Thank you so much for that lucid outline/framework of your articles on the vaccines! And bless you for all your hard work! I'm a physicist, used statistics in the first area I worked in as a new hire at NASA, brittle fracture analysis. It was surprising how little people wanted to deal with stats, when that discipline can be used like a lamp to show what's happened and the way forward. To find your substack has been wonderful. Thanks again

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I started investigating the history of both infectious diseases and the products designed response to them, in 2015. Dozens of long-time-held internalized assumptions have had to be retired since then. J.J. Couey refers to "immuno-mythology" in terms of popular assumptions/partial understandings/outright inventions related to SARS-CoV2 and human immune system function. I would say there is a corollary to it related to every infectious disease for which we vaccinate. The misunderstandings have lead to wonderfully profitable arrangements for pharma, and possibly negative overall health impacts for many of us told that there is no downside to indiscriminate and ever-increasing vaccine product use. Currently, many vaccine product safety information holes exist where robust research should long ago have been provided. Conflicts of interest also currently prevail in agencies tasked w/approving and recommending such products. One of the best documents through which to begin to understand the dimensions of the COI and holes problem, is a deposition of one of vaccinology's long-time leading lights: Dr. Stanley Plotkin. It occurred in the process of a court case in 2018, and it is worth reading slowly and carefully and completely (yes, its long). https://www.scribd.com/document/389327361/1-11-18-Matheson-Plotkin

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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Wow just wow. Thank you so much for spending your time to do all this research and even more for sharing. I will share to all my networks. This is live saving information. We are most certainly at war.

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Some good analyses by Bartram, most recently this: https://bartram.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-the-delay-between -- but all of his work is worth reading.

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Thank you.

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Thank you for the summary of all of your articles; I've only started to follow you recently and this is quite helpful. Thank you also for putting in the time and effort to make this series, it is just enlightening for the layman!

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Although I have tagged along from close to the start of your research & writing about this, I am still blown away when I look at all of this. Thank you over an over again Mathew!

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Excellent. Thank you so much.

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"Sensing a problem of growing urgency, most of my time has veered toward research and coverage of the COVID-19 mass "vaccination" campaign." Life is what happens while we are making other plans. So glad to have you focused on vaccine safety and efficacy; the work and analysis has made a world of difference, thank you! :~)

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Bookmark the Wars of Wars, first. I will update that soon and link to the summary of each series.

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Thank you thank you thank you

I'f I have a moment to rebuild CONTROLGROUP.SCIENCE, this will be the info block

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