99% of RTE subscribers are new since this article, and it's one of the more important articles I wrote during the early going.

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Are you following Matt Ehret. Just curious. Him and his wife have been looking at history in different way. Seems you are starting to take a deeper dive into history. If not, I think you two should connect.

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I've seen him some, but have not had time to connect. But he seems like somebody who would be a good RTE guest in the little I've seen. I'll see if we can reach him.

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Mathew, I am very impressed by your reading and apprehension of the history of China. The medical tyranny employed by many western democracies can be described very well by the scheme of calling-deer-is-horse as a litmus test.

The “success” of Democrats and RINOs in the US is their audacious resort to rampant lawlessness while getting away with their crimes.

A friend of mine said that the US is as hopeless as Communist China. I agreed. I still wonder why Hillary Clinton and the criminals in the FBI and Fauci were not arrested and prosecuted under President Trump ( I know Trump made a few mistakes when he walked in the COVID trap)?

The US is over, barring a coup before further deterioration.

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As a student of Chinese civilization, I loved this piece!

I have seen some fabulous Chinese epic historical drama films about Qin Shih Huang Di, but I do not recall any films about Zhao Gao - that would be incredible. Do you know of any TV series with English subtitles that tells this story? My Mandarin is not good enough to follow complex dialogue without subtitles.


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Note that calling a deer a horse led to downfall. It is far more widespread than the medical tyranny. How would you define a "woman?"

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A woman (of any species) can bear young and produce eggs and in mammals, nurse their babies with milk. This fundamental internal biological plumbing cannot be altered even when a female is infertile for whatever reason or has a hysterectomy - she's still a woman.

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Amen Sister! 100%!

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A person can dress up in a costume as another creature/animal/gender, that is theater and perfectly OK and human cultures worldwide have been doing this since time immemorial. But underneath the disguise, you are still you, how you were born.

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If you were born male and now identify as a woman, and (impossibly) "feel" like or "pass" as a woman, you better believe prostate exams will always be more helpful than breast exams to prevent the cancer germaine to your gender.

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I believe a judicial nominee and a few others were unable to articulate that. Amy Harlib for SCOTUS!

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I do not have a law degree - it could never happen!

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Amy, these days having a degree is worthless if a such person won’t even use that knowledge to uphold simple truth...bowing down to tyrants and being willing to call a deer a horse.

It shouldn’t cause so much gratification hearing someone simply state the obvious, but with the constant gaslighting....here we are. Our world would be a much saner place with bold people (like you) willing to speak truth, over those who are so easily led astray.

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I figured that, but you're more qualified than someone who can't say what a "woman" is.

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Trump let us down. The time to act was in the aftermath of the fortified election. In late November/early December, patriots rallied in DC to protest the very, very sketchy outcome. The news reported that his limo passed by the rally, but Trump did not get out and address the crowd. Instead, he waved to them and continued on his way to the golf course.

Trump was revealed as just another Twitter shi*poster. An incompetent administrator, he got rolled at all the important moments of his presidency (Covid, Floyd riots, election). MAGAs who still blindly support him are the flip side of Covidians.

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I take offense to your statement, but we all have our own opinion. Trump fought harder than any President we’ve had for decades. DOJ/Barr let us down by cowering to Dems and Dem controlled cities, but other than calling for Marshall law, his hands were somewhat tied. Trump requested National Guard for Jan 6, but Pelosi denied it. She then orchestrated the attack along with FBI agents and Cap Police to entice protesters inside then her thugs started the violence.

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Prior to Covid's arrival, Trump was the best president in the post-Cold War era...but that's kinda like being the world's tallest midget.

He failed miserably in all facets once covid arrived and meekly submitted after J6, abandoning hundreds of his followers to prison in DC and the rest of us to the whims of the leftist lunatics driving us over the cliff in Ukraine.

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The so-called experts fought him every step and at every question he posed. The media ridiculed every step he took. Yes, covid response under Fauci was a complete failure.

His efforts were diminished every which way and unfortunately he thought these long-standing scientists were leading with truth. Before he even left office, Dems were talking about another impeachment. I don’t agree he meekly surrendered after Jan 6. The brutal imprisonment of these protesters falls directly on Garland/Biden/Pelosi and Dems only. Garland is the most corrupt and unjust AG ever.

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Who is your candidate?

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I prefer DeSantis. He has used power against the left.

Trump continues to boast about his "vaccines." Weird.

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I’m hoping Trump will stop supporting the vax, but at least he was against mandates. I love DeSantis as Governor and would like him to run 2028. I keep reading about his connections with the Bushes, whom I detest.

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Agreed, I think Trump is still the best choice at present and for what is to come. I wont speculate on the what ifs if DeSantis were to run against him. Have to cross that bridge if it comes.

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I've read that it might be a better strategy to build conservative states, one by one, as a bulwark against leftist craziness. DS remaining in Fla would be a great start. Maybe. But the Biden regime's (designed?) incompetence makes me think that this nation will not survive for too much longer with democrats holding power.

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But is Trump still the best candidate? I think he is at present.

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If you prefer DeSantis, you haven't done your homework. DeSantis was Paul Ryan's lapdog when they were both in Congress. He pushed the clotshots on the elderly who trusted him. Said elderly are now suffering horrendous health issues they never had before they were poisoned. I was in Florida when Ron forced small businesses to close and forced us to wear masks.

He's a political beast that pivots according to polls. Ron has focused on securing the Cuban vote as if we don't know that he's a globalist RiNO, perhaps that's why he doesn't discuss his foreign policies at length. The GOP parasites would love Ron as their candidate.

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Yes, I like DeSantis as well but unsure if he will throw his hat in the ring. So far N Haley has announced her run... ugg and yikes. Im dismayed by Trump not denouncing the jabs as well, especially with all the data to show they have little to no efficacy and are harmful to humans. Is it ego driving him to deny the data against? Or is it something far more nefarious?

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Haley has no chance.

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You're right that she doesn't. But it may be interesting to see how she changes the conversation, or gets used to change the conversation.

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Nope she does not, and I just heard Pence say he is seriously thinking about running.

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I don't know why you're still trying to make it about political parties. Almost all politicians are corrupt, but this is about "us" versus "them".

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We have been witnessing those among us pointing at deers and calling them horses for the last three years, and it is obvious our government is taking note of those who refused to do it. The teachers whose fingerprints were sent to the FBI are just one example. I wonder, as a nurse who has been fired, have they too taken note of me? Because I most definitely refused to call that deer a horse!

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God bless you

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With the benefit of hindsight, this article is more easily digested today. Your foresight in writing it is commendable.

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Good article. Reminds me of safe and effective

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In the first version of the COVID vaccine mandate policy (in early 2021), Dartmouth College planned to force the unvaccinated on campus to wear an emblem on their clothes indicating they didn’t receive injections. I believe this was not an exception. Those skunks among the Ivy League must have coordinated their policies before going public.

The emblem is meant to the Star of David.

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When the game isn't science, i.e., calling a deer a horse, don't let yourself be bound by the rules of science.

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Thank you Matthew,😁👏🏻. 🤔You are indeed a very skilled teacher.

Learning from UK,I think you ruffle the feathers of some of the Med Freedom community , because you are highly intelligent and your mental dexterity allows a deeper insight.

I hope the personal attacks have ceased, and your support groups are helping you.❤️

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Excellent and timely!

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point to a deer and call it a horse, call a man a woman and a 'chest feeder' and a 'birthing person'... uhn. And say you nay to this distortion, YOU are now marked for removal. Thus dies a society and a culture...and yes, sanity.

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Very good.

The art of defeating a tyrant. In reverse, the art of sustaining a tyrant, and using this story as an example, we would see those who called the deer a deer killing in that moment both Zhao Gao and Er Shi, and those who chose to follow the lie, and then installing a puppet emperor, like and old and demented eunuch, and control everything militarily from the second rank. In that case, the tyrant being sustained is not a person but a system.

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I suspect that the genetic advantage of calling a horse a horse arises when a group is ravaged by a foreseeable disaster. Afterwards a larger proportion of those who saw what was coming are more likely to survive than those who pretended there was no problem. Laocoon and his sons died for daring to suggest that the Trojan Horse was a scam but those Trojans, who quietly heeded Laocoon, left town that night and lived to breed another day. Back in the day, catastrophes like the sack of Troy were probably not all that uncommon.

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Never teach your children to play "follow the leader".

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It’s a good test, I suggest using it in your daily life. However, eliminate from your circle those who call it a deer.

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So those I see calling a deer a horse are demonstrating their loyalty to The Regime. And by calling the deer a deer, I'm outing myself as preferring Truth. Hmmmmm...

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Thank you for this history of the beginning of the imperial era and the power of a eunuch, and it's application to today's gaslighting.

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