I'm having the same trouble. Could it be through the Google server? If I copy and paste the link to chrome it works but last week or so can't open any links directly via substack.
Interesting, thank you. The compulsion to conform - at such a vast scale, to clearly irrational commands - remains for many of us, non-compliers - one of the greatest disappointments. But it's not just that conformity thing, it's also, imo, sophisticated advances in entrainment we don't know anything about.
Who knew that staying sane, asking questions and holding on to reason would be what the few would do? Exhibiting courage and integrity, even fewer. A big question going forward will be how many can honestly come to terms with themselves and how they behaved and hopefully learn from it.
Commuting to school and work on a schedule may be the only entrainment humans need.
There likely are classified scientific advancements in entrainment but it's easy to get the majority to act against their will, like go to war, if they believe it's the right thing to do when fear, duty, honor, punishment, and conformity create a critical mass of social pressure. In WWII it was not uncommon for those rejected to commit suicide.
So I'd like to know, brainwise, where do those of us, who did not conform with any of it, for any reason, fit? None of those 3 categories work for those that called bull$#!& right from the start. Im not ego tripping or seeking narcissistic gratification, I'm genuinely curious. Because the best I can come up with is making the situation less Hunger Games and more Divergent, for a suitable pop culture reference.
What and why do our brains work differently? Are we all the outlier's? If so then there is way more than I expected. I wonder how many they figured into their equation.🤔😐🤐
The easiest answer that I can give is that we did not break to Pavlovian educational training. So, we were able to read the evidence with clear heads. And once you see one glitch in the Matrix, you go on guard, rationally.
I live in a part of the USA where many immigrants from Eastern Europe settled after the USSR's collapse. A huge percentage of them called BS on the narrative from the beginning, and remain unvaccinated, as well.
Living in a totalitarian society fostered a healthy (life-saving?) distrust of government that simply was not present in Americans who, astonishingly, look to government as a trustworthy protector.
In 2020 when I watched my Governor shut down small businesses (liquor stores were exempted) and issue an EO suspending a MOU between LEO agencies, giving them the power to fine and/or arrest us if we weren't following his orders to social distance and wear masks, I thought I was back in Cuba where some of the neighbors are "chivatos" - the chivatos are rewarded for turning in anyone who doesn't comply. My state Rep and Senator refused to return my calls when I asked them to stop the tyrannical Governor- all of them are Country Club Republicans. They should all be held responsible for the destruction they've caused.
But I worked for a few years for a refugee resettlement agency in NY just at the tail end of the Soviet refugee exodus, and—generalizing of course—many of them had become extremely unpleasant people, willing to lie and defraud as necessary to get the services and advantages they needed. It wasn’t just government they distrusted—they saw every encounter as a power struggle and service providers as antagonists.
And in NY, if I recall correctly, the former refugees from the Soviet Union now comprise the largest group on government assistance. And they felt from the start extremely entitled to receive it.
As a carrier of this "distrust" trait, I can confirm that your observations on it are absolutely correct. It's very difficult not to distrust everyone around when your whole formative years were spent basically surviving, trying to avoid all kinds of physical and psychological violations (the main culprit, at least in my experience, was prison-like "culture" in schools, which then proliferated to all other places in the society; also, of course, army, bureaucracy, etc.). It is very difficult to unlearn.
However, on the subject of generalizations (esp. concerning fraud and otherwise criminal behavior) - as far as I remember, there were only two very specific groups of people that could be allowed (1980s) or had the means (early 1990s) to go to US as refugees from USSR / early post-USSR. (And one of those two groups were people with KGB connections.) For the absolute majority of the population this path was nearly completely closed; and in those who emigrated later (including myself), significant numbers (as far as I can see) seem to take pride in not using any social services ever (and that's in European countries, where such services are basically pushed onto you :) That is, simply not relying on governments, staying independent of them, seems to be a common trait too.
I can only tell you of what I saw working in that agency for three years. Now the areas in NYC with the heaviest concentration of people originating in the former Soviet Union have the highest numbers on welfare.
Part of what happened was the USSR govt. forced emigrating families to take their elderly parents with them as a condition of getting that visa, so there was a flood of very infirm non-English-speaking people with no skills to use here, and their adult children, once in NY, quite often demanded that the elderly be housed separately, that they couldn't take care of them. So that population had to go on welfare and Medicaid (and many of them had received health waivers so people with TB etc. were admitted when refugees from other countries having similar health profiles weren't so lucky).
It was very disconcerting, the gap between the glowing media stories and the reality.
I'm sure that your observations are correct (and not surprising).
I only mean that you have been observing a very very specific subset of USSR's population, since the absolute majority would simply never be allowed to emigrate. (Also, I wouldn't trust the stories those people told you about their circumstances, esp. taking into account your other observations)
It wasn't stories I was told but the actions the agency had to take. I myself was the Executive Secretary to the President/CEO, so I wasn't in direct contact with clients but I saw all the stats/reports and the govt. contracts/relationships with govt. agencies.
My experience, too, working in healthcare. 99% of everyone who asked me to fudge insurance statements in order for them to avoid deductibles and co-pays were E. European immigrants. They worked every angle to their advantage.
Totalitarianism degrades societies and individuals.
Makes them good negotiators too, and good entrepreneurs. Grabbing every possible advantage with tenacity, working every angle, may be the key to getting rich. Expertise gained from surviving a resource- and opportunity-poor environment is better than a Wharton degree.
Australia has interesting numbers. Your lifespan is 3rd highest in the world, yet you guys get drunk more often than any other country.
Your link above shows the average AU covid death age is 86, higher than your average 83 lifespan. This graph shows that the covid years Increased Australia's average lifespan. The US average lifespan went down by close to 2 years, down to 77.
The AU underlying cause of covid death is not obesity (metabolic dysfunction) like everywhere else (I believe) - instead, obesity is the least likely comorbidity at only 2%. That's odd.
The Omicron variant apparently caused of the majority of AU deaths as it did in the US, even though Delta had already pruned the most susceptible - but although Omicron is more transmissive than Delta, it is far less deadly, about 66% less deadly. So that seems strange in general. Omicron arrived (Nov 2021) about 9 months after the first US vaccination roll-out in December 2020. The AU vax was two months later. Could the vax plus covid be a deadly combination? They're somewhat the same thing.
Unless the numbers lie, it looks like drinking to excess protects against covid.
The old shtetls were like this. Ashkenazi jews were east europeans too,and they lived under communal and relgious totalitarianism...the model for Bolshevism,hence the ussr. And they are masters at grift,graft and unscrupulous money matters,as well as master merchants and dealers
Yes. Having had some experience with negotiations, Indians, Russians, and Chinese leave nothing on the table. They negotiate down to the pennies. Whereas white-folk leave much on the table as a sign of good faith and magnanimity, which the above mentioned see as weakness and stupidity.
Yes, I lived this! My father was from Latvia and he very much instilled a healthy skepticism of the government in my brother and me. It has served me well.
Great question and mine as well. We (my wife and I) were conditioned to respond because of her years and years of questioning everything thrown at us. We were anti-everything and the covid lie fit neatly in its slot. I thank my wife for teaching me to think this way. I added a spiritual dimension and have said satan is tightly coiled around this deception and feeds it daily. It’s his baby and he’s very proud of how well it’s working.
I suspect you have conformed to some of the messaging, as have I. Just not that specific messaging. If you look at the planning, staging, and resulting theatrics of J6, few of us would ever participate in a similar future event, regardless of the virtues of the cause. The same is true for non-violent abortion protesters. Images of pre-dawn raids and endless legal travails have turned us into good little boys and girls. The enemy has a huge advantage as a result.
Yes that's exactly how I view it. We're being conditioned to remain silent or else....it's as if Fidel Castro is running the US Government and its agencies.
I went to most of the early cvd protests and took note of the 'type' of people attending. Unlike many other protests i had previously attended (Gulf War as an example), the people at these cvd protests did not easily fit into a specific group. The only characteristic that seemed to connect them was that they were all (myself included) misfits of one sort or another. This changed later (around the time of the trucker protests), which was around the time when I stopped attending.
I agree, the non-conformance reasoning is difficult to understand, but I'm kinda glad I have it.
An illiterate Homo sapiens member is in possession of a brain, that barring structural defect, is the equal of the brain of a Rhodes Scholar, is also in possession of a God-given innate conscience, sense of justice, and right and wrong. Check out video of Fauci and Baltimore mayor Bowers being taken down by an ordinary citizen, in their attempt to educate the unwashed regarding the vaccines. On the other hand when an individual becomes a credentialed, "respectable" member of the establishment, continued acceptance by, and membership of the establishment, becomes the top priority. Hence, conformity, group cohesion at any cost.
I did well academically in high school and had ~4 close friends. I saw the irrational behavior of most high school. Kids; labelling, picking on making things up about other kids. This behavior drive me crazy: the injustice and inhumanity. I found the work and college environment more rational. unfortunately it seems like world has fallen into an irrational high school environment perhaps caused by solar flares!. I trusted most systems except pharma and food systems which lost my trust due to my first health problem IBS in my mid20s. Medical system said it was in my head, I used the library food diary and determined I was lactose intolerant. Buffoonery. Now I Starting to believe if we are purposefully being toxified by these tryrant's experimental agendas. glyphosate overuse geoengineering using metals, EMF & frequency make no sense. Nature manipulatations beyond comprehension for their profit. it seems tyrants want to patent the air, seeds,animals ect... .and use fear of the majority to herd humanity into their new systems.
Excellent article. At least now I know the root cause of everyones' delusion regarding HCQ. Tried until I was blue in the face to get my family back in the States to grasp HCQ's apparent efficacy, all to no avail. Even my very bright 20-something daughter who is a research assistant, was adamant about the Lancet and other reports. What mysterious set of traits makes some people so conformist in their thinking? I have never known the answer to that question.
Gee, thanks a lot! You just led me down a rabbit hole. I was just reading the Hartford Group letter (https://www.hartgroup.org/ethical-concerns-arising-from-the-governments-use-of-covert-psychological-nudges/) and got to this paragraph: "Government scientists deploying fear, shame and scapegoating to change minds is an ethically dubious practice that in some respects resembles the tactics used by totalitarian regimes such as China, where the state inflicts pain on a subset of its population in an attempt to eliminate beliefs and behaviour they perceive to be deviant." and realized that our government is using this exact tactic on J6. A whole bunch of people (upwards of half the US population) has a deep-seated, rational fear that the election process is no longer in the hands of voters, and that our leaders are being selected, not elected. While the J6 protest itself would have happened organically, it was fed rocket fuel by the injection of government actors. The resulting frenzy was then leveraged for several ends, not the least of which was the relentless pursuit and punishment of those who participated, even (especially?) those who did little more than take a tourist brochure. The resulting "nudge" is a lesson to millions to keep their heads down and your mouths shut. These bastards have seized power and have no intention of giving it back. It's too important to leave in the hands of voters. The actions they take will grow even more egregious, but the visions of dawn raids of jack-booted government thugs are etched on our minds. The people will succumb to the nudge and allow totalitarianism to blossom.
Trump requested HCQ purchase for the national stockpile, thwarted by Rick Bright and Robert Malone who pushed the deadly Remdesivir according to research by Housatonic.Live and George Webb. One of my girls was given the same Covid cocktail that Trump was given/promoted and she zapped it in three days.
Governors are responsible for locking down their states, not Trump. About three Republican states remained open, I guess big pharma and big banks don't own those Governors. Unfortunately big pharma/bioscience/military complex owns my Country Club Republican Governor.
I'm not noticing the Net Zero cultists pivoting to climate changed viral Pandemia at present. They're doubling down on the 'carbon reduction' agenda as the supposed cure for all types of bad weather and melting ice, but this is not to say that they don't have imminent plans to do so. The principal alleged 'health threats' posed by 'climate change' appear to consist of 'deadly heatwaves' and air pollution caused by all machines running on fossil fuels.
CO2 over history has ranged from 200 parts per million to 8000 parts per million. We are currently at 415 PPM. At 150 PPM all the plants die, as well as the food. Greenhouses are kept at 1000 PPM. At 8000 PPM submarines turn on their CO2 scrubbers. You breathe out 40,000 PPM, and 45,000 is toxic.
Plant growth responds near exponentially to a linear increase or decrease in CO2, so any decrease in CO2 will cause a devastating decrease in food production. CO2 use by plants is simple science and you'd have to be a real Cultist not to understand it.
According to the data, the ice is not melting at all and bad weather has not increased at all. I wonder how people can believe seas are rising due to the assumed polar ice cap melt since the average temperature in Antarctica is minus 71 degrees while the Arctic does not have a polar ice cap, just ten feet of floating sea-ice which partly (75%) melts each summer and refreezes every winter.
Our post-truth reality is a post-data reality. Data and data transparency, the ultimate goods, are being reserved for our Controllers. The data directly shows our Controllers are lying and using the data against the People. It won't be long before they censor all data as they are doing now with covid and vax data in every country.
One can only speculate what's currently erased from the internet. The easiest way to nudge and manipulate thinking is to cherry-pick data, block access to data, and directly change data (lie/spin), which is what media, healthcare, big tech, banks, military, and government in every country does.
Consider that the judicial system was created by lawyers for the benefit of lawyers. Although laws are precisely and comprehensively written they can be interpreted and adjusted to fit any situation. Science is the same, there are multiple ways to adjust the results in every study.
Mathew, my answer is yes! One of my readers (T whose picture is in your article likes) alerted me to your excellent video that ends with a shout out and invite to interview me. I would love that! There were so many points you made in the video, including the use of 'Dr' to confer authority, that I agree with wholeheartedly. And your focus on decentralization and economics is something I'd love to talk about and get your thoughts on my system.
I have an article on geoengineering to post later today to go with the YT I just put out: https://youtu.be/qLFBQ0MrwV4 and then I want to do one on What We Want from a President, that I think might be good fodder for our discussion. But email me at tereza with my (now forbidden) domain address thirdparadigm.org. Thanks so much for the interest!
The level of conformity during the clown show actually didn’t surprise me. We train for it from early childhood, and not just in public schools, but within the family. What was, and is, unsettling is the length of time it took for so many people to realize they had been snookered, and still we see the rare face diaper adorning solo drivers and folks at the farmer’s market. The fifty-one spooks laptop-from-heel letter was bandied during this time, too. Incompetence and self-interest bending the knee, witting or not, to malevolence. Of the two people I know who took the jab, both did it under coercion.
They are using the carrot and the stick now trying to convince people that regional banks are bad: higher interest rates are found in big banks on your savings, and little banks are close to collapsing.
"Distortion of Action: The respondents were fully aware that they were giving incorrect answers, but wanted either to avoid social punishment or receive social reward for going along with the crowd."
Were they asked whether they gave the right or wrong answers, or were they told the answers were wrong and then asked their reason for giving them? If the latter, I'm not convinced they knew they were wrong at the time just because they say so. The major limitation of surveys is the human factor (social, fallible, etc.) and it is almost certainly at its worst when the person being surveyed is the kind of person who goes along with a crowd, as their reportage is inferably just another attempt at conformity.
It’s amazing how easily we can be influenced. I caught it in myself and learned a valuable lesson in ‘not’ trusting self. Now the next may be totally unacceptable to some but there are 3 very famous characters who didn’t bow down in Daniel chapter 3. To me the power that sustained them is the ONLY power that can sustain through any deception or coercion. I don’t watch TV or most movies due to the hypnotic agenda and I stopped getting the bio weapon shots several years ago. It will be interesting to see how the ‘entities’ in charge of the V agenda attempt to force the next shots on everyone and how the power that sustained Daniel’s 3 friends deals with the situation. CBDCs I’m sure will play a big part. Whatever, eventually the ‘entities’ will lose.
It was an enormous psychological con-job. They preyed on peoples’ good intentions. They exaggerated the danger of Covid-19, denied access to safe drugs for early treatment in order to get people into the hospitals half dead so they could experiment on them. Most people don’t want to be responsible for somebody else getting sick and possibly dying. Take the vaccine and protect your loved ones and the people around you from dying. Take the vaccine because that’s what a good person does. Don’t you want to be a good person? Join us, all the good people. They preyed on peoples’ good intentions. It’s sickening.
Has Substack nerfed internal article links?
Why do you say that? I tried three of the links in your article, all of which worked.
Fun read, btw. Keep it up, keep those around you aware and critical of what they’re being told. Not just about physiological health, either.
They appear to be working.
To me they appear as links, where as they usually open up to a box/window to the article.
The ones linked to your substack articles in fact opened up to...your substack articles. The others to the identifiable websites.
I'm having the same trouble. Could it be through the Google server? If I copy and paste the link to chrome it works but last week or so can't open any links directly via substack.
I think they may have done an upgrade to add some additional features. Probably just a bug from the upgrade.
Interesting, thank you. The compulsion to conform - at such a vast scale, to clearly irrational commands - remains for many of us, non-compliers - one of the greatest disappointments. But it's not just that conformity thing, it's also, imo, sophisticated advances in entrainment we don't know anything about.
Who knew that staying sane, asking questions and holding on to reason would be what the few would do? Exhibiting courage and integrity, even fewer. A big question going forward will be how many can honestly come to terms with themselves and how they behaved and hopefully learn from it.
Commuting to school and work on a schedule may be the only entrainment humans need.
There likely are classified scientific advancements in entrainment but it's easy to get the majority to act against their will, like go to war, if they believe it's the right thing to do when fear, duty, honor, punishment, and conformity create a critical mass of social pressure. In WWII it was not uncommon for those rejected to commit suicide.
So I'd like to know, brainwise, where do those of us, who did not conform with any of it, for any reason, fit? None of those 3 categories work for those that called bull$#!& right from the start. Im not ego tripping or seeking narcissistic gratification, I'm genuinely curious. Because the best I can come up with is making the situation less Hunger Games and more Divergent, for a suitable pop culture reference.
What and why do our brains work differently? Are we all the outlier's? If so then there is way more than I expected. I wonder how many they figured into their equation.🤔😐🤐
The easiest answer that I can give is that we did not break to Pavlovian educational training. So, we were able to read the evidence with clear heads. And once you see one glitch in the Matrix, you go on guard, rationally.
I live in a part of the USA where many immigrants from Eastern Europe settled after the USSR's collapse. A huge percentage of them called BS on the narrative from the beginning, and remain unvaccinated, as well.
Living in a totalitarian society fostered a healthy (life-saving?) distrust of government that simply was not present in Americans who, astonishingly, look to government as a trustworthy protector.
In 2020 when I watched my Governor shut down small businesses (liquor stores were exempted) and issue an EO suspending a MOU between LEO agencies, giving them the power to fine and/or arrest us if we weren't following his orders to social distance and wear masks, I thought I was back in Cuba where some of the neighbors are "chivatos" - the chivatos are rewarded for turning in anyone who doesn't comply. My state Rep and Senator refused to return my calls when I asked them to stop the tyrannical Governor- all of them are Country Club Republicans. They should all be held responsible for the destruction they've caused.
Not with our "justice" system, I'm afraid.
This is very true.
But I worked for a few years for a refugee resettlement agency in NY just at the tail end of the Soviet refugee exodus, and—generalizing of course—many of them had become extremely unpleasant people, willing to lie and defraud as necessary to get the services and advantages they needed. It wasn’t just government they distrusted—they saw every encounter as a power struggle and service providers as antagonists.
And in NY, if I recall correctly, the former refugees from the Soviet Union now comprise the largest group on government assistance. And they felt from the start extremely entitled to receive it.
As a carrier of this "distrust" trait, I can confirm that your observations on it are absolutely correct. It's very difficult not to distrust everyone around when your whole formative years were spent basically surviving, trying to avoid all kinds of physical and psychological violations (the main culprit, at least in my experience, was prison-like "culture" in schools, which then proliferated to all other places in the society; also, of course, army, bureaucracy, etc.). It is very difficult to unlearn.
However, on the subject of generalizations (esp. concerning fraud and otherwise criminal behavior) - as far as I remember, there were only two very specific groups of people that could be allowed (1980s) or had the means (early 1990s) to go to US as refugees from USSR / early post-USSR. (And one of those two groups were people with KGB connections.) For the absolute majority of the population this path was nearly completely closed; and in those who emigrated later (including myself), significant numbers (as far as I can see) seem to take pride in not using any social services ever (and that's in European countries, where such services are basically pushed onto you :) That is, simply not relying on governments, staying independent of them, seems to be a common trait too.
I can only tell you of what I saw working in that agency for three years. Now the areas in NYC with the heaviest concentration of people originating in the former Soviet Union have the highest numbers on welfare.
Part of what happened was the USSR govt. forced emigrating families to take their elderly parents with them as a condition of getting that visa, so there was a flood of very infirm non-English-speaking people with no skills to use here, and their adult children, once in NY, quite often demanded that the elderly be housed separately, that they couldn't take care of them. So that population had to go on welfare and Medicaid (and many of them had received health waivers so people with TB etc. were admitted when refugees from other countries having similar health profiles weren't so lucky).
It was very disconcerting, the gap between the glowing media stories and the reality.
I'm sure that your observations are correct (and not surprising).
I only mean that you have been observing a very very specific subset of USSR's population, since the absolute majority would simply never be allowed to emigrate. (Also, I wouldn't trust the stories those people told you about their circumstances, esp. taking into account your other observations)
When exactly was it, by the way?
It wasn't stories I was told but the actions the agency had to take. I myself was the Executive Secretary to the President/CEO, so I wasn't in direct contact with clients but I saw all the stats/reports and the govt. contracts/relationships with govt. agencies.
This was from 1985-88.
My experience, too, working in healthcare. 99% of everyone who asked me to fudge insurance statements in order for them to avoid deductibles and co-pays were E. European immigrants. They worked every angle to their advantage.
Totalitarianism degrades societies and individuals.
Makes them good negotiators too, and good entrepreneurs. Grabbing every possible advantage with tenacity, working every angle, may be the key to getting rich. Expertise gained from surviving a resource- and opportunity-poor environment is better than a Wharton degree.
Here in Australia they also have the heighest Median Age at Death from covid at 91.3.
Looks like they might be good at cheating death as well. 😂
Country of birth of those who have died from COVID-19.
Australia has interesting numbers. Your lifespan is 3rd highest in the world, yet you guys get drunk more often than any other country.
Your link above shows the average AU covid death age is 86, higher than your average 83 lifespan. This graph shows that the covid years Increased Australia's average lifespan. The US average lifespan went down by close to 2 years, down to 77.
The AU underlying cause of covid death is not obesity (metabolic dysfunction) like everywhere else (I believe) - instead, obesity is the least likely comorbidity at only 2%. That's odd.
The Omicron variant apparently caused of the majority of AU deaths as it did in the US, even though Delta had already pruned the most susceptible - but although Omicron is more transmissive than Delta, it is far less deadly, about 66% less deadly. So that seems strange in general. Omicron arrived (Nov 2021) about 9 months after the first US vaccination roll-out in December 2020. The AU vax was two months later. Could the vax plus covid be a deadly combination? They're somewhat the same thing.
Unless the numbers lie, it looks like drinking to excess protects against covid.
The old shtetls were like this. Ashkenazi jews were east europeans too,and they lived under communal and relgious totalitarianism...the model for Bolshevism,hence the ussr. And they are masters at grift,graft and unscrupulous money matters,as well as master merchants and dealers
The Khazarian Mafia was behind Bolshevism.
It's the US or them mentality.
Yes. Having had some experience with negotiations, Indians, Russians, and Chinese leave nothing on the table. They negotiate down to the pennies. Whereas white-folk leave much on the table as a sign of good faith and magnanimity, which the above mentioned see as weakness and stupidity.
Yes, I lived this! My father was from Latvia and he very much instilled a healthy skepticism of the government in my brother and me. It has served me well.
Great question and mine as well. We (my wife and I) were conditioned to respond because of her years and years of questioning everything thrown at us. We were anti-everything and the covid lie fit neatly in its slot. I thank my wife for teaching me to think this way. I added a spiritual dimension and have said satan is tightly coiled around this deception and feeds it daily. It’s his baby and he’s very proud of how well it’s working.
I suspect you have conformed to some of the messaging, as have I. Just not that specific messaging. If you look at the planning, staging, and resulting theatrics of J6, few of us would ever participate in a similar future event, regardless of the virtues of the cause. The same is true for non-violent abortion protesters. Images of pre-dawn raids and endless legal travails have turned us into good little boys and girls. The enemy has a huge advantage as a result.
Yes that's exactly how I view it. We're being conditioned to remain silent or else....it's as if Fidel Castro is running the US Government and its agencies.
I went to most of the early cvd protests and took note of the 'type' of people attending. Unlike many other protests i had previously attended (Gulf War as an example), the people at these cvd protests did not easily fit into a specific group. The only characteristic that seemed to connect them was that they were all (myself included) misfits of one sort or another. This changed later (around the time of the trucker protests), which was around the time when I stopped attending.
I agree, the non-conformance reasoning is difficult to understand, but I'm kinda glad I have it.
An illiterate Homo sapiens member is in possession of a brain, that barring structural defect, is the equal of the brain of a Rhodes Scholar, is also in possession of a God-given innate conscience, sense of justice, and right and wrong. Check out video of Fauci and Baltimore mayor Bowers being taken down by an ordinary citizen, in their attempt to educate the unwashed regarding the vaccines. On the other hand when an individual becomes a credentialed, "respectable" member of the establishment, continued acceptance by, and membership of the establishment, becomes the top priority. Hence, conformity, group cohesion at any cost.
I did well academically in high school and had ~4 close friends. I saw the irrational behavior of most high school. Kids; labelling, picking on making things up about other kids. This behavior drive me crazy: the injustice and inhumanity. I found the work and college environment more rational. unfortunately it seems like world has fallen into an irrational high school environment perhaps caused by solar flares!. I trusted most systems except pharma and food systems which lost my trust due to my first health problem IBS in my mid20s. Medical system said it was in my head, I used the library food diary and determined I was lactose intolerant. Buffoonery. Now I Starting to believe if we are purposefully being toxified by these tryrant's experimental agendas. glyphosate overuse geoengineering using metals, EMF & frequency make no sense. Nature manipulatations beyond comprehension for their profit. it seems tyrants want to patent the air, seeds,animals ect... .and use fear of the majority to herd humanity into their new systems.
Excellent article. At least now I know the root cause of everyones' delusion regarding HCQ. Tried until I was blue in the face to get my family back in the States to grasp HCQ's apparent efficacy, all to no avail. Even my very bright 20-something daughter who is a research assistant, was adamant about the Lancet and other reports. What mysterious set of traits makes some people so conformist in their thinking? I have never known the answer to that question.
I think it's a combination of Pavolovian educational training, time constraints, fear, and an avalanche of clever psychological targeting.
Gee, thanks a lot! You just led me down a rabbit hole. I was just reading the Hartford Group letter (https://www.hartgroup.org/ethical-concerns-arising-from-the-governments-use-of-covert-psychological-nudges/) and got to this paragraph: "Government scientists deploying fear, shame and scapegoating to change minds is an ethically dubious practice that in some respects resembles the tactics used by totalitarian regimes such as China, where the state inflicts pain on a subset of its population in an attempt to eliminate beliefs and behaviour they perceive to be deviant." and realized that our government is using this exact tactic on J6. A whole bunch of people (upwards of half the US population) has a deep-seated, rational fear that the election process is no longer in the hands of voters, and that our leaders are being selected, not elected. While the J6 protest itself would have happened organically, it was fed rocket fuel by the injection of government actors. The resulting frenzy was then leveraged for several ends, not the least of which was the relentless pursuit and punishment of those who participated, even (especially?) those who did little more than take a tourist brochure. The resulting "nudge" is a lesson to millions to keep their heads down and your mouths shut. These bastards have seized power and have no intention of giving it back. It's too important to leave in the hands of voters. The actions they take will grow even more egregious, but the visions of dawn raids of jack-booted government thugs are etched on our minds. The people will succumb to the nudge and allow totalitarianism to blossom.
I pray not. 🙏
Imagine if Hillary had won but did the same things as Trump regarding the vaxx and lockdowns. The resistance would have been huge. Trump was perfect.
Trump promoted a therapeutic HCQ vax, not mrna.
Trump requested HCQ purchase for the national stockpile, thwarted by Rick Bright and Robert Malone who pushed the deadly Remdesivir according to research by Housatonic.Live and George Webb. One of my girls was given the same Covid cocktail that Trump was given/promoted and she zapped it in three days.
Governors are responsible for locking down their states, not Trump. About three Republican states remained open, I guess big pharma and big banks don't own those Governors. Unfortunately big pharma/bioscience/military complex owns my Country Club Republican Governor.
I'm not noticing the Net Zero cultists pivoting to climate changed viral Pandemia at present. They're doubling down on the 'carbon reduction' agenda as the supposed cure for all types of bad weather and melting ice, but this is not to say that they don't have imminent plans to do so. The principal alleged 'health threats' posed by 'climate change' appear to consist of 'deadly heatwaves' and air pollution caused by all machines running on fossil fuels.
Net Zero will kill everyone and everything.
CO2 over history has ranged from 200 parts per million to 8000 parts per million. We are currently at 415 PPM. At 150 PPM all the plants die, as well as the food. Greenhouses are kept at 1000 PPM. At 8000 PPM submarines turn on their CO2 scrubbers. You breathe out 40,000 PPM, and 45,000 is toxic.
Plant growth responds near exponentially to a linear increase or decrease in CO2, so any decrease in CO2 will cause a devastating decrease in food production. CO2 use by plants is simple science and you'd have to be a real Cultist not to understand it.
According to the data, the ice is not melting at all and bad weather has not increased at all. I wonder how people can believe seas are rising due to the assumed polar ice cap melt since the average temperature in Antarctica is minus 71 degrees while the Arctic does not have a polar ice cap, just ten feet of floating sea-ice which partly (75%) melts each summer and refreezes every winter.
Our post-truth reality is a post-data reality. Data and data transparency, the ultimate goods, are being reserved for our Controllers. The data directly shows our Controllers are lying and using the data against the People. It won't be long before they censor all data as they are doing now with covid and vax data in every country.
One can only speculate what's currently erased from the internet. The easiest way to nudge and manipulate thinking is to cherry-pick data, block access to data, and directly change data (lie/spin), which is what media, healthcare, big tech, banks, military, and government in every country does.
Consider that the judicial system was created by lawyers for the benefit of lawyers. Although laws are precisely and comprehensively written they can be interpreted and adjusted to fit any situation. Science is the same, there are multiple ways to adjust the results in every study.
You can't believe a word of what they say.
Mathew, my answer is yes! One of my readers (T whose picture is in your article likes) alerted me to your excellent video that ends with a shout out and invite to interview me. I would love that! There were so many points you made in the video, including the use of 'Dr' to confer authority, that I agree with wholeheartedly. And your focus on decentralization and economics is something I'd love to talk about and get your thoughts on my system.
I have an article on geoengineering to post later today to go with the YT I just put out: https://youtu.be/qLFBQ0MrwV4 and then I want to do one on What We Want from a President, that I think might be good fodder for our discussion. But email me at tereza with my (now forbidden) domain address thirdparadigm.org. Thanks so much for the interest!
Thanks for reaching out. I will email you later today when I am home.
Bioserfdom! Such a great word!!! Fantastic article!!!
The level of conformity during the clown show actually didn’t surprise me. We train for it from early childhood, and not just in public schools, but within the family. What was, and is, unsettling is the length of time it took for so many people to realize they had been snookered, and still we see the rare face diaper adorning solo drivers and folks at the farmer’s market. The fifty-one spooks laptop-from-heel letter was bandied during this time, too. Incompetence and self-interest bending the knee, witting or not, to malevolence. Of the two people I know who took the jab, both did it under coercion.
Professional bioserfdom :)
They are using the carrot and the stick now trying to convince people that regional banks are bad: higher interest rates are found in big banks on your savings, and little banks are close to collapsing.
"Distortion of Action: The respondents were fully aware that they were giving incorrect answers, but wanted either to avoid social punishment or receive social reward for going along with the crowd."
Were they asked whether they gave the right or wrong answers, or were they told the answers were wrong and then asked their reason for giving them? If the latter, I'm not convinced they knew they were wrong at the time just because they say so. The major limitation of surveys is the human factor (social, fallible, etc.) and it is almost certainly at its worst when the person being surveyed is the kind of person who goes along with a crowd, as their reportage is inferably just another attempt at conformity.
If Our Race,
That’s Right. We Are One Race.
Learned Anything From Covid 19
It Is That Rules Are Meant To Be Broken.
And The Broken Are Meant To Be Ruled.
From what I’ve seen, the broken are those who rule.
Love ‘Ya.
Indeed. We are governed by unstable, emotional individuals.
The truly frightening part is that they are acting as if they'll never have to face a free, fair election again.
From My Vantage- They Manipulate The Emotions Of Others-And Frankly They Don’t Give A Shit.
It’s That Basic.
On Our Side- It’s Pretty Basic Too- If You Don’t Know How To Fight - You Won’t.
That’s The Problem With The Malone’s And Kirsch’s Of The World. They Just Woke- Up Into A Nightmare And Don’t Know How To Fight.
And Certainly Not How To Win.
It All Seems So Impolite To Them Somehow.
Which Of Course Is The Same Feigned Politeness That Causes This Kind Of Disaster To Begin With.
Politeness schmoliteness.
Our government is being ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED by unstable EVIL beings . If they are not stopped we will never face a free, fair election ever again.
It’s amazing how easily we can be influenced. I caught it in myself and learned a valuable lesson in ‘not’ trusting self. Now the next may be totally unacceptable to some but there are 3 very famous characters who didn’t bow down in Daniel chapter 3. To me the power that sustained them is the ONLY power that can sustain through any deception or coercion. I don’t watch TV or most movies due to the hypnotic agenda and I stopped getting the bio weapon shots several years ago. It will be interesting to see how the ‘entities’ in charge of the V agenda attempt to force the next shots on everyone and how the power that sustained Daniel’s 3 friends deals with the situation. CBDCs I’m sure will play a big part. Whatever, eventually the ‘entities’ will lose.
It was an enormous psychological con-job. They preyed on peoples’ good intentions. They exaggerated the danger of Covid-19, denied access to safe drugs for early treatment in order to get people into the hospitals half dead so they could experiment on them. Most people don’t want to be responsible for somebody else getting sick and possibly dying. Take the vaccine and protect your loved ones and the people around you from dying. Take the vaccine because that’s what a good person does. Don’t you want to be a good person? Join us, all the good people. They preyed on peoples’ good intentions. It’s sickening.