The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875. By 1876 there were Theosophy Lodges all over England and London in particular. It was almost certainly am intentional propping up swiftly by an existing and wealthy power structure, then quickly thrust on India within a few years.
The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875. By 1876 there were Theosophy Lodges all over England and London in particular. It was almost certainly am intentional propping up swiftly by an existing and wealthy power structure, then quickly thrust on India within a few years.
The author of Terrorism and the Illuminati traces some of the connections between Theosophy and radical Islam through Jamal al-Din al Afghani, who was in India at the same time as Blavatsky.
He also posits that radical Islam in the form of what he calls Salafism was fostered by the British at least in part as a thorn in the side of the Ottomans. I'm not certain how solid his evidence is but I think the idea of a parallel construction by the British of religious sects for imperial purposes is an interesting theory.
Radical Islam became a powerful tool in shaping the Middle East. There was no particular reason that Islam had to be so intolerant and it is highly suspect that first the British and then America would choose to back one of the most intolerant factions the Wahhabists and house of Saud. Also the US inherited ties to the Muslim Brotherhood from the Nazis, who we apparently maintained on good terms with throughout the 'war on terror.'
Regarding Nazism and the occult, there is a scholarly book on it called The Occult Roots of Nazism - Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology. The author does a careful job of examining the subject and towards the end outlines how some of the less substantiated myths (like the supposed hunt for the spear of destiny) came into being. Mostly these Aryan mystic writers seemed to have be some hucksters spinning stories about the historical identity of Germans and mixing in esoteric junk like rune magic.
I used to diss the hucksters before seeing and documenting the connections, and recognizing how the chaos leaves people dazed and confused, needing globalist daddy corp to guide them.
Also interesting is the history of the Ismaili sect. Abdul ibn Maymun set up the sect as an occult society in the ninth century with nine ranks and at each promotion a deception was revealed until at the ninth level it was revealed that there was no god and all that mattered was power (Nietzsche / Crowley style) - i.e. just the same as every other occult society. Within a few decades he had taken over half the Moslem world and murdered millions.
His line remains intact and the current scion and head of the Ismaili sect is the Aga Khan whose followers call him "the Lightbringer" which would be amusing if it wasn't so serious.
The Theosophical Society was founded in New York in 1875. By 1876 there were Theosophy Lodges all over England and London in particular. It was almost certainly am intentional propping up swiftly by an existing and wealthy power structure, then quickly thrust on India within a few years.
The author of Terrorism and the Illuminati traces some of the connections between Theosophy and radical Islam through Jamal al-Din al Afghani, who was in India at the same time as Blavatsky.
He also posits that radical Islam in the form of what he calls Salafism was fostered by the British at least in part as a thorn in the side of the Ottomans. I'm not certain how solid his evidence is but I think the idea of a parallel construction by the British of religious sects for imperial purposes is an interesting theory.
Radical Islam became a powerful tool in shaping the Middle East. There was no particular reason that Islam had to be so intolerant and it is highly suspect that first the British and then America would choose to back one of the most intolerant factions the Wahhabists and house of Saud. Also the US inherited ties to the Muslim Brotherhood from the Nazis, who we apparently maintained on good terms with throughout the 'war on terror.'
Regarding Nazism and the occult, there is a scholarly book on it called The Occult Roots of Nazism - Secret Aryan Cults and Their Influence on Nazi Ideology. The author does a careful job of examining the subject and towards the end outlines how some of the less substantiated myths (like the supposed hunt for the spear of destiny) came into being. Mostly these Aryan mystic writers seemed to have be some hucksters spinning stories about the historical identity of Germans and mixing in esoteric junk like rune magic.
I used to diss the hucksters before seeing and documenting the connections, and recognizing how the chaos leaves people dazed and confused, needing globalist daddy corp to guide them.
Also interesting is the history of the Ismaili sect. Abdul ibn Maymun set up the sect as an occult society in the ninth century with nine ranks and at each promotion a deception was revealed until at the ninth level it was revealed that there was no god and all that mattered was power (Nietzsche / Crowley style) - i.e. just the same as every other occult society. Within a few decades he had taken over half the Moslem world and murdered millions.
His line remains intact and the current scion and head of the Ismaili sect is the Aga Khan whose followers call him "the Lightbringer" which would be amusing if it wasn't so serious.