This is very helpful. It’s been my impression that vax efficacy is low to zero & taking into account all causes mortality, is likely a net negative (that is, outcomes would be better had the vax not been introduced into the population).
Worse, the vaccines could never have worked. We know from review of flu vaccination over a decade & more of use in U.K. (with very similar findings in subsets of the US population), that they do not reduce hospitalisation or deaths. Those I've discussed this with agree that the fundamental flaw is this: the frail elderly are more vulnerable to novel pathogens because their immune systems respond poorly. That’s why they’re vulnerable. Logically however, why would we expect their immune systems respond well to an intramuscular injected vaccine? It appears they don’t.
Those creating c19 vaccines will have been aware of the flu vaccines data & cannot avoid the logical conclusion that this strategy is fundamentally flawed.
They made “vaccines” because they knew they could fool most people.
Instead, had there been a novel, lethal pathogen, which I no longer believe the evidence supports, the appropriate public health response would EXCLUDE vaccination and focus upon emerging pharmaceutical treatments (chloroquine was established as useful in SARS 2003, so it was anticipated that there would be such repurposed treatments).
The conclusion is that the c19 vaccines were at best misguided, more likely deliberately foisted on the public for malign reasons that are definitely not SOLELY monetary gain.
In terms of characterising them, I offer the following: “superfluous, ineffective & toxic”.
So Mike, are you saying that this virus just wasn’t that dangerous? Or there was no virus at all? Or there is no such thing as a virus??
I’ve watched several of your recent interviews and it still isn’t clear to me. Thanks.
As an addendum, if the perpetrators knew of the extreme negative effect for the first couple of weeks, that is why they presumably these people from the vaccinated.
And isn’t there a drop off to negative efficacy 6-9 months down the line as the immune system begins to suffer? Which is made cumulatively worse as more shots are received?
My view has evolved as evidence has emerged. Initially, I had no reason to doubt the veracity of the narrative, except the lethality was definitely far too low to warrant any interruptions to normal life.
Estimated IFR tends to fall as we learn, for the simple reason that milder cases are initially not counted.
More recently, reading & listening to Denis Rancourt’s analyses & especially his interview with Jerm Warfare, this leaves no room for a novel virus. The deaths demographic is all wrong for a respiratory virus to have been responsible.
Stir in Stuart Wilkie with Maajid Nawaz & we see how many were killed with midazolam and morphine.
No need to posit a novel pathogen.
IF there is one, it’s NOT the cause of the excess deaths.
I don’t take a semi religious position about viruses. It helps no one. If we don’t see off these satanic lunatics, we’ll have lost our freedoms & the virus question will be irrelevant. If we do prevail, we should all have a very good look at this. To be Frank, I could see myself coming down on the side of those who don’t think the identification work had been done at all well.
Meanwhile, I find against the official narrative, because the demographics are inconsistent with the narrative & because we see full explanations for those deaths.
Finally, the authorities have lied about literally everything. Why the victims are so keen to defend the narrative specifically about this novel respiratory virus I do not understand.
No part of the sorry tale requires it. People definitely we ill & some died. Not in dispute. What’s in dispute is attribution for those deaths.
Many have said they’ve never been so unwell, therefore that proves there was a new virus. Respectfully, that isn’t the only conclusion one can draw. Another factor is the intense, deliberate fear being provoked deliberately by govt propaganda. Fear, anxiety & stress is definitely capable of boosting illness rates, requiring no new pathogen.
I agree that the vast majority of the damage was not caused by a novel respiratory virus. I'm still learning---I discuss this with J.J. Couey often, and other scientists and people I've found to be rigorous thinkers (a few of the Pandata folks are valuable for such discussion whether or not they're specifically credentialed).
I currently tend to think there was a pathogen that changed the nature of the illnesses. The low blood ox in particular suggests people were getting differently ill. I keep numerous hypotheses open as to why this might be.
If you're willing, I'd love to have you and perhaps one other expert on a Roundtable discussion to talk about this. Maybe Denis? I don't know him yet, and his work was brought to my attention late, but I've learned a few new details from it to add to my own observations (much of which overlap with his).
We are getting closer to narrowing down reasonable hypotheses, IMHO. And it helps to mix thoughts in conversation to move forward. Email me any time you might have interest.
Thanks Mathew, I think that’s a fine idea. It would be good to have someone who does think there was a new pathogen, too.
Ironically the only person we really need is anyone who knows the truth! (Or truths, perhaps there is more than one scenario depending on where you’ve been).
One slightly sad point is we won’t get to a definitive conclusion. I don’t know exactly what happened, I also am open to several hypotheses.
I find I get agitated using up time on matters that don’t reach new people. There will be no prizes for potentially good deductions we can’t check or for any efforts that in the end don’t deflect the perpetrators from their evil path.
Just to be clear: I do think that there was a novel pathogen, but I have a different theory about it than most people, and one clears up a lot of the confusion. Right now, my view is somewhat close to J.J. Couey's:
To be clear: I don't think we saw what we're told to think. I think (not married to this hypothesis, but it seems most likely) is that what we saw was controlled released of highly purified CoV clones. This is why the data is so confusing by classical theory, and why it gives the "there are no viruses" people fodder---because there *are* contradictions with classical virology, which can be exploited.
That said, it is *also* true at the same time that most of the deaths were due to negligent care.
This is one of the reasons I'd love to talk, which is that those of us comparing notes, and sifting through the various hypotheses, should be getting together, rejecting the false hypotheses, and then discussing the various merits of the various branching potentially true hypotheses.
Absolutely correct with maybe most persons dead by bad treatment in hospitals, and by blocade. I hospitals vaccination and bad drugs, result from Fauci, and paid extra for patients told dead by Covid-19. As the number 2 results dead patiens, without doubt mRNA vaccines, and numer 3 a mixture of different diseases, mixed and called Covid-19.
Recalling a Polio epidemy way back in 1954 (i think), where many persons told to be hit by Polio, by a following test were found suffering from 59 diseases, including syphilix. So only few by Polio, which in nearly nearly did not excist.
Dr. Yeadon. The Truth is there is no empirical evidence of any vyruz. Until this basic fact gets into the scientific conversation, they will keep spinning the narrative and inventing new InSilico genomes for non-existent vyruzez and variaπts and fake va××iπes. The perfect business-model and justification for restructuring the whole socioeconomic order (Great Reset). So, ppl will keep dying from it and they'll say no, it's bcz of the vyruz.
Yes, I agree to the degree that I don't know for sure. I think there was a bad flu that year highly likely from gain of function from UNC Chapel Hill R. Baric and Bat Lady in Chy-na or Ukraine ( Trident symbol ) or Saskatuwan, Can. where 10 Chinese scientists got caught at the Bio Level 4 lab, smuggling out viruses they were working on. Obama farmed the genetic engineering out of country just like he did the spying on the Trump campaign. For obvious shirking the US Law reasons. So we had a gain of function Corona flu virus with build in affinity for the lungs and inflammation. Period. Not particularly deadly until you followed the NIH protocol for treatment. If people listened to the smart Drs. at FLCCC and AFLD and used common sense vitamins C&D, zinc, aspirin etc and most will be fine.
I fault Dr. Malone now because he is running with the variant theories. Drives me nuts. What the heck! Is he getting paid by the gov for all this BS research chasing rabbits down holes or chasing his own tail? Probably. Our tax dollars gone again. Of course you are going to find lots of bacteria in a big pond. It doesn't mean anything though. Give it a rest Dr. Malone. Look into the 5G self assembling nanobot nanoparticles of GO that are excited with certain wavelengths of sound energy and 5 G. Causing very large, long clots. See video or or odesssy Sorry, I do not have link now. Try the two words of GO and movement with sound energy.
We just had a second music venue that we know of in South Korea with many dead mostly cardiac arrests and hemoraging, very young people. Injected. Just like the Travis Scott Houston concert with mandatory injected youths dropping at a particular time during the satanic hymns. Many cardiac arrests and hemorrhages again. Media covered up after the fact again, lying, about cause. So obvious. Where are the autopsies? Where are the parent outcries? Where are the Law suits ? How can they bury all this stuff? Large payouts and and NDA signed. Watch the kid's videos posted on You tube of their comrades collapsing while standing in front of them. Probably scrubbed by now so go to or This is horrific. 100 kids in the S. Korean nightclub dropped dead - medics tried to assist again and may have restarted the hearts of some as with Houston Concert. This is what needs to be talked about because this is the Evils second Beta test in public. This is how the Big depop is going to occur. More then what is happening now.
I bet Soros and Gates own every Defib machine manufacturer by now.
Mike, it will deflect the Evils when we figure out the exact assault because we can A) publicize it B) engage people to head them off at the pass
It is the first step and launch from there. We do need to keep our eye on the ball though because while we are trying to figure out the primary assaults and mitigate, they are working on plans B and C which are different in part, at least. They must be apprehended ultimately and soon the dominos will then fall. Hopefully we are in a better position after Nov.
Completely unrelated side note - Mathew, I really enjoy the music you have in the beginning of the's the only show that I regularly listen to and don't skip through the intro.
It's short and sweet. I worked with a cellist on Fiverr and she worked with me and did a great job. I love cello music. If life had a reset button, and I got to pick my classical instrument, it would be a cello.
My grandmother was a cellist. I adored listening to her as a little girl. My dad and I used to take lessons together...until our instructor moved to London.
The cello is absolutely my favorite is a window to the soul.
Recently I've taken up playing the Tibetan singing bowls...I'm kind of obsessed...the overtones remind me of the cello.
Anyway...thank you for all the work you do. And the beautiful intro to your feels like family to me.
I find the water contamination idea to be too difficult to pull off.
Drinking water usually comes from lakes, rivers, and groundwater or some combination of these. Public drinking water is treated to remove solids and dissolved solids before sending it to a distribution system.
Even a small town can treat 2-5 million gallons per day, larger cities treat 50-300 million gallons per day. In order to contaminated a drinking water supply to some toxic level, one would need a huge amount of chemical. We are talking about a lot of chemical. It is just not possible to do that at concentration needed. I worked on a paper terrorist exercise in after 9/11. It's just not workable.
For example Cleveland OH gets it water from Lake Erie. Just looking of two of the treatment plant operations treat over 100 mgd (million gallons per day). Cleveland treats over 300 mgd.
The biggest danger is for example the City of Jackson MS. You must have read about their ineptitude in both treating and distribution systems. Oh, there is Flint, MI as another example.
Super easy. Contractor goes to all major city water treatment plants and dumps the crystals or pills in the treatment areas, say post treatment...The Feds, the Mercenaires etc keep dressing up as fireman ( Anne Heche ), EMTs ( Jeffery Epstein ), Plumbing contractors ( 9-11) the list goes on and the CIA are experts in this and it is the easy part really. If poisons like Floride and chemicals like Chlorine are put in all the water why wouldn't you be able to add another poisonous element in concentrated form? Why do you think the CDC was monitoring the water treatment sites on their web site for all ( their Evil contractors ) to see. Both Dr. Ardis and CHD pointed this out as well as the CDC admitting and their poor excuse as to why, ( more lies ) which made no sense to an educated person. But that is what they take advantage of. Their lies are really actually hilariously funny as well as being so evil. They know that many of us know but as long as they can keep fooling most of the people....
Have you seen the cargo holds ( where passengers usually are ) of all the planes spraying us and our water and land with heavy metal toxins with lipid nano tech coatings for increased lung and skin absorption EVERY DAY? Now that is a big operation! Bigger and more difficult then the water plan. Our whole country and others! All the pilots etc. that are keeping their mouths shut?! ( Met one a couple weeks ago - he confessed anonymously and was embarrassed - money very good of course - I shamed him - I hope ) There will be a special place in hell for them. chemtrails on and Handling a hundred or two water treatment plants is much easier then all the airspace over this country and other countries, almost every day. My large town/city is sprayed as far as we can see, every other day at least. For all to see if they look up. If you think things are not possible you won't believe them. That is our countrymen's problem. Just because they cannot devise a way to accomplished these type of Bill Hates feats doesn't mean they cannot be done by individuals more brillant and driven and absurdly wealthy then they are.
Our country men have a lack of humility and over confidence in their poorly educated ( compared to first world countries USA tests just about last in math and reading) selves.
I agree these jobs are enormous and the level and numbers of evils involved are phenomenal but the 300 Billionaires, CIA etc. that are part of this -----GR ------plan are used to running successful, complicated world wide ( in many cases ) businesses with many moving parts. Training others to do the dirty work and buying their silence, backed up by threats of violence is key to their plan. The Mafia on steroids. Never good to start cooperating because you you may end up like one of Clinton's 10 dead body guards ( including gov Secret Service agents ).
It is so good to see such an anomaly of a scientist as yourself or a physician coming from the UK or Canada. You independently think unlike most from the UK and NHS and you don't appear to be lead on a leash by the powerful, almighty UK gov like most of the UK citizens. Same problem in Canada ( which I am very familiar with ) the Scientists and Physicians cannot independently think, a terrible thing because it is in their job description to absolutely do so. They are lead around by the very unintelligent Canadian gov like a cow with a nose ring and a rope.
Look where it got both countries. Far higher mortality rates then say Haiti.
Suggestion, Doctors and Scientists from UK and Canada should go to Haiti to study instead of the other way around. Mortality rates prove the worthiness of this point.
Look at Dr. Byram Bridle from U of Waterloo, Ontario for example who after his amazing sleuth work and expose via Japanese Gov very early on regarding the Pfizer injection has to slink back to relative obscurity lead by the nose ring and his keepers. That is no way to practice or research science.
So many thanks for standing up and going against the grain of your trained countryman and oppressive gov. That takes a lot of intelligence and courage.
What sets you apart additionally, is your compassion.
The simplest way to depop mammals is air, water, food.
Air - chemtrails
Water-toxin ( see above ) - decreases PO2, synergistic with Remdesivir ( ATP agonist), explains the concentrations of sick in big cities ( water supply)
Food- attempting mRNA tech. poisoning by B.Hates, yes you can grow/put the " vaccine " it is not a vaccine, in foods and people unsuspectingly eat it. Why else would he be the largest farm land owner in US now? Control and sabotage.
These Billionaire Elitists are disgusting and they will stop at nothing because they are Deranged.
As you probably know this is what poor Dr. David Martin has been saying all along while shouting into the wind.
Thank you for your dedication and expertise in this ordeal. Good will prevail.
Just listened to a Jennifer Arcuri podcast with a male interviewer ( don't recall his name ) she seems to have a handle on the cyber and monetary aspects of the defeat, it appears. We will definitely need some good old cowboy street justice in addition. Blessings
Indeed. Here is the NEJM paper that Graham Bottley forwarded on his own twitter feed not understanding that it proves that IgG levels in the respiratory mucosa from spillover are 1000x lower than serum levels. You can't make IgA from a parenteral vaccine.
It's like taking chemotherapy to get rid of a mole.
Concerning chemotherapy, I try to explain to doctors and patiens the reality about it, during 12 years since doctor wanted do this to my wife, when hit by breast cancer (was it breast cancer? I don't think so, but the doctors knew too litle, and my wife was scared by doctors, so cut of). Friends to her got chemotheraphy, and I warned about a big chance cancer back after around 8 years, and it happened. And one now with problem with a thick arm, for a year after much chemotheraphy, after hit by returning breast cancer.
What on Earth are you on about, Dr. Yeadon? You've acknowledged publicly that there was no respiratory virus called SARS-COV-2, haven't you? If that's the case, then what is this business about vaccine "efficacy" being "low to zero"? How could any 'vaccine' be effective against a thing that doesn't exist?
And then again you're on about the frail elderly being "more vulnerable to novel pathogens?"
WHAT NOVEL PATHOGENS? You've already admitted that there is no respiratory virus that caused COVID.
"That's why they're vulnerable" - ????
Vulnerable to WHAT, Dr. Mike? A pathogen that doesn't exist?
How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you're straddling the fence like this?
Then you go on to proclaim that chloroquine was established as useful in SARS 2003? So, you believe THAT pathogen was real?
Please stop splitting hairs and leave Dr. Y alone. He works tirelessly for the good and truthful side and risks a lot. Why do scientists do what you are doing, trying to act like you are saying different things when you are not? Splitting hairs. We are probably all in agreement on a Venn Diagram. We all overlap in agreement and then lean various other directions for the small details. That is ok. That is normal. Those various directions, outside the overlap move as we constantly examine new facts and findings. Let's focus on the overlapping important part of the Venn Diagram that is largely more basic so we can save face, unify and move forward defeating the enemy. Dr. Y is very familiar with the forever changing antigenic material presented to the human body and the immune response to the various stimuli. That is his specialty. It is important that we have a high degree of understanding of subject matter before we question in a peer group.
My husband got talked into a flu vaccine a few years back when he was still waffling about such things. Almost lost him. He got an evil case of the flu immediately after that took him a month to get over. This from a guy who normally doesn’t get sick from much of anything and when he does he’s over it in a few days. I know too many folks who have had similar reactions including from the current ones. I categorize them as ineffective AND dangerous.
@ "...efficacy is low to zero & taking into account all causes mortality, is likely a net negative ..."
Any claim about the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines has to be invalid and fraudulent. Efficacy claim, or its assessment, can only be made by testing it against the virus or illness. Such a study has never been done because: (1) there is no specimen of the virus available anywhere in the world for testing vaccine efficacy; (2) clinical trials were done in healthy humans, not in patients, so its effectiveness can not be determined – period!; (3) there is no valid test available to monitor the presence of the virus and or iCOVID-19 illness - PCR is simply irrelevant and fraudulent and cannot tell anything about the virus or illness. (, .
The vaccines' fakeness was described in one of my earlier blogs (July 20, 2020), i.e., before the introduction of the vaccines, stating,
"... it is impossible to develop a proper vaccine because, as noted, one cannot monitor the virus or disease and then how the vaccine's effectiveness will be established. It cannot be! Therefore, a fake vaccine will most likely be developed to satisfy the regulatory wish and calm down the created public hysteria and fear. Unfortunately, if developed and administered, such vaccines will undoubtedly create potentially dangerous side effects, without any presumed benefits, by interfering with the body's immune system and other related physiological processes." (
Actual science clearly predicted the vaccine's tragic outcome, as is now being observed in the population.
Absolutely agree. I sometimes don the narrative that I know is wrong in order to show that you don’t even need to understand the deeper problem in order to know “vaccination” is wrong.
One way it could still be deaths due to novel virus is if vaccination caused acute increased susceptibility and thus destroyed the seasonality by spreading it. I think this is part of it.
People cannot grapple with the fact that epidemiology is literally faith-based medicine. Impossible to get a reliable result outside of anything but a truly transparent RCT - at least for vaccines. The confounding is immense.
Acute treatments would embarrass this whole Tower of Babel. Ethanol nasal sprays and inhalation for example looks like it works. The local pharmacy probably could furnish a dozen OTC cures if they wanted to find one.
Interesting point, but please note it’s the absence of the classical demographic age disproportionatily all-causes mortality data that points away from a novel virus
All precedes vaccines.
Denis Rancourt studied ACM in each of 50 US states in the first test then the next year.
As JJ Couey has pointed out, any efficacy would be on a background of general coronavirus immunity anyway. Studies have show that there was antibody recall to Sars COV which would not be so had the virus been actually novel. The spike protein might have been novel but not the rest of the virus.
Great. The best option is to never use any vaccines. I would bet the same type of efficacy chart would apply to most of them if we could ever get true data. As a 72 year old non-vaxxer over more than 50 years, why am I still alive? You would think with all the scares and panics and fear mongering done by big pharma, the CDC and the medical establishment that anyone not swimming in drugs and vaccines would have no chance of survival.
I wish I knew then what I know now and never vaccinated my two kids! Sigh! I don’t get the flu shot (never did) and recently refused the shingles shot. Still... I shouldn’t have vaccinated my children 30+ years ago...
Girl...ME TOO! I was definitely looking into all of it and questioning... but I come from a family literally FULL of doctors... and I folded. I regret it so much. I betrayed what my gut was telling me.
My children are completely unvaccinated. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I would say they’re perfectly healthy-they hardly ever get sick- but the lil guy has hand foot and mouth right now although he appears to be making a quick recovery
I 100% believe unvaccinated people are healthier than vaccinated and that ALL vaccines have detrimental effects to overall health
We learn that we easily get sick when we are old, because we are old/week, but as I look at we would be healthier when old, if not vaccinated when child. Besides researches have found that by natural infection the result protection last better and longer during the rest life, than when protected by vacine infection.
That's not quite what the research shows (see Professor Christine Benn). The live vaxxes decrease all-cause mortality due to their non-specific effects. The problem with vaccines is that the majority are all dead vaxxes, they increase all-cause mortality due to their non-specific effects.
The number of dead vaccines now overwhelm the number of live vaccines. That's why the unvaxxed are healthier than the vaxxed. The oldsters only got a few vaxxes during childhood, which were the live vaxxes so they're often healthier than anyone other things being equal.
The attenuated viruses probably confer similar benefits as the illness itself, ie “train” the immune system, hear it more towards acute rather than chronic inflammation etc. the difference is that the illness itself doesn’t expose you to a stew of adjuvants and preservatives. I consider those findings a lame excuse for vaccination.
The non-attenuated/dead viruses are the bad ones that increase all-cause mortality. Pharma is busy replacing good/live/attenuated vaccines with dead/non-attenuated ones. So you should get your live shots in before they go away.
I'd speculate that adjuvants and preservatives are no big deal. We have excellent detoxification systems in place for those and much more. In fact all the pollution we get from pesticides and herbicides is no big deal if you look at the science. What's killing people, with chronic autoimmune diseases, are eating vegetables. Veggies will kill you dead. They're filled with horrific endotoxins that target brain, reproduction, gut lining, heart, blood vessels, DNA, nerves, everything! Veggies are Far worse than the covid vax. Our synthetic toxin intake is relatively minimal - like 0.01% - so there is no reason to eat organic.
Don't believe Mom. "Eat your vegetables" is a Far Worse fake Narrative than the covid Narrative - it kills far more people. 70% of healthcare is chronic disease, the majority of which is caused by vegetables. Stop eating all vegetables and you will feel better in three days. Cutting back has little to no effect, you have to go Whole Hog. The noticeable and significant effect is in the last 1% of compliance.
That means eat absolutely nothing except meat, water, salt, eggs, bacon, and lots of butter up to half a stick. One cup of black coffee (which is filled with plant toxins - caffeine is a plant insecticide) if necessary. That's the natural human diet that we've evolved with over two million years. This is research talking, not some random person. Prove it for yourself.
"We calculate that 99.99% (by weight) of the pesticides in the American diet are chemicals that plants produce to defend themselves. Only 52 natural pesticides have been tested in high-dose animal cancer tests, and about half (27) are rodent carcinogens; these 27 are shown to be present in many common foods."
Attenuated means weakened, ie live. Inactivated viruses are killed. Being vaccinated with an attenuated virus is essentially like having a mild form of the illness the virus causes, hence the comparison.
Actually I don't give a dime for vaccinations, I have read too much. Go back in history, and read about persons i Japan dead by vaccines, since 1870, and stopped in 1946 (as I recal it) or hiw many dead after USA brought vaccines to the Philiphis, against a diseace which they they did not know.
And concerning the 5 variants used for vaccines, I think that it was living virus which Edward Jenner used in 1796, and by which both of the 2 first vaccinated persons, 2 children, died. His son sick in brain until he died 20 years old.
I don't think that God made mistakes when the made Adam and Eve, so that we by vaccine have to repar his failures.
But that's all history, you may have not read the latest research. New information continually obviates old information. Why would you base your thinking on outdated information? When information changes you should instantly change your mind unless you are emotionally invested in the old idea - which makes no sense. You seem to be making logical errors.
I’m familiar with her work on DTP with Aabi I haven’t watched this video yet but what has always bugged me about vaccine enthusiasts is that they define “health” as “not dead”
Yes, health is an interesting word, a privative idea, generally defined as the absence of bad health but that is changing with new definitions of Health to include wholesome and dynamic. The problem with that, though, is nearly everyone will be defined as sick and needing medication despite the fact that medication will not make you wholesome and dynamic.
I am 75, and have since teenager, sceptical aginst vacciations, and not vaccinated since child, and said: "cancer is caused by vaccination, brugs and the american food", decades ago also added Alzheimer's, autism, and more to the vaccines.
I had booster shots for work in autistic classroom in 2001. By 2003 I was unable to work. Dr had no answer why I suddenly had a laundry list of autoimmune issues.
I haven’t been VAXXED in over 30+ years and no pharmaceuticals. I get some infection every 2-3 years during the cold and flu season and usually when stressed but also after being in a large group setting. Dec 2019 was a doozy and it took me until Mar of 2020 to feel right again. No clue what it was but our small NW county had thousands down and out that winter - docs were just calling it a bad flu season until a few months later. Haven’t really been sick since. Novel virus or an old “friend” coming back around. We don’t know but it didn’t kill us until it was labeled COVID and people started going to the hospital out of fear. THEN folks started to die. I place my money on the initial lack of treatment for any respiratory virus and then the death protocols.
Of course we've known that efficacy was likely zero, or worse, since you (and others) pointed out the lopsided exclusions in the Pfizer RCT. It also showed a 23% increase in death in the vaccine group, which is now pretty obviously a signal and not noise given the increases in all-cause mortality associated with vaccine rollout. How much more data do people need? Just kidding, I know they're all RCT fundamentalists who are incapable of incorporating Bayesian inference with basic principles of statistics.
I’ve a PhD in Pharmacology and worked in Big Pharma (now retired). So I know a fair bit about drug development, clinical trials, regulatory affairs etc.
I have to say the trickery surrounding the Covid “vaccine” narrative astounds and depresses me in equal measure.
The “95% effective” narrative was launched on the back of the original Randomised Controlled Trials and I believe the crux of this whole scam relates to the carefully chosen soft endpoint in the clinical trial protocol. The endpoint chosen was symptomatic, PCR +ve, C19 “cases”……..and crucially…….it didn’t matter how MILD the symptomatic case was. Just 1 symptom of about 10, was enough for the Pfizer trial.
Vaccine efficacy was based on comparing the case count in vax v placebo group after a certain time point. (As we know, a lot depends on how these cases were chosen for counting but that is another story).
Now, although a mild case was counted as a negative/failure in therms of vax efficacy calculations in the trial (high vax efficacy was claimed due to the very low numbers of cases in the vax group compared to the placebo group), in the real world, the vaxd public are being led to believe that developing a mild case is somehow a success in terms of vax effectiveness…..precisely because the case is MILD. What is in fact vax failure by the standard used in the trials, is now sold as vax success! What a scam!
As if that wasn’t enough, the public aren’t aware that the 95% vax efficacy claim refers to Relative Risk Reduction and not Absolute Risk Reduction. The vaxed & boosted public think that if they go for a few months without getting C19, it must be the vax that’s protected them. They’re unaware that 99% of the placebo group in the trials conducted over 2-3 months didn’t get C19 either.
When the vaxd eventually do get C19, as most vaxd people I know seem to do, not only are they led to believe it would have been worse without the vax, they also believe it’s soon time to get another booster.
The vax has done absolutely nothing but the public believe it must be effective due to the false narrative.
Furthermore, the CDC has confirmed that the vaxed carry & transmit virus ie become infected so it’s not a vaccine by any normal definition. So more trickery has meant the WHO simply changed the definition of “vaccine”.
In summary, Big Pharma, aided by Government messaging, has managed to con the public. How can they fail with a product & narrative such as this?
The vaccine efficacy argument has completely devolved into a "Who are you going to believe, the CDC, Pfizer and the mass media, or your own lying eyes?"
Could deeply negative efficacy during the first weeks after a shot account for the phenomenon that can be observed in many countries? I'm referring to the fact that the first vaccination campaigns were followed by a Covid wave in many places. Such as Afghanistan, Germany, Andorra, Angola, Saoudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaïdjan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bhoutan, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brasil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Cap-Vert, Chile, Cyprus, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Estonia, Eswatini, Fidji, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Hungary, India, Iran, Isle of Man, Israël, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Koweit, Laos, Lituania, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Mongolia, Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Ouzbekistan, Pakistan, Paraguay, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Sudan, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam...
If jabbed people are transformed into potential super-spreaders of Covid for a few weeks, vaccinating *during* a pandemic was the very last thing to do. Even if the vaccines had a positive benefit/risk balance on the individual level, that was likely to create a collective catastrophy. And maybe it did?
The problem has always been…vaccine created variants….you cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic….because you simply cause the virus to change its course…which prolongs the problem….herd immunity and known therapeutics does work…but try telling that to someone in a white coat trying to increase their wealth….Dr David Tyrell Common cold research scientist/doctor spent 40 years trying to create a vaccine for the common cold…never succeeded because the more you try…the more variants you create.
During decades it has been the rule not to vaccinate more than 65% of the peoples, and best as few as possible, because too many vaccinated then virus variants will be the result.
"The researchers analyzed the evolutionary relationships of the lineages and found evidence for six human-to-deer transmission events. The authors also note, "Probable deer-to-deer transmission of B.1.2, B.1.582, and B.1.596 viruses was observed," as they noted mutations to the viral spike protein in some deer samples that are not commonly seen in human infections.
The investigators said the prevalence of infection varied from 13.5% to 70% across the nine sites, with the highest prevalence observed in four sites that were surrounded by more densely populated neighborhoods."
These were from PCR tests. You can find covid in a sea urchin with a PCR test. A case can be made that the media and CDC are domestic terrorists.
An interesting question: If J.J. Couey is right, and what we've experienced is a release of a highly purified/uniform infectious clone, might it have been released in a way that swept through the deer population?
If we assume lab-created, it would be smart to make an agnostic virus that could dip into an animal reservoir to cross pollinate its variations via our common ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes and then spill-back into humans with renewed vigor.
Could be proof of concept for a more lethal follow-on virus that overcomes the transmission/fatality trade-off.
Might zoonotic origin have been engineered in a lab as both a cutout and a transmission vector? Someone deserves a Nobel for this well conceived virus.
I'd "like" your comment but god dammit I hadn't thought of that. That and shedding. And I even had a guy drop a bunch of links on one of my posts suggesting (he thinks) that the spike are designed to bring back the dead to be a super army for the elite.
I'll share this: I've actually worried that the enormous amount of zombie apocalypse drama over the past two decades has been predictive programming. In economics and finance, we call a business (or person) a zombie when they can be productive enough to pay interest on their loans, but never repay the basis. These people become like the batteries of the Matrix. These are also people who can be conscripted into an army, which is what the Nazis did. It wasn't safe, but it was effective.
The vaccine revs up the immune response…in short order…but because the body cannot store vast amounts of T-cells…etc….they deplete….and leave you defenceless….pretty much what a darpa created toxin would try to accomplish to your enemy…..leave them weak and defenceless…and then just to make sure you mandate more off the same every six months….which is about how long it takes for immunity to recharge….again…by design…this so called safe and effective juice is really just an elixir of death….designed to rob you of an evolved immune system….just in case you became a 1% statistic…in return they promise you 30% chance of getting a name tag on your toe.
This supports my belief that the vaxes never had any real efficacy to begin with. Both nationally, and state by state, CV infections peaked late December 2020 to early January, depending on the state. Before vax campaigns could possibly have had any effect. I very clearly remember at the time Karl Denninger pointing this out and predicting that the wave had just started it’s collapse. Of course, everyone in corporate media gave the credit to the vaccines. And that explanation made sense to the dopes who get informed by them.
Perhaps off the track - but I’ve been searching Marc Giradot and in my search found this about spike, I thought you may be interested. The microbiologist explains they are really not vaccines…. Too complex for me but interesting bc I’m feeling this is all going to have some interesting twists…
What's needed is a Vaxx phone app - "Vaxware." Inputs for age, race, gender (is that still allowed?), income, zip, height, weight (for BMI), vax brand, date, comorbidities, obesity score, and whatever else. Uploaded to the cloud for analysis and scoring.
Dashboard outputs for chance of death over various time frames. People could have fun.
I believe UK data shows that vaxx efficacy is positive for the first month or so and then declines back down to baseline, and then continues on negative increasing all-cause mortality. This long-term possibly permanent debilitating of the immune system will massively increase future healthcare profits via non-specific effects. Being non-specific you can't prove Pharma did it. It's a brilliant strategy.
At least, that's what I've found in data sets I've worked with. In this case, we have a pool of people with particularly flat income (and in the risk-and-above age group), so I feel this is a pretty solid "envelope math retrospective analysis".
I’m not sure if your “Vaxware” was a joke, but I remember seeing a website site with something similar (not as detailed with regards to inputs as you’ve proposed) that calculated your personal risk from COVID early on in the pandemic, I think it was before the vax came out from memory. It basically showed how small the risk was for the young and healthy and how your risk increased with age and co-morbidities.
The software would determine if your covid risk would be attenuated more or less or not at all by vax risk, and that total risk would change as time passed, more for some than others. There might be a week or so when your death risk dipped into a green "safe and effective" zone after which you'd spend the rest of your life in a red "not safe, not effective" zone.
Yes, I saw one early on, pre-vax, too. And I also saw one more recently, sometime within the past few months. My risk as a 57-year-old woman with no underlying health issues except overweight was still quite low.
We have evidence that this virus was spreading around in the winter of 2019, but we didn't see the huge spike in death till spring of 2020 when the emergency was declared. And a very high proportion of those deaths were from people in nursing homes. We know the medical care they were given was harmful.
Then we see another peak of deaths at vaccine rollout, and the excess deaths post vaccine roll out affected younger populations. So I think it's much more likely we saw a shift in cause of death as opposed to a shift in the virus.
I was looking at that Massechusets data today, and only 6% of the deaths in that first huge wave were attibuted primarly to covid, and that's with all the schannanigans, the bias would inflate that if anything.
Is the "brief dip" that section about 2/3 to 7/10 along where it drops to around -300% (week 20?) or that earlier one where it went below -600%?
Why does week 20 have that massive dip in VE? Looking at the spreadsheet, it's because the total number of infections is low, right? This is the point where Delta's infection of both takes off.
How much does it matter this is >=65 yoa? Would this be very different for much younger groups, maybe pre- and perinatals? The context prompting Meryl to put up the chart is vaccines for pregnant mothers under the notion that the vaccines worked for Delta, and she says they hadn't worked for the older crowd —given the immunity dynamics, is it reasonable to conclude, and the right and intended inference, that things will be much worse for the natal set?
Also, I did notice Meryl note: "The V-safe data shows less than half the expected miscarriages in vaccinated moms." Does anyone know if this was followed-up? Does vaccination for SC2 prevent miscarriages, too (🤨)?
I’ve seen data that shows the vaxx miraculously prevents a wide range of conditions unrelated to COVID. It’s truly is a magical product and we should all be grateful for its existence. 👍
This is very helpful. It’s been my impression that vax efficacy is low to zero & taking into account all causes mortality, is likely a net negative (that is, outcomes would be better had the vax not been introduced into the population).
Worse, the vaccines could never have worked. We know from review of flu vaccination over a decade & more of use in U.K. (with very similar findings in subsets of the US population), that they do not reduce hospitalisation or deaths. Those I've discussed this with agree that the fundamental flaw is this: the frail elderly are more vulnerable to novel pathogens because their immune systems respond poorly. That’s why they’re vulnerable. Logically however, why would we expect their immune systems respond well to an intramuscular injected vaccine? It appears they don’t.
Those creating c19 vaccines will have been aware of the flu vaccines data & cannot avoid the logical conclusion that this strategy is fundamentally flawed.
They made “vaccines” because they knew they could fool most people.
Instead, had there been a novel, lethal pathogen, which I no longer believe the evidence supports, the appropriate public health response would EXCLUDE vaccination and focus upon emerging pharmaceutical treatments (chloroquine was established as useful in SARS 2003, so it was anticipated that there would be such repurposed treatments).
The conclusion is that the c19 vaccines were at best misguided, more likely deliberately foisted on the public for malign reasons that are definitely not SOLELY monetary gain.
In terms of characterising them, I offer the following: “superfluous, ineffective & toxic”.
So Mike, are you saying that this virus just wasn’t that dangerous? Or there was no virus at all? Or there is no such thing as a virus??
I’ve watched several of your recent interviews and it still isn’t clear to me. Thanks.
As an addendum, if the perpetrators knew of the extreme negative effect for the first couple of weeks, that is why they presumably these people from the vaccinated.
And isn’t there a drop off to negative efficacy 6-9 months down the line as the immune system begins to suffer? Which is made cumulatively worse as more shots are received?
My view has evolved as evidence has emerged. Initially, I had no reason to doubt the veracity of the narrative, except the lethality was definitely far too low to warrant any interruptions to normal life.
Estimated IFR tends to fall as we learn, for the simple reason that milder cases are initially not counted.
More recently, reading & listening to Denis Rancourt’s analyses & especially his interview with Jerm Warfare, this leaves no room for a novel virus. The deaths demographic is all wrong for a respiratory virus to have been responsible.
Stir in Stuart Wilkie with Maajid Nawaz & we see how many were killed with midazolam and morphine.
No need to posit a novel pathogen.
IF there is one, it’s NOT the cause of the excess deaths.
I don’t take a semi religious position about viruses. It helps no one. If we don’t see off these satanic lunatics, we’ll have lost our freedoms & the virus question will be irrelevant. If we do prevail, we should all have a very good look at this. To be Frank, I could see myself coming down on the side of those who don’t think the identification work had been done at all well.
Meanwhile, I find against the official narrative, because the demographics are inconsistent with the narrative & because we see full explanations for those deaths.
Finally, the authorities have lied about literally everything. Why the victims are so keen to defend the narrative specifically about this novel respiratory virus I do not understand.
No part of the sorry tale requires it. People definitely we ill & some died. Not in dispute. What’s in dispute is attribution for those deaths.
Many have said they’ve never been so unwell, therefore that proves there was a new virus. Respectfully, that isn’t the only conclusion one can draw. Another factor is the intense, deliberate fear being provoked deliberately by govt propaganda. Fear, anxiety & stress is definitely capable of boosting illness rates, requiring no new pathogen.
I agree that the vast majority of the damage was not caused by a novel respiratory virus. I'm still learning---I discuss this with J.J. Couey often, and other scientists and people I've found to be rigorous thinkers (a few of the Pandata folks are valuable for such discussion whether or not they're specifically credentialed).
I currently tend to think there was a pathogen that changed the nature of the illnesses. The low blood ox in particular suggests people were getting differently ill. I keep numerous hypotheses open as to why this might be.
If you're willing, I'd love to have you and perhaps one other expert on a Roundtable discussion to talk about this. Maybe Denis? I don't know him yet, and his work was brought to my attention late, but I've learned a few new details from it to add to my own observations (much of which overlap with his).
We are getting closer to narrowing down reasonable hypotheses, IMHO. And it helps to mix thoughts in conversation to move forward. Email me any time you might have interest.
Thanks Mathew, I think that’s a fine idea. It would be good to have someone who does think there was a new pathogen, too.
Ironically the only person we really need is anyone who knows the truth! (Or truths, perhaps there is more than one scenario depending on where you’ve been).
One slightly sad point is we won’t get to a definitive conclusion. I don’t know exactly what happened, I also am open to several hypotheses.
I find I get agitated using up time on matters that don’t reach new people. There will be no prizes for potentially good deductions we can’t check or for any efforts that in the end don’t deflect the perpetrators from their evil path.
Just to be clear: I do think that there was a novel pathogen, but I have a different theory about it than most people, and one clears up a lot of the confusion. Right now, my view is somewhat close to J.J. Couey's:
To be clear: I don't think we saw what we're told to think. I think (not married to this hypothesis, but it seems most likely) is that what we saw was controlled released of highly purified CoV clones. This is why the data is so confusing by classical theory, and why it gives the "there are no viruses" people fodder---because there *are* contradictions with classical virology, which can be exploited.
That said, it is *also* true at the same time that most of the deaths were due to negligent care.
This is one of the reasons I'd love to talk, which is that those of us comparing notes, and sifting through the various hypotheses, should be getting together, rejecting the false hypotheses, and then discussing the various merits of the various branching potentially true hypotheses.
I will email you again soon.
Absolutely correct with maybe most persons dead by bad treatment in hospitals, and by blocade. I hospitals vaccination and bad drugs, result from Fauci, and paid extra for patients told dead by Covid-19. As the number 2 results dead patiens, without doubt mRNA vaccines, and numer 3 a mixture of different diseases, mixed and called Covid-19.
Recalling a Polio epidemy way back in 1954 (i think), where many persons told to be hit by Polio, by a following test were found suffering from 59 diseases, including syphilix. So only few by Polio, which in nearly nearly did not excist.
Dr. Yeadon. The Truth is there is no empirical evidence of any vyruz. Until this basic fact gets into the scientific conversation, they will keep spinning the narrative and inventing new InSilico genomes for non-existent vyruzez and variaπts and fake va××iπes. The perfect business-model and justification for restructuring the whole socioeconomic order (Great Reset). So, ppl will keep dying from it and they'll say no, it's bcz of the vyruz.
I don’t think you’ve listened to my last ten interviews, have you :)
Yes, I agree to the degree that I don't know for sure. I think there was a bad flu that year highly likely from gain of function from UNC Chapel Hill R. Baric and Bat Lady in Chy-na or Ukraine ( Trident symbol ) or Saskatuwan, Can. where 10 Chinese scientists got caught at the Bio Level 4 lab, smuggling out viruses they were working on. Obama farmed the genetic engineering out of country just like he did the spying on the Trump campaign. For obvious shirking the US Law reasons. So we had a gain of function Corona flu virus with build in affinity for the lungs and inflammation. Period. Not particularly deadly until you followed the NIH protocol for treatment. If people listened to the smart Drs. at FLCCC and AFLD and used common sense vitamins C&D, zinc, aspirin etc and most will be fine.
I fault Dr. Malone now because he is running with the variant theories. Drives me nuts. What the heck! Is he getting paid by the gov for all this BS research chasing rabbits down holes or chasing his own tail? Probably. Our tax dollars gone again. Of course you are going to find lots of bacteria in a big pond. It doesn't mean anything though. Give it a rest Dr. Malone. Look into the 5G self assembling nanobot nanoparticles of GO that are excited with certain wavelengths of sound energy and 5 G. Causing very large, long clots. See video or or odesssy Sorry, I do not have link now. Try the two words of GO and movement with sound energy.
We just had a second music venue that we know of in South Korea with many dead mostly cardiac arrests and hemoraging, very young people. Injected. Just like the Travis Scott Houston concert with mandatory injected youths dropping at a particular time during the satanic hymns. Many cardiac arrests and hemorrhages again. Media covered up after the fact again, lying, about cause. So obvious. Where are the autopsies? Where are the parent outcries? Where are the Law suits ? How can they bury all this stuff? Large payouts and and NDA signed. Watch the kid's videos posted on You tube of their comrades collapsing while standing in front of them. Probably scrubbed by now so go to or This is horrific. 100 kids in the S. Korean nightclub dropped dead - medics tried to assist again and may have restarted the hearts of some as with Houston Concert. This is what needs to be talked about because this is the Evils second Beta test in public. This is how the Big depop is going to occur. More then what is happening now.
I bet Soros and Gates own every Defib machine manufacturer by now.
Mike, it will deflect the Evils when we figure out the exact assault because we can A) publicize it B) engage people to head them off at the pass
It is the first step and launch from there. We do need to keep our eye on the ball though because while we are trying to figure out the primary assaults and mitigate, they are working on plans B and C which are different in part, at least. They must be apprehended ultimately and soon the dominos will then fall. Hopefully we are in a better position after Nov.
During history we have many times seen leaders, kings, start war, when they were afraid of being deposed.
Yes to this Rountable discussion!
Completely unrelated side note - Mathew, I really enjoy the music you have in the beginning of the's the only show that I regularly listen to and don't skip through the intro.
It's short and sweet. I worked with a cellist on Fiverr and she worked with me and did a great job. I love cello music. If life had a reset button, and I got to pick my classical instrument, it would be a cello.
My grandmother was a cellist. I adored listening to her as a little girl. My dad and I used to take lessons together...until our instructor moved to London.
The cello is absolutely my favorite is a window to the soul.
Recently I've taken up playing the Tibetan singing bowls...I'm kind of obsessed...the overtones remind me of the cello.
Anyway...thank you for all the work you do. And the beautiful intro to your feels like family to me.
Watch the Water - Dr. Ardis -
The simplest way to depop is air, water, food.
Air - chemtrails
Food- attempting mRNA tech, GO etc. poisoning by B.Hates
I find the water contamination idea to be too difficult to pull off.
Drinking water usually comes from lakes, rivers, and groundwater or some combination of these. Public drinking water is treated to remove solids and dissolved solids before sending it to a distribution system.
Even a small town can treat 2-5 million gallons per day, larger cities treat 50-300 million gallons per day. In order to contaminated a drinking water supply to some toxic level, one would need a huge amount of chemical. We are talking about a lot of chemical. It is just not possible to do that at concentration needed. I worked on a paper terrorist exercise in after 9/11. It's just not workable.
For example Cleveland OH gets it water from Lake Erie. Just looking of two of the treatment plant operations treat over 100 mgd (million gallons per day). Cleveland treats over 300 mgd.
The biggest danger is for example the City of Jackson MS. You must have read about their ineptitude in both treating and distribution systems. Oh, there is Flint, MI as another example.
Super easy. Contractor goes to all major city water treatment plants and dumps the crystals or pills in the treatment areas, say post treatment...The Feds, the Mercenaires etc keep dressing up as fireman ( Anne Heche ), EMTs ( Jeffery Epstein ), Plumbing contractors ( 9-11) the list goes on and the CIA are experts in this and it is the easy part really. If poisons like Floride and chemicals like Chlorine are put in all the water why wouldn't you be able to add another poisonous element in concentrated form? Why do you think the CDC was monitoring the water treatment sites on their web site for all ( their Evil contractors ) to see. Both Dr. Ardis and CHD pointed this out as well as the CDC admitting and their poor excuse as to why, ( more lies ) which made no sense to an educated person. But that is what they take advantage of. Their lies are really actually hilariously funny as well as being so evil. They know that many of us know but as long as they can keep fooling most of the people....
Have you seen the cargo holds ( where passengers usually are ) of all the planes spraying us and our water and land with heavy metal toxins with lipid nano tech coatings for increased lung and skin absorption EVERY DAY? Now that is a big operation! Bigger and more difficult then the water plan. Our whole country and others! All the pilots etc. that are keeping their mouths shut?! ( Met one a couple weeks ago - he confessed anonymously and was embarrassed - money very good of course - I shamed him - I hope ) There will be a special place in hell for them. chemtrails on and Handling a hundred or two water treatment plants is much easier then all the airspace over this country and other countries, almost every day. My large town/city is sprayed as far as we can see, every other day at least. For all to see if they look up. If you think things are not possible you won't believe them. That is our countrymen's problem. Just because they cannot devise a way to accomplished these type of Bill Hates feats doesn't mean they cannot be done by individuals more brillant and driven and absurdly wealthy then they are.
Our country men have a lack of humility and over confidence in their poorly educated ( compared to first world countries USA tests just about last in math and reading) selves.
I agree these jobs are enormous and the level and numbers of evils involved are phenomenal but the 300 Billionaires, CIA etc. that are part of this -----GR ------plan are used to running successful, complicated world wide ( in many cases ) businesses with many moving parts. Training others to do the dirty work and buying their silence, backed up by threats of violence is key to their plan. The Mafia on steroids. Never good to start cooperating because you you may end up like one of Clinton's 10 dead body guards ( including gov Secret Service agents ).
Do Not Comply
Dr Y,
I mean this as a Big complement.
It is so good to see such an anomaly of a scientist as yourself or a physician coming from the UK or Canada. You independently think unlike most from the UK and NHS and you don't appear to be lead on a leash by the powerful, almighty UK gov like most of the UK citizens. Same problem in Canada ( which I am very familiar with ) the Scientists and Physicians cannot independently think, a terrible thing because it is in their job description to absolutely do so. They are lead around by the very unintelligent Canadian gov like a cow with a nose ring and a rope.
Look where it got both countries. Far higher mortality rates then say Haiti.
Suggestion, Doctors and Scientists from UK and Canada should go to Haiti to study instead of the other way around. Mortality rates prove the worthiness of this point.
Look at Dr. Byram Bridle from U of Waterloo, Ontario for example who after his amazing sleuth work and expose via Japanese Gov very early on regarding the Pfizer injection has to slink back to relative obscurity lead by the nose ring and his keepers. That is no way to practice or research science.
So many thanks for standing up and going against the grain of your trained countryman and oppressive gov. That takes a lot of intelligence and courage.
What sets you apart additionally, is your compassion.
Many blessings.
Watch the Water - Dr. Ardis -
The simplest way to depop mammals is air, water, food.
Air - chemtrails
Water-toxin ( see above ) - decreases PO2, synergistic with Remdesivir ( ATP agonist), explains the concentrations of sick in big cities ( water supply)
Food- attempting mRNA tech. poisoning by B.Hates, yes you can grow/put the " vaccine " it is not a vaccine, in foods and people unsuspectingly eat it. Why else would he be the largest farm land owner in US now? Control and sabotage.
These Billionaire Elitists are disgusting and they will stop at nothing because they are Deranged.
Excellent analysis Dr. Yeadon. Thank you.
As you probably know this is what poor Dr. David Martin has been saying all along while shouting into the wind.
Thank you for your dedication and expertise in this ordeal. Good will prevail.
Just listened to a Jennifer Arcuri podcast with a male interviewer ( don't recall his name ) she seems to have a handle on the cyber and monetary aspects of the defeat, it appears. We will definitely need some good old cowboy street justice in addition. Blessings
Indeed. Here is the NEJM paper that Graham Bottley forwarded on his own twitter feed not understanding that it proves that IgG levels in the respiratory mucosa from spillover are 1000x lower than serum levels. You can't make IgA from a parenteral vaccine.
It's like taking chemotherapy to get rid of a mole.
Intersting report.
Concerning chemotherapy, I try to explain to doctors and patiens the reality about it, during 12 years since doctor wanted do this to my wife, when hit by breast cancer (was it breast cancer? I don't think so, but the doctors knew too litle, and my wife was scared by doctors, so cut of). Friends to her got chemotheraphy, and I warned about a big chance cancer back after around 8 years, and it happened. And one now with problem with a thick arm, for a year after much chemotheraphy, after hit by returning breast cancer.
What on Earth are you on about, Dr. Yeadon? You've acknowledged publicly that there was no respiratory virus called SARS-COV-2, haven't you? If that's the case, then what is this business about vaccine "efficacy" being "low to zero"? How could any 'vaccine' be effective against a thing that doesn't exist?
And then again you're on about the frail elderly being "more vulnerable to novel pathogens?"
WHAT NOVEL PATHOGENS? You've already admitted that there is no respiratory virus that caused COVID.
"That's why they're vulnerable" - ????
Vulnerable to WHAT, Dr. Mike? A pathogen that doesn't exist?
How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when you're straddling the fence like this?
Then you go on to proclaim that chloroquine was established as useful in SARS 2003? So, you believe THAT pathogen was real?
Please stop splitting hairs and leave Dr. Y alone. He works tirelessly for the good and truthful side and risks a lot. Why do scientists do what you are doing, trying to act like you are saying different things when you are not? Splitting hairs. We are probably all in agreement on a Venn Diagram. We all overlap in agreement and then lean various other directions for the small details. That is ok. That is normal. Those various directions, outside the overlap move as we constantly examine new facts and findings. Let's focus on the overlapping important part of the Venn Diagram that is largely more basic so we can save face, unify and move forward defeating the enemy. Dr. Y is very familiar with the forever changing antigenic material presented to the human body and the immune response to the various stimuli. That is his specialty. It is important that we have a high degree of understanding of subject matter before we question in a peer group.
My husband got talked into a flu vaccine a few years back when he was still waffling about such things. Almost lost him. He got an evil case of the flu immediately after that took him a month to get over. This from a guy who normally doesn’t get sick from much of anything and when he does he’s over it in a few days. I know too many folks who have had similar reactions including from the current ones. I categorize them as ineffective AND dangerous.
Agreed. Three years ago I wouldn’t have known this.
Now, based on published information I recommend nobody receive either flu vaccine or c19 “vaccine”.
Unnecessary, ineffective AND dangerous.
@ "...efficacy is low to zero & taking into account all causes mortality, is likely a net negative ..."
Any claim about the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines has to be invalid and fraudulent. Efficacy claim, or its assessment, can only be made by testing it against the virus or illness. Such a study has never been done because: (1) there is no specimen of the virus available anywhere in the world for testing vaccine efficacy; (2) clinical trials were done in healthy humans, not in patients, so its effectiveness can not be determined – period!; (3) there is no valid test available to monitor the presence of the virus and or iCOVID-19 illness - PCR is simply irrelevant and fraudulent and cannot tell anything about the virus or illness. (, .
The vaccines' fakeness was described in one of my earlier blogs (July 20, 2020), i.e., before the introduction of the vaccines, stating,
"... it is impossible to develop a proper vaccine because, as noted, one cannot monitor the virus or disease and then how the vaccine's effectiveness will be established. It cannot be! Therefore, a fake vaccine will most likely be developed to satisfy the regulatory wish and calm down the created public hysteria and fear. Unfortunately, if developed and administered, such vaccines will undoubtedly create potentially dangerous side effects, without any presumed benefits, by interfering with the body's immune system and other related physiological processes." (
Actual science clearly predicted the vaccine's tragic outcome, as is now being observed in the population.
Please stop the useless vaccination!
Absolutely agree. I sometimes don the narrative that I know is wrong in order to show that you don’t even need to understand the deeper problem in order to know “vaccination” is wrong.
Thank you Dr. Yeadon for supporting my view. Regards
While the “Vaccine” vial itself is very difficult to get to your hands on to actually analyze,
It is actually easy to draw some blood from anyone or even yourself who is “ Sick with Covid” to get a blood sample and to actually analyze the virus.
Why has no one on these boards just taken a blood sample and just analyzed the virus Yourself??
One way it could still be deaths due to novel virus is if vaccination caused acute increased susceptibility and thus destroyed the seasonality by spreading it. I think this is part of it.
People cannot grapple with the fact that epidemiology is literally faith-based medicine. Impossible to get a reliable result outside of anything but a truly transparent RCT - at least for vaccines. The confounding is immense.
Acute treatments would embarrass this whole Tower of Babel. Ethanol nasal sprays and inhalation for example looks like it works. The local pharmacy probably could furnish a dozen OTC cures if they wanted to find one.
Interesting point, but please note it’s the absence of the classical demographic age disproportionatily all-causes mortality data that points away from a novel virus
All precedes vaccines.
Denis Rancourt studied ACM in each of 50 US states in the first test then the next year.
As JJ Couey has pointed out, any efficacy would be on a background of general coronavirus immunity anyway. Studies have show that there was antibody recall to Sars COV which would not be so had the virus been actually novel. The spike protein might have been novel but not the rest of the virus.
Great. The best option is to never use any vaccines. I would bet the same type of efficacy chart would apply to most of them if we could ever get true data. As a 72 year old non-vaxxer over more than 50 years, why am I still alive? You would think with all the scares and panics and fear mongering done by big pharma, the CDC and the medical establishment that anyone not swimming in drugs and vaccines would have no chance of survival.
I wish I knew then what I know now and never vaccinated my two kids! Sigh! I don’t get the flu shot (never did) and recently refused the shingles shot. Still... I shouldn’t have vaccinated my children 30+ years ago...
Girl...ME TOO! I was definitely looking into all of it and questioning... but I come from a family literally FULL of doctors... and I folded. I regret it so much. I betrayed what my gut was telling me.
At least they didn't get the clot shot.
My children are completely unvaccinated. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I would say they’re perfectly healthy-they hardly ever get sick- but the lil guy has hand foot and mouth right now although he appears to be making a quick recovery
I 100% believe unvaccinated people are healthier than vaccinated and that ALL vaccines have detrimental effects to overall health
We learn that we easily get sick when we are old, because we are old/week, but as I look at we would be healthier when old, if not vaccinated when child. Besides researches have found that by natural infection the result protection last better and longer during the rest life, than when protected by vacine infection.
That's not quite what the research shows (see Professor Christine Benn). The live vaxxes decrease all-cause mortality due to their non-specific effects. The problem with vaccines is that the majority are all dead vaxxes, they increase all-cause mortality due to their non-specific effects.
The number of dead vaccines now overwhelm the number of live vaccines. That's why the unvaxxed are healthier than the vaxxed. The oldsters only got a few vaxxes during childhood, which were the live vaxxes so they're often healthier than anyone other things being equal.
The attenuated viruses probably confer similar benefits as the illness itself, ie “train” the immune system, hear it more towards acute rather than chronic inflammation etc. the difference is that the illness itself doesn’t expose you to a stew of adjuvants and preservatives. I consider those findings a lame excuse for vaccination.
The non-attenuated/dead viruses are the bad ones that increase all-cause mortality. Pharma is busy replacing good/live/attenuated vaccines with dead/non-attenuated ones. So you should get your live shots in before they go away.
I'd speculate that adjuvants and preservatives are no big deal. We have excellent detoxification systems in place for those and much more. In fact all the pollution we get from pesticides and herbicides is no big deal if you look at the science. What's killing people, with chronic autoimmune diseases, are eating vegetables. Veggies will kill you dead. They're filled with horrific endotoxins that target brain, reproduction, gut lining, heart, blood vessels, DNA, nerves, everything! Veggies are Far worse than the covid vax. Our synthetic toxin intake is relatively minimal - like 0.01% - so there is no reason to eat organic.
Don't believe Mom. "Eat your vegetables" is a Far Worse fake Narrative than the covid Narrative - it kills far more people. 70% of healthcare is chronic disease, the majority of which is caused by vegetables. Stop eating all vegetables and you will feel better in three days. Cutting back has little to no effect, you have to go Whole Hog. The noticeable and significant effect is in the last 1% of compliance.
That means eat absolutely nothing except meat, water, salt, eggs, bacon, and lots of butter up to half a stick. One cup of black coffee (which is filled with plant toxins - caffeine is a plant insecticide) if necessary. That's the natural human diet that we've evolved with over two million years. This is research talking, not some random person. Prove it for yourself.
Can't believe it? See here:
Don't believe that 99.99% of your toxic load is from veggies? See here:
"We calculate that 99.99% (by weight) of the pesticides in the American diet are chemicals that plants produce to defend themselves. Only 52 natural pesticides have been tested in high-dose animal cancer tests, and about half (27) are rodent carcinogens; these 27 are shown to be present in many common foods."
Attenuated means weakened, ie live. Inactivated viruses are killed. Being vaccinated with an attenuated virus is essentially like having a mild form of the illness the virus causes, hence the comparison.
Yes, you are correct - thank-you! I made the correction.
Actually I don't give a dime for vaccinations, I have read too much. Go back in history, and read about persons i Japan dead by vaccines, since 1870, and stopped in 1946 (as I recal it) or hiw many dead after USA brought vaccines to the Philiphis, against a diseace which they they did not know.
And concerning the 5 variants used for vaccines, I think that it was living virus which Edward Jenner used in 1796, and by which both of the 2 first vaccinated persons, 2 children, died. His son sick in brain until he died 20 years old.
I don't think that God made mistakes when the made Adam and Eve, so that we by vaccine have to repar his failures.
But that's all history, you may have not read the latest research. New information continually obviates old information. Why would you base your thinking on outdated information? When information changes you should instantly change your mind unless you are emotionally invested in the old idea - which makes no sense. You seem to be making logical errors.
I’m familiar with her work on DTP with Aabi I haven’t watched this video yet but what has always bugged me about vaccine enthusiasts is that they define “health” as “not dead”
Yes, health is an interesting word, a privative idea, generally defined as the absence of bad health but that is changing with new definitions of Health to include wholesome and dynamic. The problem with that, though, is nearly everyone will be defined as sick and needing medication despite the fact that medication will not make you wholesome and dynamic.
I am 75, and have since teenager, sceptical aginst vacciations, and not vaccinated since child, and said: "cancer is caused by vaccination, brugs and the american food", decades ago also added Alzheimer's, autism, and more to the vaccines.
By child vaccination, I lost part of hearing on my right ear.
I had booster shots for work in autistic classroom in 2001. By 2003 I was unable to work. Dr had no answer why I suddenly had a laundry list of autoimmune issues.
I haven’t been VAXXED in over 30+ years and no pharmaceuticals. I get some infection every 2-3 years during the cold and flu season and usually when stressed but also after being in a large group setting. Dec 2019 was a doozy and it took me until Mar of 2020 to feel right again. No clue what it was but our small NW county had thousands down and out that winter - docs were just calling it a bad flu season until a few months later. Haven’t really been sick since. Novel virus or an old “friend” coming back around. We don’t know but it didn’t kill us until it was labeled COVID and people started going to the hospital out of fear. THEN folks started to die. I place my money on the initial lack of treatment for any respiratory virus and then the death protocols.
Of course we've known that efficacy was likely zero, or worse, since you (and others) pointed out the lopsided exclusions in the Pfizer RCT. It also showed a 23% increase in death in the vaccine group, which is now pretty obviously a signal and not noise given the increases in all-cause mortality associated with vaccine rollout. How much more data do people need? Just kidding, I know they're all RCT fundamentalists who are incapable of incorporating Bayesian inference with basic principles of statistics.
Thanks for all your amazing work Mathew.
I’ve a PhD in Pharmacology and worked in Big Pharma (now retired). So I know a fair bit about drug development, clinical trials, regulatory affairs etc.
I have to say the trickery surrounding the Covid “vaccine” narrative astounds and depresses me in equal measure.
The “95% effective” narrative was launched on the back of the original Randomised Controlled Trials and I believe the crux of this whole scam relates to the carefully chosen soft endpoint in the clinical trial protocol. The endpoint chosen was symptomatic, PCR +ve, C19 “cases”……..and crucially…….it didn’t matter how MILD the symptomatic case was. Just 1 symptom of about 10, was enough for the Pfizer trial.
Vaccine efficacy was based on comparing the case count in vax v placebo group after a certain time point. (As we know, a lot depends on how these cases were chosen for counting but that is another story).
Now, although a mild case was counted as a negative/failure in therms of vax efficacy calculations in the trial (high vax efficacy was claimed due to the very low numbers of cases in the vax group compared to the placebo group), in the real world, the vaxd public are being led to believe that developing a mild case is somehow a success in terms of vax effectiveness…..precisely because the case is MILD. What is in fact vax failure by the standard used in the trials, is now sold as vax success! What a scam!
As if that wasn’t enough, the public aren’t aware that the 95% vax efficacy claim refers to Relative Risk Reduction and not Absolute Risk Reduction. The vaxed & boosted public think that if they go for a few months without getting C19, it must be the vax that’s protected them. They’re unaware that 99% of the placebo group in the trials conducted over 2-3 months didn’t get C19 either.
When the vaxd eventually do get C19, as most vaxd people I know seem to do, not only are they led to believe it would have been worse without the vax, they also believe it’s soon time to get another booster.
The vax has done absolutely nothing but the public believe it must be effective due to the false narrative.
Furthermore, the CDC has confirmed that the vaxed carry & transmit virus ie become infected so it’s not a vaccine by any normal definition. So more trickery has meant the WHO simply changed the definition of “vaccine”.
In summary, Big Pharma, aided by Government messaging, has managed to con the public. How can they fail with a product & narrative such as this?
The vaccine efficacy argument has completely devolved into a "Who are you going to believe, the CDC, Pfizer and the mass media, or your own lying eyes?"
Could deeply negative efficacy during the first weeks after a shot account for the phenomenon that can be observed in many countries? I'm referring to the fact that the first vaccination campaigns were followed by a Covid wave in many places. Such as Afghanistan, Germany, Andorra, Angola, Saoudi Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaïdjan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bhoutan, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brasil, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Canada, Cap-Vert, Chile, Cyprus, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Croatia, Estonia, Eswatini, Fidji, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Hungary, India, Iran, Isle of Man, Israël, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Koweit, Laos, Lituania, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritius, Mongolia, Norway, New Zealand, Oman, Ouzbekistan, Pakistan, Paraguay, Netherlands, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Serbia, Sudan, Sweden, Syria, Thailand, Togo, Trinidad & Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam...
If jabbed people are transformed into potential super-spreaders of Covid for a few weeks, vaccinating *during* a pandemic was the very last thing to do. Even if the vaccines had a positive benefit/risk balance on the individual level, that was likely to create a collective catastrophy. And maybe it did?
The problem has always been…vaccine created variants….you cannot vaccinate your way out of a pandemic….because you simply cause the virus to change its course…which prolongs the problem….herd immunity and known therapeutics does work…but try telling that to someone in a white coat trying to increase their wealth….Dr David Tyrell Common cold research scientist/doctor spent 40 years trying to create a vaccine for the common cold…never succeeded because the more you try…the more variants you create.
During decades it has been the rule not to vaccinate more than 65% of the peoples, and best as few as possible, because too many vaccinated then virus variants will be the result.
In my opinion, these are actually two different problems, which likely added up to make the mess worse.
Tell me this ends soon.
Fuck it. I'm going deer hunting (not for gatzez nor phaucezes)
I actually wonder if the "70% of the deer have spike now" messaging is meant to make you fear even that.
"The researchers analyzed the evolutionary relationships of the lineages and found evidence for six human-to-deer transmission events. The authors also note, "Probable deer-to-deer transmission of B.1.2, B.1.582, and B.1.596 viruses was observed," as they noted mutations to the viral spike protein in some deer samples that are not commonly seen in human infections.
The investigators said the prevalence of infection varied from 13.5% to 70% across the nine sites, with the highest prevalence observed in four sites that were surrounded by more densely populated neighborhoods."
These were from PCR tests. You can find covid in a sea urchin with a PCR test. A case can be made that the media and CDC are domestic terrorists.
An interesting question: If J.J. Couey is right, and what we've experienced is a release of a highly purified/uniform infectious clone, might it have been released in a way that swept through the deer population?
If we assume lab-created, it would be smart to make an agnostic virus that could dip into an animal reservoir to cross pollinate its variations via our common ACE2 and TMPRSS2 genes and then spill-back into humans with renewed vigor.
Could be proof of concept for a more lethal follow-on virus that overcomes the transmission/fatality trade-off.
Might zoonotic origin have been engineered in a lab as both a cutout and a transmission vector? Someone deserves a Nobel for this well conceived virus.
I'd "like" your comment but god dammit I hadn't thought of that. That and shedding. And I even had a guy drop a bunch of links on one of my posts suggesting (he thinks) that the spike are designed to bring back the dead to be a super army for the elite.
Wow, a Frankenzombie army hypothesis!
I'll share this: I've actually worried that the enormous amount of zombie apocalypse drama over the past two decades has been predictive programming. In economics and finance, we call a business (or person) a zombie when they can be productive enough to pay interest on their loans, but never repay the basis. These people become like the batteries of the Matrix. These are also people who can be conscripted into an army, which is what the Nazis did. It wasn't safe, but it was effective.
Now adjust for VAERS and URF 41 and VE is super negative.......
The risk-benefit becomes super negative, but the VE is a different metric. But I hear you!
was just trying to shoehorn it all in extrapolating etc.
The vaccine revs up the immune response…in short order…but because the body cannot store vast amounts of T-cells…etc….they deplete….and leave you defenceless….pretty much what a darpa created toxin would try to accomplish to your enemy…..leave them weak and defenceless…and then just to make sure you mandate more off the same every six months….which is about how long it takes for immunity to recharge….again…by design…this so called safe and effective juice is really just an elixir of death….designed to rob you of an evolved immune system….just in case you became a 1% statistic…in return they promise you 30% chance of getting a name tag on your toe.
This supports my belief that the vaxes never had any real efficacy to begin with. Both nationally, and state by state, CV infections peaked late December 2020 to early January, depending on the state. Before vax campaigns could possibly have had any effect. I very clearly remember at the time Karl Denninger pointing this out and predicting that the wave had just started it’s collapse. Of course, everyone in corporate media gave the credit to the vaccines. And that explanation made sense to the dopes who get informed by them.
Hi Mathew,
Perhaps off the track - but I’ve been searching Marc Giradot and in my search found this about spike, I thought you may be interested. The microbiologist explains they are really not vaccines…. Too complex for me but interesting bc I’m feeling this is all going to have some interesting twists…
Also - Liam doing a great job, I really enjoy his contribution.
Did we really expect anything more from eight dead mice? And 26 deaths reported to the VAERS so far.
While you're prpbably right about the bivalent boosters being garbage, this data analysis is about the original shots.
No adjustment for user-income?
What's needed is a Vaxx phone app - "Vaxware." Inputs for age, race, gender (is that still allowed?), income, zip, height, weight (for BMI), vax brand, date, comorbidities, obesity score, and whatever else. Uploaded to the cloud for analysis and scoring.
Dashboard outputs for chance of death over various time frames. People could have fun.
I believe UK data shows that vaxx efficacy is positive for the first month or so and then declines back down to baseline, and then continues on negative increasing all-cause mortality. This long-term possibly permanent debilitating of the immune system will massively increase future healthcare profits via non-specific effects. Being non-specific you can't prove Pharma did it. It's a brilliant strategy.
Healthy user bias = wealthy user bias
At least, that's what I've found in data sets I've worked with. In this case, we have a pool of people with particularly flat income (and in the risk-and-above age group), so I feel this is a pretty solid "envelope math retrospective analysis".
I’m not sure if your “Vaxware” was a joke, but I remember seeing a website site with something similar (not as detailed with regards to inputs as you’ve proposed) that calculated your personal risk from COVID early on in the pandemic, I think it was before the vax came out from memory. It basically showed how small the risk was for the young and healthy and how your risk increased with age and co-morbidities.
The software would determine if your covid risk would be attenuated more or less or not at all by vax risk, and that total risk would change as time passed, more for some than others. There might be a week or so when your death risk dipped into a green "safe and effective" zone after which you'd spend the rest of your life in a red "not safe, not effective" zone.
Yes, I saw one early on, pre-vax, too. And I also saw one more recently, sometime within the past few months. My risk as a 57-year-old woman with no underlying health issues except overweight was still quite low.
We have evidence that this virus was spreading around in the winter of 2019, but we didn't see the huge spike in death till spring of 2020 when the emergency was declared. And a very high proportion of those deaths were from people in nursing homes. We know the medical care they were given was harmful.
Then we see another peak of deaths at vaccine rollout, and the excess deaths post vaccine roll out affected younger populations. So I think it's much more likely we saw a shift in cause of death as opposed to a shift in the virus.
I was looking at that Massechusets data today, and only 6% of the deaths in that first huge wave were attibuted primarly to covid, and that's with all the schannanigans, the bias would inflate that if anything.
Is the "brief dip" that section about 2/3 to 7/10 along where it drops to around -300% (week 20?) or that earlier one where it went below -600%?
Why does week 20 have that massive dip in VE? Looking at the spreadsheet, it's because the total number of infections is low, right? This is the point where Delta's infection of both takes off.
How much does it matter this is >=65 yoa? Would this be very different for much younger groups, maybe pre- and perinatals? The context prompting Meryl to put up the chart is vaccines for pregnant mothers under the notion that the vaccines worked for Delta, and she says they hadn't worked for the older crowd —given the immunity dynamics, is it reasonable to conclude, and the right and intended inference, that things will be much worse for the natal set?
Also, I did notice Meryl note: "The V-safe data shows less than half the expected miscarriages in vaccinated moms." Does anyone know if this was followed-up? Does vaccination for SC2 prevent miscarriages, too (🤨)?
I’ve seen data that shows the vaxx miraculously prevents a wide range of conditions unrelated to COVID. It’s truly is a magical product and we should all be grateful for its existence. 👍
Big Pharma's liability protection evaporated when fraud was shown.
No need for any more discussion in this Matter.
Time to build the gallows.