Just come off a week ban myself for posting Walter M Chesnuts findings (he was booted off twitter instantaneously, no ban or warning. AI at work. Dark dark times are ahead

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I was permanently banned even though I had only a few hundred followers. I doubt there is a method to this madness.

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It's highly scientific and not at all based on the chemically-moderated mood of some emotionally disturbed, mentally unstable, purple-haired trans kid in San Francisco.

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Same with me and I tweeted very little mostly about diet. When the pandemic started I was temporarily banned n when new CEO came I was permanently banned within a few days.

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Twitter did the same to me last night for no apparent reason. They must have been targeting our group.

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I am shocked you have been allowed this far. Each of your tweets get N-thousand interactions. You clearly put thought into the economy of words for some of them. Nice work.

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Encourage your substack followers to post to twitter. If nothing else can get a good whack-a-mole game started. I’ll happily do my part to all … 8 of my followers (but they do seem to include a Terminator Chick and likely CCP agent, so there’s that)

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Thank you… yes I guess it was a long time coming :)

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Just in case you missed it, Sherri Tenpenny was supended from Truth Social. There’s a alot of “controlled opposition.”

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I still don't know anything about Truth Social. I got locked out of Gab for having an overly complicated web of email addresses and passwords. I see people promote X or Y social media, but really don't know if I'll try another one. It's all so messy and I want simple. I don't have time for messy.

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thought trumpo said there would be no censorship on his platform ?

what did the good Dr say that got her booted ???

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Suspended from Truth Social? That’s crazy. Where will we all go when they’re finished with the slaughter?? Thank goodness for Substack...so far.

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At this point i consider them all "honey pots" to have you identify yourself as a problem.

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You mentioned HCQ. That goes against little Lord FrankenFauci’s rules for the peasants.

Looks like an algorithm caught you since you tweeted it today and got suspended today.

I just came off my 7day suspension. It’ll be my last, next time I’ll be gone forever. And at this point I have no phucks left to give. I’ve had my account since 2012, Twitter used to be fun back then. They’ll eventually cancel anyones account who speaks the truth. What a sad place that’ll be.

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But why not the other 23,000 times I mentioned HCQ? I dropped over 100 stories there in a series with the not so subtle title The Chloroquine Wars.

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It may be someone turned you in. I can't use Twitter because someone turned me in for a tweet about Ivermectin. I could delete the Tweet, but it says in doing so, I would be acknowledging the tweet violated Twitter rules. It was so honest and basic a tweet it could not have violated any rules and I could not bring myself to agree to something that was not true.

But I knew I was turned in because it happened after someone tried to argue with me about Ivermectin. They couldn't win on facts, but they could take the easy way and get Twitter to cancel me. I didn't have a big following, either, having only used Twitter a couple months at the time.

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Good for you for not taking your factual tweet down.

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Maybe because you mentioned inserts and hydroxychloroquine in the same tweet... But who knows about Twitter's censors. Maybe they only allow a total of five hydroxychloroquine mentions per day, no matter who tweets them.

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I got into the triple-digits per day a few times in 2020 and 2021.

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I would start a gettr page it might get you new subscribers

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Off to 'Gettr' then!

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Military intelligence thinks they're going to run the country for 40 years, in an "Augustan age". Their model is literally Augustus, who ruled as a dictator but kept the dog and pony show going. Augustus lead to a series of tyrants and fools who took us into the Dark Ages.

Meet Augustus, Matthew.

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^This is among my more favored hypotheses as well.

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Jun 8, 2022
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Nailed it, John.

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Hahaha I was banned for life yesterday too . Our State premier has paid a company to collect data on the citizens of Victoria (Aus ) he monitors social media, spending & movement with mandatory QR codes ( which have now been stopped) Many of his supporters were fine with it, but our hospitals & ambulance is in crisis with people dying while waiting for a bed or an ambulance. I had a go at one of his supporters & she must have reported me & I got done. It’s amazing to see how the left are now into being controlled by Gov & Twitter should be coming out & saying they are are a left wing political tool as it’s clear that is their purpose. Now I’ll just have to look at your sub stack page to try & keep up on any developments .

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"mandatory QR codes ... have now been stopped"

In Norway, they want to monitor what food people buy:


In Italy they do something else, at your place, something else, with a presumably temporary "stop", Russia apparently gets digital money.

My impression is, they are trying different aspects of their "Great Reset" in different places and with interruptions, 1) to not do "too much (untested) at once" to not upset the public too much with imperfect stuff, and 2) yet test a lot of things in parallel to be just as quick, everything optimized in different (but comparable enough, depending on aspect) places.

So for now, it's boiling a few frogs in parallel, but at some point, the whole sack will be pulled over us, with everything in place and no escape.

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It’s getting out of hand. Something is cooking, I use to think the great reset was a conspiracy but now it’s coming true on so many levels. Just waiting to hear that China has all our DNA next

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As for the "theory" part:

- there's a group of people telling us that "vee need ze kReatif destRuction, going back to normal, zat, I haf to say, is a fic-tshion" and "7 billion need to get this experimental product to make us all safe" and all the other things,

- often displaying an uncanny ability of prophesying.

-They are writing books about democracy being outdated and inefficient.

- those people are the ones meeting a couple times a year or so with all the world's "leaders"

- they are drafting plans, official documents, that steer things towards increasing dependence of the individual on governments (and w.r.t. compulsory medical treatments, basically the abolishment of the individual. You are a number in the herd, that gets broadly treated like a cow shed)

And one is supposed to not see any connection between those things and not get too nervous, just continue happily grazing while the fence is drawn closer around?

I mean, how more do they need to shout it in our faces. Even though most of the MSM, for some reason, do pretend there's nothing to see there, while, at the same time, the planners of everything do openly say what's going to happen. Not sure what the idea behind that is.

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just wait for the human equivalent of de-beaking "vaccines" given to industrial chickens.

calling those vaccines is even more contrary to the old definition of "provides immunity" than the inoculations du jour.

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It _is_ a conspiracy. I'm noticing this for a while now, people use the word "conspiracy" in place of the old fashioned, but too long for a propaganda shotgun word these days, "conspiracy theory", i.e. a "theory" (hypothesis) about certain people conspiring to achieve something illicit behind the scenes, and also saying "conspirators" to people who are musing about it.

So the very term for the deed and the people doing it has shifted, in public perctption, to something automatically impossible - the concept (people _colluding_ to do shady stuff in secret) itself has kinda been eradicated. Clever trick, or just due to laziness of people not wanting to say the longer expression? I don't know.

Attourneys are professional conspiracy theorists ;) Conspiracies are a thing.

So, it most certainly _is a_ conspiracy, technically.

Just not as large as people imagine: only some top tier persons (and we don't necessarily know what the top exactly is), and even they game each other. The rest of the hierarchical machine just works as it always did, on need-to-know, fear, obedience, opportunism and exploiting peoples narrowminded motivations, without most of them really understanding what's going on, even if they believe so.

So this idea of "100k people all knowing a master plan & need to keep silent, hence unlikely -> can be dismissed" (which used to be the explanation why "rational" people dismiss "conspiracy theories" out of hand - but it apparently ceased to be necessdary) is a strawman to begin with.

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the DNA? "only" people who submitted to PCR testing, or have been sampled in the medical-industrial establishment over the last few decades.

I'm afraid that the blood tests I had to get for personal safety after exposure to a nasty contagion probably added me to the database after decades of avoiding such diagnostics.

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Stayed away from it until curiosity got the best of me after Elon started his antics. I would have to say despite shenanigans like this there are actually a lot of interesting communications lurking around that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise — Jikkyleaks mouse army bunch, Rixey’s posts, MakingWaves cross translations between English and Japanese (am surprised what one can apparently get away with saying if not in English — implies an English speaking gov’t connection?). The “supplementary” material people like you or TES or Igor… send out there. Dr McCullough’s article posts… I think its important to keep outputting to that once your detention sentence is over. Are you appealing? Would be interesting to see if you could phrase it that you’re combatting misinformation in some twisted way to at least baffle and confuse.

Will miss your tweets — noticed you’re not alone — there seems to be a waxing and waning of different threads I started following only in this last month

Are the algorithms smart enough to do OCR on screenshots? Wonder if a quick screenshot is a way to sling some messages out there?

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My goal, which remains essentially the same as it was 30ish years ago when I began to put the pieces together as to where we were heading, is to identify enough pieces of the underlying fabric of the threats that we face, and communicate them as widely as possible. However that takes place.

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I call those things that us citizens may be able to effect pivot points. Spending time on things that will provide no benefit is demoralising so I focus on what may help.

Exposure of early treatments in general and Vitamin-D3 for all round immune benefits are useful goals. Trying to convince Twitter or FB or YT that they are wrong is wasted effort.

Promoting a citizen ballot to call for secret voting in Congress (and elsewhere in government) would make the biggest change in the world as it removes the receipt that officials can use to claim lobby benefits. A goal that may pass would be to aggregate party votes so individuals cannot be censured for voting their conscience or sell their vote and the citizens can still follow how their party is performing.

Having a browser plug-in or phone APP that highlights propaganda would also be a good tool. Having people with a bit of spare cash taking out adverts in the mainstream media with QR-codes that readers can scan to access facts would also be a way to use the media distribution and readership against them.

Thank you Mathew for all that you do. The opponent is a powerful adversary.

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And thank you for this — sunshine is the best disinfectant

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If you look at the source of a FB page you will see that the alternate text of memes that are posted contain OCR version of the test that is reasonably accurate if it is not deliberately obfuscated. Even a meme I may just have posted is OCRed probably BEFORE the post is published. You can be sure that we post on social media only because it is less disruptive than banning all dissent, having a few wild people say crazy stuff discredits it if there is never any confirmation. We appear to be lone nutters to those that FB protects from the tsunami of truth.

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The only access to the interesting tweets that's lost for me without an active account is the ability to "like" and leave comments to be trolled by paid or confused opposition.

at least it's still possible to read everything.

I guess you can't "follow" either without an account, but it's not that difficult to go to specific users and browse.

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Sure — and thats the way I treated it forever until finally wading in. The retweets by people I know to follow (I basically “seeded” initially by following good substackers like our benefactor here) have proven useful in discovering new sources of information in this all is suppressed world we live in. It is a phenomenal distration though and definitely deserves no place on any mobile device, must have notifications and feeds firmly disabled, etc.

So far I do not use any native app they may have for the thing, and like most online things only interact with it when I choose through a browser. Think thats the only way to tolerate these things and make use of them. Absolutely respect your suspicion of it — this is not something you should use without being aware of the risks. Not unlike firearms or a chainsaw or a motor vehicle possibly.

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using closed source "apps" to access platforms that can be accessed via web browser seems like a huge potential privacy violation to me. they're generally badly written, bloated taking up tons of space, use excessive bandwidth even when not open, and require permissions that allow them to access crazy amounts of device features and personal info.

as a software developer and kernel/OS porter and modifier, I warn against using any social networking closed source applications.

regarding the dangers of social networking platforms, I figure I've been on The List of dissidents since at least high school in the 1990s for being waaay too mouthy about government malfeasance. O still tweak the tiger's tail with Facebook by sharing a ton of information about said government malfeasance, especially the covid related fiascos over the last couple years, and experimenting with ways to avoid their censorship methods with some success... mostly to expose people who might still be capable of rational thought rather than preaching to the choir.

if They are going to come get me for being mouthy, I'd prefer to have given my personal Agent Smith a big pile of data to peruse than be picked off for just a little dissidence.

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Amen Brother!

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I always wonder who is coordinating the suppression. A Five Eyes working group would seem most logical.

Ironically, the censorship has made allies of the totalitarianism in the military and the least health-looking blue-pink hairs who want to wear Rainbow Jammies to a masked up work place and marry a chair. What a world.

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Puzzling. A new algorithm to keep the peasants from communicating? Anything is possible. Appeal. I always do but it doesn’t make a difference. I get the standard, “our team has determined you violated the terms.” Who is this team? A bunch of purple haired Marxists? Pffftt Could matter in the future when Twitter is sued. There has to be a class action on Twitter.

I was part of a class action on a company I worked for, it happened 10yrs after I left. 10yrs from now that might mean some money in your pocket for all your troubles today.

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I made a Twitter account years ago to be able to click the like button. it sat idle, got hacked and username changed, got locked by Twitter for two years with no responses to my complaints after I logged in/fixed username/removed fake avatar/changed password, was eventually unlocked last year.

I posted a few things to test the supposed reduced censorship after musk threatened to buy the platform... links to children's health defense for example didn't post initially but did a few days after his offer was approved.

I got tired of being a pseudo-active Twit pretty quick and set the account for deletion.

it's too heavily censored and WAY too full of paid and/or moronic/assimilated trolls spouting propaganda at greater volume than a Notre Dame cathedral gargoyle spews rainwater during a downpour.

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Haven't been fact Checked once since I started only posting from substack...

Previously posting other people's work I had Dozens of suspensions between Facebook and Twitter...

Either 3 or 4 Twitter profiles permanently suspended... Too many too count..

12+ year old personal Facebook account removed/deleted

Zero issues on any platform since end of January when I fired up ragnarforseti.substack.com

It's 'All in the Name"

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twitter is not important

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I’ve just been permanently suspended...without a warning/explanation as to what led to the ban. (@AZgirl_528i) I have zero confidence they will respond to an appeal or even read it. Twitter seems broken beyond repair.

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I’ve long pondered if the censorship is algorithm driven, personnel driven, govt insider driven, bot complaint driven. I know very little about algorithms but based on 1) the high profile banning, 2) the Twitter PV undercover reporting, and 3) both Twitter Mgmt and the Government’s reaction to the Musk purchase, I’m inclined to think the banning is directive driven.

In the undercover reporting, the Twitter employees take a cult-like pleasure in the bans. This leaves me with little doubt algorithms are an excuse, there is a significant individual and personal component to the censorship.

With regard to government input/direction on bans, the other minor players in social media (Rumble, Gettr, Gab, Telegram) would be reporting government requests/directives for censorship if they were happening. So I’m inclined to think the govt censorship is also personnel (not policy) related. Given the cozy relationship that tech has with govt (and that cult-like quality of wokesters) it’s inevitable that any bureaucrat would feel comfortable calling anyone at Twitter to draw attention to an account and the like-minded Twitter wokesters would be glad to help.

Given Matthew’s longevity on Twitter, seems most likely someone in DOD called someone at Twitter draw attention/request action on your account. Doesn’t have to be a big player at DOD - could be anyone.

On a personal note, would prefer to find your interviews on Rumble (versus Youtube). There is posterity to consider (short term and long term).

This is only going to get worse, it needs to be accepted sooner rather than later.

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Feels like being targeted to you, feels like cultivating (a fertile mind) for them. It's a silly game of connect the dots. One easy way to win is to not play.

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