Happy anniversary.

This documentary is indeed eye opening. As are the many brave people who've challenged the vaccine lobby and been sidelined and vilified as a result. For me the most powerful reference is Robert F Kennedy Jr's Real Anthony Fauci book. The madness and corruption over vaccines is all in there. Also I must commend The Highwire and ICAN for all the do to keep my eyes open.

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You need to read Turtles All The Way Down, if you haven't already.

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Happy Anniversary!!! Thank you for your posts!

This is an amazing resource but anyone seeking a deeper dive into Vaxxed 1 or 2 should go to the producers' site:


Particularly their "Stories From the Road" series, essentially their "Full/Uncut" collection of 860 interviews of vaccine injured:


Find out more about these brave souls:


And who they are:


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Thank you!

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Thank you! I always wondered what happened to the Wearevaxxed site and now I know!

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I loved watching PeepsTV on their Roku app but, sadly, it is no more. It had so much content.

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Thank you for sharing this. Every story of every parent or guardian or grandparent or sibling, I watched in real time as the bus made it's way around the country. EACH story was so devastating no matter the situation because each family was robbed of "normalcy" and the life these children should have been able to have, and it created unnecessary, but very palpable guilt with each parent who thought they were doing the "right thing" to keep those children "safe". I cried so many times and early in the Vaxxed journey, after the first film, is when I realized my daughter had been injured by her 8 month jab in 1980. At that time something told me to not do anymore, which I didn't. I only figured it out over 30 years later. I then joined the mission to spread the word.

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I wonder how many injured children there really are...how many parents just don’t correlate their child’s pathology with a vaccine. My middle son began projectile vomiting, broke out in hives, and went into anaphylactic shock when he was 8mo old. Those were the scariest moments of my life. He was exclusively breastfed. They told me he was allergic to nuts and that his reaction was from pancakes made with almond milk - that I ate. It never occurred to me that it could’ve been a vaccine injury until all of this covid craziness. I went back and looked at his records, and sure enough, just a 2 days before his episode, he had HEP B and Pneumococcal (PREVNAR).

Of course I’ll never know for sure, but I’ll always wonder.

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did trump see it ???

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The first Vaxxed documentary was what led me down the rabbit hole. Made my wife watch it and at the end of it all, we agreed to spread out the vaccine schedule for our kids from 18 months to 4-5 years. After going through the last 3 years of gaslighting, it's turned me into an anti-vaxxer through and through. My feeling is that the word anti-vaxxer will go from being derogatory to being a badge of honour.

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I have really started to embrace the term proudly . I want nothing to do with any sort of vax anymore and while I would never take choice away from someone, I am clear those toxins will never go into my body or my children’s as long as I have any control over the situation.

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Thanks math-ew

Congratulations, to both of you.

If I may, I’d recommend the “office hours” that JJ streamed, in which he watched (and made minimal but very useful comments) Vaxxed 1 & 2

As a complete layman, and new to the idea that vaccines are nothing like we were told, it was very beneficial for me to have JJ as a guide through this.

Just a thought.

En-F**kin’-joy your time off, if not this whole ride will be in vain

Much love, as always

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Yes, it is a winner!

Happy Anniversary!

Gor a fun movie night throwback to Alabama, you might enjoy

Tucker and Dale vs EVIL... 🤣

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I love the parents talking about the health of their vaxxed vs unvaxxed children.

My children are completely unvaccinated and perfectly healthy. I have zero regrets not vaccinating

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Thank you Mathew. Happy anniversary!

Here is the first Vaxxed movie:


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Yes the first one is also very good. I also like Trace Amounts and The Greater Good too.

I was lucky to see Vaxxed II in a theater hosted by Brandy Vaughn from Learn The Risk, who sadly passed away a couple of years ago.

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I have the impression the passing away was in Andrew Breitbart style.

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I found Trace Amounts on Rumble. Can you please give me a link to The Greater Good?

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Here you go


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Thank you Elizabeth!

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Very well produced.

When people see that they realize the true meaning of "The Media."

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We just watched too! I wish I could share it but afraid I've used up all those cards with everyone I know!

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Happy anniversary. Open minded indeed. I’ve been posting on a forum trying to get rid of a particular vax mandate there. I mentioned Vaxxed II and a few Covidians looked at it and had the “this means nothing because correlation doesn’t mean causation” reaction. Ridiculing the idea by comparing getting the vax then stubbing their toe later.

I pointed out the fallacy of their reasoning (respectfully) to no avail. One reason is they believe the smears of Dr. Wakefield that he only did it to promote his own vaccine (someone gave a patent #), and that he falsified his data and the retraction of his paper proves that he is a fraud. Hence they can’t see the obvious in the movie.

I haven’t seen these people in 3 years and even though I was expecting some of this, it is amazing how angry and vitriolic they are, something I never perceived before. The vax definitely changes some people’s personality in a profoundly negative way. Fortunately some people understood exactly what I was saying.

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Why waste time and effort on recipients who are intellectually sub-par? Just point the cult-covidians to the notorious Slide 16, VRBPAC meeting, Oct. 22, 2020. Full presentation PDF: https://mega.nz/file/gwIRjKCa#JmQ7iav-exz4fg06grCO1yZ9C2q8oO4nu2OWGL-8EqI

(Slide 16 is on p. 17.)

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Congratulations and Happy Anniversary...

thank you, i have been wondering if it is possible for someone with good kidney function, getting jabbed and then going on dialysis within a month.

while i don't know the timeline of someone i once knew... i know they were jabbed and then suddenly had to go on dialysis. From my point of view, acute kidney injury from something. Food poison? i don't think so. Some other chemical poison? i don't think so.

That kind of leaves the jab.

Same person later got the flu jab, i was there, and then later diagnosed with the flu even though the test came back negative for both type a and b. Later when they didn't get well, got diagnosed with

wegener's disease... i am certainly questioning if it is only coincidences that i witnessed.

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Perfect share! So many cannot wrap their heads around that a vaccine can injure someone, this why mandates of any medical product or procedure needs informed consent...which negates mandates.

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What to do about the harm caused by the covid vaccines? Did you know that the population of India routinely uses fenbendazole and has 1/3 the rate of cancer as the US? Now it is sudden death, soon, very soon, it will be longer, painful, suffering death. The cancers that result from the covid vaxxes are incubating and brewing now. All the preclinical research regarding how fenbendazole eradicates cancer is consistent with its effects in practice. Learn how to protect yourself and loved ones from cancer with fenbendazole, a safe, inexpensive, off patent, otc drug. So far it saved two people (make that THREE) close to me. Read the detailed Case Reports https://fenbendazole.substack.com its all free.

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Thank you! A friend has a diffuse midline glioma (vac induced?) and is not doing well. I'm sending this to his wife.

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👍 you’ll see a Case Report with that exact condition as well as the details of the fenbendazole protocol used to eradicate diffuse midline glioma.

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Parents have to be crazy to keep putting these poisons into their children. Such blind obedience to a mantra that has never been proven to be better than avoiding it altogether.

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