edit, I meant ants.
Akshully….I think the phrase was “specialization is for insects” and it was Heinlein, I believe
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
-Robert A. Heinlein
One of my favorite quotes
That is probably correct…. Sorry for my error.
I think the point of our education system, from pre-school through higher degrees, is to produce compliant workers, avid consumers, and loyal, unquestioning supporters of the establishment and the status quo. It emphasizes parroting, not critical thinking. It stifles and discourages curiosity, exploration, imagination and originality. And it vilifies challenges to the established norm.
I am on board to leave any NGO. They seem to cause nothing but trouble.
That's smart.
So pleased that you introduced me to her, You both have been a joy to learn from ~ Thanks!
This is so critical. I have lived such a varied life though not in a great many locations from recording atrist to martial artist, carpenter, permaculture business owner and designer, forester and many other things and it is never the credential that will get you to the joy of discovery. It is the liberation of learning and the sense of empowerment.
Jessica indeed a fascinating lady!
A flamenco dancer?!?!?
You may have missed the main point about Dr. Rose.
Being an Adventurer is downstream from being a "Newfie." As with Texans, she says she's from Newfoundland, not Canada, when asked. Furthermore, she's drunk Newfoundland "Screech," in a shed, and refers to her pectoralis major as her "drinking muscle." She has also ceremoniously kissed a cod.
Regarding being an Adventurer, that requires a metaphysical understanding the Drone does not have to the same degree.
The Drone-type sticks to a plan for personal advancement and accomplishment limited by their understanding of what is possible, whereas the Adventurer throws it to the wind and trusts in God, the Universe, or the advanced alien Ai that runs things.
Always going with the flow, the Adventurer is up for everything and trusts the Ai to continually reconfigure every quark in the Universe such that one's life happens in the most interesting way possible.
The metaphysical concept is doing by not-doing., thus the Adventurer lets life unfold according to its own design. Along the way one experiences strange coincidences, proof the Universe is intelligent and interactive - no need for religion, which was developed to keep the Drones working for the system. One bad decision can make you a Drone forever; getting married, having kids, a career, or a mortgage will do it. After that, the only hope is retirement, then death.
Brilliant as usual 👌
Dr. Robert W. Malone
Dr. Jill Glasspool Malone
c/o The Malone Institute
Dear Robert,
You have done everything right. To this point. Everything. You have been kind in your love for others. Not brutal, as in my love for you.
I never have, and never will speak for you. Only to you:
Drop this vaccine platform nonsense. Immediately.
It cannot, nor will it ever be, “of your doing”.
It’s “undoing” however, is yours to lead and to achieve.
You are the last man standing with nothing but turtles upon your head.
You are not without compass. Listen for your Mother’s voice. You will hear it in the wind when you are headed in the right direction. It is always there.
Vaccines can, and very well may, have a lasting importance for the uniquely vulnerable: Those whose own natural immunity has been, itself, compromised. But not like this. We have to test the tests. We have to grade the tests. Before their data points can be plotted underneath the curve of Natural Immunity.
Turn around. And look down at the broken shoulders of those you have been forced to stand upon. Those that despise you; those that despise criticism; and those that hate themselves more than they could ever hate you. They suffer from Mass Formation Neurosis:
They envy you. You that are able to do what they themselves cannot.
It is in every cry and every whimper of theirs. Easily recognized within their every utterance:
“We’re concerned”. Damn right they are.
Put your full weight upon those broken shoulders:
Expose what they don’t know. What they have never known. And consequently the inevitable mistakes that they have made.
The Greatest Reset. It is time for you to go back and expose every false malevolent assumption that has ever been made in your field. Every assumption, upon assumption, upon assumption. Because, and here’s the thing, at every point, at every node, at every decision that was made by assumption, was a scientist that didn’t know what to do next. They didn’t. If they did they would not of had to make assumptions. At each decision node they had available to them other choices, other known choices available to them. Tell us what they did at each of those junctures. The choices that were made are the dots connecting motive with outcome. Similarly, and even more germane: The choices not made are evidence of malfeasance, and in a court of law, criminality.
The errors. Their errors. Are in the choices not made.
Doubt me? They wrote it all down. It’s right in front of us. In front of us all. You, me, the barber down the street.
Bring it home. Bring it home for us.
WEF: They are followers. Rubber for brains. Let them follow themselves in a self-annihilating concentric circle. Leave them to lead only those that don’t matter. People that don’t matter - to themselves. Money can own lies. Surely. Certainly, But it is the truth that will bankrupt them.
Your truth. Our truth. The truth of what they have done. The truth that you must expose. With a vengeance.
Resistance Within The Resistance: Never you mind. No one is wrong. No one that is doing the work is wrong. The mistakes that continue to be made concerning this full-on assault against us are too colossal to at all times comprehend. That’s why others have been screaming at you, even when they can’t explain why. You and I are no different as people. We are of them.
5GW: We get it. We all get it. There is no there … there. Because it’s everywhere. Okay. Institutions that have gutted themselves, of actual virtue: They lie, they smear, and they obfuscate because they are not of our equal.
Big screens, little screens, the Jumbotron. Worthless. We beat them with pencil and paper. Each word carefully articulated. Thanks be to Jill.
They all forgot about one thing. These plastic geniuses. People still talk to one another. People of integrity, and of dignity, that form communities. Everywhere. Each one a walking-talking Gutenberg Press. There are more people -people everywhere - listening and talking with one another than will ever listen to these cretins again. They’re done. They just don’t realize it yet. And that’s to our advantage. They are each, constituted of their own lies, which they themselves have come to believe. It’s what’s killing them. Let it.
If you think you have to write it down. Do it. Do it quickly. It’s time to move.
Go see Del. He’s waiting for you. Go see Del. Alone. And sit under that Big Tree with him. We will gather the horses; the tack; everything that you need. We will be joining Mikki Willis and Company. They are two days ahead of us.
Go see Del. And you know why:
That man doesn’t need a saddle.
And he always rides ahead.
🟢 Pinned @ Thomas Lewis
I'm not quite sure your purpose, but it puts me off that you post this here, under a post about educational philosophy.
And given that you're writing about a man who was particularly unkind to me, it strikes me as a bit like a form of harassment.
Just saw the same comment posted in Madhava Setty’s latest article, by the way. It’s probably repeated all over, this dude tends to do that. So, at least this one is maybe not specifically to harass you. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that kind of thing, no doubt that you do. You have opened my mind about a lot of things and I’m forever grateful! Your work ethic and positivity despite all the bs is really an inspiration. And thanks for introducing me to Setty, by the way. I really enjoyed that interview.
Irrelevant and distracting post. If we want to read Mr Lewis's posts we will fins him, and it's bad manners to use your message section to advertise his Substack. Block it, and ask for comments to be on message.
In this case, I would like for others to observe the harassment. For me, it's a constant daily bombardment, but most people see the tip of the iceberg only.
The comment is not directed at you personally nor was it intended as harassment (in my opinion). However, the comment is certainly off topic for your post. It is more of a mass posting everywhere in order to try and catch as many eyes as possible. You have every right to limit what appears on your comment section should you want to keep people on topic. I don't know the individual, but if he wants to amplify his message, he's not going about it the right way. I believe he should have requested of you a guest post or something of that nature.
Im so sorry to hear this.
I hope you are getting some rest. These things must really take a toll, especially when its become part of the wallpaper. You probably wont realise how much, until you are away from it somehow.
We are sending piles of love 💛
I just blocked him. Not that I write articles, but I don’t want him using a comment of mine to parrot his article.
Malone is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He still pushes Fear Porn about these ever so tiny "Viral Pathogens" that spend their "life" seeking to kill us. They have never been found in their natural state. Never. And no vaccine has ever stopped any illness going back to small pox in the late 1700s.
This is rich in irony!
An establishment shill recommending a P-Harma shill to go chat with a media shill?
Most offensive of all - doing so on a post about the value of extra-curricula education.
Uh...which of these things am I?
None! You didn't even figure in Thomas Lewis's comment! AND (judging by other comments) he is spamming this mental tripe everywhere regardless of topic. So rude!
He is, just saw his exact unwanted comment on an Alexander stack. Total spam and blind allegiance. Pretty disgusting.
🤣 so many weirdos, so little time
I enjoy everything Dr. Jessica Rose writes. I’ll admit it’s usually hard for me to totally grasp as she’s very scientific, but she’s amazingly intelligent and enlightening. It’s wonderful to read how she tracks data and analyses. Thanks for sharing the video--both were enjoyable to listen to their questions and responses.
“Perhaps that's because a drone sees the degree, not the project, as the end goal. For those people, the credential is the reward, not the adventure. And that's the sort of norm that leads us to a place where specialization becomes an anti-educational path.”
The brass ring is the prize. The drones lack humanity, compassion and the intellectual ability to exercise unbiased critical thinking. Thank you for your insights and effort. Stay strong.
Very informative and entertaining interview. I had not heard of the interviewer before.
He pairs up with Robert Barnes often.