Here in Australia an un-vaccinated population more or less eliminated Covid twice in 2020. Now a more or less fully vaccinated population is seeing 30 or 40 thousand cases a day. Yes it is a different strain now, but the current situation could not be further from what we were promised in early 2021.

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Covid mortality and all cause mortality also increased in Australia in 2022 after 95% of the population was vaccinated.

In June 2022, Alex Berenson reported:

"For the last several months it (Australia) has had more deaths per-capita, and nearly all those people are vaccinated. In the last six weeks, 656 people have died of Covid in New South Wales, Australia’s largest state. More than 85 percent were vaccinated, and most of them had been boosted.

Even more concerning, Australia has also had a large increase in non-Covid deaths. During the first three months of 2022, Australia had almost 20 percent more deaths than normal. Even excluding Covid deaths, deaths were almost 10 percent above normal. Figures for April and May from Victoria, its second-largest state, suggest excess deaths have risen even further since then and may be running 30 percent above normal - a stunningly high level."

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Things are definitely not what we were promised - and yet the message is still get vaccinated - get boosted.

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And what does that tell you?

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Aug 6, 2022
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The elites are too afraid of allowing people to become educated. The Prussian model remains. If they lifted that, tech would move forward broadly and eliminate resource bottlenecks.

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People trust their doctors. We need to put the doctors "On The Spot". Ask any doctor the "Pro or Ho" question.

Is your doctor a medical professional or a paid whore for the pharma cartel? A simple question for your doctor to determine if they are a "Pro or Ho":

"Should healthy children under the age of 12 get the shots?".

If the answer isn't "NO" then you have a "Ho". There is no "yes" or "it depends". The IFR for healthy kids is so far to the right of the decimal that they have a statistically ZERO chance of dying from covid. It is of zero benefit for them to get the shots. It also is of zero benefit to anyone else because they will still get it and transmit it, injected or not.


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People *did* trust their doctors. Otherwise I agree. I fear a lawyers picnic from children suing their parents that were harmed by the vaccines over the next 20 years or so. But I hope I am completely wrong!

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People trust their doctors, and the doctors trust what they learn, read in books, during their educations, just as Rockefeller wanted it to be back in 1913, when he got the power over "health" in USA. In the books for doctors they again and again read how vaccines have cured and cures diseases, even though in some cases diseases had fallen 95% before the vaccines came.

And conserning harm over the next 20 caused by the mRNA vaccines, then think on the polio vaccines 1954 - 1963 which by mistake contained the monkey SV40 virus, which nearly did not harm the monkey, byt put into humans caused, and still causes, 5 types of bain cancer, bone marrow cancer, leucemia, and more. And the SV40 continue to go fra generations to generations, from persons with the SV40 containing vaccines. CDC and FDA lies about it, and in Google reality has been cut of.

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How many flu cases have you had since April 2020?

Let me guess: close to ZERO?

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2020, 2021 close to zero. 2022 well above the maximum of the last 5 years and the peak was earlier than normal. I have no idea what that means.

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It can only mean one thing: WHO & world governments rebranded seasonal respiratory infections called influenzas as covid-19. I've seen it first hand in Canadian hospitals when flu patients became covid-19. 30 000 tests for flu with 7 positive and then none after Apri 2020 for almost 18 months...

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Of course the twice eliminated Covid was always going to be a postponement. Australia got very lucky Omicron appeared. If not, you'd be still having continuous lockdowns, 6km travel maximums, check-ins at groceries, checkpoints, covid camps and travel restrictions every time some poor traveler brought in a case or two. It is just Omicron made it impossible even with this measures to stop the spread.

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What if it was the vaccinations that allowed omicron to spread so fast? Even if you assume a level of efficacy of the vaccine, vaccinating all those people as the spread was getting out of control, made all those people more vulnerable to infection for several weeks after the vaccination - potentially accelerating the spread and putting everyone at higher risk simply because there are more carriers. In Australia, this is now the disease of the vaccinated.

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Over here in Chiang Mai province we had something like 2 deaths that first year, all older people with co-morbidities. Once the country got vax-mad cases skyrocketed and deaths in CM went from 2 that first year to 192 the second. I pointed it out on a few english news forums here and was roundly scoff'd and scorn'd. A complex situation to be sure, but still...

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Here in Chiang Mai, during 2 1/2 year I have talked against Covid-19 "vaccinating" , and mong other told persons that I will pay 10,000 Bath (300 $) to anybody who can find a doctor that are told to know about vaccines, mRNA vaccines, virusses, and so on. But yet nobody payed. And from the start tellig "find to me an Covid infected person which I can grab, as I am healthy and not afraid". Have met 10 doctors in hospitals, and turned all of them down, when they asked why I am not vaccinated, they don't know anything at all, which I have realised during now 19 years out here. Doctors and patients can't think, and realise that they not are vaccinated, but insteat playing Russian roultte; as we read about conserning the case in a court in Gernani, concerning insurance being payed by the actual insurence company. Still some persons are afraied of me because I'm not vaccinated, even though they hear about vaccinated acquantiaed hit by Covid or dead.

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Show your friends this simple chart of data for Thailand (see slide 30). If they dismiss the chart is "antivax propaganda," invite them to click on the link to see the original chart from John Hopkins University (even a caveman can do it):


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I have printed many sides with graphs, and shown to friends, and doctors, but they don't change in their believing. The doctors trust the medical firms, as they have been learned to du during. And we see lies in books for the doctors, or in Google.

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Know how you feel: Even our children's pediatrician dismissed the data from VAERS that I showed her. I have no idea if this is mass psychosis or fear of losing her job, but she lost all my respect.

Keep trying. I still have managed to change a few minds. This saves lives, even when the effort seems more trouble than it is worth.

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I only partly have changed my thai wifes mind. My nearest friend, known since 5 year old in 1952, to whom, in Denmark, I each second week send a copy of my daybook on 14 - 28 new sides, most about science, and beside copies, he probably not has change in thinking in how good vaccination is. Because the danish health news, back i April, when I talked with him, said that nothing bad with the mRNA vaccine, abd noby dead or sick by it. His mother was nurse. And in the letter sent monday, more about the awfull polio vaccnation 1954 - 1963, with SV40 virus. The problems with many the many cancers (5 different in the brain) which still in the future will hunt humanity, as the result of failure, just like now concerning Covid "vaccines". And the trutht concerning the Salk vaccine, CDC and FDA never have admittet, and in doctor education books, and in Google, the history is cut out.

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they are in there for the money. real doctors, the ones that heal patients, are very seldom and far between

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Maybe the situation is not complex, but instead simply a matter of understanding how to evaluate the impact of the low probability of a bad outcome--for either the disease or the vax?Making sense does not require complexity, its simply a matter of doing the maths.

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I certainly see your point there. It's complex because there are a number of variables that could account for the increase in death and cases, including increased 'testing' among a number of other factors. Things always have layers in this part of the world and it is not always easy to peel them all back and discover the true true. Still, it was startling to watch the numbers dramatically rise once the shots were distributed and the people scampering for them.

That all being said, my own opinion is that Thailand has been one of the better places to ride this Mad Hatter's tea party re-writ by Kafka set in a shit show staged in a dumpster fire.

Certainly a hell of a lot better than my home country of Canada.

One startling number that was reported earlier in the year here was that suicide rates increased by 590% over regular years. So, though the gov't (a quasi military run gov't btw) was nowhere near as draconian as many other places, the impact was nonetheless massively felt.

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Untill shortly in the start of April this year, we in the Thai Tv news each afternoon got numbers of how many dead by "Covid". Shown as both total number and in 4 groups for persons also hit by other diseases. This showing in Tv stopped after the number of dead persons went over 20. But by the informations, we saw that each time only 1 or 2 of the dead, did not also suffer from other diseases, af in one of the groups, also suffering diabetes.

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Mathew, thank you! I will add this information with your article as source to my book. This reminds of so many other countries where a dramatic increase in deaths is visible following/parallel to vaccination.

The massive increase in all cause mortality is only the tip of the ice berg, Mathew. Other diseases including cancer etc. may develop over time.

"In the end, billions of lives are potentially at risk, given the large number of individuals injected with the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines and the broad range of adverse outcomes we have described."

-Dr. Seneff and Dr. McCullough et al.

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What about your book?

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Bravo, good work ... from someone who learned that the only way I could to share information on hydroxychloroquine more than a year ago was to post images or videos upside-down.

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Upside-down is a nice censor-beating strategy. I like it. But now I'm worried about going dizzy thinking about how many times an image goes upside down traveling through our eyes to our brain.

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Sometimes I flip on its side when upside down gets censored as well. It's good to be agile.

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War between natural intelligence and AI.

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This is what we need to get out as wide as possible. I don’t know why it’s being ignored but as a vaxed person I can fully comprehend that we have made a massive mistake & I think it’s negligent to pretend otherwise. Matt on a side note, can I use part of your terrific interview yesterday for social media? I will just take 5 minute sections to keep the audience engaged? I’ll either put your YouTube link up or if you think that might be risky for your Channel I will just list the names involved?

I think it was so good that it really should be shared just to get people a little more enlightened in the hope they start thinking & asking questions?

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I don't mind clips, but if you feel you identified a good one, let me know the timestamps, and I can ask Liam to make a cut. We do know that finding good clips is important, but we've only done that a bit so far. We should do that more.

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Thanks. The part about the identified auto immune triggers in the vax for about 20- 30% of people is where I was going to start. Naomi Wolf from the daily clout has been talking about these vaccines but I find what she says is somewhat hit & miss. She often puts my comments, posts etc to her large audience but I feel they need better information to make decisions. I also run a Facebook page which I tread carefully with to ensure it stays up. If I clip something I will post it you also & ensure it’s ok ( that might save you some time) I will rewatch it tomorrow & make notes on what really stood out & come back & give you those time stamps too. Thanks Matt.

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So many good people who just wanted to do what they thought was the right and/or best thing will lose their lives if they haven’t already.

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Mathew, I just found this on the page from the Office for National Statistics from Great Britain.

"In the week ending 22 July 2022 (Week 29), 10,978 deaths were registered in England and Wales; this was 18.1% above the five-year average (1,680 excess deaths)."

Almost 1700 excess deaths per week?! 20% higher mortality rate than on average?? But don´t worry, the vaccines can not have anything to do with that.

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I work for a U.S. government agency that reports on these issues. At the end of last summer, winter in the Southern Hemisphere, I received an email saying Covid cases were dropping rapidly in Uruguay and this was attributed to that country having the most successful vaccination campaign in the region. A half hour later I received an email reporting that Covid cases were dropping rapidly in Paraguay, despite that country having the least successful vaccination campaign in the region. I guess neither writer took seasonality into account.

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Due to both poor treatment protocols and the governments mandated impetus to count cases and death using unreliable PCR tests and fallacious head counts, the true case and death rates of this disease in both the U.S. and Italy, as just two examples are really unknown. If Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is caused by the polio vaccines as numerous Doctors now believe, what are the mRNA jabs doing to people and is vaccine shedding the primary means of transfer? Even high amounts of shingles cases are being reported to VAERS, which is possibly indicating the mRNA jabs may be exciting the pathogens from other vaccines. The U.S. Military records with a 97% inoculation rate is the most interesting with all case deaths and diseases significantly up after the jabs. I wish I were making this stuff up but it was three military Doctors that have come out saying this.

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Great analysis. Gratifying to see someone paying attention to this low profile country.

COVID death rates spiked in many nations following mass vaccination. This pattern is more evident in small nations (especially island nations) where initial COVID death rates were low and vaccination roll out was relatively uniform.

In the last two power points in the link, you can see how this pattern played out in the South American nations of Uruguay and Suriname based on charts from John Hopkins:


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Bureaucrats and pols made decisions based on politics fear and ignorance. the vax program is a total failure. Its akin to a world war; or a communist revolution ; bad decisions killed millions

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The prediction is that for some COVID-19 patients, antibodies enable the virus to infect phagocytic cells - expanding the cells that can be infected to include a subset of innate immune cells. These cells enable the virus to readily spread to other organs outside the respiratory system. A recent Nature article showed infections of up to 6% of monocytes. A recent autopsy study found virus more widely spread in the body for vaccinated individuals.

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Just wondering why the Reuters Press Release on Uruguay is datelined "Asuncion" - which is in Paraguay!

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I guess that's where some AP writer was stationed?

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And for today's piece of useless information : Did you know that Paraguay is one of only 2 countries in South America whose capital and country name have the same number of letters. The other one is much easier to identify!!

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The experience of Uruguay is similar to some Asian countries, including Singapore in that they started well with the use of HCQ/IVM but then switched to mass vaccination, where their problems began! It's good that Uruguay has initiated legal action against Pfizer because most Governments are not going to admit mistakes and and simply double down on the "safe and effective" "Vaccines" by pushing the boosters, which make even less sense. They are probably worried about liability and accountability, more so the latter because Government liability would be funded with taxpayer money which politicians don't worry about!

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I've been reliably told that they're basically the same thing.

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I know that country experience well. Those positive traits you listed are not known by the majority of the population and do not reflect the official policy. For example, IVM was contraindicated by the health ministry. The apparent success of 2020 is most probably a fluke helped by the hard isolating policies that people followed religiously. The academy is as crocked as the one in the states or Canada, perhaps even more. If you want to know more dig into this local publication: https://extramurosrevista.com

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Worth also mentioning that Uruguay was very slow to adopt mandatory masking. For a long time, it was just recommended.

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So, Reuters ignores the actual data, and simply lies? No surprise.

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