Disclaimer: Don't try any of this at home. Any of it.

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Have to confess the 2 foot parachute study happens at home here several times daily. So far no casualties after thousands of trials, and despite subjects actively seeking means to improve on that possibility.

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Joels piece mentions the Analogy of Mareks effect. I have not heard much on Mareks effect lately and it was very disturbing to see that in Joels piece. What are your thoughts on that we are witnessing that right now we are heading down the road that everyone will need to be vaccinated to keep the chicken population alive long term?

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Aren't we really seeing a "Reverse Marek's Effect", where the "vaccinated" are more likely to die? See John Paul's Substack article:

The Case for Reverse Marek's


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The totality of mareks effect is the vaccinated chickens develop versions that kill off all chickens if they are not vaccinated eventually

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I confess I have toyed with what to do with the candlestick in the library...guess I will have to self-immolate now...

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Ha ha! I had no idea that last line was coming! Thank you!!

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A major problem is reliance on and trust in authority instead of the Enlightenment ideal of reliance on one's own perceptions, intuitions, and reasoning. We have a word for those who wish to exert authority: authoritarians. But do we have a word for those who are obedient to authority or depend on authority, or love authority? I'm in the process of providing one, as well as providing an analysis of our current Weltanschauung (world-view) that allows for authoritarianism to flourish. This world-view just needs a nudge to get it over the tipping point that would allow for the WEF's schemes to flourish; luckily we still have enlightenment-style thinkers around who are fighting back.

So the question is, what's the one weapon that all citizens should be armed with in order to check and balance the power of organizations and institutions, in order to prevent the inevitable abuse of power that will follow if these powerful organizations and institutions are unchecked? The answer, in a nutshell, is to question everything and take nothing on faith or authority.

Perhaps now we can see how and why true individualism is being attacked everywhere and why we're being admonished not to spread unauthorized information. It's about shifting our Weltanschauung from an Enlightenment perspective to one of non-questioning obedience, and the reward for this shift will be oodles of entertainment, beer, drugs, and sexual freedom. All you have to do is sell your integrity, and this will be made easier by appealing to the very problematic idea of "the greater good."

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the problem is that too many people don't want to be bothered with "details"

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People are bothered by details all the time in the course of maintaining jobs, homes, and families. The issue, I believe, is that they don't understand how institutions can be and are corrupted when they have little real accountability. Examples: CDC, FDA, climate science. These have in effect zero accountability: they can say anything and it's taken by many as indisputable truth. The press, which should be far more rigorous in real, honest fact-checking, has instead become compromised. If I wanted to corrupt institutions and use them for my own ends, I suppose the first thing I'd do is corrupt the media so that my strategy and tactics wouldn't be subject to scrutiny.

We have to question everything and not assume that any institution is telling us the truth about anything. So far, we still have alternative information sources, and these allow us to weigh the validity of different narratives.

The revolution will be in seeing that no organization or institution that embodies power can be trusted. This is the meaning of the phrase, "freedom requires vigilance." We can, and do, trust the people we meet in the course of our daily lives: this is well and good. Trusting organizations, institutions, and centralized power is another matter altogether.

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The first thing people have to do to regain a sense of truth is to distance themselves from the mainstream media. Truly - keep it out of your life. The MSM presents a constant undertow that is always pulling you out to sea.

Stay on the beach.

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After the recent RCTs of HCQ and Ivm (obviously designed to fail), I told friends who were convinced by the studies that the trials were no different than testing umbrellas for ability to keep a user dry but not actually opening the umbrellas when walking in rain. Result: umbrellas do not keep a user dry.

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I'm with Mr. Swift. If babies weren't meant to be eaten why do they look like roly-poly dumplings? 🤔

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Babies of all animals are friggin cute precisely so that we don't want to murder the helpless screaming critters during our vast investment in their development.

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Speak for yourself. I'm with Swift. They're tasty.

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Well, so far so good - mine's 17 years old. 🙂

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The CDC has long used models to estimate influenza-related deaths, and the results have always been questionable. Peter Doshi points out that some of the observational studies of flu vaccines estimate up to 50% reduction in all-cause deaths after flu vaccination, which is an impossible result since flu isn't responsible for that many deaths.

The CDC is using the flu model on covid, which takes advantage of the subjectivity in determining cause of death, especially in cases involving pneumonia. And since the pathogen involved in pneumonia deaths is determined in less than half of all cases, this is easy to do.

Note that the FDA just met to discuss the strain selection process for covid vaccines - only flu vaccines use this process currently, and any vaccines made for the approved strains don't require any clinical data.

They are clearly making covid into the new flu, but much more profitable for the companies selling those new vaccines.

Here's one of Doshi's papers:


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Yup!! Thomas Jefferson is another good one who has been producing papers criticizing the efficacy of the flu vaccine with Cochrane Collaboration, for many years. Influenza vaccines are a fraud, yet 50% of the US population takes them up with no critical thought at all.

And besides the smallpox vaccine, influenza vaccines were the most dangerous vaccines we've ever had. Yet people have been taking them for decades. We're only at an interesting juncture now because the covid vaccines are SO much more dangerous. However, the only thing that will stop it is Americans' refusal, en masse, to take them. When that will stop happening is anyone's guess. But this game can go on for a long time. My prediction is that next they will roll out "updated" self-amplifying mRNA vaccines which they will claim will be safer.

This fraud can go on for a very long time.

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Thank you for the Doshi citation.

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You're quite welcome. If it's helpful, I put several other related references in this article:


Just skip to the bottom for the references. Gross, Simonsen and Jefferson have all published papers or commentary on the subject of the usefulness of annual flu shots.

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Great read! I now have an incredible appreciation for alpacas ~ 😸.

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After reading RFK's "The Real Anthony Fauci" I decided to take on Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus", since this book was heavily referenced by RFK in those chapters of his book that dealt with Fauci's manipulation of the AIDS crisis.

While TRAF convinced me that the Covid vaccines were both unsafe and ineffective, I did not fully appreciate the extent to which the entire vaccine industry is a house built on a foundation of sand until I read "Inventing the AIDS Virus". Duesberg's book is a revelation in this area. The first few chapters of his book provide a thorough history of bacteriology and virology and the country's public health relationship to these areas.

It turns out that with the exception of polio and perhaps some of the early childhood diseases (mumps, measles, etc.) the rest of the vaccine program is a fabrication. How so? Well, it so happened that after the rollout of the polio vaccine there were a tremendous number of vaccine scientists at the NIH with very little to do. Funding was looking likely to be cut, so the clarion call went out to find some dangerous viruses and fast!

And so they were. As part of the NIH's War on Cancer, viruses were 'found' to be responsible for all kinds of things: Epstein Barr for Burkitt's lymphoma, HPV for cervical cancer, HTLV for leukemia, and hep B for liver cancer. The only problem is that none of these cancers were truly proven to be caused by these viruses; rather, good science was conveniently elided when making these causal connections, all in the service of maintaining the continued relevance of the public health bureaucracy. This same fraud happened with AIDS. (Fun fact: the grift even extends to veterinary medicine. It turns out that the feline leukemia virus does not cause feline leukemia. If you have a cat, no need for that shot.)

So the conclusion that I have come to is that the entire vaccine industry, and by extension a very great part of what constitutes western health care, is nothing more than one long con. But sadly, as Dr. Hughes points out in another comment, the con can go on for a very long time.

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I first read Duesberg's book years ago (and still have my hard copy) and was very impressed by the pattern you are describing. Looking at it again recently, I wasn't at all surprised to find that Fauci was one of the people at the center of the HIV/AIDS debate - the man has been causing problems for decades.

I was a student at Caltech at the time, and when I tried to discuss the book with other people I was insulted for buying into his "conspiracy theory" so the rot has existed for a long time. And many people just ignored Duesberg's central point - if we're wrong about the cause of AIDS then we'll spend many years and many billions for nothing.

You're very correct about the long con too - once the big viruses dragons had been slain there was nothing for that huge vaccine industry to do so they moved on to progressively less harmful illnesses, and less useful vaccines. And annual flu vaccines are effectively useless at this point.

And covid is now being made into the new flu - a seasonal illness that requires annual shots, except these shots are of expensive, patent protected drugs. Anyone who has studied how flu and pneumonia deaths are determined can see how easy it is to just change the supposed cause of death and have a new virus to conquer.

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The worst thing about the Covid vaccines is that they are killers. Pharma and its fellow travelers are simply criminals.

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"We do not run RCTs to find out the ranges of safe temperatures for the preparation of babies as a food."

Maybe not anything that obvious, but we do run RCTs to find the ranges of "safe" dosages of new immunotherapies for terminal cancer patients after they've been forced through standard of care procedures that destroy their immune system.

The denial of terminal cancer patients the right to try experimental therapies has been going on since the late 1960s in the US, and about 600,000 terminal cancer patients die every year in the US alone.

People have been tolerating their status as slaves to the state for many decades.

So many people are fond of self-righteously proclaiming, "Our ancestors died for your right to vote!"

But what they really mean is, "Our ancestors voted for your right to die."

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The narrative works because pharma plays the victim and the real victims of the jab still think, "we are in this together and we are helping science solve this mystery of covid"....they are proud of themselves for "helping" science so jab away....it makes a lot of people feel important and special...sort of how it felt when you got picked first in gym class....EVERY time there is an injury, or death, I always hear that it is definitely NOT the vaccine from people I work, live next to and socialize with.....it all made more sense this morning when I read this...this is the kind of messaging that sells and keeps people "hopeful" for a "cure"........https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/04/19/1093052484/despite-effective-treatments-hiv-drags-on-experts-warn-covid-may-face-the-same-f

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YES. This is the viewpoint of hard-core commie. Remember the stupid tripe we used to hear decades ago from Democrats about how the poor dumb Republicans vote "against their own interests"? Turns out all this time that it was actually themselves they were talking about. haha!!

“It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids, without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.”

- Dr Strangelove

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I had to stop Joel Smalley’s Requiem midway to breathe.

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The most shocking thing to me is how easily they have convinced so many people to accept unquestioningly what otherwise begins to appear like a deliberate, gradual population drawdown.

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Damned straight. As I'm fond of saying, this is "Darwin Doin Work." The credulous will die. It's sad, but I've come to the conclusion that cycles of history must recur and lessons must be learned anew. Humanity will continue to take three steps forward and two steps back.

I brought this point up with a leftist over lunch about a year ago at this time, rather loudly at a restaurant. She moved across the globe to the southern hemisphere 30 years ago to escape the impending nuclear winter and create a better life for her family. I told her I thought the vaccines were a deliberate attempt at depopulation. But she's been stewing in climate change/nuclear war propaganda for over 40 years, so all she could do was accuse me of being a conspiracy theorist.

The thing is, many of these people genuinely believe that humanity needs to be controlled. They have bought the idea, hook line and sinker, and that is what set them up for this. The collectivism is also extremely deep-seated. This ideological indoctrination has been decades in the making. The ends justify the means, for them, and they are part of the conspiracy as conspiracy apologists. She joked about how maybe soon she'd be found with her legs stiff up in the air after a sudden death... her brow only began to get furrowed when I pointed out that her grandchildren could pay the price for her naivete and stupidity.

“It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids, without the knowledge of the individual, certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.”

- Dr Strangelove

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With respect to Osgood, he sort of fell off my radar about a year ago when it seemed like he was starting to tow the physician approved narrative that HCQ did not work and that the vaccines did. And, as I recall, he was beginning to backpedal on ivermectin at roughly around that time. Still, he did do early preventative treatment, so you have to thank him for that - it was more than most, which is truly an indictment of the profession.

The continued required genuflection of physicians in the general direction of the vaccines is very discouraging and is practiced by those that I otherwise admire for taking courageous stands on other matters, such as early treatment or the harm of mask mandates and social isolation. Such is the pressure on them by their paymasters. Such is the state of corruption in western health care, the Hippocratic oath notwithstanding.

As for parachute studies, it is clear after reading the Fauci book that he has perfected the art of the closely timed two foot drop. Terminating clinical trials at an early stage before negative safety signals can appear is a longstanding practice of the good doctor. He did it with AZT back in the day and continued this legerdemain with remdesivir and the Covid 'vaccines' in our more enlightened age.

As Nicholson's Jake Gittes said in Chinatown, "it is manslaughter if anyone wants to know, which they don't".

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Thanks for a great laugh, there's a reason we for several years now have had the IgNobel prize awards. Seems no need to keep the old Nobel prize around somedays, even.

That pyramid is upside down by the way, maybe that's the problem? I wasn't taught to think of the process as a pyramid but as a funnel, starting with a general idea and then through induction and deduction and other forms of -duction and testing and retesting and having coffee-induced psychotic breaks in the faculty lounge and... you get the picture.

And maybe, just maybe in a blue moon one would eventually have distilled some minuscule new fact.

Such as that (random example) Austrian/Chicago or Keynesian economics looks great on paper (what econ theory doesn't?) but that reality is too complex, chaotic and varied as to say anything other than that the validity will vay with the example chosen - yay. Science! Or in pol sci... oh gawd. Why is Norway at the top of the heap and Venezuela at the bottom? Both have colonial pasts, both were poor, both struck black gold, Venezuela is a shithole and Norway is the golden standard. Why? Well, there's this little thing called race&culture... Anathema! Heresy! All humans are equal in wrth and dignity! Oh-kay. So why aren't someafrican people about a 1 000 years ahead of everyone else then? And so on with the PC blinders firmly nailed through the temples in the temple of Science!

Meanwhile, reality asserts itself like the Juggernaught it is. Hypothesis: scientists/researchers tend to prove those theories which generates the most personal wealth, status and influence. But how to test it?

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To my mind the mRNA COVID vaccines seemed like a bad idea based on a priori reasoning alone. Like, why would you make a vaccine that invades your cells like the virus itself? What benefit is there to that? The whole point of a vaccine is to use a piece of virus that DOESN’T invade human cells! And it’s supposed to be less dangerous because of the pseudouridine substitutions but that just means that (if it works correctly) it evades the immune system so well that your body learns to mistake the spike protein for a self-antigen. The main benefit to making your body manufacture the antigen instead of a factory seems to be that it’s quicker and cheaper for the manufacturers. If the pseudouridine thing works out, then it’s safe (in the short term) but not very effective. If it doesn’t, then it’s probably effective but unnecessarily dangerous in the short term. You shouldn’t have needed to test it in order to know that it wouldn’t be safe and effective. And if a study says otherwise, your own common sense should be able to tell you that it’s bullshit, just like if a study came out telling you that it’s safe to take a bath in cyanide to get rid of typhus lice. I found a song (written in 2020; I swear it was written about the Warp Speed project) that articulates this point quite well: https://youtu.be/HjdKaUvUSd8

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"The Control: We inject them with a saline solution marked "Comirnazi"" 😅😅

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The smart asses, the truth tellers wi win. This Vox fascinates me.

I recognize someone cooler than me, instantly. And he's one of the very few on planet earth


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Suggest a branch of the RCT needs to involve those older than 44 at CDC/FDA be repeatedly injected with the mRNA substances at some frequency. Maybe something tied to a biological process, like each time they need to use the restroom. I expect a toilet could be designed to do this efficiently. All for The Science you know.

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