
I see a lot of conversation in this thread that I would describe as "speculative without sources". This is a timelining project--I want sources and dates of events. Regardless of what people think about the Bigger Picture, laying out details is the goal of this project. Receipts. Receipts are important. Without that, speculative conspiracy theories look wild, whether or not they are true (most of them aren't, or involve false details).

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Removed (Banned)May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023
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I'm uncertain as to why you became so aggressive. This post is about a project and a process. I wasn't trying to hassle anyone, but to make it clear that veering outside of that is unproductive to the project and the process. Spamming the post, rather than containing in a single thread probably turns off people you'd like to be consuming your research. Insulting people for not having done the identical research you've consumed likely has a similar effect.

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May 12, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Just to point out, Jay Dyer did an audio series called "Globalist Books". Quigley is long dense and boring. Jay did a wonderful job. (He's also trying to make a living, so unless you subscribe, you'll get some commercials. And he does shows for Alex Jones, which means he must be self censoring on some topics.) But his major point is that a lot of what is happening today has been openly discussed in books for nearly a hundred years, for example (I think by Bertrand Russell in the twenties) the outsourcing of manufacturing to China. I highly recommend Jay.

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Thank heaps Mathew for the acknowledgement

Thanks everyone for subscribing...my inbox blew up!

The timelines are found at https://totalityofevidence.com - its a work in progress

The substack is simply a place communicate website updates, and sometime I attempt to write an article to connect some dots - just wanted to set expectations!

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

One angle of research to think about: Scientific Management. The US institutions were obsessed with scientific socialism principles applied to corporate administration and management. Many of the major Ivys became involved in the research funded by Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan and other major "progressive" capital scions, their trusts and foundations.

The early 20th Century work product of that research and theoretical approach was touted for efficient government organization and administration. When the NAZIs came to power the usual suspects saw their government as a "wet lab" and white papers and scientific management consulting was funded by our domestic victorian progressives, trusts, foundations and captive academic institutions for infusion into the NAZI german state. This built the NAZI machine; the administrative backbone, the modernization of process and policy that formed the new german state under Hitler's rule. This parallels the Cecil Rhodes foundations and institutions similarly devoted to an ad hoc globalism under "the anglosphere" envisioned by the Victorian Conceits that plagued the late 19th Century and most of the 20th Century in the administrative, institutional and corporate management culture that are still with us today.

Might be a productive seam to mine. Administrative tyrancy is the common thread that runs from Lenin through Mao, Hitler, Pol Pot and Justin Trudeau and the pettit morons running the Aussie and Kiwi governments. The apolitical tyrancy may yet turn out to be the most pernicious and virulent of them all as it rewards dispassionate obedience, sloth, indifference, dishonesty, duplicity and personality disorders among the operating cohort dominating the administrative culture so infected while they select for the next psychopath to seize power and move them in lockstep.

Just a thought.

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as someone termed it ' the extreme centre'.

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Removed (Banned)May 10, 2023
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2025? That's less than 2 years away and usa's population isn't decreasing - it's increasing rapidly due to illegal immigration!

Nonsense prediction.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hey Matt, I am curious. Was your +40,000% over the past 3.5yrs done exclusively in crypto? Also, were you running a high frequency trading program or something else such as a lottery ticket type strategy with huge asymmetry? (Ie: was that return based on a few huge winners?) And did you have a significant portion of your wealth in that 40,000% strategy? Thats an incredible number! Your Sharpe must be extremely high.. now a days we do see some of the HFT programs such as at Two-Sigma generating Sharpes in the +10 region which is incredible. Probably DEShaw has some of those too although I never discussed it with Max. Speaking of which, did you work at DEShaw at some point with Max & Richard? I figured you might have based on your association with Richard of AoPS who was previously at DEShaw. Anyways, hope all is well and I am commenting here rather than the Steve Kirsch post on crypto as I am not a paying subscriber to your substack (but I do find your substack to be excellent, among the best)

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023Author

Yes, I worked with Richard at Shaw in the bond trading unit (Max's group).

No, I was not running HFT algorithms. I did some work on that end during my very last job before helping build AoPS in 2003, but playing that game well requires having a data feed literally next door to an exchange or central data hub.

No lottery ticket strategies.

I learn the nature of a market, then find out what is leaking/broken or being exploited. One example of an exploit in the crypto market (big during 2017-2018) is just playing pump-and-dumps. This is how I saw the Ed Dowd "Big Short" option PND. Modern markets have become maximally manipulated, just like government and society, so looking for such exploits is a good strategy in general. I suspect I can make a good (better) living doing only that if I decide to stop writing.

Glad you're enjoying the substack. Cheers.

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Gotcha, figured you worked with them!

40,000% returns is unheard of.. its not believable but there’s no reason for you to fabricate it.. Did you have a very small amount of capital in the strategy, ie: turn 10k into a few bucks?

I hear you re everything being manipulated .. govt, medical, etc. Although I like to believe the very liquid things (ie: FX) are less manipulated but the CB’s are hard at work pushing fx & rates around.. sigh..

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I started with $4k that time.

I've started with a little more in the past (after quitting Susquehanna, and did well), but went into education (AoPS) when I was 26, and didn't trade again until I was 40.

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May 14, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford


I do find it incredible what we accomplish when its throw away money at stake and no emotions involved!

Susquehanna was a good shop. I nearly joined there early 90’s. I actually read recently Jay Berkow passed away.. very nice guy (was the main recruiter I dealt with there)

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Howard Ring also passed just a few years ago. If I'd had the time, I would have taken him up on the offer to teach me backgammon. The number of better players in history might be counted on one hand.

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May 11, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

My thoughts on the power of Nazi propaganda have changed since I stumbled upon Larry Romanoff’s controversial writing https://www.unz.com/author/larry-romanoff/ It seems that a lot of history has been rewritten by an elite group of family dynasties (the most prominent being the Rothschilds).

I don’t doubt that the Nazis were terrible people but I also think that we are being played by even better masters of propaganda to believe that the Nazis are the problem today.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023Author

The Nazis may have been an "act" created by top level powers.

It is common knowledge that the American propaganda expert Edward Bernays worked for Hitler. Less well known is the career of his rival, Ivy Lee, who invented the PR firm and worked for the Rockefellers to help craft the public image of "phama-med" schools. I covered some of that in my Locals private chat tonight. Lee also worked for Hitler, and did so for free.


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An interesting little doco on the father of propaganda Edward Bernays for those interested


Ivy Lee is one I wasn't aware of but thanks for the headsup


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I think you're on to something here, Mathew.

I'm more and more of the mind Nazism was a brand born in the minds of the Chastened Robber Barons of the 1890s and their followers/hangers-on. Like all such things, it metastasized in practice into something more (and less) than the Owners wanted. It needed to be pulled from the shelf, but its underlying tenets remained nonetheless useful, only needing a PR campaign capable of flushing swastikas and neo-S&M costuming down the memory hole for it to be presented again as a valued way of being (for the Owners; the rest of us, not so much.) It is possible one of the principal drivers of the plandemic was an attempt to "revive" the brand on a global scale, calling it "public health", sans those dark elements of overt racism that made the first "impression" less than successful.

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for someone who was able to observe with lucidity the lies developed during the Covid, and the fact that reality and the official narrative were diametrically opposed, it is very strange to believe so blindly in the historic official narrative that makes of the German national-socialist regime this abhorrent demon, instead of questioning this narrative as easy to debunk as the Covid one

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We're getting there. One red pill leads to another. I think it's fantastic that so many people are now willing to honestly and openly question things that used to be taboo. Maybe we're going through a second enlightenment.

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Sign me up, Mathew! I’d be honored to assist.

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Please email me at mathew.crawford@protonmail.com, and let me know a little about yourself.

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1. The Nazis were obsessed with cancer.

"The Reich Anticancer Committee (Reichsausschuss für Krebsbekämpfung) established in 1931 was enlarged, and an ambitious new journal, the Monatsschrift für Krebsbekämpfung (Monthly journal for the struggle against cancer), published by the notoriously antisemitic J. F. Lehmann publishing house, was launched in 1933 to coordinate the anticancer effort. More than a thousand medical doctoral theses explored cancer in one form or another in the twelve years of Nazi rule; only diseases of the blood attracted more attention. Cancer registries were established, including the first German registries to record cancer morbidity (incidence) and not just mortality (deaths)."


Compare this Nazi obsession to what we hear about mRNA: "It might be good for cancer". Elon Musk said this recently, and I recall Alex Jones saying this at the start of the pandemic.

Perhaps related: Biontech is a German company.

Perhaps related: The Nazi did cancer experiments on Jews. Now, Pfizer used Israel as a test country.

2. The Nazis created medical registries in Germany and Denmark as part of their studies of cancer in the population. They were well know for creating meticulous records about everything.

Compare this to all of those PCR tests that have been done. Where did all of that genetic information go?

Perhaps related: If you believe Jeffrey Epstein was connected to intelligence agencies, then they were definitely very, very interested in collecting genetic information of people who had cancer. Here is Epstein in 2012 talking to authorities in the Virgin Islands about his plans to build a database system with the genetic sequence of people who had cancer, and the drug they received for it. Epstein claimed he would sell access to this database (which would be kept in systems disconnected from the Internet) to drug companies, the NIH, etc.

Similar to what the Nazis did in Germany and Denmark, Epstein talks about how Iceland has saved the genetic information of all of its citizens for the past 50 years in order to do cancer research and he holds them up as an example of what he wants to do.


Also Epstein in this document: "I am not a mad man".

Unrelated, Epstein who seems like a BS artist who rambles and tells stupid anecdotes to give the impression of vast knowledge, goes on a slight tangent about why he will only be using American mathematicians for this project of his:

Epstein: "I had hoped to get some from Europe just like engineers but it turns out that they don't exist anymore and anybody in this level of mathematics anywhere, they don't exist in China because you need a bit of a creative person as opposed to simply a copy cat. They don't exist in Europe."

3. Finally, and very speculatively, here's a newsreel announcing a mass test of the Salk polio vaccine. Look how the vaccine volunteer in the first frame has on a Nazi-esque armband.


That vaccine the kids are lining up for was contaminated with SV40, which causes cancer. Supposedly the America intelligence agencies in the 60s were manipulating this virus in order to kill Castro, and Lee Harvey Oswald's girlfriend was part of that program (and had been brought in by Oswald, who knew the doctor doing the research in New Orleans).


Recently it came out that the mRNA shots may contain an SV40 promoter, though not the whole virus, so it is uncertain if it is carcinogenic, but it is possible.

So, this tenuous connection is:



public health Nazi symbolism------>

vaccine containing SV40 pushed by Public Health--->

CIA researching SV40 to kill Castro and involving Lee Harvey Oswald --->

Kennedy assassination ------>

SV40 in the mRNA vaccine, possibly ----->>

RFK Jr. ??????

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May 10, 2023·edited May 10, 2023

I'm sorry I don't have time to go deeper, but I thought of Robyn Chuter's articles on the Mercury Project and roots of the censorship industrial complex being mixed with Nazi history. She says more about that, with sources, here - https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/funding-better-covid-propaganda-the-d29

(And of course Vera Sharav's work in trying to tell the world that the same entities and belief systems behind the Holocaust are very much a threat today ( https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/interview-with-holocaust-survivor )

( https://neveragainisnowglobal.com/ )

Robyn Chuter's articles on medical propaganda and Nazi roots https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/funding-better-covid-propaganda-the-d29 -

(In the article there are hyperlinks, including - https://hnn.us/articles/38526.html)

"Founded in 1934 by General Motors president and enthusiastic Nazi collaborator Alfred Sloan, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation funds research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and economics, promoting these disciplines as “chief drivers of the nation’s health and prosperity”.

By awarding grants to filmmakers and film schools to produce films that portray scientists in a positive light, providing cash awards to filmmakers who agree to retain science advisors and accept its input into screenplay development, and furnishing prize money to film festivals, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is able to insinuate its technocratic agenda into popular culture.

Its influence also proved pivotal in the Tribeca Film Festival’s decision to pull out of screening the documentary Vaxxed: from Cover-Up to Catastrophe, in 2016.

Vaxxed tells the story of CDC whistleblower William Thompson, who confessed to scientist Brian Hooker – himself the father of an autistic son – that the CDC had intentionally destroyed data indicating that early-life administration of the MMR vaccine was associated with an increased risk of autism in males, especially blacks.

According to the film’s director, Dr Andrew Wakefield, the Sloan Foundation – a 15-year sponsor of the Tribeca festival and also a significant donor to the CDC – pressured the festival organisers to drop the film from their line-up.

And, just like the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Sloan has supported the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Studies (now the Center for Health Security), in its development of a technocratic approach to infectious disease outbreaks that completely contradicts evidence-based management principles."

Also - https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/funding-better-covid-propaganda-the-c1f

"The post-war revelation of Nazi atrocities, committed in the name of racial purification, drove the eugenics movement underground. It resurfaced as population control, which the Rockefeller Foundation zealously backed. Rockefeller funding was lavished on Planned Parenthood, an organisation which continues to this day the mission of its founder, the avowed racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, by positioning 79 percent of its surgical abortion facilities within walking distance of black or Hispanic communities. John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council, which focuses on reducing birth rates in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, primarily by supplying long-acting contraceptives.

And, as science historian Lily Kay relates in her 1993 book The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the rise of the new biology, the discredited pseudoscience of intentional human breeding for enhanced social control was edged out by molecular biology, which received extensive Rockefeller funding. However, as with eugenics, molecular biology did not spontaneously “evolve” as new scientific discoveries emerged, but instead was systematically moulded by key scientists and the foundations that supported them, who directed the development of biological research toward a preconceived vision of science and society: . . ."

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"The many connections between the Nazis and today's events, including psychological warfare operations and biological warfare."

It almost seems as if nation-state rulers who are enamored by UN initiatives such as "Agenda 2030" are following a continuation of the Nazi agenda under the guise of public health and equity.

Let's not forget, "Operation Paperclip" which permitted thousands of Nazi scientists entry into the US who subsequently directed numerous insidious scientific research projects for DARPA. In addition, the Rockefeller's and many other international financiers have been advocates of Malthusian eugenics. It should also be noted, that executing "social engineering projects" on unwitting populations in the US and in other parts of the world requires deploying "psychological warfare" via mainstream media news on naive and trusting populations.

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What’s the impression of the regular childhood vaccines? Sounded like Dr. Mcullough was fine with them.

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The rankings for the students vs the teachings in WA state have had that much discrepancy since before 2003.

Nothings changing.

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Wow. Some of this I knew, but it is deeper and scarier than I imagined.

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Interesting side note: facebook won't allow you to post quotes from former Nazi leaders, where they talk about their methods of propaganda. It gets immediately pulled.

I've been censored so many times for stupid stuff like this, it makes my blood boil a bit when I see the hand-wringing by the useful idiots about information on Twitter not being adequately policed.

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How lovely, Matt and Cynthia, who according to my calculations, are part of the NWO's four-phase programme Plan B. As I recall, I am banned from their sites for 100 years LOL. That's kinda like being ordered by my doctor to refuse to be bitten by Taipans.

Oh well, go your own way, Mathew, but please don't be offended if I establish some unbridgeable space between you and me. Just protecting myself from future "Birds of a feather" accusations.


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That's quite a dramatic reveal without evidence or modeling.

I don't know you, so I'm not sure why I would be offended.

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Plandemonium Incentive Payment History

“Improve health care through meaningful use of health information technology: By the end of FY 2015, increase the number of eligible providers who receive incentive payments from the CMS Medicare and Medicaid Electronic Health Record (EHR) Incentive Programs for the successful adoption or demonstration of meaningful use of certified EHR technology to 450,000.”

“Results Reported: As of September 2014 progress on stage 2 of this program showed more than 414,914 providers had received their first incentive payment or 83 percent of all registered providers. 74 percent of all eligible professionals and 94 percent of all eligible hospitals have received at least one incentive payment.”


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