I downloaded a free PDF card template of the CDC certificate. I then printed a few small labels with the name Pfizer and some batch nos, filled in the card with handwriting and stuck on the labels. And I did this for a few friends too. This card got me across many EU borders during the peak "show me your papers" frenzy period of late 2021, early 2022. It was such a pleasure everytime I crossed a border knowing how easy it is to fool fools. You really have to laugh at how mushy many peoples brains are.

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A screenshot of a vax pass also worked in Europe. No border guards had time to scan the QR code.

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I am, or was an Australian with a US CDC fake fools paper. It has no QR Code so nothing to scan. It fooled the Germans, Austrians, Swiss, Croatians, Italians and Montenegrians in the space of 4 months of unlimited travel between these countries. And nobody figured out that I hadn't been to the USA for more than a decade so how could I have possibly got an injection in a Walmart as the paper showed. This just showed to me that the world is filled with fools who think they are better than everyone else. And I would do it again.

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Pareto's rule of sparcicity

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My guess is the Powers That Be were simply trying to depopulate those who would comply. It's implied by a famous globalist quote:

"We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “


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They are conditioning us to comply, to not resist. Fake vaccine cards are a form of compliance because there's no show of resistance. Next time it'll be something that cannot be forged and everyone will be screwed because people who could have resisted and should have resisted did not join their voices to the ones who did. Fake vaccine cards will lead us straight to the slaughterhouse.

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I think some Jews during ww2 would disagree with you about the benefits of forgery. Long live forgery.

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When checked, circumcision would give them away.

Victor Hugo-Vaca had some scary stories about Moscow and fake vaxpasses; he prefers being stuck in Georgia.


His personal experience of China is also of interest.

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> My guess is the Powers That Be were simply trying to depopulate those who would comply.

I was wondering that too, but if the goal is complete control (after a scare event which is depopulation), the Powers What Is would be left with mostly smart, thinking people with discernment. Are PWI really that dumb?

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Yes and arrogant.

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Maybe smart ppl taste better

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You know about the human flesh underground trade right?

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Good point, they may want less numbers, but why would they want the people who see thru their bullshit and become motivated to take them down ....(?)

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It’s the same thing they did with the Jews. They were able to convince them to walk into their death.

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Do you remember the altruistic wars fought in the Sudan to save Christians?

Me either

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Sad but true.

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Maybe the border guards just did not care.

Maybe they thought the whole thing was absurd.

Maybe . . .

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Just humans after all. All they.wanted.to see was the paper so make it easy for.them. It's simple applied human behaviour and works every time from my experience.

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That's all well and good but the bottom line is that all people should have the right to choose without any consequence. JS.

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Ditto, never had to use it in my neck of the woods, but was good to have.

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Also had it laminated free by Office Depot.

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I don't know anyone who 'quietly got jabbed on the side' and remained vocally critical of vaccines without disclosing their medical status. I know plenty who got jabbed and disappeared from the conversation in surrender. I know others who got jabbed under extreme coercion (I'm in Australia) and shouted from the rooftops how pissed off they were about being put in that position. And I know a lot who resisted altogether and are either quietly staying under the radar (some with fake vax passports) or are taking a public stand.

But people getting quietly jabbed while posturing as vaccine critics? Lol, no.

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Yeah, I pretty sure that Novak Djokovic did not get quietly jabbed on the side while publicly standing up against vaccine tyranny and getting deported.

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Mickey Mouse gives me the creeps.

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He's Disney creation who was a creep. Understandable.

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You can't fight tyranny with fake vaccine cards. Resistance must be highly visible and inspiring to others. We need to get this right before the next tyrannical onslaught, what ever it may be.

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I managed to get a hold of a fake (I’m in Australia) for the few months they were being enforced... and you know what I found, NO ONE, ever, took a close look at it.

It was a matter of “where are ze papers”, followed by a quick flash from a distance (I never handed it to them) and that was enough to continue living unjabbed. I applied for a rental, went out for dinner & drinks, even secured a job!

Ha, suckers.

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While I can relate on every level to almost everything you did and concur that they were suckers for taking it I'd ask that you give the "suckers" a break and tell them about flccc.net, protocols tab, "I-Recover: Post Vaccine Treatment".

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The suckers I’m referring to are the authorities who enforced this nonsense, not the ones who choose otherwise.

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LOL. I hadn't thought of that. Good point.

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Damned lies.

And statistics.

The Great COVID Catastrophy.

A vast and ugly con job.

Heaps and loads of funny.

Up until someone got hurt.

8 billion people are not laughing.

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The wording of the CDC study was appalling. They passed their results off as supporting safety. I think that study is one of the best pieces of evidence that the CDC are not simply incompetent, but are knowingly and willfully lying.

Great catch. Fake cards could definitely add more confounding. If I were in charge, I would have made a working group and published a list of 50 types of important confounding before even trying to do wrong vaccine studies.

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Important typo [in all caps]:

>> In the VSD system, the vaccinated were as much as 72% less likely than the unvaccinated to DO OF non-COVID causes.


It's "do" or "die" time, Mathew.

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A very good forgery, and I mean an excellent forgery, results in your name listed on the 'official registration'. These were quite expensive. And valuable.

Vax status was a subject to be avoided in public as a 'private decision'. Lay low.

Waiting, watching very closely if it was time to flee.

Scary times requiring lots of decisions preparing for a whole other future never dreamed about.

As I said, scary times.

In my opinion, this was simply the dress rehearsal. Consider that when the next one comes (and, oh baby, it's coming!) the shot may ACTUALLY be the cure and those of us who stayed in the control group (however they got there), are injured/die because we wouldn't take the medicine.

Keep your eyes open, be prepared spiritually, mentally, & physically, And for goodness sake, learn to garden...learn to meditate on God's Word and learn some survival skills! Toughen up. It's time.

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I met a Canadian while traveling in Central American last year. He had made a contact who was selling vaccine QR codes and he became a middle man for the guy. He had financed his travel this way and had charged up to $4000 per person for the privilege of being "officially" vaccinated. Unlike the US, Canada had even banned the unvaxed from traveling within the country so the market price was substantially higher. I still cannot believe the cards the US was using - it is almost as if they did not care who printed out their own card and filled it themselves.

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There are two main Questions to be asked... and the first is WHY?

Lets cut the crap...

The Program to vaxxinate all of Humanity is a long standing plan.

COVID is just an excuse... it always was and there never was a disease.

So what is the plan and why are they pushing it?

The Answer lies @ Harvard where DARPA KLAUS SCHWAB CIA MOSSAD & Elon Musk work together.

There the Harvard Wyss Foundation (Escher Wyss / Klaus Schwab) developed programmable self assembling Nano robots.

This Technology is called Neural Lace. and it is inside the vaxxines.

It is the sole reason COVID was invented... in order to connect / control Humanity via the IOB & Neural Lace BCI.

I put out all the conclusive evidence of this on my substack.


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"I'd like to point out that the wealthy have almost certainly been more likely to pony up $200 to $500 for a fake vaccine card (if you don't know the going rate, you might need to up your street smarts)."

Chinatown has been the reliable source for all manner of fake documents going back as far as I can remember which is 1960s and so too w vax cards that were going for $10-20 on the street. For the record I refused to get one though it would have made life here in NYC much easier because it would be recognizing a system that was criminal in my estimation and I refuse to be part of it. I'm still not allowed to upload pics as a Washington Square Park photography volunteer since mandates expanded and apparently virus risk is transmitted in image meta-data!!

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My vaxd, boosted landlady in Wokeville just said she has a cold. "Colds usually go away in a few days, but it's lasting longer. But I understand that's what's happening now, everybody's everything is lasting longer." Um, yeah.

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I have been consistently amazed at the multitude of people who would rather risk their life and health by taking an experimental shot they don’t want, than make a simple fake card. Images of blank cards, front and back, are right on the cdc website. They want ppl to do it

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Thank you for your insights Matthew.

I would be interested in your observations on this :data" from New South Wales (Australia) Health


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unfortunately doesn't control for age

jikkyleaks / https://arkmedic.substack.com has talked about this data before

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Matthew, I'm with you on the healthy user bias. I wonder if looking at specific illnesses might be fruitful in regard to healthy user bias and the COVID countermeasure shots. There was a CDC paper which listed the order of confounding conditions in hospitalized patients with the following title.

"Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021"

This 2021 paper was the only paper that seemed sensible compared to all other nonsense coming from the CDC and their journal MMWR.

The top (worst) four co-morbid conditions in order were:

1) Obesity

2) Anxiety, fear related disorders

3) Diabetes with complication

4) Chronic kidney disease

There is probably some confounding among those groups and one might consider if treatment with remdesivir especially contributed to pushing the kidney patients into this grouping. Note that the degree of correlation was not exceedingly high being in the neighborhood of 1.30.

My question is: would you consider evaluating one or more specific disease suggested to be confounding to health and COVID outcome in your healthy user bias analyses? Biochemically speaking, in my opinion, the issue between a cold and dying from COVID is at the intersection of metabolism and immune system function/dysfunction, might be in the heme/reactive species/glutathione/melatonin/sunlight/immunity pathways (lots of papers in these areas).

If I magically get to pick the comorbidity, please consider diabetes from among these items for analysis. My guess is that of the millions of diagnosed diabetics, the diabetic population skews to advanced age. I have no idea on how to handle the issue with undiagnosed diabetes and potential impact on the other comorbidities. It is said thare are millions of undiagnosed diabetic Americans.

I am not equipped to do this work.

Maybe I'm not thinking about this correctly. Please comment on that if it is the case. One would need access to a database that includes disease conditions, shot status... Hmmm.



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My husband has most comorbidities. Twice vaxxed. Has had CV at least once. He's gotten through without even a trip to the doc.

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