This Declaration sounds so promising. The doctors you name are no doubt assured of their places, standing on the right side of history and humanity. I found this newsletter touching. Maybe it's my lack of sleep or because emotions are running below the surface, or maybe it's because you hit on a universal human chord that binds many of us together - that would be our collective belief that good will conquer evil and that there remain many more good people in the world than not. Put on your cape, Matthew, and God-speed to you all!

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I think that good often (for some definition of "often") wins through patience and perseverance. Evil does a lot of self-sabotaging, and can do a tremendous amount of damage en route to its collapse. A great deal may happen between here and there. There is a lot of work to be done.

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Amen. Looking forward to the public release of this, and I sure hope it has a greater effect than the Great Barrington Declaration (at over 860K signatures, many prestigious names, hard to say what it's accomplished in terms of public policy, besides persecution of some individual signors) https://gbdeclaration.org

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wow, very cool, this is great news along with that the British are dropping the jab passports for now, via Alex Berenson, https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/urgent-the-british-are-dropping-vaccine, Sunday Times/Boris Johnson

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Let's hope that's permanent.

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Yes so far it has been stopped, however the tenders were already out when the UK Government were saying before that they wouldn’t introduce them…and then later said they would!? So we are not sure if they will try and use them again. There have been many protests UK, as well as in other countries which are not being reported in the corporate media. Also it’s coming out more about how robust natural immunity is (which we knew about for quite a while) and transmission can be from anyone vaccinated or not. We had this which happened as well, before it was announced they would not be introduced.


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This is for England…I’m not sure as yet if this will be the same for Scotland and Wales

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The celebration was obviously premature. These aren't misguided but benevolent people, they are evil predators.

The UK government has already clarified that they want to impose passports later on in the winter, or next year, or whenever people have lowered their guard sufficiently.

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The medical industrial complex is a tough dragon to slay but if it can be done, it will be by this group of superheroes! Godspeed!

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Thank you for that roll call.

Just finished watching the video interview with Dr. Mark McDonald. On the whole, I agree with his assessment and observations.

However, a mere quibble: Dr. Mark McDonald (– at about the 33 minute and 10 second timestamp –) declares that the “left” needs to be destroyed. Americans have a very peculiar understanding of what they deem to be “the political, social, and economic left.” I personally subscribe to what I regard as a “far-left” outlook, i.e., one that is fundamentally and radically anti-totalitarian, and I do not in any way, shape, or form recognize anything remotely resembling my standpoint in Dr. McDonald’s description of what he labels as “the left.” I’ve also noticed that what Americans label as being “Marxist” does not come close to anything squaring with my understanding of, for example, what Marx professed in so far as he professed anything at all. What Americans describe as “Marxist” simply does not jibe with anything that Marx has ever written, but you wouldn’t know that unless you had actually read the man. Indeed, the so-called values that cluster under the rubric of “individual freedom” that Dr. McDonald professes to espouse are in fact a closer approximation to Karl Marx’s attitude than a divergence away from it. On the other hand, it’s true, Marxism, in contrast to the views to which Karl Marx held, was actually a thing that in its orthodoxies Marx himself actually swore off. Dr. McDonald laments that the younger generation no longer reads history; one could also add the lamentation that no one — old and young included — bothers to read original sources before condemning them out of hand on nothing but a knee jerk ideological impulse. Dr. Mark McDonald points to the weaponization of expressions like “anti-vaxxer” or “conspiracy theorist;” the very same must be said about the expression, “the left.” Labels stifle thinking and are divisive. It doesn’t matter who wields them. Whatever "the left" may be in the American context, it isn't what people outside of the U.S. understand by that expression.

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Two things:

I agree that the use of "left" is not fair, and that really we need to find ways of categorizing "intellectual programming" outside of the horrendous political language we have been handed. In the aftermath of this crisis, perhaps we will all better sort that out.

In personal conversation with Mark, I did not get any sense that he felt animosity toward what we might agree to call, "the simple honest left" or that might be best described as, "people who believe that structures that suppress social mobility and hurt the dispossessed" are bad. I take it more than he describes the left-authoritarians who were responsible for so much death and destruction during the 20th century, and threaten to do so now.

But I wouldn't presume to speak specifics for him.

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Thank you for this Matthew. I couldn’t imagine your incredible input falling on deaf ears for too much longer. The tide had to turn.

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Do you know if this will be public this week?

The Canadian federal election is next Monday, September 20th.

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I do not know the timetable.

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Writes Pamela Drew #my2c ·just now

Big time kudos & thanks to you and everyone who has applied constant pressure for truth to emerge and like water forcing it into every crack seeking to flow freely.

There's some irony in the context of history but sentiment of Winston Churchill quote endures. "The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it. Ignorance may deride it. But in the end, there it is." Viva San Juan Declaration!

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Ryan Cole’s talk is amazing.

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Thank you for sharing. Can't wait to learn more.

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Thank you Matthew.. My friends and family keep asking me why I am spending my life energy on covid policy refutation, and it's very inspiring to be even tangentially related to such a team.

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Thank you for this article, I really appreciate your analysis. Please write when you can about this new Declaration, and the new media.

I and a few others I know are really good at data 'finding/patterning' separating information from background noise.

Problem is a deep, detailed analysis of such data isn't our purview, but if you need to find something, just ask and I'll see if I can find it, pattern it, then send it to you.

Please continue posting your substack articles, they are intriguing :)

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News here in PR are same nazi media owners as stateside. Only fear and vaxxx narrative for the PR mega sheeple.

These people here in PR are revieving the full force of the Biden-demo-global corp-elite socialist orwellian nazi narrative.

Its like they are hypnotized by the same people that taught us that we should never trust them. I am ashamed of my compatriotas and its leaders like never before.

Covid does not exist for us. We all had covid, all of my family. We followed these same peoples early outpatient protocols, even before we got sick we were taking the recommended supplements. Im almost 50 and covid was no where near as bad as the flu. Headache, low fever and tired for a few days.. thats it..

There is no deadly pandemic folks, only fear propaganda to destroy you and hospital covid protocol malpractice.

Thats the virus, CDC, NIH= virus

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Almost a year has past since this declaration. When will it be released?

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And thoughts on this article, written by an evolutionary biologist and a University of Pittsburgh infectious disease epidemiologist?


I regularly read Naked Capitalism (where I read this link), which publishes links to a wide spectrum of articles that attempt to tease apart the science and pseudoscience of this epidemic.

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I think it is a red herring to debate whether vaccines are the main driver of the relative frequency of each strain of SARS-CoV-2. The fact is, there are more than enough strains of the virus in circulation, many of which are evasive of the vaccines, that it is either myopic or naive (or both) to think the vaccines will somehow stamp out the pandemic.

For decades this problem has eluded scientists in their quest to immunize against the common cold. Without a 'master key' immunization, the rate of mutation and emergence of variants will always outperform the vaccines. You've got a virus evolving through Red Queen dynamics up against a static vaccine; the virus wins every time.

The thing I find surprising is that scientists were ever optimistic about these vaccines in the first place. It belies everything virologists and vaccinologists knew about immunizing against coronaviruses and similar viruses (i.e., rhinoviruses) prior to Covid.

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Two easy facts: 1. There HAS NEVER EVER been a coronavirus pandemic, yet gates and fauci both predicted this on(on film lol) in fact fauci said it would happen to trump lol.

2. They have NEVER EVER been able to develop an effective successful vaxxx for a coronavirus or for the flu to that matter due to the nature of these viruses.

Its all just dirty business and a evil plandemic agenda..

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Oh, my goodness! I live in Puerto Rico, and I haven't seen the newspapers talk about this event at all. It's just as well I didn't know you were all here. I'd have followed you around Viejo San Juan eavesdropping. :)

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The announcement hasn't been made anywhere, yet.

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I watch Steve Bannon's War Room as much as I can and have seen Dr. Malone many times, including the episode with him and others discussing their newly formed Pandemic Health Alliance group. I cannot find the source of information they alluded to about resources for those who have a new diagnosis of COVID. I cannot locate a website for Pandemic Health Alliance. Can any one provide assisstance with my pursuit?

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