Amazing. Yeah, it seems clearer to me now that the little mus musculus's had some role to play in this whole story. I think the asswiping gene fuckerdoodles made both lineages. And if you're right that they made the mouse one and let it out first, and it did confer immunity to almost everyone in time for the 'pandemic', then the question for me becomes, why did so many people get sick? DID so many people get sick or was that just the flu? Was it the people who did not have the opp to bump into omicron before? God damn. These fucking gene fuckery people are such assholes. Another question: what if they designed this mousie version and then it got out by accident or even better, what if they designed it and released it now as a 'saving face' opp because their fucking plan/injections failed?

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Our conversation Thursday has opened some additional doors, plus fortuitous reading I was led into. This really is shenanigans on an amazing level.

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By the way, am I the only person on Substack who uses my actual name?

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No. I use your name, too. But only when I'm buying drugs online.

Luv ya, sis.

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lol, I love you guys. Keep up the Good Work ~ Jayne Doe ; )

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🤦‍♀️ too much! LOL!

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I do. I suspect the Feds monitor these threads looking for "subversives." I'm toast.

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I use my own name!

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I use mine. And more 512 284 6535 cell

Before this is over I would like 1 hotshot, brave anti depopulation hero to contact me to show you October 1958 takeover of Vatican made March 2020 possible.

But you all will say, that's TOOOO crazy. Kirsch, Mary and Polly, Dr Lee Merritt and Dr. Pavelsky, Alex Jones on and on and on... and people will die

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I want to be clear... these anti vaxxer icons are my heroes.... with a flaw. Here's to them


God bless them.

Truth will prevail.

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Obviously I am. Also oddly enough, I knew a Gene Fuckerdoodle back in college.

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We peeps in the humanities tend to use our actual names.

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My wife & teenage kids came down with SARSCov2 in December 2019. (thousands had it then as it went round Scotland and the rest of the UK). Wife very ill for 2-3 weeks, could barely breathe, all the covid symptoms, but eventally a full recovery. Kids got it much milder, just the cough, fever and lost of taste & smell. All I got was a sore throat one evening (drank some whisky and was fine). So assumed I had T cell immunity. Cut to Jan 2022, we all get what appears to have been the typical omicron symptoms. So I see it as a similar but not the same virus. The UK Zoe data shows it has different incubation, infectivity periods, and different symptoms. (doesn't go for lungs, and loss of taste and smell is rare). I am also thinking it could have been a deep state 'saving-face' op.

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My vote is for the last one epic fail and save face. These folks aren't good planners, for all the biowarfare pandemic planning all they crushed was the working class.

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Colossal Con Job for Big Bucks turned into a Colossal SNAFU for which the perps are trying very hard to cover their dorsal protuberances. But as a plan to reduce population? That's strictly sci-fi. If that's the case, the SNAFU is even bigger since the populations dying off most successfully seem to be we Westerners, and the obedient ones to boot! But we rebels... and Indians, Mexicans, S. Americans, Japanese, not to mention Chinese and Russians!... citizens of unvaxxed nations and those taking the Ivermectin/HCQ route? Apparently they would be the preponderant survivors. Some plan.

Another clue: Face-saving just as the media starts getting as leaky as the vax. Certain rats abandoning ship way in advance of sailing.

Ever since the deep state tried to assassinate Castro with an exploding seashell I've had my doubts about any theory that attributes to them an even average ability to forsee the results of their antics.

As it has been said: Vast plans with Half-Vast Intellect

Let's hope they are not planning a BIG diversion to attract everyone's attention to something even more horrendous, like nukes over Ukraine.

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But what if the intention was to kill off "Trumpers" and similar-minded Conservatives the world over, by making it Trump's vaccine? If so, they underestimated the power of the so-called cult, since hard-core Conservatives are the ones least likely to have drunk the Kool-Aid...and blacks, who've been down this road already.

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Probably so. I think they're going to claim victory here pretty soon.

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maybe that was Step 1?

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If idiocy reigns as I suspect, step 2 promises to be...

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I love getting new cussword sequences from you and Mathew.

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Here's my latest: Who/What are the perps?


Rotten-to-the-core specimens of insolent depravity

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I’m going with the hybrid immunity process based on Maj. Murphy’s letter to the IG:

1. SARS-CoV-WIV was engineered on SARS-rCOV backbone;

2. mRNA jabs just produce the WIV spike and are toxic, my guess is there effectiveness is that they deplete T-killer cells which lessens cytokines storms for a period of time;

3. the complete ineffectiveness of item 2 became readily apparent as Delta evolved to create equally bad rates of symptoms in both jabbed and unjabbed populations (panic)

4. Fauci and crew decide to take the approach with the bats to create an aresol containing an Omnicron spike on same SARS-rCoV backbone which attacks the bronchi with the hope they confer immunity to the jabbed to SARS-CoV-WIV with the hopes the delta strain will go extinct.

Why this will fail.

Those unjabbed who recovered from Delta were infected by Omnicron. So the theory that SARS-rCoV is a chimera virus is true. Therefore the jabbed will still get infected by Delta. The booster is the only mechanism they have to continue to suppress antibody levels to Delta.

Malone touched on this as they do this for allergy treatments. The scary thing here is that I think the jabbed could be chronically infected with delta.

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Has the Major Murphy letter and Ecohealth proposal rejection by DARPA made the mainstream news yet? Isn't this the biggest story of the whole pandemic?

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Honestly, I can only think of The War Room interview with Malone even talking about it. Hands down this is bigger than the pentagon papers. No mention in the Epoch Times which is a bit surprising.

Malone has a good first take here:


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awesome! thanks.

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Boris Johnson knows something.

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That would be a first.

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I vote for the saving face option. They can claim that the pandemic was ended with the Pharma vaccines.

Could Omicron have been an unofficial aerosolized vaccine? ...like what was described in DARPA's Preempt program and also Ecohealth alliance's grant proposal to DARPA. From the military point of view, the aerosol makes much more sense... but of course, that could not be capitalized upon by big pharma for big profits. What if they could have ended this whole thing 18 months ago by releasing Omicron earlier but chose not to? Never let a good crisis go to waste!

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The whole point of creating bioweapons is to be able to create the antidote too- so you can kill others without it killing your own people. This could be a test, it could be that it was released by accident or too early. Pharma made plenty.

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A major problem is in the assumption that we know who the enemy of those who used the weapon intend to target.

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True, but in this case, it seems to be affecting everyone everywhere does it not? And not doing a great job at that. Do you have theories about who used the weapon and who it was intended to target?

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Do you follow Dr. Li-Meng Yan? There is more than one thing going on here. Sure, there could have been lab leaks, but China steals stuff and releases it on purpose. There’s more than one bad actor with this virus.

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Did anyone notice this opinion piece on CNN, penned by an erstwhile CNN director, now heading an organization funded by the new oligarchs?


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Nice find, Frieden is a new addition to my dirtbag list, thanks! :~)

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You’re very welcome!

I attempt to watch what MSM are saying, in addition to the spearheads of the “woke” & alternate media, from all angles.

Timing is important. Right now the overarching narrative is crumbling, quickly. Thus is is all the more instructive to watch the puppet masters’ steps...


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"These fucking gene fuckery people are such assholes." This 4th law of gene science needs to be plastered on the cover of every college biology textbook and emblazoned on millions of hoodies and t-shirts.

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Interesting musing about New Zealand. We have approaching zero evidence of seroprevalence in our population probably because prior to March 2020 no one was looking, and after that date the Jacinda Ardern government legislated to make antigen testing illegal. Why you might ask? No one I’ve spoken to knows.

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Didn’t Auckland Uni do a seroprevalence study mid - 2020? I seem to recall reading that while the study indicated more cases than we had after the first lockdown, it wasn’t significantly high… Although Mat may have touched on something as I remain perplexed why NZ hasn’t been hit hard, especially around the time of the Aug21 lockdown.

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To make antigen testing illegal or antibody testing illegal?

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Also, I think I saw it mentioned in the papers from the recent Project Veritas document dump that one of the goals of Daszak's project was to produce a mucosal vaccine, a term I was unfamiliar with when I came up with the idea after taking an introductory course in immunology: jc.unternet.net/blog/2020-03-02-0055Z

Omicron could be that vaccine, as you pointed out in this installment. As I was reading along, I was thinking that one of the scientists grew a conscience and decided to put a *real* vaccine out there, for the monstrosity they'd created, for free, but then when you mentioned it had been around since maybe 2018, that thought was nixed.

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Right. These are reasonable lines of thought.

This ride is going to get bumpier. The hypotheses are...not pretty.

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What I find sobering is the prospect that amoral scientists have been tinkering with these viruses for some time and even releasing them into the population in the early stages of a grand experiment the end point of which is unthinkable.

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Exactly. Fauci may well say that SARS-CoV-2 is not his creation, that its genome doesn't match any of those cooked up in Ralph Baric's or Zhengling Shi's labs, funded by NIAID through Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance. But the fact that they *tried* is, to me, enough reason to push them off the ice, as it were.

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A fitting end to all Kunlangeta.

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This was my first thought when they started talking about Omicron last Fall. I would like to believe it was an act of benevolence. ❤️

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Thrilled to see this in my inbox this morning. My humanities-trained mind is working hard on this, and I appreciate the tutelage.

One question that has been nagging at me: Is it typical for a variant to confer immunity to earlier strains of a virus (as we are told omicron does), but for earlier strains of a virus NOT to confer immunity against a variant?

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Good question.

I think we're in uncharted territory in some ways. Given that omicron escapes all three antibody classes to some degree, the way in which the body generates immunity is a nonstandard and possibly historically unique circumstance.

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Another fascinating read. You are tangling with the possibility of pure evil that, when I first encountered it in March and April, found me terrified. I'm not terrified anymore because I came to grips with the evil. This is also why I think they've roll out the shots in winter everywhere. I don't think that was an accident. NZ and Oz have tiny populations and could have been vaccinated immediately. Instead they weren't vaccinated until 6 months after the northern hemisphere. I now believe this immune escape to be deliberate and planned, and it's being directed not by the politicians but the vaccine companies and whoever controls them. Of course the two largest Pfizer shareholders are Blackrock and Vanguard. Even in NZ and Oz, the politicians had no control over when they got the vaccines, even though the population blames the politicians. In 20 years of quasi-libertarianism I never thought I'd feel sorry for politicians. Now how about the next crazy thing? What if all of this is *designed* to get people to overthrow their governments and beg for new government? Governments have been getting larger and more centralized for hundreds of years. God or Galt help us.

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"What if all of this is *designed* to get people to overthrow their governments and beg for new government?" I had this same thought yesterday

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"the two largest xxxx shareholders are Blackrock and Vanguard"

xxxx is a very large set.

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It really is remarkable how much you managed to convey in a short, silly time. Even TES got a look in.

I'm provisionally sold on your theory, at this point simply by the logic, but I'll remain interested to see how you show the rest of the guts of it.

Any thoughts on motive? Pure negligence? Aborted vaccine? Escape valve? (That's my loose theory. )

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The most serious hypothesis is yet to come, but I think Part 3 will be the time to introduce it. Some people may have already guessed by now. I want to get a lot of documents/ducks in a row before laying it out.

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Given this lethal epidemic to less lethal endemic pattern is typical... Have TES or anyone run equivalent analysis on previous flu or viruses? A tall order I know. Comparative analysis would be my go to.

Maybe this jumping seems improbable but is baked into endemic strain mutation theory/reality?

Also given endemic is on the cards, motives would be affected, why leak one? Was it expected to be more lethal? Was is certain not to be leathal but they want to demonstrate to themselves they can be nature to it? So if there's a covid25 that is 30% lethal they can release covid25.1 hot on the heels when target is achieved.

Horrible to consider.

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I don't know who has delved into what. This is all such a deep feet-in-the-mud slog for me. I'm deeply dyslexic, so even when I find people like TES, I can't keep up with their writing as fast as I have new thoughts to explore. Just while writing this article, I realized that he was ahead of me in a couple of my lines of thought. That's great and all, but if I were not so tunneled in sight, I might have noticed weeks or months ago and made some of the connections I'm making now.

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TES is terse, I have A-level in English Grammar and he loses me!

You do a great job, zero idea you have any dyslexia.

His website is much more considered than his tweets.

Also, I have to recenter myself after rabbit-holing some topics.

E.g. get knickers in a twist on infection and case arguments, go Back to total deaths.

E.g. get into freemasons and vatican2, go back to are the main players living longer, happier lives than average Joe? What motives and outcomes are clear in hindsight? Was this also true in China or México at the time.

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Looking forward to it. Reach out if you feel like any kind of writing facilitation would help your productivity.

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Very important and gripping analyses and I can't wait the read the sequel(s). Just to point out a minor mistake: the length of SARS-CoV-2 is approximately 30,000 nucleotides, so spike is not almost half of the genome.

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Thank you. Strange brain fart that would take more time to explain than it's worth. Corrected.

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I know this is serious, but I spit out my coffee a few times reading this. Starting to hear your name come up in a few podcasts and mentions in articles. It’s excellent work like this, Mathew. The world needs your voice.

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What about the theory that Omicron is a gatekeeper mutation of a deattenuating vaccine?


This one is paywalled but I'll give you free access if you want to sign up.

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Happy to reciprocate.

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Thanks Matthew, I gave you access. Great substack by the way!

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Hope you aren't headed to a Marek's scenario there!

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Doesn't Marek's just kill the unvaccinated birds?

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Unvaccinated that are immune naive to it. So newly hatched chicks.

The modified Marek's scenario that Vanden Bossche has raised (as I understand it) is that 1st the "vaxxed" will die off because the "vaccines" don't work & they do damage both innate & adaptive systems, plus damage other systems & organs, leaving them compromised. But ultimately, the unvaxxed will also get hit, as immune systems get "exhausted." His recommendation is get exposed to develop some immunity, but don't get overexposed, so avoid crowded events. Omicron looks to be the train to catch.

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If Omicron was circulating in 2018 (or 2019 for that matter) how did it happen to be made/evolved precisely as was needed for "immune escape" from pseudo-vaccines (supposedly) not yet developed?

In that context, quasi species theory would make sense....

Edited from quasi swarm, lol. I 1st learned of this theory a few weeks ago when I stumbled into & binge read "from Harvard to the big house." I like the quantum cloud idea & was visualizing a swarm of bees.

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(I think) what needed to be understood were the animo acid sequences that would be associated with each class of antibody escape.

But what this tells us is that this has been in the works for longer than four years, and there is almost no sensical scenario in which omicron was not intended for release.

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"there is almost no sensical scenario in which omicron was not intended for release." Yes, but if that's the case, it may not mean what the "omicron is a great variant to catch" crowd thinks it means. Remember that every step along the way, the non-catastrophists have predicted it's the end of the pandemic. And they've been wrong every time. Mind you, Geert Vanden Bossche's dire predictions haven't been entirely correct either. He was right about each wave being worse in terms of infectiousness. But thankfully not in morbidity/mortality. Thankfully one thing the non-catastrophists have been wrong about this time is that the combo of immune escape variants + vaccine does not appear to be nearly as lethal as the last rounds.

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What I think of "omicron" is that it's mildness makes it the one to catch to get natural immunity.

I don't know whether or not it will end this pandemic. The vaxxed may still be walking, breathing variant factories. Omicron may be an attenuated virus that mutates back to its original virulence, a la Gates' African polio disaster.

And even if Omicron ends this pandemic, Gates has threatened us generally ("If you think this is bad,wait til you see what's coming" & smallpox threat). They cooked up this mess, God only knows what they'll pull next in their quest for global control. Supply Chain crash? Currency collapse?

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With the UK apparently removing restrictions and Ireland following, it begs the question of why would they want to release Omicron suddenly? To give a breather?

I always wondered, when Covid first came out, they needed a way to get out of the situation if it wasn't going their way or if they accomplished what they needed.

Releasing Omicron and making covid "endemic" is a way to wind-down a pandemic in either scenario, without any eyes pointing at them.

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"...This has been in the works .." By "this" do you mean omicron specifically?

Because the paper trail of grant proposals, etc. pretty much describes timeline.

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Thought exercise:

We consider as an absolute true fact that the adquisition of immune evading mutations *FAVORS* each "variant", and that the immune pressure is what has generated all these successive immune evading variants from an ancestor which didn't have them: we observe apparition of immune evading mutations, classic.

So, appearance of a phylogenetically "OLD" COV2 with all the accumulated immune evading mutations among whole clades of variants appears nefarious, implying apparently prior knowledge, intent & design.

Now, if it's the opposite? That it's Antibody-based immune reaction that *FAVORS* the virus? That immune evasion *DISFAVORS" the virus.

Common ancestor of *Omicron* would have been selected to *LOOSE* immune evading mutations.

Of course, this is just as nefarious: it means common ancestor COV2 was *designed to evade an immune pressure that didn't exist yet* in a naive population? Something's not right here, or is that a-b-c of LAV development?

But looking back post hoc to the re-appearing common ancestor, it would appear to differ miraculously or nefariously, still having most of such mutation sites.

Repeat release/leak of original release/leak will produce just that, all variants having LOST one or more immune evading mutations away from it, while common ancestor still has them all.

NonSynonymous/Synonymous ratio Omicron/other variants: if the original release was already "codon optimized" (yes, made), then mutations cease to be as "random" as in a wild type. They will be selected only if they are significant => less S mutation.

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I wonder if it would be reasonable to have a sort of precis or 'heads up' or something before each article addressed specifically to us, the 'norm', the masses, (such as we are) trying hard to get the truth of all this covid madness on the one hand an on the other, being already convinced we know much of the truth, gather 'evidence' we can put before our benighted fellows when trying change their mind or illuminate their darkness?

Like this one.

I see it is full of material for the technical.

But what's the take home for us?

What is it telling us that we can use?

Either to take onboard as a new discovered fact

or take onboard as evidence of a fact that we can trot out when required?

Right now I mainly see nothing. A vague feeling that I'm looking at strong indications that omicron was artificially created and quite some time ago, is all.

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You mean that you want for me to write a technical article, a simplified summary, and have it all done before I go to bed at 5 AM?

I do my best, but I can only do so much at once. I do plan a summary analysis, and the campfire.wiki is a place to see where I'm documenting everything (along with others who are helping).

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I was thinking of something along perhaps these lines - a couple or three imaginations:

1. This article proposes a new theory

2. This article provides yet more evidence that yadda yadda is right. ( or wrong ).

3. This article is part of a series and of itself does not serve to prove or disprove.

That's all. :)

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Sounds like you want a note to the teacher to get out of gym class.

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I kinda see this as the start of a mystery novel, as you go a long you pick up puzzle pieces and over time you see the pieces more clearly, you see how they fit together and you realise some of them belong to another puzzle altogether. I am content to just read right now, absorb, think, ask questions trusting that as I continue down the path at least some of it will become clearer.

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Jan 22, 2022
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I'm in the control group. But it's not going to shrink or go away is it? Not if you look into the wider world, across the globe.

I don't think punitive court cases are going to work.

What I would like to see is some identification and rectification of the fault that allows declarations of State of Emergency and adoption of untrammeled emergency powers when there is no emergency.

Followed by establishment and protection of the principle that medicine can be practiced by its trained professionals according to their individual consciences.

Followed by enormous effort to enshrine, protect, educate on the principle of free speech.

Followed by a clear identification of the major points and presentation of them to the national consciousness as part of factual national history:

. There never was an emergency. Just a medical situation.

. Had there been an emergency this was entirely the wrong way to deal with it.

. All govt measures were illegal improper ineffective counter-productive.

. Vaccines are not a 'thing', they merely kick start, modify, effect the real 'thing': the immune system.

. At bottom the fault is with the people for not overseeing their supposedly representative elected.

I think we should go forward with the above in the national consciousness and taught in the schools, primary and up.

And in that regard the forcible masking and vaxing of tiny children should be held up as the exemplar of the insane wickedness and the dire, dire need for constant intelligent supervision of those 'elected' and those entrusted with positions of authority and power.

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Jan 22, 2022
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You think so? I suppose you might be right. I'm thinking if a group 'over there' of a million people had covid go through with no or such and such a percentage of excess deaths and we here have covid AND vax go through with a much larger percentage of excess deaths then we can say that's attributable to the vax.

In fact I think the whole third world is going to show up the first world for the stupid panic merchants they are.

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They can always blame excess mortality here on drug overdose, suicide, EMFs, gun crime, obesity, heart disease, general aging--all things we have lots of here that a comparison 3rd world country might not have. If we're not comparable groups, then the comparison is invalid. Vaxxed vs. unvaxxed here in the US can be compared relatively well, though (if demographics are matched and people with medical exemptions are left out).

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I confess that my brain is fried even with your clear exposition. However pieces of the genocidal jigsaw are coming together from several sources. Patented 'virus's with the ability to damage our immune system, (with the spike protein). The sole purpose is population reduction. Only the compliant to remain. Such unbelievable behaviour.

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I don't think population control is as important as sifting for compliance. And while that goal is hurting humanity, it's going to fail. That's going to take a few dozen more posts to flesh out.

Part of what the Kunlangeta do not understand is that culture is the primary technology, and that [their] wealth grows due to culture that codes for healthy people. Some of them might learn. Others will just have to go down with the ship when the dollar crashes.

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"sifting for compliance" has a nice ring to it

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the dollar crashing is likely desired

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An anecdote, brought to mind with your use of the word "compliant": Upon my approaching wellness visit, I called and asked if it would be ok for me bypass the regular blood work screening, as I had recently had it done at my cardio's office. The nurse put me on hold to check and on her return told me she'd reviewed my records and since it appeared that historically I'd been "very compliant", they would allow this. I was quite startled by her use of that word. I was told again at my cardio's office, in reviewing my history, that they were happy to see I had been so compliant.

I don't believe I'd ever previously heard that word used by a medical professional with regard to my care.

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I think perhaps that 'being compliant' for many of us, (I'm in my 70's) has not been viewed as dangerous because of a relatively benign view of the world. I now see the world very differently.

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Ah, now I know why most doctor and dentist offices hate me--I'm always non-compliant. My mother can attest to the fact that I was born non-compliant 😁😁

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Except with so toxic a pseudo-vaccine, the compliant are not the ones that remain.

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And I think this was their big miscalculation. If there's a big die-off, it's us PITA types that will survive!

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Damn!, this is Good. I'm sooo tempted to run it over to the MS Integrative Genomics Prof's (who are all early-vaxxed-up¿¿¿ and who, a little bird told me, recently recieved an NIH grant to study variants) but. . . I might get the PoPo called on me, again lol. I guess I will keep this little gold nugget to myself. Thanks Mathew.

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The corny jokes are great they also help to demystify some pretty complex stuff. On behalf of the mathematically challenged big time thanks for the backgammon example; even if it's simple math but big numbers or factorials it is reassuring to have an illustration and know we really get it! :~)

The hard lockdown theories for NZ-Oz are a fascinating plot twist to puzzle about. All the elements of a thriller right out of the Bat Cov with this preview teaser...

"what would happen if an out-of-control centralized grant and patent system were run as an America's Mad Scientist Idol competition?"

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Yes, those unreal, hard lockdowns on natural prison islands make sense as a means of hiding the natural immunity those populations (as shown by TES) may have developed in prior years.

And the AWFLs in America worship Jacinda Ardern and want to grow up to be just like her...

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Worse when you consider CIA coup in 1976 when Whitlam opposed the Pine Gap outpost and they took him out. Prison Islands in the hands of Langley certainly does stink like week old fish. https://jaraparilla.blogspot.com/2012/08/lessons-of-history-cia-in-australia.html

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Probably helpful to add a reference many folks know. Christopher Boyce in the Whitlam coup was played by Timothy Hutton in Hollywood version 'The Falcon and The Snowman' https://thefalconandthesnowman.wordpress.com/

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"what would happen if..."



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Okay, now I'll read.

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