Sep 23, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

After reading some of your fine work here I can see that I did not gravitate to you in vain.

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Big time kudos and thanks for so many understandable explanations for subjects where the research and mathematics are impossible for most of us to navigate. Compound that with increasing challenges finding anything but the prevailing views and anointed experts with tech censorship and MSM propaganda and critical thinkers with honest analysis are priceless. Write on mate your content is abso-frigging-lutely awesome! :~)

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^^Compressed link w tantalizing lure in hacker terms -> malware honeypot.^^

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Sep 20, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thanks, Mat. ORGANISING your thinking like this is a TREMENDOUS help - I started trying to keep a separate Word doc to keep track of all the different things I was coming across.

I'm wondering if it would be possible / make sense (under a diff substack) to pull other (like- or dissenting-minded) writers articles under one "portal"?

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Sep 21, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

I am thinking of building a second substack as something like a curated news and research feed. Wasn't sure if it would be worth the time.

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Aug 12, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Matthew, thank you for this very valuable overview of ressources. It seems you are a man of reason and science. This war also has other components that are not listed here.

First: The religious/cult component, that is already well described. Mabye one could categorize this as a social component.

Second: The spritual component. The opponent uses symbols & mythicism openly, just look at Klaus Schwab (WEF), wearing his cult like priest outfit.

It completes the whole picture very well and it is a nice Gedankenexperiment and training for the mind to complete ones reason and logic with spirituality, as nearly all big thinkers in the past have done (see e.g. C.G.Jung). This does not mean that i want to advertise spirituality nor should one take it too seriously. But it helped me to further my understanding of this whole mess.

Maybe as a start the following ressource is too much, but anyway i post it: https://purposeofscience.com

Also, i liked all the quotes from Galileo & Copernicus.

I also recommend everything about the Babylonians & Sumerians & Manly P. Hall. It is very interessting for someone that deals in science and logic most of the time to also learn this language of understanding / describing things (spirituality).

Plus, see what the catholic church is doing currently... they made a deal with the opponent, so that they may well play a role in the next 2k years. For me this gave hope, because from a spiritual/astrological viewpoint this war means, that the opponent is fighting against the stars/the universe itself, which clearly is futile.


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Thanks, Alexander. I had a first bout of trying to understand things around the start of lockdowns in March 2020; but at a point realised it was a rabbit-hole I would not be able to make sense of; so got back to my business. Then I had covid in June 2021; which set me off on another exploratory round. And I also felt I couldn't square everything off without including a spiritual dimension in my thinking

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Matthew, thank you for your invaluable work here. Is it possible for you to update the date on this article when you edit it? The date shown at the top is currently April 17, but I see linked articles as recent as July 26. It would be much easier to see when you've linked new content if the date in the header were updated to reflect the addition of new content.

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I'll start adding a "most recently edited" date every few weeks.

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This is stunning; you are doing yeoman's work and it is making a difference. Thank you and let me know if I can help out at all.

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Jan 16, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Just getting acquainted.... looking forward to digging in. Found you thru Steve K. Just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. I can't believe that the human mind is the 'supremo' in this world/cosmos, so sending you the good vibes (aren't 'waves' the basis of our universe anyway ?)

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Learned of your important work yesterday, pleased and proud to join your team.

(Boy, have I got a lot of catching up to do!)

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Feb 22, 2022·edited Feb 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Have you seen that the FBI will be launching a "task force" concerning crypto, especially BTC, and the control thereof? It would serve the believers in cryptocurrency well to explain how this cannot happen, and how the cryptocurrency cannot be seized.

Because in Canada, as I'm sure everyone is aware of, having spoken your mind about Trudeau online is enough to get your accounts frozen, perhaps even your assets seized and your payments nullified. Even ex post facto and retroactively.

Which several of us europeans with real life experience of totalitarianism warned you about. And yes, "I told you so" is petty but look back through this and other 'Stacks dealing with crypto and you'll find no shortage of experts in the comments stating that what is happening right now cannot happen.

Trust me, dear friends of North America, you ain't seen nothing yet. I could go on but I'll save that rant for when it fits the topic. Want a clue to your future though? Look at GDR in the sixties and seventies.

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Saw ur podcast with Steve k . TY for your work . !!!! So grateful 🙏

Do you know of an article that explains :

What case rates mean re: how it affects a pandemic / etc . Must be a "" reliable "" source .

My sister is hospitalalist md . She doesn't understand that case rate is a measure of how well a population is doing against a particular infectious dz. She only cares about death rate from said dz .

Are there any descriptions of that.. even from an epidemiology text book ?

TY again .

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Be careful what you post here! Last November I posted some research I had done on covid vaccine efficacy using all mortality and morbidity endpoints. One of the commenters contacted me repeatedly about what I had done. Today I discovered she had taken my ideas and published a paper using my research and analysis. That is despicable!

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I would love to have some of the criticisms of bitcoin addressed at length -- beauties of elliptical notwithstanding, I still believe ALL (ALL!) crypto can and will eventually be broken - it's a matter of when, not if. Even if the math is sound, brute force revolutions, bugs in implementing software or other unforeseen consequences will break if motivations are high enough. But, it is in its alternative currency in response to tyranny that is the most concerning to me. If EVERY transaction is on the blockchain and publicly observable, won't that make identifying who supports "unacceptable" beliefs, who is supporting revolutionaries and non-compliant that much easier? Finding out who is supporting revolutionary activities, who is buying ammo, whatever....

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Very well and in line with my experience. It is a slow invasion of the mind since the time we been created for a purpose.

This purpose being the titanic change of this world into a planet uninhabitable for us (our hell) but perfect and a heaven for them (Our Draco creator race).

It all comes together to one conclusion a grand civil war of their making because we cannot fight an enemy unseen.

But we are learning fast.

Good work.

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“Pacific Eclipse was held on December 9-10 in Washington DC, Phoenix and Honolulu simultaneously. The scenario began in Fiji and becomes a pandemic. Mathematical modelling of smallpox transmission was used to simulate …”

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When are you going to finish the Surgisphere story as you promised in Part 2 to do?

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When it hits the top of my priority list long enough to stay there. The "problem" is that I keep getting pulled into more impactful projects, and the rate of acceleration of the whole crisis is high.

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Feb 23, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I'd love to know if Desai has truly been disciplined and who paid for his studies (surely someone!). Hard for me to believe he'd do all that fraud and jeopardize his career for free.

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IIRC, he had several lawsuits pending when he began engaging in Surgisphere is "research" and lost his job, though I'd have to track that down in my notes. I still have an unpublished third article that focuses mainly on him, but it never quite rose to the top of my priority list.

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The last I looked at it he had voluntarily not renewed his medical license, at least in Illinois. So as far as I know, he never was formally censured/license revoked by the medical board. I'm not sure if the medical board would censure a doctor for publishing fraudulent data, or if there concern is only his medical practice. But I think they would, given that they are doing the same to other doctors now accused of publishing "misinformation" online (about Ivermectin, etc.). i.e., Dr. Meryl Nass of Maine. I seem to remember that briefly there was talk about him getting a license in OH or IN, but then changing his mind. So I don't know if he is still licensed anywhere or not.

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